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BTEC Networking Assignment Front Sheet

BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Unit number and title
Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure
Submission date
Date Received 1st
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Date Received 2nd
Student Name
Le Tran Thai Tuan
Student ID
Assessor name
Dang Quang Hien
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
My report could not have been
accomplished without the kind support and
help of University of Greenwich, which also
provide this coursework and individuals and
organizations. I would like to express my
sincere thanks to all of them.
I would like to give a special gratitude to
my lecturer, Mr. Dang Quang Hien, for his
guidance and providing necessary information
to finish the assignment as well.
I also want to thank those authors and
Computer Network and Cisco Packet Tracer
Last but not at least, I pay my sincere thanks
to my parents for their encouragement and
Le Tran Thai Tuan – GCD191064
Table of Contents
P1. Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. ................................... 8
1. Introduction to Computer Networking. .............................................................................................................. 8
2. Network type........................................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1 LAN .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 MAN .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 WAN .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Other network types ..................................................................................................................................... 12
3. Network Standards ............................................................................................................................................ 13
3.1 What is Network Standards? ........................................................................................................................ 13
3.2 Types of Standards ........................................................................................................................................ 14
4. Network protocols ............................................................................................................................................. 14
4.1 Definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
4.2 Types of Networking Protocols ..................................................................................................................... 14
5. OSI model (International Standards Organization)........................................................................................... 15
5.1 Introduction to OSI model ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Seven layer of OSI ......................................................................................................................................... 16
6. TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ) ........................................................................... 17
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirement ....................................................... 19
1. Network topology .............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.1 Definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
1.2 Physical & Logical Topology .......................................................................................................................... 19
1.3 Star topology ................................................................................................................................................. 19
1.4 Mesh Topology.............................................................................................................................................. 20
1.4 Bus Topology ................................................................................................................................................. 21
1.5 Ring Topology................................................................................................................................................ 22
1.6 Tree Topology ............................................................................................................................................... 23
1.7 Hybrid Topology ............................................................................................................................................ 24
2. Communication and Bandwidth .............................................................................................................. 24
2.1 Definition of Communication in networking ................................................................................................ 25
2.2 Communication protocols............................................................................................................................. 25
3. Bandwidth .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 Definition ...................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Bandwidth requirements .............................................................................................................................. 26
P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types. ............................................ 27
1. Introduction to network devices ....................................................................................................................... 27
2. Operating principles of some network device .................................................................................................. 32
3. Server .................................................................................................................................................................. 33
3.1 What is server ............................................................................................................................................... 33
3.2 Server types .................................................................................................................................................. 33
P4. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. ......... 36
1. Workstation hardware ....................................................................................................................................... 36
2. Network software .............................................................................................................................................. 36
3. Inter-dependence of workstation hardware with networking software......................................................... 36
P5. Provide design of the networked system with clear explanation and addressing table ..................... 38
1. Discuss User Requirement ................................................................................................................................. 38
1.1 User Requirement ........................................................................................................................................ 38
2. Logical and Physical Design................................................................................................................................ 38
2.1 The difference between logical and physical design .................................................................................... 38
2.2 Physical design for Requirement .................................................................................................................. 38
2.3 Logical design for Requirement .................................................................................................................... 40
P6 Evaluate the design to meet the requirements. ........................................................................................... 43
1. Test plan/Test case ............................................................................................................................................ 43
2. Screenshot in testing .......................................................................................................................................... 43
3. Evaluate the design of the network .................................................................................................................. 46
3.1 Advantages.................................................................................................................................................... 46
3.2 Limitation ...................................................................................................................................................... 47
3.3 Solution for efficiency and usage. ................................................................................................................. 47
P7+P8 + M3. Implement a networked system based on a prepared design. ............................................... 48
1. Router setup ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
2. Setup VLAN and Trunk mode ............................................................................................................................. 48
2.1 Setup VLAN on Multilayer Switch ................................................................................................................. 48
2.3 Setup VLAN on Router .................................................................................................................................. 49
2.2 Setup VLAN on each Switch .......................................................................................................................... 49
3. Server .................................................................................................................................................................. 50
3.1 Mail Server .................................................................................................................................................... 50
3.2 Web Server.................................................................................................................................................... 51
3.3 DNS Server .................................................................................................................................................... 52
4. Test plan and Test log ........................................................................................................................................ 52
M1. Networking principles and how protocols enable the effectiveness of networked systems. ........... 53
1. OSI model & TCP/IP............................................................................................................................................ 53
2. Some common protocols ................................................................................................................................... 53
2.1 DHCP ............................................................................................................................................................. 53
2.2 DNS................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2.3 TCP ................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2.4 UDP ............................................................................................................................................................... 55
2.5 FTP................................................................................................................................................................. 55
2.6 ICMP .............................................................................................................................................................. 55
2.7 IGMP ............................................................................................................................................................. 56
2.8 PPP ................................................................................................................................................................ 57
3. Compare some protocols ................................................................................................................................... 58
3.1 DNS & DHCP .................................................................................................................................................. 58
3.2 TCP & UDP ..................................................................................................................................................... 58
3.3 ICMP & IGMP ................................................................................................................................................ 59
M2. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario
regarding cost and performance optimization ................................................................................................... 60
1. File servers .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
2. Print servers........................................................................................................................................................ 60
3. Application servers............................................................................................................................................. 60
4. DNS servers......................................................................................................................................................... 61
5. Mail servers ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
6. Web servers ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
7. Database servers ................................................................................................................................................ 62
8. Virtual servers .................................................................................................................................................... 62
9. Proxy servers ...................................................................................................................................................... 62
10. Monitoring and management servers ............................................................................................................. 63
M4. Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems. ...................................................... 64
1. Configure Firewall .............................................................................................................................................. 64
2. Configuration VPN server .................................................................................................................................. 64
3. Use of Linux operating system ........................................................................................................................... 64
4. Data Compression .............................................................................................................................................. 64
D1. Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the efficient utilization of
a networking system............................................................................................................................................... 65
1. Star topology features a better fault tolerance. ............................................................................................... 65
2. Easy to extend the reach of the network by creating multiple stars. .............................................................. 65
3. Star topology systems are highly scalable......................................................................................................... 65
4. Connect multiple device types........................................................................................................................... 66
5. It doesn’t create bottlenecks where data collisions occur. .............................................................................. 66
D2. Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system ....................................................... 66
1. Important of Maintenance schedule ................................................................................................................. 66
2. Maintenance Schedule....................................................................................................................................... 66
D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions. ........................................... 67
1. Critical reasoning on selection of the topology ................................................................................................ 67
2. Critical reason on selection of networking devices, server and server types .................................................. 68
3. Critical reflecting on the testing ........................................................................................................................ 68
4. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................................................... 68
4.1 Advantages.................................................................................................................................................... 68
4.2 Disadvantages ............................................................................................................................................... 68
4.3 Future directions ........................................................................................................................................... 69
References ................................................................................................................................................................ 70
INDEX OF COMMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 71
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Introduction to Computer Network .................................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Local Area Network .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3: Metropolitan Area Network ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4: Wide Area Network................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 5: Network Types.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Network Protocols .................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 7: Seven layer of OSI mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 8: OSI vs TCP/IP mode ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 9: Star topology ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 10: Mesh Topology ....................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 11: Bus Topology .......................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 12: Ring Topology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 13: Tree Topology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Figure 14: Hybrid Topology.................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 15: Bandwidth ............................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 16: WAP_Cisco Small Business 500 Series ........................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 17: Cisco WET54G Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge ................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 18: 1 Port PCI 10/100/1000 32 Bit Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter Card ....................................................... 29
Figure 19: Wifi Repeater Long Range Extender .............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 20: NETGEAR GS108 Unmanaged Desktop Switch features 8-Ports.......................................................................... 30
Figure 21: Bridge Networking ............................................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 22: TENDA D303 Wireless N300 ............................................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 23: TP-LINK AC1200 Wireless Modem Router VR400 .................................................................................................... 31
Figure 24: TP-Link 5 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch ........................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 26: Router Wifi ASUS BRT-AC828 ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 26 Router Tenda AC10 1200Mbps ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 27: Google service room ............................................................................................................................................................ 33
Figure 28: Server Room ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 29: Hardware & Networking .................................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 30: Physical Design ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 31: List of Devices ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Figure 32: VLAN Table .............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 33: IP Address Table ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Figure 34: Test plan & Test case ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 35: Test case 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 43
Figure 36: Test case 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 37: Test case 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 38: Test case 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 39: Test case 5 ............................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 40: Test cacse 6 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 41: Router setup ........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 42: Router setup ........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 43: Setup VLAN & Trunk mode ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 44: VLAN on Multilayer Switch ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Figure 45: Setup VLAN 99 on Switch .................................................................................................................................................. 49
Figure 46: Setup VLAN 100 on Switch ................................................................................................................................................ 50
Figure 47: Mail server_domain, users, password ........................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 48: Mail server_IP Configuration ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 49: Web Server_IP Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 50: Web content ............................................................................................................................................................................ 51
Figure 51: DNS setup ................................................................................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 52: OSI vs TCP/IP .......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 53: IGMP snooping ....................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Figure 54: Protocols at each Layer ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 55: DNS & DHCP............................................................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 56: TCP & UDP ................................................................................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 57: ICMP & IGMP ........................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 58: File servers .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 59: Application Server ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
Figure 60: DNS servers ............................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Figure 61: Server Room ........................................................................................................................................................................... 63
P1. Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and
1. Introduction to Computer Networking.
 Computer network or network system is the connection of computers together through
network-connected devices and media (network protocols, transmission environments)
according to a certain structure in order to share resources (such as printers and CDs),
exchange files, or allow electronic communications. The computers on a network may be
linked through network devices, or networking hardware, are physical devices that are
required for communication and interaction between hardware on a computer network.
 Common network devices: hub, switch, router, bridge, gateway, modern, repeater, access
Figure 1: Introduction to Computer Network
2. Network type
2.1 LAN
 Definition: LAN stands for the Local Area Network. LAN is a private network that connects a
group of computer and peripheral devices in a building, an area such as schools, agencies that
is several kilometers in size. It is a useful network for sharing resources.
 Example: LAN network is used to connect computers and a printer in someone's home or
Figure 2: Local Area Network
 Advantages of LAN
 Resource Sharing: Computer resources like printers, modems, DVD-ROM drives and hard
disks can be shared with the help of local area networks. This reduces cost and hardware
 Software Applications Sharing: It is cheaper to use same software over network instead
of purchasing separate licensed software for each client a network.
 Easy and Cheap Communication: Data and messages can easily be transferred over
networked computers.
 Centralized Data: The data of all network users can be saved on hard disk of the server
computer. This will help users to use any workstation in a network to access their data.
Because data is not stored on workstations locally.
 Data Security: Since, data is stored on server computer centrally, it will be easy to manage
data at only one place and the data will be more secure too.
 Internet Sharing: Local Area Network provides the facility to share a single internet
connection among all the LAN users. In Net Cafes, single internet connection sharing
system keeps the internet expenses cheaper.
 Disadvantages of LAN
 High Setup Cost: LAN will indeed save cost because of shared computer resources, but the
initial cost of installing Local Area Networks is quite high.
 Privacy Violations: The LAN administrator has the rights to check personal data files of
each and every LAN user. Moreover he can check the internet history and computer use
history of the LAN user.
 Data Security Threat: Unauthorized users can access important data of an organization if
centralized data repository is not secured properly by the LAN administrator.
LAN Maintenance Job: Local Area Network requires a LAN Administrator because, there
are problems of software installations or hardware failures or cable disturbances in Local
Area Network. A LAN Administrator is needed at this full time job.
Covers Limited Area: Local Area Network covers a small area like one office, one building
or a group of nearby buildings.
2.2 MAN
 Definition: MAN stands for Metropolitan Area Network. In general, MAN uses the similar
technology as LAN, but it a bigger version of LAN. It can be means to connecting a number of
LANs into a larger network or it can be a single cable. Depending upon the type of
configuration, this type of network allows you to cover an area from several miles t tens of
 Advantages of MAN
 Extremely efficient and provide fast communication via high-speed carriers, such as fibre
optic cables.
 It provides a good back bone for large network and provides greater access to WANs.
 The dual bus used in MAN helps the transmission of data in both directions
 A MAN usually encompasses several blocks of a city or an entire city.
 Disadvantages of MAN
 You need more cable to establish MAN connection from one place to another.
 In MAN network it is tough to make the system secure from hackers
Figure 3: Metropolitan Area Network
2.3 WAN
 Definition: WAN stand for Wide Area Network. It is an important computer network that is
spread across a large geographical area. This wide area network can both be connected to a
private network and can create large connections, covering both a country or globally. WAN
network system could be a connection of a LAN that connects with other LAN's using telephone
lines and radio waves. It is mostly limited to an enterprise or an organization. Communication
medium used by WAN are PSTN or Satellite links. WAN operates on low data rates.
 Advantages of WAN
 Covers a large geographical area so long distance business can connect on the one
 Shares software and resources with connecting workstations.
 Messages can be sent very quickly to anyone else on the network. These messages can
have picture, sounds or data included with them(called attachments).
 Expensive things (such as printers or phone lines to the internet) can be shared by all the
computers on the network without having to buy a different peripheral for each
 Everyone on the network can use the same data. This avoids problems where some users
may have older information than others.
 Disadvantages of WAN
 The initial setup cost of investment is very high.
 It is difficult to maintain the WAN network. You need skilled technicians and network
 There are more errors and issues because of the wide coverage and the use of different
 It requires more time to resolve issues because of the involvement of multiple wired and
wireless technologies.
 Offers lower security compared to other types of networks.
Figure 4: Wide Area Network
2.4 Other network types
 Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): Functioning like a LAN, WLANs make use of wireless
network technology, such as Wi-Fi. Typically seen in the same types of applications as LANs,
these types of networks don’t require that devices rely on physical cables to connect to the
 Storage-Area Network (SAN): A Storage Area Network is a type of network which allows
consolidated, block-level data storage. It is mainly used to make storage devices, like disk
arrays, optical jukeboxes, and tape libraries.
 Home Area Network (HAN): A Home Area Network is always built using two or more
interconnected computers to form a local area network (LAN) within the home. For example,
in the United States, about 15 million homes have more than one computer.
 Storage-Area Network, System-Area Network, Passive Optical Local Area Network, etc.
Figure 5: Network Types
3. Network Standards
3.1 What is Network Standards?
 With the creation of huge computer networks, with many more devices being added to the chain
each day, it became necessary to set up some standards. Networking standards define the
ground rules for data communications that are needed for the interoperability of networking
technologies and processes. Standards help in creating and maintaining open markets and allow
different vendors to compete on the basis of the quality of their products while being and that
also allows the network to work with devices that are manufactured by many different brands.
3.2 Types of Standards
 De facto: These standards come into existence due to historical developments. These
standards are developed without any formal planning or approval by any organization. Even
though, These standards are still being used by many organizations in the world.
 De jure − These standards are the ones which have been adopted through legislation by any
officially recognized standards organization. Most of the communication standards that are
used today are de jure standards.
 Standards Organizations
 International Standards Organization (ISO)
 International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
 Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
 Internet Research Task Force (IETF)
 Electronic Industries Association (EIA)
4. Network protocols
4.1 Definition
 Network protocols are formal standards and policies comprised of rules, procedures and
formats that define exchanging information between two or more devices over a network.
4.2 Types of Networking Protocols
 Network communication protocols
Communication protocols allow basic data communication between network devices. Their
purposes range from transferring files between computers or via the internet, to exchange textbased messages, and establishing communication between routers and external or IoT devices.
Examples of communication protocols:
- Bluetooth protocols
 Network security protocols
Security protocols implement security over network communications by guaranteeing that data
transferred over a network cannot be accessed by unauthorized users.
Security is established through various means, such as via the use of passwords, authentication
protocols, or data encryption.
Data can be cryptographed and protected during transportation between devices, and access can be
denied to unknown or unauthorized devices or users.
Examples of security protocols:
 Network management protocols
Network management protocols provide network governance and maintenance by defining the
procedures required to operate a network.
They are applied on all devices operating in a given network — such as servers, routers, and
computers — to coordinate them in an efficient way.
Network management protocols ensure that each device is connected to the others and to the
network itself, and guarantee the stability of these connections.
They are often used for troubleshooting purposes and to assess the quality of the network connection.
Examples of network management protocols:
Figure 6: Network Protocols
5. OSI model (International Standards Organization)
5.1 Introduction to OSI model
 The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual model created by the
International Organization for Standardization which enables diverse communication systems
to communicate using standard protocols. In plain English, the OSI provides a standard for
different computer systems to be able to communicate with each other.
 OSI is divided to 7 different layer
 Layer 1: Physical Layer
 Layer 2: Data link Layer
 Layer 3: Network Layer
 Layer 4: Transport Layer
 Layer 5: Session Layer
 Layer 6: Presentation Layer
Layer 7: Application Layer
Figure 7: Seven layer of OSI mode
5.2 Seven layer of OSI
From top to bottom, each layers of the OSI model can be defined as follows:
 Layer 7: Application Layer
This layer directly interacts with data from users, it is responsible for providing all the necessary
coordination requirements for the user, use the terminal of the system, ..... Application layer protocols
include HTTP as well as SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is one of the protocols that enables
email communications). Web browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.) are examples of Layer 7
 Layer 6: Presentation Layer
The Presentation Layer represents the area that is independent of data representation at the
application layer. It represents the preparation or translation of application format to network
format, or from network formatting to application format. In summary, the presentation layer is
responsible for translation, encryption, and compression of data. For example, one task of this is
encryption and decryption of data for secure transmission.
 Layer 5: Session Layer
When devices, computers, or servers need to “speak” with one another, the time between when the
communication is opened and closed is known as the session. This is the layer responsible for creating
session, including setup, coordination, and termination between the applications at each end of the
session. The session layer ensures that the session stays open long enough to transfer all the data
being exchanged, and then promptly closes the session in order to avoid wasting resources. The
session layer also synchronizes data transfer with checkpoints.
 Layer 4: Transport Layer
Layer 4 is responsible for end-to-end communication between the two devices. This includes taking
data from the session layer and breaking it up into chunks called segments before sending it to layer
3. The transport layer on the receiving device is responsible for reassembling the segments into data
the session layer can consume. The transport layer is also responsible for flow control and error
control. Flow control determines an optimal speed of transmission to ensure that a sender with a fast
connection doesn’t overwhelm a receiver with a slow connection. The transport layer performs error
control on the receiving end by ensuring that the data received is complete, and requesting
retransmission if it isn’t. Example of the Transport Layer is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP),
which is built on top of the Internet Protocol (IP), commonly known as TCP/IP. TCP and UDP port
numbers work at Layer 4, while IP addresses work at Layer 3, the Network Layer.
 Layer 3: Network Layer
The network layer is responsible for exchange data transfer between two different networks. The
network layer breaks up segments from the transport layer into smaller units, called packets, on the
sender’s device, and reassembling these packets on the receiving device. The network layer also finds
the best physical path for the data to reach its destination; this is known as routing.
 Layer 2: Data link Layer
The data link layer provides node-to-node data transfer between two directly connected devices. The
data link layer takes packets from the network layer and breaks them into smaller pieces called
frames. And also handles error correction from the physical layer.
 Layer 1: Physical Layer
This layer includes the physical equipment involved in the data transfer. This can include the cable
type, radio frequency link (as in an 802.11 wireless systems), router, switch, as well as the layout of
pins, voltages, and other physical requirements. This is also the layer where the data gets converted
into a bit stream, which is a string of 1s and 0s. The physical layer of both devices must also agree on
a signal convention so that the 1s can be distinguished from the 0s on both devices.
6. TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol )
In general, TCP/IP is similar to OSI, but it has just have layer as follow:
 Application layer: includes many high-level protocols. Previously used virtual terminal
applications such as TELNET, FTP, SMTP. Then more protocols were added such as DNS,
HTTP ...
 Transport layer: The task is the same as the OSI traffic, but two protocols are used, TCP and
 Network layer: responsible for sending packets from the destination to the destination, the
packet may have to travel through multiple networks (intermediate routes). The data link
layer transmits data packets between two devices in the same network, while the network
layer ensures that packets are transferred from the destination to the correct destination.
This layer defines a packet format and the protocol is IP.
 Link layer: Used to transmit data packets on a physical medium.
Figure 8: OSI vs TCP/IP mode
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirement
1. Network topology
1.1 Definition
 Network topology is the description of the way a network is arranged (physical or logical
description) and connections in a network, often represented as a graph.
 Types of topology:
 Mesh Topology.
 Star Topology.
 Bus Topology.
 Ring Topology.
 Hybrid Topology.
 Tree
1.2 Physical & Logical Topology
 Physical – The physical network topology refers to the actual connections (wires, cables,
etc.) of how the network is arranged. Setup, maintenance, and provisioning tasks require
insight into the physical network.
 Logical – The logical network topology is a higher-level idea of how the network is set up,
including which nodes connect to each other and in which ways, as well as how data is
transmitted through the network. Logical network topology includes any virtual and cloud
1.3 Star topology
 Definition: In this type of topology, every node in the network is directly connected to one
central switch. Every device in the network is directly connected to the switch and indirectly
connected to every other node. This hub is the central node and all other nodes are
connected to the central node. central node manages data transmission—as information sent
from any node on the network has to pass through the central one to reach its destination—
and functions as a repeater, which helps prevent data loss. With star topologies, computers
are connected with a coaxial cable, twisted pair, or optical fiber cable.
 Advantages
 Fast speed with few nodes and low network traffic.
 Hub can be expanded, upgraded easily
 Easy to troubleshoot when errors occur
 Easy to set up and modify.
 Only that node is affected which has failed, the rest of the nodes can work smoothly, that
means when a network cable breaks, it loses the connection of one machine, while the
other is still functioning normally.
 Disadvantages
The cost is high.
If the central switch fails then the entire network will go down because all the nodes
depend on the hub.
Performance is tied to the hub that is it depends on its capacity
Figure 9: Star topology
1.4 Mesh Topology
 Definition: A mesh topology is a point-to-point connection where nodes are interconnected.
Mesh networks can be full or partial mesh. Data is transmitted via two methods: routing and
flooding. Routing is where nodes use routing logic to work out the shortest distance to the
packet’s destination. In contrast, flooding is where data is sent to all nodes within the network.
Flooding doesn’t require any form of routing logic to work.
 Types of Mesh Topology
 Partial Mesh Topology: In this topology some of the systems are connected in the same
fashion as mesh topology but some devices are only connected to two or three devices.
 Full Mesh Topology: Each and every nodes or devices are connected to each other.
 Advantages
 Each connection can carry its own data load ,there is no single machine failure that could
bring down the entire network
 It is robust, the interconnectivity of nodes makes them extremely resistant to failures
 Fault is diagnosed easily.
 Provides security and privacy from being compromised.
 Disadvantage
It is difficult to install and configure
Cabling cost is more.
Require bulk wiring
Figure 10: Mesh Topology
1.4 Bus Topology
 Definition: Bus topology is a network type where every device is connected to a single cable
that runs from one end of the network to the other. This type of network topology is often
referred to as line topology. In a bus topology, data is transmitted in one direction only. If the
bus topology has two endpoints, then it is called Linear Bus topology.
 Advantages
 It is cost-effective because they can be run with a single cable
 Cable required is least compared to other network topology.
 Bus topologies are used in small networks.
 It is easy to understand, layout simple
 Easy to expand joining two cables together.
 Disadvantages
 When cable fails then entries network will go down
 The more network nodes you have, the slower your transmission speeds are going to be
 Cable has a limited length.
 It is slower than the ring topology.
A cable failure would take a lot of time while they attempt to resume service.
Figure 11: Bus Topology
1.5 Ring Topology
 Definition: It is called ring topology because nodes are arranged in a circle (or ring) as each
device is connected to another device, with the last one connected to the first. The data can
travel through the ring network in either one direction or both directions, with each device
having exactly two neighbors.
Figure 12: Ring Topology
 Advantages:
 Transmitting network is not affected by high traffic or by adding more nodes, as only the
nodes having tokens can transmit data.
 Cheap to install and expand
 Reducing the total number of lines needed to save the cable
 Disadvantages:
 Difficult to check and troubleshooting
 Adding or deleting the computers disturbs the network activity.
 Failure of one computer disturbs the whole network.
 When the cable fails, the whole network will stop working.
1.6 Tree Topology
 Definition: A tree topology network is a structure that is shaped like forming a hierarchy. It
is also called hierarchical topology. The hierarchy is parent-child where there is only one
mutual connection between two connected nodes. It should at least have three levels to the
hierarchy. This form of topology is used within Wide Area Networks to sustain lots of spreadout devices.
 Advantages
 Tree topologies are used is to extend bus and star topologies
 Expansion of nodes is possible and easily follow the hierarchical format
 Easily managed and maintained.
 This format also easy to find errors and troubleshooting
 This format also lends itself well to finding errors and troubleshooting
 Disadvantages
 Take a lot of cabled.
 Costly
 If more nodes are added, the more difficult it becomes to manage the network, also
maintenance is difficult.
 Central hub fails, the network fails.
Figure 13: Tree Topology
1.7 Hybrid Topology
 Definition: Hybrid topologies combine two or more different topology structures. For
example, the tree topology integrates the bus and star layouts.
 Advantage
 Reliable as Error detecting and trouble shooting is easy.
 Effective.
 Scalable as size can be increased easily, scalability of hybrid setups makes them wellsuited to larger networks.
 Flexible, you can incorporate multiple topologies into one hybrid setup
 Disadvantages
 Depending on the topologies that you decide to use, hybrid topologies can be quite
complex design
 Setting up a hybrid topology can end up being quite costly.
Figure 14: Hybrid Topology
2. Communication and Bandwidth
2.1 Definition of Communication in networking
Data communications refer to the transmission of this digital data between computers and a
computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computers to
exchange data. The physical connection between networked computing devices is established using
either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet.
2.2 Communication protocols
There are many protocols are used to communicate, here are some typical protocols:
 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is a popular communication protocol which is
used for communicating over a network. It divides any message into series of packets that are
sent from source to destination and there it gets reassembled at the destination.
 Internet Protocol (IP): IP is designed explicitly as addressing protocol. It is mostly used with
TCP. The IP addresses in packets help in routing them through different nodes in a network
until it reaches the destination system. TCP/IP is the most popular protocol connecting the
 User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is a substitute communication protocol to
Transmission Control Protocol implemented primarily for creating loss-tolerating and lowlatency linking between different applications.
 Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS): HTTPS is abbreviated as Hyper Text
Transfer Protocol Secure is a standard protocol to secure the communication among two
computers one using the browser and other fetching data from web server. HTTP is used for
transferring data between the client browser (request) and the web server (response) in the
hypertext format, same in case of HTTPS except that the transferring of data is done in an
encrypted format. So it can be said that https thwart hackers from interpretation or
modification of data throughout the transfer of packets.
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP allows users to transfer files from one machine to another.
Types of files may include program files, multimedia files, text files, and documents, etc.
3. Bandwidth
3.1 Definition
Bandwidth refers to the amount of data that can be transferred from one point to another within a
network in a specific amount of time. Typically, bandwidth is expressed as a bitrate and measured in
bits per second (bps).
3.2 Bandwidth requirements
 The channel bandwidths needed to transmit various types of signals, using various processing
schemes. Every signal observed in practice can be expressed as a sum (discrete or over a
frequency continuum) of sinusoidal components of various frequencies.
 Network bandwidth represents the capacity of the network connection, but it is important to
understand the difference between the theoretical throughput and the actual result when
finding the correct bandwidth formula for the network mine.
 Example:
+ A 1000BASE-T uses twisted-pair unshielded cable, Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) can support 1000
Mbps, but in reality never reach this speed because the hardware and software system.
Figure 15: Bandwidth
+ This speed band tells users how fast the network is on Mbps, Gbps, Tbps. If you do not buy
enough bandwidth, your network will run slowly, but over-bandwidth will be expensive. So,
how to determine the correct formula will meet the bandwidth requirements? Some network
managers only care about the number of users on a virtual LAN. However, what you need to
care about is what users will do on that network. For example, a 200-user network could be
less congested than a network with three users using a client-server application or heavy
bandwidth services such as high-definition video.
P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server
1. Introduction to network devices
 WAP (Wireless Access Point) : A WAP is a device that allows different types of wireless
network cards connect without cables, hence wireless, to connect to LANs and access
resources, including the Internet. A WAP plugs into a hub or switch and is the device that
joins the unwired network to the wired network. As shown earlier, you can put a router or
firewall between the wireless network and the wired network providing a secure barrier
between the unsecure wireless network and the secure wired network. WAPs support the
standards we defined earlier; if you are using an 802.11b WAP then most 802.11b/g/n cards
should be able to access them as they all operate on the same 2 GHz frequency. If you have an
802.11a access point you will need an 802.11a card as this is not in the same frequency as
the other standards. There are a few access points that support both the 2 GHz and the 5 GHz
Figure 16: WAP_Cisco Small Business 500 Series
 Wireless Ethernet Bridge is a device that allows Ethernet devices to connect to a wireless
network. For example, the Linksys WET54G Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge. It supports any
Ethernet device that connects to a wireless network even though the Ethernet device can be a
single device or a router that connects to many other devices.
Figure 17: Cisco WET54G Wireless-G Ethernet Bridge
 A network card is a type of expansion card that is added on a computer, which provides physical
and logical communication between the computer and the network device, the network through
the transmission medium.
Figure 18: 1 Port PCI 10/100/1000 32 Bit Gigabit Ethernet Network Adapter Card
 The repeater is simply a signal amplifier between two ports of two network segments. The
repeater is used in the bus model to extend the maximum distance on a cable. There are two
types of repeaters in use: Electric Repeater and Optical Repeater. Used to connect two networks
with the same communication protocol.
Figure 19: Wifi Repeater Long Range Extender
 Hub is a device that functions like a Repeater, but more communication ports allow multiple
network devices to connect together at one point. Hubs typically have 4 to 24 communication
ports, often used in 10BaseT Ethernet networks. Actually, Hub Chi is a multi-port repeater. The
hub repeats any signal received from any port and sends that signal to all the ports left over it.
The hub operates at the physical layer of the OSI model and also fails to filter the data. The hub
is often used for networking, through its plugs that are linked to computers in the form of stars.
The hub is divided into two main categories: passive hub and active hub.
Figure 20: NETGEAR GS108 Unmanaged Desktop Switch features 8-Ports
 Bridge is a device that connects two branches of the network, which switches selectively the
packets to the network branch that contains the packet receiver. To filter packets and know
which packets belong to which network branch, Bridge must contain the MAC address table.
This address can be initialized automatically or manually configured. Because Bridge
understands the MAC address, Bridge works on the second floor (data link layer) in the OSI
Figure 21: Bridge Networking
 Modem is a device used to convert digital format data into analog format data for a
transmission from the digital signal environment to the analogue signal medium and then to the
digital signal medium on the side.
Figure 23: TP-LINK AC1200 Wireless Modem
Router VR400
Figure 22: TENDA D303 Wireless N300
 Switch is a combination of technology between
the Bridge and Hub. The operating mechanism of
the switch is very similar to the Hub because it
concentrates the network connections on it. The
ports on the switch are miniature bridges built on
each of the communication ports.
Figure 24: TP-Link 5 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch
 A router is a router that connects multiple network segments, or multiple network types
(usually heterogeneous in architecture and technology) into one network. Usually there is a
processor, memory, and two or more ports in and out.
Figure 26 Router Tenda AC10 1200Mbps
Figure 26: Router Wifi ASUS BRT-AC828
 Gateway is an intermediate device that connects different networks in both the architecture
and the network environment. Gateway is understood as the main gateway of an internal
intranet connected to another external network. It may be a dedicated hardware device but
usually a server that provides connectivity to the machines it manages to communicate with
outside the network.
2. Operating principles of some network device
 Wireless Access Point: The Wireless Access Point also makes bridging work for all wireless
(wired) and wired Ethernet computers able to communicate with each other. Briefly, the
main task of a wireless access point is to connect all your wireless or wired computers to
your local area network.
 A Wifi Repeater: A WiFi Repeater effectively contains two wireless routers, similar to the
wireless router you already have in your home or office. One of these wireless routers picks
up the existing WiFi network. It then transfers the signal to the other wireless router, which
transmits the boosted signal.
 A router: A typical home has a range of internet-connected devices — personal computers,
tablets, smartphones, printers, thermostats, smart TVs, and more. With your router, these
devices form a network. A router directs incoming and outgoing internet traffic on that
network in the fastest and most efficient way.
 A modern: A device that modulates analogue signal waves to encode digital data, and
demodulates carrier signals to decode digital signals.
3. Server
3.1 What is server
A server is a computer or system that provides resources, data, services, or programs to other
computers, known as clients, over a network. In theory, whenever computers share resources with
client machines they are considered servers. There are many types of servers, including web servers,
mail servers, and virtual servers.
Figure 27: Google service room
3.2 Server types
 File servers
File servers store and distribute files. Multiple clients or users may share files stored on a server. In
addition, centrally storing files offers easier backup or fault tolerance solutions than attempting to
provide security and integrity for files on every device in an organization. File server hardware can
be designed to maximize read and write speeds to improve performance.
 Print servers
Print servers allow for the management and distribution of printing functionality. Rather than
attaching a printer to every workstation, a single print server can respond to printing requests from
numerous clients. Today, some larger and higher-end printers come with their own built-in print
server, which removes the need for an additional computer-based print server. This internal print
server also functions by responding to print requests from a client.
 Application servers
An application server is a component-based product which also known as middleware provides
middleware services for security and state maintenance, along with data access and persistence. It
contains a substantial amount of computing region between database servers and the end user.
 DNS servers
Domain Name System (DNS) servers are application servers that provide name resolution to client
computers by converting names easily understood by humans into machine-readable IP addresses.
The DNS system is a widely distributed database of names and other DNS servers, each of which can
be used to request an otherwise unknown computer name. When a client needs the address of a
system, it sends a DNS request with the name of the desired resource to a DNS server. The DNS server
responds with the necessary IP address from its table of names.
 Mail servers
Mail servers are a very common type of application server. Mail servers receive emails sent to a user
and store them until requested by a client on behalf of said user. Having an email server allows for a
single machine to be properly configured and attached to the network at all times. It is then ready to
send and receive messages rather than requiring every client machine to have its own email
subsystem continuously running.
 Web servers
One of the most abundant types of servers in today’s market is a web server. A web server is a special
kind of application server that hosts programs and data requested by users across the Internet or an
intranet. Web servers respond to requests from browsers running on client computers for web pages,
or other web-based services. Common web servers include Apache web servers, Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) servers and Nginx servers.
 Database servers
The amount of data used by companies, users, and other services is staggering. Much of that data is
stored in databases. Databases need to be accessible to multiple clients at any given time and can
require extraordinary amounts of disk space. Both of these needs lend themselves well to locating
such databases on servers. Database servers run database applications and respond to numerous
requests from clients. Common database server applications include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
DB2, and Informix.
 Virtual servers
Virtual servers are taking the server world by storm. Unlike traditional servers that are installed as
an operating system on machine hardware, virtual servers exist only as defined within specialized
software called hypervisor. Each hypervisor can run hundreds, or even thousands, of virtual servers
all at once. The hypervisor presents virtual hardware to the server as if it were real physical hardware.
The virtual server uses the virtual hardware as usual, and the hypervisor passes the actual
computation and storage needs onto the real hardware beneath, which is shared among all the other
virtual servers.
 Proxy servers
A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and a server. Often used to isolate either the
clients or servers for security purposes, a proxy server takes the request from the client. Instead of
responding to the client, it passes the request on to another server or process. The proxy server
receives the response from the second server and then replies to the original client as if it were
replying on its own. In this way, neither the client nor the responding server needs to directly connect
to each other.
 Monitoring and management servers
Some servers exist to monitor or manage other systems and clients. There are many types of
monitoring servers. Several of them listen to the network and receive every client request and server
response, but some do not request or respond to data themselves. In this way, the monitoring server
can keep track of all the traffic on the network, as well as the requests and replies of clients and
servers, without interfering with those operations. A monitoring server will respond to requests from
monitoring clients such as those run by network administrators watching the health of the network.
Figure 28: Server Room
P4. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant
networking software.
1. Workstation hardware
A workstation is a computer intended for individual use that is faster and more capable than a
personal computer. It using for business or professional work. Workstations and applications
designed for them are used by small engineering companies, architects, graphic designers, and any
organization, department, or individual that requires a faster microprocessor, a large amount of
random access memory (RAM), disk space with special features such as high-speed graphics adapters.
2. Network software
 Definition: Networking software is a foundational element for any network, network software
encompasses a broad range of software used for design, and administrators deploy, manage,
and monitor a network. Traditional networks were hardware-based, such as routers and
switches that bundle the networking software into the solution. With the advent of Software
– Defined Networking (SDN), software is separated from the hardware thus making it more
adaptable to the ever-changing nature of the computer network. The separation of functions
from hardware, such as firewalls or load balancing, is called network functions virtualization
 Network software have 2 basic function:
 User management: User management enables administrators to add or remove users
from the network
 File management: allows administrators to define the location of data storage and user
access to that data.
3. Inter-dependence of workstation hardware with networking software.
 A ,,network ,,file ,,server ,,is ,,a ,,computer ,system ,used ,for ,the ,purpose ,of ,managing ,the ,file
,system, ,the ,network ,printer, ,handling ,network ,communication, ,and ,other ,functions. ,A ,server
,may ,be ,dedicated ,is ,such ,case ,all ,of ,its ,processing ,power ,is ,allocated ,to ,network ,function, ,or
,it ,may ,bemoan- ,dedicated ,which ,means ,that ,a ,part ,of ,server ,functions ,allocated ,as ,a ,work
,stations ,or ,Debased ,system.
 Network ,operating ,system: ,it ,is ,loaded ,into ,the ,servers’ ,hard ,disk ,along ,with ,the ,system
,management ,tools ,and ,user ,utilities. ,When ,the ,system ,is ,started, ,NOS ,boots ,and ,other ,server
,come ,under ,its ,control.
 Workstations: ,workstations ,or ,nodes ,are ,attached ,to ,the ,server ,through ,the ,network
,interfaces ,card ,and ,the ,cable; ,workstations ,are ,normally ,intelligence ,systems, ,such ,as ,the
,IBM ,pc. ,But ,DUMV ,terminals ,are ,used ,in ,mainframe ,computers. ,The ,concept ,of ,distributed
,process ,depends ,on ,the ,fact ,that ,personal ,computer ,are ,attached ,to ,the ,network ,performed
their ,own ,processing ,after ,loading ,programs ,and ,data ,from ,servers. ,Due ,to ,this ,a ,work
,station ,is ,called ,an ,active ,device ,on ,the ,network. ,After ,processing, ,files ,are ,stored ,back ,on
,the ,server ,where ,they ,can ,be ,used ,by ,others ,workstation.
 Network ,interface ,card ,every ,device ,connected ,to ,a ,LAN ,needs ,network ,interface ,card ,to
,plug ,into ,the ,LAN. ,For ,example, ,a ,PC ,needs ,to ,have ,an ,Ethernet ,card ,installed ,in ,it ,to ,connect
,to ,an ,Ethernet ,LAN.
 Network ,cabling: ,once ,the ,server, ,workstations, ,and ,network ,interface ,cards ,are ,in ,place,
,network ,cabling ,is ,used ,to ,network ,everything ,together. ,The ,most ,popular ,type ,of ,Network
,cables: ,Twisted ,pair ,wiring, ,Co-axial ,cable, ,and ,Fiber ,optics ,cable.
Figure 29: Hardware & Networking
P5. Provide a logical/physical design of the networked system with clear
explanation and addressing table
1. Discuss User Requirement
1.1 User Requirement
The company has been contracted to implement a networking project from a local educational
institute. The specification of the project is given below:
People: 200 students, 15 teachers, 12 marketing and administration staff, 5 higher managers
including the head of academics and the programmer manager, 3 computer network administrators.
Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, 3 printers
Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from the IT labs – one lab
located on the first floor and another located on the second floor.
2. Logical and Physical Design
2.1 The difference between logical and physical design
A physical design is a network topology diagram that represents the structure of how devices are
connected physically inside a network. Otherwise, a logical design represents the logical method of
communication used by the devices inside the network for network communication. Physical
network topology is the placement of the various components of a network and the different
connectors usually represent the physical network cables, and the nodes represent usually the
physical network devices (like switches). Instead, Logical network topology illustrates, at a higher
level, how data flows within a network.
2.2 Physical design for Requirement
 Ground floor:
- Admin room: 3 computers
- Manager room: 5 computers, 1 print
- Marketing and Staff room: 12 computer, 1 print
- Teacher room: 15 Computer, 1 print
 First floor:
- IT-lab 1: 25 computers
- Network room
 Second floor:
- IT-lab 2: 25 computers
- Canteen:
Figure 30: Physical Design
2.3 Logical design for Requirement
 To design a network model, we use Cisco Packet Tracer software, based on physical design
and according to user’s requirements.
 List of Devices
Wireless Router
WRT 300N
Multilayer Switch
Lab Computer
Staff Computer
Connection Cable
Copper Straight-Through
Figure 31: List of Devices
 VLAN Table
Admin Room
Manager Room
Staff Room
Teacher Room
IT-lab 1
IT-lab 2
Server Room
IP address
Figure 32: VLAN Table
 IP address Table
Default Gateway
PC3 -> PC5
PC6 -> PC10
PC11 -> PC22
PC23 -> PC37
PC38 -> PC62
PC63 -> PC87
IP address
Mail Server
DNS Server
Web Server
Figure 33: IP Address Table
 Design model
 Ground Floor:
First Floor:
Second Floor:
P6 Evaluate the design to meet the requirements.
1. Test plan/Test case
Ping between PC in same Vlan
Ping from PC to Mutilayer Switch
Ping from vlan to other vlan
Ping from PC to Server
Test Web browser
Ping from PC to WAP
Ping PC3 to PC5
Ping PC21 to Mutilayer Switch
Ping PC6(Vlan100) to PC62(Vlan40)
Ping from PC39 to Mail Server
Test log on Web Server
Ping PC40 to WAP
Figure 34: Test plan & Test case
2. Screenshot in testing
 Case 1: Ping PC3 to PC5
Figure 35: Test case 1
 Case 2: Ping from PC21 to Switch
Figure 36: Test case 2
 Case 3: Ping from PC10(Vlan100) to PC62(Vlan 30):
Figure 37: Test case 3
 Case 4: Ping from PC39 to Mail Server
Figure 38: Test case 4
 Case 5: Test Web browser
This is my blog – Le Tuan
University of Greenwich
Figure 39: Test case 5
 Case 6: Ping PC39 to WAP
Figure 40: Test cacse 6
3. Evaluate the design of the network
3.1 Advantages
 In process of design the network system, I have provided content for each part of the theory
in these parts above, include definitions, explanations, and illustrations. These are essential
to begin designing and implementing a network.
 Following the user requirements, the physical and logical design was provided. I have
outlined the instruments are appropriate for the requirement, include network devices
(router, switches, cable, servers) to have a good network system. In addition, I have
determined IP address for the router, switches, each floor, and divided VLANs for each role
of user, also IP address, and specified each cable wire which should be used.
 This design is simple, easy to understand, and implement. Moreover, when the system has
trouble, we can find errors early and correct. Another advantage of the design is when the
cable of a certain computer gets problems, it not impact the system, and all other
computers still work normally.
3.2 Limitation
 If the center has trouble, all devices will go down.
 This design uses a different switch for each VLAN, that synonymous with taking more
money to implement than other solution design
3.3 Solution for efficiency and usage.
 I think this design can be implemented and used practically, the problem is the cost of
devices and cable, so before implement, we have to decide switches and cable type to
save money when purchased it, it would ensure a good connection for three floors and
many devices in the network.
P7+P8 + M3. Implement a networked system based on a prepared design.
1. Router setup
 Set IP for port connected with Multilayer-Switch
Figure 41: Router setup
 Set IP for port connected with Server-Switch
Figure 42: Router setup
2. Setup VLAN and Trunk mode
2.1 Setup VLAN on Multilayer Switch
 Setup VLAN and IP interface for each VLAN
 Steps: Click on Multilayer Switch, Router => click select CLI. Enter the command Enable =>
configure terminal => VLAN interface ... (the VLAN name you need to add) => IP address (the
VLAN IP address you need to add) => IP helper-address (ip Server).
 VLAN table
Admin Room
Manager Room
Staff Room
Teacher Room
IT-lab 1
IT-lab 2
Server Room
IP address
 VLAN 10
Figure 43: Setup VLAN & Trunk mode
 Do the same steps for other VLAN
Figure 44: VLAN on Multilayer Switch
2.3 Setup VLAN on Router
 Do the same step on Multiplayer Switch
2.2 Setup VLAN on each Switch
 Setup for VLAN 99
Figure 45: Setup VLAN 99 on Switch
 Setup for VLAN 100
Figure 46: Setup VLAN 100 on Switch
 Do the same with other switch
3. Server
3.1 Mail Server
 A mail server (sometimes also referred to an e-mail server) is a server that handles and
delivers e-mail over a network, usually over the Internet. A mail server can receive e-mails
from client computers and deliver them to other mail servers. A mail server can also deliver emails to client computers. A client computer is normally the computer where you read your emails, for example your computer at home or in your office. Also an advanced mobile phone or
Smartphone, with e-mail capabilities, can be regarded as a client computer in these
 Add domains, users, and passwords in the mail server
Figure 47: Mail server_domain, users, password
Figure 48: Mail server_IP Configuration
3.2 Web Server
Figure 49: Web Server_IP Configuration
Figure 50: Web content
 Definition: A web server is a computer that runs websites. It's a computer program that
distributes web pages as they are requisitioned. The basic objective of the web server is to
store, process and deliver web pages to the users. This intercommunication is done using
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). These web pages are mostly static content that includes
HTML documents, images, style sheets, test etc. Apart from HTTP, a web server also supports
SMTP (Simple Mail transfer Protocol) and FTP (File Transfer Protocol) protocol for emailing
and for file transfer and storage.
3.3 DNS Server
 Definition: A DNS server is a type of name server that manages, maintains and processes Internet
domain names and their associated records. In other words, a DNS server is the primary
component that implements the DNS (Domain Name System) protocol and provisions domain
name resolution services to Web hosts and clients on an IP-based network.
 Setup DNS Server
Figure 51: DNS setup
4. Test plan and Test log
Ping between PC in same Vlan
Ping from PC to Mutilayer Switch
Ping from Vlan to other Vlan
Ping from PC to Server
Test Web browser
Ping from PC to WAP
Ping PC3 to PC5
Ping PC21 to Mutilayer Switch
Ping PC6(Vlan100) to PC62(Vlan40)
Ping from PC39 to Mail Server
Test log on Web Server
Ping PC40 to WAP
 Click to view details process
M1. Compare common networking principles and how protocols enable the
effectiveness of networked systems.
1. OSI model & TCP/IP
 Detail explanation of OSI model (P1.5)
 Detail explanation of TCP/IP model (P1.6)
 OSI model vs TCP/IP model:
Figure 52: OSI vs TCP/IP
2. Some common protocols
2.1 DHCP
 Definition: DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration protocol and is a network protocol
used on IP networks where a DHCP server automatically assigns an IP address and other
information to each host on the network so they can communicate efficiently with other
 In addition to the IP address, DHCP also assigns the subnet mask, default gateway address,
domain name server (DNS) address and other pertinent configuration parameters. Request
for comments (RFC) 2131 and 2132 define DHCP as an Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF)- defined standard based on the BOOTP protocol.
 The primary reason DHCP is needed is to simplify the management of IP addresses on
networks. No two hosts can have the same IP address, and configuring them manually will
likely lead to errors. Even on small networks manually assigning IP addresses can be
confusing, particularly with mobile devices that require IP addresses on a non-permanent
basis. Also, most users aren’t technically proficient enough to locate the IP address information
on a computer and assign it. Automating this process makes life easier for users and the
network administrator.
2.2 DNS
 Definition: DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is the phonebook of the Internet. Humans
access information online through domain names, like nytimes.com or espn.com. Web
browsers interact through Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. DNS translates domain names to
IP addresses so browsers can load Internet resources.
 The process of DNS resolution involves converting a hostname (such as
cms.greenwich.edu.vn) into a compute IP address (such as An IP address is given
to each device on the Internet, and that address is necessary to find the appropriate Internet
device - like a street address is used to find a particular home. When a user wants to load a
webpage, a translation must occur between what a user types into their web browser
(cms.greenwich.edu.vn) and the machine-friendly address necessary to locate the
cms.greenwich.edu.vn website.
2.3 TCP
 Definition: TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol, is a communication protocol that
was introduced to the world in a 1974 paper entitled A Protocol for Packet Network
Intercommunication. Even if you haven't heard of TCP, you've heard of what runs on it,
including the World Wide Web, e-mail, and peer-to-peer file sharing, among others.
 While TCP is used to connect network devices to the internet, it can also be used as a
communication protocol for a private intranet or extranet. Check out these resources for
educational info, optimization methods, and troubleshooting tips on the following topics.
 TCP provides communication between an application program and the Internet Protocol (they
are frequently written as TCP/IP.) An application does not need to required packet
fragmentation on the transmission medium or other mechanisms for sending data in order to
be sent via TCP. While IP handles actual delivery of the data, TCP keeps track of 'segments' the individual units of data transmission that a message is divided into for efficient routing
through the network.
2.4 UDP
 Definition: UDP stands for User Datagram Protocol, it is a communication protocol used
across the Internet for especially time-sensitive transmissions such as video playback or DNS
lookups. It speeds up communications by not formally establishing a connection before data is
transferred. This allows data to be transferred very quickly, but it can also cause packets to
become lost in transit — and create opportunities for exploitation in the form of DDoS attacks.
 Like all networking protocols, UDP is a standardized method for transferring data between
two computers in a network. Compared to other protocols, UDP accomplishes this process in
a simple fashion: it sends packets (units of data transmission) directly to a target computer,
without establishing a connection first, indicating the order of said packets, or checking
whether they arrived as intended. (UDP packets are referred to as ‘datagrams’.)
2.5 FTP
 Definition: File Transfer Protocol is a set of protocols that the networked computers use to talk
over the internet. In more simple terms, it is a way to connect two computers and move files
between them. FTP allows new web pages that are created by an individual to show up on the
internet. It allows the web pages to transfer to the server so that others can access them.
 FTP is a client-server protocol and it relies on two communication channels between the client
and the server.
 Control Connection: The FTP client, for example, FileZilla or FileZilla Pro sends a
connection request usually to server port number 21. This is the control connection. It
is used for sending and receiving commands and responses. Typically a user needs to
log on to the FTP server for establishing the connection but there are some servers that
make all their content available without login. These servers are known as anonymous
 Data Connection: For transferring the files and folder we use a separate connection
called data connection.
 The FTP server may support Active or Passive connections or both. In an Active FTP
connection, the client opens a port and listens and the server actively connects to it. In a
Passive FTP connection, the server opens a port and listens (passively) and the client connects
to it.
2.6 ICMP
 Definition: The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a network layer protocol used by
network devices to diagnose network communication issues. ICMP is mainly used to determine
whether or not data is reaching its intended destination in a timely manner. Commonly, the ICMP
protocol is used on network devices, such as routers.
 ICMP is not associated with a transport layer protocol such as TCP or UDP. This makes ICMP a
connectionless protocol: one device does not need to open a connection with another device
before sending an ICMP message. Normal IP traffic is sent using TCP, which means any two devices
that exchange data will first carry out a TCP handshake to ensure both devices are ready to receive
data. ICMP does not open a connection in this way. The ICMP protocol also does not allow for
targeting a specific port on a device.
2.7 IGMP
 Definition: Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping constrains the flooding of IPv4
multicast traffic on VLANs on a device. With IGMP snooping enabled, the device monitors IGMP
traffic on the network and uses what it learns to forward multicast traffic to only the downstream
interfaces that are connected to interested receivers. The device conserves bandwidth by sending
multicast traffic only to interfaces connected to devices that want to receive the traffic, instead of
flooding the traffic to all the downstream interfaces in a VLAN.
 In a LAN, multicast packets must pass through Layer 2 switches between the router and multicast
users. However, multicast packets may be broadcast to all the hosts in the broadcast domain
including non-multicast group members, as the Layer 2 switch cannot learn multicast MAC
addresses. This wastes network bandwidth and threatens network information security.
Figure 53: IGMP snooping
2.8 PPP
 PPP stands for Point-to-Point, it is a data link layer protocol that is used to establish a direct
connection between two nodes in a network. It can provide authentication, encryption, and
compression. This protocol is used to create a simple link between two peers in a network to
transport packets.
Figure 54: Protocols at each Layer
3. Compare some protocols
3.1 DNS & DHCP
Figure 55: DNS & DHCP
3.2 TCP & UDP
Figure 56: TCP & UDP
Figure 57: ICMP & IGMP
M2. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server,
considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance optimization
1. File servers
File servers store and distribute files. Multiple clients or users may share files stored on a server. In
addition, centrally storing files offers easier backup or fault tolerance solutions than attempting to
provide security and integrity for files on every device in an organization. File server hardware can
be designed to maximize read and write speeds to improve performance.
Figure 58: File servers
2. Print servers
Print servers allow for the management and distribution of printing functionality. Rather than
attaching a printer to every workstation, a single print server can respond to printing requests from
numerous clients. Today, some larger and higher-end printers come with their own built-in print
server, which removes the need for an additional computer-based print server. This internal print
server also functions by responding to print requests from a client.
3. Application servers
An application server is a component-based product which also known as middleware provides
middleware services for security and state maintenance, along with data access and persistence. It
contains a substantial amount of computing region between database servers and the end user.
Figure 59: Application Server
4. DNS servers
Domain Name System (DNS) servers are
application servers that provide name
resolution to client computers by
converting names easily understood by
addresses. The DNS system is a widely
distributed database of names and other
DNS servers, each of which can be used to
request an otherwise unknown computer
name. When a client needs the address of a
system, it sends a DNS request with the
name of the desired resource to a DNS
server. The DNS server responds with the
necessary IP address from its table of
Figure 60: DNS servers
5. Mail servers
Mail servers are a very common type of application server. Mail servers receive emails sent to a user
and store them until requested by a client on behalf of said user. Having an email server allows for a
single machine to be properly configured and attached to the network at all times. It is then ready to
send and receive messages rather than requiring every client machine to have its own email
subsystem continuously running.
6. Web servers
One of the most abundant types of servers in today’s market is a web server. A web server is a special
kind of application server that hosts programs and data requested by users across the Internet or an
intranet. Web servers respond to requests from browsers running on client computers for web pages,
or other web-based services. Common web servers include Apache web servers, Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS) servers and Nginx servers.
7. Database servers
The amount of data used by companies, users, and other services is staggering. Much of that data is
stored in databases. Databases need to be accessible to multiple clients at any given time and can
require extraordinary amounts of disk space. Both of these needs lend themselves well to locating
such databases on servers. Database servers run database applications and respond to numerous
requests from clients. Common database server applications include Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server,
DB2, and Informix.
8. Virtual servers
Virtual servers are taking the server world by storm. Unlike traditional servers that are installed as
an operating system on machine hardware, virtual servers exist only as defined within specialized
software called hypervisor. Each hypervisor can run hundreds, or even thousands, of virtual servers
all at once. The hypervisor presents virtual hardware to the server as if it were real physical hardware.
The virtual server uses the virtual hardware as usual, and the hypervisor passes the actual
computation and storage needs onto the real hardware beneath, which is shared among all the other
virtual servers.
9. Proxy servers
A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a client and a server. Often used to isolate either the
clients or servers for security purposes, a proxy server takes the request from the client. Instead of
responding to the client, it passes the request on to another server or process. The proxy server
receives the response from the second server and then replies to the original client as if it were
replying on its own. In this way, neither the client nor the responding server needs to directly connect
to each other.
10. Monitoring and management servers
Some servers exist to monitor or manage other systems and clients. There are many types of
monitoring servers. Several of them listen to the network and receive every client request and server
response, but some do not request or respond to data themselves. In this way, the monitoring server
can keep track of all the traffic on the network, as well as the requests and replies of clients and
servers, without interfering with those operations. A monitoring server will respond to requests from
monitoring clients such as those run by network administrators watching the health of the network.
Figure 61: Server Room
M4. Recommend potential enhancements for the networked systems.
Server is used in a network which provides a service to a client. Servers usually have more processing
power, memory and storage than client computers. Server provide centralized back up facility,
remote accessibility, reliability and security to a network. It supports multiple user application and
multiple user access. A lot of virtual machine can reside in a single server without any compromise in
performance. So it is better to use server technology to improve network systems and more security.
1. Configure Firewall
 A firewall, which can be hardware, software or a combination of both, is the first layer of defense
in cybersecurity, the firewall works as a filter that filters all the unnecessary network traffic. A
firewall's job is to prevent unauthorized connections and malicious software from entering your
network. It monitors incoming and outgoing traffic, and if a computer or program outside your
network tries to gain access, the firewall decides what to block or allow based upon defined
cybersecurity rules. So it is necessary to use a firewall in the network system to protect computers
and its important files, data, and programs from harmful programs, emails, websites, etc.
2. Configuration VPN server
 VPN server must use in network system because VPN use powerful encryption protocols to protect
online data while we browse the web and make sure our internet traffic. Bandwidth and efficiency
of the network can be increased with the implementation of VPN. The great advantage of using
VPN is that the information can be accessed remotely from any place which can increase the
3. Use of Linux operating system
 Linux is adaptable, with different distributions porting it to just about any computing platform
you could name.
 Linux is cheap.
 Linux OS is an open-source technology and is the wide range of options available to use. The
main advantage of using Linux OS in a network system is that it provides security and
problems caught before they become an issue for the public. Linux OS has a reputation as a
very efficient and fast-performing system.
4. Data Compression
 Bandwidth ,,limitations ,,are ,common ,solutions ,in ,order ,of ,manager ,network ,system. ,Before
,now, ,networks ,used ,to ,have ,spare ,bandwidths ,which ,always ,featured ,as ,spare ,bandwidths ,–
,just ,what ,they ,are ,meant ,to ,be ,– ,but ,with ,growing ,needs ,such ,as ,data ,recovery ,in ,case ,of
emergency, ,increasing ,centralized ,network ,infrastructure ,and ,company ,growth ,which ,leads
,to ,more ,staff ,users, ,almost ,every ,bit ,of ,bandwidth ,is ,used ,up. , Consequentially, ,bandwidth
,limitation ,is ,almost ,unavoidable.
 To ,solve ,this ,problem, ,data ,compression ,could ,be ,a ,viable ,solution. ,Compression ,algorithms
,can ,be ,used ,to ,reduce ,the ,size ,of ,files ,being ,transmitted ,within ,a ,network, ,invariably
,increasing ,the ,network ,speed ,significantly.
D1. Considering a given scenario, identify the topology protocol selected for the
efficient utilization of a networking system.
In the network system above, I have already selected Star topology for the design. There are
many others solutions, but I used Star topology because of advantages bellow:
1. Star topology features a better fault tolerance.
 When a star topology experiences a cut cable or a NIC failure, then it will only affect one node.
This advantage is due to the nature of the installation as each device connects independently
to the central core. One cable run connects the nodes to each other. Although this approach is
someone expensive compared with other designs, the cost issues are usually outweighed by
the advantage of improved fault tolerance.
 The only way to take down all of the devices at once is to compromise the central core. Since
this equipment is not readily available to the average person, it is a safe network that
businesses of any size can use to support their needs.
2. Easy to extend the reach of the network by creating multiple stars.
 Star topology has natural limitations that come into play when setting up the network. The
reality of this approach is that you will run into physical limitations eventually. Either the cable
length will not be suitable for your needs or the number of ports available for use will all be
supporting the system.
 When you use star topology, then you can extend the length of the network by configuring
multiple stars with a central core device in the middle to serve as a server. The backbone of
the network must have enough power to support all activities for this approach to be useful.
3. Star topology systems are highly scalable
 With Star topology, adding a new device is a simple process. All you need to do is connect the new
computer to the central device through cabling. When you have too many items working with a
single-core, then you can expand to new stars to continue gaining the benefits of this structure.
 Computers get added or removed from the central connection point. That makes it easier to
replace a malfunctioning unit to maintain your productivity levels.
4. Connect multiple device types
 It is easy to use star topology as a way to link workstations to different printers, copiers, and
other stations. You can also have a server connect with the central hub to maximize the reach
of each connected device.
 As long as the equipment is compatible with your cabling and the software or hardware of the
central hub, then you can connect an entire office with this setup rather easily.
5. It doesn’t create bottlenecks where data collisions occur.
 Because each device connects to the central core with its own cable when using star topology,
the likelihood that data collisions will occur is quite minimal. That means the performance
levels of this system are exceptionally high when compared to other network designs.
Although there can be times when it performs slowly due to high traffic levels, you typically
have direct communication between devices. That means workers have less downtime to
manage when using this setup.
D2. Design a maintenance schedule to support the networked system
1. Important of Maintenance schedule
 No matter how much time you put into configuring your network or how advanced your
network may be, there are bound to still be some technical issues. At some point, maintaining
your computer network will become a necessity.
 The computer network is also always under constant assault from the processing needs of
applications, unwanted viruses and spyware, and their own users. Maintaining your computer
network is important because there are many factors that can go wrong on a daily basis.
Regular maintenance can keep the big problems away, while helping to maintain your
networks optimal performance.
2. Maintenance Schedule
 In this task I have designed a maintenance schedule to support network systems considering
backup, upgrades, security and auditing in the context to the above scenario. I have a
maintenance schedule to support a network design including backups, upgrades, security and
Check network devices (router,
switch, WAP,etc.)
Check backups and replication
Check and delete temp files
Review and update antivirus
Checking the software version
Review firewall
Check Bandwidth
6 Month
Backup and Restore
Update network Diagrams
Check and Update firmware
Reset server
D3 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions.
1. Critical reasoning on selection of the topology
During the planning and designing this network system, I had to select the Star topology. Topology is
the physical arrangement of network system and the good arrangement was first priority of network
design. There are various types of topology, among them I considered Star topology as best topology.
There are 3 floors, each floor is equipped with many computers and other devices, so this topology is
useful when we use switch-layer 3 to connect to the router, then multilayer-switch connection. For
the other switches, each of these switches is used per room. The central device which connects all the
workstations in star network is connected to a backbone cable. This type of topology is particularly
useful for the arrangement of networking devices for colleges, bank, schools etc, school so that each
of the branches can identify the relevant systems in their own network and yet connect easily to the
big network in some way. This topology has a centralized managing system through which all the
networking devices that are connected to the network can be managed, control, monitor, and excesses
easily. Being centralized, it provides the best security to the network system because this topology
follows a hierarchal pattern where each level is connected to the next higher level in a symmetrical
pattern and each level of hierarchy follows a certain pattern in connecting the networking devices in
this large organization. It doesn’t matter how many networking devices are connected to each level
of the network, it just functions well. If one of the networking devices gets damage then it doesn’t
affect the network, it runs well without any disturbances
2. Critical reason on selection of networking devices, server and server types:
 As the networking devices and server are the important parts of network system so it is very
important to select the best server and devices for network. Where server is a main computer
which stores all the data, information of the organization.
 Networking devices are the connecting devices in the network so they also must be working
good and perform well. The networking devices that I used in my network design are switch,
routers, firewalls, access point, etc. Switch, routers establish a connection between other
networking devices. For the good communication and connection between networking
devices the switch and routers should perform good.
3. Critical reflecting on the testing
 After completed design and implement, I have tested the system follow the test plan was made,
for the purpose to know whether the system running well or not. I tested for all the server and
that is mentioned in the previous tasks. To know the errors to solve that errors I did testing of
all networking devices and servers. In general, networking devices were performing well as
well as servers were also performing well. But there are some problem of configure WAP.
4. Conclusion
4.1 Advantages
 I have researched, consulted, and gave quite a few theories about computer networks,
including... Along with that, I have completed the design and implementation of the network
in order of user requirements. Through the testing process according to the plan, the test
results show that the system operates as expected. In addition, it is easy to understand design,
easy to deploy, as well as solve trouble, upgrades, and maintenance. In order to ensure the
quality system of this network, I have also designed a periodic maintenance schedule. It can
be seen that this design can be implemented in practice and meet the needs of users.
4.2 Disadvantages
 Besides the above advantages, this design also has some shortcomings that have not been
overcome. Specifically, in terms of physical design, this model consumes a lot of cables and
switches, so the price may be higher than the other model. During the operation, there were
still some errors such as failure of WAP setting, server response time not as fast as expected.
So I have to find and fix errors, upgrade the quality of the network.
4.3 Future directions
Scaling the network
Set up a firewall
Replace with better devices
Bandwidth upgrades
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