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Eighth Adjectives Test

Eighth Adjectives Test
Name __________________________________
Date _______________
Part 1: Identifying Adjectives and the words they modify
Write the adjectives contained in each sentence and label them as follows:
A: Adj.; NA: Noun as Adj.; DA: Definite Article; IA: Indefinite Article; CA: Compound Adj.; PA: Proper
Adj.; PSA: Possessive Adj.; ITA: Interrogative Adj. IDA: Indefinite Adj.
Next to each adjective write the noun it modifies. Ex. (Adj. /type /word modified)
The Constitution of the United States is a well-crafted document.
2. Our Constitution provides for a strong central government.
3. In 1791, ten amendments, called the Bill of Rights were added to the constitution.
4. The Bill of Rights protects the freedoms of the American People.
5. According to The Bill of Rights, all trials and punishments must be fair and reasonable
6. The Bill of Rights was based on ideas found in British laws.
7. Our constitution also reserves some powers for the individual states.
8. State laws regulate matters such as public schools and sales taxes.
9. A Minnesota law can be quite different from a Texas law.
10. Today, the United States Constitution remains a much admired document to people around
the world.
Part 2: Identifying Pronouns and adjectives
Label each underlined word in the following sentences as pronoun or adjective.
11. All Americans should understand how their government works.
12. What do you know about the United States Constitution?
13. This is an important responsibility of being a citizen.
14. The three branches of government must obey this documents.
15. Each has some power over the other branches.
16. Which branch of government makes the laws?
17. What powers does the president have?
18. These are identified in our Constitution.
19. Whose job involves interpreting the laws?
20. That is also explained in the Constitution.
Part 3: Identifying Types of Adjectives
Write the adjectives in the following sentences and label each one as follows:
A: Adj.; NA: Noun as Adj.; DA: Definite Article; IA: Indefinite Article; CA: Compound Adj.;
PA: Proper Adj.; PSA: Possessive Adj.; ITA: Interrogative Adj.; DMA: Demonstrative Adj.
IDA: Indefinite Adj. Ex. (Adj. /type)
21. Whose responsibility is it to make certain that Constitution continues to be interpreted
22. Many people in other countries are envious of our rights to participate in our government.
23. Every American should read this important document.
24. It is our responsibility to know what the Constitution says and to vote for representative that
truly uphold it.
Part 3: Identifying Types of Adjectives
Write the adjectives in the following sentences and label each one as follows:
A: Adj.; NA: Noun as Adj.; DA: Definite Article; IA: Indefinite Article; CA: Compound Adj.;
PA: Proper Adj.; PSA: Possessive Adj.; ITA: Interrogative Adj.; DMA: Demonstrative Adj.
IDA: Indefinite Adj. Ex. (Adj. /type)
25. It is our responsibility to know what the Constitution says and to vote for representative that
truly uphold it.
26. This knowledge can only make it possible for voters to hold their representatives accountable.
27. Representatives must be responsive to their constituents.
28. Government “by the people and for the people” functions best when each American does his
or her duty.
29. What results can we expect if people do not take this responsibility seriously?
30. Some representatives will not operate in the best interest of those they are supposed to