015_7cmp06te_WDUO 5/16/06 5:26 PM Page 15 Formal Assessment Embedded in the Unit Problems Use students’ work from the Problems Choose the assessment materials that are appropriate for your students. to check student understanding. ACE exercises Use ACE exercises for homework Assessment For Use After Focus Student Work assignments to assess student understanding. Check Up 1 Invest. 1 Skills Individual Rich problems Pair Skills Individual Mathematical Reflections Have students Partner Quiz Invest. 2 summarize their learning at the end of each Investigation. Check Up 2 Looking Back and Looking Ahead At the end of the unit, use the first two sections to allow students to show what they know about the unit. Additional Resources Teacher’s Guide Use the Check for Understanding feature of some Summaries and the probing questions that appear in the Launch, Explore, or Summarize sections of all Investigations to check student understanding. Self Assessment Notebook Check Students use this tool to organize and check their notebooks before giving them to their teacher. Located in Assessment Resources. Self Assessment At the end of the unit, students reflect on and provide examples of what they learned. Located in Assessment Resources. Unit Test Invest. 3 INTRODUCTION Ongoing Informal Assessment The Unit Skills, rich problems Individual Unit Project The Unit Rich problems Individual or Group Additional Resources Multiple-Choice Items Use these items for home- work, review, a quiz, or add them to the Unit Test. Question Bank Choose from these questions for homework, review, or replacements for Quiz, Check Up, or Unit Test questions. Additional Practice Choose practice exercises for each investigation for homework, review, or formal assessments. ExamView CD-ROM Create practice sheets, review quizzes, and tests with this dynamic software. Give online tests and receive student progress reports. (All test items are also available in Spanish.) Spanish Assessment Resources Includes Partner Quizzes, Check Ups, Unit Test, Multiple-Choice Items, Question Bank, Notebook Check, and Self-Assessment. Plus, the ExamView CD-ROM has all test items in Spanish. Correlation to Standardized Tests Terra Nova Investigation NAEP 1 Evaluating Games of Chance D4a, D4c, D4d CAT6 CTBS ✔ ITBS SAT10 ✔ ✔ 2 Analyzing Situations Using an Area Model D4e, D4f ✔ ✔ 3 Expected Value D4d, D4h ✔ ✔ 4 Binomial Outcomes D4c, D4f ✔ ✔ NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress CAT6/Terra Nova California Achievement Test, 6th Ed. CTBS/Terra Nova Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills Local Test ITBS Iowa Test of Basic Skills, Form M SAT10 Stanford Achievement Test, 10th Ed. Unit Introduction 15