Elevating Your One-Pager With Visual Art and Design Maisha Mello AP Literature and Composition February 16, 2022 SESSION OBJECTIVES ● Explore literary analysis through art and design ● Create a one pager from images in a poem ● Reflect on connections to the AP Literature and Composition curriculum and benefits of arts integration WHAT IS ARTS INTEGRATION ? Definition by The Kennedy Center ART FOCUS BELL RINGER What do you see? Look at the image for a moment. What do you see? Use your art focus vocabulary in your description. Post your responses in the chat. What do you think? x How does this picture make you feel? What does it remind you of? Post your responses in the chat. What do you wonder? What do you wonder about this image? Post your responses in the chat. What is a One-Pager? YOUR TURN You are going to complete some elements of your own one-pager! Your focus today will be imagery. POETRY “On the Subway” by Sharon Olds First, you will have three minutes to read “On the Subway”. As you read, take note of images that stand out and add them to the chat. Next, you will create a One-Pager with images that contribute to the theme/messag e overall of “On the Subway”. : Y ER G L L A W K L A Let’s Review Introduce Principles of Art and Design Connect art to literary analysis Introduce the One-pager Combine literary devices and principles of art and design to create elements of a One-pager ❏ Share and Reflect ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ What challenges do you see? What benefits do you see for your students? REFLECTION How could this fit in your current instruction? Future? THANK YOU! Questions? Maisha Mello AP Literature and Composition Northwestern High School English Department Chair maisha.mello@pgcps.org Check out the PGCPS Arts Integration Website! Special Directions 1. Join the Course Breakout Group for the “Sharing Our Expertise” Presentation 2. Stay in that Breakout Group and transition to the “Networking Discussion” a. Select a Timekeeper: 20 Minutes 3. Return to the Main Room for final announcements, prize giveaways and evaluation to wrap up the workshop. Networking Time: Sharing Test-Prep Strategies 15 Networking Goals Discuss the following in your breakout group 1. Introduce yourself - Name, School, how many years you have taught AP. 2. One piece of advice/strategy/tip for preparing for the AP test. 20 Minutes SHARE THE MIC! If you got a chance to share at the last meeting, please give priority to those who have not shared yet. Mutual Invitation Protocol a. Choose a Reporter. (If no one is making eye contact or in this scenario all mics are muted, someone with a birthday in a month starting with J or A should take the mantle.) b. The reporter will share their responses first. (Please keep mic on mute until it is your turn.) c. After the person shares, they will welcome another person to the conversation by using their first name. d. This person can pass or participate. When they are finished, they invite another person to the conversation by using their first name.