This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 A New Low Cost Coupling System for Power Line Communication on Medium Voltage Smart grids Giovanni Artale, Student Member IEEE, Antonio Cataliotti, Member IEEE, Valentina Cosentino, Dario Di Cara, Member IEEE, Riccardo Fiorelli, Salvatore Guaiana, Giovanni Tinè, Member IEEE Abstract—The paper proposes and verifies the performance of an innovative and low cost coupling system for power line communication (PLC) on medium voltage (MV) smart grids. The coupling system makes use of the capacitive divider of the voltage detecting systems (VDS) to inject and receive the PLC signal. VDS are usually already installed in the MV switchboards of the major electrical manufacturer all over the world according to IEC 61243-5. VDS are used to detect the presence of the mains voltage to guarantee personnel safety. An interface circuit has been developed to be connected between the PLC transceiver and the VDS socket. In this way, the PLC signal can be coupled to the MV network without installing a dedicated MV coupler, thus avoiding the related costs of the coupler, the installation, and the temporary service interruption. The innovative device is able to couple digitally modulated narrowband PLC signals with modulation rate up to 19.2 kbit/s. In the paper, firstly a description of the proposed solution is reported. Secondly, its communication performance has been tested in laboratory. Finally, different tests have been carried out in two MV smart grid real installations under normal operation, i.e in the presence of the mains voltage. Index Terms—Power system communication, communication systems, couplers, narrow band power line communication, communication signal couplers, power system communication, power system measurements, smart grids. I. INTRODUCTION T HE transmission of communication signals through the medium voltage lines (MV) is gaining an increasing interest in recent years. The development of the distribution networks into smart grids requires a continuous exchange of data between the distribution system operator (DSO) and the energy users and prosumers related to different This research was supported by StMicroelectronics. The authors wish to thank Eng. Salvatore Russotto (Impresa Elettrica D’Anna e Bonaccorsi s.n.c.) and Eng. Marco La Russa (SEA Spa) for their support during the Ustica and Favignana field tests respectively. Giovanni Artale, Antonio Cataliotti, Valentina Cosentino, and Salvatore Guaiana, are with the Department of Energy, Information engineering and Mathematic Models (DEIM), Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy (email:,,, Dario Di Cara, and Giovanni Tinè are with the Institute of Intelligent System for Automation (ISSIA), National Research Council (CNR), Palermo, Italy, (e-mail:, R. Fiorelli is with the ST Microelectronics S.r.l., Agrate 20864, Italy (email: smart applications, such as the remote control of secondary substation equipment, the automatic meter reading (AMR), the monitoring of distribution network power flows, and so on [1]-[7]. For these purposes, wireless or GSM systems are usually suggested, even if they have weak reliability (particularly in bad weather conditions) and a high intrinsic cost of the communication provider. Besides these communication systems, narrowband PLC has been chosen and already widely implemented to support different smart applications, such as automatic meter reading and demand side management applications in low voltage (LV) networks [8]. The use of PLC is also suggested by recent standards on the connection of distributed generation and its remote control. Despite a slower transmission data rate, narrowband PLC has the great advantage of a lower installation cost, because the power lines are already present, and they have no service cost for the communication provider, because the DSO is usually owner of the power lines. Moreover, PLC is also more secure from cyber-attacks because the communication system is not easily accessible from an intruder. Other advantages of PLC, when it is employed for utility applications, are summarized below [9]: redundancy in protection and control is an utility typical requirements and it can be obtained only with a redundant communication system, which can be easily and economically supported by PLC based on an existing wired infrastructure; PLC uses the most direct route between controllers and distributed IEDs, thus can allows to obtain lower latencies when compared to packet switched public networks; the PLC channel, i.e. the power line, is under the direct and complete control of the utility which is a fundamental benefit in those countries where the communication market is deregulated. For these reasons, the PLC solution can be used as redundant communication system in parallel to a faster communication system or it can be used for those applications which have lower transmission data rate requirements, when important messages has to be delivered such as commands or signals on the status of the network, or when data has to be collected off-line, such as in meter reading systems. On the other hand, few commercial solutions are available for power line communication (PLC) on MV networks. Some new studies have been developed in recent years to understand the behavior both of the line and of the power transformer in the PLC frequency range [10]-[11]. The authors have also deeply investigated this topic [12]-[14], developing a model of the different components of the 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < electrical network in the frequency range 50 - 148 kHz, which is reserved for the PLC signal transmission by the CENELEC EN 50065-1 [15]. On the other hand, the main problem in the application of the PLC in the MV networks is the design of the MV signal coupler. It must have, as well as high electrical insulation, high impedance at the mains frequency, to isolate the signal circuit from the MV network, and at the same time it should have low impedance at the PLC frequency band and suitable bandwidth to transmit PLC signals with different digital modulations. Hence, most of the commercial and research solutions are based on the use of a dedicated MV coupler, capacitive or inductive, to be installed both in the primary substation and in each secondary substation. Therefore, these solutions have a high installation cost due to the large amount of expensive MV couplers to be installed to cover the whole network. Moreover, the installation is not easy inside the existing air insulated MV switchboard and even more for the gas insulated ones. Furthermore, the installation requires a temporary disconnection of the substation, thus causing further costs and drawbacks for the temporary service interruption [17]. The possibility to use alternative solutions based on voltage dividers usually installed in MV substations, i.e. voltage transformer or capacitive coupler of voltage detecting systems (VDS), was analyzed in [18] by concluding that these voltage dividers are not adequate as coupler for PLC application. In this paper, the authors propose an innovative PLC coupler based on the use of the capacitive divider of the VDS, which is able to transmit narrowband PLC signals with a bandwidth corresponding to a symbol rate up to 9600 baud/s and modulation rate up to 19.2 kbit/s. VDS are normally installed worldwide in medium voltage (from 1 kV to 52 kV) switchgears, used both in primary and secondary substations, for detecting the presence or the absence of the operating voltage in order to ensure the safety of the operators. More in detail, a capacitive divider inside MV switchgears provides a low-voltage signal that feeds a voltage presence detector. Usually, separable indicators are used. They have an audible or visible output, such as a blinking light, and they have a two-phase plug to be connected on a proper socket embedded in the MV switchboard. In Fig. 1, a MV switchboard is shown, highlighting the VDS socket panel and the separable indicator. A schematic diagram of a unipolar voltage detection system is shown in Fig. 2, according to the international reference standard IEC 61243-5 [19]. The proposed coupling solution patented by the authors in [20] suggests injecting the PLC signal through the VDS socket by allowing a bidirectional communication through the MV power line and without modifying the MV switchboard. In this way, no dedicated MV PLC coupler has to be installed. Thus a high reduction of the costs is obtained, because: the MV coupler cost is higher than the electronic interface board one; no modification of the MV switchboard is required; no service interruption is needed for its installation; the installation itself is easier and faster, thus a reduction in the cost of manpower is also obtained. 2 Fig. 1. Voltage detecting system in a MV switchboard of a secondary substation. In this paper, the new solution principle of operation is firstly described and the developed interface circuit prototype is presented. Secondly, communication performance has been tested on a laboratory test bench. Finally, the performance of the proposed solution was tested in two MV smart grid cases under normal operation, i.e. presence of mains voltage, AMR PLC signals and noise with different MV network topologies. II. THE NEW PLC COUPLING SOLUTION: BASIC PRINCIPLE According to the standard IEC 61243-5 [19], a VDS is composed of the different elements shown in Fig. 2. The MV capacitive divider is given by a capacitance of fixed value which has one terminal connected to the MV bus-bars and the second terminal which is available for the voltage detection. Between the second terminal and the earth, the following devices are connected: a voltage limiting device, a measuring circuit component, and a short circuiting device. The behavior of these devices can be modeled as an equivalent capacitance, also including stray capacitances. When the mains voltage is applied to the series of the equivalent capacitance and the MV divider capacitance, a reduced proportional voltage is available at the VDS socket terminals. The voltage reduction ratio is proportional to the capacitance ratio. Thus, to have a significant reduction, the equivalent capacitance should be at least 20 times larger than the MV divider capacitance. In this way, a voltage indicator connected to the VDS sockets can detect the presence or the absence of the main voltage. This type of voltage detector is defined as separable system. The standard [19] classifies five different separable systems, defining the relative dimensional characteristic of the sockets and of the plug arrangement. The idea of the patent is to substitute the voltage indicator with a plug of the same dimension, through which the PLC signal can be injected or received. In this way, no modifications of the MV switchgear are required. On the other hand, the PLC transceiver cannot be directly connected to the VDS socket, because the signal would be almost totally short circuited to earth by the equivalent capacitance of stray and measuring circuit component capacitance, which, at the PLC signal frequencies, has lower impedance than the MV divider capacitance. To solve this problem, an interface card is connected between the transceiver and the VDS socket, as shown in Fig. 3 [20]. In 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 3 this configuration, the signal is injected between the core of one of the three cables and the shield connected to earth. As regards the interface card, two different circuits were designed, as shown in Fig. 3: one for transmission (Tx) and one for reception (Rx). The PLC transceiver sends a digital output to the two switches, to select the desired circuit (Tx or Rx). Each circuit has a variable inductance to be connected in parallel to the VDS socket. This inductance creates a parallel resonant circuit with the equivalent capacitance at the PLC signal center frequency. In this way, in Tx operating condition a high impedance route to earth is created and only a small part of the transmitted signal is short circuited to earth, while the largest part of the signal is driven to the MV network. Fig. 2. Voltage detecting system with portable indicator (separable VDS) [19]. Fig. 3. Schematic circuit of the interface card: reception (Rx) circuit and transmission (Tx) circuit Fig. 4. Schematic circuit of the laboratory test bench. In addition, thanks to the impedance matching circuit, as shown in Fig. 3, an impedance matching is created between the transmitting output impedance and the MV capacitive divider impedance, thus obtaining the maximum signal transfer to the MV network. In Rx operating condition, the variable inductance is adjusted to obtain the largest impedance between line and earth terminals, in the PLC frequency range. As a result, the maximum signal voltage level is obtained at the VDS socket. In addition, a pass-band filter helps to discriminate the PLC signal from the noise. An amplifier is embedded in both Rx and Tx circuits of the interface card in order to increase the PLC signal level injected and received from the MV line [20]. In this study the single phase to earth configuration is used to transmit the PLC signal. The interface board is connected to only one of the three sockets, thus the signal is injected trough one of the capacitive dividers into the correspondent core cable. More complicated solutions could be obtained, by using two or three cables, with an increase of cost and complexity. Though a benefit could be obtained with these multiphase solutions in terms of received signal amplitude or bandwidth, in this first step of the research the single phase solution was chosen for its simplicity and its 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < cheapness. Moreover, a demonstration of the reliability of this simplest solution can open new prospective for the development of more complicated solutions. 4 tests confirmed that the proposed PLC coupling system requirements of symbol rate and frequency bandwidth were respected. III. LABORATORY EXPERIMENTAL TESTS A laboratory test bench was set-up as shown in Fig. 4, in order to characterize the electrical behavior of the interface card prototype and to verify its communication performance. The laboratory tests are performed without considering the presence of the mains voltage. Two sets of three capacitive dividers, similar to the ones used in the MV switchgears, are connected at the ends of three 15-m-long MV unipolar cables, type RG7H1R, with 50 mm2 aluminum core cross-section and copper shield. The two triads of capacitive dividers are from different manufacturers. They are connected to a VDS panel, which respects the requirements of the IEC 61243-5 MR type [19]. This type of VDS is used in most of the MV switchgears installed by the major distributor system operators of Italy. The PLC modem and the interface card are allocated in a metallic box together with a transformer based power supply, which provides different DC supplying voltage levels. The PLC modem EVALST7580 [21] is used to generate the nPSK signal in the frequency range 9 kHz – 250 kHz. The interface card output is connected to the VDS panel by means of a modified standard plug. Transmitted and received signal spectra were measured with a digital oscilloscope Rohde & Schwarz RTO 1044 at the PLC modem transceiver terminals. The characterization of the interface card was focused at the center frequency of 110 kHz, because it is far enough from the AMR PLC carrier frequencies which are usually in the frequency range 70-90 kHz. Moreover, the chosen center frequency is inside a band where low noise was measured in the on-field tests [14]. Firstly, a characterization of the interface card was performed. A signal generator was connected at the interface card input. A sweep signal was generated with 110 kHz center frequency, 50 kHz span, and 1.5 VPP amplitude. The frequency spectrum of the received signal is shown in Fig. 5. As can be seen, it has a resonant behavior which allows efficiently receiving the narrow-band PLC signal from the MV network. More in detail, a 6 dB band of 15 kHz was measured around the center frequency, which is compatible with the required band of the modulation used by the ST7580 modem, i.e. nPSK modulated signal with 9600 baud/s. To verify the communication performance of the VDS system, PLC modulated signals with different bit rates were considered. The performance of the coupling system was evaluated by measuring the success rate, i.e. the percentage of received information packets with respect to the transmitted packet number. Different tests were performed by considering 1000 packets for each transmission test and by varying the modulation technique and the amplitude of the transmitted signal. In the laboratory tests, all transmitted packets were correctly received (success rate = 100%), whatever the amplitude of the transmitted signal and the modulation technique (even with QPSK modulation at 19.2 kbit/s). In Fig. 6 the measured spectrum of the received signal is shown when a QPSK modulated signal was transmitted. The laboratory Fig. 5. Spectrum of the received signal measured in laboratory during a frequency sweep test. IV. ON-FIELD EXPERIMENTAL TESTS In this section, the VDS coupler performance is verified in different real environments, i.e. in MV smart grids of different topologies and line lengths. All on-field tests were performed in the presence of the mains voltage (i.e. 20 kV, 50 Hz), AMR PLC signals and noise. More in detail, tests were performed in four MV network topologies described in the following: MV line connecting a by-pass substation and a terminal substation, with an intermediate by-pass substation; MV line connecting two by-pass substations, with an intermediate by-pass substation; MV line connecting a nodal and a by-pass substation; MV line connecting two nodal substations, with an intermediate nodal substation. The by-pass configuration is the operating condition when a substation has only two MV switches, one for the arriving and one for the departing line, and both switches are closed. On the other hand, in the terminal configuration the departing line switch is left open. The nodal configuration, instead, is the operating condition when a substation has one MV switch closed on the arriving line and two or more than two MV switches closed on different departing lines. A. 1 st topology: a by-pass and a terminal substation A first test campaign was performed in the MV smart grid of the island of Ustica, in the Mediterranean sea. The two substations named Spalmatore and Sidoti were chosen because they can be both configured in by-pass or terminal configurations [12]. The MV line connecting the two substations is 1.4 km long and it is made by unipolar cables RG7H1R type with 25 mm2 aluminum core cross-section and copper shield. In each of the two substations, a 20/0.4 kV/kV power transformer is installed with rated power of 100 and 160 kVA, respectively. An intermediate by-pass MV substation is connected near substation Spalmatore. 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 5 were not correctly received. In particular, for BPSK uncoded a success rate of 98.4% was obtained. The received spectrum measured in this operation condition is shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 6. Spectrum of the received signal measured in laboratory in the case a QPSK modulation was selected. The intermediate substation is named Villaggio and it supplies a MV user. In Fig. 7, an electrical scheme is shown for the MV line under test, which connects the three secondary substations in by-pass configuration. The MV switchgears of each substation are equipped with the MR-type VDS, same as those used in laboratory. The PLC station assembled inside the Sidoti substation is shown in Fig. 8. The picture shows the interface card prototype with the PLC transceivers (Modem) connected to the VDS socket panel. More in detail, the signal is injected into a chosen phase of the three phase VDS sockets. Similarly a second PLC station was assembled inside the Spalmatore substation and it was connected to the VDS socket correspondent to the chosen phase of the MV line. In this case the Sidoti and Spalmatore substations were in terminal and in by-pass configuration, respectively. The experimental results obtained are reported in Table I. Each test was performed transmitting 1500 packets and a success rate of almost 100% was found selecting different modulation techniques with bit rate up to 9600 bit/s. A reduction of the success rate to 98% was found when the transmission data rate was increased to 19200 bit/s, by using the QPSK modulation technique without error correction coding. In this last case, the spectrum of the received signal was measured. It is shown in Fig. 9 (red line) along with the noise (blue line) measured when the transmission signal was switched off. As can be seen, thanks to the interface card prototype, the received signal level is higher than the measured noise and thus it can be correctly demodulated by the transceiver. Tests were also performed by using the FSK modulation technique and by varying the related bit rate. A success rate of 97% was found with the bit rate of 9600 bit/s, thus demonstrating a lower immunity to the noise with respect to the nPSK modulation technique, which has a higher success rate with the same bit rate. B. 2nd topology: two by-pass substations The transmission results obtained in the second topology (both substations in by-pass configuration) are reported in Table II. Also in this case, for each test 1500 packets were transmitted. A success rate of 100% was obtained for BPSK coded and QPSK coded, while with faster but uncoded modulations the success rate decreased because many packets Fig. 7. Ustica MV line connecting two by-pass substations, with an intermediate by pass substation. Fig. 8. Transmission station assembled inside the Sidoti substation. An interface card prototype is connected to the VDS socket panel. TABLE I. VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 1ST NETWORK TOPOLOGY : S UBSTATION “SPALMATORE” IN TERMINAL CONNECTION, SUBSTATION “SIDOTI” IN BY PASS CONNECTION Modulation Symbol rate Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Success Lost [baud/s] [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 9600 4800 1500 1500 0 0 100% QPSK coded 9600 9600 1500 1500 0 0 100% BPSK 9600 9600 1500 1499 1 0 99.9% QPSK 9600 19200 1500 1472 28 0 98.1% BFSK 2400 2400 1500 1497 1 2 99.8% BFSK 4800 4800 1500 1485 10 5 99.0% BFSK 9600 9600 1500 1460 15 25 97.3% C. 3 nd topology: a nodal and a by-pass substation. Another test campaign was performed in the MV smart grid of the island of Favignana, in the Mediterranean sea. The communication tests were performed between the two substations named “Gen. Di Vita” and “4 Vanelle”. The Gen. Di Vita substation is always in by-pass configuration. 4 Vanelle, instead, is a nodal substation with five MV switchgears, as shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. The MV switchgears allow to connect the MV bus-bars to the power transformer, the incoming MV line (C10) and the three departing lines (C15, C06 and C08). The C06 departing line is connected to the Gen. Di Vita substation. This line is 1.1 km 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < long and it is made by unipolar cables RG7H1R type with 50 mm2 aluminum core cross-section and copper shield. Fig. 9. Spalmatore substation: the received QPSK signal spectrum is shown along with the noise measured in the first network topology. 6 success rate higher than 98% was obtained with the modulation techniques up to 19.2 kbit/s (QPSK). In Fig. 14 and Fig. 15, the received signal spectrum is shown in the case of QPSK modulation for the two transmission directions. A lower received signal level was measured in Gen. Di Vita substation, Fig. 15. These results suggest that the departing lines of the nodal substation 4 Vanelle have a higher influence when the substation is used to transmit the signal, draining part of its power and causing a reduction of the signal level at the receiving substation. Fig. 11. Electrical scheme of 4 Vanelle substation. Five MV switchgears are installed which connect the power transformer, the incoming MV line and three departing lines, one of which is connected to substation C06 Gen. Di Vita. TABLE III. VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 3RD NETWORK TOPOLOGY : TX GEN. DI VITA ( BY -PASS) RX 4 VANELLE (NODAL) Modulation Fig. 10. Spalmatore substation: the received BPSK signal spectrum is shown along with the noise measured in the second network topology. TABLE II. VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 2ND NETWORK TOPOLOGY : BOTH SUBSTATIONS IN BY PASS CONNECTION Modulation Success Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Lost [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 4800 1500 1500 QPSK coded BPSK QPSK 0 0 9600 1500 9600 1500 19200 1500 100% 1500 0 0 100% 1476 22 2 98.4% 1461 31 8 97.4% In each of the two substations, a 20/0.4 kV/kV power transformer is installed with rated power of 160 and 250 kVA, respectively. The PLC station assembled inside the 4 Vanelle substation is shown in Fig. 13. The experimental tests were performed in the two transmission directions, i.e. transmitting from Gen. Di Vita and receiving in 4 Vanelle and viceversa. Also in this case, the tests were performed by transmitting 1500 packets. In Table III and Table IV, the experimental results are shown for the two transmission directions. A Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Success Lost [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 4800 1500 1500 0 0 100% QPSK coded 9600 1500 1499 0 1 99.9% BPSK 9600 1500 1498 2 0 99.8% QPSK 19200 1500 1494 5 1 99.6% BFSK 9600 1500 1488 8 4 99.2% D. 4 th topology: two nodal substations. A final test campaign was performed between the two nodal substations of Favignana MV network named “Torregrossa” and “4 Vanelle”. Torregrossa is a nodal substation with three MV line switchgears, and a fourth switchgear which connects the 250 kVA power transformer. An intermediate substation, named “S. Francesco”, is connected between the two chosen substations, as shown in Fig. 16. S. Francesco is a nodal substation with one arriving line from 4 Vanelle substation, and two departing lines, one of which is connected to Torregrossa substation. The MV line which connects S. Francesco to 4 Vanelle is 1.6 km long and it has a 50 mm2 core cross section while the one that connects S. Francesco substation to Torregrossa substation is 0.2 km long and it has a 25 mm2 core cross section. In Table V and Table VI, the transmission results are reported for the two transmission directions, i.e. from 4 Vanelle to Torregrossa and vice versa. Also in this case, worse results are obtained when the signal is transmitted from 4 Vanelle substation, because it has a higher number of departing lines. It can be concluded that even increasing the distance between the PLC stations (up to 1.8 km) and considering an intermediate nodal substation, it is still possible to transmit a PLC signal but with lower bit rate (the fastest achievable bitrate for a bidirectional communication is 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 4800 bit/s with a BPSK-coded modulation technique). In Table VII the on-field experimental results for bidirectional communication are summarized reporting for each topology the fastest achievable bitrate corresponding to a minimum success rate of 98%. 7 absence of the operating voltage in order to ensure the safety of the operators according to the international reference standard IEC 61243-5 [19]. Many experimental results were collected on field in two MV smart grids with different topologies and line lengths and in normal operation condition. The experimental tests demonstrate that the proposed solution could be reliably used for many smart grid applications, in which a capillary communication system is needed with no high speed requirements, such as automatic meter reading, remote control of secondary substation equipment or MV distributed generators, monitoring of distribution network power flows and so on. Fig. 12. Favignana MV line connecting a nodal and a by-pass substation, named “4 Vanelle” and “G. Di Vita”, respectively. TABLE IV. VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 3RD NETWORK TOPOLOGY : TX 4 VANELLE (NODAL) RX GEN . DI V ITA ( BY-PASS) Modulation Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Success Lost [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 4800 1500 1500 0 0 100% QPSK coded 9600 1500 1496 4 0 99.7% BPSK 9600 1500 1480 19 1 98.7% QPSK 19200 1500 1472 26 2 98.1% BFSK 2400 1500 1498 2 0 99.9% BFSK 9600 1500 1475 8 17 98.3% Fig. 14. 4 Vanelle substation: the received QPSK signal spectrum is shown along with the measured noise in the third network topology. Fig. 13. Transmission station assembled inside 4 Vanelle substation. V. CONCLUSION This paper presents an innovative low cost coupling system for MV network, able to transmit narrowband PLC signals with a frequency band corresponding to a maximum symbol rate of 9600 baud/s and modulation rate up to 19.2 kbit/s. The proposed coupling solution suggests injecting the PLC signal through the VDS socket by allowing a bidirectional communication through the MV power line, without modifying the MV switchboard or installing a dedicated MV PLC coupler. VDS are normally installed worldwide in medium voltage switchgears used both in primary and secondary substations, for detecting the presence or the Fig. 15. Gen. Di Vita substation: the received QPSK signal spectrum is shown along with the measured noise in the third network topology. These test results represent a first step of the research with the aim of demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed solution as PLC coupler. In future, the performance of the proposed solution will be investigated in different frequency ranges. As an example an investigation should be performed to verify the coupler performances in the CENELEC A frequency band and its coexistence with AMR signals. The increase of the transmission bandwidth will be also investigated in order to transmit OFDM signals with faster data rate. Moreover, the possibility to use different MV 1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2630804, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < electrical components as PLC coupler will be also studied, with a particular attention to the voltage presence indicating systems, regulated by IEC 62271-206, whose behavior at the PLC signal could be very similar to that of the VDS. Finally, a study will be conducted to incorporate in the new coupling solution the original functionality at the mains frequency, i.e. the voltage detection which is of utmost importance for the electrical operator safety. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig. 16. Favignana MV line connecting the two nodal substations, named “4 Vanelle” and “Torregrossa”. A third nodal substation, named “S. Francesco”, is connected in the middle of the MV line. [8] [9] TABLE V. TH VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 4 NETWORK TOPOLOGY : TX 4 VANELLE (NODAL) TO RX TORREGROSSA (NODAL) Modulation [10] Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Success Lost [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 4800 1500 1485 14 1 99.0% QPSK coded 9600 1500 1292 120 88 86.1% BPSK 9600 1500 1124 270 106 74.9% BFSK 4800 1500 1460 20 20 97.3% [12] TABLE VI. VDS COMMUNICATION TESTS IN THE 4TH NETWORK TOPOLOGY : TX TORREGROSSA (NODAL) TO RX 4 VANELLE (NODAL) [13] Modulation [11] Bit rate Packet Correctly Invalid Success Lost [bit/s] sent received Counter rate BPSK coded 4800 1500 1497 3 0 99.8% QPSK coded 9600 1500 1499 1 0 99.9% BPSK 9600 1500 1475 4 21 98.3% QPSK 19200 1500 1473 2 25 98.2% BFSK 9600 1500 1472 7 21 98.1% [14] [15] [16] TABLE VII. VDS BIDIRECTIONAL COMMUNICATION FASTEST ACHIEVABLE BITRATE FOR EACH MV NETWORK TOPOLOGY [17] [18] Topology Operating condition of the substations Line length [km] Bit rate [bit/s] Modulation 1st terminal – by pass – by pass 1.4 19200 QPSK [19] nd by pass – by pass – by pass 1.4 9600 QPSK coded [20] 3rd nodal – by pass 1.1 19200 QPSK 4th nodal – nodal - nodal 1.8 4800 BPSK coded 2 8 [21] E. Ancillotti, R. Bruno, M. Conti, “The role of communication systems in smart grids: Architectures, technical solutions and research challenges,” Computer Communications, vol. 36, no. 17–18, Nov. 2013, pp. 16-97. 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