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Exocytosis: Nerve & Salivary Gland Secretion Process

A. Nerve end (synapsis)
Process of Exocytosis
The synaptic vesicles are directly available for release. During the
firing of the nerve, neurotransmitter is released. Studies have shed
some light on the inner workings by which the vesicle releases its
contents. The whole process is called exocytosis. The current model
of protein-mediated membrane fusion in exocytosis is as follows.
When there is an activation to the nerve, a protein becomes active,
which frees the vesicle from its attachment to the cytoskeleton or the
microtubules. After the initial contact, the protein on the vesicle
changes its shape. The protein on the vesicular membrane docks the
synaptic vesicles to the cell membrane. The vesicle is then ready for
release. The release sites, is close to calcium channels. The vesicle
can release part or all of its contents, some of which can be recycled
to form new vesicles
Applying Botulinum neurotoxin selectively digests one or all of these
proteins and blocks exocytosis of the vesicles, which ultimately results
in muscle weakness or more profound muscle paralysis. Botulinum
toxin is therapeutically used to treat spasticity or spasm in several
neurologic and surgical diseases, to prevent excessive sweating, and
cosmetically to correct wrinkles.
B. Salivary Gland Secretion
Exocytosis is the process by which the contents of a secretory
granule are released across the plasma membrane. Exocytosis has
been studied in different cell types including salivary
gland cells. Granules are transported to the plasma membrane where
they dock and undergo exocytosis of stored proteins. The extracellular
discharge of cellular contents can be functionally divided into
regulated and unregulated exocytosis. Regulated exocytosis occurs in
response to physiological stimuli or when needed whereas
unregulated exocytosis occurs continuously at low probability.
Because a detailed understanding of the molecular mechanism of
salivary gland exocytosis is lacking, much of the discussion in this
section is drawn from other cell types. Proteins are the key driving
force in exocytosis.
After the energy-dependent priming step, proteins present on
opposing membranes of the vesicle and the cell membrane interact
loosely (termed tethering) prior to docking. The protein then initiates
fusion of both membranes by exerting mechanical force on
membranes to facilitate fusion and pore formation. Subsequently, the
granular content is released by complete merger of the granule
membrane with the plasma membrane (full fusion
exocytosis).234 Following exocytosis, the protein complex dissociates
into individual components233 by an energy-dependent process. This
latter process is critical for preventing accumulation of byproducts. The resulting excess membrane that is inserted into the
plasma membrane is retrieved by endocytosis pathways.235
1. What is the process discussed?
2. Identify the setting and the site of the material transport.
3. What are the materials moved?
4. Describe the process as best as you can. You may use images.
Membrane Transport
Exocytosis is a process for moving large molecules out of the cell to
the cell exterior. Commonly, these macromolecules originate
in storage vacuoles inside the cell and are moved to the exterior after
an appropriate signal for this action. There is regulated exocytosis in
which the contents of an intracellular vacuole are secreted in response
to a specific signal and there is constitutive exocytosis wherein
macromolecules are secreted from the cell without having to await a
specific signal.
In the case of constitutive exocytosis, a signal for secretion is part of
the protein produced by the ribosome. Proteins thus destined for
secretion transit through various compartments of the Golgi
apparatus and are enclosed in a vesicle that will fuse with the cell
membrane and be transported to the cell exterior through the agency
of cup-shaped structures (porosomes) in the cell membrane that will
dock the vesicle in the process of fusion with the cell membrane. The
porosomes involve proteins. There are many regulatory factors
involved in this overall process that regulate transport, the selection of
specific proteins, and modification of proteins.
Mouriño-Pérez, Rosa Reyna, and Meritxell Riquelme. "Recent Advances In Septum
Biogenesis In Neurospora Crassa". Advances In Genetics, 2013, pp. 99-134. Elsevier,
doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-407675-4.00003-1. Accessed 17 Mar 2022.