o A holder of the COR shall be issued a PIC subject to renewal every 3 years. It should bear a registration number, date of issuance, expiry date and signature of the PRC chairman. Article IV: Practice of Accountancy • Single practitioners and partnerships for the practice of public accountancy must be CPAs and will be issued a certificate of accreditation after such registrant has acquired a minimum of 3 years meaningful experience. The accreditation is renewable every 3 years. • Workings papers shall be treated confidential and privileged and remain the property of the CPA. • Continuing Professional Education (CPE) program o Renewal of certificate of accreditation – 120 units within the last 3 years prior to renewal. Article V: Penal and Final Provisions • Violation of any provisions of the Act shall be punishable with a fine of no less than P 50,000 or by imprisonment for a