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Nurs 240 Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

Nurs 240 Syllabus Scavenger Hunt
By submitting to this forum, you agree that you have read and understand the syllabus and agree
to abide by the syllabus as well as confidentially to all aspects of this course.
By submitting to this forum, you agree to keep sensitive material in strict confidence including
the course syllabus, personal responses made by your classmates and any assignments or test
material which is not to be shared with anyone especially with students who have not yet taken
the course. All work should be completed by the individual student only, no group work allowed
on any tests/quizzes, discussions, any assignments, or any component of this class.
Please post your answers to the Syllabus Scavenger Hunt questions to confirm your
understanding of the course syllabus (you can either download or copy and paste this assignment
to a blank Microsoft Word Document and then type in the answers after each question and
submit by Sunday of week 1 by 11:59 p.m. :
1. What are the word counts to each discussion question response and the word count to the
responses to your classmates?
The word counts to each discussion question is 300-word count minimum per question. The
word count to the responses to classmates is 150 word minimum per response.
2. What percentage are exam grades are worth in this class?
The percentages of exam grades that worth in this class are 50 percent.
3. What day of the week are your responses to two discussion questions due?
The day of the week that my responses to two discussion questions are due is Saturday at 11:59
p.m. of each week.
4. How many of your classmates are you required to respond to by each Sunday by 11:59 p.m.?
At least two of my classmates is required to respond to by each Sunday by 11:59 p.m.
5. Are you allowed to have multiple browsers open while taking your exams (yes or no)?
No. When taking the exam, I may not click outside the browser /page of the exam otherwise I
may lose my exam which is considered cheating.
6. While taking your open book exams, what sources are you allowed to use that are not considered
The sources that I am allowed to use that are not considered cheating is written notes for this
class only. And the text book.
7. What is the name of the assignment due in this class that is due during finals week & worth 10
percent of your overall grade?
The name of the assignment that is due during finals week and is worth 10 percent of my overall
grade is the Brochure Assignment.
8. When is the rough draft and then final submission of the assignment referenced in question
seven due (please enter two dates)?
The rough draft is due Sunday 4/17/22. The final submission is Thursday 5/12/22.
9. What is the APA font setting required for the course (type of font and font size)?
The APA font setting required for the course is Times New Roman or Arial at 12 pt.
10. What date and time is your first exam due by?
The date and time of the first exam is due is 4/16/22 at 11:59 p.m.
11. What type of files are you allowed to attach to only your original post for your work book pages?
The type of files that is allowed to attach to only the original post of the workbook pages is only
the correlating chapters in the study guide for each week. Any other images will not be accepted.
12. Are you allowed to post a first submission to any thread blank (yes or no)?
No, if a post is a blank initial page or an initial page without required work then zero points will
be given for that week.
13. What day of the week are Concept Based Assignments (CBA) due unless otherwise directed?
The day of the week that Concept Based assignment are due unless otherwise directed is
14. Are you allowed to share any content of this class with other people, especially other students
who have not yet taken this course (yes or no)?
No, information from this class such as the course syllabus, any assignments or test material is
not to be shared with anyone especially with students who have not yet taken the course.
15. Do all of your discussion posts have to be referenced by an academic reference and or your ebook (yes or no)? How many of your posts require an academic reference source other than your
e-book each week?
Yes, all posting must be supported with literature and no exceptions. Each posting must have
supporting documents that is current within 5 years with a minimum of 1 posting that is not the