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Healthcare Access Project Evaluation: Goals, Objectives, Timeline

Week 5 DB Project Evaluation Method
Evaluation Method: The goal of this project is improving health care access through the country
Lack of health coverage has been a persistent problem in the United States, there are about 328.2
million people currently living in the US, but more than 27 million Americans lacked health
coverage even before the Coronavirus pandemic impacted the world; truthfully this is an
absolute failure for first world country as the consequences of this inequality are extremely dire;
lost lives of American citizens, decreased economic productivity, underuse of essential services,
and inefficient and poorly coordinated care (Davis,2007). Some health insurance providers have
activated emergency plans to ensure that Americans have access to the prevention, testing, and
treatment needed to handle the current situation. This shows that we do have the ability to
provide better healthcare regardless of an international pandemic. Americans citizens need
Goals : Healthcare providers can pursue multifaceted strategies to improve care availability,
accessibility, and affordability.
1. Increased telehealth can
be a tool to improve
healthcare access in rural
2. Staff can make it easier to
schedule appointments
and manage patient
3. Creation of more
programs like the
Affordable Care Act in
order to as there are still
around 27.9 million
nonelderly individuals
were uninsured, an
increase of nearly
500,000 from 2017
(Tolbert, 2020)
Evaluation Tools
1. More surveillance of staff in
order to enforce new
policies regarding
facilitating access
2. Provided patients the ability
to answer quick yet
effective surveys in order to
3. New laws can be passed to
make sure that the quality
of care match and correlate
the cost of care.
Within 6-12 months, new
policies are implemented in
order to improve coverage for
the millions who are uninsured
Davis, K. (2007, February 01). Uninsured in America: Problems and Possible Solutions.
Retrieved September 28, 2020, from
Tolbert, J. (2020, May 14). Key Facts about the Uninsured Population. Retrieved September 28,
2020, from https://www.kff.org/uninsured/issue-brief/key-facts-about-the-uninsuredpopulation/