AUGUSTA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF NURSING PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION NURS 6700 This checklist will be used as the criteria for your Physical Assessment Final Performance Evaluation. The time allotted for this exercise is 30 minutes. You are expected to interact with your partner as you would with a patient in that you should explain what you are doing and why. You do not have to follow this exact sequence. You are also expected to be able to answer basic questions posed by the evaluator throughout the process. During the final performance evaluation, you will complete a full head to toe examination. Grading will be based on points earned out of 100 total points possible. The physical assessment performance evaluation activity counts as 5% toward your NURS 6700 course grade. The follow-up documentation evaluation will count as an additional 5% toward your grade for a total of 10% for Physical Assessment Evaluation. A REMEDIATION grade will be issued for omitting any major section(s), failure to achieve 85% or above, lack of preparation, or inability to answer the evaluator’s questions. Anyone remediated will have one (1) opportunity to re-do the check-off. A grade of 90% or higher must be achieved on the second attempt. For rechecks, the initial and remediation grades will be averaged for the final physical assessment performance grade. NAME: DATE: General (5 points) --performs hand hygiene --explains procedures and supports patient --provides privacy --Identifies patient with 2 identifiers Organization (5 points) --assembles all equipment prior to beginning exam --proceeds in orderly fashion, avoiding frequent position changes --completes exam in allotted time Knowledge of Assessment Techniques (5 points) --in the proper sequence, correctly performs inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation --correctly performs special techniques Vital Signs (3 points) --student asks faculty evaluator to provide VS values --student identifies all typical VS results (i.e. tachycardia, oxygen desaturation, hypertension, etc.) --student explains possible causative associated factors with reasonable rationale You may take up to five (5) minutes and jot down anything you choose on a blank piece of paper (no notes, books, or any other resources permitted). If you want to exercise this option, the clock is ticking. T P R BP Pain / SpO2 Ht/Wt P = Provocation/Palliation Q = Quality/Quantity R = Region/Radiation S = Severity Scale T = Timing / BMI Skin, Hair, and Nails (5 points) Inspect general appearance color pigmentation ecchymosis hair distribution Ch 13 Documentation Page 221 Inspect & Palpate texture lesions temperature, moisture mobility/turgor nails Head & Neck (5 points) Inspect skull, facial symmetry head size, shape Ch14 Page 262 Documentation Inspect & Palpate skull (tenderness, lumps, depressions) scalp (tenderness, lesions, hair distribution, hair texture, surface characteristics) thyroid (size, shape, enlargement) trachea (position, movement) lymph nodes (location, size, consistency, mobility, tenderness, warmth) head (occipital, posterior auricular, preauricular, submandibular, submental) neck (jugulodigastric, superficial cervical, deep cervical chain, supraclavicular) TMJ (movement, tenderness, clicks, swelling) Nose & Sinuses (4 points) Inspect septum (location, deviation) mucosa (color, swelling, tenderness, discharge) nails Inspect & Palpate nasal patency frontal and maxillary sinuses Ch17 Page 365 Documentation Ch17 Page 365 Documentation Mouth & Throat (4 points) Inspect external (lips) internal (teeth, gums, buccal mucosa), pharynx (tonsils, uvula, phonation) Inspect & Palpate tongue (movement, strength, symmetry) teeth (tap) Ears (6 points) Hearing whisper Inspect alignment and symmetry of auricles mastoid (size, shape, symmetry, position, deformities, lesions) piercings Ch16 Page 332 Documentation Inspect & Palpate auricles & auditory canal (tenderness, swelling, color, cerumen, lesions) tragus/external canal (discharge, tenderness) Otoscopic Exam tympanic membrane (color) landmarks (names and describes) contour Eyes (6 points) Inspect alignment & position external structures (brows, lids, lashes, symmetry, discharge, swelling) lesions/nodules ocular structures (pupils, sclera, conjunctiva) EOMs Inspect & Palpate lacrimal structures (tenderness, redness, discharge) Red reflex (ophthalmic exam) Visual acuity Snellen or Rosenbaum (pocket vision chart) Cardiovascular (7 points) Inspect & Palpate precordium (contour, pulsations, lifts, heaves, thrills) PMI Auscultation – Locate Angle of Louis prior to auscultation aortic pulmonic Erb’s point tricuspid mitral rate, rhythm, any extra sounds Ch15 Page 302 Documentation Ch20 Page 482 Documentation Peripheral Vascular (8 points) Inspect skin (color, varicosities) JVD Inspect & Palpate extremities (temperature, moisture, edema, capillary refill) pulses (temporal, carotid, brachial, radial, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, poster describe pulse amplitude 0-3) Some agencies use 4-point scale; Ch 21 Documentation 519 three-point scale: 3+—Full, bounding 2+—Normal 1+—Weak, thready 0—Absent Auscultate carotid bruits Respiratory (7 points) Inspect effort to breathe, rate & rhythm symmetry Palpate – Anteriorly and posteriorly as appropriate thoracic expansion (symmetry) tenderness, tactile fremitus Ch 19 Documentation 430 Auscultate general sounds, adventitious sounds (location & description) vesicular (location & description) bronchovesicular (location & description) bronchial/tracheal (location & description) Abdomen (6 points) Inspect skin (scars, color, rashes, bruises, striae), symmetry, contour venous network muscles umbilicus Auscultate bowel sounds bruits: aortic renal iliac femoral Percuss general abdominal sounds Palpate light deep (masses, tenderness, rebound, guarding) liver spleen Ch 22 Documentation 556 Neurological (12 points) Orientation person, place, and time Ch 24 Documentation 667 Cranial Nerves olfactory (smell), verbalized, not tested during check offs optic (visual acuity, peripheral vision) oculomotor (EOMs, pupils) trochlear (EOMs, pupils) trigeminal (facial sensation, muscle strength when teeth clenched, corneal reflex) abducens (EOMs, pupils) facial (facial expressions) acoustic (hearing) CN page 631 glossopharyngeal (gag reflex, swallow, speech) vagus (gag reflex, swallow, speech) spinal accessory (shrug shoulders against resistance) hypoglossal (tongue strength, position, movement) Motor DTRs (biceps, triceps, brachioradialis, patellar, Achilles, plantar), Babinski grips Cerebellar Romberg (balance) Gait (tandem walk) Sensory/Coordination Skills Peripheral sensation (sharp/dull, temperature, light touch) Rapid alternating movements Musculoskeletal (12 points) Inspect posture alignment (symmetry, gross deformities) gait (rhythm, symmetry) Ch 23 page 609 Active ROM – Palpate: note tenderness, swelling, palpate crepitus shoulders elbow hands & wrists spine hip knee feet & ankles 5 =Full ROM against gravity, full resistance Muscle strength – Describe level 0-5 strength neck shoulders elbow hands & wrist hip knee feet & ankle 4 =Full ROM against gravity, some resistance 3 = Full ROM with gravity 2 =Full ROM with gravity eliminated (passive motion) 1 =Slight contraction 0 =No contraction Final grade %: Recorded out of possible points / 100 Additional Faculty Comments: Faculty Signature: If time <30 minutes… Ask-a-partner— your partner may remind you of the general area that has been omitted, but may not tell you how to perform the assessment. Revised 89/2019 JC