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Product & Service Design: Operations Management

Management E.12by
William J Stevenson
CH 4. Product and service design.
Dr. Najm A. Najm
Done by Safaa. Taamsah.
The strategic importance of product and service
*The essence of a business organization is the
products and services it offers, and every aspect of
the organization and its supply chain are structured
around those products and services.
*organizations have a strategic interest in product
and service design because organizations that have
well-designed products or services are more likely
to realize their goals than those with poorly
designed products or services.
*Product or service design should be closely tied to
an organization’s strategy
Factors influence the strategy of design
*Customer satisfaction
*Competitive advantage
As a result marketing, finance, operations,
accounting, IT, and HR need to be involved
in design.
What Does Product and Service Design Do?
The various activities and responsibilities (functional
1. Translate customer wants and needs into product and service
requirements. (marketing, operations)
2. Refine existing products and services. (marketing)
3. Develop new products and/or services. (marketing,
4. Formulate quality goals. (marketing, operations)
5. Formulate cost targets. (accounting, finance, operations)
6. Construct and test prototypes. (operations, marketing,
7. Document specifications.
8. Translate product and service specifications into process
specifications. (engineering, operations)
The key questions of product and service design
Is there demand for it?
Can we do it ? Known as Manufacturability,
What level of quality is appropriate?
Does it make sense from an economic
Reasons for Product and Service Design or
The main forces that initiate design or redesign
are market opportunities and threats.
The factors that give rise to market opportunities and
threats can be one or more changes:
Social and demographic.
Political, liability, or legal.
Cost or availability.
Some of the main sources of design ideas
Reverse engineering : Dismantling and inspecting a competitor’s
product to discover product improvements.
Research and development (R&D) Organized efforts to
increase scientific knowledge or product innovation.
R&D efforts may involve basic research, applied research, or
Other sources :
Customers , employees , distributors and suppliers .
customer input can come from surveys, focus groups, complaints,
and unsolicited suggestions for improvement.
Input from suppliers, distributors, and employees can be obtained
from interviews, direct or indirect suggestions, and complaints.
Legal : Most organizations are subject to numerous
government agencies that regulate them such as Food and
Drug Administration, the Occupational Health and Safety
Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency.
Product liability is the responsibility of a manufacturer for
any injuries or damages caused by a faulty product because
of poor workmanship or design.
Uniform Commercial Code : A product must be suitable for
its intended purpose.
Ethical “Releasing products with defects “
*Or “vaporware,” when a company doesn’t issue a release of a
software or hardware as scheduled as it struggles with production
problems or bugs in the software.
Organizations generally want designers to adhere to
guidelines such as the following:
• Produce designs that are consistent with the goals of
the organization
ii. • Give customers the value they expect.
iii. • Make health and safety a primary concern.
oHuman consideration :
- Safety and liability.
- Adding new features to their products or services (CS).
oCultural consideration :
Product designers in companies that operate globally also
must take into account any cultural differences of different
countries or regions related to the product .
Engaging the best human resources from around the world
without the need to assemble them all in one place, and
operating on a 24-hour basis
Global product design can provide design outcomes that
increase the marketability and utility of a product
If it is mismanaged, that can lead to conflicts and
Key aspects include :
Cradle-to-grave assessment” life cycle analysis”.
End-of-life programs (EOL).
The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Key aspects include :
Cradle-to-grave assessment” life cycle analysis”
is the assessment of the environmental impact of a
product or service throughout its useful life, focusing
on such factors as global warming ,smog formation
and oxygen depletion.
The goal of cradle-to-grave assessment is to choose
products and services that have the least
environmental impact while still taking into account
economic considerations.
cradle-to-grave assessment are part of the ISO 14000
environmental management standards.
Key aspects include :
End-of-life programs (EOL) programs deal with
products that have reached the end of their useful
The purpose of these programs is to reduce the
dumping of products, particularly electronic
equipment in landfills or third-world countries.
Example : IBM provides a good example of the
potential of EOL programs. Over the last 15 years, it
has collected about 2 billion pounds of product and
product waste .
Key aspects include :
The Three Rs: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
Reduce: Value Analysis refers to an examination of the function
of parts and materials in an effort to reduce the cost and/or
improve the performance of a product.
Reuse: Remanufacturing refers to refurbishing used products by
replacing worn-out or defective components, and reselling the
products . Designing products so that they can be more easily
taken apart has given rise to yet another design consideration:
Design for disassembly (DFD)
Recycling means recovering materials for future use .
Companies recycle for a variety of reasons, including Cost
savings, Environment concerns, Environmental regulations.
Design for recycling (DFR) Design that facilitates the recovery
of materials and components in used products for reuse.
Strategies for Product or Service Life Stages.
Degree of Standardization.
Designing for Mass Customization.
Robust Design.
Degree of Newness.
Quality Function Deployment.
The Kano Model.
Strategies for Product or Service Life Stages
Most, but not all, products and services go through a series of stages over
their useful life, sometimes referred to as their life cycle, as shown in
Figure 4.1.
Different phases call for different strategies. In every phase, forecasts of
demand and cash flow are key inputs for strategy.
1. Introduction: Proper research and forecasting should be done to ensure the
product/service is adequate for a specific market and for a specific time.
2. Growth : Reputation for the product grows and an accurate forecast of
demand is needed to determine the length of time the product/service will
remain in the market.
3. Maturity : Forecasting should provide an estimate of how long it will be
before the market dies down, causing the product to die out.
4. Decline : The last stage involves choosing to discontinue the
product/service, replacing the product with a new product, or finding new
uses for the product.
Degree of Standardization
Standardization refers to the extent to which there
is absence of variety in a product, service, or process.
Standardized service implies that every customer or
item processed receives essentially the same service
,ex : An automatic car wash.
Benefits and Advantages of Standardization
Standardized products are immediately available to customers.
Fewer interchangeable parts to deal with in inventory and in
Design costs are generally lower.
Save time and money while increasing quality and reliability.
Reduced time and cost to train employees and reduced time to
design jobs, scheduling of work, inventory handling, and
purchasing and accounting activities become much more
Quality is more consistent.
Disadvantages of Standardization
1. Designs may be frozen with too many imperfections
2. High cost of design changes increases resistance to
3. Decreased variety results in less consumer appeal.
Designing for Mass Customization
“A strategy of producing basically standardized goods, but
incorporating some degree of customization”
TOW Tactics can make this possible :
1. Delayed differentiation
2. Modular design.
Delayed differentiation
IS a postponement tactic: the process of producing, but not
quite completing, a product or service, postponing
completion until customer preferences or specifications are
The result of delayed differentiation is a product or service
with customized features that can be quickly produced,
appealing to the customers’ desire for variety and speed of
delivery, and yet one that for the most part is standardized.
Delayed differentiation
Automobile manufacturers
That mass produce base
models and add minor
customizations when
the car is actually
ordered. In many cases,
customizations such
as audio systems may
be installed at the dealership.
Modular design
Modular design A form of standardization in which component parts
are grouped into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged.
One familiar example of modular design is computers, which have
modular parts that can be replaced if they become defective.
Example:“ Dell Computers has successfully used this concept to
become a dominant force in the PC industry by offering consumers
the opportunity to configure modules according to their own
Reliability : Is a measure of the ability of a product, a part,
a service, or an entire system to perform its intended function under a
prescribed set of conditions.
Failure : Situation in which a product, part, or system does not perform
as intended.
Normal operating conditions : The set of conditions under
which an item’s reliability is specified, Such as: load, temperature, and
humidity ranges as well as operating procedures and maintenance
Normal operating conditions example
oUsing a passenger car for too heavy loads will cause excess wear and
tear on the car engine.
Improving Reliability
Reliability can be improved in a number of ways such as :
1. Improve component design.
2. Improve production and/or assembly techniques.
3. Improve testing.
4. Use backups.
5. Improve preventive maintenance procedures.
6. Improve user education.
7. Improve system design.
Robust Design
“Design that results in products or services that can function over a
broad range of conditions”.
Other def.
It is defined as reducing variation in a product without eliminating the
causes of the variation.
In other words, making the product or process insensitive to variation.
Robust Design
“Taguchi’s Approach: Japanese engineer Genichi Taguchi’s approach is
based on the concept of robust design.”
His premise : is that it is often easier to design a product that is insensitive to
environmental factors, either in manufacturing or in use, than to control the
environmental factors.
The value of this approach is its ability to achieve major advances in product or
process design fairly quickly, using a relatively small number of experiments.
Taguchi is considered the
“Father of Quality Engineering.”
Degree of Newness
Product or service design change can range from the
modification of an existing product or service to an entirely
new product or service:
1. Modification of an existing product or service.
2. Expansion of an existing product line or service offering.
3. Clone of a competitor’s product or service.
4. New product or service.
For example : mobile phones products, transportation services.
Quality function deployment(QFD)
“(QFD) An approach that integrates the “voice of the
customer” into both product and service development”.
The structure of QFD is based on a set of matrices. The main matrix
relates customer requirements (what) and their corresponding
technical requirements (how). This matrix is illustrated in Figure 4.2 .
The matrix provides a structure for data collection.
The Kano Model
“The Kano model is a theory of product and service design developed by
Dr. Noriaki Kano, a Japanese professor, who offered a perspective on
customer perceptions of quality”.
The model employs three definitions of quality: basic, performance, and
Performance quality
refers to customer
requirements that
generate satisfaction
or dissatisfaction in
proportion to their
level of functionality
and appeal.
1. Feasibility analysis : Market analysis (demand) Economic analysis
(development cost and production cost, profit potential) Technical
analysis (capacity requirements and availability, and the skills needed).
2. Product specifications : what is needed to meet (or exceed) customer
3. Process specifications : specifications for the process that will be
needed to produce the product. Alternatives must be weighed in terms
of cost, availability of resources, profit potential, and quality.
4. Prototype development: one (or a few) units are made to see if there
are any problems with the product or process specifications.
5. Design review : At this stage, any necessary changes are made or the
project is abandoned.
6. Market test : A market test is used to determine the extent of
consumer acceptance. If unsuccessful, the product returns to the design
review phase.
7. Product introduction : The new product is promoted.
8. Follow-up evaluation : Based on user feedback, changes may be made
or forecasts refined.
Design techniques that have greater applicability for the design of
products than the design of services this include the following
techniques :
Concurrent Engineering.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD).
Production Requirements.
Component Commonality.
Concurrent Engineering
“Concurrent engineering or simultaneous engineering means bringing
design and manufacturing engineering people together early in the design
phase to simultaneously develop the product and the processes for creating
the product”.
The purpose of Concurrent Engineering is :
To achieve product designs that reflect customer wants as well as
manufacturing capabilities .
To achieve a smoother transition from product design to production, and to
decrease product development time.
Concurrent Engineering
Advantages of Concurrent Engineering :
1. Manufacturing personnel are able to identify production capabilities
and capacities
2. Design or procurement of critical tooling, that might have long lead
times ,can occur early in the process.(shortening of the product
development process)
3. The technical feasibility of a particular design or a portion of a
design can be assessed.
4.The emphasis can be on problem resolution instead of conflict
Concurrent Engineering
Disadvantages of Concurrent Engineering :
1. Long-standing boundaries between design and manufacturing can be
difficult to overcome.
2. There must be extra communication and flexibility if the process is to
work, and these can be difficult to achieve.
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Definition :“CAD A Product design using computer graphics”.
A growing number of products are being designed in this way, including
transformers, automobile parts, aircraft parts, integrated circuits, and electric
Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
Computer-Aided Design major benefits :
CAD increases the productivity of designers from 3 to 10 times.
Creation of a database for manufacturing that can supply needed
information on product.
Some CAD systems allow the designer to perform engineering and
cost analyses on proposed designs.
Production Requirements
Designers must take into account the following aspects :
 Production capabilities : e.g., equipment, skills, types of materials, schedules,
technologies, special abilities), This helps in choosing designs that match
Forecasts of future demand can be very useful.
Manufacturability :The ease of fabrication and/or assembly, (DFM
Production Requirements
Manufacturability : IS important for cost, productivity, and
Design for manufacturing (DFM) : The designing of products
that are compatible with an organization’s capabilities.
Design for assembly (DFA) : Design that focuses on reducing
the number of parts in a product and on assembly methods and
Component Commonality
Products or services that have a high degree of similarity of
features and components such as product families or when a
part can be used in multiple products (share parts).
Significant Benefits from Commonality :
Savings in design time and cost
Reduced training for assemble and installation
Saving in repair time and cost.
Service design
Service refers to an act, something that is done to or for a customer
(client, patient, etc.), It is provided by a service delivery system
There are many similarities between product and service design.
However, there are some important differences as well
One major difference is that services are usually
Created and delivered simultaneously.
Service design
Service delivery system :The facilities, processes, and skills needed to
provide a service.
Product bundle : The combination of goods and services provided to a
Service package that include :
 The physical resources needed.
 The accompanying goods that are purchased or consumed by the customer, or provided
with the service.
 Explicit services (the essential/core features of a service, such as tax preparation).
 Implicit services (ancillary/extra features, such as friendliness, courtesy).
Over view of Service design
Two key issues in service design are :
oThe degree of variation in service requirements
oThe degree of customer contact and customer
involvement in the delivery system.
These have an impact on the degree to which
service can be standardized or must be
Differences between Service Design
and Product Design
1- Products are tangible – Services are intangible
2- Services created and delivered at the same time.
3- Services cannot be inventoried
4- Services highly visible to customers
5- Services have low barrier to entry and exit
6- Location important to service
7- Range of service systems from those with little or no customer
contact to those that have a very high degree of customer contact.
8- Demand variability
Phases in the Service Design Process
Service Blueprinting
• A method used in service design to describe and analyze a
proposed service.
• A useful tool for conceptualizing a service delivery system
• service blueprint is much like an architectural drawing
shows the basic customer and service actions involved in
a service operation.
Service Blueprinting
Service Blueprinting
Major Steps in Service Blueprinting :
1. Establish boundaries for the service and decide on the level
of detail needed.
2. Identify and determine the sequence of customer and
service actions and interactions. A flowchart can be a useful
tool for this.
3. Develop time estimates for each phase of the process.
4. Identify potential failure points and develop a plan to
prevent or minimize them.
Characteristics of Well-Designed Service
1. Consistent with the organization’s mission.
2. User friendly.
3. Robust.
4. Easy to sustain.
5. Cost effective.
6. Value to customers.
7. Effective linkages between back operations.
8. Having a Single unifying theme.
What Are The Challenges of Service Design?
Requirements tend to be variable, both in terms of
differences in what customers want or need, and in
terms of the timing of customer requests.
Balancing supply and demand.
Services can be difficult to describe precisely and
are dynamic in nature.
Product and service design is a fertile area for achieving competitive
advantage and/or increasing customer satisfaction.
Potential sources of such benefits include the following :
Packaging products and ancillary services to increase sales. "component
commonality” .
Using multiple-use platforms.
Implementing tactics that will achieve the benefits of high volume while
satisfying customer needs for variety, such as mass customization.
Continually monitoring products and services for small improvements
Shortening the time it takes to get new or redesigned
goods and services to market, by using the approach
“first-to-market” approach companies are able to enter
markets ahead of their competitors.
• Using standardized components to create new but reliable
• Using technology such as computer-aided design (CAD)
equipment to rapidly design new or modified products.
• Concurrent engineering to shorten engineering time