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Invertebrates: Characteristics and Diversity

Gutenberg prints
about 180 copies
of the Bible.
350 B.C.
Aristotle classifies all known
animals into eight groups.
What You’ll Learn
Chapter 25
What is an animal?
Chapter 26
Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, and Roundworms
Chapter 27
Mollusks and Segmented Worms
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates
Unit 8 Review
BioDigest & Standardized Test Practice
Why It’s Important
About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates—
animals without backbones. These animals exhibit
variations, tolerances, and adaptations to nearly all of
Earth’s biomes. Understanding how these organisms
develop and function helps humans to better
understand themselves.
Understanding the Photo
This reef was built over many centuries as corals
completed their life cycles. Today, it is home to a
great diversity of organisms. The corals, crinoids, and
sponges shown here are three types of the countless
invertebrate animals on Earth.
(tl)Konrad Gessner, (tr)Hulton/Archive, (crossover)Franklin J. Viola/Earth Scenes
is born.
First description of
invertebrate anatomy is
published in Malpighi’s
The first of five volumes
titled Historia Animalium is
published—the beginning
of the science of zoology.
The quick-freeze machine is
invented—the beginning of the
frozen food industry.
Patent for the steam
engine issued.
Corals are
reclassified as
animals instead
of plants.
The first book in
which vertebrate
and invertebrate
animals are distinguished is
Marine worms
A scientist raises unfertilized sea
urchin eggs to maturity by altering
their environment.
New species of giant clams, marine
worms, and other organisms are discovered living around deep-sea
vents near the Galápagos Islands.
A new species of
marine worms is
found living 450 m
deep in the Gulf
of Mexico.
D. Foster, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Visuals Unlimited
What is an animal?
What You’ll Learn
You will identify animal characteristics and distinguish
them from those of other life
You will identify cell differentiation in the developmental
stages of animals.
You will identify and interpret
body plans of animals.
Why It’s Important
The animal kingdom includes
diverse organisms, such as
sponges, earthworms, clams,
crickets, birds, and humans. An
understanding of other animals
will provide a better understanding of ourselves.
the Photo
Although they are different in
appearance, these fishes and this
jellyfish have common characteristics. They are multicellular
organisms whose cells do not
have cell walls. They also reproduce, respond, and must take in
energy in the form of food.
Scientists classify organisms with
these characteristics as animals.
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Fred Bavendam/Minden Pictures
(l)David Wrobel/Visuals Unlimited, (r)Stephen Dalton/Animals Animals
Typical Animal
Identify the characteristics of animals.
Identify cell differentiation in the development of
a typical animal.
Sequence the development of a typical animal.
Animals Make the following Foldable to help you understand what characteristics are common to all animals.
STEP 1 Fold a sheet of paper
in half lengthwise twice.
STEP 2 Fold down
2.5 cm of paper from
the top. (Hint: From the
tip of your index finger
to your middle knuckle is
about 2.5 cm.)
Review Vocabulary
autotroph: an organism
that uses light energy or
energy stored in chemical compounds to make
energy-rich compounds
(p. 46)
New Vocabulary
STEP 3 Open and draw
lines along all folds.
Label the columns with the
names of four different
types of animals.
Identifying Before reading Chapter 25, identify characteristics of each animal
and list them in the corresponding column. After reading about the characteristics
of animals, add any missing characteristics to your lists.
Characteristics of Animals
Figure 25.1
Animals consume other
All animals have several characteristics in common. Animals are
eukaryotic, multicellular organisms with ways of moving that help them
reproduce, obtain food, and protect themselves. Most animals have specialized cells that form tissues and organs—such as nerves and muscles.
Unlike plants, animals are composed of cells that do not have cell walls.
Animals obtain food
Examine the animals shown in Figure 25.1. One characteristic
common to all animals is that they are heterotrophic, meaning
they must consume food to obtain energy and nutrients. All animals depend either directly or indirectly on autotrophs for food.
B A lizard consumes
A Barnacles filter small
organisms out of the water.
ould you enjoy spending
your days studying the
organisms found in the oceans?
Perhaps you should become a
marine biologist.
Skills for the Job
Many marine biologists go
SCUBA diving in the oceans to
find specimens, but they also
spend time examining those organisms in labs and doing
library research. They focus on topics such as the effects of
temperature changes and pollution on ocean inhabitants.
Many marine biologists work for government agencies,
such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). Some work for private industries, such as fisheries
and environmental consulting firms. Other marine biologists teach and/or do research at colleges and universities.
Most marine biologists have a master’s degree or a doctorate, plus skill in analyzing data and solving problems.
For more careers in related fields, visit
Figure 25.2
Animals capture food
in a variety of ways.
A Corals capture their
food from the water
as it moves over
them. Infer What
types of organisms
might be part of a
coral’s diet?
A sidewinder rattlesnake
barely touches the
ground as it follows
the trail of its prey.
Animals digest food
Animals are heterotrophs that ingest
their food; after ingestion, they must
digest it. In some animals, digestion
is carried out within individual cells;
in other animals, digestion takes place
in an internal cavity. Some of the food
C The osprey can
dive and snatch
a fish from the
waters of a lake
or stream.
(t)Doug Perrine/DRK Photo, (bl)D. Fleetham/O.S.F./Animals Animals, (bc)Tom McHugh/Photo Researchers, (br)Alan D. Carey/Photo Researchers
Marine Biologist
Scientists hypothesize that animals
first evolved in water. Water is denser
and contains less oxygen than air, but
water usually contains more food. In
water, some animals, such as barnacles
and oysters, do not move from place
to place and have adaptations that
allow them to capture food from their
water environment. Organisms that
are permanently attached to a surface
are called sessile (SE sul). They don’t
expend much energy to obtain food.
Some aquatic animals, such as the
corals shown in Figure 25.2A, and
sponges move about only during the
early stages of their lives. They
hatch from fertilized eggs into freeswimming larval forms. Most adults
are sessile and attach themselves to
rocks or other objects.
There is little suspended food in
the air. Land animals use more oxygen and expend more energy to find
food. The sidewinder snake and
osprey shown in Figure 25.2B and C,
can move about in their environment
in an active search for food.
Figure 25.3
In animals such as planarians
and earthworms, food is
digested in a digestive tract.
B Earthworms ingest soil and digest the
organic matter contained in it. Soil enters
the mouth and travels along the digestive
tract in one direction. Indigestible waste is
eliminated at the anus.
A Planarians feed on small, live
organisms or on the remains of
larger animals. The planarian’s
digestive tract has only one opening,
the pharynx, through which food
enters and wastes exit.
that an animal consumes and digests
is stored as fat or glycogen, a polysaccharide, and used when other food is
not available.
Examine the digestive tracts of
a flatworm and an earthworm in
Figure 25.3. Notice that there is
only one opening to the flatworm’s
digestive tract, a pharynx. An earthworm has a digestive tract with two
openings, a mouth at one end and an
anus at the other.
Animal cell adaptations
Most animal cells are differentiated
and carry out different functions.
Animals have specialized cells that
enable them to sense and seek out
food and mates, and allow them to
identify and protect themselves from
predators. Observe the animals in the
MiniLab on this page. Can you identify any specialized cells in these animals? Find out about other specialized
animal cells in the Biotechnology at the
end of this chapter.
Observe and Infer
Observing Animal Characteristics Animals differ in size
and shape, and can be found living in different habitats.
CAUTION: Use caution when handling a microscope,
glass slides, and coverslips.
! Copy the data table.
@ Add a few bristles from an old toothbrush to a glass
slide. Add a drop of water containing rotifers to your
slide. The drop should cover the bristles. Add a coverslip.
# Observe the rotifers under low-power magnification.
$ Use the data table to record the characteristics that you
were able to see. Describe the evidence for each trait.
Data Table
(Yes or No)
Size in mm
1. Describe Are rotifers multicellular? Explain.
2. Observe Were you able to observe evidence of rotifers
feeding? Explain.
3. Infer Are rotifers autotrophs or heterotrophs? Explain.
Identify three characteristics of the animal kingdom.
(t)John D. Cunningham/Visuals Unlimited, (b)R.J. Erwin/DRK Photo
zygote of different animal species all
have similar, genetically determined
stages of development.
of Animals
Most animals develop from a fertilized egg cell called a zygote. But how
does a zygote develop into many different kinds of cells that make up a snail, a
fish, or a human? After fertilization, the
Interpret Scientific Diagrams
How important is the
first cell division in
frog development?
The first division sometimes results in two cells
with unequal amounts of
cytoplasm. Does this have
any impact on the development of an organism?
It does in frogs.
Solve the Problem
In a frog cell, a small,
specialized area forms in
the cytoplasm just after
fertilization. This area is
called the gray crescent.
Note its appearance in
the diagram. Follow the
changes in development
as the first division of
cytoplasm occurs equally through the
gray crescent and unequally through
the gray crescent.
Thinking Critically
1. Explain How does each set of diagrams illustrate the role
of the gray crescent in early frog development?
2. Infer Answer the question posed at the beginning of this
problem-solving lab.
3. Predict What would happen to a frog’s development if
the first cell division occurred on the horizontal plane
rather than on the vertical plane?
Most animals reproduce sexually.
Male animals produce sperm cells and
female animals produce egg cells.
Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell
penetrates the egg cell, forming a new
cell called a zygote. In animals, fertilization may be internal or external.
Cell division
The zygote divides by mitosis and
cell division to form two cells in a
process called cleavage. Find out how
important this first cell division is in
frog development by studying the
Problem-Solving Lab. Once cell division has begun, the organism is
known as an embryo. Recall that an
embryo is an organism at an early
stage of growth and development.
The two cells that result from cleavage then divide to form four cells and
so on, until a cell-covered, fluid-filled
ball called a blastula (BLAS chuh luh)
is formed. In some animals, such as a
lancelet, the blastula is a single layer
of cells surrounding a fluid-filled
space. In other animals, such as frogs,
there may be several layers of cells
surrounding the space. The blastula is
formed early in the development of
an animal embryo. In sea urchin
development, for example, the formation of a blastula is complete about
ten hours after fertilization. In
humans, the blastula forms about five
days after fertilization.
After blastula formation, cell division continues. The cells on one side
of the blastula then move inward to
form a gastrula (GAS truh luh)—a
structure made up of two layers of
cells with an opening at one end.
Gastrula formation can be compared
to the way a potter creates a cup or
bowl from a lump of clay, as shown in
Figure 25.4. First, the clay is formed
into a ball. Then, the potter presses in
on the top of the ball to form a cavity
that becomes the interior of the bowl.
In a similar way, the cells at one end
of the blastula move inward, forming
a cavity lined with a second layer of
cells. The layer of cells on the outer
surface of the gastrula is called the
ectoderm. The layer of cells lining the
inner surface is called the endoderm.
The ectoderm cells of the gastrula continue to grow and divide, and eventually they develop into the skin and
nervous tissue of the animal. The
endoderm cells develop into the lining
of the animal’s digestive tract and into
organs associated with digestion.
Formation of mesoderm
In some animals, the development
of the gastrula progresses until a layer
of cells called the mesoderm is
formed. Mesoderm is found in the
middle of the embryo; the term meso
means “middle.” The mesoderm
(MEZ uh durm) is the third cell layer
found in the developing embryo
between the ectoderm and the endoderm. The mesoderm cells develop
into the muscles, circulatory system,
excretory system, and, in some animals, the respiratory system. Identify
and review cell differentiation in the
development of an animal as shown in
Figure 25.5 on the next page.
When the opening in the gastrula
develops into the mouth, the animal is called a protostome (PROH
tuh stohm). Snails, earthworms, and
insects are examples of protostomes.
In other animals, such as sea stars,
fishes, toads, snakes, birds, and
humans, the mouth does not develop
from the gastrula’s opening. An animal whose mouth developed not
Figure 25.4
You can think of
a blastula as a
fluid-filled ball.
By pushing in on
one side of the
clay ball, the
potter models
from the opening, but from cells
elsewhere on the gastrula is called a
deuterostome (DEW tihr uh stohm).
Scientists hypothesize that protostome animals were the first to appear
in evolutionary history, and that
deuterostomes followed at a later
time. Biologists today often classify
an unknown organism by identifying
its phylogeny. Recall that phylogeny
is the evolutionary history of an
organism. Determining whether an
animal is a protostome or deuterostome can help biologists identify its
group. Even though sea urchins, for
example, are invertebrates and fishes
are vertebrates, both are deuterostomes and are, therefore, more
closely related than you might conclude from comparing their adult
body structures.
protostome from
the Greek words
protos, meaning
“first,” and stoma,
meaning “mouth”;
from the Greek
words deutero,
meaning “secondary,” and stoma,
meaning “mouth”
A protostome and
a deuterostome
differ in the location of the cells
that become the
organism’s mouth.
Matt Meadows
Cell Differentiation in Animal
Sperm cells
Figure 25.5
The fertilized eggs of most animals follow a similar pattern of development.
From one fertilized egg cell, many divisions occur until a fluid-filled ball of cells
forms. The ball folds inward and continues to develop. Critical Thinking How
do cells differentiate as an embryo develops?
Egg cell
A Fertilization A zygote
F Formation of mesoderm In protostomes, the
mesoderm forms from cells that break away from
the endoderm near the opening of the gastrula. In
deuterostomes, the mesoderm forms from pouches
of endoderm cells on the
inside of the gastrula.
After the formation
of mesoderm, development continues
with each cell
layer differentiating into specialized tissues.
is formed when an egg cell
is fertilized by a sperm cell.
B First cell division
The zygote divides
by mitosis and cell
division to form two
cells. From this point,
the developing
organism is called an
C Additional
cell divisions
Cell division
continues. The
eight-cell stage
is shown here.
E Gastrulation As the embryo
continues to grow, some of the
cells of the blastula move inward,
forming the gastrula. All animal
embryos except sponges pass
through this gastrula stage.
LM Magnification: 80
D Formation of a blastula
Continuous cell divisions result
in a cell-covered, fluid-filled ball,
the blastula. During these early
developmental stages, the total
amount of cytoplasm has not
increased from the original cell.
Sea urchin blastula
Carolina Biological Supply/Visuals Unlimited
A Figure 25.6
Free-swimming larvae (A) develop
from fertilized sea urchin eggs
in about 48 hours. A larva will
develop into an adult sea urchin
(B) over the next few months.
LM Magnification: 1200
Growth and development
Cells in developing embryos continue to differentiate and become
specialized to perform different functions. Most animal embryos continue
to develop over time, becoming juveniles that look like smaller versions
of the adult animal. In some animals,
such as insects and echinoderms, the
embryo develops inside an egg
into an intermediate stage called a
larva (plural larvae). A larva often
bears little resemblance to the adult
animal. Inside the egg, the larva is
surrounded by a membrane formed
right after fertilization. When the egg
hatches, the larva breaks through this
fertilization membrane. Animals that
are generally
sessile as adults,
such as sea urchins,
often have a free-swimming larval
stage, as shown in Figure 25.6. You
can observe development in fishes in
the BioLab at the end of this chapter.
Adult animals
Once the juvenile or larval stage
has passed, most animals continue to
grow and develop into adults. This
growth and development may take
just a few days in some insects, or up
to fourteen years in some mammals.
Eventually the adult animals reach
sexual maturity, mate, and the cycle
begins again.
Understanding Main Ideas
1. Identify and list the characteristics of a mouse that
make it a member of the animal kingdom.
2. Explain why movement is an important
characteristic of animals.
3. Compare and contrast a protostome and a
4. Identify cell differentiation in the development of
an animal.
5. Describe gastrulation.
Thinking Critically
6. Name a land animal that is sessile. Why would this
adaptation be a disadvantage to an animal in a
land biome?
7. Sequence Make a concept map of animal development using the following stages, beginning
with the earliest stage: gastrula, larva, adult, fertilized egg, blastula. For more help, refer to
Sequence in the Skill Handbook.
(l)Peter Parks/O.S.F./Animals Animals, (r)Jeff Foott/DRK Photo
Form and Function
Using an Analogy Objects made by a potter can
be many different shapes and sizes. There is a
plan for making each piece of pottery
according to its function. One plan
results in a bowl, another in a vase,
and still another in a plate. Animals’
bodies also have plans—body shapes
that are suited to a particular way of
life. In this section, you will study
animal body plans and see how a specific
body plan is an adaptation to a particular environment.
Compare and contrast
radial and bilateral symmetry with asymmetry.
Trace the phylogeny of
animal body plans.
Distinguish among the
body plans of acoelomate,
pseudocoelomate, and
coelomate animals.
Review Vocabulary
gastrula: an embryonic
structure made up of
two layers of cells with
an opening at one end
(p. 676)
New Vocabulary
radial symmetry
bilateral symmetry
Figure 25.7
A sponge (A), an Asian
leopard (B), and a jellyfish
(C) all exhibit different
kinds of symmetry.
Make and Use Tables After you read about the different types of
animal symmetry, make a table to categorize 25 animals according to their
symmetry. Include animals that you are familiar with or have read about in
this book. Compare your table to those of your classmates.
What is symmetry?
Look at the animals shown in Figure 25.7. You know that all animals
share certain characteristics, but these animals don’t look like they have
much in common. The sponge seems to have no particular shape,
whereas the leopard has a head, body, tail, and two pairs of legs. The jellyfish doesn’t have a head or tail, and is circular in form. Each animal can
be described in terms of symmetry (SIH muh tree)—a term that describes
the arrangement of body structures. Different kinds of symmetry enable
animals to move about in different ways.
Many sponges have an irregularly shaped body, as seen in Figure 25.8A.
An animal that is irregular in shape has no symmetry or an asymmetrical
body plan. Animals with no symmetry often are sessile organisms that do
not move from place to place. Most adult sponges do not move about.
(t)Matt Meadows, (bl)Carl Roessler/Animals Animals, (bc)Tom Brakefield/DRK Photo, (br)A. Kerstitch/Visuals Unlimited
Body Plans and Adaptations
Figure 25.8
All animals have body plans that enable
them to survive in their surroundings.
Identify What symmetry does a fish
have? Explain.
A These irregularly shaped
sponges are examples of
animals with asymmetrical
body plans.
B A hydra is an example of an animal with
radial symmetry. It feeds on tiny animals
by immobilizing them with venom from
stinging cells that are along its tentacles.
The bodies of most sponges consist
of two layers of cells. Unlike all other
animals, a sponge’s embryonic development does not include the formation of an endoderm and mesoderm,
or a gastrula stage. Fossil sponges first
appeared in rocks dating back to more
than 650 million years ago. They represent one of the oldest groups of
animals on Earth—evidence that
their two-layer body plan makes
them well adapted for life in aquatic
Radial symmetry
A hydra feeds on small animals it
snares with its tentacles. A hydra has
radial symmetry. Its tentacles radiate
out from around its mouth. As shown
in Figure 25.8B, animals with radial
(RAY dee uhl) symmetry can be
divided along any plane, through a
central axis, into roughly equal halves.
Radial symmetry is an adaptation that
enables an animal to detect and capture prey coming toward it from any
Have you ever had your groceries
double bagged at the store? The body
plan of a hydra can be compared to a
sack within a sack. These sacks are
cell layers organized into tissues with
distinct functions. A hydra develops
from just two embryonic cell layers—
ectoderm and endoderm.
C Bilaterally
animals, such as
butterflies, have
similar halves.
Bilateral symmetry
The butterfly in Figure 25.8C has
bilateral symmetry. An organism with
bilateral (bi LA tuh rul) symmetry
can be divided down its length into
similar right and left halves. Bilaterally
symmetrical animals can be divided in
half only along one plane. In contrast,
radially symmetrical animals can
be divided along any vertical plane.
(l)Nancy Sefton/Photo Researchers, (c)G.I. Bernard/O.S.F./Animals Animals, (r)Jane McAlonan/Visuals Unlimited
In bilateral animals, the anterior, or
head end, often has sensory organs.
The posterior of these animals is the
tail end. The dorsal (DOR sul), or
upper surface, also looks different
from the ventral (VEN trul), or lower
surface. In animals that are upright or
nearly so, the back is on the dorsal
surface and the belly is on the ventral
surface. Animals with bilateral symmetry can find food and mates and
avoid predators because they have
Is symmetry associated with other animal traits? Animals
show different patterns in their symmetry. Symmetry patterns
are often associated with certain other characteristics or traits
found in the animal.
Solve the Problem
Study these three animal diagrams. Determine the type of
symmetry being shown.
Thinking Critically
1. Identify Animal A shows what type of symmetry? Explain
your answer. Describe other traits associated with animal A.
2. List Name some objects other than animals that show the
pattern of symmetry in A.
3. Identify Animal B shows what type of symmetry? Explain
your answer. Describe other traits associated with animal B.
4. List Name some objects other than animals that show the
pattern of symmetry in B.
5. Identify Animal C shows what type of symmetry? Explain
your answer. Describe other traits associated with animal C.
6. List Name some objects other than animals that show the
pattern of symmetry in C.
sensory organs and good muscular
control. Test your ability to identify
animal symmetry in Problem-Solving
Lab 25.2 on this page.
Bilateral Symmetry
and Body Plans
Animals that are bilaterally symmetrical also share other important characteristics. All bilaterally symmetrical
animals developed from three embryonic cell layers—ectoderm, endoderm,
and mesoderm. Some bilaterally symmetrical animals also have fluid-filled
spaces inside their bodies called body
cavities in which internal organs are
found. The development of fluid-filled
body cavities made it possible for animals to grow larger because it allowed
for the efficient circulation and transport of fluids, and support for organs
and organ systems.
Animals that develop from three
cell layers—ectoderm, endoderm, and
mesoderm—but have no body cavities
are called acoelomate (ay SEE lum
ate) animals. They have a digestive
tract that extends throughout the
body. Acoelomate animals may have
been the first group of animals in
which organs evolved.
Flatworms are bilaterally symmetrical animals with solid, compact bodies, as shown in Figure 25.9. Like
other acoelomate animals, the organs
of flatworms are embedded in the
solid tissues of their bodies. A flattened body and branched digestive
tract allow for the diffusion of nutrients, water, and oxygen to supply all
body cells and to eliminate wastes.
A roundworm is an animal with
bilateral symmetry. However, unlike a
flatworm, the body of a roundworm
has a space that develops between the
endoderm and mesoderm. It is called
a pseudocoelom (soo duh SEE
lum)—a fluid-filled body cavity partly
lined with mesoderm.
Pseudocoelomates can move
quickly. How? Think about the way
your muscles work. The muscles in
your arm lift your hand by pulling
against your arm bones. If there were
no rigid bones in your arms, your
muscles would not be able to work.
Although the roundworm has no
bones, it does have a rigid, fluid-filled
space, the pseudocoelom. Its muscles
attach to the mesoderm and brace
against the pseudocoelom. You can
observe this movement in the
MiniLab on this page.
Pseudocoelomates have a one-way
digestive tract that has regions with
specific functions. The mouth takes
in food, the breakdown and absorption of food occurs in the middle section, and the anus expels wastes.
Figure 25.9
Animals with acoelomate bodies usually have
a thin, flattened shape (A). Pseudocoelomate
animals are larger and thicker than their
acoelomate ancestors (B). Coelomates have
complex internal organs (C).
LM Magnification: 50
Observe and Infer
Check Out a Vinegar Eel Vinegar
eels are roundworms with pseudocoeloms. They exhibit an interesting
pattern of locomotion because they
have only longitudinal (lengthwise)
Vinegar eel
CAUTION: Use caution when handling
a microscope and glassware.
! Prepare a wet mount of vinegar eels.
@ Observe them under low-power magnification.
# Note their pattern of locomotion. Draw a series of
diagrams that illustrate their pattern of movement.
$ Time, in seconds, how long it takes for one roundworm to
move across the center of your field of view. Determine
the diameter of your low-power field in mm. For help,
refer to Calculate Field of View in the Skill Handbook.
Time several animals and average their times, then calculate vinegar eel speed in mm/s.
1. Name What type of symmetry is present in vinegar eels?
2. Describe What is the general pattern of locomotion for
vinegar eels?
3. Explain How does the pseudocoelom aid vinegar eels in
4. Predict Based on the speed of your vinegar eel, estimate
the speed in mm/s for a flatworm. Explain your answer.
Segmented Worm
Body cavity
Digestive tract
Eric V. Grave/Photo Researchers
coelom from the
Greek word
koiloma, meaning
“cavity”; A coelom
is a body cavity
completely surrounded by
The body cavity of an earthworm
develops from a coelom (SEE lum), a
fluid-filled space that is completely
surrounded by mesoderm. Humans,
insects, fishes, and many other animals have a coelomate body plan. The
greatest diversity of animals is found
among the coelomates.
Specialized organs and organ systems develop in the coelom. In coelomate animals, the digestive tract and
other internal organs are attached by
double layers of mesoderm and are
suspended within the coelom. Like
the pseudocoelom, the coelom cushions and protects the internal organs.
It provides room for them to grow
and move independently within an
animal’s body.
Animal Protection
and Support
Over time, the development of
body cavities resulted in a greater
diversity of animal species. These
diverse animal species became
adapted to life in different environments. Some animals, such as mollusks, evolved hard shells that
protected their soft bodies. Other
animals, such as sponges, evolved
hardened spicules between their cells
that provided support.
Some animals developed exoskeletons. An exoskeleton is a hard covering on the outside of the body that
provides a framework for support.
Exoskeletons also protect soft body
tissues, prevent water loss, and provide protection from predators. An
exoskeleton is secreted by the epidermis and extends into the body, where it
provides a place for muscle attachment. As an animal grows, it secretes a
new exoskeleton and sheds the old
one, as shown in Figure 25.10.
Exoskeletons are often found in
invertebrates. An invertebrate is an
animal that does not have a backbone.
Many invertebrates, such as crabs,
spiders, grasshoppers, dragonflies,
and beetles, have exoskeletons.
Other animals have evolved different structures for support and protection. Invertebrates, such as sea
urchins and sea stars, have an internal
skeleton called an endoskeleton. It is
covered by layers of cells and provides support for an animal’s body.
The endoskeleton protects internal
organs and provides an internal brace
for muscles to pull against. An
endoskeleton may be made of calcium carbonate, as in sea stars; cartilage, as in sharks; or bone. Bony
fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and mammals all have endoskeletons
made of bone.
Figure 25.10
A new exoskeleton forms before a
crab sheds its old one. Until the new
exoskeleton expands and hardens,
the crab is vulnerable to predators.
Tony Florio/Photo Researchers
Figure 25.11
animals such as an
octopus (A) and a
sea slug (B) have
no backbones.
Vertebrates with
backbones include
a monkey (C) and
flamingos (D).
A vertebrate is an animal with an
endoskeleton and a backbone. All vertebrates are bilaterally symmetrical.
Examples of vertebrates include, fishes,
amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Figure 25.11 shows examples of
invertebrate and vertebrate animals.
Origin of Animals
Most biologists agree that animals
probably evolved from aquatic, colonial
protists. Scientists trace this evolution
back in time to late in the Precambrian. Although evidence suggests
that bilaterally symmetrical animals
might have appeared much later,
many scientists agree that all the
major animal body plans that exist
today were already in existence at the
beginning of the Cambrian Period,
543 million years ago. Since then,
many new species have evolved but all
known species have variations of the
animal body plans developed during
the Cambrian Period.
Understanding Main Ideas
1. Compare and contrast radial and bilateral symmetry in animals. Give an example of each type.
2. Distinguish between the body plan of an acoelomate and a coelomate. Give an example of an
animal with each type of body plan.
3. Explain how an adaptation such as an exoskeleton
could be an advantage to animals in land biomes.
4. Compare movement in acoelomate and
coelomate animals.
Thinking Critically
5. Explain the relationship between having a coelom
and the development of complex organ systems.
6. Get the Big Picture Construct a table that compares the body plans of the sponge, hydra, flatworm, roundworm, and earthworm. For more
help, refer to Get the Big Picture in the Skill
(tl)Jeffrey L. Rotman/CORBIS, (tr)Stephen J. Krasemann/DRK Photo, (bl)Mark Boulton/Photo Researchers, (br)R. Van Nostrand/Photo Researchers
Zebra Fish
Before You
The zebra fish (Danio
rerio) is a common freshwater fish sold in pet
shops. They are ideal
animals for study because
they undergo embryonic
developmental changes
quickly and major stages
can be observed within
hours after fertilization.
What do the developmental stages of the zebra fish look like?
In this BioLab, you will:
■ Observe stages of zebra fish development.
■ Record all observations in a data table.
■ Use the Internet to collect and compare data from other
zebra fishes
(males and females)
prepared aquarium
binocular microscope
petri dish
wax pencil
bulb baster
Safety Precautions
CAUTION: Always wear safety goggles in the lab. Use caution
when handling a binocular microscope and glassware.
Skill Handbook
If you need help with this lab, refer to the Skill Handbook.
1. Copy the data table.
2. Use the bulb baster to transfer water and fish embryos
from the aquarium to a beaker. Allow the embryos to
settle to the bottom.
3. Use a wax pencil to write your name and class period on
the edge of the lid of your petri dish. Use the dropper to
half fill the bottom of your petri dish with aquarium water,
and then to transfer several embryos from the beaker to
your petri dish. Place the lid on your petri dish.
4. Your teacher will tell you the approximate time that fertilization occurred. Record the age of the embryos in
your data table as hpf (hours past fertilization).
5. Observe the embryos under the microscope. In your data
table, diagram what you observe.
6. Go to ca.bdol.glencoe.com/internet_lab to post your
Matt Meadows
7. Continue to observe your embryos daily for one week.
Note when new organs appear and when movement is
first seen. If you want to continue observing developmental changes, ask your teacher for instructions.
CAUTION: Wash your hands with soap and water
immediately after each observation.
8. CLEANUP AND DISPOSAL Clean all equipment as
instructed by your teacher, and return everything to
its proper place. Dispose of the water and embryos
properly. Wash your hands thoroughly.
Data Table
Age (hpf)
1. Explain Why are zebra fishes ideal animals for studying embryonic
2. Think Critically Explain why you may not have been able to see stages
such as a blastula or gastrula.
3. Collect and Organize Data Visit
for links to internet sites that will help you
Find this BioLab using the link below and
complete sequences of the major changes
post your data in the data table provided for
during development of zebra fishes:
this activity. Using the additional data from
a. between 1 and 10 hpf. Include labeled
other students on the Internet, answer the
diagrams of these changes.
questions for this lab. Were there large variations in data posted by other students? What
b. between 10 and 28 hpf. Include labeled
might have caused these differences?
c. between 28 and 72 hpf. Include labeled
4. ERROR ANALYSIS Suggest how you could
change the experiment’s design to allow for
observing blastula and gastrula stages.
Matt Meadows
Mighty Mouse
round the world, researchers are beginning
to understand the enormous potential of
stem cells. It is hoped that better treatments or
cures for diseases such as Parkinson’s disease,
leukemia, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes will
come from stem cell research. What makes stem
cells so powerful and unique?
Putting stem cells to work Stem cells are
undifferentiated cells that have the ability to produce more stem cells or produce specialized cells.
Stem cells are found in embryos and in young
and adult animals where they play key roles. For
example, if you ever have damaged a muscle,
your muscle stem cells helped with the repair.
Blood stem cells work throughout your life to
maintain the supply of specialized cell types
found in your blood.
Future research Continued research promises
greater understanding of stem cells. Once,
researchers believed human stem cells could be
found only in bone marrow, brain tissue, and
fetal tissue. However, in a study conducted by
researchers at the University of California, Los
Angeles and the University of Pittsburgh, stem
cells were found in human fat. Experiments with
these fat cells produced types of muscle, bone,
and cartilage cells. If these cells prove to be as
versatile as many scientists expect them to be,
their use in treating diseases could be unlimited.
Some experts suggest stem cells might one day
be used to grow new organs for transplant, and
effectively treat many disorders by replacing diseased cells with healthy ones.
Nucleus removed
Somatic cell
nuclear transfer
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT)
Biotechnologies are used to isolate and grow
stem cells. In a process called somatic cell nuclear
transfer, as illustrated at the right, the nucleus is
removed from a normal animal egg cell. A
somatic cell—any body cell other than an egg or
sperm cell—is placed next to the egg cell without
a nucleus and the two cells are made to fuse. The
new cell undergoes many cell divisions and forms
a blastocyst from which stem cells are taken.
Mouse stem cells to the rescue Because of
ethical concerns, SCNT has only been done with
mouse cells and recent studies have yielded interesting results. In 2001, researchers associated with
the National Institutes of Health successfully used
mouse stem cells to create insulin-producing cells.
For people suffering from Type-1 diabetes, a condition in which the immune system mistakenly
destroys cells that produce insulin, these results
offer hope. In a study by scientists in England,
mouse stem cells were used to create bone cells.
This type of research could lead to new treatments for bone diseases, as well as improved
bone grafts for treating serious bone injuries.
Somatic cell
Cultured stem cells
Think Critically Some diseases such as
Alzheimer’s disease and leukemia result in the
gradual loss of healthy cells in specific parts of the
body. Research a human disease that is caused by a
gradual loss of healthy cells. Prepare a brief report
about the disease and include how SCNT might be
used to treat that disease.
To learn more about stem cells, visit
Section 25.1
Typical Animal
LM Magnification: 80
Section 25.2
Body Plans and
Key Concepts
■ Animals are multicellular eukaryotes whose
cells lack cell walls. Their cells are specialized to perform different functions.
■ All animals are heterotrophs that obtain
and digest food.
■ At some point during its life, an animal
can move from place to place. Most animals retain this ability.
■ Embryonic development of a fertilized egg
cell by cell division and differentiation is
similar among animal phyla. The sequence
of developmental stages is:
1. formation of a blastula—a cell-covered,
fluid-filled ball;
2. gastrulation—the inward movement of
cells to form two cell layers, the endoderm and ectoderm;
3. formation of the mesoderm—the development of a cell layer between the
endoderm and ectoderm.
Key Concepts
■ Animal adaptations include asymmetry,
radial symmetry, or bilateral symmetry.
■ Flatworms and other acoelomates have flattened, solid bodies with no body cavities.
■ Animals such as roundworms have a
pseudocoelom, a body cavity that develops
between the endoderm and mesoderm.
■ A coelom is a fluid-filled body cavity that
supports internal organs. Coelomate animals have internal organs suspended in a
body cavity that is completely surrounded
by mesoderm.
■ Exoskeletons provide a framework of
support on the outside of the body.
Endoskeletons provide internal support.
blastula (p. 676)
deuterostome (p. 677)
ectoderm (p. 677)
endoderm (p. 677)
gastrula (p. 676)
mesoderm (p. 677)
protostome (p. 677)
sessile (p. 674)
acoelomate (p. 682)
anterior (p. 682)
bilateral symmetry
(p. 681)
coelom (p. 684)
dorsal (p. 682)
endoskeleton (p. 684)
exoskeleton (p. 684)
invertebrate (p. 684)
posterior (p. 682)
pseudocoelom (p. 683)
radial symmetry (p. 681)
symmetry (p. 680)
ventral (p. 682)
vertebrate (p. 685)
To help you review and identify characteristics of the animal kingdom, use
the Organizational Study Fold on page 673.
Carolina Biological Supply/Visuals Unlimited
11. A fish has a fin on its upper surface. Because
a fish has ________ symmetry, this fin is
called the ________ fin.
A. no—pectoral
B. bilateral—anterior
C. radial—posterior
D. bilateral—dorsal
Review the Chapter 25 vocabulary words listed in
the Study Guide on page 689. Distinguish
between the vocabulary words in each pair.
1. mesoderm—ectoderm
2. coelom—pseudocoelom
3. blastula—gastrula
4. radial symmetry—bilateral symmetry
5. protostome—deuterostome
6. Which of these organs develops from the
A. stomach
C. intestines
B. skin
D. liver
Animals that cannot make their own food
are called ________.
A. autotrophs
C. producers
B. heterotrophs
D. photosynthetic
Coral larvae are ________ but adult forms
are ________.
A. haploid—diploid
B. free-swimming—sessile
C. acoelomates—coelomates
D. protostomes—deuterostomes
Which of the following sentences does
NOT describe an animal?
A. It has cells with cell walls.
B. It is a multicellular organism.
C. It is a consumer.
D. It has a digestive system that breaks
down food.
Which animal shown below has radial
12. Open Ended Look at Figure 25.4. Evaluate
these models as to their adequacy in representing a blastula and gastrulation.
13. Open Ended Examine Figure 25.5. Predict
what might happen if, at the 4-cell stage, the
embryo cells separated.
14. Open Ended If the opening in the gastrula
eventually develops into a mouth, could this
animal be a bird? Explain.
15. Differentiate Which of these animals—sea
star, insect, leech, or clam—shares the most
characteristics with an earthworm? Explain.
Homeotic or
Hox genes regulate embryonic development
in organisms. The Hox genes of organisms,
such as zebra fishes, fruit flies, and roundworms, have been studied extensively. Visit
ca.bdol.glencoe.com to learn more about
these genes. Present your research results as
a poster or a multimedia presentation.
17. Concept Map Use the following terms to
complete this concept map: blastula, ectoderm, gastrula, endoderm, mesoderm.
Animals develop from a
to a
stage in which these tissues form
which forms the
during the
Multiple Choice
When vertebrate eggs are developing, they go
through the first meiotic division and then pause at
metaphase of the second meiotic division until fertilization occurs before completing the second meiotic division. MPF, a protein, regulates the pause
and continuation of meiosis after fertilization.
Analyze the graph and answer questions 18–20.
MPF Levels During Meiosis
20. Which of the following statements best
describes the relationship between MPF and
the slowing of meiosis in the developing egg?
A. When MPF is high, meiosis progresses.
B. MPF has no effect on slowing meiosis.
C. MPF is necessary for mitosis.
D. When MPF is high, meiosis slows down.
Study the diagram and answer questions 21–23.
First meiotic
(5 hours
Second meiotic
18. MPF is at high levels ________.
A. at the beginning of the first meiotic
division and at the beginning of the
second meiotic division
B. at the beginning of the first meiotic
division and at metaphase of the second
meiotic division
C. only at the beginning of the first meiotic
D. only at metaphase of the second meiotic
19. MPF also slows the beginning of the first
meiotic division to allow the egg to grow.
Therefore, at this time MPF levels are
A. unchanged
B. low
C. high
D. high and low
18 hours
20 hours
Yolk cell
Heart or heart
21. The cell layer from which the heart of the
zebra fish develops is the ________.
A. endoderm
C. mesoderm
B. ectoderm
D. yolk sac
22. One day after fertilization the zebra fish has
A. heart, tail, eyes, head
B. heart, tail, fins, head
C. no internal organs
D. two cell layers in a gastrula
23. Twenty hours after fertilization the heart is
A. two chambered
B. not divided into two chambers
C. four chambered
D. ectoderm
Constructed Response/Grid In
Record your answers on your answer document.
24. Open Ended Describe the relationship between an animal’s body plan and the environment
in which it lives. Give examples.
25. Open Ended Explain why the development of a body cavity enabled animals to move
and feed more efficiently.