Combining Argument Mining Techniques J. Lawrence and C. Reed, "Combining argument mining techniques," in Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Argumentation Mining, 2015, pp. 127-136. 22 Mart 2022 1 Combining Argument Mining Techniques •Argument Mining is the automatic identification of the argumentative structure contained within apiece of natural language text. •Purpose: improving the argument structure identification •Method: Combining three different methods •Data Base: AIFdb • AIFdb: Infrastructure for the Argument Web • RA: Related Argument 22 Mart 2022 2 The databases here include examples from a number of popular tools including: Rationale, Carneades and Araucaria, along with additional arguments analysed and produced as a part of the EPSRC-funded Dialectical Argumentation Machines project. B yi kopyalamak yasaktir A yi kopyalamak yasaktir A=B J. Lawrence, F. Bex, C. Reed, and M. Snaith, "AIFdb: Infrastructure for the Argument Web," in COMMA, 2012, pp. 515-516. 3 Three Individual Argument Mining Approaches 22 Mart 2022 4 1. Discourse Indicators Firstly, we look at using the presence of discourse indicators, linguistic expressions of the relationship between statements, to determine relationships between the propositions in a piece of text. Discourse indicator tells us that two propositions are connected, and that the relation between them (support or attack). The issue is: ◦ They limit their search here to specific terms appearing between two sequential propositions the original text (Table 1). ◦ While, there are another Discourse Indicators such as: Similar indicators (e.g. …) 22 Mart 2022 5 2. Topical Similarity They look at the semantic similarity of propositions ◦ They use WordNet to determine the similarity between the synsets of each word in the first proposition and each word in the second. ◦ Relatedness score for the proposition pair between 0 and 1 ◦ The results of performing this process using a threshold of 0.2 WORDNET WordNet is a large lexical database of English words. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are grouped into sets of cognitive synonyms called ‘synsets’, each expressing a distinct concept. Notice: •This method is not suitable for our project. Because the sentences are long. It will have a very high time complexity •NP-hard problem 22 Mart 2022 6 3. Argumentation Scheme Structure Finally, we consider using a supervised machine learning approach based on argumentation schemes (Walton et al., 2008), to classify argument components and determine the connections between them. One of the first attempts to use this kind of classification is presented in (Moens et al., 2007), where a 1. text is first to split into sentences 2. and then features of each sentence are used to classify them as “Argument” or“Non-Argument”. This classification was performed with a Na¨ive Bayes classifier implemented using Precision, recall and F-score 2022 D. Walton and22F.Mart Macagno, "A classification system for argumentation schemes," Argument & Computation, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 219-245, 2015. 7 Combined Techniques The results of applying each approach separately are given in the first part of Table 8. Based on these results, they combine the methods as follows: Precision, Recall and F-score firstly, if discourse indicators are present, then they are assumed to be a correct indication of a connection; next, we identify scheme instances and connect the component parts in accordance with the scheme structure; finally, we look at the topic similarity and use this to connect any propositions that have previously been left out of the al ready identified structure. 22 Mart 2022 8 Identifying Persian Words’ Senses Automatically by Utilizing the Word Embedding Method M. Ghayoomi, "Identifying Persian Words’ Senses Automatically by Utilizing the Word Embedding Method," Iranian Journal of Information processing and Management, vol. 35, no. 1, pp. 25-50, 2019. Amaç: ◦ Bir cümledeki bir kelimenin anlamı nedir? ◦ Eşanlamlı kelimelerin sayısı nedir? 22 Mart 2022 9 Argument 1 ? Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 . . . Argument n 22 Mart 2022 10 Hibrit Yöntemi nedir? Veri Hazırlama VERİ Kümeleme Kümeleme SONUÇ VERİ Kümeleme Sınıflandırma SONUÇ VERİ Sınıflandırma Kümeleme SONUÇ VERİ Sınıflandırma Sınıflandırma SONUÇ Kümeleme Sınıflandırma Tsai, C.-F., & Chen, M.-L. (2010). Credit rating by hybrid machine learning techniques. Applied soft computing, 10(2), 374-380. 22 Mart 2022 11 Veri Hazırlama: Vectorization: 1. Term frequency Words within a sentence are weighted (TF_IDF Method) How Construct is TF-IDF calculated? 2. a vector for each word (Neural Network method) • The TF-IDF is the product of two statistics, term frequency and inverse document frequency. 3. There Creating texture forfor text (Sentence-based Context-based)(Feature selection) are various ways determining the exact/values of both statistics. • A formula that aims to define the importance of a keyword or phrase within a document or a 4. web Using the above step, the weighted average of the target words will be calculated. page. W3 W4 • So, if the word is very common andW1 appears in W2 many documents, this number will approach 0. Inverse document frequency W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W1 W1 W3 W2 W2 22 Mart 2022 W3 W4 W5 W3 W4 W6 W4 W5 W6 12 Data clustering: • Argument 3 Argument 1 Argument 2 • Argument 4 • Argument 1 22 Mart 2022 Argument 3 . . . Argument n 13 EN iyi küme sayısı: 22 Mart 2022 14 Ensemble learning 22 Mart 2022 15 Ampersand: Argument mining for persuasive online discussions T. Chakrabarty, C. Hidey, S. Muresan, K. McKeown, and A. Hwang, "Ampersand: Argument mining for persuasive online discussions," arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.14677, 2020. They propose a computational model for argument mining in online persuasive discussion forums that brings together the micro-level (argument as product) and macro-level (argument as process) models of argumentation. We additionally propose a candidate selection method to automatically pre-dict what parts of one’s argument will be tar-geted by other participants in the discussion. 22 Mart 2022 16