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ESP 301 Environmental Sustainability Practice Syllabus

This module focuses on building the capacity of students to be able to identify relevant
legislation for environmental control and advice on strategies for compliance.
The modules identify the potential sources of air, water and soil pollution associated with
major industries, in particular construction, and devise strategies for their control. Further,
the module teaches students the fundamental concepts in environmental engineering dealing
with water, air, and land pollution, and other areas such as ecology, toxicology, global
warming, ozone depletion, environmental regulations, mineral resources, renewable and non
renewable energy resources, sustainable energy strategies, and pollution control technologies.
Special focus will be placed on sustainability throughout the semester.
Assignment 2
Mid semester examinations
Final examination
Attendance: Class attendance will be monitored and attendance record has direct bearing on
continuous assessment marks. Regular attendance and participation is encouraged as it is very
helpful to the student. Numerous studies show a strong correlation between class attendance
and student success. If student’s attendance falls below 75%, he/she may be required to
retake the module.
Module outline
1. Environmental Problems, Their Causes and Sustainability
Population Growth, Economic Growth, Economic Development
Environmental Problems: Causes and Connections
2. Science, Matter and Energy
Science, Technology, and Environmental Science
Models and Behavior Systems
Matter and Energy Change Laws and Sustainability
Matter cycling in Ecosystems (Biogeochemical Cycles)
The Water Cycle
The Carbon Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
The Phosphorus Cycle
The Sulfur Cycle
3. Climate and Biodiversity
Climate and Factors Affecting It
Climate and Life on Land
Aquatic Environments
Freshwater Life Zones (Lakes, Streams, Freshwater Wetlands)
4. Air Pollution
Structure and Science of the Atmosphere
Outdoor Air Pollution
Photochemical and Industrial Smog
Indoor Air Pollution
Harmful Effects of Air Pollution
Preventing and Reducing Air Pollution
Air Pollution Control Technologies
5. Climate Change and Ozone Loss
Past Climate Change and the Natural Greenhouse Effect
Climate Change and Human Activities
Factors Affecting the Earth’s Temperature
Dealing with the Threat of Global Warming
Ozone Depletion in the Stratosphere
Protecting the Ozone Layer
5. Hydraulics of Water and Wastewater Transport Systems
Pressure-Velocity-Head Relationships
Flow in Pipes under Pressure
Gravity Flow in Circular Pipes
Storm Water Runoff Calculations
6. Water Resources and Water Pollution
Importance and Unique Properties of Water
Supply, Renewal, and Use of Water Resources
Problems Relating to Water Resources and Possible Solutions
Pollution of Streams, Lakes, and Groundwater
Marine Pollution
Solutions to Water Pollution Problems
7.Solid and Hazardous Waste
Solid Waste in Botswana
Incinerating and Land Filling Solid Wastes
Hazardous Waste Management
Toxic Metals
Achieving Low-Waste Society
6. The Environmental Impact Assessment Process
Compiling the terms of reference
Organizing the EIA study
Undertaking the full EIA study
Environmental impact statement
EIA review
Environmental management and monitoring
Environmental auditing
Reference material
David Cahen and David S. Ginley (2011) Fundamentals of Materials for Energy and
Environmental Sustainability- Cambridge University press
Bert J. M. de Vries (2012) Sustainability Science-Cambridge university press
L. Hens; D. Pimentel -Environment, Development and Sustainability-A Multidisciplinary
Approach to the Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development-Oxford University press
Gordon Wilson, Pamela Furniss, and Richard Kimbowa – Environment, Development
and Sustainability -Perspectives and cases from around the world-Oxford University Press