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Tube End Welding Recommendations - EEMUA Guide

Recommendations for tube end
Edition 2
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
Edition 2
Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association.
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England. Company number 477838.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978 0 85931 217 2
Imprint reference 02-2017
First published 02-2017
Registered and Trading Address:
EEMUA, Second Floor, 16 Black Friars Lane, London EC4V 6EB
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7488 0801
Email: sales@eemua.org
Website: www.eemua.org
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
Preface������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ VII
1. Scope�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1
1.1 Acronyms and definitions......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Convention........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Welding process and joint detail����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
2.1 Manual processes.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Automatic and semi-automatic processes..................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Acceptable welding processes.............................................................................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Joint types.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4.1 Expansion only (no welding)....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4.2 Expansion and seal-welding........................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4.3 External fillet weld............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.4.4 External butt and fillet weld......................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4.5 Internal fillet weld.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.4.6 Castellated.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
2.4.7 Full penetration internal butt weld.......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Qualification of welding procedure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Test samples..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Non-destructive testing............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.3.1 Visual examination............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.3.2 Radiographic examination............................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4 Destructive testing........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.4.1 Weld strength tests........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
3.4.2 Macroexamination and hardness tests.................................................................................................................................. 8
3.4.3 Ferrite test.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
3.4.4 Corrosion test....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
4. Qualification of welders and welding operators������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 11
4.1 Test samples...................................................................................................................................................................................................11
4.2 Test purpose...................................................................................................................................................................................................11
4.3 Previous qualification................................................................................................................................................................................11
4.4 Operators deemed competent............................................................................................................................................................11
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
5. Preparation of tubes and tube-plates����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
5.1 Cleaning............................................................................................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Tube holes.......................................................................................................................................................................................................13
5.3 Assembly..........................................................................................................................................................................................................13
6. Tube location��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
6.1 Tube fit accuracy..........................................................................................................................................................................................15
6.2 Preparation for welding...........................................................................................................................................................................15
7. Preheat and interpass temperature�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
7.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................................................................17
7.2 Practical limits................................................................................................................................................................................................18
7.3 Weld interruption........................................................................................................................................................................................18
7.4 Preferred means of preheating............................................................................................................................................................18
8. Welding������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 19
8.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................................................................19
8.2 Welding individually..................................................................................................................................................................................19
8.3 Distortion minimisation...........................................................................................................................................................................19
8.4 Autogenous welding.................................................................................................................................................................................19
8.5 Additional controls.....................................................................................................................................................................................19
9. Post-weld heat treatment������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
9.1 General...............................................................................................................................................................................................................21
9.2 Heating rates..................................................................................................................................................................................................21
9.3 Additional welding.....................................................................................................................................................................................21
10. Quality control and health and safety��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
10.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................23
10.2 Samples..........................................................................................................................................................................................................23
10.3 Examination of materials......................................................................................................................................................................23
10.3.1 Tubes....................................................................................................................................................................................................23
10.3.2 Tube-plates.......................................................................................................................................................................................23
10.4 Health and Safety......................................................................................................................................................................................23
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
11. Cleaning and inspection������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25
11.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................25
11.2 Dye penetrant testing............................................................................................................................................................................25
11.3 Other................................................................................................................................................................................................................25
12. Leak detection����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27
12.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................27
12.2 Air testing......................................................................................................................................................................................................27
12.3 Gas leak testing..........................................................................................................................................................................................27
12.4 Other leak testing......................................................................................................................................................................................27
12.5 Leak investigation.....................................................................................................................................................................................27
13. Repairs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29
13.1 Leaks.................................................................................................................................................................................................................29
13.2 Qualified procedure.................................................................................................................................................................................29
13.3 Cause of defect...........................................................................................................................................................................................29
14. Tube expansion��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31
14.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................31
14.2 Location..........................................................................................................................................................................................................31
14.3 Equipment....................................................................................................................................................................................................31
14.4 Tube wall thinning...................................................................................................................................................................................31
14.5 Bores.................................................................................................................................................................................................................31
15. Pressure testing�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 33
15.1 Cleaning.........................................................................................................................................................................................................33
15.2 Final acceptance pressure test..........................................................................................................................................................33
15.3 Leaks.................................................................................................................................................................................................................33
15.4 Repair...............................................................................................................................................................................................................33
16. Draining and dewatering����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
16.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................35
16.2 Heating...........................................................................................................................................................................................................35
17. Supervision and inspection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37
17.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................37
17.2 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)............................................................................................................................................................37
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
18. Records���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 41
Figure 1 Expansion only�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Figure 2 Expansion and seal-welding���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Figure 3 External fillet weld������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
Figure 4 External butt and fillet weld����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Figure 5 Internal fillet weld�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5
Figure 6 Castellated������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6
Figure 7 Full penetration internal butt weld�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
Figure 8 Weld strength tests����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Table 1 Preheat and interpass temperature������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 17
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
Publication 143 was first published under the
EEMUA banner in 1985 following the merger of the
Engineering Equipment Users Association (EEUA)
and the Oil Companies Materials Association
(OCMA). The Publication was originally OCMA
Specification No. TEW-1: Recommendations for
tube end welding: tubular heat transfer equipment,
Part 1 – Ferrous materials. It was written by OCMA’s
Welding Panel with assistance from the Heat
Transfer Society.
In the interim, codes such as ASME BPVC VIII,
ASME IX and particularly EN ISO 15614-8:2002
have covered much of the same ground. This
new Second Edition of EEMUA 143 takes
ISO 15614-8:2016 Specification and qualification
of welding procedures for metallic materials Welding procedure test – Part 8: Welding of tubes
to tube-plate joints as the primary source material
with some additions where it was felt that the
standard required further clarification, or does not
address the topic sufficiently.
A joint meeting was convened in October
1966 of members of OCMA welding panel and
representatives of the Heat Transfer Society to
exchange information on experience gained in
making welded joints between heat exchanger
tubes and tube-plates. It was the opinion of
that meeting that an urgent need existed for
standardised procedures to be established for the
design, fabrication, inspection and testing of these
and similar components. At that time, there was
no national or international standard in existence
that adequately covered this important subject.
Members pooled their knowledge and experience,
and co-operated in preparing a recommended
practice for tube end welding and testing. Such a
recommendation could then be used as a basis for
specifying requirements for the oil, chemical and
other industries.
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
1. Scope
This Publication supplements the requirements of
ISO 15614-8:2016 for all tube to tube-plate welding.
However, it does not cover joints made purely by
mechanical means, e.g. expansion.
1.1 Acronyms and definitions
1.2 Convention
This Publication refers to parts of other
specifications as ‘section’ and to its own contents
as ‘clause’.
The following list of acronyms used in this
Publication are defined below:
American National Standards Institute
American Society of Mechanical
American Society for Testing and
American Welding Society
Boiler and Pressure Vessels Code
European Standards
Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Heat Affected Zone
Inside Diameter
International Electro-technical
Italian Institute of Welding
International Institute of Welding
International Organization for
Inspection and Test Plan
Non Destructive Testing
Outside Diameter
Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
Ultimate Tensile Strength
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
2. Welding process and joint detail
2.1 Manual processes
2.4 Joint types
Earlier editions of this Publication included detailed
design criteria based on IIS/IIW recommendations
that represented welding practice at that time,
including details of suitable joint sizes relative to
individual, mostly manual, welding processes. This
level of detail is not included in this edition as the
majority of welding will be automated.
No joint types are prohibited but the main joint
types can be summarised as follows:
2.2 Automatic and semiautomatic processes
2.4.1 Expansion only (no welding)
Expansion-only joints are outwith this Publication
and not usually permitted for process service due
to the risk of crevice corrosion at the tube-totube-plate edge.
Modern welding techniques for tube-to-tube-plate
welding predominantly use automatic welding
machines that are capable of consistent results
and can accurately reproduce the weld joints
performed during qualification testing. However,
it is still sometimes necessary to use manual or
semi-automatic processes, particularly in the case
of large diameter tubes.
2.3 Acceptable welding
Figure 1 Expansion only
All welding processes are permissible, provided
that acceptable results and appropriate
metallurgical properties can be achieved
during procedure qualification and reproduced
consistently in production. This Publication does
not prohibit the use of any suitable welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
2.4.2 Expansion and seal-welding
2.4.3 External fillet weld
For certain applications, and where specified in
the Purchase Order, expansion into ring groove(s),
coupled with seal-welding may be utilised.
This method introduces risks if the tube is fully
expanded prior to welding as gases evolved/
released during welding will not be able to escape
from the root side of the joint. Therefore, partial
expansion to secure the tube, followed by welding
and final expansion is recommended.
The tube passes completely through and extends
beyond the tube-plate, allowing a fillet weld
to be performed on the outside diameter of
the tube. The fillet leg size can exceed the tube
wall thickness and is normally specified as 1.4t
minimum to provide a weld throat thickness at
least equal to the tube wall thickness.
This method is recommended for manual and
semi-automatic welding processes.
When this method is applied, all criteria of this
Publication and ISO 15614-8 apply with the
exception of the 0.9t weld throat requirement.
Figure 2 Expansion and seal-welding
Figure 3 External fillet weld
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
2.4.4 External butt and fillet weld
2.4.5 Internal fillet weld
This configuration is similar to the external fillet
weld, but a bevel is cut into the tube-plate allowing
the resulting butt weld throat to be supplemented
by the fillet weld. The advantage of this design is
that the overall weld volume is reduced and there
is less chance of burning through the tube wall.
Internal fillet welds are commonly applied using
manual, semi-automatic, or automatic welding
processes. There is a risk of inadequate weld throat
thickness as the fillet leg length cannot exceed
the tube wall thickness. As a result of this
ISO 15614-8 table 4 item 16 has a weld throat
acceptance criterion for the macrosections of 0.9t
instead of the 1t that would be expected for a full
strength joint.
There is a risk of lack of fusion at the weld root on
the tube-plate due to the larger wall thickness,
particularly for manual and semi-automatic
Push-through tensile tests are more likely to fail in
the weld as a result of this reduced throat thickness
(see clause 3.4 Weld Strength Tests).
There is an additional risk of excessive weld
penetration into the tube ID when using this joint
configuration and trying to obtain sufficient weld
throat thickness.
a = t b + 0.7L
Figure 4 External butt and fillet weld
Figure 5 Internal fillet weld
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
2.4.6 Castellated
2.4.7 Full penetration internal butt weld
A U-Groove is machined into the tube-plate to
provide a joint that appears to be a concentric
tube outside the tube. The advantage of this
configuration is that the heat sink on the
tube-plate side is reduced to be comparable with
the tube. Furthermore, welding distortion of the
tube-plate is minimised.
A U-Groove is machined into the tube-plate to
provide a joint that appears to be a matching tube
on the tube side of the tube-plate. This allows a
full penetration weld to be performed from the
inside of the tube and will normally require an
additional shielding gas to be applied from the
outside of the tube. The preferred geometry on the
right includes a recess that centres the tube and
provides additional weld metal for autogenous
welds (though see clause 8.4 of this Publication).
A disadvantage of this joint configuration is that
the weld bead profile becomes critical to achieving
sufficient weld throat.
Although this configuration is shown without a
root gap, a gap can be incorporated to allow filler
metal addition by fed wire or consumable insert
This specialist geometry is employed to eliminate
crevices on both side of the tube-plate, particularly
for liquid/liquid heat exchangers. It is also the only
joint type that permits full volumetric NDT.
t <= D <= 2t
Figure 6 Castellated
Figure 7 Full penetration internal butt weld
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
3. Qualification of welding procedure
3.1 Introduction
3.3 Non-destructive testing
Qualification of weld procedures should be in
accordance with ISO 15614-8 as modified by this
3.3.1 Visual examination
The Purchaser shall be given sufficient notice to
enable them or their representative to witness all
weld procedure qualification tests.
At the discretion of the Purchaser, the results of
previously 3rd party-authenticated procedure tests
may be acceptable.
A visual examination of the welds shall show
uniform contour without excessive reinforcement
with the bores of the tubes free from any spatter,
obstruction, weld spillage or overfill, which is
considered to be detrimental.
3.3.2 Radiographic examination
Refer to ISO 15614-8 Section 8.1.4.
3.4 Destructive testing
3.2 Test samples
All tubes used for procedure testing shall be of
the same diameter, wall thickness and nominal
chemical composition as those proposed for
production. Tube-plate material to be used for the
procedure test shall also be of the same nominal
composition and supply condition (including
product form and heat treatment) as that to be
used in manufacture.
Qualification range shall be in accordance with ISO
15614-8 Table 5 (section 9.3.2), except as follows:
• When the thickness of the tube-plate (t2) is
less than 35mm, the qualified thickness range
is 0.75t2 – 1.5t2;
• The tube nominal diameter and wall
thickness for mechanised / automatic
welding shall be the size used for
3.4.1 Weld strength tests
Unless otherwise specified by the Purchaser, three
tensile tests shall be carried out in accordance with
ISO 15614-8, Section 8.1.7, as amended below.
Note that for larger diameter tubes (over 40mm)
this means that the minimum number of tubes to
be welded is eight.
The purpose of the tensile test is to apply a tension
load to the tube and weld. This can be carried
out by direct tension test on the tube end or by
pushing a plunger through the welded end of
the tube against the closed end, as shown in the
following figures. The breaking load should then
be recorded.
If tube expansion after welding is specified, it may
be necessary for a sample of full plate thickness to
be employed (see clause 14 of this Publication).
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
Alternative Testing Arrangements
The results of the tension test shall comply with
one of the following:
50 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm
3.4.2 Macroexamination and hardness
Sections shall be cut, polished, and etched
according to ISO 15614-8 section 8.1.5
The transverse sections of welds, including weld
craters, shall be free from cracks, fissures and lack of
fusion. Slag inclusions and gross porosity shall not
exceed the limits of ISO 15614-8 Tables 2 and 3.
Figure 8 Weld strength tests
• Failure in the tube is acceptable.
• Failure in the weld or heat affected zone at or
above 100% of specified minimum UTS of the
tube material is acceptable.
• Another criterion as agreed between
Purchaser and Manufacturer, e.g. for a partial
strength weld.
After polishing and etching the sections, the
minimum throat thickness or leak path of each
weld shall be not less than 0.9t1, where t1 is the
nominal wall thickness of the tube. The size of any
visible imperfections shall be taken into account
in assessing the dimensions of the minimum leak
Hardness tests shall be carried out in accordance
with ISO 15614-8 section 8.1.6 for all materials.
Acceptance criteria for metals that do not have
a specified maximum in EN ISO 15614-1 shall be
as-specified for the base material specification or as
agreed between the Purchaser and Manufacturer.
The Purchaser may specify additional limits based
on application requirements.
50 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
3.4.3 Ferrite test
For duplex and super duplex austenitic / ferritic
stainless steels two faces 90°apart shall be
polished to a one micron finish and suitably
etched. The specimen shall be examined for any
deleterious third phases and ferrite content shall
be determined using point counting to ASTM E562.
The acceptance criterion shall be 35% - 65% ferrite
in the weld and HAZ.
Note: For tube-plates in the vertical position, the
ferrite determination shall be carried out at 3
and 12 o’clock positions. For tube-plates in the
flat position, two diametrically opposed tests are
3.4.4 Corrosion test
For duplex austenitic / ferritic and superaustenitic
stainless steels, a corrosion test shall be carried
out in accordance with ASTM G48. Care should be
taken to grind away or seal crevices on the root
side, depending on weld geometry. The minimum
test parameters and acceptance criteria shall be as
22% Cr duplex
25% Cr duplex
27% Cr duplex
6% Mo
24hrs @ 22°
C minimum
24hrs @ 35°
C minimum
24hrs @ 40°
C minimum
24hrs @ 35°
C minimum
The acceptance criteria shall be a weight loss
< 4g/m² and no pitting on the test face. If the
weight loss is >4g/m² and it can be positively
identified that this is only due to corrosion at
the cut faces, the test shall be invalid. In this case
re-testing shall be carried out on replacement
For other corrosion-resistant alloys, test
requirements will be defined by the Purchaser.
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
4. Qualification of welders and
welding operators
4.1 Test samples
Every welder or welding operator shall be required
to produce evidence of his ability by making a
test sample similar to that prescribed for welding
procedure qualification in clause 3. A minimum of
3 tubes shall be welded by the welder/operator.
One of these tubes shall be used to obtain two
macro-sections 90°apart (12 and 3 o’clock if
tube-plate vertical). Unless otherwise specified by
the Purchaser, the two remaining tubes should
be subjected to tension tests in accordance with
clause 3.4.
4.4 Operators deemed
A welder/operator who welds test pieces that meet
the requirements of clause 3 is deemed to qualify
for production welding.
Tests shall comply with the same acceptance
criteria as the weld procedure test.
4.2 Test purpose
The purpose of this qualification test is to
demonstrate that both the welders and welding
equipment are capable of producing satisfactory
joints in accordance with the approved weld
procedure (See clause 10.1).
The Purchaser shall be given sufficient notice to
enable them or their representative to witness all
welder/welding operator qualification tests.
4.3 Previous qualification
Welders/operators who have been previously
qualified within the last six months or who are
currently working on similar materials using similar
techniques may be acceptable without further
qualification (See clause 18).
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
5. Preparation of tubes and tube-plates
5.1 Cleaning
5.3 Assembly
The ends of the tubes which are to be welded
shall be cleaned and degreased with a suitable
non-residue forming solvent, both inside and out,
for a length equal to the tube-plate thickness but
not less than 25mm. It is recommended that the
solvent used for degreasing materials should be
chloride free, e.g. acetone. For welding with the
GTAW process, the outside ends of the tubes for
a minimum distance of 13mm shall be finished to
bright metal, e.g. by linishing or power brushing.
Tubes with score marks or any other surface
irregularities at the ends shall not be used if
considered to be detrimental to the production of
sound welds.
The face of the tube-plate, the holes and the tubes
shall be free from dirt, grease, scale and other
foreign matter when they are assembled. To avoid
possible damage during assembly or entrapment
of contaminants, baffle and support plate holes
should be free from burrs and effectively cleaned
prior to the commencement of tube insertion.
5.2 Tube holes
The tube-plates shall be machined and the tube
holes bored or drilled as required by the design.
The holes so formed shall be normal to the tubeplate surface, parallel, circular and shall have
smooth internal surfaces. They shall be free from
burrs and, with the exception of the detail shown
in 2.4.7, the shell side edges of the tube holes shall
be chamfered or radiused to 1.5mm approx. It is
recommended that the limits of tolerance of tube
holes shall not exceed those defined by TEMA.
Immediately prior to assembly, the plates shall be
thoroughly cleaned and degreased using a nonresidue forming solvent.
It is recommended that the solvent used should be
chloride free, e.g. acetone.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
6. Tube location
6.1 Tube fit accuracy
An accurate fit-up and intimate contact between
the tube extremity and tube-plate is required. To
achieve this, the tube end may be flared slightly
by means of a clean dry tapered drift or punch.
Alternatively, when it is required to move the
assembly prior to welding, a light roller expansion
to a maximum depth of 40mm is permissible. Such
expansion may cause difficulties during welding
and for this reason, it is not recommended.
To minimise attendant difficulties, expansion
should be made without the use of lubricant and
preferably by means of a tapered mandrel.
6.2 Preparation for welding
The tubes may be located by means of GTAW tack
welds. These tacks shall form part of the procedure
qualification. All such tacks shall be completely
fused during subsequent tube end welding.
By agreement between the Purchaser and
Manufacturer, special punches may also be
employed to secure tubes to the tube-plate,
e.g. the punch may be designed to enable three
equally spaced teeth to throw burrs from the tubeplate hole towards the tube. All burr depths must
be sufficiently shallow to enable all such areas to
be fully fused out during welding.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
7. Preheat and interpass temperature
7.1 General
Even in tube-plates of considerable thickness, the
effect of metal removal to form a large number of
holes arrayed in close proximity, usually separated
only by comparatively thin ligaments, results in a
significant reduction in the mass quench effect.
Due to the variation in geometric profile, ligament
thickness and joint detail which influence the
quench rate, it is impracticable to simulate actual
production welding conditions in conventional
tests devised to determine appropriate preheat
Although the effect of ligament thickness variation,
proximity to flanges, etc., must be borne in mind,
the following table of preheat temperatures, which
are based on practical experience, may be used as
a general guide. Maximum interpass temperatures
are limited by the essential variables of
ISO 15614-8, but shall not exceed the values
shown in the table below without supporting
documentation acceptable to the Purchaser.
Table 1 Preheat and interpass temperatures
Preheat Temperature
Interpass Temperature
Carbon (<= 0.26%) steel
No preheat *
C. max
Carbon (> 0.26%) steel
C. min
C. max
1% Cr ½% Mo
1¼% Cr ½% Mo
C. min
C. max
2¼% Cr 1% Mo
4/6% Cr ½% Mo
C. min
C. max
Austenitic stainless steels
C. max
22% Cr duplex stainless steel
C. max
25% Cr super duplex stainless
C. max
Titanium & Zirconium
C. max
Other non ferrous alloys
Material Dependent
* No welding is permitted if the plate temperature is below 5°
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
7.2 Practical limits
The preheat and interpass temperature used in
production shall be, within practical limits, the
same as that used in the procedure test. Experience
has shown that because of the increased restraint
offered by the larger assembly, the preheat
necessary in production may exceed the minimum
necessary to obtain satisfactory welds in the
procedure test. For this reason an allowance
should be made for this effect in determining the
preheat temperature chosen for the procedure
test. Temperatures shall be measured preferably by
contact thermocouple. If temperature indicating
crayons are employed, care should be taken to
avoid contaminating welding zones.
7.3 Weld interruption
In the event of welding being interrupted on
carbon and low alloy steels, the weld joint shall be
insulated and allowed to cool slowly if the interpass
temperature is not maintained. Before welding
is resumed, the section to be welded shall be
brought back to the required preheat temperature.
When welding is completed, the joint shall be
allowed to cool slowly.
7.4 Preferred means of
Electrical means of pre-heating shall be used
wherever possible. Fixed gas burners may be
used for preheating and maintaining the preheat,
provided that an adequate degree of control can
be demonstrated.
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Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
8. Welding
8.1 General
8.5 Additional controls
The tubes shall be welded to the tube-plate using
the approved procedure (see clause 3). When
welding with the tube-plate in the vertical position,
particular care should be taken to ensure a uniform
weld profile. Any over-run or spillage of weld metal
into the bores of the tubes which is considered
detrimental shall be cleaned out and spatter
Certain materials require additional controls on
welding parameters, equipment, or consumables
to ensure satisfactory metallurgical or mechanical
properties are achieved. Examples include, but are
not limited to:
8.2 Welding individually
All tubes shall be welded individually. Such
procedures as ‘figure of 8’ welding and other
complex welding patterns are not recommended.
8.3 Distortion minimisation
The tube joints shall be welded in such a manner
as to minimise distortion of the tube-plate. Unless
otherwise agreed, where multi-run welds are used,
no second run shall be deposited until the first run
has been completed, cleaned as necessary and the
weld visually examined.
• Specific heat input controls for duplex
stainless steels. Recommended limits are:
• 1.5kJ/mm maximum for 22% Cr duplex
stainless steels.
• 1.0kJ/mm maximum for 25% Cr super
duplex stainless steels.
• Additional shielding gas application and
purge hold times for titanium or zirconium
• Material segregation to avoid contamination.
Note that this may also affect handling and
mechanical processes in addition to welding,
such as material storage, lifting, and tools
such as mandrels.
• Low melting point materials and alloys
should not be brought into contact with
either tube-plate or tube ends.
8.4 Autogenous welding
Autogenous welding is not permitted unless
agreed with the Purchaser. When this is agreed,
the Purchaser shall specify additional tests to
be carried out during qualification to ensure
suitable corrosion and mechanical properties are
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
9. Post-weld heat treatment
9.1 General
The post-weld heat treatment of complex
assemblies such as welded tube end connections
may present difficulties. Where acceptable,
consideration should be given to methods of
eliminating the need for post-weld heat treatment,
eg. finite element analysis coupled with a fracture
mechanics assessment.
9.2 Heating rates
Where post-weld heat treatment is essential to
reduce the hazard of stress corrosion cracking
associated, for example, with nitrate or caustic
service, it is important that the rate of heating and
cooling during heat treatment is controlled to
avoid the possibility of weld fractures and excessive
tube distortion.
The heat balance between the tubes and shell
must be controlled so as to avoid excessive
temperature differences. Where practicable, the
assembly should be charged into a cool furnace,
the temperature raised slowly and uniformly to the
required post-weld heat treatment temperature
and then allowed to cool to ambient temperature
within the furnace. Provision for adequate tube
support to limit distortion must be considered
at the design stage. The precise procedure and
temperature shall be agreed beforehand between
Purchaser and Manufacturer.
9.3 Additional welding
If for any reason, any tube end welding, however
slight, is carried out after heat treatment, it is
recommended that the post-weld heat treatment
should be repeated, when such post-weld heat
treatment has been specified as a requirement.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
10. Quality control and health and safety
10.1 General
The Manufacturer shall operate a quality
management system that conforms to ISO 9001
and ISO 3834. Comprehensive quality requirements
shall apply in accordance with ISO 3834-2.
The Manufacturer welding engineer shall be
appointed as the principal EN ISO 14731:2006
welding coordinator and shall provide technical
oversight of the fabrication techniques, production
welding and NDT.
All production welding shall be supervised by
this welding coordinator or a competent welding
supervisor experienced in the application of
the process being applied, particularly at the
commencement of each shift or change of
operator. For all processes, all meter readings and
machine settings shall be checked prior to the start
of each shift to ensure that they are in accordance
with those established during procedure
Any change of a significant variable, but not
a replenishment of any consumable such as a
replacement gas cylinder or welding consumable,
shall require re-qualification of procedure (see
clause 3.1).
10.2 Samples
At the commencement of each shift, a minimum
of one sample shall be welded using a tube from
production material and plate of the same nominal
composition as that used in the fabrication. This
sample shall be sectioned and shown to be at least
equal in quality to that required for procedure
qualification. If the sample is found to be
unsatisfactory, the cause shall be established and
the test repeated prior to production welding.
At the risk of the Manufacturer, production need
not be delayed until the test weld is approved, but
if the sample is unsatisfactory, those welds affected
shall be rectified as required to the satisfaction of
the Purchaser and inspection body.
10.3 Examination of materials
10.3.1 Tubes
All tubes shall be subject to visual examination
before fitting. For some special duties it may be
necessary, prior to assembly, to inspect the ends of
the tubes for defects, by non-destructive testing;
where this is specified, techniques and acceptance
levels shall be subject to agreement between
Purchaser and Manufacturer.
10.3.2 Tube-plates
All tube-plates shall be examined visually for
surface defects. It is recommended that the
tube-plate should be examined ultrasonically;
acceptance levels shall be subject to agreement
between Purchaser and Manufacturer.
10.4 Health and Safety
The Manufacturer shall operate a comprehensive
Safe System of Work, including risk assessments for
all activities.
Unless local regulations are more stringent, the
following shall apply:
• Protective clothing for use in welding and
allied processes shall conform to ISO 11611;
• Equipment for oxygen and acetylene shall
conform to ISO 14114 and ISO 5172;
• Welding equipment shall conform to IEC
• Ventilation of welding and cutting fumes
shall conform to ANSI Z49.1 / AWS Z49.1.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
11. Cleaning and inspection
11.1 General
After welding the tube-plate face, the welds and
the internal tube surface to a distance of at least
3mm beyond the fusion line must be cleaned
thoroughly by wire brushing and examined
carefully for surface defects. Defects such as cracks,
gross porosity, slag inclusions and lack of fusion
shall be remedied.
11.2 Dye penetrant testing
Where a more searching examination is required,
the tube-plate surface may be subjected to dye
penetrant testing in accordance with an approved
procedure. Repairs shall be made to any areas of
the welds showing potential leaks such as pores or
cracks, as evidenced by signs of red dye.
11.3 Other
Other examination techniques may be applied
subject to the Purchaser’s agreement. For critical
applications, as defined by the Purchaser, microradiography shall be applied.
In all cases, NDT procedures shall be prepared by
an ISO 9712 level 3 qualified NDT supervisor. The
NDT procedures and acceptance criteria shall be
subject to Purchaser approval.
Technicians carrying out NDT must be qualified
to ISO 9712 level 1, with sentencing performed by
technicians qualified to level 2 or level 3.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
12. Leak detection
12.1 General
12.3 Gas leak testing
Since the repairs of leaks detected by hydrostatic
testing may be complicated during re-welding by
the boiling of entrapped water behind the weld so
causing weld porosity, the hydrostatic test shall be
preceded by a low pressure air test or, preferably,
by a gas leak test (see clauses 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4).
Where greater sensitivity to leaks is required, a
tracer gas leak test is preferred to an air test. The
use of helium, hydrogen or argon as the tracer gas
is permissible, but for reasons of economy, argon
is preferred. The sniffer gun or detector, which is
sensitive to any gas having a thermal conductivity
different from that of air, usually has several
ranges of sensitivity and the sensitivity is generally
progressively reduced so as to pin-point precise
leak sites.
For both types of test, the tube bundle shall
be placed in the shell and welded or bolted as
designed and all openings blanked off. No liquid
shall be applied to the shell side of the tube-plate
prior to any gas leak test.
Where manual multi-run welds are used there
is an obvious advantage, particularly for heat
exchangers for critical duties, in carrying out a leak
test on the completion of the first runs only of all
tube to tube-plate welds on both tube-plates.
12.4 Other leak testing
Other methods of leak testing may be agreed
between Purchaser and Manufacturer. Whatever
method is agreed due consideration shall be given
to environmental and health and safety issues.
12.5 Leak investigation
12.2 Air testing
The assembly shall be tested for leaks by applying
a pressure of 0.5bar. High pressure tests are not
generally favoured due to the hazards of stored
energy especially when volumes are large. While
the shell is under pressure a simple soap or
detergent test shall indicate escapes of air from
leaks. Generally, a 2% solution by volume of an
appropriate foaming agent in water is effective.
Testing is also permissible employing air/nitrogen
gas mixtures.
All suspect weld locations shall be marked for
repair. Defective welds found during leak testing
shall not exceed 5% of the total number of welds
on any tube-plate. Where a figure of more than
5% defective welds is revealed during test, a full
investigation into the cause of this high incidence
shall be conducted and the whole of the tubeplate and all tubes should, at the discretion of
the Purchaser, be re-prepared and re-welded.
For critical duties, this figure may be reduced by
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Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
13. Repairs
13.1 Leaks
On completion of a gas leak test, any leaks
discovered shall be repaired and retested until
all faults are remedied. The maximum number of
repairs permitted shall be agreed between the
Purchaser and Manufacturer.
13.2 Qualified procedure
In general, faulty welds shall be completely
removed to sound metal and repaired using a
qualified procedure. Departure from this procedure
shall be as agreed by the Purchaser and inspection
body and may be subject to repair procedure
13.3 Cause of defect
When any defects occur, the cause shall be
established prior to repair. If the defect is
attributed to welder or welding operator error,
then consideration shall be given to retraining and
Conversely, repeated similar welding defects may
indicate that the welding procedure should be
modified and requalified.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
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14. Tube expansion
14.1 General
14.4 Tube wall thinning
Since tube expansion does not significantly
contribute to the mechanical properties of properly
applied strength welds and may even be harmful,
this procedure is generally unnecessary and not
recommended; however for certain service duties,
e.g. where possible crevice corrosion or vibration
fretting susceptibilities must be minimised, it
may be necessary to provide for intimate contact
between the OD of the tubes and the bores of the
tube-plate holes. This may be accomplished by
light expansion after both welding and successful
leak testing (see clause 12) but before pressure
testing (see clause 15). However where no crevice
corrosion at all is permissible, the recommended
joint detail is as shown in clause 2.4.7.
The amount of tube wall thinning required
depends on the materials and shall be agreed
between the Purchaser and the Manufacturer. The
percentage of the original tube wall thickness and
the machine settings to achieve this thinning shall
be determined and checked during procedure
testing by micrometer measurements as follows:
Diameter of tube hole:
Mean outside diameter
of tube:
(total clearance):
Inside diameter of
tube after expansion:
14.2 Location
Inside diameter of
tube before expansion:
Tube expansion after welding shall lie within the
zone from approximately 10mm from the weld
junction to 3mm from the back of the tube-plate.
Difference (Internal
expansion of tube):
Initial thickness of tube:
Tube wall thinning:
* 100%
14.3 Equipment
Unless otherwise agreed with the Purchaser, the
equipment used for tube expansion shall be of
the mandrel and parallel roller type incorporating
limiting controls to give a predetermined amount
of tube wall thinning, e.g. controlled torque
Special care should be taken to ensure that
tube expansion equipment is clean and
free of any contamination prior to use. If the
equipment is used on more than one material
type, Manufacturer shall provide a procedure
for Purchaser approval detailing how crosscontamination is avoided.
14.5 Bores
If the tubes are to be expanded after welding, the
bores shall be inspected for evidence of distortion
and/or weld spillage. It is permissible to lightly
dress the bores to avoid jamming of the rollers
during subsequent expansion, but care must be
exercised to ensure the minimum removal of metal
from the bores of the tubes. By agreement with the
Purchaser, special techniques such as the insertion
of tapered ceramic plugs in the bores, may be
applied during welding to prevent weld spillage.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
15. Pressure testing
15.1 Cleaning
15.3 Leaks
The tube-plate face, the welds and the internal
surfaces of the tubes to a length of about 13mm
shall be thoroughly cleaned by a suitable method;
any grease present shall be removed either by the
use of a solvent or by steam jets.
After maintaining the specified pressure for a
minimum period of 4 hours, the welds and bores of
the tubes must be examined for leaks. The location
of all leaks shall be marked on the tube-plate and
recorded on a tube-plate drawing.
15.2 Final acceptance pressure
15.4 Repair
The final acceptance pressure test shall be
conducted at 1.5 times the maximum design
pressure minimum, or higher if required by the
application standard or Purchaser.
All leaks shall be repaired by welding as agreed
by the Purchaser. Such repairs shall be subject to
further pressure testing.
Clean kerosene may be used and is more searching
when hydrophobic residues such as oil or grease
are present, but attention is drawn to the risk of
If water is used, it is recommended that 2% by
volume of an approved wetting agent or detergent
should be added. The surface tension of a 2%
detergent solution is about 30mN/m compared
with plain water at 75mN/m and kerosene at
25mN/m. The possible risk of corrosion by the use
of detergent is minimised by the careful selection
of additions and control of the amount used.
Detergents are also available which carbonise
at low temperature of the order of 150°
C. The
addition of 0.2% sodium nitrite to the water is
recommended as a corrosion inhibitor; if austenitic
materials are used the chloride content of the
water should not exceed 30ppm. Where this is
impracticable the equipment shall be flushed
out with water containing not more than 10ppm
chloride for services where trans-granular stress
corrosion could occur.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
16. Draining and dewatering
16.1 General
The vessel shall be drained thoroughly after testing
and where specified a suitable dewatering fluid
may be used.
16.2 Heating
If the heat exchanger is required to be completely
dry, e.g. for SO2 duties, the assembly should be
heated by an appropriate method to a temperature
that is sufficiently high to remove all water,
particularly from the interstices between the tubes
and the tube-plate. If the bundles are of stainless
steel, the heat exchanger should be washed out
with water containing not more than 10ppm
chloride before heating.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
17. Supervision and inspection
17.1 General
There shall be systematic supervision and control
of all stages of the work by competent persons
(see clauses 10 & 11) having adequate experience
and knowledge of the welding process being
employed. Records of test plates and production
welds shall be kept and made available to the
11. When the heat exchanger or tube bundle
has been drained, dewatered or dried out
as specified and is ready for delivery (clause
17.2 Inspection and Test Plan
As a minimum, each of the following hold/witness
points should be included in the Purchaserapproved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP):
1. When procedure qualification test pieces
are prepared ready for welding (clause 3).
2. When operator qualification test pieces are
prepared ready for welding (clause 4).
3. When procedure and operator qualification
test pieces are sectioned for examination
(clause 3.2).
4. When the production tube-plate holes are
drilled, and prepared as required, and are
ready for assembly (clause 5).
5. When the tubes are fitted and tube ends
and tube-plate are cleaned immediately
prior to the commencement of welding
(clause 8).
6. Visual inspection on the completion of all
welding (clause 11).
7. During leak detection with gaseous
penetrant and subsequent repairs, if
required, and re-detection (clauses 12 and
8. During gas leak detection after tube
expansion, if required (clause 14).
9. During gas leak detection after heat
treatment, where called for (clause 9).
10. When pressure testing and acceptance is
carried out (clause 15).
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
18. Records
In addition to the requirements of ISO 3834-5, the
Manufacturer shall hold and regularly maintain
adequate records of all qualification tests and
production experience, including parameter
monitoring/test results and weld reject rate, for
each welder.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
Specifications and Standards
1. ANSI Z49.1 (2012) / AWS Z49.1 (2012) Safety in
Welding, Cutting and Allied Processes
2. ASTM E562 (2011) Standard Test Method for
Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic
Manual Point Count
3. ASTM G48 (2011/R 2015) Standard Test
Methods for Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
Resistance of Stainless Steels and Related Alloys
by Use of Ferric Chloride Solution
4. EN ISO 14731:2006 Welding coordination Tasks and responsibilities
5. IEC 60974-x IEC standards for “Arc welding
equipment” - Parts 1-13
6. ISO 11611 (2015) Protective clothing for use in
welding and allied processes - Second Edition
7. ISO 14114 (2014) Gas Welding Equipment
- Acetylene Manifold Systems for Welding,
Cutting and Allied Processes - General
Requirements - Second Edition
8. ISO 15614-1:(2004) Specification and
qualification of welding procedures for metallic
materials — Welding procedure test — Part 1:
Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding
of nickel and nickel alloys (+ later amendments
1 & 2)
9. ISO 15614-8:2016 Specification and
qualification of welding procedures for metallic
materials — Welding procedure test —Part 8:
Welding of tubes to tube-plate joints
10. ISO 3834-1 (2005) Quality requirements for
fusion welding - of metallic materials - Part 1:
Criteria for the selection of the appropriate level
of quality requirements - Second edition
11. ISO 3834-2 (2005) Quality requirements for
fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2:
Comprehensive quality requirements - Second
12. ISO 3834-5 (2015) Quality requirements for
fusion welding of metallic materials - Part
5: Documents with which it is necessary to
conform to claim conformity to the quality
requirements of ISO 3834-2, ISO 3834-3 or
ISO 3834-4 - Second Edition
13. ISO 5172 (2006) Gas welding equipment
Blowpipes for gas welding, heating and
cutting Specifications and tests - Third Edition
(including amendments 1 & 2, 2015)
Other References
14. TEMA Standards of Tubular Exchanger
Manufacturers Association. 5th Edition, 1968.
15. IIS/IIW recommendations International
Institute of Welding “Recommended Welded
Connections for Pressure Vessels”.
I.I.S./I.I.W. -237-66.
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Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
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Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Publications Catalogue
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Please see listings below for more details.
Automation, Control, Electrical
226Design and installation of on-line analyser
systems: a guide to technical enquiry and
bid evaluation
Available as Print version and Digital version
222Guide to the application of IEC 61511 to
safety instrumented systems in the UK
process industries
Available as Print version and Digital version
214Toolbox Guide: Electrical installation,
inspection and maintenance in potentially
explosive atmospheres – Available to
purchase from CompEx™ only, by email
209Guide to the development and
implementation of on-line analyser
Available as Print version and Digital version
201Process plant control desks utilising humancomputer interfaces: a guide to design,
operational and human-computer interface
Available as Print version and Digital version
191Alarm systems - a guide to design,
management and procurement
Available as Print version and Digital version
187Analyser systems - a guide to maintenance
Available as Print version and Digital version
Publication 143
186Practitioner’s Handbook for potentially
explosive atmospheres
Available as Print version
178A design guide for the electrical safety of
instruments, instrument / control panels
and control systems
Available as Print version and Digital version
175Code of Practice for calibration and
validation of process analysers
Available as Print version and Digital version
138Design and installation of on-line analyser
Available as Print version and Digital version
Engineering, Procurement,
23490/10 Copper nickel alloy piping for offshore
applications (Specification)
Available as Print version and Digital version
233Line pipe Specification: Clauses in addition
to API 5L/ISO 3183
Available as Print version and Digital version
A guide to risk-based procurement
Available as Print version and Digital version
218Quality requirements for the manufacture
and supply of duplex stainless steels
Available as Print version and Digital version
215Industrial cooling tower fans and fin
fans - Guide for design, maintenance and
Available as Digital version
211Guidance on the specific of pressure vessels
Available as Print version and Digital version
207Double concrete tanks for liquefied gas guide to design, construction and operation
Available as Print version and Digital version
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
197Specification for the fabrication of nonprimary structural steelwork for offshore
Available as Print version and Digital version
194Guidelines for materials selection and
corrosion control for subsea oil and gas
production equipment
Available as Print version and Digital version
192Guide for the procurement of valves for low
temperature (non cryogenic) service
Available as Print version and Digital version
185Guide for hot tapping on piping and other
Available as Print version and Digital version
176Specification for structural castings for use
Available as Print version and Digital version
179A working guide for carbon steel equipment
in wet H2S service
Available as Print version and Digital version
158Construction specification for fixed offshore
Available as Print version
154Guidance to owners on demolition of
vertical cylindrical steel storage tanks and
storage spheres
Available as Print version and Digital version
149Code of Practice for the identification and
checking of materials of construction in
pressure systems in process plants
Available as Print version and Digital version
143Recommendations for tube end welding
Available as Print version and Digital version
141A Guide to the use of EEMUA 140 Noise
procedure Specification
Available as Print version and Digital version
140Noise procedure Specification
Available as Print version and Digital version
133Specification for underground armoured
cable protected against solvent penetration
and corrosive attack
Available as Print version and Digital version
105Factory stairways, ladders and handrails
(including access platforms and ramps)
Available as Print version and Digital version
104A guide to information required from
equipment vendors
Available as Print version and Digital version
101Lifting points - a design guide
Available as Print version and Digital version
EEMUA Publications Bundle Control of noise in
equipment and plant (140, 141, 161)
Available as Print version and Digital version
Equipment Operation &
230Ageing rotating equipment - a guide to
maintenance and operation
Available as Print version and Digital version
223Pressure equipment testing after repair,
modifications or re-rating: a guide to the
Pressure Test Waiver
Available as Print version and Digital version
208Guide to life-cycle management of pressure
relief systems
Available as Print version and Digital version
205A Guide to the production testing of
valves for the energy, process and related
Available as Digital version
200Guide to the specification, installation and
maintenance of spring supports for piping
Available as Print version and Digital version
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
199On-line leak sealing of piping: Guide to
safety considerations
Available as Print version and Digital version
206Risk Based Inspection - a guide to effective
use of the RBI process
Available as Digital version
188Guide for establishing operating periods of
safety valves
Available as Print version and Digital version
193Managing competence assurance for
personnel undertaking in-service inspection
of pressure equipment
Available as Print version and Digital version
185Guide for hot tapping on piping and other
Available as Print version and Digital version
184Guide to the isolation of pressure relieving
Available as Print version and Digital version
182Specification for integral block and bleed
valve manifolds for direct connection to
Available as Print version and Digital version
177Guide to the UK Pressure System Safety
Regulations (2000)
Available as Print version and Digital version
168A guide to the pressure testing of In-service
pressurised equipment
Available as Print version and Digital version
164Seal less centrifugal pumps: Class 1
Available as Digital version
151Liquid ring vacuum pumps and
Available as Print version and Digital version
Inspection and Integrity
232Specifying, procuring and managing third
party inspection services
Available as Print version and Digital version
231The mechanical integrity of plant containing
hazardous substances - a guide to periodic
examination and testing
Available as Print version and Digital version
Publication 143
181A guide to risk based assessments of in-situ
large Ex ‘e’ and Ex ‘N’ machines
Available as Print version and Digital version
161Guide to the selection and assessment of
silencers and acoustic enclosures
Available as Print version and Digital version
159Above ground flat bottomed storage tanks
- a guide to inspection, maintenance and
Available as Print version and Digital version
149Code of Practice for the identification and
checking of materials of construction in
pressure systems in process plants
Available as Print version and Digital version
Storage and Distribution
217Safe and effective operation of storage tanks
Available as Print version and Digital version
213Emission reduction from oil storage ranks
and loading operations
Available as Print version and Digital version
190Guide for the design, construction and use
of mounded horizontal cylindrical steel
vessels for pressurised storage of LPG at
ambient temperatures
Available as Print version and Digital version
183Prevention of tank bottom leakage - a guide
for the design and repair of foundations and
bottoms of vertical, cylindrical, steel storage
Available as Digital version
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
Publication 143
180Frangible roof joints for fixed roof storage
tanks: Guide for designers and users
Available as Digital version
159Above ground flat bottomed storage tanks
- a guide to inspection, maintenance and
Available as Print version and Digital version
147Recommendations for refrigerated liquefied
gas storage tanks
Available as Print version and Digital version
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Recommendations for tube end welding
EEMUA Copyright © 2017 The Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association
Publication 143