 200 million pregnancies every year.
 ↑ risks for certain populations: adolescents, older
women, HIV  women, substance abuse or sexual
 Data show that pregnant teenagers in the
Philippines are mostly 17 to 19 years old.
 They live with their mothers, parents, or relatives.
The father of the child is, in most cases, a teenage
 According to the 2014 Young Adult Fertility and
Sexuality (YAFS) study, around 14 percent of Filipino
girls aged 15 to 19 are either pregnant for the first
time or are already mothers
 According to Josefina Natividad, YAFS coordinator
and director of the University of the Philippines
Population Institute, young Filipinos have limited
access to sex education and ASRH- (Adolescent sexual
and reproductive health services) especially if they are
underage and unmarried.
 Recent (2014) data from the Philippine Statistical
Authority (PSA) reveal that every hour, 24 babies
are delivered by teenage mothers.
 Pregnancy experience is unique & personal.
 Many go through confusion & isolation.
 Desperately need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Time: onset of puberty to the cessation of
physical growth.
 Roughly 11 – 19 yrs
 Oscillate between being children & adults.
 Need to adjust to the physiological changes
in their bodies.
 Dependence on parents.
 Seeking economic & social stability.
 Developing a personal value system
 Building meaningful relationship with others
 Becoming comfortable with their changing
 Working to become independent.
 Parents may have difficulty allowing a teenage
daughter to make health decisions.
 Nurse needs to remind that pregnant adolescent is
an “emancipated minor”: a person capable of
making health decisions.
 Healthcare providers should communicate with
adolescents in a manner they understand &
respect them as individuals.
Risk factors
 Early menarche
 Peer pressure to become sexually active
 Sexual abuse as a child
 Lack of information regarding contraception
 Poverty
 Culture / ethnicity
 Low self esteem
 Strong need for someone to love
 Early dating without supervision
Pregnancy symptoms include:
 Abdominal distention
 Breast enlargement and breast tenderness
 Fatigue
 Light-headedness or actual fainting
 Missed period
 Nausea/vomiting
 Frequent urination
Signs and tests
 The adolescent may or may not admit to being
involved sexually. If the teen is pregnant, there are
usually weight changes (usually a gain, but there may
be a loss if nausea and vomiting are significant).
Examination may show increased abdominal girth,
and the health care provider may be able to feel the
fundus (the top of the enlarged uterus).
 Pelvic examination may reveal bluish or purple
coloration of vaginal walls, bluish or purple coloration
and softening of the cervix, and softening and
enlargement of the uterus.
 A pregnancy test of urine and/or serum HCG are
usually positive.
 A pregnancy ultrasound may be done to confirm or
check accurate dates for pregnancy.
‣ Negative impact in terms of health & social
‣ 7 out of 10 adolescents will drop out of school.
‣ Children of adolescent mothers are at a greater
risk of preterm birth, LBW, child abuse, neglect,
poverty & death….
‣ Greater psycho-social impact
 All options made available to the pregnant teen should be
considered carefully, including
 adoption, and
 raising the child with community or family support.
 Discussion with the teen may require several visits with a
health care provider to explain all options in a nonjudgmental manner and involve the parents or the father
of the baby as appropriate.
 Early and adequate prenatal care, preferably through a
program that specializes in teenage pregnancies,
ensures a healthier baby.
 Pregnant teens need to be assessed for smoking,
alcohol use, and drug use, and they should be offered
support to help them quit.
 Having her first child during adolescence makes a
woman more likely to have more children overall. Teen
mothers are about 2 years behind their age group in
completing their education.
 Women who have a baby during their teen years are
more likely to live in poverty
 Teen mothers with a history of substance abuse are
more likely to start abusing by about 6 months after
 Teen mothers are more likely than older mothers to
have a second child within 2 years of their first child.
 Infants born to teenage mothers are at greater risk for
developmental problems.
 Pregnancy induced hypertension
 Iron- deficiency Anemia
 Preterm Labor
 Cephalo- pelvic Disproportion
 Postpartum Hemorrhage
 Inability to adapt Post-partally
 Knowledge Deficit about Infant care.
 Prenatal Assessment
 Health History
 Family profile
 Physical examination
Imbalanced nutrition : less than body requirements
related to insufficient intake
Risk for injury : maternal & fetal related to inadequate
prenatal care & screening.
Social Isolation related to body image changes
Interrupted family processes related to adolescent
Disturbed body image related to situationalcrisis of
Risk for impaired parenting related to immaturity &
lack of experience
The teenage mother should be encouraged to
Seek prenatal care early in pregnancy
Eat a nutritious diet,
Take prescribed vitamins and iron supplements
Engage in healthy physical activity.
Though a supportive family can help the teenage
mother cope with her new responsibilities, social
service agencies may be needed to help her find
ways to finish school and seek employment.
 2 groups of women have emerged:
 Multiparous women : have an additional child during
the menopausal period
 Primiparous women : deliberate delay of childbearing
(May seek information about pregnancy from books, friends & internet.)
Multiparous Women
Some may have never used contraceptives
Some may have used contraceptives successfully
during childbearing years.
As menopause approaches, they cease menstruating or
stop use of contraceptives & consequently become
Mixed emotions among mothers.
Primiparous women
 Number of 1st time pregnancies has increased
significantly over last 3 decades.
 Reasons for delaying pregnancy include:
 Desire for advanced education
 Career priorities
 Use of better contraceptives
 Result of fertility therapies
 Dilemma: pregnancy has positive & negative effects
 Select right time for pregnancy
 Partners share the preparation for parenthood.
Outcomes of Pregnancy in elderly women
 Adverse peri-natal outcomes more common.
 More likely to have LBW Infants, premature births &
multiple births.
 ↑ risk for maternal mortality due to hemorrhage,
infection, embolism, hypertensive disorders of
pregnancy, cardiomyopathy & strokes.
 ↑ maternal age leads to infertility & spontaneous
abortions, GDM , PIH, chromosomal abnormalities,
genetic disorders, placenta previa, Preterm labor &
surgical births
Developmental Tasks & Pregnancy
 Developmental challenge over 40: expand their
awareness or develop Generativity.
 “Sandwich Generation” : caring for aging parents &
growing children.
 Ambivalent feeling towards pregnancy.
 Need help to cross 2 simultaneous phases of life :
becoming involved with the world & concentrating on
the baby inside her.
Nursing Management
Pre natal Assessment
 Begin prenatal care early
 Fortunately women in this age group are well –
 Few may attribute lack of menstruation to menopause.
Health History
 Ask about present symptoms of pregnancy.
 How they feel about pregnancy
 Enquire about any self medication.
 Family Profile : source of income
Physical Examination
 Thorough physical examination at 1st prenatal visit to
establish general health & identify problems
Inspection of lower extremities for varicosities.
Urine specimen : glucose, protein
Assessment of breast
Assessment of FHR & Fetal movements.
Chromosomal assessment: triple screen ( AFP. HCG &
Unconjugated estriol level)
 Hypertension, Pre-term or Post-term birth &
Caesarean birth
 Related to the fact that women’s circulatory system
may not be as competent as when she was younger.
 Tissues may not be elastic as before
 Pregnancy – Induced Hypertension :
 Best way for reduction- rest for good proportion of time.
 Plan activities that can be done on bed rest.
Complications related to Labor,
childbirth & Postpartum period
 Failure to progress in labor : cervix does not dilate as
spontaneously due to ↓ elasticity in cells
 Difficulty in accepting the event : second thoughts
about childbearing during labor & childbirth
 Postpartum Hemorrhage : uterus may not contract
readily due to inelasticity
First Trimester
 Anxiety related to deficient knowledge as evidenced by
women’s question & concerns
 Imbalanced Nutrition : less than body requirements
related to nausea & vomiting as evidenced by women’s
reports & weight loss.
 Fatigue related to hormonal changes in the first
trimester as evidenced by woman’s complaints
Second Trimester
Constipation related to progesterone effect on the
Gastro-intestinal tract as evidenced by woman’s report
of altered patterns of elimination
Third Trimester
 Fear related to deficient knowledge regarding onset of
labor & processes of labor related to inexperience as
evidenced by woman’s questions & concerns.
 Risk for injury: maternal & fetal due to complications
associated with elderly pregnancy.
 Pain related to labor process.
 Knowledge deficit related to labor processes
Postpartum care
 Pain related to episiotomy or caesarean birth .
 Knowledge deficit related to neonate care related to
lack of experience.
 Risk for interrupted family processes related to
inclusion of new family member.
 Lady who becomes pregnant without legal
justification of physical intimacy between man &
 In traditional societies like India, becoming pregnant
before marriage is considered a sin.
 The psychosocial impact of becoming an unwed
mother is very stressful & depressive.
Factors associated with Unwed
 Poverty
 Prostitution
 Teenage mistake
 Improper Sex Education
 Contraceptive failure
Consequences of being an Unwed
 For the mother
 Not socially acceptable
 Considered a curse.
 Brings a lot of personal disorganization
 Lack of support from family & society
 Difficult life ahead
 For Family
 Also bears the brunt of negative consequences.
 May suffer boycott from community
 Isolation
 Psychological trauma
 Health problems
 Both mother & child at risk
 Due to lack of support
 unsafe delivery practices conducted at unhygienic
conditions to hide pregnancy
 Improper guidance for rearing of child
Legal rights of an Unwed Mother
 Establish Paternity : raise the matter in court against
the man expected to be the father of her child.
 Support to Child : can demand support in the form of
money or some other form from the father once
paternity is established,
 Custody of the child : still has the right to undertake
custody of the child even after paternity has been
Prevention of Unwed Pregnancy
 Peer education
 Sex education
 Supply of contraceptives
 Abolition of Prostitution
Factors influencing care of unwed
 Age of the mother
 Family support
 Financial stability
 Approach towards pregnancy
 Social and cultural background
Role of a Nurse
As an :
 Educator
 Advocate
 Helper
 Researcher
 Social problem affecting all societies.
 One in twenty five women age 15-49 who have ever had
sex ever experienced forced first sexual intercourse
 One in ten women age 15-49 ever experienced sexual
 2 types of violence : intimate partner violence & sexual
 Tension Building : 1st phase. Tension escalates
between the couple. Excessive drinking, jealousy &
other factors may lead to hostility & friction.
 Abusive Incident : explosion of violence .Victim is
assaulted. Batterer loses control both physically &
 Honeymoon Phase: period of calm, loving, contrite
behavior on the part of the batterer. He may be
genuinely sorry for the pain he caused to his partner.
Attempts to make up his behavior & believe he can
never hurt the woman he loves.
Violence during Pregnancy
 Pregnancy often start or escalation of violence.
 Pregnant women are vulnerable at this time.
 Factors leading to battery:
 Inability of couple to cope up with stressors of pregnancy.
 Doubt about partner’s fidelity.
 Perception of baby as a competitor
 Financial burden related to expenses of pregnancy.
 Stress of role transition
 Insecurities & jealousy of pregnancy.
Types of Abuse
 Mental :
 Threatening to kill the victim
 Forcing victim to perform humiliating acts
 Making demeaning remarks about victim
 Physical:
 Hitting, grabbing, pushing, choking , kicking or causing
physical harm to victim
 Sexual :
 Forcing woman to have vaginal, oral or anal intercourse
against her will.
 Biting victim’s breast or genitals
 Forcing victim to perform sexual acts with other people
Types of Sexual Violence
 Childhood sexual abuse
 Incest
 Rape
 Statutory
 Acquaintance
 Date
Childhood Sexual Abuse
 Any type of exploitation that involves a child younger
than 18 yrs of age.
 Includes disrobing, nudity, masturbation, fondling,
digital penetration & intercourse.
 Early abuse : lowers self esteem & ability to protect
 Influences the way victims live their lives & form
 Sexual exploitation between blood relatives or
surrogate relatives before victim reaches 18 yrs of age.
 Victims often tricked, coerced or manipulated.
 Perpetrators often threaten their victims so they are
afraid to disclose the abuse.
 It is an act of violence
 Legal rather than a medical term
 Denotes penile penetration of the female or male
without consent
 Statutory Rape : sexual activity between an adult & a
person under 12 despite the willingness of the
underage person.
 Acquaintance Rape : involves someone being forced
to have sex by a person he or she knows.
 Date Rape : sexual assault which occurs within dating
 Drugs used : “club drugs”; Rohypnol, Ketamine etc
 Most pregnant women reluctant to reveal substance
 Use of drug ↑ risk of medical complications in mother
& baby.
 Placenta acts as an active transport mechanism.
 Critical determinants of effect of drug on fetus : drug,
dosage, route of administration, timing of exposure.
Common substances abused
during pregnancy
 Alcohol
 Caffeine
 Nicotine
 Cocaine
 Marijuana
 Narcotics
 Sedatives
Effect on Pregnancy
1. Alcohol
Spontaneous abortion, LBW, IUGR
2. Caffeine
Vasoconstriction & mild diuresis in mother, fetal stimulation
3. Nicotine
Vasoconstriction, ↓ utero-placental flow, LBW, Abortion
4. Cocaine
Vasoconstriction, GHTN, Abruptio Placentae, snow baby
syndrome, CNS Defects, IUGR
5. Marijuana
Anemia, ↓ weight gain, Amotivational syndrome, newborn
tremors, prematurity & IUGR.
6. Narcotics
Maternal & Fetal withdrawal, Abruptio placentae, preterm labor,
PROM, asphyxia, newborn sepsis, intellectual impairement,
7. Sedatives
CNS Depression, newborn withdrawal , maternal seizures in labor,
newborn abstinence syndrome, delayed lung maturity
Alcohol related effects
 No amount of alcohol consumption is safe during
 FAS →Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
 FASD (Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders) includes;
 Craniofacial dysmorphia - Set of malformations that occur
in the early bony fusion of one or more sutures, causing
abnormal growth of the craniofacial skeleton.
 IUGR - Intrauterine growth restriction
 Microcephaly
 Limb & Cardiac anomalies
Characteristic Features (FASD)
 Small head circumference
 Short palpebral fissures & small eye openings - it
refers to the opening between the eye lids.
Thin upper lip
Receding jaw
Low nasal bridge
Skin folds at corner of eyes
Small, flat midface area
Cognitive & Behavioral problems
 Attention Deficit / hyperactivity Disorder
 Inability to foresee consequences
 Inability to learn from previous experiences
 Lack of organization
 Learning difficulties
 Poor abstract thinking
 Poor impulse control
 Speech & language problems.
 Emphasizes screening & prevention to reduce the high
incidence of obstetric & medical complications among
users as well as their passively addicted infants
 Assessment
 History
 Screening questionnaires
 Urine toxicology screening
 Education about effects of substance exposure of fetus
 Interventions to improve mother – child attachment &
improve parenting.
Psychosocial support
Referral to outreach programs
Follow – up of children born to dependent mothers.
Dietary counseling
More frequent prenatal visits
Support systems & vocational assistance.