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Jeff Bezos & Amazon: History, Innovation, & Market Analysis

Amazon - Jeff Bezos
By : Zain Siddiqui
Jeff Bezos History
Jeff Bezos quit his job at an investment bank in 1994 and moved to Seattle, Washington to open a virtual
bookstore. Bezos, who worked in the garage with a few employees, started developing software for a website
he named Amazon.com. The first book was sold in 1995. Bezos graduated from Princeton University
in 1986. He holds a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. He worked on Wall street in a
variety of related fields from 1986 to early 1994. Bezos founded Amazon in late 1994.
Jeff Bezos mother was a 17 year old high school student and his father was 19 years old. Theodore
Jorgensen had ancestry from Denmark and was born in Chicago to a family of Baptists. After completing high
school despite challenging conditions, Jacklyn attended night school while bringing Jeffrey along as a baby.
After his parents divorced, his mother married Cuban immigrant Miguel "Mike" Bezos in April 1968.
Shortly after the wedding, Mike adopted four year old Jeffrey, whose surname was then legally changed from
Jorgensen to Bezos.
Disruptive Innovator negative and positive
Amazon is an example of disruptive innovation. Disruptive innovation requires enabling technology, an
innovative business model, and a coherent value network. Sustaining innovation is the process of
innovating to improving products and services for existing customers.
Amazon has negatively disrupted the physical retail stores specially during covid starting with its
cashier-less Amazon Go stores, bookstores, full-scale grocery stores and Amazon Prime pop-up shops.
For years, Amazon has disrupted department stores and forced them to change how they did business,
because most people also could not leave their houses due to lockdown which made them have things
delivered to them reducing the demand for retail stores significantly.
Amazon increased the digital ecommerce industry significantly as it is a leader in all of the companies.
Amazon added one click shopping, the fast delivery services, Amazon has been a real game changer in
the ecommerce and marketing world. Due to their ability to prioritize their customer’s needs and adapt to
ever-changing technology therefore making them a very hard competitors against other retail stores which
also increases their demand.
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