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Social Media Impact on Young Brains: Annotated Article

Annotated Article
Abrams, Zara
“Why young brains are especially vulnerable to social media”
Abrams, Zara. “Why Young Brains Are Especially Vulnerable to Social Media.” American
Psychological Association, American Psychological Association,
At young ages, the brain is very impressionable and many different stimuli and hormones can
have an effect on the mental state of the child. As the brain is still growing, children can be
vulnerable to the perceptions on social media. Instead of real interactions, the child will find
validation through likes and views. This leads kids to have poor self images and different mental
disorders because of social media.
Keywords: social media, mental health, brain, approval, vulnerability, social relationships
Psychological Inquiry, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2020
Saiphoo, A. N., & Vahedi, Z., Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 101, 2019; Charmaraman, L.,
et al., Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 127, 2022
1. “Social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat have provided
crucial opportunities for interaction… But they’ve also been increasingly linked to
mental health problems, including anxiety, depressive symptoms, and body image
concerns” (3).
2. “Specifically, receptors for the “happy hormones” oxytocin and dopamine multiply in a
part of the brain called the ventral striatum, making preteens extra sensitive to attention
and admiration from others” (6).
3. “Part of what makes online interactions so different from in-person ones is their
permanent—and often public—nature, according to research by Jacqueline Nesi, PhD, an
assistant professor of psychology at Brown University” (11).
1. They mention social media allows kids to social interact in an easier way so, compared to
before social media is this social interaction actually beneficial and worth the cost?
2. During the pandemic, was there any spike in these mental health issues due to the
isolation on top of the only interactions of people being over the internet?
1. Writing the annotation was slightly difficult since it is hard sometimes to decide what is
valuable information versus what is just a part of the material. Digging through the text and
deciphering the important facts is definitely a bit challenging. However, I definitely see how this
process can be helpful in deciding the important parts of a piece and I overall found it more
helpful than challenging.
2. The readings definitely allowed me to get a better insight into how social media can be
negative, even though on the surface it seems mostly positive. I understand now how there are
actually changes that occur in a person that are bad in response to social media. I can see how the
constant need of validation through the internet as well as the constant comparison to others can
be challenging to a young mind. I definitely furthered my view on how social media can be
extremely toxic and detrimental to young individuals and.