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Math Speaking Skills Worksheet: Vocabulary & Oral Strategies

MFPC 411
LU 1.3 Speaking Skills in the informal and formal register of
Mathematics/ Praatvaardighede in die informele en formele register
van Wiskunde
Due Date
eFundi Test
7 – 11 March
7 – 13 March
Reading material (Articles):/ Leesmateriaal (Artikels):
Atkinson SL - Chapter 4
Hughes, E.M., Powell, S.R. & Stevens, E.A. 2016. Supporting clear and concise mathematics
language. Say this say that. Teaching exceptional children, 49(1):7-17. 7.
Nel, C., 2012. Cracking the Vocabulary Code in Mathematics in the Foundation Phase. South
African Journal of Childhood Education, 2(2), pp.15-34.
Riccomini, P.J., Smith, G.W., Hughes, E.M. and Fries, K.M., 2015. The language of mathematics: The
importance of teaching and learning mathematical vocabulary. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31(3),
Spaniak, 2009. - (link) https://pdf4pro.com/amp/view/the-keys-to-unlocking-vocabulary-s-c-o-d-e3e1a98.html
Thompson, R. & Rubenstein, R.N. 2000. Learning mathematics vocabulary: potential pitfalls and
instructional strategies. Mathematics teacher, 93:7. October.
Vorster, J.A. 1995. The influence of terminology and support materials in the main language on the
conceptualisation of geometry learners with limited English proficiency: Chapter 3. The role of
language in the mathematics classroom. (Dissertation – MEd).
Question 1
1.1 Teachers need to regularly use a variety of strategies to effectively prevent or resolve the number of
potential pitfalls that occur in using language. Discuss the strategies for promoting vocabulary
development in teaching of mathematics language in the Foundation Phase.
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1.2 Discuss the oral strategies that a teacher can use to help learners master oral mathematical
oral – talking ; orally rephrasing of mathematical ideas
Working oraly in groups on maths problems - gives learners time to TALK maths
“say something”
Silent teacher strategy
Choral responses
Learner invent mathematical terms “midline
1. 3. Teachers are expected to support learners to develop clear and concise Mathematics Language.
Use the statements given to teach learners how to ‘say’ statements correctly. Identify if the statements
are correct, if not, give the correct statement. If it is correct, give the incorrect version of the statement. /
Correct / Not Correct
a. ….7, 8, 9 and 10
Not correct
b. let’s start counting with 1 or 0
c. what number is in the tens place?
Not correct
Correct Statement
d. The alligator eats the bigger number
e. Compose or decompose
Not correct
Not coccrect
f. top number and bottom number
g. 2 over 3
h. rectangle or circle
i. angle
j. this is 3 cm long
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Question 2
2.1 Provide the five specific techniques for helping students learn and remember essential mathematical
vocabulary as discussed in Riccomini et al. (2015).
2.2 Mastery of vocabulary is essential for long-term success especially struggling students and students
with disabilities in mathematics. Discuss the six steps (Marzano, 2004) to follow when teaching
terminology. Sketch a flow diagram of the six steps and describe at each step how you would teach
subtraction as a concept/new vocabulary.
2.3 What are the steps of instructional strategies that aid effective vocabulary instruction to maximize
student learning of essential vocabulary Riccomini et al. (2015).
1. Informal explanations
2. Restate in own words
3. Construct picture, diagram illustration
4. Continuously add to their knowledge
5. Periodically revisit terms
6. Provide fun game- like activities
2.4 Discuss the mnemonic strategies that can be used by teachers as instructional tools to harness
understanding of vocabulary in the Foundation Phase
1. Strategies and techniques to make learning memorable and motivating
2. Connecting new knowledge to prior knowledge
3. Mnemonic strategy – Keyword
-Similar sounding word
-Picture representation
-Create sentence – link keyword to definition
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2.5 Discuss the ‘Game-Like’ activities that can be used by teachers as techniques when teaching
vocabulary. Give examples of the games that can be played.
-Improves sight recognition
-Improve and maintain understanding
-Continuous vocabulary development
-Makes learning vocabulary fun
Examples of game-like activities:
1. Word-O – Similar to Bingo
2. Word-Sorts – Compare and contrast to form categories
Question 3
3.1 In Vorster (1995), the benefits of engaging learners in discussions in mathematical classrooms are stated.
Discuss them.
3.2 What methods or strategies can be developed to encourage learners to speak about what and how they
think, to formulate their thoughts and to express themselves clearly (Vorster, 2015).
3.3 How can teachers teach a learner how to count?
3.4 Discuss the oral ‘Think, pair, share’ strategy used to increase talk (dialogue) amongst leaners in building
a language-rich classroom.
Increase the dialogue between students
Assessment tool
Think – give time
Pair – TALK to a partner
Share – what did you and your partner talk about
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Question 4
4.1 Give the three main ways in which children’s failure to understand mathematical vocabulary may
manifest (Nel, 2012); / Gee die drie hoof maniere waarop kinders se versuim om wiskundige woordeskat
te verstaan, kan manifesteer (Nel, 2012):
4.2 How can teachers help children who do not understand the first-time spoken instructions when given,
in order to pick up the meaning later on?
4.3 What types of questions can be asked to help leaners who are not always familiar with the vocabulary
and grammatical structures used in school? Give examples (Nel, 2012): / Watter tipe vrae kan gevra word
om leerders te help wat nie altyd vertroud is met die woordeskat en grammatikale strukture wat in die skool
gebruik word nie? Gee voorbeelde (Nel, 2012):
4.4 According to Nel (2012; p. 19-20) what would be the reason for the lack of response from children to
questions asked in a lesson? / Wat sou volgens Nel (2012; bl. 19-20) die rede wees vir die gebrek
aan reaksie van kinders op vrae wat in 'n les gevra word?
4.5 Explain what is meant by the following words/ phrases: / Verduidelik wat met die volgende
woorde/frases bedoel word:
a. A vocabulary notebook
b. A root word tree
4.6 In order to ensure that learners master critical concepts and build a solid base for learning new words,
teachers should focus on helping learners crack vocabulary’s CODE. Uncode the word ‘CODE’ and
explain further what it means and give examples. /
Om te verseker dat leerders kritiese konsepte bemeester en 'n stewige basis bou vir die aanleer van
nuwe woorde, moet onderwysers daarop fokus om leerders te help om woordeskat se KODE te
kraak. Dekodeer die woord 'CODE' en verduidelik verder wat dit beteken en gee voorbeelde.
4.7 What does the deep processing: vocabulary summary writing “CRO-MID” stands for or mean? /
Waarvoor staan of wat beteken die diep verwerking: woordeskat opsomming: "CRO-MID"?
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4.8 To teach vocabulary in mathematics, Teachers can use the phonic or word decoding platform to help
learners learn about word roots, prefixes, suffixes and base words. In a table form, show two
mathematics words on how the knowledge of root words, prefixes, suffixes and guessing the meaning
can be presented.
onbekende woord
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