Key aspects and feasibility assessment of a proposed wind farm in Jordan .............................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................ Abstract To tackle climate change and secure energy supplies, many countries invest heavily on wind energy as it is a clean source and is becoming more cost effective with the technological advancement and increased capacity per unit installed. The investigation of the availability of wind resources is an essential step of any feasibility study of a wind farm project and is vital for securing financial resources. With this intent, the main aspects for designing a wind farm at Ajloun (north of Jordan) is investigated and wind energy potential is determined based on available wind data. Based on the site characteristic, the required infrastructure is highlighted, including the turbine array layout and the pattern of connections with the external transmission lines. The investigation of the feasibility of the project includes an appraisal of social and environmental consequences of constructing the wind farm project. The results show that the selected location for the wind farm is encouraging and has a promising profit potential. The findings estimate the annual electricity generation of the wind farm at 379659.51 MWh, with a breakeven selling point of around $30.03/MWh, at a highly competitive price. However, with an estimated selling price of $36.65/MWh on average, it will settle the interest rate demanded by the banks that have an internal rate of return of 7%. No major issues with geotechnical and environmental issues were identified with respect to the project. Keywords: wind farm; wind assessment; feasibility of wind farm; implications of wind farm ∗ Corresponding author: mohamReceived 10 August 2019; revised 23 September 2019; editorial decision 29 September 2019; accepted 29 September 2019 ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1. INTRODUCTION Use of renewable energy resources helps in reducing fossil-fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Wind energy has been very effective in reducing the trends of climate change [1]; moreover, it is the fastest-growing renewable energy source which replaces conventional energy production plants. Hence, its conversion system is considered economical and is environmentally friendly [2]. Energy derived from wind farms is a reliable and dependable source of energy. The maintenance and operational costs of a wind farm are manageable and reasonable compared to other energy sources. Using wind energy for the production of electricity is highly efficient and reliable. Expediently, the cost of generating electricity from wind energy is comparatively low with respect to other renewable sources while they are in special conditions similar to fossil fuel costs but with other sustainable advantages. Possibly, the price will decrease further as relevant technology improves. Wind power is one of the most renewable energy technologies, and the wind industry has been experiencing accelerated growth during the recent decades from 17 GW in the year 2000 up to around 500 GW in 2018 [3]. These come with benefits and costs to the environment. Wind farms face many issues regarding the location of the turbines. Efficient locations of wind farms are often situated in remote areas far from electricity consumers in cities and quite often equally from the transmission. Wind farms also compete International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 © The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( by-nc/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. For commercial re-use, please contact doi:10.1093/ijlct/ctz062 Advance Access publication 18 November 2019 97 Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 Mohammad Al-Addous1, *, Motasem Saidan2 , Mathhar Bdour1 , Zakariya Dalala1 , Aiman Albatayneh1 and Christina B. Class3 1 Department of Energy Engineering, School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management, German Jordanian University, PO Box 35247, Amman 11180, Jordan 2 Chemical Engineering Department, School of Engineering, the University of Jordan, Amman 11942, Jordan; 3 Department of Basic Sciences, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2, 07745 Jena, Germany M. Al-Addous et al. 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE CONSIDERED SITE AND THE ASSESSMENT SCOPE This paper discusses the feasibility of constructing a 100-MW wind farm in Jordan. The selected location for this project is Ajloun, a mountainous town in the north part of Jordan. It is located 76 km northwest of Amman as shown in Figure 1. 98 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 Figure 1. Proposed location for the wind farm in Ajloun north of Jordan [30]. There is a large expanse of land in this location, and part of it can be used for the purpose of the planned wind farm. Only few people live in the proposed area which is an advantage for the planned project. The existing infrastructure around the project site includes a road network and a grid transmission line close to the site. The site is located at 1000–1100 m above the sea level with an excellent wind potential. There is availability of sufficient resources with an average wind speed of 8.2 m/s. In the collected data, the resource data indicated high wind energy potential [31]. Close to this location, there is a grid transmission line as shown in Figure 2. Also, the access road that leads to the site will be of great utility for the construction and future maintenance of the site. The weather condition of the suggested farm is favorable and slightly turbulent, with little risk of causing damage to the wind turbines. Other issues which arise from the site are equally favorable including the land lease from the owners and the approval from all parties (landowners, government, council and residents). However, plain surfaces cause low turbulence and higher wind speeds occur only at a very close distance to the ground level which need to be taken into account when designing the wind farm. The design and assessment of the proposed wind farm are undertaken using wind data from 1998 to 2011 which are analyzed to estimate the wind energy potential at the selected site. Moreover, the farm design and the infrastructure requirements are elaborated thoroughly. The proposed design is assessed taking into account social, environmental and economic aspects. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 3.1. Wind energy potential assessment at the proposed site Weather data for the project sits is available for the years 1998 to 2011 through weather stations in Ajloun which were set at a Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 alternatively, e.g. agricultural uses of the land. Additionally, wind turbines might cause noise and aesthetic pollution and affect the wildlife especially birds [4]. Total costs for setting up large-scale wind farms vary significantly depending on the construction and turbine costs, cost of the location of the proposed wind farm, wind resource assessment and site analysis studies, utility system upgrades, transformers, protection and metering equipment, cost of financing, insurance, operations, maintenance and repair and warranty [5]. Jordan has very limited indigenous fossil energy resources, and its energy supply depends at about 96% on imports of oil, oil products, natural gas and electricity, which accounted for 26% of total imports and 8.5% of GDP in 2017 [6]. In 2013, renewable energy (RE) resources provide a maximum contribution to the total energy mix of 2% [7–10]. The National Energy Strategy for 2007–2020 is geared towards increasing reliance on local energy sources by increasing their share from 4 to 40% by using shale oil and alternative RE sources like wind and solar power [11–12]. In 2018, Jordan was generating 1130 MW of power from RE resources, accounting for about 11% of total electricity requirements. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) report, the installed capacity in 2021 will have more than doubled to 2400 MW [13]. Jordan has received a large influx of refugees (1.3 million refugees) posing various challenges on the country’s economy and infrastructure and has put pressure on all sectors including water, municipal services and electricity supply [14–21]. Moreover, Jordan is ranked second in the world in water scarcity and is drastically influenced by climate change [22–27]. In 2015, three wind power plants were installed in Jordan at three different places: one at Ibrahimyah, one at Hofa and the third at Tafilah. The plant at Ibrahimyah is located about 80 km north of Amman and has four wind turbines, with a rated capacity of 0.08 MW. The second plant at Hofa, about 92 km north of Amman, operates five wind turbines with a rated capacity of 0.225 MW. The third plant at Tafilah in the southwestern part of Jordan has a rated capacity of 117 MW [28]. In order to increase the share of wind energy in Jordan, a new wind farm is proposed to be constructed northwest of Amman. This paper presents a proposed methodology for the assessment and planning of a new wind farm in the foreseen site, as well as an economic analysis of the project. These discussed planning stages include initial assessment of the project, followed by the selected site characterization, then the validation of data and detailed profit generation projection and finally the implications [29]. Key aspects and feasibility assessment of the proposed wind farm in Jordan Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 Figure 2. Transmission lines and generators in Jordan [ 32]. height of 3 m above the ground level. In the proposed site, there is an adequate and regular supply of wind with annual mean wind speed of 19.9–23.1 km/h and mean temperatures between 11.2 and 21.5◦ C [31]. The wind farm shall be designed for 100 MW. However, there is limited land area availability in Ajlun city for implementing such huge wind farms and therefore higher power wind turbines are recommended to limit the area needed. For instance, 2.0-MW turbines (or higher) are preferred. Vestas V90 2.0 MW fulfills the requirements of the project. Figure 3 depicts the power curve of this wind turbine. Wind speed is in a cubic relationship with output wind power, and the wind turbine generates power only when wind speed is high and it is between ‘cut in wind speed (4 m/s) and cut out wind speed (25 m/s) [31]’ (Figure 3). The data analysis and the assessment of the wind energy potential are based on the Vestas V90 2.0-MW wind turbine. Wind speed is estimated at a height of 80 m (corresponding to the hub height) where the turbine should be installed based on the local site characteristics. Wind data were recorded at around 3 m height, and the wind turbine’s height is 80 m so it is essential to extrapolate wind speed from 3 to 80 m height in order to acquire accurate power output. The estimation of the wind speed bases on the logarithmic Figure 3. Power curve for the Vestas V90 wind turbine: the blue curve for the 2.0-MW turbine and the red curve for the 1.8-MW turbine [ 33]. law [34]. ln z zo u(z) = u (zr ) ln zzor (1) International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 99 M. Al-Addous et al. Table 1. Energy generation estimation for a single 2 MW wind turbine. Wind speed band at turbine heights (m/s) Annual electricity production (MWh) 138 48 68 384 404 542 1382 729 1498 694 613 976 367 505 149 99 102 24 24 5 3 4 1 2 0.2 0 0 8761 0 0 0 0 40 108 498 401 1229 819 919 1855 734 1009 297 198 203 49 48 10 7 8 1 3 0.4 0 0 8436 where u(z): wind speed at 80 m height u(zr ): wind speed at 3 m height z o : surface roughness (some trees hedges z = 1.5 m) [9] z = 80 m (turbine height) zr = 3 m (reference height) At the height of 80 m, the wind speed will be a multiplication of the wind speed at 3 m high by factor 1.39. It can be represented as [u(at 80 m) = 1.3925 × u(at 3 m)], where u represents the wind speed. Using this result and the power curve of the wind turbine (Figure 3), the electricity production at the site can be estimated based on the available wind data from 1998 to 2011. Table 1 shows this estimation for the measured wind speed bands from 0 to 26 m/s for a single 2-MW wind turbine, while Figure 4 depicts this estimation graphically. Based on Table 1, the expected average energy production per year and wind turbine is 8437 MWh or an average energy production of 0.96 MWh per hour. 3.2. Wind farm design and required infrastructure 3.2.1. Wind farm design For the construction of a 100-MW wind plant, 50 units of the chosen 2-MW wind turbine are required. The layout of the array 100 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 Figure 4. Annual electricity productions in megawatt-hours for each wind speed band. Figure 5. Rose of wind direction versus wind speed in kilometers per hour. must take into account the site area and turbine characteristics to minimize array losses. Array losses amount to a maximum value of 10% if turbines are spaced 8 to 10 rotor diameters apart in the prevailing wind direction and 5 rotor diameters apart in the crosswind direction [32]. The rotor diameter of Vestas V90 2.0 MW is 90 m [31]. This results in the following: Required distance in the crosswind direction: 5 ∗ 90 m = 450 m Required distance in the downwind direction: 10 ∗ 90 m = 900 m The proposed location experiences mainly wind from southeast as shown in Figure 5, so southeast is assumed as the prevailing wind direction in setting the wind farm layout. The project site has an area of 13770000 m2 . In order to guarantee the maximum array efficiency by respecting the minimum distances of 450 and 900 m between the turbines, the 50 turbines will be installed as depicted in Figure 6 with 16 turbines on the first line and 17 each for the second and third lines. Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Total Hour per year Key aspects and feasibility assessment of the proposed wind farm in Jordan Figure 7. Inner road layout of the wind farm. Figure 8. Two substations location for the proposed wind farm. 3.2.2. Infrastructure requirements The selected location of the project is linked by a road extending from the highway. Thus, the site needs to have a distance more than 500 m from the road in order to minimize the noise effect [35]. In order to meet the requirement for turbine erection, crane transportation and construction, the main access roads should be 10 m wide. Other roads which do not need to transport the crane may be around 6 m wide. For easy transportation of the turbine blade, the horizontal and vertical alignments of the main access roads should be 45 m long, so civil work requires building the road for blade and crane transportation purposes. This is indicated in Figure 7. In order to connect the wind farm to the grid, a specific infrastructure is required. This comprises a substation and converter system; the substation will be used in the conversion of the electricity from 33 to 220 kV. There will also be a control room and switch room. There will be two substations, one located at the northwest corner and the second at the southeast corner. This is shown in Figure 8. Noise pollution is a problem that is closely linked with operating a wind farm and thus needs to be controlled. It is, therefore, important to carefully choose a wind converter system which is noise-free or reduce it to the barest minimum. V90-2MW is operated with innovative technology to reduce sound production and energy consumption effectively. The wind successfully gains access into a cooling system (i.e. heat exchanger) in order to cool down the electrical components and the moving parts. It has low noise production level and could be operated in defined International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 101 Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 Figure 6. Turbine array for the proposed site. M. Al-Addous et al. 3.3.2. Social and environmental issues associated with the wind farm Wind power is a RE source that has been in use for decades for generating electricity for local energy supply and local consumption. However, there are certainly environmental issues which might arise from the construction of a wind farm, and they should be adequately considered, some of which include water consumption, noise, visual impact, shadow flicker and wildlife which are discussed in the following paragraphs. sound levels. In addition, the new design of its blades is produced with carbon fiber, and it has an area of 3∗44 m; also, many lightweight materials are applied in V90-2MW. The design is revolutionary and is more acceptable to people. The sensitivity of the blades to dirt is reduced. Therefore, V90-2MW is suitable for the proposed wind farm, and it has been chosen for that purpose. The power from the turbine will be transmitted to the substation via a 33-kV cable. Most of the cables will be buried along the road, while some of them need to be above the ground for specific conditions. Turbines in each row are connected due to their similar output and then connected to the substations. The detailed interconnection is as represented in Figure 9. The red lines show the interconnection between each turbine and connection to the substation. The external transmission connects the substations of the proposed farmland to the national grid substation. It is possible to connect to the national grid directly. A network of computer systems, a signal cable from the turbine, a transducer on the mast and an electrical transducer will be installed and used for communication, control and data collection. 3.3.4. Noise Noise pollution has always been a big problem to the existence of wind farm. However, evidence has shown that certain measures can be put in place to bring it to the barest minimum. The noise produced by wind turbines has two distinct sources: the aerodynamic and mechanical ones. The first type is caused by an interaction between rotor blades and relative wind, and the second type is due to mechanical parts of the system such as gears. The sound level depends on two main factors which include design and wind speed. Although there is no evidence to show that noise produced by wind turbines is harmful to humans’ health, we still need to ensure a reasonably low noise level. It has been proven by modern wind turbine design that mechanical noise is insignificant and can be reduced by changing the blade design and operation, so the dominant noise caused by wind turbines is aerodynamic [37]. This type of noise ranges from infrasound to normal audible range and can be minimized by a careful design of the blades by manufacturers, such as changing the blade pitch or the shape of the trailing edge. The sound level for a 1-MW wind turbine at a distance of 300 m from is 45 dBA. In addition, there are only a few people living around the location of the planned wind farm. 3.3. Assessment of the proposed design 3.3.5. Visual impact The health impact of visual burdens cannot be underestimated. Rotating wind turbine blades interrupt the sunlight producing an unavoidable flicker bright enough to pass through closed eyelids, and moving shadows cast by the blades on windows can affect illumination inside the building. Though it is difficult to set standards to be accepted by everyone, it seems quite essential to be supported by local communities, especially in some areas where the landscape amenity is of high value [38]. Some studies have shown that wind farms are more acceptable visually to people who have been informed of the benefits derived from their use. It also 3.3.1. Energy generation The wind farm consists of 50 wind turbines of type Vestas V90 2.0 MW which are installed (Section 3.2.) at the required distance to achieve an efficiency of above 90% (for instance, the efficiency includes array efficiency (mutual interference among turbines) and availability (programmed maintenance)). Based on the assumed annual power generated by an isolated turbine of 8437 MWh (Table 1), we can calculate the expected total energy of the whole wind farm as90% ∗ (8436.878 MWh ∗ 50) = 379.65951 GWh 102 International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 Figure 9. Interconnection layout of turbines. 3.3.3. Water consumption More importantly, as an increasingly water-stressed country, water consumption is vital and is a great concern especially for Jordan. It is reported that wind energy consumes relatively much less water (0.004 L/kWh) when compared with conventional power plants (i.e. oil power plant consumes 1.6 L/kWh) [36]. By reducing the usage of water, water can be preserved and used for other purposes in Jordan. Key aspects and feasibility assessment of the proposed wind farm in Jordan Table 2. Economic assumptions used in this study. Assumption Cost Notes Installation cost The operation and maintenance Costs the capital cost: Interest rate Inflation Operation time 1.5$/watt $3.75 M/year $150 M 7% 3% 20 years (Operation: 2.5%, other capital: 7%, site works: 24.5%, wind turbines: 66%) annual costs for wind turbines 2.5% of the original turbine cost 30% from investors ($45 M), 70% bank loan ($105 M)) Table 3. Electricity selling prices, profitability and IRR Electricity selling price ($/MWh) Net profit/losses ($) IRR $7593190.20 $9491487.75 $11389785.30 $13,288,082.85 $15,186,380.40 $17,084,677.95 −$3806809.80 −$1908512.25 −$10214.70 $1888082.85 $3,786,380.40 $5,684,677.95 −3% 0% 3% 6% 9% 11% has been indicated that farming and livestock are unaffected by existing wind farms, and nearly 99% of the land is available for farming or other uses [39]. In order to minimize the aesthetic and amenity impacts, some special characteristics of design need to be taken into consideration to maintain the public acceptance. 3.3.6. Shadow flicker The constantly changing light intensity caused by moving blades is the cause of shadow flickers. It produces shadow which is cast on stationery objects like windows at the dwelling [40]. This shadow is also cast on land and houses when the turbines rotate having the sun behind it [39]. This may lead to dizziness for people living around there, and it also causes nausea when they look at the movement of the blades. However, this project is not affected by this as only a few people live on this farm. Also, the impact of shadow flickers on roads should be considered, but because the location is 2 km away from the highway, it is therefore not necessary to bother about this. 3.3.7. Wildlife The great danger may be given by transmission lines and wind turbines to wildlife especially birds considering their species, location and time. The impacts may occur in several ways [40], such as displacement of the birds, for instance, they are sent away from the site either temporarily or permanently. Moreover, the birds may collide with rotating blades of the turbine, and this can cause serious injury or death of the birds. Also, noise from construction activities and rotation of turbines may have a negative effect on the birds [41]. Sometimes, local birds are also affected when feeding, breeding and laying eggs. The birds can actually avoid collision with turbine blades; they still continue to breed and feed when construction is going on. However, if the migration route of the birds passes through the project site, it may pose a serious danger to the birds. However, the blades of large turbines rotate slowly because of aerodynamic and acoustic reasons [42]. 3.3.8. Economic analysis After assessing the technical feasibility as well as the socioenvironmental issues related to the planned wind farm, an economic analysis is required before a final decision regarding the project can be taken. The costs of constructing the wind farm are as follows: installation cost 1.5$/watt (operation: 2.5%, other capital: 7%, site works: 24.5%, wind turbines: 66%); operation and maintenance costs— annual costs for wind turbines 2.5% of the original turbine cost ($3.75 M/year); capital cost—30% from investors ($45 M) and 70% bank loan ($105 M); interest rate 7% and inflation 3%; and the time of operation in years: 20 years, as shown in Table 2. The profitability of the wind farm in the proposed site depends on the electricity selling price as shown in Table 3. Any average price less than $30.03/MWh will lead to losses from the capital cost while that higher than $36.65/MWh (IRR = 7%) or more will be profitable based on the assumptions mentioned above based on the existing roads with no extra costs to build any roads. 4. STUDY LIMITATION AND FUTURE INVESTIGATION Wind speed measurements were used from 1998 to 2011 at 3 m above the surface. Then, the annual energy production (AEP) at 80 m has been obtained assuming a neutral logarithmic wind profile with a 1.5-m roughness length. Due to the characteristics of this site (which is most likely a diurnal cycle and wind directiondependent roughness length), the uncertainties in this approach are thus considered of high significance. International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 2020, 15, 97–105 103 Downloaded from by guest on 04 February 2022 20 25 30 35 40 45 Annual return ($) M. Al-Addous et al. 5. CONCLUSIONS Jordan lacks energy resources and is dependent on the use of crude oil, totally imported from neighboring Arab oil-producing countries. The government of Jordan puts much effort to build and conserve energy for the country in order to enhance rapid development and usage of alternative sources of energy. Wind assessment for a proposed wind farm in Jordan showed that for 79% of the year, commercial turbines forming the wind farm generate electricity and 20.8% of the year this turbine generates electricity on a full rated power of 2 MW. A proposed wind farm in Ajloun, north of Jordan, is feasible and can be highly profitable with an annual electricity production of about 380 GWh/year and an average selling electricity price of $30.027/MWh which is highly competitive compared with the price of other RE sources. Geotechnical, environmental and safety requirements were outlined which do not give any counter against proceeding with the project. REFERENCES [1] Union of Concerned Scientists. Barriers to renewable energy technologies. 2017. increase-renewables/barriers-to-renewable-energy.html; [2] Shoaib M et al. Assessment of wind energy potential using wind energy conversion system. J Clean Prod 2019;216:346–60. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.01.128. 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