THEME: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES HOW CAN WE SECURE THE INTERNET OF THINGS? SPEAKING 1. With a partner, discuss the following questions. a. What are some of the current devices that you wear or have at your home that is connected to the internet? How do they improve your daily life? b. What type of data do they transfer? KEYWORDS 2. Read the following sentences and match the words and phrases in bold with their definitions a–J. Then in pairs / groups, compare your answers. 1. These are nasty pieces of malicious code such as viruses, Trojan horses and worms. : [ h ] 2. With more and more cyberattacks, companies are left to tackle the problem of securing data. : [ e ] a. a type of software that is designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid b. to successfully perform an action or movement; to do a task or piece of work 3. The criminals behind this ransomware attack demanded $192 from users to unlock their computer systems. : [ a ] c. the length of time that somebody lives or that something lasts 4. Smart cities use sensors to monitor crime hotspots. : [j] d. what happens or appears if you do not make any other choice or change, especially in a computer program 5. Many famous artists were very poor during their lifetime. : [ c ] e. to make a determined effort to deal with a difficult problem or situation 6. Check that the computer has executed your commands. :[ b] f. 7. In video games, players can complete goals, unlock new levels and progress through the game. : [ i ] 8. In the movie, the student hacked into her teacher’s computer in order to change her grades. : [ g ] 9. Many people never change the default username and passwords that comes with their device. : [ d] 10. The use of weak passwords is one of the main cybersecurity risks. : [ f ] not very strong g. to secretly find a way of looking at and/or changing information on somebody else’s computer system without permission h. (of software or computer code) intended to harm or damage somebody's computer or data files i. to use code or password to get access to data on a computer or other device j. to use technology to watch somebody/something, especially for reasons of security 1 Technical English worksheet (CEFR B2) © THEME: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES VIDEO COMPREHENSION 3. PREDICTING: You are going to watch a video on IOT, What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and how can we secure it? ( ) . Look at the title, what do you think is the Internet of Things? What information do you think will be included in the video? Write down short notes. After watching, remember to check if your prediction was correct. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3a. Listen and complete the following comprehension questions. All answers should be in full sentences. 1. What do you understand by the “Internet of Things”? Give an example. [ IOT is any physical object that you connect to the Internet. ] 2. What are the potential benefits could the Internet of Things bring to our daily lives? [ The advantages of the IOT and the data that it produces are enormous, from a personal health issue to the physical reliability of roads and bridges. etc] 3. According to the video, what are the potential risk associated the Internet of Things? [ IOT devices have a cyber security concerns as many IOT devices can be hacked. ] 4. What was suggested as the possible causes of these risks? [ Many IOT devices are hacked because they are not properly secured. Many devices are not designed with security in mind. The use of default username and password. ] 4. Answer the following True or False questions. Then compare your answers with a partner. a. Cybercriminals are always checking to see if your house door is unlocked. T/F b. Data collection can happen whenever we are located close to an IoT device. T/F c. Most people are unaware of the amount of data that IoT devices are collecting. T/F d. Medical devices are all safe from hacking. T/F e. The username and password that comes with a device, is very secure. T/F CRITICAL THINKING 5. With a partner discuss the following questions then share your views with the rest of the class. 1. What did you learn from the video? Were the predictions you made in part 3 correct? 2 Technical English worksheet (CEFR B2) © THEME: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES 2. Look at any IOT device that you currently have, what is it and what do you think you could do to better secure it? 3. Explain the role of the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence,industry. Do you have a similar agency in your country? LANGUAGE FOCUS 6. VERBS + NOUN COLLOCATION: Choose a verb that goes well with the word(s) in bold. Then compare your answers with a partner. To turn off | to connect to | to pick up | to keep up with | to execute | to secure | to infect a. Our fridges can remind us what [ to pick up ] at the store. b. IOT is any physical object that you [ connect to ] the Internet. c. Computing device are able [ to execute ] code. d. Thousands of computers [ are infected ] with viruses everyday due to weak passwords. e. We can [ turn off ] our lights from anywhere in the world using our smart phone. f. It is important [ to secure ] your IOT device in order that it does not get hacked. g. Many people [ keep up with ] friends on social media. 7. IMAGE LABELLING: Label the following images. Then with a partner discuss the potential application of smart technology to each, as well as the potential risk associated. 1. : 8. Bin : Stoplight / traffic light 2. : Bridge 9. 3. : Light bulb : Greenhouse 10. : Artificial arm 3 Technical English worksheet (CEFR B2) © THEME: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES 8. ADJECTIVE + NOUN COLLOCATION: combine one word from list A with one word from list B to make suitable noun phrases. Then use a word from list A to complete the sentences below. LIST A 1. 2. 3. 4. Default (c ) Unencrypted (d) technical ( f) data (e) LIST B 5. ethical (g) 6. digital (b) 7. information (e) 8. lifesaving (a) a. b. c. d. devices footprint password communication e. f. g. h. security experts consideration privacy i. Many of today's lifesaving [ devices ] are connected, and because of that are at risk for being hacked. ii. Many IoT devices are compromised because we do not change the [ default ] username and passwords. iii. When designing IoT devices, there is not only the security of data but also the ethical [ consideration ] . iv. We’re innovating so quickly that we don't take the time to build in [ data ] security into new products. v. Bringing together true [ technical ] experts from both the private and public sector is essential in order to create security policies for IoT devices. vi. As more and more people own connected devices, it is more urgent than ever to control our [ digital ] footprint. 9. WORD FORMATION: Complete the table below with the correct form of the word. Then practice using them in different sentences. Adjective Nouns Verbs 1. Manufacturing manufacturer To manufacture 2. developed development to develop 3. collaborative Collaboration to collaborate 4. encrypted Encryption To encrypt 5. collidable collision To collide 1. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 Technical English worksheet (CEFR B2) © THEME: TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES TRANSFER ACTIVITY 10. PRESENTATION SKILLS You are a cybersecurity manager currently working for a government agency in your country. You are asked to work with the agency’s communication department to create a public awareness programme on the potential security problems associated with connected devices and steps that can be taken to reduce those risk. Create an infographic poster or an explainer video to convey this information. ( HINT: Use Canva and Powtoon). 11. ROLE PLAY Student A: You are a Cybersecurity expert for a government agency in your country. You are invited to be a guest speaker on a popular podcast show called, “Our Connected Future”. You will be interviewed about the security problems associated with IoT devices. You have 10 minutes to prepare for your interview. Student B: You host a weekly podcast show called “Our Connected Future”. Every week you interview a guest speaker who share their knowledge on technological advances. Today, you will be interviewing a Cybersecurity Expert who will be talking about the security concerns associated with Internet of Things devices. You have 10 minutes to prepare a list of questions to ask your guest speaker. 5 Technical English worksheet (CEFR B2) ©