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Flashcards & Mind Mapping Study Methods

Flashcards are medium to small sizes papers; one side of the flashcard might have a question, or a
term and the other side will have the answer to the question or will explain or define what the term
means. Flashcards help you summarize your notes so that you can remember key terms.
I chose this study method because it is one that I have used since high school. It helped me pass
biology, and other subjects that I was having trouble with. The flash cards help me remember key
terms and their definitions. When I see the term in an exam, I know exactly what it means. I chose
this picture specifically because it is exactly how I write my flashcards. The paper should not have too
much color on it so that you are not distracted from the main purpose of the flashcards, they should
be simple.
Mind Mapping
Mind maps are like spider diagrams, they have the central idea in the middle and all other
subdivisions of the main point as the legs. Mind mapping is especially used when you would like to
link points to the main idea.
I chose this study method because I use it especially when I need to write essays, the legs/vines of
the mind map will be points of different paragraphs that I will write. It helps me sort out my points and
find the links to the essay question. This picture perfectly displays how a mind map should be sorted.
It shows the links between different points.