Etymology Flashcard Projects (Root Words) You will spend today and tomorrow making a set of flashcards for the most common root words. These flashcards are VERY important, and you will be tested on the material they encompass. The test is a bit tricky and requires you to understand root words, prefixes, and suffixes VERY well. On each card, you will write the root. Then, on the back, you will draw a PICTURE of what that word means! Keep it simple. This is NOT an art contest. Make sure your pictures make sense to you! See my example here: Front of Card (ROOT) Back of Card (PICTURE) TERR IMPORTANT This is a minor assessment grade and will help you with vocabulary issues You will be tested on these root words soon. You will be allowed to use your flashcards for that test, so please follow the example and directions perfectly. DO NOT WRITE the meaning on the back of the flashcards! The image is an important part of the memory process.