PATHOMORPHOLOGY № 1. 2. Tasks Answer choices A. Hemorrhagic peritonitis During autopsy approximately 2,0 liters of pus B. Serous have been found in the abdominal cavity of the peritonitis C. body. Peritoneum is dull and of grayish shade, Tuberculous serous tunic of intestines has grayish-colored peritonitis coating that is easily removable. Specify the most D. Necrosis likely type of peritonitis in the patient: E. Fibrinopurulent peritonitis A. Hematogenous progression of primary tuberculosis B. Hematogenous Autopsy of a 17 year old girl who died from tuberculosis with pulmonary failure revealed a small area of caseous necrosis in the inferior lobe of the right predominant lung affection C. lung, and occurences of caseous necrosis in the Tuberculoma D. bronchopulmonary, bronchial and bifurcational Caseous pneumonia lymph nodes. What is the most probable under secondary postmortem diagnosis? tuberculosis E. Primary tuberculosis Krok-1 Key words Right answer pus in the abdominal cavity; peritoneum E. with grayish-colored coating that is easily Fibrinopurule removable nt peritonitis E. Primary tuberculosis caseous necrosis in lung and in regional lymph nodes 3. Autopsy of a 1,5-year-old child revealed haemorrhagic skin rash, moderate hyperaemia and edema of nasopharyngeal mucous membrane, small haemorrhages in the mucous membranes and internal organs; dramatic dystrophic alterations in liver and myocardium; acute necrotic nephrosis; massive haemorrhages in the adrenal glands. What disease are these alterations the most typical for? 4. An autopsy of a 45-year-old female, who died from cardiac failure, revealed on the lateral surfaces of her both cheeks some reddishbrownish spots which fused on the bridge of the nose. The heart was enlarged, the myocardium was flaccid in A. Rheumatic consistency, the cusps of the aortic valve were defect of heart thickened and had thrombotic superpositions. The B. Atherosclerotic kidneys were motley and had focal haemorrhages. defect of heart The pyramids of the medullary layer were dark C. Septic red, the cortical layer was greyish and had red endocarditis D. specks. A microscopic examination of the kidneys Subacute revealed haematoxylin bodies in the tubular glomerulonephritis E. epithelial nuclei, the basal membranes of Systemic lupus capillaries of the glomeruli were thickened and erythematosus gave an appearance of wire loops, somewhere the walls of the capillaries contained hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis. Which diagnosis was the most probable? A. Scarlet fever hemorrhagic skin rash, hyperaemia and B. Diphtheria edema of nasopharyngeum; hemorrhages E. C. Measles in mucous, internal organs, adrenal Meningococca D. Epidemic typhus glands; dystrophy in liver and l infection E. Meningococcal myocardium; acute necrotic nephrosis infection cardiac failure; "butterfly" on nose; aortic valve thickened with thrombotic superpositions; haematoxylin bodies in E. Systemic tubular epithelial nuclei; basal membranes lupus of glomeruli thickened with wire loops; erythematosus hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosi 5. A 36-year-old female suffers from an expressed deformity of joints of her fingers and legs. Histologically, the periarticular connective tissue reveals some mucoid swelling, foci of fibrinoid necrosis, clusters of macrophages and areas of sclerosis, the synovial membrane has an oedema of villi, as well as their mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, the synovial cavity contains "rice bodies". Make a diagnosis of the disease. 6. A room for dissections received the body of a 56year-old male who was ill with rheumatism A. Diffuse during isolated 8 years and died from cardiovascular myocarditis insufficiency. An autopsy revealed the rheumatic B. Focal defect of the heart -mitral incompetence. A isolated histological examination revealed oedema of the myocarditis C. interstice, its diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes, Acute serous histiocytes, neutrophilic and eosinophilic myocarditis leukocytes, as well as parenchymatous protein and D. Acute purulent fatty degeneration of the cardiomyocytes. The left myocarditis E. atrial auricle had foci of fibrinoid necrosis Productive surrounded by large macrophages which were granulomatous located in the form of a veil (Aschoff’s myocarditis granulomA.. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. B. Rheumatism C. Bekhterev's disease D. Infectious polyarthritis E. Rheumatoid arthritis expressed deformity of joints of her joints of her fingers and legs; periarticular E. connective tissue and synovial membrane Rheumatoid with mucoid swelling, foci of fibrinoid arthritis necrosis; clusters of macrophages and areas of sclerosis; "rice bodies" rheumatism in anamnesis; rheumatic defect, mitral incompetence; interstitial oedema; lympho-histiocytic infiltration; parenchymatous degeneration; foci of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by large macrophages located in form of a veil E. Productive granulomatou s myocarditis 7. 8. 9. Two weeks after angina, a 14-year-old child developed pains in the heart, cyanosis, dyspnoea, oedemata of his lower extremities. The death was caused by cardiac arrest. On autopsy, the heart was enlarged, its cavities were dilated, the myocardium was flaccid. A microscopic examination revealed an acute oedema and plethora of the interstice, an expressed infiltration by lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils, foci of dystrophy of cardiomyocytes. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Ischaemic dystrophy of myocardium B. Nodular productive myocarditis C. Idiopathic myocarditis D. Focal interstitial exudative myocarditis E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis angina in anamnesis; pains in heart, cyanosis, dyspnoea, oedemata of his lower extremities; heart enlarged; cavities dilated; myocardium flaccid; acute oedema and plethora of the interstice; lympho-histiocytic infiltration E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis A histological examination of the cusps of the mitral valve in the heart of a female, who died A. Polypousfrom cardiac decompensation, revealed a focal mitral valve; focal desquamation of ulcerous desquamation of endotheliocytes with endotheliocytes; superimposed B. Diffuse E. Recurrent superimposed thrombotic masses in these areas. thrombotic masses in these areas; C. Acute vegetative vegetative The connective tissue of the valve cusp had signs connective tissue disorganization, areas of D. Loffler's E. of disorganization, areas of sclerosis and sclerosis and angiomatosis on valve Recurrent vegetative angiomatosis. Diagnose the kind of valvular endocarditis. An autopsy of a female revealed morphological manifestations of chronic heart failure in the right ventricle, stenosis of the left atrioventricular A. Scleroderma heart failure; stenosis of left aperture, insufficiency of the mitral valve. B. Dermatomyositis atrioventricular aperture, insufficiency of Histologically, a connective-tissue disorganization C. Polyarteritis the mitral valve; connective-tissue E. in the form of some mucoid and fibrinoid swelling nodosaD. Systemic disorganization; mucoid and fibrinoid Rheumatism was found with presence of blooming Aschoff s lupus erythematosus E. swelling; blooming Aschoff's bodies; bodies against a background of focal cardiosclerosis Rheumatism cardiosclerosis in the myocardium. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? 10. An autopsy of a 9-year-old child, who suffered from rheumatism and died of heart failure, revealed dilatation of cavities in the ventricles of his heart. Microscopically, the myocardial stroma was characterized by a plethora, oedema, diffuse infiltrations of histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. What diagnosis was the most probable one? 11. A clinical examination of a 41-year-old male patient revealed some deformity in small joints of his extremities. A microscopic examination of a biopsy of the synovial coat revealed foci of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and fibrinoid necrosis in the stroma of villi and vascular walls, proliferation of synoviocytes, a perivascular infiltration by lymphocytes, plasmacytes and neutrophils; there was IgG in the plasmacytes. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Alterative myocarditis B. Focal interstitial exudative myocarditis C. Granulomatous productive myocarditis D. Interstitial productive myocarditis E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis A. Polyarthritic form of rheumatism B. Arthritis in systemic lupus erythematosus C. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage II) D. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage III) E. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage I) rheumatism; heart failure; dilatation of ventricles; plethora, oedema, diffuse infiltration of histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis deformity in small joints; foci of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and fibrinoid necrosis; proliferation of synoviocytes; infiltration by lymphocytes, plasmacytes and neutrophils; IgG in the plasmacytes E. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage I) 12. A 45-year-old female, who complained of progressing muscular weakness, underwent a biopsy of soft tissues on her shin. A histological examination of the biopsy revealed some microfocal petrification of the derma and skeletal muscles, a reduced amount of glycogen and transversal striation in the muscular fibres, some fibres were necrotized, the stroma was infiltrated by lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. Make a diagnosis of the disease. 13. A. Acute tubularinterstitial Autopsy of a man who died from ethylenglycol nephritis poisoning revealed that his kidneys are a little bit B. Lipoid enlarged, edematic; their capsule can be easily nephrosis C. Acute remove. Cortical substance is broad and lightglomerulonephritis grey. Medullary substance is dark-red. What D. Acute pathology had this man? pyelonephritis E. Necrotic nephrosis ethylene glycol poisoning; kidneys E. Necrotic enlarged, capsule easily removed; cortex nephrosis pale grey and wide, the medulla dark red 14. A. Suppurative inflammation A 7-year-old child has acute onset of disease: B. Fibrinous temperature rise up to 38oC, rhinitis, cough, inflammation lacrimation, and large-spot rash on the skin. C. Hemorrhagic Pharyngeal mucosa is edematous, hyperemic, with inflammation whitish spots in the buccal area. What kind of D. Serous inflammation caused the changes in the buccal inflammation E. mucosa? Catarrhal inflammation mucosa is edematous, hyperemic, with E. Catarrhal whitish spots inflammation A. Polyarteritis nodosa B. Systemic scleroderma C. Systemic lupus erythematosus D. Rheumatism E. Dermatomyositis microfocal petrification of derma and skeletal muscles; reduced transversal E. striation and necrosis in muscular fibres; Dermatomyos lympho-hystiocytic, macrophagal and itis plasmacytic infiltration in stroma 15. 16. 17. A patient with tuberculosis died from progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy in the region of the right lung apex revealed a cavity 5 cm in diameter communicating with lumen of a segmental bronchus. On the inside cavity walls are covered with caseous masses with epithelioid and Langhan's cells beneath them. What morphological form of tuberculosis is it? A. Tuberculoma B. Caseous pneumonia C. Infiltrative tuberculosis D. Acute focal tuberculosis E. Acute cavernous tuberculosis A 50-year-old male died from vascular collapse. An autopsy was performed in the pathoanatomical bureau and detected an increased pigmentation of the skin, the adrenal glands were reduced in size, the brown-yellow liver was enlarged. On histological examination, foci of necrosis with a tuberculous granulation tissue were found in the adrenal glands. The liver was characterized by phenomena of fatty degeneration. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? A. Steatosis B. Primary aldosteronism C. Cushing's syndrome D. Lipofuscinosis E. Addison's disease A histological examination of the cusps of the mitral valve in the heart of a female, who died from cardiac decompensation, revealed a focal desquamation of endotheliocytes with superimposed thrombotic masses in these areas. The connective tissue of the valve cusp had signs of disorganization, areas of sclerosis and angiomatosis. Diagnose the kind of valvular endocarditis. A. Polypousulcerous B. Diffuse C. Acute vegetative D. Loffler's E. Recurrent vegetative tuberculosis and progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation; cavity E. Acute communicating with lumen of bronchus; cavernous caseous masses with epithelioid and tuberculosis Langhans cells increased pigmentation of skin; adrenal glands reduced; liver enlarged brownyellow with fatty degeneration; adrenal glands with foci of necrosis with E. Addison's tuberculous granulation tissue disease mitral valve; focal desquamation of endotheliocytes; superimposed thrombotic masses in these areas; connective tissue disorganization, areas of sclerosis and angiomatosis on valve E. Recurrent vegetative 18. 19. A. Hemorrhagic peritonitis During autopsy approximately 2,0 liters of pus Serous peritonitis pus in abdominal cavity; peritoneum is have been found in the abdominal cavity of the B. E. C. Tuberculous body. Peritoneum is dull and of grayish shade, dull and of grayish shade, serous tunic of Fibrinopurule peritonitis serous tunic of intestines has grayish-colored intestines has grayish-colored coating that nt peritonitis Necrosis coating that is easily removable. Specify the most D. is easily removable E. Fibrinopurulent likely type of peritonitis in the patient: peritonitis An autopsy of a 60-year-old male, who was ill with hypertensive disease for a long period of A. Chronic time and died from chronic renal insufficiency, glomerulonephritis revealed that both the kidneys were significantly B. Atherosclerotic reduced in size, their surface was fine-grained; hypertension in anamnesis; chronic renal E. nephrosclerosis C. histologically, most of the glomeruli were failure; kidneys are greatly reduced; Arterioloscler Chronic characterized by hyalinization and sclerosis, some otic surface is fine-grained; glomerulus is pyelonephritis ones by hyperplasia; the stroma contained areas hialinised and sclerosed; areas of sclerosis nephrosclerosi D. Secondary of s in stroma shrunk kidney sclerosis, arteriolo- and arteriosclerosis, E. Arteriolosclerotic elastofibriosis of large branches of the renal nephrosclerosis arteries. Define the changes revealed in the kidneys. 20. A. Connective tissue in the lumen of blood vessels B. Thrombembolus In the pathomorphological laboratory sent a connective tissue with a large arterial vessel, in the in the lumen of the lumen of which a grayish-colored dry brittle mass, vessel dry brittle mass, densely connected with C. Hyaline densely connected with the vessel wall. At the the vessel wall; mass … contains fibrin, histological examination, an arterial vessel has a thrombus in the lumen platelets, and a small number of red blood of the vessel mass of obliterating nature that contains fibrin, D. A blood vessel cells with numerous leukocytes; ... initial platelets, and a small number of red blood cells organization with an overwhelming number of leukocytes with in the lumen of blood the phenomenon of initial organization. What kind vessels E. Cladding white of process is there in this case? blood clot in the lumen of the arterial vessel 21. A man 56 years old, for 20 years has not suffered from chronic ischemic illness. Suddenly there were pains in the heart area, sharply increased cynosiness of the face, there was a "feeling of fear of death". Despite the onset of treatment, death has occurred. At the autopsy, a large left ventricular heart attack has been detected. A large amount of pinkish-reddish foamy fluid flows from the surface of the lung. In the liver a peculiar figure resembling muscat has been found, blood from dark cherry drains from the surface of the cut. Morphological changes in the lungs and liver are manifestations: E. Cladding white blood clot in the lumen of the arterial vessel A. local arterial hyperemia B. general acute arterial hypertension chronic ischemic illness; pinkish-reddish E. general C. Local acute venous foamy fluid in lung; in liver are figure acute venous hyperemia resembling muscat; dark cherry blood hyperemia D. local chronic venous hyperemia E. general acute venous hyperemia 22. 23. A 68-year-old woman developed acute myocardial infarction as a result of stenotic atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. During the section it was revealed: in the lumen of the A. Tissue embolism anterior interventricular branch of the left B. Embolus by coronary artery there are brittle gray-yellow extraneous bodies masses reminiscent of the atheromatous detritus C. Fatty embolism and completely lining the lumen of the vessel, in D. Retrograde the thickness of the anterior and lateral walls of embolism E. the left ventricle - transmural portion of irregular Thrombosis shape, gray-yellow color, periphery surrounded by a hemorrhagic crown. Diagnose the cause of a heart attack. A. Fatty pulmonary artery embolism. B. Tissue embolism of the The section revealed: multiple hemorrhagic vessels of the pulmonary heart attacks, some pulmonary vessels pulmonary artery. C. Congestive of a lilac-colored dense mass, varicose veins of thrombosis of the the lower extremities, in which the presence of fragile dark-brown colored masses. What kind of vessels of the pulmonary artery. D. pathological process is being discussed? Hemorrhagic bronchopneumonia. E. Trombembolia of the vessels of the pulmonary artery brittle gray-yellow masses ... of the atheromatous detritus and completely lining the lumen of the vessel E. Thrombosis multiple hemorrhagic pulmonary heart attacks; pulmonary vessels of a lilaccolored dense mass; varicose veins with presence of fragile dark-brown colored masses E. Trombemboli a of the vessels of the pulmonary artery 24. 25. 26. 27. At the autopsy, an enlarged liver of a colorful species, with a pattern of nutmeg in the section, was discovered. In the lumen of the liver veins, the wall clots are found. What kind of disruption of blood circulation in the liver? A. General venous plethora B. Anemia enlarged liver with a pattern of nutmeg in E. Local C. Hemorrhage the section; lumen of liver veins with wall venous D. Bleeding E. clots hyperemia Local venous hyperemia A. Anginetrophic B. Vakatna local Paracentesis is rapidly released from the C. Collateral abdominal cavity of 12 liters of ascitic fluid. The many ascitic fluid are removed rapidly D. Hyperemia due E. Hyperemia patient developed a collapse and hyperemia of the from the abdominal cavity; hyperemia of to arteriovenous shunt after anemia peritoneum. Determine the type of hyperemia of the peritoneum and collapse functioning the peritoneum. E. Hyperemia after anemia In a pilot who died as a result of depressurizing the cockpit, a large number of vesicles were A. Fatty embolism detected in the histological examination of the pilot died as a result of depressurizing the B. Air embolism internal organs in the blood vessels, and in the cockpit; a large number of vesicles in E. Gas C. Thromboembolism liver it was focal dystrophy. In the brain and blood vessels; multiple small ischemic embolism D. Tissue embolism spinal cord - multiple small ischemic centers of centers of gray softening (necroses) E. Gas embolism gray softening. Indicate the most likely cause of such changes. A. Hyperaemia after anaemia A patient with hepatic cirrhosis developed a B. Inflammatory collapse and hyperaemia of the peritoneum after collapse and hyperaemia of the A. C. Vicarious removal of 10 litres of ascitic fluid from his peritoneum after removal of many ascitic Hyperaemia D. Collateral abdominal cavity. Determine the kind of arterial fluid from his abdominal cavity after anaemia E. On the ground hyperaemia of the peritoneum. of an arteriovenous shunt 28. A female patient, who suffered from A. Thrombembolia thrombophlebitis of her deep crural veins, B. Thrombosis suddenly died. An autopsy revealed red free C. Tissue thrombophlebitis of leg veins; red free A. friable masses with a dim goffered surface in the embolism D. friable masses with a dim goffered surface Thrombembol common trunk and bifurcation of the pulmonary Embolism with in pulmonary vessels ia artery. What pathological process in the pulmonary foreign bodies E. Fat artery did a pathologist reveal? embolism 29. A male patient with multiple fractures of his long tubular bones suddenly died under the phenomena of acute pulmonary insufficiency. An autopsy did not reveal any pathological changes in the internal organs. Microscopically, there were some diffuse sudanophilous inclusions in the lumens of small branches of the pulmonary artery and capillaries. What kind of embolism was the most probable? A. Fat B. Thrombembolia C. Air D. Tissue E. With foreign bodies fractures of long tubular bones; acute pulmonary insufficiency; diffuse sudanophilic inclusions in the lumens of pulmonary arteries and capillaries A. Fat 30. An autopsy of a 70-year-old male, who suffered from hypertensive disease and died of a disturbance in the cerebral circulation, revealed in his brain stem some cavity which was 2 cm in diameter and filled with blood clots. Name the mechanism of the impairment of the vascular wall which most likely could result in a haemorrhage. A. Rupture B. Spasm C. Erosion D. Oedema E. Diapedesis hypertensive disease; disturbance in the cerebral circulation; cavity which was filled with blood clots A. Rupture 31. 32. 33. Following an injury of his cervical veins, a male suddenly died under the phenomena of an acute A. Air respiratory insufficiency. An autopsy revealed that B. Tissue his right heart cavities were distended and C. Gaseous contained some foamy liquid blood, the major D. Thrombembolia veins contained the blood of the same kind. E. Fat Microscopically, the lumens of small branches of the pulmonary arteries and capillaries revealed numerous embolic masses. Which of the kinds of embolism listed below was the most probable? A 66-year-old male died on the 8 th day after A. Thrombembolia prostatectomy. On autopsy, the veins in the fat of B. – Tissue his small pelvis revealed some motley vermiform embolism C. masses with a dim rough surface that were Microbial embolism fastened to the walls of the vessels. The left D. Embolism branch of the pulmonary artery contained some with foreign masses of the same kind which freely lied in its bodies E. Fat lumen. Indicate the most probable kind of embolism embolism of the pulmonary artery. injury of cervical veins; acute respiratory insufficiency; right heart cavities are distended; foamy liquid blood and in A. Air heart and major veins; numerous embolic masses in lumens of small pulmonary arteries and capillaries prostatectomy; veins of small pelvis contain motley vermiform masses with a A. dim rough surface that were fastened to Thrombembol the walls of the vessels; pulmonary ia arteries contain masses of same kind which freely lied in its lumen A. Hyperaemia after anemia Patients with liver cirrhosis after extraction from B. Inflammatory the abdominal cavity of 10 liters of ascitic fluid collapse and congestion peritoneum after A. C. Vakatnaya development collapse and congestion peritoneum extraction from abdominal cavity many Hyperaemia D. Collateral . ascitic fluid after anemia E. Hyperaemia on Which kind arterial hyperemia of the peritoneum. the basis of arteriovenous fistula 34. 35. 36. The patient, who has revealed deep vein thrombophlebitis leg, sudden death occurred. In the pulmonary trunk and the bifurcation of the pulmonary artery revealed unconfined red friable mass with a rough dull surface. What is the pathological process in the pulmonary artery revealed a pathologist? For a histological examination, a vermiform process (appendix) was sent. Its size is increased, the serous membrane is dim, plethoric and covered with greyish films, the wall is thickened and some pus is discharged from the lumen. Microscopically, a plethora of the vessels, an oedema of all the layers and their diffuse infiltration by leukocytes are observed. Name the kind of inflammation in the vermiform process. An examination of a 7-year-old child, who was referred to infectious department with complaints about a sharp pain in his throat, difficult swallowing, an elevated body temperature up to 39oC, an oedema of his neck, revealed that the tonsils were enlarged, their mucosa was plethoric and covered with a large number of yellowwhitish films which were closely adjacent to the mucosa. An attempt to remove a film results in a deep bleeding defect. What kind of inflammation takes place? A. thromboembolism B. thrombosis thrombophlebitis of leg veins; red friable A. C. tissue embolism mass with a rough dull surface in thromboembol D. embolism alien pulmonary vessels ism bodies E. fat embolism A. Phlegmonous B. Catarrhal C. Putrid D. Mixed E. Fibrinous serous membrane is dim, plethoric with A. greyish films; wall is thickened; pus in Phlegmonous lumen; diffuse infiltration by leukocytes A. Diphtheritic B. Suppurative C. Serous D. Croupous E. Haemorrhagic mucosa are covered with yellow-whitish films which were closely adjacent to A. mucosa; remove a film results in a deep Diphtheritic bleeding defect 37. 38. 39. A. Cellular cytotoxicity B. Anaphylaxis C. In a child, 48 hours after a tuberculin (Mantoux) Antibodydependent test, a papule up to 10 cm in diameter formed at cytotoxicity D. great papule formed at the place of the place of an injection of tuberculin. What Immunocomplex tuberculin injection mechanism of hypersensitivity lay in the basis of cytotoxicity E. the above changes? Granulomatosis A. Immunocomplex A 23-year-old male patient developed the urinary mechanism Anaphylactic syndrome (haematuria, proteinuria, leukocyturia) B. reaction C. after having angina. A puncture biopsy of the Antibodydependent kidneys revealed a picture of intracapillary cytotoxic reaction proliferative glomerulonephritis, while on D. Cell-dependent electron microscopy some large subepithelial cytolysis deposits were found out. What was the E. Granulomatosis pathogenesis of this disease? A microscopic examination of the thymus revealed a reduced volume of the lobules, petrification of the thymus corpuscles, a substitutive vegetation of the connective and fat tissues. The production of thymic hormones was significantly decreased. What kind of pathology of the gland was it? A. Atrophy B. Aplasia C. Agenesia D. Dysplasia E. Thymomegaly A. Cellular cytotoxicity urinary syndrome after angina; intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis; large subepithelial deposits in nephron A. Immunocompl ex mechanism reduced volume of the lobules, petrification of the thymus corpuscles, a substitutive vegetation of the connective and fat tissues A. Atrophy 40. At the autopsy of a corpse of a young man who died after a bite of a snake from multiple organ failure, a sludge phenomenon and numerous thrombi in the microvessels of the lungs, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, brain, gastrointestinal tract, skin were revealed. Along with this there were multiple hemorrhages in the lungs, the brain, in combination with dystrophy and necrosis of organs and tissues. What kind of blood circulation disorder is in this case? 41. A. general venous hypertension A man 45 years old died of liver failure. At the a stasis of intersection revealed thrombosis of the liver veins B. (Budd-Chiari Syndrome), muscat cirrhosis of the blood C. compressive thrombosis of the liver veins liver, ascites. At the anterior abdominal wall, the venous hyperemia (BuddChiari Syndrome); muscat D. collateral vessels are sharply enlarged, filled with dark cirrhosis of the liver cherry blossoms, with a characteristic pattern of venous congestion obstructive "jellyfish heads". The above changes are due to: E. venous hyperemia 42. A woman 23 years old was taken to a surgical department diagnosed with "ectopic pregnancy" and a picture of general acute anemia. During surgery, the surgeon found elastic clots in the cavity of the small pelvis and about 1000 ml of liquid blood. What type of disorder of blood circulation on the mechanism of its formation revealed a surgeon? A. thrombosis B. general venous plethora C. Blood congestion D. general acute anemia E. DIC-syndrome A. haemorrhagia over rhexin B. hemorrhagia through diapedesin C. petechiae autchichems D. suggilatio E. haemorrhagia through diabrosin multiple organ failure; sludge phenomenon; numerous thrombi in microvessels of lungs, kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, brain, gastrointestinal tract, skin; multiple hemorrhages in lungs, brain (hypercoagulation turns into hypocoagulation) E. DICsyndrome E. obstructive venous hyperemia E. ectopic pregnancy; acute anemia; elastic haemorrhagia clots and blood in small pelvis through diabrosin 43. 44. 45. A 57-year-old man suffering from a trophic ulcer of the left shin has pain, redness, a feeling of A. phlebothrombosis warmth, swelling in the affected shin. During a B. DIC-syndrome C. surgery in the lumen of the veins, a dry clot of sludge phenomenon blood, which is easily crumbly, layered, with a D. Blood stasis rough surface, is detected. The described changes E. thrombophlebitis are a manifestation: A 32-year-old woman suffering from subacute septic endocarditis suddenly lost her vision in the A. Phlebothrombosis right eye. During examination, an B. DIC-syndrome C. ophthalmologist showed a sharp increase in the Sladge phenomenon lumen of the central artery of the eye and the D. Blood stasis. presence of a blood clot in it. The detected E. Thromboembolism changes are a manifestation: An experimental animal received a subcutaneous A. Delayed dose of an antigen preceded by sensitization. At hypersensitivity B. the place of the injection, some fibrinous Transplantation inflammation developed with an alteration of the immunoreaction C. vascular walls, the main substance and fibrous Normergy structures of the connective tissue in the form of D. Granulomatosis E. a mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, a fibrinoid Immediate necrosis. Which of the diagnoses listed below hypersensitivity was the most probable? trophic ulcer of shin; in the lumen of vein E. is a dry clot of blood, which is easily thrombophlebi crumbled, layered, with a rough surface tis septic endocarditis; lost vision; sharp increase artery lumen; blood clot in it E. Thromboemb olism second dose of an antigen after sensitization; fibrinous inflammation; E. Immediate mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, a hypersensitivit fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular walls, y the main substance and fibrous structures of the connective tissue 46. 47. 48. A histological examination of the lungs if a male, who suffered for many years from atopic A. Cytotoxic reaction bronchial asthma and died of asphyxia, revealed B. Immunocomplex much mucus with an admixture of eosinophils in reaction the lumens of the bronchioles and small bronchi, C. Cytolysis owing sclerosis of interalveolar septa, dilation of alveolar to lymphocytes D. Granulomatosis lumens. Which of the mechanisms in the development of a hypersensitivity reaction took E. Reaginic reaction place when a fit of asphyxia developed? A study of the thymus of a 5-year-old child, who A. Thymomegaly died from acute destructive staphylococcal B. Hypoplasia of pneumonia, revealed a decrease in the weight of the thymus the gland down to 3.0 g. On histological C. Dysplasia of the examination, a smaller size of the lobules of the thymus gland with a collapse of the stroma, an inversion D. Agenesia of the of the layers, and cyst-like Hassal’s bodies were thymus E. Accidental found out. Which of the diagnoses listed below reaction was the most probable? An examination of a pregnant woman with a A. Immediate rhesus-negative group of blood revealed a high hypersensitivity B. level of antierythrocyte antibodies; in order to Delayed decrease it, a skin flap of her rhesus-positive hypersensitivity C. husband was grafted to her. Two weeks later the Granulomatous flap was rejected; its microscopic examination inflammation revealed disturbances of circulation, an oedema, a D. Interstitial cellular infiltration mostly by lymphocytes, inflammation neutrophils and macrophages. Which of the E. Transplantation pathological processes listed below was the most immunity probable? atopic bronchial asthma; much mucus with eosinophils; dilation of alveolar lumens E. Reaginic reaction thymus of a 5-year-old child; great decrease of gland weight; smaller size of E. Accidental lobules with a collapse of the stroma; reaction inversion of layers skin flap of husband was graft; rejection through 2 weeks; inflammation with E. cellular infiltration mostly by Transplantatio lymphocytes, neutrophils and n immunity macrophages 49. An autopsy of a 43-year-old female, who suffered from attacks of expiratory dyspnoea during her life-time and died from asphyxia, revealed some dense glass-like mucus in the lumens of the bronchi, their walls were thick, the lungs had foci of an emphysema and atelectases. A histological examination of the pulmonary tissue revealed some mucus with an admixture of eosinophils in the lumens of small bronchi, sclerosis of the peribronchial connective tissue and interalveolar septa, dilation of the lumens in the alveoli. What mechanism of hypersensitivity formed the basis for the development of asphyxia? A. Cytotoxic reaction B. Immunocomplex reaction C. Cytolysis owing to lymphocytes D. Granulomatosis E. Reaginic reaction 50. An 8-year-old child was done an intracutaneous tuberculin (Mantoux) test with a diagnostic purpose. Forty-eight hours following the injection of tuberculin, a dense hyperaemic papule, 20 mm in diameter, with necrosis in its centre formed. Name the mechanism of hypersensitivity which lay in the basis of the above changes. A. Anaphylaxis B. Antibodydependent cytotoxicity C. Immunocomplex cytotoxicity D. Granulomatosis E. Cellular cytotoxicity 51. A 16-year-old youth developed oedemata of his face, oliguria and an increased blood pressure 20 days after he recovered from scarlet fever. A urinalysis revealed an increase of relative density, haematuria, proteinuria. On microscopic examination of a renal biopsy, a picture of intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis was found out, while an electron microscopy revealed deposits on the basal membranes. Which of the mechanisms listed below lay in the basis of this disease? A. Anaphylactic reaction B. Antibodydependent cytotoxic reaction C. Cell-dependent cytolysis D. Granulomatosis E. Immunocomplex mechanism some dense glass-like mucus in the lumens of the bronchi; foci of an E. Reaginic emphysema and atelectasis; eosinophils, reaction sclerosis of peribronchial tissue; dilation of lumens in alveoli (asthma) tuberculin (Mantoux) test; dense hyperaemic papule with necrosis in its centre scarlet fever in anamneses; haematuria, proteinuria, intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis with deposits on the basal membranes E. Cellular cytotoxicity E. Immunocompl ex mechanism 52. 53. Three years ago in the open skin areas of a female worker of a shop which manufactures synthetic detergents appeared eruptions in the form of papules, vesicles and small weeping erosions, A. Anaphylactic some of them were covered with crusts. The reaction B. patient notices that in case of a direct contact with Antibodydependent detergents her skin manifestations intensify. Skin eruptions in the form of papules, vesicles cytotoxic reaction tests with several chemical substances and small weeping erosions which C. Granulomatosis D. manufactured at the shop are positive. A intensify at direct contact with detergents; Immunocomplex histological examination of an area of the affected eczema was diagnosed mechanism skin revealed acanthosis and hyperkeratosis, an E. Cellular oedema of the derma, a vascular plethora, as well cytotoxicity as a perivascular lymphocytic infiltration. Clinically, occupational eczema was diagnosed. Which of the immunological mechanisms lies in the basis of this disease? In a 10-year-old child, eating of strawberries was A. Granulomatosis B. followed by appearance of some disseminated monomorphous and severely itching urticaria (red Antibodydependent eating of strawberries leds to blisters of the round and oval form), elevation of cytotoxic reaction disseminated monomorphous and C. Cellular body temperature up to 37.8°C and a severely itching urticaria (red blisters of cytotoxicity gastrointestinal disturbance. A blood analysis the round and oval form); temperature up D. Immunocomplex to 37.8°C; gastrointestinal disturbance; revealed eosinophilia. After taking of mechanism antihistamine agents the above manifestations eosinophilia in analisis and effective E. Anaphylactic were rapidly controlled. Which of the antihistamine agents immunological mechanisms lay in the basis of this disease? reaction E. Cellular cytotoxicity E. Anaphylactic reaction 54. A. Hereditary insufficiency of the peripheral An autopsy of a 23-year-old female, who died lymphoid tissue from puerperal sepsis, revealed an enlarged B. Immediate plethoric spleen whose section gave an abundant hypersensitivity scrape. Microscopically, hyperplasia and a puerperal sepsis; hyperplasia and a reaction C. plasmacytic infiltration of both the red pulp and Delayed plasmacytic infiltration of both red pulp splenic follicles were found out; the red pulp was hypersensitivity and splenic follicles rich in macrophages. Which of the reaction immunopathological mechanisms most probably D. Autoimmunization lay in the basis of the changes in the spleen? E. Antigenic stimulation of the organism E. Antigenic stimulation of the organism 55. A. Reaginic anaphylactic reaction B. Pathogenic effect Nine days after receiving large doses of the of sensitized antitetanic serum a female patient developed lymphocytes C. urticaria, temperature, skin itch, oedema urticaria with an elevated body temperature, skin Granulomatosis D. of mucosa after antitetanic serum itch, an oedema of mucosae. Indicate the Cytotoxic effect of immunological mechanism of the disease. antibodies E. Immunocomplex mechanism E. Immunocompl ex mechanism 56. 57. A. Autoimmune This disease develops in newborns and manifests disease Syndrome of itself in the form of persistent diarrhoeae, general B. insufficiency of cachexia and a clinical picture of sepsis. The cellular immunity C. children die at the age of 2-3 years. On Antibody deficiency thymus reticular stroma without epithelial postmortem examination, the thymus is represented with a reticular stroma, no epithelial syndrome reticulum, thymus corpuscles and reticulum, thymus corpuscles and lymphocytes are lymphocytes (severe stage of hypoplasia present. The lymphoid organs are characterized by D. AIDS-related a severe stage of hypoplasia. What type of syndrome E. immunopathological processes does the above Combined disease belong to? immunodeficiency syndrome A. Lymphoma B. Acute A histological examination of an increased lymphadenitis C. cervical lymph node in a male patient, who Lymphogranulomatosi lymph node are characterized plethora worked at an enterprise with occupational hazards, revealed a plethora and swelling of the s and swelling of the cortical layer, light D. Insufficiency of cortical layer, the light centre of follicles and the centre of follicles and medullary medullary substance contained a large amount of peripheral lymphoid substance with a large amount of plasma tissue plasma cells, the number of lymphocytes was cells; active proliferation of sinus cells; Antigenic reduced, there was an active proliferation of sinus E. significant macrophage response stimulation of cells and a significant macrophage response. Name the character of changes in the lymph node. lymphoid tissue E. Combined immunodefici ency syndrome E. Antigenic stimulation of lymphoid tissue A. Focal interstitial exudative myocarditis B. Granulomatous productive myocarditis C. Interstitial productive myocarditis D. Alterative myocarditis E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis 58. An autopsy of a 9-year-old child, who suffered from rheumatism and died of heart failure, revealed dilatation of cavities in the ventricles of his heart. Microscopically, the myocardial stroma was characterized by a plethora, oedema, diffuse infiltrations of histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils. What diagnosis was the most probable one? 59. A. Delayed hypersensitivity reaction A histological examination of a skin graft in a B. Immediate male patient, who underwent dermatoplasty hypersensitivity revealed a diffuse lymphohistiocytic infiltration reaction with an admixture of macrophages and C. Interstitial neutrophils, an oedema and haemorrhages. Which inflammation D. of the diagnoses listed below was the most Arthus probable? phenomenon E. Graft rejection reaction 60. A. Hypersensitivity of a delayed type B. At histological research of a biopsy specimen Reaction of the from an auricle of a heart of a patient with transplantative rheumatic disease the foci of a mucoid swelling, immunity fibrinoid necrosis of a connective tissue has been C. Normergic found out. What immune response has developed reaction in tissues of the auricle of the heart? D. Exudative reaction E. rheumatism; heart failure; dilatation of ventricles; plethora, oedema, diffuse infiltration of histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis skin graft; diffuse lymphohistiocytic infiltration with macrophages and neutrophils: oedema and haemorrhages E. Graft rejection reaction rheumatic disease; mucoid swelling; fibrinoid necrosis E. Hypersensitivi ty of an immediate type Hypersensitivity of an immediate type 61. 62. 63. The 30-year-old man has had for two months lacrination, pruritic palpebras, and rhinitis with mucus. All symptoms disappeared after treatment by desensebilizators. What type of hypersensitivity occurred in patient? A. The type II B. The type III C. The type IV D. The type V E. The type I A. autoimmune nonspecific B. Histologic investigation of thyroid gland has bacterial showed destruction and atrophy of follicles, C. infectiousdiffuse lymphoid infiltration with formation of allergic viruses lymphoid follicles in the stroma. call the group of D. infectious E. diseases with respect to this thyroiditis. autoimmune specific In biopsy of stomach in patient with autoimmune A. The type II B. The type V gastritis it was found out: infiltration by lymphocytes and macrophages in mucous layer. C. The type I Which type of hypersensitivity is connected with D. The type III E. The type IV these morphologic changes? lacrination, pruritic palpebras, and rhinitis; E. The type I destruction and atrophy of follicles, E. diffuse lymphoid infiltration with autoimmune formation of lymphoid follicles in thyroid specific gland with inflammationitis autoimmune gastritis; infiltration by lymphocytes and macrophages E. The type IV 64. A. Atrophy of lymphoid tissue B. Lymphosarcoma In biopsy of lymph node it was found out a lot of C. Hodgkin’s a lot of lymphoid follicles with large lymphoid follicles with large centers of disease D. Metastases centers of duplication, increasing of duplication, increasing of mitoses. Which process of cancer mitoses is characterized by these morphologic changes? E. Antigenic stimulation with follicular hyperplasia 65. A. Acute In biopsy of transplantanted kidney it was found glomerulonephritis Ischemic out: diffuse infiltration of stroma by lymphocytes, B. transplantanted kidney; infiltration by E. Immune infarction plasma cells, lymphoblasts, plasmablasts and lymphocytes, plasma cells, lymphoblasts, mutilation Tuberculosis D. plasmablasts and necrotic arteriitis necrotic arteriitis. Which pathologic process was C. Acute pyelonephritis appeared in organ? E. Immune mutilation 66. In the 30-year-old woman it was found: cough, sputum with blood, fever, increased blood pressure, decreased urine output, edema of low extremities. All symptoms have developed for 6 weeks. Diagnostic renal biopsy showed Goodpasture’s syndrome. Which pathologic process is characteristic for this syndrome? A. Autoantibodies to mitochondrias of the lungs and kidneys B. Autoantibodies to DNA C. Cytotoxic reaction against (Lung and kidney are injured) epithelium of renal Goodpasture’s syndrome tubules D. Appearance of immune complexes in glomeruli of kidneys and lungs E. Autoantibodies to basement E. Antigenic stimulation with follicular hyperplasia E. Autoantibodie s to basement membrane of the lungs and kidneys membrane of the lungs and kidneys 67. 68. The 30-year-old patient with transplanted kidney A. Tuberculosis has received prolonged immunosupressive therapy and he has died because of intoxication. B. Syphilis Microscopic examination showed giant cells with C. Leprosy large nuclei encircled by rings-like brightening, D. Bubonic plaque which looked as “owl-eye”, located in the E. Cytomegalovirus kidneys, liver, pancreas, lungs. Call this disease. infection A. Tumour transformation Local lymph nodules enlarged near the infected B. Innate wound. Increased amount of macrophages, insufficiencyof the lymphocytes, lymphatic follicles in the cortical lymphoid tissue C. layer and large amount of plasma cells were Hypersensibility revealed on histological examination. What reaction D. Acquired process in the lymphatic nodules represents these insufficiency of the histological changes? lymphoid tissue E. Antigen stimulation immunosupressive therapy; giant cells with large nuclei encircled by rings-like brightening, which looked as “owl-eye” in the kidneys, liver, pancreas, lungs enlarged lymph nodules near infected wound; increased amount of macrophages, lymphocytes, lymphatic follicles in the cortical layer and large amount of plasma cells E. Cytomegalovi rus infection E. Antigen stimulation 69. A. Hereditary immundeficiency of the complement system A 12-year-old boy often suffers from virus and Composite bacterial infections and eczematous skin lesions. B. immunedefficiency Enlargement of T-lymphocytes and IgM with Hypoplasia of normal IgA and IgG was revealed on examination. C. thymus What type of immune system pathology is D. Turner's presented in the patient? syndrome E. Bruton's hypogammaglobuline mia 70. A. Anaphylaxis B. Antibodydependent In a child, 48 hours after a tuberculin (Mantoux) cytotoxicity C. test, a papule up to 10 cm in diameter formed at Immunocomplex the place of an injection of tuberculin. What cytotoxicity mechanism of hypersensitivity lay in the basis of D. Granulomatosis the above changes? E. Cellular cytotoxicity 71. The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has lymph tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes, lobules, bars). In what organ does antigenindependent proliferation and differentiation take place? often virus and bacterial infections, eczema; enlargement of T-lymphocytes and IgM; normal IgA and IgG (a variant of primary humoral immunodeficiency; impaired maturation of B-lymphocytes and an almost complete absence of plasma cells and immunoglobulins) E. Bruton's hypogammagl obulinemia great papule formed at the place of tuberculin injection A. Lymphatic nodes B. Hemolymph nodes organ with lymph nodes, lobules, bars; C. Tonsil antigen- independent proliferation and D. Spleen differentiation E. Thymus E. Cellular cytotoxicity E. Thymus 72. 73. 74. A. Neurohumoral hypertrophy B. Vicarious Ten years ago a male patient’s right lung was hypertrophy removed because of a tumour, since then the C. Work hypertrophy capacity of his left lung has increased by 50 %. D. Hypertrophic What process has developed in the left lung? vegetations E. Vicarious hypertrophy A. Concentric hypertrophy B. An autopsy of a male patient, who died from Vicarious hypertensive disease, revealed an enlarged heart hypertrophy weighing 600 g, with a thickened left ventricular C. Eccentric atrophy wall up to 2 cm and a dilated cavity of the left D. Vicarious ventricle. Name the kind of an adaptive hypertrophy E. reconstruction in the heart. Eccentric hypertrophy A. Anaphylactic A 23-year-old male patient developed the urinary reaction B. syndrome (haematuria, proteinuria, leukocyturia) Antibodydependent cytotoxic reaction after having angina. A puncture biopsy of the C. Cell-dependent kidneys revealed a picture of intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis, while on electron cytolysis Granulomatosis microscopy some large subepithelial deposits were D. E. Immunocomplex found out. What was the pathogenesis of this mechanism disease? organ with lymph nodes, lobules, bars; antigen- independent proliferation and differentiation E. Vicarious hypertrophy hypertensive disease; enlarged heart with ?????? a thickened left ventricular wall and a E. Eccentric dilated cavity of left ventricle hypertrophy urinary syndrome after angina; intracapillary proliferative glomerulonephritis; large subepithelial deposits in nephron E. Immunocompl ex mechanism 75. As a result of falling down, a small abrasion formed of the knee of a child and some time later it epithelialized completely without formation of any scar. What form of regeneration took place in this case? A. Substitution B. Physiological C. Pathological D. Intracellular E. Restitution completely epithelialized without any scar E. Restitution 76. A 74-year-old male died from chronic heart failure. On autopsy, an old postinfarction scar was found in the heart. A histological examination revealed a focus of fibrosis and hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes. What regeneration do the described changes manifest? A. Physiological B. Pathological C. Restitution D. Intracellular E. Substitution postinfarction scar - fibrosis and hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes 77. Following a traumatic injury of the liver, there was a complete restoration of its structure and functions with time. What is the name for such a kind of regeneration? A. Substitution B. Pathological C. Physiological D. Intracellular E. Restitution postinfarction scar - fibrosis (where were cardiomiocells) and hypertrophy of E. Restitution cardiomyocytes 78. A 20-year-old male patient with a posttraumatic variceal dilation and thrombosis of the subcutaneous vein in the middle third part of the A. Reconstruction shin underwent its surgical removal. B. Canalization Histologically, an obstructive thrombus was found C. Revascularization growing of a connective tissue into thrombus in the lumen of the vein with growing of a D. Repair connective tissue into the thrombus from the side E. Organization of the vascular wall. What process did the changes in the thrombus result from? E. Organization 79. A male patient with chronic cystitis revealed, A. Leukoplakia along with the transitional epithelium, foci of the B. Hyperplasia stratified squamous one without keratinization in a C. Dysplasia biopsy of the mucosa of his bladder. What D. Hyperkeratosis pathological process does it indicate? E. Metaplasia E. Metaplasia along with the transitional epithelium, foci of the stratified squamous one without keratinization E. Substitution 80. A 30-year-old male patient, who 10 years before had undergone removal of his traumatized left kidney, against a background of good health revealed a twice-fold enlargement of the right kidney in comparison with the norm on prophylactic medical examination. Which of the listed processes was the most probable one in the kidney? 81. A. Complete reparative regeneration B. A microscopic examination of a myocardium revealed postinfarction transmural cardiosclerosis Physiological postinfarction cardiosclerosis surrounded E. regeneration C. surrounded by enlarged cardiomyocytes with by enlarged cardiomyocytes with large Regenerative large hyperchromatic nuclei rich in DNA. Which Pathological hyperchromic nuclei riched in DNA hypertrophy regeneration of the listed morphological processes in the D. Work hypertrophy cardiomyocytes was the most probable? E. Regenerative hypertrophy 82. An autopsy of a 75-year-old male patient, who suffered from a prostatic adenoma and died of renal insufficiency, revealed enlarged kidneys; on section, there was an atrophy of the parenchyma and a lot of thin-walled cavities filled with urine. Which of the listed kinds of an atrophy in the kidney was the most probable? A. Work hypertrophy B. Hyperplasia C. Neurohumoral enlargement of right kidney after hypertrophy removaled left kidney D. Pseudohypertrophy E. Vicarious hypertrophy E. Vicarious hypertrophy A. Dysfunctional B. Caused by physical factors C. prostatic adenoma; atrophy of kidneys Neurotic D. Caused E. Caused by parenchyma; a lot of thin-walled cavities by insufficiency of pressure filled with urine blood circulation E. Caused by pressure 83. 84. 85. 86. A. Under a In a postoperative wound of a 10-year-old child, crust who was operated for acute appendicitis; 2-3 days B. Simple C. later appeared some granulation tissue and on the By second 10th day a small thin scar was formed. Name the intention D. By epithelization kind of healing. E. By first intention A. Hypertrophic A histological examination of a scrape from the vegetation B. mucous membrane of the uterus was made in a 50- Vicarious hypertrophy C. year-old female patient who complained of a disorder in the ovariomenstrual cycle manifested Regenerative hypertrophy D. by irregular significant haemorrhages. A Vicarious cystoglandular hyperplasia of the endometrium was diagnosed. Name the kind of the pathological hypertrophy E. Neurohumoral process in the endometrium. hyperplasia A biopsy of a bronchus of a 50-year-old male A. Hyperplasia patient, who suffered from chronic bronchitis for B. Heterotopia 20 years, revealed foci of substitution of the C. Heteroplasia stratified squamous epithelium for the columnar D. Dysplasia one. Which of the pathological processes listed E. Metaplasia below took place? For examination, a scrape from the mucous coat of the uterus of a 45-year-old woman suffering A. Hypertrophy from dysfunctional uterine bleedings was sent. B. Metaplasia Histologically, an increased number of C. Dysplasia endometrial glands and their intensified branching D. Aplasia with a cyst-like dilation of the lumens were found. E. Hyperplasia Which of the pathological processes listed below was the most probable? was operated for acute appendicitis (in aseptic condition); granulation tissue; small thin scar E. By first intention 50-year-old female; disorder in the E. ovariomenstrual cycle (pre-, Neurohumoral postmenopausal period); cystoglandular hyperplasia hyperplasia chronic bronchitis for 20 years; foci of substitution of the stratified squamous epithelium for the columnar one E. Metaplasia dysfunctional uterine bleedings; increased E. number of endometrial glands and their Hyperplasia intensified branching 87. An autopsy of a 57-year-old male patient, who suffered from hypertensive disease and died of cardiac decompensation, revealed an enlarged heart with dilated cavities. Microscopically, the cardiomyocytes were significantly enlarged and had fatty degeneration with hyperchromatic barrel-like nuclei. Which of the listed morphological processes in the heart was the most probable? A. Hypertrophic vegetations B. Brown atrophy C. Concentric hypertrophy D. Vicarious hypertrophy E. Eccentric hypertrophy died of cardiac decompensation; enlarged E. Eccentric heart with dilated cavities; fatty hypertrophy degeneration of cardiomyocytes A. Pathologic atrophy B. Physiologic atrophy C. Aplasia D. Agenesia E. Hypoplasia right kidney and its renal artery is less than right one E. Hypoplasia structure and functions of organ was restored completely E. Restitution 88. A 4-years-old girl was operated because of an acute appendicitis. During the operation in the retroperitoneal space it was found that the right kidney is less by 1/3 in comparison with the left one. The diameter of the right renal artery was 0,3 cm, the left one was 0,4 cm. What pathologic process did occur in that case? 89. A. Pathologic regeneration B. A 23-years-old patient got a lesion of the liver Physiologic because of trauma. In time a structure and regeneration C. functions of that organ was restored completely. Metaplasia What kind of regeneration did occur in that case? D. Substitution E. Restitution 90. 91. A child fell down the tree and got a simple fracture of the one of hand’s bones. In a time healing occurred. Call the kind of regeneration and cells, which taking part in restoration. A patient has died as a result of cardiac insufficiency. In anamnesis he had got a pulmonectomy in account of cyst of the right lung. During the autopsy enlarged left one was found out. Call the pathologic process in the left lung. A. Physiological regeneration, osteoclasts B. Pathological regeneration, osteoclasts C. Intracellular regeneration, osteocytes D. Cellular fracture of bone; complete healing regeneration, osteoclasts and osteoclasts E. Reparative regeneration, osteoclasts and osteoblasts A. Neurohumoral hypertrophy B. Dyscirculatory atrophy C. Dysfunctional pulmonectomy (of right lung) in atrophy anamnesis; enlarged left one D. Physiologic hypertrophy E. Replacement hypertrophy E. Reparative regeneration, osteoclasts and osteoblasts E. Replacement hypertrophy 92. 93. 94. 95. A patient has undergone to amputation of lower extremity. In a time a painful nodules appeared in a stump. Amputatious neuromas were found out during the microscopical examination. What kind of pathological processes do those formation relate to? A. Dystrophy B. Inflammation C. Hyperemia D. Metaplasia E. Regeneration amputatious neuromas A. Complete regeneration (restitution) B. Atrophy After deep burns of the skin a patient has got a C. Hypertrophy keloid scarring. What kind of pathologic keloid scarring D. Metaplasia E. processes do those formations relate to? Incomplete regeneration (substitution) A. Tamponage of the heart B. Tonogenic Dystrophic changes of the heart muscle are dilatation accompanied with cardiac cavity enlargement, C. Cardiosclerosis Dystrophic changes of heart muscle; decrease of the strength of heart contraction, increased amount of blood, which remains in the D. Emergency stage cardiac cavity enlargement heart during systolic phase, overfilled veins. For of hyperfunction and hypertrophy what state of heart is it characteristic? E. Myogenic dilatation Decreased blood supply to the organs causes hypoxia that activates fibroblasts function. Volume of what elements is increased in this case? A. Lymphatic vessels B. Parenchymatous elements of the organ Decreased blood supply; hypoxia; C. Vessels of fibroblasts activation (IDIOTIC microcircular stream QUESTION) D. Nerve elements E. Intercellular substance E. Regeneration E. Incomplete regeneration (substitution) E. Myogenic dilatation E. Intercellular substance 96. 97. 98. A. Hyperplasia B. Complete regeneration (restitution) C. Hypertrophy D. Metaplasia E. Atrophy A. Capillar hemangioma B. During surgery in a 17-year-old patient it was revealed the tumour of 4,5–5,0 sm in size on the Hemangiopericytoma C. lower surface of the liver with subserose Hemangioendothelio localization, of dark-red color. On the section tumour has cavities with marked amount of blood. ma D. Lymphangioma What is preliminary diagnosis? E. Cavernous hemangioma At autopsy of a patient died because of a cerebral hemorrhage, strongly enlarged???? dense and anemic kidneys (size: 6x3x2 sm, weight 60.0 g) with a uniformly small-granulated surface and with uniformly thinned cortex on a cut-surface have been found out. Call adaptive-compensative process in this case? strongly enlarged dense and anemic kidneys; small-granulated surface and with uniformly thinned cortex on a cutsurface E. Atrophy dark-red color tumour; has cavities with blood E. Cavernous hemangioma A. Hemorrhagic peritonitis During autopsy approximately 2,0 liters of pus B. Serous have been found in the abdominal cavity of the peritonitis C. pus in the abdominal cavity; peritoneum E. body. Peritoneum is dull and of grayish shade, Tuberculous with grayish-colored coating that is easily Fibrinopurule serous tunic of intestines has grayish-colored peritonitis removable nt peritonitis coating that is easily removable. Specify the most D. Necrosis likely type of peritonitis in the patient: E. Fibrinopurulent peritonitis 99. Examination of the anterior abdominal wall of a pregnant woman revealed a tumour-like formation that arose on the spot of a tumour that was A. Lipoma removed two years ago. The neoplasm was B. Fibrosarcoma welldefined, dense, 2,1 cm large. Histological C. Hibernoma examination revealed that the tumour was D. Leiomyoma composed of differentiated connective tissue with E. Desmoid prevailing collagen fibres. What tumour might be suspected? tumour-like formation well-defined, dense; composed of differentiated E. Desmoid connective tissue with prevailing collagen fibres 100. A 50-year-old man has felt vague abdominal discomfort within past 4 months. Physical examination revealed no lymphadenopathy, and no abdominal masses or organomegaly at palpation. Bowel sounds are heard. An abdominal CT scan shows a 20 cm retroperitoneal soft tissue mass obscuring the left psoas muscle. A stool specimen tested for occult blood is negative. Which of the following neoplasms is this man most likely to have? A. Melanoma B. Hamartoma C. Adenocarcinoma D. Lymphoma E. Lipoma no lymphadenopathy; no abdominal masses or organomegaly; 20 cm E. Lipoma retroperitoneal soft tissue mass; negative test for occult blood A woman suffering from dysfunctional metrorrhagia was made a diagnostic abortion. Histologically in the scrape there were a lot of small stamped glandulars covered with multirowed epithelium. The lumens of some glandulars were cystically extended. Choose the variant of general pathologic process in the endometrium. A. Atrophy of endometrium B. Metaplasia of endometrium C. Neoplasm of endometrium D. Hypertrophic growth E. Glandular-cystic hyperplasia of endometrium E. dysfunctional metrorrhagia; a lot of small Glandularcystic stamped glandulars covered with hyperplasia of multirowed epithelium and cysts endometrium 101. 102. 103. 104. A patient who has been abusing tobacco smoking for a long time has got cough accompanied by A. Hypoplasia excretion of viscous mucus; weakness after minor B. Hyperplasia physical stress, pale skin. The patient has also lost C. Necrosis 12,0 kg of body weight. Endoscopic examination D. Sclerosis of biosy material his illness was diagnosed as E. Metaplasia squamous cell carcinoma. Name a pathological process that preceded formation of the tumour: squamous cell carcinoma in (ciliary epithelium was replaced) E. Metaplasia Chronic inflammation and transformation of the A. Hyperplasia of the one-layer ciliated epithelium into multiple- layers epithelium chronic inflammation; transformation of B. Squamous cancer flat epithelium was revealed in the thickened ciliated epithelium into multiple- layers E. Metaplasia C. Leucoplacia mucous membrane of the bronchus bioptate of flat epithelium D. Sclerosis the patient with smoke abuse. Which of the E. Metaplasia processes is the most likely? A 40-year-old woman has had a feeling of abdominal discomfort for the past 8 months. On pelvic examination, there is the right adnexal mass. Abdominal CT scan demonstrates a 7 cm A. Squamous cell cystic mass involving the right ovary with small carcinoma of ovary B. cystic mass in ovary is filled with areas of calcification. The uterus is normal in Melanoma abundant hair and sebum; glandular size. The right fallopian tube and ovary have C. Sarcoma of ovary D. spaces lined by columnar epithelium, E. Teratoma Metastase of cervical been removed surgically. Grossly, the mass on squamous epithelium with hair follicles, carcinoma sectioning is filled with abundant hair and sebum. cartilage, and dense connective tissue Microscopically, the mass has glandular spaces E. Teratoma lined by columnar epithelium, squamous epithelium with hair follicles, cartilage, and dense connective tissue. What type of tumour is it? 105. 106. 107. Examination of a young woman revealed a nodelike, soft and elastic homogenous tumour of pinkish-white colour along the acoustic nerve. The tumour contains cell bundles with oval nuclei. Cellular fibrous bundles form rhythmic structures made up by parallel rows of regularly oriented cells arranged in form of a palisade with cell-free homogenous zone (Verocay bodies) between them. What tumour is it? 6 months after delivery a woman had uterine bleeding. Gynecological examination revealed in the uterine cavity a dark-red tissue with multiple cavities that resembled of "sponge". Microscopic examination of the tumour revealed some atypic light epithelial Langhans cells and giant cells of cyncytiotrophoblast in blood lacunas. What tumour is it? Examination of a 55 year old woman revealed under the skin of submandibular area a movable slowly growing pasty formation with distinct borders 1,0x0,7 cm large. Histological examination revealed lipocytes that form segments of diffrent forms and sizes separated from each other by thin layers of connective tissue with vessels. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Malignant tumour along the acoustic nerve; cellular neurinoma fibrous bundles form rhythmic structures B. Ganglioneurinoma from parallel rows of regularly oriented C. Neuroblastoma E. Neurinoma cells arranged in form of a palisade with D. cell-free homogenous zone (Verocay Ganglioneuroblastoma bodies) E. Neurilemmoma A. Squamous cell nonkeratinous 6 months after delivery; uterine bleeding; carcinoma dark-red tissue with multiple cavities E. B. Adenocarcinoma (resembled of "sponge"); atypic light Chorioepitheli C. Fibromyoma epithelial Langhans cells and giant cells oma D. Vesicular mole of cyncytiotrophoblast E. Chorioepithelioma A. Fibroma B. Angioma C. Liposarcoma D. Fibrosarcoma E. Lipoma formation with distinct borders; lipocytes that form segments of diffrent E. Lipoma forms and sizes separated from each other by thin layers of connective tissue 108. 109. 110. 111. A. Epidermoid cancer without keratinization The microscopic analysis of bronch biopsy B. Solid carcinoma revealed a tumor that consisted of circumscribed C. Mucous accumulations of atypical cells of multylayer carcinoma plane epithelium, here and there with typical D. Scirrhus "pearls". What is the most likely diagnosis? E. Epidermoid cancer with keratinization A. Metaplasia A female patient suffering from secondary B. Leukoplasia syphilis got foci of skin depigmentation in the C. Dysplasia upper parts of her back. What pathological D. Parakeratosis process is it? E. Leukoderma A 53 year old patient consulted a doctor about white patch on the mucous membrane of tongue. This patch sticks out from the mucous membrane, its surface is cracked. Microscopic analysis reveals thickening of multilayer epithelium, parakeratosis and acanthosis. What is the most probable diagnosis? A 75 year old male patient consulted a surgeon about a brown nonhealing ulcer of shin. Examination of biopsy material revealed diffuse growth of polymorphic atypic cells with brown pigment in their cytoplasm. Pearls reaction was negative. There were also a lot of pathological mitoses and foci of tissue necrosis. What is the most probable diagnosis? E. Epidermoid tumor with atypical cells of multylayer cancer with plane epithelium; "pearls" keratinization skin depigmentation E. Leukoderma A. Geographic tongue B. Epidermoid cancer white patch on mucous membrane with C. Papilloma E. cracked; thickening of multilayer D. Median rhomboid Leukoplakia epithelium, parakeratosis and acanthosis glossitis E. Leukoplakia A. Local hemosiderosis B. Intradermal nevus C. Trophic ulcer D. Skin cancer E. Melanoma white patch on mucous membrane with cracked; thickening of multilayer E. Melanoma epithelium, parakeratosis and acanthosis A 69-year-old patient got a small plaque with subsequent ulceration on the skin of the lower eyelid. The formation was removed. Microscopic examination of dermis revealed complexes of atypical epitelial cells arranged perpendicularly to the basal membrane on the periphery. The cells were dark, of polygonal prismatic shape with hyperchromic nuclei with frequent mitoses. What is the histological form of carcinoma in this patient? A. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma small plaque with ulceration on the skin B. Nonkeratinizing of eyelid; atypical epitelial cells arranged squamous cell perpendicularly to the basal membrane; E. Basal cell carcinoma cells are dark, polygonal prismatic shape carcinoma C. Adenocarcinoma with hyperchromic nuclei; frequent D. Undifferentiated mitoses E. Basal cell carcinoma 113. Histological study of the bronchial wall and adjacent lung segments revealed sheets and strands of squamous epithelium. The cells have moderately expressed symptoms of atypia: polymorphism, nuclear hyperchromatism, mitoses. In the center of the complex there are concentric pink formations. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Non-keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma B. Adenocarcinoma C. Scirrhus squamous epithelium with atypia; D. Undifferentiated complex with concentric pink formations carcinoma E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 114. Histologically, the internal wall of a cyst localized A. Simple granuloma on the upper jaw is lined with stratified squamous B. Epithelial epithelium with underlying granulation tissue granuloma infiltrated by lymphocytes. The external layer is C. Keratocyst represented by loose fibrous connective tissue D. Ameloblastoma surrounded by cicatrical fibrous tissue. What E. Cystic granuloma diagnosis can be made? 112. E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma cyst is lined with stratified squamous epithelium with granulation tissue E. Cystic infiltrated by lymphocytes; loose fibrous granuloma connective tissue with cicatrical fibrous tissue externallly 115. A. Squamous cell non-keratinizing carcinoma Microscopic examination of a skin tumor revealed B. Solid carcinoma that it invaded the underlying tissue, destroyed it C. Adenocarcinoma tumor formed nests and cords of atypical and formed nests and cords of atypical epithelium D. Medullary epithelium with pearl-like formations which included some pearl-like formations. carcinoma Specify the tumor: E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma A. Acute endometritis B. Leiomyoma E. Glandular C. Cystic mole twisting glands were extended by stroma hyperplasia of D. Placental polyp growth with cells proliferation endometrium E. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium 116. Histologic analysis of uterus mucous membrane revealed twisting glands, serrated and spinned, they were extended by stroma growth with proliferation of its cells. Formulate a diagnosis: 117. Microscopy of colonic biopsy material revealed a A. Basal cell tumor made up of prismatic epithelium and carcinoma forming atypical glandular structures of various B. Solid carcinoma shapes and sizes. The basal membrane of glands C. Mucosal was destroyed. Tumour cells were polymorphic, carcinoma D. with hyperchromatic nuclei and a large number Undifferentiated of pathological mitoses. What is the most likely carcinoma E. Adenocarcinoma diagnosis? tumor with atypical glandular structure; basal membrane was destroyed; cells with pathological mitoses E. Adenocarcino ma 118. 119. 120. The man of 46 years old has a dark patch on a skin which towered and did not disturb. In course of time a spot began to increase, pain appeared, a A. Basalioma dark patch spot began to increase, pain color became blackly-brown and a it was easy to B. Gemangioma appeared, a color became blackly-brown; feel the knot. Fusiform and polymorphic cells the C. Haematoma E. Melanoma fusiform and polymorphic cells with cytoplasm of which contained the pigment of D. Carcinoid brown pigment in cytoplasm brown color concerned on histological research E. Melanoma of remote fabric. What tumour is the question about? Patient 46 years, delivered in a clinic with the A. Adenomatoidic spontaneous break in the corner of lower jaw. In tumour solid whitish color tissue with brown the site of fracture substituted by solid whitish B. Odontogenic insertion; isles of the rounded form, color tissue with brown insertion. At karcinoma E. limited by a cylindrical and cube pathohistological research the isles of the C. Complex Ameloblastom epithelium; In a center are asteroid, oval rounded form, limited by a cylindrical and cube odontoma a polygonal cells which form a net epithelium, are exposed. In a center are asteroid, D. (plexiform type) oval polygonal cells which form a net. What is Odentomeoblastoma the name of a tumour? E. Ameloblastoma At a woman in 6 months, the uterine bleeding A. Squamous cell developed after births; at gynaecological nonkeratinous 6 months after delivery; uterine bleeding; examination in the cavity of uterus found out carcinoma dark-red tissue with multiple cavities E. tissue crimson color with plural cavities, B. Adenocarcinoma (resembled of "sponge"); atypic light Chorionepithe reminding a «sponge». At microscopic research C. Fibromyoma epithelial Langhans cells and giant cells lioma of tumor in tissue of blood found out the atypical D. Vesicular mole of cyncytiotrophoblast light ephithelial cells of Langhans and giant cells E. Chorioepithelioma of syncytiotrophoblast. Name a tumour. 121. 122. 123. 124. At the patient of 21 year the tumor of frontal part of right hemisphere is remoted from head brain. A. Oligodendroglioma Tumor is a 5 sm in diametr, unclear delimited young age patient; unclear delimited from B. Ganglioneuroma from near-by tissue. On a cut - homogeneous nearby tissu (expansive-infiltrative grow); E. C. Epsidimoma kind, histological — consists of cells the homogeneous kindж numerous sprouts of Astrocytoma D. Chorionpapiloma numerous sprouts of which form thick cells form thick interlacements E. Astrocytoma interlacements. What tumour took place in a cerebrum? At a patient on the skin of person gradual a A. Sarcoma nameplate developed with necrosis and ulcer in a B. Villoma pathology with necrosis and ulcer in a center. At pathohistologic research of bioptate E. Carcinoma C. Trophic ulcer center; atypical ephithelial cells with excrescence of atypical ephithelial cells is of skin D. Fibroma pathological mitosises exposed with plenty of pathological mitosises. E. Carcinoma of skin What is the most reliable diagnosis? A dense tumour mobile is macroscopically found A. Leiomyoma in a skin. At a microscopy she is presented by the B. Melanoma dense mobile tumour; chaotically located E. Hard chaotically located bunches of collogens fibres C. Lipoma bunches of collogens fibres with the fibroma with the two-bit of fusiform cells. What tumour is D. Angioneoplasm twobit of fusiform cells remote? E. Hard fibroma A. Flatcell carcinoma At a patient on small curvature in pyloric B. Scirrhus of stomach department found out formation of crateriform. C. Mucous From the regional area of education a biopsy is formation of crateriform form; tumour E. carcinoma of stomach with the glandlike structures of different taken. Information of histological research: Solid carcinoma form and size, ingrowing in surrounding Adenocarcino tumour with the glandlike structures of different D. ma form and size, ingrowing in surrounding tissue by of stomach tissue E. Adenocarcinoma expressed congestion of cells. Name the histological variant of this tumour. 125. 126. 127. 128. A. Ferrous At a patient 55 years the relapsive uterine hyperplasia of bleeding appeared. The diagnostic endometrium B. endometrectomy is executed. In endometrium structure among the elements of blood evidently Chorionepithelioma C. Adenomatous the ferrous elements of different size and form, polypus formed by atypical cells with hyperchromic D. Signs of the nuclei, with numerous mitosises (including pathological). About what process is it possible to interrupted pregnancy E. Adenocarcinoma think? At the autopsy of a deceased man who died in the A. Alimentary Pituitary C. result of intoxication there were found following B. Cerebral D. One that signs: cachexia, muscle atrophy, wrinkled skin, reduced weight of internal organs, stenotic tumor accompanies chronic infectious disease of antral part of stomach with metastases in the E. Cancerous liver and regional lymph nodes. What type of cachexia is the most likely? At microscopy study of skin neoplasm of brown colour there was found that the tumor consists of A. Hematoidin nevus cells that are located in the dermis as B. Hemosiderin conglomerations and chords. Cytoplasm of cells C. Bilirubin contains brown pigment, which gives a negative D. Hemomelanin Perl’s reaction. Which pigment is the most E. Melanin probably found in the cytoplasm of cells? Examination of a 29-year-old patient revealed a A. dense, immobile, ill- defined tumor-like formation Osteoblastoclastoma in the lower jaw. The overlying mucosa was pale. B. Exacerbation of chronic osteomyelitis Biopsy of the neoplasm revealed osteoid C. structures lined with atypical osteoblasts; Ameloblastoma numerous pathologic mitotic figures; a great number of thin- walled vessels. What is the most D. Primary jaw carcinoma E. likely diagnosis? Osteosarcoma ferrous elements of different size and form, formed by atypical cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological mitosis E. Adenocarcino ma stenotic tumor of antral part of stomach with metastases in the liver and regional lymph nodes E. Cancerous tumor consists of nevus cells E. Melanin tumor; osteoid structures lined with atypical osteoblasts E. Osteosarcoma 129. 130. 131. In a male patient, a visual examination of the skin of his back revealed some spherical tumour, 2 cm in diameter, which was thick in consistency and had clear borders with the surrounding tissues. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of some chaotically interlaced bundles of collagenous fibres and small numbers of connective tissue cells. Name the tumour. A histological examination of a scrape from the mucous coat of the uterus made in a female patient, who complained of a disorder in the ovariomenstrual cycle, revealed vegetation of the glandular structures consisting of atypical epithelial cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological mitoses. The changes in the glandular structures were accompanied by an impairment in the integrity of the basal membrane of the cells. Make a diagnosis. On bronchoscopy, an exophytic tumour was found; it was localized in the bronchus and significantly narrowed its lumen. Histologically, the tumour consisted of complexes of polymorphous epithelial cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological mitoses. Among the tumour cells there were eosinophilic concentric structures. Make a diagnosis of the tumour. A. Leiomyoma B. Haemangioma C. Melanoma D. Lipoma E. Fibroma A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium B. Chorionepithelioma C. Mucinous carcinoma D. Dimorphic carcinoma E. Adenocarcinoma A. Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma B. Large-cell carcinoma C. Small-cell carcinoma D. Adenoacanthoma E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma tumor with thick in consistency and clear borders; consist of collagenous fibres and E. Fibroma a small numbers of connective tissue cells atypical epithelial cells with E. hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological Adenocarcino mitosis; an impairment in the integrity of ma the basal membrane tumour in the bronchus; consisted of complexes of polymorphous epithelial cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and pathological mitosis; eosinophilic concentric structures ("cancer pearls") E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 132. 133. 134. 135. A. Transitional cell carcinoma A microscopic examination of a biopsy from a B. Nonkeratinizing uterine cervix revealed some neoplasm consisting squamous cell neoplasm with stratified squamous of the stratified squamous epithelium carcinoma epithelium with nuclear atypism, characterized by cellular and nuclear atypism, C. Adenocarcinoma pathological mitoses; keratin pearls in the pathological mitoses, as well as keratin pearls in D. Solid carcinoma depth the depth of the epithelial layers. What is your E. Keratinizing diagnosis? squamous cell carcinoma For a histological examination, an eyeball was A. Neurilemmoma sent; some black tumour, 1 x 0.4 cm in size, was B. Angiosarcoma revealed in its vascular membrane. C. Neuroblastoma D. some black tumor ... in vascular Microscopically, the tumour consisted of large membrane; large polymorphous cells ... polymorphous cells grouped in alveolar structures. contained brown pigment Ganglioneuroblastoma The cytoplasm of the cells contained some brown E. Melanoma pigment. What is your diagnosis? A. Basal cell A microscopic examination of a biopsy from a large intestine revealed some tumour made of the carcinoma tumour with columnar epithelium, B. Solid carcinoma atypical glandular structures of various columnar epithelium which formed atypical C. Mucinous glandular structures of various shapes and size. shapes and size; cells were The epithelial cells were polymorphous and with carcinoma polymorphous, hyperchromatic nuclei, D. Carcinoma simplex pathological mitoses hyperchromatic nuclei, there were pathological E. Adenocarcinoma mitoses. What is your diagnosis? A 65-year-old woman underwent removal of some tumour, 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.8 cm in size, localized under the skin of her thigh. Macroscopically, the tumour A. Hibernoma had a connective-tissue capsule and was B. Liposarcoma represented on section with a yellowish lobate C. Fibroma tissue. Microscopically, there were large cells, D. Desmoid which had the sudanophilic cytoplasm and formed E. Lipoma lobules separated with connective-tissue layers. Name this tumour. E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma E. Melanoma E. Adenocarcino ma tumour under the skin; connective-tissue capsule around yellowish lobate tissue; large cells with sudanophilic cytoplasm; E. Lipoma formed lobules separated with connectivetissue layers 136. A thick encapsulated node, 2.0 cm in diameter, was surgically removed from the mammary gland of a female patient. On section, the tissue of the node was white-pink and fibrous. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of glandular structures, which had no signs of cellular atypism and were compressed with a connective tissue vegetating around. In the tumour, the stroma prevailed over the glandular parenchyma. What is your diagnosis? 137. A. Mucinous A male patient, who suffered from chronic bronchitis for a long period of time, revealed a carcinoma Solid carcinoma pulmonary tumour, which was closely connected B. with the bronchial wall and grew in the form of a C. Nonkeratinizing tumour with polymorphous epithelial polyp. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of squamous cell cells with a large number of mitoses; complexes of polymorphous epithelial cells with a carcinoma stratified concentric oxyphilic structures large number of mitoses. Among the tumour cells D. Adenocarcinoma E. in deep (cancer pearls) Keratinizing squamous there were stratified concentric oxyphilic cell carcinoma structures. Name the histological type of the tumour. E. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma 138. A tumour was found in the locus of a pathological fracture of a rib in a male patient. The case history A. Primary contained information about persistent proteinuria macroglobulinaemia with presence of abnormal proteins of BenceJones B. Heavy-chain type, as well as presence of osteolytic foci in the disease bones of the spine, skull and pelvis. C. Osteosarcoma Histologically, the tumour cells were represented D. Fibrosarcoma by plasmablasts and plasmacytes. What is your E. Multiple myeloma diagnosis? E. Multiple myeloma A. Adenoma thick encapsulated node; white-pink and B. Nonproliferative fibrous tissue; glandular structures mastopathy without signs cellular atypism; E. C. Proliferative compressed with a connective tissue; Fibroadenoma mastopathy stroma prevailed over the glandular D. Adenocarcinoma parenchyma E. Fibroadenoma persistent proteinuria with abnormal proteins of Bence-Jones type; osteolytic foci; plasmablasts and plasmacytes in tumor 139. 140. 141. 142. A 40-year-old male patient underwent removal of a tumour, 2 cm in diameter, which was A. Medulloblastoma localized in the region of the cerebellopontine B. Meningioma (near to cranial nerve;) spindle cells angle of the brain stem and tended to grow into C. Oligodendroglioma with rod-shaped nuclei; tumour cells and the auditory meatus. Histologically, the tumour D. Astrocytoma fibres formed rhythmic structures consisted of spindle cells with rod-shaped nuclei; E. Schwannoma the tumour cells and fibres formed rhythmic structures. Name the kind of the tumour. A 6-year-old boy underwent removal of a A. Astrocytoma tumour localized along the median line of the B. Oligodendroglioma cerebellum. Histologically, the tumour consisted C. Multiform children's age; cerebellum; cells with of the cells which had a poor crown of the spongioblastoma D. hyperchromatic nuclei with mitotic cytoplasm, a hyperchromatic nucleus, Bipolar spongioblastoma activity; form "rosettes" demonstrated a mitotic activity and tended to E. Medulloblastoma form "rosettes". What is your diagnosis? A. Primary amyloid An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic nephropathy B. renal insufficiency, revealed numerous nodes with soft elastic consistency in the ribs, bones of Parathyroid chronic renal insufficiency; numerous osteodystrophy C. the vault of the skull and the breastbone. The soft elastic decalcified nodes in flat osseous substance was decalcified according to Osteoma bones; kidneys enlarged, light grey, the nodes. The kidneys were enlarged, light grey, dense, with greasy lustre dense, their section had some greasy lustre. What D. Osteosarcoma is your diagnosis? E. Multiple myeloma Some tumour, which was mobile and clearly delimited from the surrounding tissues, was A. Soft fibroma mobile and clearly delimited tumor; revealed in the skin. On section, the tumour B. Histiocytoma tissue white and fibrous; chaotically tissue was white and fibrous. Microscopically, C. Dermatofibroma interlaced collagenous fibres, a small the tumour consisted of chaotically interlaced D. Desmoid number of connective tissue cells collagenous fibres and a small number of E. Hard fibroma connective tissue cells. Name the tumour. E. Schwannoma E. Medulloblasto ma E. Multiple myeloma E. Hard fibroma 143. 144. 145. A male underwent surgical removal of a black tumour, 2 cm in diamete, from the skin of his A. Carcinoma thigh. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of B. Sarcoma polymorphous cells, the cytoplasm of most of C. Carcinosarcoma them having some brown pigment (with a positive D. Nevus reaction to DOPA). A large number of E. Melanoma pathological mitoses was registered. Which of the tumours listed below was the most probable? An enlarged dense tuberous prostate has been sent for a histological examination. On section, there were tumour nodes, 1-2 cm in diameter, surrounded A. Solid carcinoma by connective-tissue layers. B. Adenoma Microscopically, against a background of fibrosis C. Fibroma there were glandular complexes with atypical D. Fibrosarcoma epithelial cells, hyperchromatic nuclei and E. Adenocarcinoma pathological mitoses. Which of the tumours listed below was the most probable? A thick node without any clear borders, about 10 cm in diameter, is contoured on the outer surface A. Malignant of a thigh. Microscopically, the tumour consists of histiocytoma B. immature fibroblast-like cells with pathological Hard fibroma mitoses and collagenous fibres. The tumour cells C. Soft fibroma grow among the muscular fibres. Indicate the D. Dermatofibroma diagnosis which was the most probable one of E. Fibrosarcoma those listed below. black tumour; polymorphous cells with brown pigment; large number of pathological mitoses E. Melanoma glandular complexes with atypical E. epithelial cells, hyperchromatic nuclei and Adenocarcino pathological mitoses ma node without any clear borders; immature E. fibroblast-like cells with pathological Fibrosarcoma mitoses and collagenous fibres A tumour removed from the white matter of the right hemisphere of the brain is some soft "motley" node, 4 cm in diameter, without any clear borders with the substance of the brain. Microscopically, the tumour consists of polymorphous cells with numerous pathological mitoses, and it also reveals foci of necrosis and haemorrhages which occurred at different time. Name the tumor. A. Oligodendroglioma B. soft "motley" node ... without any clear Oligodendroglioblasto borders; consists of polymorphous cells E. ma with numerous pathological mitoses; foci Glioblastoma C. Astrocytoma of necrosis and haemorrhage D. Astroblastoma E. Glioblastoma 147. A newborn baby has some red-blue flattened tumor, 5 x 4 x 0.3 cm in size, in a capsule on the skin of its face. Microscopically, the tumour consists of large thin-walled vascular cavities which have an endothelial lining and are filled with blood. Name the tumour. A. Venous haemangioma B. Capillary haemangioma C. Hemangiopericytoma D. Lymphangioma E. Cavernous haemangioma 148. A. Undifferentiated On bronchoscopy in the initial part of the upper large-cell carcinoma lobe bronchus of the right lung some polyp-like B. Squamous cell formation, 1.0 cm in diameter, with a superficial carcinoma C. Adenocarcinoma ulcer was found. A histological examination revealed a tumour consisting of lymphocyte-like D. Glandular cells with hyperchromatic nuclei; the cells grew in squamous cell carcinoma layers and bands. Indicate the most probable E. Undifferentiated tumour. small-cell carcinoma 146. red-blue flattened tumor; consists of large thin-walled vascular cavities which have E. Cavernous an endothelial lining and are filled with haemangioma blood polyp-like formation with a superficial ulcer; tumour consisting of lymphocytelike cells with hyperchromatic nuclei; the cells grew in layers and bands E. Undifferentiat ed small-cell carcinoma 149. 150. 151. A. Haematogenous B. An autopsy of a female who died from cachexia, Lymphogenous revealed some massive exophytic carcinoma on E. orthograde C. carcinoma of stomach with metastases to the lesser curvature of the stomach with Lymphogenou Implantation the ovaries metastases to the ovaries. What kind of metastatic s retrograde D. Perineural spreading took place? E. Lymphogenous retrograde A. Papillary adenoma A histological examination of a thyroid gland small cysts with atypical epithelium and B. Follicular revealed small cysts, which were lined with filled with papillae growth from the walls E. Papillary carcinoma atypical epithelium and filled with papillae, the of the cysts and growing into their C. Solid carcinoma carcinoma latter originating from the walls of the cysts and capsules D. Carcinoma simplex growing into their capsules. Name the tumour. E. Papillary carcinoma A. Physiologic regeneration B. Complete reparative Under microscopic investigation the postinfarction regeneration C. Pathologic cardiosclerosis has been found out. Around cardiosclerotic area myocardiocytes were enlarged regeneration D. in size and had large hyperchromic nuclei riched Hypertrophy because of in DNA. What process taking place in increased workload myocardiocytes is more probable? E. Regenerative hypertrophy postinfarction cardiosclerosis surrounded E. by enlarged cardiomyocytes with large Regenerative hyperchromic nuclei riched in DNA hypertrophy 152. A. Intralobular A 47-year-old woman underwent radical carcinoma in situ mastectomy for a neoplasm. A histological B. Acneiform examination of the mammary gland revealed an carcinoma C. eczematous lesion of the nipple and areola, a Papillary cancerous lesion of the ducts of the gland and carcinoma presence of large light cells in the epidermis of the D. Fibrous carcinoma nipple and areola. Make a diagnosis. E. Paget's disease 153. A histological express examination of a tumour node of a mammary gland revealed some encapsulated formation with proliferation of alveoli and intralobular ducts; the interstitial connective tissue grew either around or inside the ducts. Which of the tumours took place? 154. eczematous lesion of the nipple and areola; lesion of the ducts of the gland and E. Paget's presence of large light cells in the disease epidermis A. Foliaceous tumour B. Noninfiltrating encapsulated tumor with proliferation of intralobular carcinoma alveoli and intralobular ducts; interstitial E. C. Infiltrating connective tissue grew either around or Fibroadenoma intralobular carcinoma inside the ducts D. Paget's disease E. Fibroadenoma A. Mucinous cystadenoma B. Serous During an operation on a woman, her cyst-like changed ovary was removed; it was a thin-walled cystadenocarcinoma cavity filled with some yellowish transparent fluid C. Pseudomucinous and having a smooth inner surface. Histologically, cystocarcinoma D. Granulosa cell the cavity wall was lined with the cubical tumour E. Serous epithelium. Name the kind of the tumour. cystadenoma cyst-like changed ovary; a thin-walled cavity with yellowish transparent fluid; smooth inner surface with the cubical epithelium E. Serous cystadenoma 155. A histological examination of a biopsy from a uterine cervix revealed that its tissue was covered with a wide layer of the stratified squamous epithelium having foci of proliferation of atypical cells with pathological mitoses, but the basal membrane of the epithelium was not affected. What is your diagnosis? 156. A histological examination of some spherical neoplasm located under the surface of the skin, revealed papilliform vegetations of the epithelium with phenomena of acanthosis and hyperkeratinization. The tumour stroma consisted of a large amount of the connective tissue and vessels. What tumour took place? 157. A 26-year-old male patient underwent surgical removal of a tumour, 4 x 5 cm in size, which was surrounded by a capsule and located in the white matter of his brain. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of the stellate and glia cells having various size and located among the glial fibres. Name the tumour. A. Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma B. Keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium with foci squamous cell of proliferation of atypical cells with E. Carcinoma carcinoma pathological mitoses; basal membrane not in situ C. Leukoplakia affected D. Epithelial dysplasia E. Carcinoma in situ A. Keratoacanthoma B. Carcinoma in situ C. Keratinizing squamous cell under skin surface; papilliform carcinoma vegetations of epithelium; large amount E. Papilloma D. Nonkeratinizing of the connective tissue and vessels squamous cell carcinoma E. Papilloma A. Oligodendroglioma B. Astroblastoma tumour with capsule in white matter of E. C. Glioblastoma brain; stellate and glia cells with various Astrocytoma D. Ependymoma size and located among the glial fibres E. Astrocytoma A. Hepatocellular adenoma B. Metastasis of adenocarcinoma C. atypical hepatocytes which formed Cholangiocellular trabeculae, acini or tubules; stroma is carcinoma poor and had thin-walled blood vessels D. Solid carcinoma E. Hepatocellular carcinoma 158. On supersonic examination of a 48-year-old male patient, a hepatic neoplasm was diagnosed and a puncture biopsy was made. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of atypical hepatocytes which formed trabeculae, acini or tubules. The tumour stroma was poor and had thin-walled blood vessels. Which of the kinds of tumours listed below was the most probable? 159. A. Keratoacanthoma B. Carcinoma in A histological examination of some spherical situ C. Keratinizing neoplasm located under the surface of the skin, revealed papilliform vegetations of the epithelium squamous cell under skin surface; papilliform carcinoma with phenomena of acanthosis and vegetations of epithelium; large amount hyperkeratinization. The tumour stroma consisted D. Nonkeratinizing of the connective tissue and vessels squamous cell of a large amount of the connective tissue and carcinoma E. vessels. What tumour took place? Papilloma 160. A 26-year-old male patient underwent surgical removal of a tumour, 4 x 5 cm in size, which was surrounded by a capsule and located in the white matter of his brain. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of the stellate and glia cells having various size and located among the glial fibres. Name the tumour. E. Hepatocellular carcinoma E. Papilloma A. Oligodendroglioma B. Astroblastoma tumour with capsule in white matter of E. C. Glioblastoma brain; stellate and glia cells with various Astrocytoma D. Ependymoma size and located among the glial fibres E. Astrocytoma 161. 162. 163. On supersonic examination of a 48-year-old male patient, a hepatic neoplasm was diagnosed and a puncture biopsy was made. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of atypical hepatocytes which formed trabeculae, acini or tubules. The tumour stroma was poor and had thin-walled blood vessels. Which of the kinds of tumours listed below was the most probable? A 45-year-old male underwent surgical removal of a tumour, 4 x 3 cm in size, from the lateral ventricle of his brain; the tumour surface had small papillae, and it was connected with a vascular plexus. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of villus-like vegetations covered with epithelial cells of the cubical and columnar shape and the monomorphous kind. Which of the tumours listed below was the most probable? An encapsulated tumour, 2 cm in diameter, surgically removed from an amputation stump of a lower extremity, microscopically consists of spindle cells of the monomorphous kind with rodshaped nuclei which form "fence-like" structures together with fibres. Which of the tumours listed below is the most probable? A. Hepatocellular adenoma B. Metastasis of adenocarcinoma C. atypical hepatocytes which formed Cholangiocellular trabeculae, acini or tubules; stroma is carcinoma poor and had thin-walled blood vessels D. Solid carcinoma E. Hepatocellular carcinoma E. Hepatocellular carcinoma tumour in brain ventricle; small papillae A. Ependymoma were connected with a vascular plexus; B. Ependymoblastoma villus-like vegetations covered with C. Choriocarcinoma epithelial cells of the cubical and D. Glioblastoma columnar shape and the monomorphous E. Choriopapilloma kind E. Choriopapillo ma A. Neurofibroma B. Malignant neurilemmoma C. Soft fibroma D. Fibrosarcoma E. Benign neurilemmoma encapsulated tumour from amputation stump; spindle cells of monomorphous E. Benign kind with rod- shaped nuclei which form neurilemmom "fence-like" structures together with a fibres 164. 165. 166. A microscopic examination of a biopsy from a deformed mucous membrane of a lobar bronchus A. Squamous cell of a 45-year-old male, who smoked for many carcinoma years, revealed a carcinoma consisting of atypical B. Adenocarcinoma carcinoma; not spread to the basal epithelial cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and C. Solid carcinoma membrane numerous pathological mitoses. The growth of the D. Small-cell tumour did not spread to the basal membrane of carcinoma E. Carcinoma in situ the epithelium. Name the histological form of carcinoma. A. Chronic The patient, who worked for a long period of time myeloleukaemia Pernicious with benzene, develops progressing anaemia and B. worked with benzene; progressing anaemia C. the haemorrhagic syndrome. A biopsy of his anaemia and haemorrhagic syndrome; at Haemolytic anaemia biopsy: prevalence of a fatty tissue, small breastbone reveals prevalence of a fatty tissue, and there are some small islets of haemopoiesis D. Hypoplastic islets of haemopoiesis with solitary cells with solitary cells of myelopoiesis. What is your anaemia of myelopoiesis E. Aplastic diagnosis? anaemia A. Chronic myeloid leukemia The patient who long worked with benzene, worked with benzene; progressing anemia Pernicious progressing anemia and hemorrhagic syndrome. B. and hemorrhagic syndrome; biopsy anemia C. Hemolytic In the biopsy of sternum predominant adipose predominant adipose tissue, a few small anemia D. Iron tissue, revealed a few small foci with isolated foci with isolated blood cells myelopoesis deficiency anemia blood cells myelopoesis. Your diagnosis. E. Aplastic anemia E. Carcinoma in situ E. Aplastic anaemia E. Aplastic anemia 167. 168. 169. A. Nonspecific An autopsy of a 76-year-old male, who smoked aortoarteritis Hypertensive for a long period of time, lived sedentary life and B. smoker, hypodinamia, redundant weight; disease had redundant weight, revealed in the intima of in the intima of aorta some grey-yellow C. Systemic lupus spots and stripes, fibrous plaques, the aorta some grey-yellow spots and stripes, fibrous plaques, calcified areas with haemorrhages calcified areas with haemorrhages and and calcinosis. What disease do these changes calcinosis erythematosus D. indicate? Visceral syphilis E. Atherosclerosis A. Capillar hemangioma B. During surgery in a 17-year-old patient it was revealed the tumour of 4,5–5,0 sm in size on the Hemangiopericytoma C. lower surface of the liver with subserose dark-red color tumour; has cavities with Hemangioendothelio blood localization, of dark-red color. On the section tumour has cavities with marked amount of blood. ma D. Lymphangioma What is preliminary diagnosis? E. Cavernous hemangioma An autopsy of a 27-year-old male, who died suddenly, revealed in the intima of the abdominal A. Atherocalcinosis aorta some yellow foci in the form of spots and B. Liposclerosis stripes, which did not rise above the surface of the C. Atheroma intima but after staining with sudan III became D. Prelipid orange. What stage in the morphogenesis of E. Lipoidosis atherosclerosis was revealed? E. Atherosclerosi s E. Cavernous hemangioma in intima of aorta some yellow foci in the form of spots and stripes; after staining E. Lipoidosis with sudan III became orange 170. 171. 172. A bronchoscopy of the mucous membrane of the main bronchus revealed some tumour. A A. Squamous cell microscopic examination of the tumour biopsy carcinoma lymphocyte-like cells with showed that it consisted of lymphocyte-like cells B. Adenocarcinoma hyperchromatic nuclei; many pathological E. Small-cell with hyperchromatic nuclei growing in the form C. Adenoacanthoma mitoses; growing in the form of layers or carcinoma of layers or bands and involving the submucous D. Scirrhous carcinoma bands and involving the submucous layer layer. The tumour had many pathological mitoses. E. Small-cell Which of the histological forms of carcinoma carcinoma listed below was the most probable? A 75-year-old male was hospitalized complaining of a sharp pain in the abdominal cavity, weakness, A. Coronary disease B. filiform pulse. During an operation it was found Hypertensive disease paraaortic fat was imbibed with blood; E. that the paraaortic fat was imbibed with blood. C. Cardiomyopathy aorta had a sac-like protrusion, its wall Atherosclerosi The abdominal aorta had a sac-like protrusion, its D. Systemic vasculitis was thinned and had an area of rupture s wall was thinned and had an area of rupture. What E. Atherosclerosis disease caused the complication? At autopsy of a 38-year-old male, who died in a car accident, revealed in his aorta some yellowgrey spots and stripes which did not rise above A. Prelipid the surface of the intima. Microscopically, the B. Lipoidosis lipids impregnated the intima and E. intima had an abundant deposition of proteins, C. Atheromatosis accumulated Liposclerosis plasma, fibrin, GAG, cholesterol, low-density D. Atherocalcinosis lipoproteins; the endothelium had foci of E. Liposclerosis affection. Name the stage of morphogenesis of atherosclerosis. 173. 174. 175. An autopsy of a 70-year-old male patient, who died from cardiac failure, revealed deformed and A. Liposclerosis narrowed coronary arteries. On section, the inner B. Atheromatosis surface of the arteries was tuberous, the wall was C. Lipoidosis whitish, fragile and stony in consistency. Which of D. Ulceration the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? E. Atherocalcinosis An autopsy of a 70-year-old male, who died of cardiovascular insufficiency mill during his lifetime suffered from angina pectoris, hypercholesterolaemia and obesity, revealed a A. Prelipid chronic venous plethora of the organs, B. Lipoidosis hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart with C. Liposclerosis microfocal cardiosclerosis, voluminous yellow D. Atherocalcinosis plaques in the intima of the aorta with finegrained E. Atheromatosis masses in their centre and these masses went deep into the thickness of the wall. Which of the stages of atherosclerosis listed below was the most probable? A 56-year-old male patient with elevated blood A. Cerebral pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an haematoma impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy B. Anaemic infarct of the brain revealed a red focus in the thalamus, of brain 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. C. Mixed infarct Microscopically, there was fibrinoid necrosis of D. Atheromatosis the vascular walls and impregnation of the E. Haemorrhagic necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which of the infarct of brain diagnoses listed below was the most probable? deformed and narrowed coronary arteries; E. inner surface was tuberous, the wall was Atherocalcino whitish, fragile and stony in consistency sis voluminous yellow plaques in the intima of the aorta with fine-grained masses in E. their centre and these masses went deep Atheromatosis into the thickness of the wall blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg); red E. focus in the thalamus; fibrinoid necrosis Haemorrhagic of vascular walls and impregnation of the infarct of brain necrotized brain tissue with blood 176. 177. 178. 179. A. Nonspecific An autopsy of a 76-year-old male, who smoked aortoarteritis Hypertensive for a long period of time, lived sedentary life and B. smoker, hypodinamia, redundant weight; disease had redundant weight, revealed in the intima of in the intima of aorta some grey-yellow C. Systemic lupus spots and stripes, fibrous plaques, the aorta some grey-yellow spots and stripes, fibrous plaques, calcified areas with haemorrhages calcified areas with haemorrhages and and calcinosis. What disease do these changes calcinosis erythematosus D. indicate? Visceral syphilis E. Atherosclerosis A 75-year-old male was hospitalized complaining A. Coronary disease of a sharp pain in the abdominal cavity, weakness, B. Hypertensive filiform pulse. During an operation it was found paraaortic fat was imbibed with blood; disease; that the paraaortic fat was imbibed with blood. aorta had a sac-like protrusion, its wall C. Cardiomyopathy The abdominal aorta had a sac-like protrusion, its was thinned and had an area of rupture D. Systemic vasculitis wall was thinned and had an area of rupture. What E. Atherosclerosis disease caused the complication? An autopsy of a 70-year-old male patient, who died from cardiac failure, revealed deformed and A. Ulceration narrowed coronary arteries. On section, the inner B. Liposclerosis; deformed and narrowed coronary arteries; surface of the arteries was tuberous, the wall was C. Atheromatosis inner surface was tuberous, the wall was whitish, fragile and stony in consistency. Which D. Lipoidosis whitish, fragile and stony in consistency of the diagnoses listed below was the most E. Atherocalcinosis probable? A patient who has been abusing tobacco smoking for a long time has got cough accompanied by A. Hypoplasia excretion of viscous mucus; weakness after minor B. Hyperplasia physical stress, pale skin. The patient has also lost squamous cell carcinoma in (ciliary C. Necrosis 12,0 kg of body weight. Endoscopic examination epithelium was replaced) D. Sclerosis of biosy material his illness was diagnosed as E. Metaplasia squamous cell carcinoma. Name a pathological process that preceded formation of the tumour: E. Atherosclerosi s E. Atherosclerosi s E. Atherocalcino sis E. Metaplasia 180. 181. 182. An autopsy of a 70-year-old male, who died of cardiovascular insufficiency mill during his lifetime suffered from angina pectoris, hypercholesterolaemia and obesity, revealed a chronic venous plethora of the organs, hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart with microfocal cardiosclerosis, voluminous yellow plaques in the intima of the aorta with finegrained masses in their centre and these masses went deep into the thickness of the wall. Which of the stages of atherosclerosis listed below was the most probable? A microscopic examination of a gastrobiopsy from a tumour of the pyloroduodenal portion of the stomach revealed layers of atypical epithelial cells with a large number of mitoses; the tumour architectonics is characterized by prevalence of the parenchyma over the stroma. Which of the histological forms of carcinoma listed below was the most probable? An autopsy of a 48-year-old male, who died in a car accident, revealed in his aorta some yellowgrey spots and stripes which did not rise above the surface of the intima. Microscopically, the intima had an abundant deposition of proteins, plasma, fibrin, GAG, cholesterol, low-density lipoproteins; the endothelium had foci of affection. Name the stage of morphogenesis of atherosclerosis. A. Prelipid B. Lipoidosis C. Liposclerosis D. Atherocalcinosis E. Atheromatosis voluminous yellow plaques in the intima of the aorta with fine-grained masses in E. their centre and these masses went deep Atheromatosis into the thickness of the wall A. Adenocarcinoma B. Solid carcinoma C. Mucinous carcinoma D. Smalllayers of atypical epithelial cells; E. Medullary cell carcinoma E. parenchyma prevalence over the stroma carcinoma Medullary carcinoma A. Prelipid B. Lipoidosis C. Atheromatosis D. Atherocalcinosis E. Liposclerosis some yellow- grey spots and stripes; abundant deposition of proteins, plasma, E. fibrin, GAG, cholesterol, low-density Liposclerosis lipoproteins; the endothelium had foci of affection. 183. 184. 185. 186. A microscopic examination of the wall of an aorta revealed a focal infiltration of the intima by lipids and proteins. The lipids impregnated the intima and accumulated in the muscle cells and macrophages. Determine the stage of atherosclerosis. A. Prelipid; B. Liposclerosis; C. Atheromatosis; D. Atherocalcinosis; E. Lipoidosis focal infiltration of the intima by lipids and proteins; lipids impregnated the intima and accumulated in the muscle cells and macrophages A. Nodular arteritis; B. Arteriolosclerosis; The patient, who has long suffered from intermittent claudication; dry gangrene of intermittent claudication, gangrene developed dry C. Arteriosclerosis foot foot. Add a disease that led to such complications. D. Coronary arteritis; E. Atherosclerosis A 56-year-old male patient with elevated blood A. Cerebral pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an haematoma impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg); red B. of the brain revealed a red focus in the thalamus, C. Anaemic infarct focus in the thalamus; fibrinoid necrosis 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. of brain of vascular walls and impregnation of the Microscopically, there was fibrinoid necrosis of D. Mixed infarct E. necrotized brain tissue with blood the vascular walls and impregnation of the Haemorrhagic infarct necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which of the of brain diagnoses listed below was the most probable? An autopsy of a male, who suffered from arterial A. Transitory hypertension during his lifetime, revealed oedema ischaemia of the brain substance, arterial walls at the base B. Haemorrhagic arterial hypertension; focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm were thickened, with white-yellowish plaques in infarct in size, representing a cavity filled with the intima, the left hemisphere had a focus, 5 x 4 x C. Anaemic infarct liquid blood and its clots 3 cm in size, representing a cavity filled with D. Mixed infarct liquid blood and its clots. Define the pathological E. Haematoma process in the brain. E. Lipoidosis E. Atherosclerosi s E. Haemorrhagic infarct of brain E. Haematoma A. Diapedesis hemorrhage B. Abscess hypertension; cavity whith rusty color C. Ischemic heart walls attack D. Plasmorrhage E. Hematoma 187. At autopsy of the dead men, who suffered from hypertension, in the brain revealed a cavity with rusty color walls. What preceded these phenomena? 188. A. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with dry gangrene B. Ischemic A 78-year-old patient suffering from stroke complicated atherosclerosis has been delivered to a surgical ward with signs of acute abdomen. Laparoscopy with humid gangrene atherosclerosis; blackened and flaccid C. Ischemic stroke revealed blackened and flaccid small intestine small intestine loops; demarcation line is loops; demarcation line is not clear. Diagnose the complicated with dry not clear gangrene changes that occurred in the patient’s small D. intestine: E. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with wet gangrene 189. Autopsy of a 75-year-old patient who had been suffering from disseminated atherosclerosis and died under chronic cardiac failure revealed constriction and deformation of coronary arteries, tuberous intima whose section appeared to be white and petrosal. Specify the stage of atherosclerosis morphogenesis: A. Atheromatosis B. Lipoidosis C. Bilipid D. Liposclerosis E. Atherocalcinosis E. Hematoma E. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with wet gangrene atherosclerosis; constriction and E. deformation of coronary arteries, tuberous Atherocalcino intima was white and petrosal sis 190. 191. 192. A 26-year-old male patient underwent surgical removal of a tumour, 4 x 5 cm in size, which was surrounded by a capsule and located in the white matter of his brain. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of the stellate and glia cells having various size and located among the glial fibres. Name the tumour. A. Oligodendroglioma tumour located in white matter of brain B. Astroblastoma surrounded by a capsule; consisted of the E. C. Glioblastoma stellate and glia cells having various size Astrocytoma D. Ependymoma and located among the glial fibres E. Astrocytoma A. Obliterating endartheriitis B. Nodular Morphological examination of an amputated gangrenous extremity revealed that the lumen of periarthritis C. femoral artery was constricted due to stony, partly Obliterating ulcerated plaques with obturating thrombi. What thromboangiitis D. Non-specific is the most likely diagnosis? aortoartheriitis E. Atherosclerosis A. Lymph node B. Artery of elastic Obliterating atherosclerosis causes changes in the type vessels of the lower extermities. A histological C. Vein with specimen of such a vessel evidently presents both strongly developed internal and external elastic membranes, middle muscles D. Artery of membrane contains a lot of myocytes. What mixed type vessel is affected in case of this disease? E. Artery of muscular type lumen of femoral artery was constricted E. due to stony, partly ulcerated plaques with Atherosclerosi obturating thrombi s E. Artery of muscular type atherosclerosis ; both internal and external elastic membranes, middle membrane contains a lot of myocytes 193. 194. 195. A. Vacuole dystrophy of cardiomyocytes B. Fat infiltration of cardiomyocytes A male patient developed substernal pains at 8 C. Reduced a.m., and at 9 a.m. myocardial infarction was activity of diagnosed by ECG data at the admission dehydrogenases in department. Ten minutes later the patient died. fibroblasts What most reliable sign of myocardial infarction D. Relaxation of will be found on histological examination? myofibrils in cardiomyocytes E. Disappearance of glycogen in cardiomyocytes On autopsy of a 68-year-old male, who died from A. Myocarditis cardiac decompensation, the myocardium of the B. Microfocal cardiosclerosis anterior wall in left ventricle of his heart contained an irregular grey focus, 5 x 4 cm in size,C. Infarction D. Rheumatism with a dense consistency, fibrous structure and E. Postinfarction clear borders. What pathological process in the cardiosclerosis myocardium did the pathologist reveal? On autopsy of a 66-year-old male, who died from A. Microfocal acute cardiac failure, an acute venous plethora of cardiosclerosis B. Macrofocal the internal organs was found. The cardiac cardiosclerosis cavities were dilated; a myocardial section revealed some dim yellowish focus, 3.5 x 4 cm in C. Fatty size, in the anterior wall of the left ventricle. The degeneration of myocardium D. coronary arteries had stenosing atheromatous plaques. Which of the diagnoses listed below was Myocarditis E. Myocardial the most probable? infarction death from myocardial infarction; duration from 8 to 9 a.m. E. Disappearance of glycogen in cardiomyocyt es an irregular grey focus, 5 x 4 cm in size, with a dense consistency, fibrous structure and clear borders E. Postinfarction cardiosclerosi s acute cardiac failure; acute venous plethora; cavities are dilated; dim E. Myocardial yellowish focus, 3.5 x 4 cm in size in wall infarction of ventricle; arteries had stenosing atheromatous plaques 196. 197. 198. A. Vacuole dystrophy of cardiomyocytes; B. Fat infiltration of A male patient developed substernal pains at 8 cardiomyocytes; C. a.m., and at 9 a.m. myocardial infarction was Relaxation of myofibrils in diagnosed by ECG data at the admission death from myocardial infarction; cardiomyocytes department. Ten minutes later the patient died. duration from 8 to 9 a.m. What most reliable sign of myocardial infarction D. Reduced activity of dehydrogenases in will be found on histological examination? fibroblasts; E. Disappearance of glycogen in cardiomyocytes; On autopsy of a 68-year-old male, who died from A. Myocarditis; cardiac decompensation, the myocardium of the B. Microfocal cardiosclerosis; anterior wall in left ventricle of his heart contained an irregular grey focus, 5 x 4 cm in size, C. Infarction; D. Rheumatism. E. with a dense consistency, fibrous structure and Postinfarction clear borders. What pathological process in the cardiosclerosis myocardium did the pathologist reveal? On autopsy of a 66-year-old male, who died from A. Myocarditis acute cardiac failure, an acute venous plethora of B. Microfocal cardiosclerosis the internal organs was found. The cardiac C. Macrofocal cavities were dilated; a myocardial section revealed some dim yellowish focus, 3.5 x 4 cm in cardiosclerosis size, in the anterior wall of the left ventricle. The D. Fatty degeneration of coronary arteries had stenosing atheromatous plaques. Which of the diagnoses listed below was myocardium E. Myocardial the most probable? infarction an irregular grey focus, 5 x 4 cm in size, with a dense consistency, fibrous structure and clear borders E. Disappearance of glycogen in cardiomyocyt es E. Postinfarction cardiosclerosi s acute cardiac failure; acute venous plethora; cavities are dilated; dim E. Myocardial yellowish focus, 3.5 x 4 cm in size in wall infarction of ventricle; arteries had stenosing atheromatous plaques 199. A 45-year-old male underwent surgical removal of a tumour, 4 x 3 cm in size, from the lateral ventricle of his brain; the tumour surface had small papillae, and it was connected with a vascular plexus. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of villus-like vegetations covered with epithelial cells of the cubical and columnar shape and the monomorphous kind. Which of the tumours listed below was the most probable? tumour in brain ventricle; small papillae A. Ependymoma were connected with a vascular plexus; B. Ependymoblastoma villus-like vegetations covered with C. Choriocarcinoma epithelial cells of the cubical and D. Glioblastoma columnar shape and the monomorphous E. Choriopapilloma kind 200. A 3-month-old girl is being evaluated for feeding difficulty and failure to thrive. Physical examination finds pallor, peripheral cyanosis, tachypnea, and fine expiratory wheezing. Chest xray shows cardiac enlargement. She is admitted to the hospital, quickly develops severe cardiac failure, and dies 3 days after admission. At the time of autopsy the endocardium is found to have a “cream cheese” gross appearance. Histologic sections from this area reveal thickening of the endocardium due to a proliferation of fibrous and elastic tissue. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A. Dilated cardiomyopathy; B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; C. Infective endocarditis; D. Libman-Sachs endocarditis; E. Restrictive cardiomyopathy E. Choriopapillo ma quickly develops severe cardiac failure; E. Restrictive endocardium is similar a “cream cheese”; cardiomyopat thickening of the endocardium due to a hy proliferation of fibrous and elastic tissue 201. A. Acute inflammation of the pericardium due to an autoimmune reaction B. Acute mitral regurgitation due to rupture of a papillary A 49-year-old man 7 days after being admitted to muscle the hospital for an inferior wall, transmural C. Acute suppurative myocardial infarction suddenly becomes short of inflammation of the breath. Physical examination reveals hypotension, pericardium due to transmural myocardial infarction; elevated jugular venous pressure, and muffled bacterial infection D. hypotension with elevated jugular venous heart sounds. His systemic blood pressure drops Serous fluid pressure; muffled heart sounds 13 mmHg with inspiration. Which one of the accumulation in the following pathologic processes produced these pericardial cavity due clinical findings? to congestive heart failure E. Blood accumulation in the pericardial cavity due to rupture of the ventricular wall E. Blood accumulation in the pericardial cavity due to rupture of the ventricular wall 202. A. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with dry gangrene B. Ischemic A 78-year-old patient suffering from stroke complicated atherosclerosis has been delivered to a surgical ward with signs of acute abdomen. Laparoscopy with humid gangrene atherosclerosis; blackened and flaccid C. Ischemic stroke revealed blackened and flaccid small intestine small intestine loops; demarcation line is loops; demarcation line is not clear. Diagnose the complicated with dry not clear gangrene changes that occurred in the patient’s small D. intestine: E. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with wet gangrene E. Hemorrhagic infarction complicated with wet gangrene 203. A. Ischemic myocardial A 65-year-old patient had been treated for 3 days degeneration in a resuscitation unit for a cardiac pathology. B. Acute Suddenly he developed ventricular fibrillation that myocarditis C. became the immediate cause of death of this Diffuse patient. Microscopy of the left ventricular cardiosclerosis D. myocard revealed a large focus of cardiomyocyte Postinfarction karyolysis demarcated by the zone of hyperaemia. cardiosclerosis What cardiac pathology was the cause of death? E. Acute myocardial infarction E. Acute myocardial infarction large focus of cardiomyocyte karyolysis demarcated by the zone of hyperaemia 204. A. Haemorrhagic pericarditis B. Shortly before death a patient got an Exudative electrocardiographically based diagnosis of acute pericarditis C. myocardial infarction. Autopsy revealed that the Idiopathic myocardial cavity contained 200 ml of liquid myocarditis blood and 400 g of clots; the posterior wall of the D. Stone heart left ventricle had a perforation up to 2 cm long. E. Myocardial What complication of myocardial infraction is it? rupture with cardiac tamponade acute myocardial infarction; wall of ventricle had a perforation up to 2 cm long 205. A. Tiger heart B. Postinfarction Examination of coronary arteries revealed cardiosclerosis atherosclerotic plaques with calcification that C. Myocarditis close tle lumen by 1/3. The muscle contains D. Myocardium multiple small whitish layers of connective tissue. infarction E. What process was revealed in myocardium? Diffuse cardiosclerosis atherosclerotic plaques with calcification E. Diffuse that close tle lumen by 1/3; multiple small cardiosclerosi whitish layers of connective tissue in s miocardium 206. Examination of a patient who had been suffering from rheumatism for a long time revealed stenosis of mitral orifice, death was caused by cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy has shown brown induration of lungs. What type of circulation disturbance provokes such changes in lungs? A. Chronic right ventricular insufficiency B. Acute left ventricular insufficiency C. rheumatism; stenosis of mitral orifice; Acute right brown induration of lungs ventricular insufficiency D. Portal hypertension E. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency E. Myocardial rupture with cardiac tamponade E. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency 207. A. Dysfunctional. B. From pressure In the dead woman, 86 years old, suffering from C. From the effects atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, an of physical and atherosclerosis of brain vessels; atrophy atrophy of the cerebral cortex was revealed at the chemical factors. of the cerebral cortex D. Neurotic. intersection. What is the name of this atrophy E. From relative to the cause? insufficient blood supply 208. In the deceased from chronic cardiovascular insufficiency a "tiger's heart" was discovered on the autopsy. On the part of the endocardium there is a yellowish-white striation; myocardium dull, clay-yellow. What process led to this pathology? 209. An encapsulated tumour, 2 cm in diameter, surgically removed from an amputation stump of a lower extremity, microscopically consists of spindle cells of the monomorphous kind with rodshaped nuclei which form "fence-like" structures together with fibres. Which of the tumours listed below is the most probable? A. Amyloidosis B. Carbohydrate dystrophy C. C .Hyalinovodroplet dystrophy D. Fatty vascularstromal dystrophy E. Fatty parenchymal dystrophy A. Neurofibroma B. Malignant neurilemmoma C. Soft fibroma D. Fibrosarcoma E. Benign neurilemmoma E. From insufficient blood supply "tiger's heart"; endocardium there is a E. Fatty yellowish-white striation; myocardium parenchymal dull, clay-yellow dystrophy encapsulated tumour from amputation stump; spindle cells of monomorphous E. Benign kind with rod- shaped nuclei which form neurilemmom "fence-like" structures together with a fibres 210. A. Abscess Wet gangrene At the autopsy of the deceased, thrombosis of the B. C. Coagulative left middle cerebral artery and a large center of necrosis softening of the tissue of the left hemisphere of the brain were found. What pathological process D. Sequestration E. Ischemic heart has developed in the brain? attack 211. At the autopsy of a 60-year-old man, an irregular gray, irregularly shaped, dense focus of 5x4 sm with clear boundaries of a fibrous structure was found in the myocardium of the anterior wall of the left ventricle. What is the most likely diagnosis? 212. 213. thrombosis of artery; large center of softening of tissue A. Diffuse myocardiosclerosis B. Myocarditis gray dense focus of 5x4 sm with clear C. Infarction boundaries of a fibrous structure D. Cardiomyopathy E. Postinfarction myocardiosclerosis E. Ischemic heart attack E. Postinfarction myocardioscle rosis A. Collapse B. A 60-year-old patient developed a large-focal E. Acute C. Acute right-side myocardial infarction, complicated by pulmonary large-focal myocardial infarction leads to leftside ventricular failure D. edema. What cardiohemodynamic disorders pulmonary edema ventricular Cardiogenic shock E. contributed to pulmonary edema? failure Acute left-side ventricular failure A 67-year-old patient with a long history of A. Myocardial atherosclerosis and a previous myocardial degeneration B. infarction developed an attack of retrosternal pain. Myocardial 3 days later the patient was hospitalized and then ischemia atherosclerosis in anamnesis; white E. Focal died of progressive cardiovascular insufficiency. C. Myocardial fibrous depressed area about 3 cm with cardiosclerosi During autopsy a white fibrous depressed area infarction clear margins in wall of heart s about 3 cm in diameter with clear margins was D. Myocarditis found within the area of posterior wall of the left E. Focal ventricle and interventricular septum. The cardiosclerosis dissector considered these changes to be: A. Cardiomyopathy B. Cardiosclerosis pulmonary edema; large yellow-grey C. Myocarditis nidus in myocardium; fresh thrombus in D. Amyloidosis E. artery Myocardial infarction 214. Autopsy of the dead patient who died from pulmonary edema revealed a large yellow-grey nidus in the myocardium, and a fresh thrombus in the coronary artery. What is the most likely diagnosis? 215. A. Thrombosis of tomentum cerebri B. Thrombosis of the right anterior cerebral Autopsy of a 75-year-old man with a long history artery C. Thrombosis of the of atherosclerosis revealed a grey irregularright posterior shaped focus of loose consistency in the right parietotemporal region of brain. What is the most cerebral artery D. Thrombosis of basilar likely cause of this process? artery E. Thrombosis of the right medial cerebral artery atherosclerosis in anamnesis; grey irregular shaped focus of loose consistency in right parietotemporal region E. Thrombosis of the right medial cerebral artery 216. In man of 60 years old, who had hypertension for a long time and died of chronic renal failure at autopsy was revealed: both kidneys are greatly reduced in size, the surface is fine-grained; histologically - the majority of glomerulars is hialinised and sclerosed, some glomerulars are hyperplastic; areas of sclerosis are detected in stroma, arteriolosclerosis and atherosclerosis, elastofibrosis of large branches of renal artery. Name identified changes of kidneys. hypertension in anamnesis; chronic renal failure; kidneys are greatly reduced; surface is fine-grained; glomerulus is hialinised and sclerosed; areas of sclerosis in stroma E. Arterioloscler otic nephrosclerosi s A. Arteriosclerotic kidney B. Atherosclerotic nephrosclerosis C. Chronic glomerulonephritis D. Chronic pyelonephritis E. Arteriolosclerotic nephrosclerosis E. Myocardial infarction 217. 218. 219. 220. An autopsy of a male patient, who died from A. Atherosclerosis heart failure, revealed an enlarged heart weighing B. Rheumatism 550 g, fibrinous pericarditis, as well as contracted C. Pericarditis dense kidneys weighing 50 g each and having a D. Cardiomyopathy fine-grained surface. Microscopically, the kidneys E. Hypertensive were characterized by an expressed hyalinosis of disease arterioles and glomeruli. Name the basic disease. heart failure; enlarged heart; contracted E. dense kidneys with fine-grained surface; Hypertensive expressed hyalinosis of arterioles and disease glomeruli A microscopic examination of a biopsy from a deformed mucous membrane of a lobar bronchus A. Squamous cell of a 45-year-old male, who smoked for many carcinoma years, revealed a carcinoma consisting of atypical B. Adenocarcinoma carcinoma; not spread to the basal epithelial cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and C. Solid carcinoma membrane numerous pathological mitoses. The growth of the D. Small-cell tumour did not spread to the basal membrane of carcinoma the epithelium. Name the histological form of E. Carcinoma in situ carcinoma. A. Large, motley B. Large, red A 67-year-old male patient was suffering from C. Large, white, hypertensive disease during 20 years. He died hypertensive disease; chronic renal dense D. Small, dense, from chronic renal insufficiency. What insufficiency macrotuberous appearance did his kidneys have on autopsy? E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface A. Stenosing atherosclerosis Against a background of hypertensive crisis, a Hyperelastosis male patient with hypertensive disease developed B. hypertensive crisis; hypertensive disease; acute renal insufficiency which caused his death. C. Hyalinosis acute renal insufficiency What morphological changes in the renal arteioles D. Sclerosis E. Fibrinoid were the most probable? necrosis E. Carcinoma in situ E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface E. Fibrinoid necrosis 221. 222. 223. 224. A 56-year-old male patient with elevated blood A. Cerebral pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an haematoma impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy B. Anaemic infarct of the brain revealed a red focus in the thalamus, of brain 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. C. Mixed infarct Microscopically, there was fibrinoid necrosis of D. Atheromatosis the vascular walls and impregnation of the E. Haemorrhagic necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which of the infarct of brain diagnoses listed below was the most probable? blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg); red E. focus in the thalamus; fibrinoid necrosis Haemorrhagic of vascular walls and impregnation of the infarct of brain necrotized brain tissue with blood An autopsy of a male, who suffered from arterial A. Transitory hypertension during his lifetime, revealed oedema ischaemia of the brain substance, arterial walls at the base B. Haemorrhagic arterial hypertension; focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm were thickened, with white-yellowish plaques in infarct in size, representing a cavity filled with the intima, the left hemisphere had a focus, 5 x 4 C. Anaemic infarct liquid blood and its clots x 3 cm in size, representing a cavity filled with D. Mixed infarct liquid blood and its clots. Define the pathological E. Haematoma process in the brain. An autopsy of a male patient, who died from heart A. Atherosclerosis failure, revealed an enlarged heart weighing 550 heart failure; enlarged heart; contracted B. Rheumatism g, fibrinous pericarditis, as well as contracted dense kidneys with fine-grained surface; C. Pericarditis dense kidneys weighing 50 g each and having a D. Cardiomyopathy; expressed hyalinosis of arterioles and fine-grained surface. Microscopically, the kidneys E. Hypertensive glomeruli were characterized by an expressed hyalinosis of disease arterioles and glomeruli. Name the basic disease. A. Large, motley B. Large, red; A 67-year-old male patient was suffering from C. Large, white, hypertensive disease during 20 years. He died hypertensive disease; chronic renal dense D. Small, dense, from chronic renal insufficiency. What insufficiency macrotuberous appearance did his kidneys have on autopsy? E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface E. Haematoma E. Hypertensive disease E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface 225. 226. 227. A 56-year-old male patient with elevated blood A. Cerebral pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an haematoma impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy B. of the brain revealed a red focus in the thalamus, C. Anaemic infarct 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. of brain Microscopically, there was fibrinoid necrosis of D. Mixed infarct E. the vascular walls and impregnation of the Haemorrhagic infarct necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which of the of brain diagnoses listed below was the most probable? An autopsy of a male, who suffered from arterial A. Transitory hypertension during his lifetime, revealed oedema ischaemia of the brain substance, arterial walls at the base B. Haemorrhagic were thickened, with white-yellowish plaques in infarct the intima, the left hemisphere had a focus, 5 x 4 C. Anaemic infarct x 3 cm in size, representing a cavity filled with D. Mixed infarct liquid blood and its clots. Define the pathological E. Haematoma process in the brain. A. Amyloidwrinkled B. Atrophic C. In the dead from complications of hypertension, Secondary during the section detected small, dense kidneys wrinkled with grainy surface, atrophied parenchyma and D. Pyelonephrotic cortical tissue. Define such kidneys. wrinkled E. Primary wrinkled blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg); red E. focus in the thalamus; fibrinoid necrosis Haemorrhagic of vascular walls and impregnation of the infarct of brain necrotized brain tissue with blood arterial hypertension; focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm E. in size, representing a cavity filled with Haematoma liquid blood and its clots hypertension; small, dense kidneys with E. Primary grainy surface, atrophied parenchyma and wrinkled cortical tissue 228. 229. 230. 231. An autopsy of a male patient, who died from heart failure, revealed an enlarged heart weighing 550 A. Atherosclerosis heart failure; enlarged heart; contracted g, fibrinous pericarditis, as well as contracted B. Rheumatism dense kidneys with fine-grained surface; E. dense kidneys weighing 50 g each and having a C. Pericarditis expressed hyalinosis of arterioles and Hypertension fine-grained surface. Microscopically, the kidneys D. Cardiomyopathy glomeruli were characterized by an expressed hyalinosis of E. Hypertension arterioles and glomeruli. Name the basic disease. A bronchoscopy of the mucous membrane of the main bronchus revealed some tumour. A A. Squamous cell microscopic examination of the tumour biopsy carcinoma lymphocyte-like cells with showed that it consisted of lymphocyte-like cells B. Adenocarcinoma hyperchromatic nuclei; many pathological E. Small-cell with hyperchromatic nuclei growing in the form C. Adenoacanthoma mitoses; growing in the form of layers or carcinoma of layers or bands and involving the submucous D. Scirrhous carcinoma bands and involving the submucous layer layer. The tumour had many pathological mitoses. E. Small-cell Which of the histological forms of carcinoma carcinoma listed below was the most probable? A. Diapedesis hemorrhage At autopsy of the dead men, who suffered from B. Abscess hypertension, in the brain revealed a cavity whith C. Ischemic heart rusty color walls. What preceded these attack phenomena? D. Plasmorrhage E. Hematoma A. Constrictive atherosclerosis In a patient with hypertension disease, in the B. Hyperelastosis context of a hypertensive crisis, acute renal Sclerosis failure, from which he died, developed. What are C. Hyalinosis the most likely morphological changes in kidney D. E. Fibrinoid arterioles? necrosis hypertension; cavity whith rusty color walls E. Hematoma hypertension disease; hypertensive crisis, E. Fibrinoid acute renal failure necrosis 232. At the autopsy of the deceased who suffered from hypertension, a cavity of round shape of 4 x 5 cm with a rusty wall, filled with a yellowish transparent liquid, was found in the left hemisphere of the brain. What is the pathology that has developed in the brain of the patient? A. Hematoma B. Hemorrhagic leakage C. Ischemic heart attack D. Abscess E. Cyst cavity filled with a yellowish transparent E. Cyst liquid 233. Autopsy has revealed shrunken kidneys weighing 50 mg, with finegrained surface and uniformly thinned substance. Microscopic investigation has shown the thickening of arteriole walls due to accumulation of homogeneous anhistic pinkcolored masses in them. Glomerules were undersized, sclerotic, with atrophied tubules. What disease are these changes characteristic of? A. Membranous nephropathy B. Pyelonephritis with kidney shrinkage C. Renal amyloidosis D. Acute glomerulonephritis E. Essential hypertension shrunken kidneys with finegrained surface and uniformly thinned substance; thickening of arteriole walls with E. Essential homogeneous anhistic pink-colored hypertension masses; glomerules undersized, sclerotic, with atrophied tubules 234. A. A cyst on the site of the softening of the cerebrocortical grey matter At autopsy the occipital lobe of brain was found to B. Softening of the E. Cyst on the have a cavity 2,5x1,5 cm large filled with a cerebrocortical grey cavity with a transparent liquid and smooth site of a transparent liquid. The cavity had smooth matter brownish walls hemorrhage brownish walls. What process had developed in C. Brain abscess the brain? D. Paracephalia E. Cyst on the site of a hemorrhage 235. 236. 237. 238. An autopsy of a male patient, who died from heart failure, revealed an enlarged heart weighing 550 g, fibrinous pericarditis, as well as contracted dense kidneys weighing 50 g each and having a fine-grained surface. Microscopically, the kidneys were characterized by an expressed hyalinosis of arteioles and glomeruli. Name the basic disease. A. Pericarditis heart failure; enlarged heart; contracted B. Rheumatism E. C. Atherosclerosis dense kidneys with fine-grained surface; Hypertensive D. Cardiomyopathy expressed hyalinosis of arterioles and disease E. Hypertensive glomeruli disease A. Large, motley B. Large, red A 67-year-old male patient was suffering from C. Large, white, hypertensive disease during 20 years. He died hypertensive disease; chronic renal dense D. Small, dense, from chronic renal insufficiency. What appearance insufficiency macrotuberous did his kidneys have on autopsy? E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface A. Sclerosis Against a background of hypertensive crisis, a B. Hyperelastosis male patient with hypertensive disease developed C. Stenosing hypertensive crisis; hypertensive disease; acute renal insufficiency which caused his death. atherosclerosis acute renal insufficiency What morphological changes in the renal arteioles D. Hyalinosis were the most probable? E. Fibrinoid necrosis A microscopic examination of a gastrobiopsy from a tumour of the pyloroduodenal portion of the stomach revealed layers of atypical epithelial cells with a large number of mitoses; the tumour architectonics is characterized by prevalence of the parenchyma over the stroma. Which of the histological forms of carcinoma listed below was the most probable? E. Small, dense, with a fine-grained surface E. Fibrinoid necrosis A. Adenocarcinoma B. Solid carcinoma C. Mucinous carcinoma D. Smalllayers of atypical epithelial cells; E. Medullary cell carcinoma E. parenchyma prevalence over the stroma carcinoma Medullary carcinoma 239. 240. 241. A 52-year-old male patient with elevated blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg) died from an impairment of his cerebral circulation. An autopsy of the brain revealed a red focus in the thalamus, 2.5 cm in diameter, which sank on section. Microscopically, there was fibrinoid necrosis of the vascular walls and impregnation of the necrotized brain tissue with blood. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? An autopsy of a male, who suffered from arterial hypertension during his life-time, revealed oedema of the brain substance, arterial walls at the base were thickened, with white-yellowish plaques in the intima, the left hemisphere had a focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm in size, representing a cavity filled with liquid blood and its clots. Define the pathological process in the brain. A. Mixed infarct B. Cerebral haematoma blood pressure (250/120 mm Hg); red C. Anaemic infarct of focus in the thalamus; fibrinoid necrosis brain of vascular walls and impregnation of D. the necrotized brain tissue with blood E. Haemorrhagic infarct of brain A. Mixed infarct B. Haemorrhagic infarct C. Anaemic infarct D. Transitory ischaemia E. Haematoma At autopsy the diminished kidneys with weight of 50.0 have been found out, the surface has A. Acute necrotic been closed-grained, cortex has been uniformly nephrosis B. Chronic thinned. At microscopic examination a wall of glomerulonephritis C. arterioles has been considerably thickened Amyloidosis of because of deposition of homogeneous kidney unstructured pink colored masses, the lumen has D. Pyelonephritis with sharply narrowed down, the glomeruli have been shrinkage of kidneys E. reduced, with sclerosis and atrophy of tubules. Hypertensive What disease the described changes are typical disease for? E. Haemorrhagic infarct of brain arterial hypertension; focus, 5 x 4 x 3 cm E. in size, representing a cavity filled with Haematoma liquid blood and its clots diminished kidneys with close-grained surface; thinned cortex; arterioles thickened with homogeneous unstructured pink colored masses; glomeruli reduced, with sclerosis and atrophy of tubules E. Hypertensive disease 242. 243. 244. The patient, aged 74, with the history of hypertensive syndrome, lost consciousness suddenly and died of increasing disturbance of A. Chronic bronchitis B. respiration and heart activity. The autopsy has Ischemic heart disease demonstrated a dark-red focus in the trunk of the C. Glomerulonephritis brain measuring 2x1x5 cm. The weight of the D. Atherosclerosis E. heart is 550 g. the thickness of left ventricle wall Hypertensive is 2,5 cm. The vessels of the brain base are disease considerably thickened, whitish-yellow, the lumen is narrowed. What is the diagnosis? An autopsy of a female revealed morphological manifestations of chronic heart failure in the right ventricle, stenosis of the left atrioventricular aperture, insufficiency of the A. Scleroderma mitral valve. B. Dermatomyositis Histologically, a connective-tissue C. Polyarteritis disorganization in the form of some mucoid and nodosaD. Systemic lupus fibrinoid swelling was found with presence of erythematosus E. blooming Aschoff s bodies against a background Rheumatism of focal cardiosclerosis in the myocardium. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A histological examination of the cusps of the mitral valve in the heart of a female, who died from cardiac decompensation, revealed a focal desquamation of endotheliocytes with superimposed thrombotic masses in these areas. The connective tissue of the valve cusp had signs of disorganization, areas of sclerosis and angiomatosis. Diagnose the kind of valvular endocarditis. A. Diffuse B. Acute vegetative C. Loffler's D. Polypousulcerous E. Recurrent vegetative hypertension in anamnesis; dark-red focus in brain; heart hypertrophy; vessels thickened, whitish-yellow, the lumen is narrowed E. Hypertensive disease heart failure; stenosis of left atrioventricular aperture, insufficiency of the mitral valve; connective-tissue E. disorganization; mucoid and fibrinoid Rheumatism swelling; blooming Aschoff's bodies; cardiosclerosis mitral valve; focal desquamation of endotheliocytes; superimposed E. Recurrent thrombotic masses in these areas; vegetative connective tissue disorganization, areas of sclerosis and angiomatosis on valve 245. 246. 247. An autopsy of a 7-year-old child, who died from progressing heart failure, revealed 200 ml of some semitransparent fluid in the pericardial cavity, the surface of the epicardium had greyish filamentous superpositions. Name the kind of pericarditis. Two weeks after angina, a 14-year-old child developed pains in the heart, cyanosis, dyspnoea, oedemata of his lower extremities. The death was caused by cardiac arrest. On autopsy, the heart was enlarged, its cavities were dilated, the myocardium was flaccid. A microscopic examination revealed an acute oedema and plethora of the interstice, an expressed infiltration by lymphocytes, histiocytes, neutrophils and eosinophils, foci of dystrophy of cardiomyocytes. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? On supersonic examination of a 48-year-old male patient, a hepatic neoplasm was diagnosed and a puncture biopsy was made. Microscopically, the tumour consisted of atypical hepatocytes which formed trabeculae, acini or tubules. The tumour stroma was poor and had thin-walled blood vessels. Which of the kinds of tumours listed below was the most probable? A. Serous B. Purulent C. Fibroplastic D. E. Fibrinous progressing heart failure; epicardium with E. Fibrinous greyish filamentous superpositions A. Ischaemic dystrophy of myocardium B. Nodular angina in anamnesis; pains in heart, productive myocarditis cyanosis, dyspnoea, oedemata of his C. Focal interstitial lower extremities; heart enlarged; cavities exudative myocarditis dilated; myocardium flaccid; acute D. Idiopathic oedema and plethora of the interstice; myocarditis lympho-histiocytic infiltration E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis E. Diffuse interstitial exudative myocarditis A. Hepatocellular adenoma B. Metastasis of adenocarcinoma C. atypical hepatocytes which formed Cholangiocellular trabeculae, acini or tubules; stroma is carcinoma poor and had thin-walled blood vessels D. Solid carcinoma E. Hepatocellular carcinoma E. Hepatocellular carcinoma 248. 249. A room for dissections received the body of a 56year-old male who was ill with rheumatism A. Diffuse during isolated 8 years and died from cardiovascular myocarditis insufficiency. An autopsy revealed the rheumatic B. Focal defect of the heart -mitral incompetence. A isolated histological examination revealed oedema of the myocarditis C. interstice, its diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes, Acute serous myocarditis histiocytes, neutrophilic and eosinophilic leukocytes, as well as parenchymatous protein and D. Acute purulent fatty degeneration of the cardiomyocytes. The left myocarditis E. atrial auricle had foci of fibrinoid necrosis Productive surrounded by large macrophages which were granulomatous located in the form of a veil. Which of the myocarditis diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Rheumatic exudative myocarditis Cardiac During autopsy of the body of a patient, who had B. died due to heart failure, the following has been infarction C. Systemic lupus detected: myogenic dilatation of the heart left ventricle, microfocal cardi- osclerosis, vasculitis, erythematosus D. Aschoff bodies with disorganization of connective Myocardial ischemic tissue, myocardosis. Make the diagnosis: dystrophy E. Rheumatic productive myocarditis rheumatism in anamnesis; rheumatic defect, mitral incompetence; interstitial oedema; lympho-histiocytic infiltration; parenchymatous degeneration; foci of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by large macrophages located in form of a veil E. Productive granulomatou s myocarditis microfocal cardi- osclerosis, Aschoff E. Rheumatic bodies with disorganization of connective productive tissue myocarditis 250. 251. 252. A patient has hoarseness of voice. During laryngoscopy a gray-white larynx tumor with papillary surface has been detected.Microscopic investigation has shown the following: growth of connective tissue covered with multilayer, strongly kerati-nized pavement epithelium, no cellular atypia. What is the most likely diagnosis? Postmortem examination of a patient with a long history of rheumatism revealed thickening and shortening of the mitral valve leaflets with abundant thrombotic deposits. Histological examnation of the valve leaflets confirmed sclerosis and revealed multiple foci of connective tissue disorganization in form of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, as well as deendothelization foci. Endothelium defects were covered with thrombotic deposits of 1-2 mm. What type of valvular endocarditis is the case? Examination of a patient who had been suffering from rheumatism for a long time revealed stenosis of mitral orifice, death was caused by cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy has shown brown induration of lungs. What type of circulation disturbance provokes such changes in lungs? A. Fibroma B. Polyp C. Angioma D. Angiofibroma E. Papilloma papillary tumor; connective tissue covered with multilayer, strongly E. Papilloma keratinized epithelium, no cellular atypia A. Acute verrucous endocarditis B. mitral valve deformation with abundant Fibroplastic thrombotic deposits; sclerosis and endocarditis E. Recurrent multiple foci of connective tissue C. Diffuse valvulitis verrucous disorganization in form of mucoid and D. Polypousendocarditis fibrinoid swelling; deendothelization foci ulcerative endocarditis with thrombotic deposits E. Recurrent verrucous endocarditis A. Chronic right ventricular insufficiency B. Acute left ventricular insufficiency C. Acute right ventricular insufficiency D. Portal hypertension E. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency rheumatism in anamnesis; stenosis of mitral orifice, death from cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency; brown induration of lungs E. Chronic left ventricular insufficiency 253. A. Chronic At the autopsy of a 65-year-old patient who died emphysema B. of chronic heart failure due to rheumatic defects Muscat lungs Cell Lungs of the heart of a lung of brown color, enlarged in C. Chronic size, compacted. What are the following changes D. bronchitis E. Brown in lungs? induration of lungs A. Amyloidosis B. Fibrinoid necrosis C. Fibrinoid swelling D. Dystrophic calcification E. Hyalinosis rheumatism; thickened, deformed valves with cartilage-like consistency and a E. Hyalinosis brilliant surface 255. Autopsy of a 28-year-old patient, who had been suffering from rheumatism and died of heart failure, revealed pancarditis. Histological investigation of myocardium of the left ventricle posterior wall and interventricular septum detected perivascular cellular focal infiltrates composed of macrophages and creating palisade structures surrounding areas of fibrinoid necrosis. Determine the type of myocarditis: A. B. Diffuse interstitial productive C. Diffuse interstitial exudative D. Focal interstitial exudative E. Granulomatous rheumatism; heart failure; pancarditis; perivascular cellular focal infiltrates composed of macrophages and creating palisade structures surrounding areas of fibrinoid necrosis 256. Microscopy of the myocardium of a patient who had died from heart failure revealed foci of fibrinoid necrosis located diffusely in the interstitial stroma, and often around the vessels. Such foci were surrounded by lymphocytes, macrophages, histiocytes. Pericardium was found to have signs of sero-fibrinous pericarditis. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. B. Myocardial heart failure; foci of fibrinoid necrosis infarction located diffusely in the interstitial stroma; E. Rheumatic C. Cardiomyopathy lympho-histiocytic infiltration and heart disease D. Cardiosclerosis macrophages; sero-fibrinous pericarditis E. Rheumatic heart disease 254. At the autopsy of the deceased, signs of rheumatic heart disease have been revealed: thickened, deformed valves that have cartilage-like consistency and a brilliant surface. What kind of dystrophic process is observed in the valves of the heart? chronic heart failure due to rheumatic E. Brown defects; lung of brown color, enlarged in induration of size, compacted lungs E. Granulomatou s 257. An examination of the female, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed that her skin in the regions of the bridge of the nose and lateral surfaces of the face was brown-reddish and desquamative. On autopsy, the heart was enlarged, the cusps of the aortic valve were thickened, dense and had thrombotic superpositions. The aortic wall had elastolysis and small scars in the middle coat. The kidneys were motley, enlarged, with foci of haemorrhages in their cortical layer. Microscopically, there were haematoxylin bodies in the epithelial nuclei, the basal membranes of capillaries of the glomeruli were thickened and gave an appearance of wire loops, somewhere the capillaries contained hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis. Make a diagnosis. A. Rheumatism B. Arteriolar nephrosclerosis C. Nephropathy amyloidosis D. Arterial nephrosclerosis E. Systemic lupus erythematosus 258. A histological examination of a skin biopsy revealed an insignificantly expressed atrophy of the epidermis, hyalinosis of collagenous fibres and scanty perivascular lymphocytic infiltrates in the derma, an expressed interstitial oedema, a loss of transversal striation and microfocal necroses with petrification in the underlying skeletal muscles. Make a diagnosis of the disease. expressed atrophy of the epidermis, A. Systemic lupus hyalinosis of collagenous fibres, erythematosus lymphocytic infiltrates in the derma, B. Scleroderma E. expressed interstitial oedema, a loss of C. Polyarteritis Dermatomyos nodosa itis transversal striation and microfocal D. Rheumatism E. Dermatomyositis necroses with petrification in underlying skeletal muscles skin on nose and lateral surfaces brownreddish and desquamative; aortic valve thickened, dense with thrombotic E. Systemic superpositions; kidneys: motley, enlarged, lupus with haemorrhages; glomeruli thickened erythematosus with wire loops; hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis 259. A 45-year-old female, who complained of progressing muscular weakness, underwent a biopsy of soft tissues on her shin. A histological examination of the biopsy revealed some microfocal petrification of the derma and skeletal muscles, a reduced amount of glycogen and transversal striation in the muscular fibres, some fibres were necrotized, the stroma was infiltrated by lymphocytes, macrophages and plasma cells. Make a diagnosis of the disease. A. Systemic scleroderma microfocal petrification of derma and B. Systemic skeletal muscles; reduced transversal E. lupus erythematosus striation and necrosis in muscular fibres; Dermatomyos C. Rheumatism lympho-hystiocytic, macrophagal and itis D. Polyarteritis plasmacytic infiltration in stroma nodosa E. Dermatomyositis 260. A tumour removed from the white matter of the right hemisphere of the brain is some soft "motley" node, 4 cm in diameter, without any clear borders with the substance of the brain. Microscopically, the tumour consists of polymorphous cells with numerous pathological mitoses, and it also reveals foci of necrosis and haemorrhages which occurred at different time. Name the tumor. A. Oligodendroglioma B. Oligodendroglioblasto ma C. Astrocytoma D. Astroblastoma E. Glioblastoma tumour from white matter; soft "motley" node, without any clear borders; consist E. of polymorphous cells with numerous Glioblastoma pathological mitoses; foci of necrosis and haemorrhages 261. A 42-year-old female suffers from an expressed deformity of joints of her fingers and legs.. Histologically, the periarticular connective tissue reveals some mucoid swelling, foci of fibrinoid necrosis, clusters of macrophages and areas of sclerosis, the synovial membrane has an oedema of villi, as well as their mucoid and fibrinoid swelling, the synovial cavity contains "rice bodies". Make a diagnosis of the disease. A. Rheumatism B. Bekhterev's disease C. Infectious polyarthritis D. Polyarteritis nodosa E. Rheumatoid arthritis expressed deformity of joints of her joints of her fingers and legs; periarticular E. connective tissue and synovial membrane Rheumatoid with mucoid swelling, foci of fibrinoid arthritis necrosis; clusters of macrophages and areas of sclerosis; "rice bodies" 262. 263. A. Polyarthritic form A clinical examination of a 41-year-old male patient revealed some deformity in small joints of of rheumatism B. his extremities. A microscopic examination of a Rheumatoid arthritis (stage II) C. biopsy of the synovial coat revealed foci of Rheumatoid mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and fibrinoid necrosis in the stroma of villi and vascular walls, arthritis (stage III) D. Arthritis in proliferation of synoviocytes, a perivascular systemic lupus infiltration by lymphocytes, plasmacytes and erythematosus E. neutrophils; there was IgG in the plasmacytes. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most Rheumatoid arthritis (stage I) probable? An autopsy of a 45-year-old female, who died from cardiac failure, revealed on the lateral surfaces of her both cheeks some reddishbrownish spots which fused on the bridge of the nose. The heart was enlarged, the myocardium was flaccid in A. Rheumatic consistency, the cusps of the aortic valve were thickened and had thrombotic superpositions. The defect of heart Septic kidneys were motley and had focal haemorrhages. B. endocarditis C. The pyramids of the medullary layer were dark Subacute red, the cortical layer was greyish and had red specks. A microscopic examination of the kidneys glomerulonephritis D. Atherosclerotic defect revealed haematoxylin bodies in the tubular of heart E. Systemic epithelial nuclei, the basal membranes of capillaries of the glomeruli were thickened and lupus erythematosus gave an appearance of wire loops, somewhere the walls of the capillaries contained hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosis. Which diagnosis was the most probable? deformity in small joints; foci of mucoid and fibrinoid swelling and fibrinoid necrosis; proliferation of synoviocytes; infiltration by lymphocytes, plasmacytes and neutrophils; IgG in the plasmacytes E. Rheumatoid arthritis (stage I) cardiac failure; "butterfly" on nose; aortic valve thickened with thrombotic superpositions; haematoxylin bodies in E. Systemic tubular epithelial nuclei; basal membranes lupus of glomeruli thickened with wire loops; erythematosus hyaline thrombi and foci of fibrinoid necrosi 264. 265. 266. 267. Microscopy of the kidneys from a man died of systemic lupus erythematosus revealed sclerosed glomeruli, the lumens of the small arteries and arterioles are narrow, the median membrane is thin, homogeneous, eosinophilic masses are present in the subendothelial space. Immunologically these masses contain immune complexes and fibrin. Which substance is present in the subendothelial space? A. Fat-protein detritus B. Simple hyaline C. Lipohyalin D. Amyloid E. Complex hyalin A. Wegener's granulomatosis B. Takayasu's disease C. Horton disease D. Syphilitic vasculitis E. Polyarteritis nodosa Autopsy of a man who died of intoxication A. Alimentary revealed cachexia, muscular atrophy, wrinkled B. Hypophyseal C. Cerebral D. In skin, decreased mass of the inner organs, stenosing tumor of the stomach with metastases to chronic infectious disease the liver and regional nodes. Which type of E. Cancerous cachexia is most probable? Male 47 years died of a heart attack. A. Nonspecific Histologically in the wall of the aortic arch and aortitis the vessels departing from it revealed B. Rheumatism granulomatous arteritis with a mononuclear C. C Polyarteritis infiltrate predominance in a small number of giant nodosa multi-cell destruction of elastic fibers, smooth D. Wegener's myocyte necrosis and parietal thrombosis. What granulomatosis E. disease in this case is most likely? Takayasu's disease Histological investigation of skeletal muscle detected lymphocytic infiltration of the walls arteries, sometimes circular and segmental fibrinoid necrosis, cell proliferation segments of the outer shell of a transition sclerosis and the formation of small plots thickening of the walls of arteries. Define pathological process. systemic lupus erythematosus; sclerosed glomeruli; arterioles lumens are narrow; E. Complex median membrane is thin, homogeneous, hyalin eosinophilic masses in subendothelial space; immune complexes and fibrin lymphocytic infiltration of arteries; E. circular and segmental fibrinoid necrosis; Polyarteritis cell proliferation in outer shell; sclerosis nodosa and plots thickening of walls of arteries tumor of stomach with metastases E. Cancerous in aortic arch are granulomatous arteritis; mononuclear infiltrate; giant multi-cell; E. Takayasu's destruction of elastic fibers; smooth disease myocyte necrosis; parietal thrombosis 268. A. Nodular Histological examination of a kidney patient 26 periarthritis B. Rheumatism years old who died from renal failure revealed capillary membranes of glomeruli in the form of C. Scleroderma D. wire loops, hyaline thrombi in capillaries, centers Rheumatoid arthritis of fibrinoid necrosis. What is the most likely E. Systemic lupus diagnosis? erythematosus renal failure; "wire loops" in glomeruli; hyaline thrombi; fibrinoid necrosis 269. A. Rheumatism B. Scleroderma In a patient with systemic connective tissue C. Calculous disease, the dryness of the conjunctiva and oral sialoadenitis cavity is noted. Puncture biopsy revealed the immune destruction of the salivary glands. Which D. Systemic lupus erythematosus E. disease is most probable? Shegren's syndrome systemic connective tissue disease; E. Shegren's dryness of conjunctiva and oral cavity; immune destruction of the salivary glands syndrome 270. The histological examination of the deformed mitral valve revealed a pronounced basophilic A. Amyloidosis reaction in the connective tissue of the valve when B. Fibrinoid swelling deformed mitral valve; basophilic colored with hematoxylin and eosin, and when the C. Gyalinosis reaction in the connective tissue; toluidine blue colored, the reaction was D. Fibrinoid necrosis metachromasia at toluidine blue stain metachromasia. What changes in connective E. Mucoid swelling tissue reveal these reactions? 271. In a patient after supercooling, deformity of the joints, pain and limitation of movements in the fingers of the extremities developed; small dense nodules appeared around the joints. At the biopsy, nodules found focus of fibrinous necrosis surrounded by histiocytes. Your diagnosis? A. Deforming arthrosis B. Dermatomyositis C. Rheumatism D. Gout E. Rheumatoid arthritis E. Systemic lupus erythematosus E. Mucoid swelling deformity of the joints with pain and E. limitation of movements; small dense Rheumatoid nodules around joints; focus of fibrinous arthritis necrosis surrounded by histiocytes 272. 273. 274. A patient with high-titer antinuclear antibodies died from progressing renal impairment. Autopsy A. Periarteritisnodosa high-titer antinuclear antibodies; revealed deformity of the joints with pain and B. Nephrotic syndrome deformity of the joints with pain and limitation of movements; small dense nodules E. Systemic C. Rheumatism limitation; small nodules around joints; around joints; focus of fibrinous necrosis lupus D. Dermatomyositis focus of fibrinous necrosis surrounded by surrounded by histiocytes. Periarterial bulbar erythematosus E. Systemic lupus histiocytes; periarterial bulbar sclerosis; sclerosis was detected in spleen and productive erythematosus productive proliferative vasculitis proliferative vasculitis in skin. What is the most likely diagnosis? A 70-year-old male patient died from acute coronary insufficiency. He had knee joint swelling, gonycampsis and gonalgia during his A. Deforming lifetime. Pathomorphologic examination of the knee joint swelling, gonycampsis and arthrosis deformed joints and synovial membranes revealed B. gonalgia; synovial membranes Periarteritis membrane hyperaemia with multiple perivascular nodosa C. Ankylosing hyperaemia; perivascular inflammatory E. Atrophic inflammatory infiltrations made by lymphocytes, spondylitis D. infiltrations by lymphocytes, plasmocytes arthritis plasmocytes and macrophagocytes. There was an Tuberculous and macrophages; organized fibrin; rice accumulation of organized fibrin covering some arthritis grains in articular liquid E. Atrophic arthritis areas of synovium membrane and looking like rice grains in the articular liquid. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Hemorrhagic peritonitis During autopsy approximately 2,0 liters of pus B. Serous have been found in the abdominal cavity of the pus in abdominal cavity; peritoneum is E. peritonitis C. body. Peritoneum is dull and of grayish shade, dull and of grayish shade, serous tunic of Tuberculous peritonitis intestines has grayish-colored coating that Fibrinopurule serous tunic of intestines has grayish-colored nt peritonitis Necrosis coating that is easily removable. Specify the most D. is easily removable E. Fibrinopurulent likely type of peritonitis in the patient: peritonitis 275. 276. 277. 278. A. Tuberculoma B. A patient ill with tuberculosis died from Caseous progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation. pneumonia Autopsy in the area of the right lung apex revealed a cavity 5 cm in diameter communicating C. Infiltrative tuberculosis D. with lumen of a segmental bronchus. On the Acute focal inside cavity walls are covered with caseous tuberculosis masses with epithelioid and Langhans cells E. Acute cavernous beneath them. What morphological form of tuberculosis tuberculosis is it? In a 37-year-old female patient, an enlarged dense mammary gland was revealed, the nipple with the areola of the mammary gland were oedematous, the skin had an appearance of an "intradermal bleb". On microscopic examination, the gland tissues revealed layers of tumour cells with polymorphous nuclei and a large number of pathological mitoses. The tumour stroma was poorly expressed. Make the diagnosis. A male patient is 28 years old. Histological study of a cervical lymph node revealed a change of its pattern due to the proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of a horseshoe. In the center of some cell clusters there were non-structured light-pink areas with fragments of nuclei. What disease are these changes typical for? A 63-year-old man, who has been suffering from chronic fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis for 24 years, has been delivered to a nephrology department with uremia. Intravital diagnostic test for amyloid in the kidneys was positive. What amyloidosis is it in this case? tuberculosis and progressing cardiopulmonary decompensation; cavity E. Acute communicating with lumen of bronchus; cavernous caseous masses with epithelioid and tuberculosis Langhans cells A. Adenofibroma B. Scirrhous carcinoma C. Paget's disease D. Adenoma E. Medullary carcinoma tumour with polymorphous nuclei and E. Medullary pathological mitoses; tumour stroma was carcinoma poorly expressed A. Hodgkin’s disease B. Actinomycosis C. Tumor metastasis D. Syphilis E. Tuberculosis proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of a horseshoe in lymph node; nonstructured light-pink areas with fragments of nuclei A. Primary systemic B. Localized (focal) C. Hereditary chronic fibrous-cavernous pulmonary (genetic) tuberculosis; amyloid in the kidneys D. Senile E. Secondary systemic E. Tuberculosis E. Secondary systemic 279. 280. 281. A 3-year-old child with meningeal symptoms died. Postmortem macroscopy of the pia matter revealed miliary nodules which were microscopically represented by a focus of caseous necrosis with masses of epithelioid and lymphoid cells with some crescent-shaped large cells inbetween having peripheral nuclei. Specify the type of meningitis in the child: A. Syphilitic B. Brucellar C. Grippal D. Meningococcal E. Tuberculosis pia matter with miliary nodules with foci of caseous necrosis with masses of E. epithelioid and lymphoid cells; Tuberculosis crescentshaped large cells with nuclei on peripheral A. Secondary fibrousfocal tuberculosis B. A 40-year-old prisoner died of tuberculosis in the Hematogenous corrective labor camp. Autopsy of the body macrofocal pulmonary tuberculosis in anamnesis; deformation tuberculosis C. revealed deformation and diminishing of both and diminishing of both lung apices; Primary tuberculosis, lung apices; in the both upper lobes there are upper lobes with multiple cavities with multiple cavities with dense walls 2-3 mm thick; primary affect dense walls; caseous necrosis in lower in the lower lung lobes there are disseminated foci development D. lobes of caseous necrosis varying from 5 mm to 2 cm in Secondary cirrhotic tuberculosis diameter. Diagnose the type of tuberculosis: E. Secondary fibrocavitary tuberculosis Autopsy of a man who had tuberculosis revealed a A. Fibrous focal tuberculosis B. 3-2 cm large cavity in the superior lobe of the tuberculosis in anamnesis; cavity in right lung. The cavity was interconnected with a Tuberculoma C. superior lobe of lung interconnected with Acute focal bronchus, its wall was dense and consisted of a bronchus; wall is dense and consisted of three layers: the internal layer was pyogenic, the tuberculosis Acute cavernous pyogenic membrane, tuberculous middle layer was made by tuberculous granulation D. granulation tissue and connective tissue tuberculosis tissue and the external one was made by layer E. Fibrous connective tissue. What is the most likely cavernous tuberculosis diagnosis? E. Secondary fibro-cavitary tuberculosis E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis 282. 283. 284. A. Infiltrative tuberculosis B. Autopsy of a young man revealed some lung Caseous cavities with inner walls made up of granulation pneumonia lung cavities with granulation tissue with C. Acute tissue with varying degrees of maturity; varying degrees of maturity; pronounced pronounced pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis. cavernous pneumosclerosis and bronchiectasis; Some cavities had caseation areas. What is your tuberculosis caseation areas D. Bronchiectasis presumptive diagnosis? E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis Cirrhotic A patient was suffering from primary tuberculosis A. 5 years ago. Radiography has revealed a sharply tuberculosis Acute cavernous marginated nodular shadow with diameter of 4 cm B. primary tuberculosis 5 years ago; sharply in the 2nd segment of the right lung. Focus was tuberculosis marginated nodular shadow 4 cm; this C. Fibro-cavernous surgically removed. Histological study has focus of caseous necrosis surrounded by tuberculosis D. revealed the following: the focus of caseous thick capsule of connective tissue Caseous pneumonia E. necrosis surrounded by the thick capsule of Tuberculoma connective tissue. What kind of secondary tuberculosis has occurred in patient? Microscopic analysis of tissue sampling from patient's skin reveals granulomas that consist of epithelioid cells surrounded mostly by A. Syphilis granulomas with epithelioid cells, Tlymphocytes. Among epithelioid cells there are B. Leprosy lymphocytes, solitary giant multinuclear solitary giant multinuclear cells of C. Rhinoscleroma cells of Pirogov-Langhans; caseous PirogovLanghans typ. In the centre of some D. Glanders necrosis in the centre without blood granulomas there are areas of caseous necrosis. E. Tuberculosis vessels Blood vessels are absent. What disease are the described granulomas typical for? E. Fibrous cavernous tuberculosis E. Tuberculoma E. Tuberculosis 285. A 4-year-old child with meningeal symptoms died. Postmortem macroscopy of the pia matter revealed miliary nodules which were microscopically represented by a focus of caseous necrosis with masses of epithelioid and lymphoid cells with large cells containing crescent-shaped peripheral nuclei situated between them. Specify the type of meningitis in the child: A. Syphilitic B. Brucellar C. Grippal D. Meningococcal E. Tuberculosis miliary nodules with foci of caseous necrosis; epithelioid and lymphoid cells; E. large cells with crescent-shaped nuclei Tuberculosis situated peripheral 286. A male patient is 20 years old. Histological study of a cervical lymph node revealed a change of its pattern due to the proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of a horseshoe. In the center of some cell clusters there were non-structured light-pink areas with fragments of nuclei. What disease are these changes typical for? A. Hodgkin’s disease B. Actinomycosis C. Tumor metastasis D. Syphilis E. Tuberculosis lymph node; epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of E. a horseshoe; non-structured light-pink Tuberculosis areas with fragments of nuclei 287. Autopsy of a 18 year old girl who died from pulmonary failure revealed a small area of caseous necrosis in the inferior lobe of the right lung, and occurrences of caseous necrosis in the bronchopulmonary, bronchial and bifurcational lymph nodes. What is the most probable postmortem diagnosis? A. Hematogenous progression of primary tuberculosis B. Hematogenous tuberculosis with predominant lung affection C. Tuberculoma D. Caseous pneumonia under secondary tuberculosis E. Primary tuberculosis E. Primary tuberculosis caseous necrosis in lung and in regional lymph nodes 288. 289. 290. A man is 28 years old. Histological investigation of the cervical lymph node revealed a change of its pattern due to proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages with horseshoeshaped nuclei. In the center of some cell clusters there were non-structured light-pink areas with fragments of nuclei. What disease are these changes typical of? A. Hodgkin’s disease B. Actinomycosis C. Tumor metastasis D. Syphilis E. Tuberculosis A. Anaphylaxis B. Antibodydependent 48 hours after performing tuberculin test cytotoxicity C. (Mantoux test) to a child a 10 mm papule Immune complex appeared on the spot of tuberculin introduction. cytotoxicity What hypersensitivity mechanism underlies these D. Granulomatosis changes? E. Cellular cytotoxicity A 46 year old patient who had been suffering from tuberculosis for 6 years died from massive pulmonary haemorrhage. Autopsy revealed A. Acute cavernous different-sixed foci of sclerosis and caseous B. Infiltrative necrosis in lungs, in the upper part of the right C. Fibrous focal lung there was a cavity 5 cm in diameter with D. Acute focal dense grey walls, the cavity contained liquid E. Fibrocavernous blood and blood clots. What type of tuberculosis is it? proliferation of epithelioid, lymphoid cells and macrophages having nuclei in form of E. a horseshoe in lymph node; nonstructured Tuberculosis light-pink areas with fragments of nuclei 48 hours after tuberculin test (Mantoux test); 10 mm papule appeared on the spot E. Cellular of tuberculin introduction cytotoxicity tuberculosis in anamnesis; foci of sclerosis and caseous necrosis; cavity 5 E. cm in upper part of lung with dense grey Fibrocavernou walls and contained liquid blood and s blood clots 291. An autopsy of a 46-year-old male, who died from intoxication, revealed mucus and some blood in the lumens of the rectum and sigmoid colon, the mucous membrane had numerous brown- green membranous superpositions and haemorrhages. Microscopically, fibrinous colitis was found. On bacteriological examination of the intestinal contents, Shigella sonnei was isolated. Make a diagnosis of the disease. A. Crohn’s disease B. Salmonellosis C. Cholera D. Yersiniosis E. Dysentery intoxication; mucus and some blood in the lumens of the rectum and sigmoid colon; numerous brown- green membranous E. Dysentery superpositions and haemorrhages; fibrinous colitis; Shigella sonnei 292. On autopsy of a 45-year-old male, who died from intoxication, the wall of the ileum revealed some grouped and solitary follicles which rose above the level of the mucous coat and whose surface had numerous grooves and convolutions. Histologically, the follicles were characterized by a proliferation of monocytes, histiocytes and reticular cells, as well as large macrophages with a light cytoplasm, and these macrophages formed granulomata. The above picture is typical for: A. A Salmonellosis B. Dysentery C. Cholera D. Yersiniosis E. Typhoid fever intoxication; grouped and solitary follicles which rose above the mucous coat with numerous grooves and convolutions; E. Typhoid monocytes, histiocytes and reticular cells fever and large macrophages with a light cytoplasm formed granulomata 293. 294. Colonoscopy in a male patient, who was ill with A. Catarrhal dysentery, revealed that the mucous membrane of B. Ulcerous the large intestine was hyperaemic and C. Purulent oedematous, its surface was covered with D. Necrotic greygreen films. Name the morphological form of E. Fibrinous dysenteric colitis. Colonoscopy in a male patient on the 5th day after A. Crohn’s disease B. Nonspecific the onset of diarrhoea revealed in the inflamed mucous membrane of his rectum some grey-green ulcerous colitis C. Typhoid fever membranous superpositions tightly connected D. Salmonellosis with the underlying tissues. What is the most E. Dysentery probable diagnosis? dysentery; mucous membrane ... covered E. Fibrinous with grey-green films diarrhoea; inflamed mucous membrane of rectum; grey-green membranous E. Dysentery superpositions tightly connected with the underlying tissues 295. An autopsy of a male patient, who died one week after the beginning of a profuse diarrhoea, revealed a sharply expressed exicosis, the tissues were dry, the blood was thick. On bacteriological examination of the contents of the small intestine, that resembled rice water, vibrios were found. What disease caused the patient’s death? 296. On autopsy of a 40-year-old male, who died from intoxication, his small intestine contained groups of follicles which rose above the mucous coat. Their surface had grooves and convolutions, their pattern resembling the cerebral surface. Against a background of loss of lymphocytes, a microscopic examination of the follicles revealed a proliferation of monocytes, histiocytes and reticular cells, as well as clusters of macrophages which formed granulomata. What disease are the described changes typical for? 297. A 63 y.o. man fell ill with acute tracheitis and bronchitis accompanied by bronchial pneumonia. On the 10th day the patient died from A. Moderately cardiopulmonary insufficiency. Autopsy revealed severe influenza B. fibrinous hemorrhagic laryngotracheobronchitis; Parainfluenza C. lungs were enlarged, their incision revealed the Respiratory syncytial "coal- miner’s"effect caused by interlacing of infection D. Adenoviral infection sections of bronchial pneumonia, hemorrhages into the pulmonary parenchyma, acute abscesses E. Influenza, severe form and atelectases. Internal organs have discirculatory and dystrophic changes. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Food intoxication B. Dysentery C. Typhoid fever D. Salmonellosis E. Cholera A. Cholera B. Salmonellosis C. Amoebiasis D. Dysentery E. Typhoid fever profuse diarrhoea; sharply expressed exicosis; dry tissues, thick blood; "rice water" in small intestine and vibrios intoxication; groups of follicles which rose above mucous coat with grooves and convolutions (like cerebral surface); proliferation of monocytes, histiocytes, reticular cells, macrophages which formed granulomata E. Cholera E. Typhoid fever cardiopulmonary insufficiency; fibrinous hemorrhagic laryngotracheobronchitis; lungs enlarged; "coal- miner’s"effect: mix E. Influenza, of bronchial pneumonia, hemorrhages, severe form acute abscesses and atelectases; discirculatory-dystrophic changes in internal organs 298. 299. 300. A 30 year old man had been suffering from acute respiratory disease and died from A. Parainfluenza cardiopulmonary decompensation. Autopsy B. Respiratory revealed fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation in syncytial infection the mucous membrane of larynx and trachea, C. Measles D. destructive panbronchitis, enlarged lungs that look Adenoviral black due to the multiple abcesses, haemorrhages, infection E. necrosis. What is the most probable postmortem Influenza diagnosis? 2 days after labour a woman developed shock A. Syphilis Tuberculosis of along with DIC syndrome that caused her death. B. genital organs Autopsy revealed purulent endomyometritis, Chorioadenoma regional purulent lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and C. destruens purulent thrombophlebitis. There were also dystrophic alterations and interstitial inflammation of parenchymal organs. What is the most likely D. Hydatid mole diagnosis? E. Septicemia A 20 year old patient died from intoxication 8 days after artificial illegal abortion performed in A. Chroniosepsis her 14-15th week of pregnancy. Autopsy of the B. Hemorrhagic shock corpse revealed yellowish colour of eye sclera and C. Septicemia of skin, necrotic suppurative endometritis, D. Viral hepatitis type multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia A with a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses. E. Septicopyemia What complication after abortion was developed? cardiopulmonary decompensation; fibrinous-haemorrhagic inflammation in mucous; destructive panbronchitis; enlarged lungs with abscesses, haemorrhages, necrosis E. Influenza 2 days after labour; shock, DIC syndrome; purulent endomyometritis, lymphangitis, lymphadenitis and purulent E. Septicemia thrombophlebitis; dystrophic alterations and interstitial inflammation jaundice; necrotic suppurative endometritis; multiple pulmonary abscesses, spleen hyperplasia with a big number of neutrophils in its sinuses E. Septicopyemi a 301. 302. 303. A. Suppurative inflammation B. A 7-year-old child has acute onset of disease: Fibrinous temperature rise up to 38oC , rhinitis, cough, inflammation C. lacrimation, and large-spot rash on the skin. Hemorrhagic Pharyngeal mucosa is edematous, hyperemic, with inflammation whitish spots in the buccal area. What kind of D. Serous inflammation causes the changes in the buccal inflammation E. mucosa? Catarrhal inflammation A man with a wound of his limb that had been A. Septicopyemia suppurating for a long time died from B. Septicemia C. intoxication. Autopsy revealed extreme Chernogubov’s emaciation, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver, syndrome myocardium, spleen and cross-striated muscles as D. Brucellosis well as renal amyloidosis. What diagnosis E. Chroniosepsis corresponds with the described presentations? A 71-year-old man had been presenting with diarrhea for 10 days. The feces had admixtures of blood and mucus. He was delivered to a hospital in grave condition and died 2 days later. Autopsy of the body revealed the following: diphtheritic colitis with multiple irregularly-shaped ulcers of different depth in both sigmoid colon and rectus. Bacteriological analysis revealed Shigella.What was the main disease? A. Typhoid fever B. Salmonellosis C. Nonspecific ulcerous colitis D. Yersiniosis E. Dysentery mucosa is edematous, hyperemic, with E. Catarrhal whitish spots inflammation suppurating wound long time; extreme emaciation, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver, myocardium, spleen and crossstriated muscles; renal amyloidosis E. Chroniosepsis blood and mucus in feces; diphtheritic colitis with multiple irregularly-shaped ulcers in sigmoid colon and rectum; Shigella E. Dysentery 304. 305. 306. 307. Autopsy of a 42-year-old man revealed a distinctly dilated lumen of small intestine filled with rice-water-like liquid. The intestine wall was edematic with lots of petechial haemorrhages on the mucosa.What infectious disease is the described enteritis typical for? A worker of a cattle farm consulted a surgeon about fever up to 40oC, headache, weakness. Objective examination of his back revealed hyperaemia and a dark red infiltration up to 5 cm in diameter with black bottom in the centre and some pustules. What disease are these presentations typical for? A 42-year-old man died with symptoms of severe intoxication and respiratory failure. A slide of lung tissue was heterogenous, with multiple microfocal hemorrhages and foci of emphysema. Histological examination of lungs revealed hemorrhagic abscessing bronchopneumonia; eosinophilic and basophilic granules in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of bronchi. What is the most likely diagnosis? A. Dysentery B. Salmonellosis C. Amebiasis D. Typhoid fever E. Cholera small intestine expanded, contain "ricewater"; lots of petechial haemorrhages E. Cholera A. Plaque B. Tularemia C. Furuncle D. Abscess E. Anthrax cattle farm; hyperaemia and a dark red infiltration up to 5 cm in diameter with black bottom in the centre and some pustules E. Anthrax A. Parainfluenza B. Adenovirus infection C. Respiratory syncytial virus infection D. Staphylococcal bronchopneumonia E. Influenza intoxication and respiratory failure; multiple microfocal hemorrhages; hemorrhagic abscessing bronchopneumonia; eosinophilic and basophilic granules in epithelial cells E. Influenza intraintestinal hemorrhage; necrosis of follicles, dead tissues imbibed with bile and blood; sequestration and rejection of necrotic masses with defect formation E. Typhoid fever, ulcerative stage A. Typhoid fever, Autopsy of a man who died from intraintestinal "clean ulcer"stage B. Typhoid fever, hemorrhage revealed necrosis of grouped and solitary follicles, dead tissues imbibed with bile necrosis stage and blood in the ileum; sequestration and rejection C. Abdominal typhoid salmonellosis of necrotic masses with defect formation in the D. Crohn’s disease E. lower segment of the intestine. Which of the Typhoid fever, following diagnoses is most likely? ulcerative stage 308. 309. 310. 311. A patient with marked manifestations of exsicosis died in the infectious disease hospital. A. Enteric fever Postmortem examination results: the corpse with B. Dysentery contracted muscles, dry skin and mucous C. Anthrax, membranes, thick and dark blood in veins, intestinal form edematous plethoric mucosa, distended bowel D. Yersiniosis loops, the lumen contains about 4 liters of E. Cholera ricewater fluid. What is the most likely diagnosis? A 47-year-old patient with symptoms of severe A. Adenovirus intoxication and respiratory failure died. A section infection of lung tissue had a mottled pattern with multiple B. Parainfluenza small focal hemorrhages and foci of emphysema. C. Respiratory Histological examination revealed hemorrhagic syncytial bronchopneumonia accompanied by abscess; the D. Staphylococcal cytoplasm of bronchial epithelial cells had bronchopneumonia eosinophil and basophil inclusions. According to E. Influenza the section analysis, make your diagnosis: A. Brucellosis A 47-year-old male patient consulted a dentist B. Whooping about difficult mouth opening (lockjaw). The cough C. Anaerobic patient has a history of a stab wound of the lower wound infection D. extremity. What infection can be manifested by Tularemia these symptoms? E. Tetanus Autopsy of the body of a 46-year-old man, who had been suffering from typhoid fever and died of intestinal hemorrhage, has revealed sequestration areas, tissue rejection in the areas of lymphoid follicle clusters. What stage of typhoid fever is it? A. Healing B. Arain-like swelling of the follicles C. Necrosis D. Clean ulcers E. Dirty ulcers exsicosis; contracted muscles, dry skin and mucous membranes; thick, dark E. Cholera blood; plethoric mucosa, distended bowel loops with "ricewater" fluid intoxication and respiratory failure; focal hemorrhages; hemorrhagic E. Influenza bronchopneumonia with abscess; cells had eosinophil and basophil inclusions difficult mouth opening (lockjaw) (rigid muscles); stab wound in anamnesis E. Tetanus typhoid fever; sequestration areas, tissue E. Dirty ulcers rejection in lymphoid follicle clusters 312. 313. 314. 315. A. Proliferative A patient, having suffered a thermal burn, B. Croupous developed painful bubble filled with turbid liquid C. Granulomatous in the skin. What morphological type of D. Diphtheritic inflammation has developed in the patient? E. Serous During autopsy of a man, who died of acute A. Diphtheritic transmural cardiac infarction, the following has B. Serous been detected on the pericardium surface: fibrous C. Suppurative whitish-brown deposit connecting parietal and D. Granulomatous visceral pericardial layers. What kind of E. Croupous inflammation occurred in the pericardium? A. Serous peritonitis B. Fibrinous serous A 39-year-old man who had been operated for the peritonitis C. stomach ulcer died 7 days after the surgery. Peritoneal Autopsy revealed that peritoneal leaves were dull, commissures D. plethoric, covered with massive yellow- greenish Fibrinoushaemorrhagi films, the peritoneal cavity contained about 300 c peritonitis E. ml of thick yellow-greenish liquid. What Fibrinoussuppurative pathologic process was revealed in the peritoneal peritonitis cavity? A patient has undergone surgical removal of a cavitary liver lesion 2 cm in diameter. It was revealed that the cavity wall was formed by dense fibrous connective tissue; the cavity contained murky thick yellowish-green fluid with an unpleasant odor. Microscopically the fluid consisted mainly of polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What pathological process are these morphological changes typical for? A. Acute abscess B. Phlegmon C. Empyema D. Furuncle E. Chronic abscess thermal burn; bubble with turbid liquid E. Serous fibrous whitish-brown deposit on pericardium E. Croupous ulcer; peritoneum dull, plethoric, with massive yellow- greenish films, thick yellow-greenish liquid E. Fibrinoussupp urative peritonitis cavity wall formed by dense fibrous connective tissue; murky thick yellowish- E. Chronic green fluid with an unpleasant odor; abscess mainly polymorphonuclear leukocytes 316. 317. 318. Granulomas containing lymphocytes and macrophages were detected during analysis of skin biopsy material. Among macrophages there are large cells with fat inclusions, which contain microorganisms in spherical packages (Virchow’s cells). The following disease is based on the described type of hypersensitivity: A. Syphilis B. Tuberculosis C. Rhinoscleroma D. Epidemic typhus E. Leprosy A. Traumatic edema B. As a result of careless handling of an iron, a Alternative 34year-old female patient has got acute pain, inflammation C. redness, swelling of her right index finger. A few Proliferative minutes later, there appeared a blister filled with a inflammation D. transparent liquid of straw-yellow color. The Vacuolar described changes are a manifestation of the degeneration E. following pathological process: Exudative inflammation A 7-year-old boy got ill with diphtheria. On the third day he died of asphyxiation. At autopsy the A. Diphtheritic mucosa of the larynx, trachea and bronchi had B. Purulent thickened, edematous, lusterless appearance and C. Catarrhal was covered with gray films which could be easily D. Intermediate removed. Specify the type of laryngeal E. Croupous inflammation: Granulomas with lymphocytes and macrophages; large cells with fat inclusions and microorganisms in spherical packages (Virchow’s cells) E. Leprosy blister with a transparent liquid of strawyellow color E. Exudative inflammation diphtheria; asphyxiation; mucosa thickened, edematous, covered with gray E. Croupous films which easily removed 319. 320. 321. 322. There is a 7-year-old child with complains of cough, lacrimation, rhinitis, skin rash, photophobia and three-day-long fever as high as 38°C. Physical examination has revealed the following: conjunctivitis; bright red maculopapular rash covering the skin of face, neck and torso; hyperemic pharynx; serous purulent secretions from the nose; dry rales in the lungs. What is the most probable diagnosis? Autopsy of a dead 6-year-old child revealed a marked edema of the soft tissues of neck and enlarged tonsils. Pharyngeal mucosa was covered with numerous dense whitish-yellow pellicles exposing deep ulcers after their removal. Histological examination of the pharyngeal mucosa revealed necrosis of the upper epithelial layers, impregnation of the mucous memrane with the fibrinous exudate and moderate leukocyte infiltration. What infectious disease caused the death of the child? A 4-year-old girl died suddenly with symptoms of asphyxia. Autopsy revealed white spots on the buccal mucosa; large blotches of rash on the skin of face, trunk and extremities; conjunctivitis, edema with foci of necrosis on the laryngeal mucosa; giant-cell pneumonia on microscopy. What is the most likely diagnosis? Such presentations as catarrhal conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, white spots on the buccal mucosa in the region of lower premolar teeth, maculopapular rash on face, body and extremities are typical for the following disease: A. Adenovirus infection B. Scarlet fever C. Chicken pox D. Rubella E. Measles skin rash, photophobia; conjunctivitis; bright red maculopapular rash; hyperemic E. Measles pharynx A. Parainfluenza B. Scarlet fever C. Whooping cough D. Measles E. Diphtheria tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa with dense whitish-yellow pellicles; necrosis of upper E. Diphtheria epithelial layers, impregnation with the fibrinous exudate A. Scarlet fever B. Influenza C. Meningococcal infection D. Typhus E. Measles white spots on buccal mucosa; large blotches of rash; conjunctivitis, edema E. Measles with foci of necrosis on larynx; giant-cell pneumonia A. Spotted fever B. Scarlet fever C. Meningococcal infection D. Influenza E. Measles catarrhal conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, white spots on the buccal mucosa in region of E. Measles lower premolar teeth, maculopapular rash on face, body and extremities 323. 324. 325. 326. A child is 10 years old. The followi-ng presentations have developed: sharp pain during A. Meningococcal swallowing, swollen neck, body temperature rise nasopharyngitis B. up to 39oC, bright-red finely papular rash all over Diphtheria the body. Pharynx and tonsils are sharply C. Influenza hyperemic ("flaming pharynx"), "crimson D. Measles tongue". On the tonsils surface there are isolated E. Scarlet fever greyish necrosis focuses. What disease it might be? A diseased child has a high fever, sore throat, swelling of submandibular lymph nodes. A. Catarrhal Objectively: pharyngeal mucosa is edematous, tonsillitis moderately hyperemic, the tonsils are enlarged, B. Scarlet fever covered with grayish membrane tightly adhering C. Meningococcal to the tissues above. Attempts to remove the disease D. Measles membrane produce the bleeding defects. What E. Diphtheria disease are these presentations typical for? Autopsy of a Middle-Eastern woman, who had A. AIDS been suffering from wasting fever for a long time, B. Epidemic typhus revealed enlarged blackened liver and spleen. C. Sepsis Bone marrow was hyperplastic and black- colored D. Hepatitis as well. Cerebral cortex was smoky grey. What E. Malaria disease is it characteristic of? A child is 7 years old. The following presentations have developed: sharp pain during swallowing, A. Meningococcal o swollen neck, body temperature rise up to 39 C, nasopharyngitis B. bright and red finely papular rash all over the Diphtheria body. Pharynx and tonsils are sharply hyperemic C. Influenza ("flaming pharynx"), "crimson tongue". On the D. Measles tonsils surface there are isolated grayish necrosis E. Scarlet fever focuses. What disease it might be? sharp pain during swallowing, swollen neck, temperature; bright-red finely papular rash all over the body; pharynx and tonsils are sharply hyperemic ("flaming pharynx"), "crimson tongue"; isolated greyish necrosis focuses E. Scarlet fever tonsils enlarged with grayish membrane tightly adherent to tissues; removing of membrane produce bleeding defects E. Diphtheria fever for a long time; enlarged blackened liver and spleen; bone marrow E. Malaria hyperplastic and black; cerebral cortex was smoky grey sharp pain during swallowing, swollen neck, temperature; bright-red finely papular rash all over the body; pharynx and tonsils are sharply hyperemic ("flaming pharynx"), "crimson tongue"; isolated greyish necrosis focuses E. Scarlet fever 327. 328. 329. A 9-year-old boy has acute onset of disease: sore throat, body temperature rise up to 39oC; on the second day diffuse skin rash was detected all over his skin except for nasolabial triangle. On examination of oral cavity: crimson tongue, "flaming pharynx", necrotic tonsillitis. What diagnosis is the most likely? A. Measles B. Diphtheria C. Influenza D. Meningococcemia E. Scarlet fever sharp pain during swallowing, swollen neck, temperature; bright-red finely papular rash all over the body; pharynx and tonsils are sharply hyperemic ("flaming pharynx"), "crimson tongue"; isolated greyish necrosis focuses A. Tuberculous meningitis During autopsy the following has been revealed: B. Grippal the meninges of the upper cerebral hemispheres meningitis meninges extremely plethoric with are extremely plethoric, of yellow-green color and C. Anthrax-induced yellow-green color and are soaked with are soaked with purulent effluent. What kind of D. Epidemic purulent effluent meningitis is characterized by such clinical typhusinduced presentations? E. Meningococcal meningitis A 10-year-old child has painful swallowing, neck A. Meningococcal edema, temperature rise up to 39,0oC, the whole painful swallowing, neck edema, nasopharyngitis body is covered with bright-red petechial rash. temperature; whole body with bright-red B. Diphtheria Back of the throat and tonsils are hyperemic, the petechial rash; throat and tonsils are C. Influenza tongue is crimson colored. Tonsillar surface is hyperemic; tongue crimson; tonsils with D. Measles covered with isolated grayish- colored necrosis isolated grayish- colored necrosis nidi E. Scarlet fever nidi. What disease is it? E. Scarlet fever E. Meningococca l meningitis E. Scarlet fever 330. 331. 332. On the 24th day since the onset of disease, a male patient diagnosed with typhoid fever and undergoing treatment in an infectious diseases A. Medullary swelling hospital has suddenly developed clinical B. Necrosis presentations of acute abdomen leading to the death of the patient. During autopsy peritonitis has been revealed, with numerous ulcers covering the C. Dirty ulcer colon mucosa and reaching as deep as muscular D. Regeneration and, in places, serous tunic. The ulcers have E. Clean ulcer smooth edges and even floor. The intestinal wall is perforated. What stage of typhoid fever has the lethal complication arisen at? A diseased child has a high fever, sore throat, swelling of submandibular lymph nodes. Objectively: pharyngeal mucosa is edematous, moderately hyperemic, the tonsils are enlarged, covered with grayish membrane tightly adhering to the tissues above. Attempts to remove the membrane produce the bleeding defects. What disease are these presentations typical for? Autopsy of a 1,5-year-old child revealed hemorrhagic skin rash, moderate hyperaemia and edema of nasopharyngeal mucous membrane, small hemorrhages in the mucous membranes and internal organs; dramatic dystrophic alterations in liver and myocardium; acute necrotic nephrosis; massive hemorrhages in the adrenal glands. What disease are these alterations the most typical for? typhoid fever; acute abdomen; numerous ulcers on colon mucosa to deep as muscular and serous tunic; ulcers with E. Clean ulcer smooth edges and even floor; intestines perforated A. Catarrhal tonsillitis B. Scarlet fever C. Meningococcal disease D. Measles E. Diphtheria high fever, sore throat, swelling of submandibular lymph nodes; pharynx hyperemic, tonsils enlarged with grayish E. Diphtheria membrane tightly adherent to tissues; removing it produce bleeding defects A. Scarlet fever B. Diphtheria C. Measles D. Epidemic typhus E. Meningococcal infection hemorrhagic skin rash, hyperaemia and edema of nasopharyngeum; hemorrhages E. in mucous, internal organs, adrenal Meningococca glands; dystrophy in liver and l infection myocardium; acute necrotic nephrosis 333. 334. 335. A patient consulted a doctor about the intensive skin itch, especially between fingers, in axillary creases, in the inferior part of belly. During the skin examination there were found twisting whitish tracts with speckles at the end of them. What disease are these clinical presentations typical for? Autopsy of an 8 year old boy who was ill with pharyngeal and tonsillar diphtheria and died one week after illness begin revealed myocardial changes in form of small-focal myocardiocyte necroses, stroma edema with slight lymphocytic infiltration. What type of myocarditis is it: A 7 year old child was taken to the infectious disease hospital with complaints of acute pain during swallowing, temperature rise up to 39oC, neck edem. Objective signs: tonsills are enlarged, their mucous membrane is plethoric and covered with a big number of whitish- yellowish films that are closely adjacent to the mucous membran. After removal of these films the deep bleeding defect remains. What type of inflammation is it? A. Dermatotropic leishmaniosis B. Demodicosis C. Pediculosis D. Miasis E. Scabies skin itch, especially between fingers, in axillary creases, in the inferior part of belly; twisting whitish tracts with speckles at end of them E. Scabies A. Septic B. Granulomatous C. Focal-intermediate, diphtheria; myocardium with small-focal E. Alterative exudative myocardiocyte necrosis D. Interstitional E. Alterative A. Purulent B. Crupous C. Serous D. Hemorrhagic E. Diphteritic mucous membrane with whitishyellowish films that are closely adjacent E. Diphteritic to mucosa; removal of these films leads to bleeding defect 336. A. Tuberculous meningitis B. Influenza On autopsy it is revealed: soft arachnoid meningitis membrane of the upper parts of cerebral Meningitis at hemisphere is plethoric, it is of yellowish-green C. color, soaked with purulent and fibrose exudate, it anthrax D. Meningitis at lookes like cap. For what disease is it typhus characteristical picture E. Meningococcal meningitis arachnoid membrane plethoric with yellowish-green color, soaked with purulent and fibrose exudate, it lookes like cap E. Meningococca l meningitis 337. A 4 year old child complained of pain during deglutition, indisposition. Objectively: palatine arches and tonsils are moderately edematic and hyperemic, there are greyish-white films up to 1 mm thick closely adhering to the subjacent tissues. What pathological process are these changes typical for? mucosa edematic and hyperemic with greyish-white films E. Inflammation 338. A boy is 6 y.o. Objectively: against the background of hyperemic skin there is knobby A. Rubella bright- pink rash on his forehead, neck, at the B. Whooping bottom of abdomen, in the popliteal spaces; cough nasolabial triangle is pale. Examination of C. Diphtheria D. oropharyngeal surface revealed localized brightred Infectious hyperemia; tonsils are swollen, soft, lacunas mononucleosis E. contain pus, tongue is crimson. Cervical lymph Scarlet fever nodes are enlarged, dense and painful. What is the most probable diagnosis? A. Dystrophy B. Necrosis C. Metaplasia D. Organization E. Inflammation hyperemic skin; knobby bright- pink rash; nasolabial triangle is pale; oropharyngeal bright-red hyperemia; E. Scarlet tonsils are swollen, soft, lacunas contain fever pus, tongue is crimson, lymph nodes are enlarged, dense and painful 339. 340. 341. A man died 7 days after the beginning of the disease. He was diagnosed with dysentery. At the A. Catarrhal autopsy it was found out a thickened wall of the B. Ulcerative sigma and rectum, fibrinous membrane on the C. Chronic surface of mucous membrane. Histologically: D. Gangrenous there is a deep necrosis of mucous membrane with E. Diphtheritic infiltration of necrotic masses with fibrin. What kind of colitis does correspond to the changes? A 6,5-year-old girl fell ill with diphtheria and three days later died of asphyxia resulting from A. Serous membranous croup. On autopsy, the mucous B. Haemorrhagic membranes of the larynx, trachea and bronchi C. Diphtheritic were thickened, oedematous and covered with D. Croupous greyish films which were easily separated. What E. Catarrhal kind of inflammation did the morphological changes in the larynx indicate? A. Hereditary insufficiency of the peripheral An autopsy of a 17-year-old female, who died lymphoid tissue from puerperal sepsis, revealed an enlarged B. Immediate plethoric spleen whose section gave an abundant hypersensitivity scrape. Microscopically, hyperplasia and a reaction C. plasmacytic infiltration of both the red pulp and Delayed splenic follicles were found out; the red pulp was hypersensitivity rich in macrophages. Which of the reaction immunopathological mechanisms most probably D. Autoimmunization lay in the basis of the changes in the spleen? E. Antigenic stimulation of the organism fibrinous membrane; deep necrosis of mucous membrane with infiltration of necrotic masses with fibrin E. Diphtheritic diphtheria; asphyxia resulting from membranous croup; mucosa thickened, oedematous and covered with greyish films which were easily separated E. Catarrhal puerperal sepsis; enlarged plethoric spleen with abundant scrape at section; E. Antigenic hyperplasia and a plasmacytic infiltration stimulation of of red pulp and splenic follicles; red pulp the organism is rich in macrophages 342. A male patient, who one month ago had streptococcal tonsillitis, develops increased pressure, oliguria, oedemata on his face. Microscopically, a renal biopsy reveals enlarged and plethoric glomeruli whose capillaries and mesangium are diffusely infiltrated by neutrophils. Which of the diagnoses is the most probable? A. Acute glomerulonephritis, proliferative form B. Subacute glomerulonephritis C. Acute glomerulonephritis, exudativeproliferative form D. Chronic glomerulonephritis E. Acute glomerulonephritis, exudative form streptococcal tonsillitis; enlarged and plethoric glomeruli; capillaries and mesangium are diffusely infiltrated by neutrophils E. Acute glomerulonep hritis, exudative form 343. An autopsy of a male, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed that his kidneys were enlarged and flaccid, their cortical layer was yellow-grey and had some red specks. On microscopic examination of a biopsy it was found that the epithelium in the glomerular capsules proliferated with formation of “crescents”, the capillary loops were necrotized and contained fibrin thrombi in their lumens. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Acute glomerulonephritis B. Lipoid nephrosis C. Chronic glomerulonephritis D. Amyloid shrunk kidneys E. Subacute glomerulonephritis kidneys enlarged and flaccid; cortical layer was yellow-grey and had some red specks; glomerular capsules formed “crescents”; capillary loops necrotized and contain fibrin thrombi E. Subacute glomerulonep hritis 344. 345. 346. An autopsy of a 45-year-old male, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed that the kidneys were A. Chronic reduced in size, dense, waxy and had a great glomerulonephritis B. number of retractions on their surface. Subacute Microscopically, many glomeruli were substituted glomerulonephritis for some Congo red-positive substance, while in C. Lipoid nephrosis others this substance was present in the basal D. Acute membranes of the capillaries, in the mesangium, glomerulonephritis E. as well as in the walls of the arteries and the Amyloid shrunk stroma. Which of the diagnoses listed below was kidneys the most probable? A. Primary A 60-year-old male patient was suffering from chronic tibial osteomyelitis during 10 years. Three amyloidosis Senile years ago he developed the nephrotic syndrome. B. His death was caused by uraemia. On autopsy, the amyloidosis Periodic disease kidneys were moderately reduced in size, white, C. D. Acute dense and had some cicatrices in their cortical glomerulonephritis E. layer. Indicate the renal pathology which Secondary developed. amyloidosis A 23-year-old male patient acutely fell ill after supercooling. An increased blood pressure, A. Chronic haematuria and oedemata on his face were glomerulonephritis B. observed. The treatment was not effective. Six Acute months later he died from uraemia. On autopsy, glomerulonephritis the kidneys were enlarged, flaccid, their cortical C. Acute layer was yellow-grey, dim, with some red specks, pyelonephritis broad, oedematous and well delimited from the D. Amyloid shrunk dark red medullary substance. Microscopically, kidneys E. Subacute there was proliferation of the epithelium of the glomerulonephritis glomeruli, podocytes and macrophages with formation of “crescents”. Make a diagnosis. renal insufficiency; kidneys reduced, dense, waxy, retractions on surface; Congo red-positive substance in all kidneys components E. Amyloid shrunk kidneys long period of chronic osteomyelitis; E. Secondary nephrotic syndrome; kidneys moderately amyloidosis reduced in size, white, dense kidneys enlarged, flaccid; cortical layer yellow-grey, dim, with some red specks, broad, oedematous and well delimited E. Subacute from the dark red medullary substance; glomerulonep proliferation of the epithelium, glomeruli, hritis podocytes and macrophages with formation of “crescents” 347. 348. 349. In a 52-year-old female patient, whose case history had arterial hypertension, phenomena of uraemia and oedemata of her face began to develop during the past year. A renal biopsy revealed a diffuse affection of all the studied glomeruli, whose main part had signs of focal and total sclerosis and hyalinosis, and only in solitary intact glomeruli there was dilation of the mesangium with proliferation of the mesangial cells. Diagnose the kind of glomerulonephritis. An autopsy of a 62-year-old male patient revealed that his skin was grey-sallow with microfocal haemorrhages, his face was as if covered with some whitish powder, the patient had fibrinoushaemorrhagic laryngitis, tracheitis, fibrinous pericarditis, gastritis, enterocolitis. What syndrome is characterized by this complex of morphological changes? An autopsy of a male patient, who suffered from hypertensive disease and died of an intracerebral haemorrhage, revealed small dense kidneys with a fine-grained surface, the parenchyma and cortical substance were atrophic. Indicate the kind of changes in the kidneys. A. Chronic mesangial proliferative B. Subacute history had arterial hypertension; diffuse extracapillary affection of glomeruli with focal and total E. Chronic C. Acute intracapillary fibroplastic D. Chronic mesangial sclerosis and hyalinosis capillary E. Chronic fibroplastic A. Cushing’s B. Acute renal failure C. Chronic cardiac insufficiency D. Chronic hepatic insufficiency E. Chronic renal insufficiency skin grey-sallow with microfocal haemorrhages; some whitish powder on E. Chronic face; fibrinous-haemorrhagic laryngitis, renal tracheitis, fibrinous pericarditis, gastritis, insufficiency enterocolitis A. Secondary shrunk B. Pyelonephritic hypertensive disease; small dense kidneys E. Primary C. Amyloid shrunk with fine-grained surface; parenchyma shrunk D. Nephritic and cortical substance were atrophic E. Primary shrunk 350. 351. 352. A. Acute glomerulonephritis A 30-year-old male patient was hospitalized B. Lupus complaining of a headache and faints. During the erythematosus previous year, high indices of blood pressure were glomerulonephritis observed. A renal biopsy revealed an C. Membranous extracapillary proliferation of the epithelium of nephropathy D. the glomerular capsule with formation of Chronic “crescents”. What disease is characterized by such glomerulonephritis signs? E. Subacute glomerulonephritis A 63-year-old male patient, who was suffering from infectious polyarthritis for a long period of A. Chronic time, died under the phenomena of renal glomerulonephritis insufficiency. Macroscopically, his kidneys were B. Nephrosclerosis significantly enlarged, dense and waxy. A C. Nephrotic histological examination of the kidneys revealed syndrome D. sclerosis of the intermedial region and malpighian Chronic pyelonephritis pyramids, a large number of lipids and much congophilic substance in the stroma of the tubules. E. Amyloid shrunk What pathological process complicated the course kidneys of infectious polyarthritis? Soon after she had acute pharyngitis, a 3-year-old girl developed diffuse oedemata (anasarca), massive proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia and hyperlipidaemia which were controlled by corticosteroid preparations. An electron microscopy of a renal biopsy revealed absence of small processes of the podocytes. What was the most probable diagnosis? A. Subacute glomerulonephritis B. Acute glomerulonephritis C. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis D. Membranous nephropathy E. Lipoid nephrosis E. Subacute extracapillary proliferation of the glomerulonep epithelium with formation of “crescents” hritis long period infectious polyarthritis; kidneys significantly enlarged, dense and E. Amyloid waxy; sclerosis of the intermedial region shrunk and malpighian pyramids; much kidneys congophilic substance in stroma of tubules absence of small processes of podocytes E. Lipoid nephrosis 353. Fourteen days following angina, a 15-year-old child developed oedemata on the face and an increased blood pressure, the urine resembled “broth slops”. An immunohistological examination of a renal biopsy revealed deposition of immune complexes on the basal membranes of the tubules and in the glomerular mesangium. What disease developed in the patient? A. Lipoid nephrosis B. Acute pyelonephritis face oedemata; increased blood pressure; C. Necrotic nephrosis E. Acute urine - “broth slops”; deposition of D. Subacute glomerulonep immune complexes on the basal glomerulonephritis E. hritis membranes of the tubules and in the Acute glomerular mesangium glomerulonephritis 354. A microscopic examination of a renal biopsy revealed proliferation of the nephrothelium of the Bowman’s capsule, podocytes and macrophages with formation of “crescent” structures which squeezed the glomeruli. The glomerular capillaries were characterized by necrosis, some of them by sclerosis or hyalinization. An oedema and a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the renal stroma were observed. Name the renal pathology. A. Chronic glomerulonephritis B. Chronic pyelonephritis C. Tubulointerstitial nephritis D. Acute glomerulonephritis E. Subacute glomerulonephritis Bowman’s capsule nephrothelium proliferation; podocytes and macrophages E. Subacute with formation of “crescent” structures glomerulonep which squeezed the glomeruli; necrosis, hritis sclerosis and hyalinization 355. A. Chronic On macroscopic examination, the kidneys are glomerulonephritis enlarged and motley because of alternation of Necronephrosis light areas with foci of petechial haemorrhages, B. C. Acute their surface is smooth. Microscopically, some vascular loops of the glomeruli were in the state of glomerulonephritis D. Lipoid nephrosis fibrinoid necrosis, the basal membranes of the capillaries were thickened and appeared like “wire E. Lupus loops”, the lumens of some capillaries contained erythematosus nephritis hyaline thrombi. Make a diagnosis. kidneys enlarged and motley; alternation of light areas with petechial E. Lupus haemorrhages, surface is smooth; erythematosus glomeruli with fibrinoid necrosis, basal nephritis membranes formed “wire loops”, hyaline thrombi 356. 357. A. Chronic A 12-year-old boy, who had had streptococcal tonsillitis before, developed oliguria, an increased mesangial blood pressure and oedemata in the facial region. proliferative Chronic A renal biopsy revealed diffuse affection of all the B. mesangial capillary C. glomeruli studied: hyperaemia, solitary fibrin Chronic fibroplastic microthrombi in the lumens of the capillaries, dilation of the mesangium and its infiltration by D. Subacute extracapillary E. segmented leukocytes. Indicate the kind of Acute exudative glomerulonephritis. A 29-year-old male was admitted to a nephrological department complaining of oedemata, headache, vomiting and nausea. His A. Amyloid death was caused by uraemia. On autopsy, his shrunk kidneys B. Chronic kidneys were significantly reduced in size and dense, their capsule was removed with difficulty pyelonephritis exposing a fine-grained surface, the cortical layer C. Necrotic nephrosis was thinned on section. A microscopic D. Fulminating examination of a renal biopsy revealed that most glomerulonephritis E. of the glomeruli were scleroid, some of them were Chronic characterized by dilation of the mesangium and glomerulonephritis proliferation of the mesangial cells. What disease should be suspected? streptococcal tonsillitis; diffuse affection of glomeruli: hyperaemia, solitary fibrin E. Acute microthrombi in capillaries, dilation of the exudative mesangium and its infiltration by segmented leukocytes uraemia; kidneys significantly reduced in size and dense, their capsule was removed with difficulty exposing a fine-grained E. Chronic surface, the cortical layer was thinned on glomerulonep section; most glomeruli were scleroid; hritis some characterized by dilation of the mesangium and proliferation of the mesangial cells 358. 359. On autopsy of a male, who suffered from hypertensive disease during his lifetime, the kidneys were reduced in size and dense, their A. Amyloid shrunk capsule was removed with difficulty, and the kidneys surface was fine-grained. On section, there was an B. Secondary atrophy of the renal parenchyma, particularly that shrunk kidneys of the cortical layer, the blood vessels were in the C. Fulminating form of thick tubules which did not collapse. A glomerulonephritis D. histological examination revealed hyalinosis and Chronic sclerosis of small arteries, hyalinosis and sclerosis glomerulonephritis E. of the larger part of the glomeruli, a reduced Primary shrunk number of tubules, a vegetation of the connective kidneys tissue in the stroma. Some glomeruli were characterized by compensatory hypertrophy and their tubules were dilated. What is your diagnosis? On autopsy of a 32-year-old female, who died from renal insufficiency, it was found that the A. Acute kidneys were enlarged and flaccid, their capsule productive was easily removed exposing a motley surface. glomerulonephritis On section, the cortical layer was oedematous and B. Acute definitely delimited from the medullary one. A tubulopathy C. Acute tubulointerstitial histological examination revealed an expressed nephritis plethora of vessels, enlarged and oedematous D. Acute fibrinous glomeruli, with clusters of erythrocytes and accumulation of some serous fluid in the lumen of glomerulonephritis E. Acute the Bowman’s capsule. Some vascular loops of haemorrhagic the glomeruli were necrotized. An expressed glomerulonephritis peritubular and periglomerular lymphoidocytic infiltration was observed. What is your diagnosis? kidneys were reduced in size and dense, their capsule was removed with difficulty, and the surface was fine-grained; atrophy E. Primary of parenchyma, particularly in cortical shrunk layer, the blood vessels were in form of kidneys thick tubules; hyalinosis and sclerosis of small arteries and glomeruli; connective tissue proliferation kidneys enlarged and flaccid; capsule easily removed exposing a motley surface; cortical layer edematous and definitely delimited; expressed plethora of E. Acute haemorrhagic vessels, enlarged and oedematous glomeruli, with clusters of erythrocytes glomerulonep and accumulation of some serous fluid in hritis the lumen of the Bowman’s capsule; expressed peritubular and periglomerular lymphoidocytic infiltration 360. 361. An autopsy of a 70-year-old female, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed dense kidneys which were reduced in size (each weighing 90 g). A. Atherosclerotic Their fibrous capsule was removed with nephrosclerosis B. difficulty, exposing a rough-grained surface; on Chronic section, the cortical substance was thinned, the glomerulonephritis C. tissue was dim. Histologically, some glomeruli Acute developed a proliferation of the epithelium in the glomerulonephritis D. Arterial Bowman’s capsule with crescent formations, nephrosclerosis E. while other glomeruli were characterized by Subacute hyalinization. The stroma contained some lymphoid infiltrates, the vascular walls were glomerulonephritis thickened, their lumens were narrowed. What is your diagnosis? On autopsy of a female, who was suffering from A. Chronic bronchiectatic disease during 15 years and died of glomerulonephritis B. renal insufficiency, it was found that the kidneys Subacute were reduced in size, dense and “sebaceous” by glomerulonephritis C. Chronic appearance, their surface was fine-grained. Microscopically, the glomeruli were atrophied and substituted for a connective tissue. There was tubulointerstitial accumulation of congophilic masses under the nephritis intima and adventitia of the vessels, as well as in D. Malignant the basal membranes of the tubules and in the nephrosclerosis E. renal stroma. Which of the diagnoses listed below Amyloid shrunk was the most probable? kidneys renal insufficiency; dense reduced kidneys; capsule difficulty removed; cortex thinned, tissue are dim; proliferation of epithelium in the Bowman’s capsule with crescent formations; hyalinization E. Subacute glomerulonep hritis bronchiectatic disease during 15 years; renal insufficiency; kidneys were reduced E. Amyloid in size, dense and “sebaceous”, surface shrunk was fine-grained; accumulation of kidneys congophilic masses in all kidney structures 362. 363. Urinalyses of a 44-year-old male patient, who suffers from a chronic renal disease, demonstrate persistent proteinuria. A microscopic examination of a renal biopsy reveals some diffuse and even thickening of the basal membranes in the glomerular capillaries with formation of their processes in the direction of the podocytes (“small thorns”); the proliferation of the mesangiocytes was absent or poorly expressed; there were small foci of sclerosis in the cortical layer and a fatty degeneration of the epithelium of the proximal tubules. Make a diagnosis. A. Mesangial capillary glomerulonephritis B. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis C. Lipoid nephrosis D. Focal segmental glomerular sclerosis E. Membranous glomerulonephritis A. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis B. A microscopic examination of a renal biopsy Membranous revealed an expressed proliferation of the mesangial cells with expulsion of their processes glomerulonephritis C. to the periphery of the capillary loops (mesangial Mesangial interposition), a diffuse thickening and doubling glomerulonephritis D. of the basal membranes in the capillaries, and an Acute intracapillary glomerulonephritis E. accumulation of the mesangial matrix. Indicate Mesangial capillary the diagnosis which was the most probable. glomerulonephritis chronic renal disease; persistent proteinuria; diffuse and even thickening of the basal membranes; formation of their processes in the direction of the podocytes (“small thorns”) expressed proliferation of the mesangial cells with expulsion of their processes to the periphery of the capillary loops (mesangial interposition); diffuse thickening and doubling of basal membranes; accumulation of mesangial matrix E. Membranous glomerulonep hritis E. Mesangial capillary glomerulonep hritis 364. 365. A 38-year-old male patient complained of dyspnoea, a cough with production of a large amount of sputum, an elevated body temperature up to 38°C, and a reduced A. Fibrinoushaemorrhagic urination. An X-ray examination revealed pneumonia some focal shadow in the lungs, an increased B. Influenza with amount of urea and uric acid in the blood. pneumonic complications C. The urine was characterized by its low Chronic specific weight, presence of proteinuria and glomerulonephritis D. Chronic casts. The patient died two weeks later. On destructive bronchitis autopsy, fibrinous-necrotic E. Chronic renal insufficiency laryngotracheobronchitis, fibrinoushaemorrhagic pneumonia and contracted kidneys were found. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? An electron microscopy of a renal biopsy of a 10year-old boy with expressed oedemata and proteinuria revealed absence of small A. Subacute processes of the podocytes in the glomeruli, glomerulonephritis B. Acute the basal membranes of the capillaries were glomerulonephritis C. thickened, the mesangium was insignificantly Membranous dilated. The lumens of dilated proximal glomerulonephritis D. tubules contained hyaline and granular casts, Mesangial capillary the epithelium of the tubules had phenomena glomerulonephritis E. Lipoid of hyaline-drop, hydropic and fatty nephrosis degeneration. The interstice contained a lot of lipids and lipophages. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? increased amount of urea and uric acid in blood; proteinuria and casts; E. Chronic fibrinousnecrotic renal laryngotracheobronchitis, fibrinousinsufficiency haemorrhagic pneumonia, contracted kidneys absence of small processes of podocytes; basal membranes thickened; hyaline and granular casts; hyalineE. Lipoid drop, hydropic and fatty degeneration; nephrosis a lot of lipids and lipophages in interstice 366. 367. 368. An autopsy of a 60-year-old female, who had suffered from bronchiectatic disease for 15 years and died of renal insufficiency, revealed that the kidneys were reduced in size, dense and “sebaceous” by appearance, their surface was fine-grained. Microscopically, the glomeruli were atrophied and substituted for a connective tissue. There was accumulation of congophilic masses under the intima and adventitia of the vessels, as well in the basal membranes of the tubules and in the renal stroma. Name the most probable diagnosis. Three weeks following a severe supercooling, a young male developed an elevated body temperature, a pain in his lumbar region, oedemata, proteinuria and haematuria. A renal biopsy demonstrated enlargement of the glomeruli, a plethora of their capillaries, some eosinophilic fluid, fibrin and erythrocytes in the cavity of the Bowman’s capsule, the mesangium was infiltrated by polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What diagnosis was the most probable? A. Lipoid nephrosis B. Chronic pyelonephritis C. Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis D. Postnecrotic nephrosclerosis E. Amyloid shrunk kidneys bronchiectatic disease during 15 years; renal insufficiency; kidneys were reduced E. Amyloid in size, dense and “sebaceous”, surface shrunk was fine-grained; accumulation of kidneys congophilic masses in all kidney structures A. Subacute glomerulonephritis B. Acute renal failure C. Acute productive glomerulonephritis D. Acute pyelonephritis E. Acute exudative glomerulonephritis enlargement of glomeruli; plethora of capillaries, some eosinophilic fluid, fibrin and erythrocytes in the cavity of Bowman’s capsule; polymorphonuclear leukocytes in mesangium A. Acute Poststreptococcal In a 25 year-old female patient with severe glomerulonephritis B. edemas, hyperproteinuria, hyperlipidemia the Crescentic biopsy of kidney established: well-developed thickening of the glomerular capillary wall with glomerulonephritis C. Chronic the presence of electron-dense glomerulonephritis D. immunoglobulincontaining deposits along the Acute epithelial surface of the basement membrane. Epithelial cells lost their foot processes. Described pyelonephritis E. Membranous changes are characteristic for… glomerulonephritis E. Acute exudative glomerulonep hritis well-developed thickening of glomerular E. wall; electron-dense Membranous immunoglobulincontaining deposits along glomerulonep the epithelial surface of basement hritis membrane 369. 370. 371. A. Membranous glomerulonephritis A 12-year-old child has developed nephritic B. Chronic syndrome (proteinuria, hematuria, cylindruria) glomerulonephritis after angina of 2 weeks ago. In a biopsy of kidney C. Acute necrotic it was established: diffuse proliferation of nephrosis D. endothelial and mesangial, epithelial cells in Crescentic glomeruli, infiltration with leukocytes, both glomerulonephritis neutrophils and monocytes, interstitial edema. E. Acute Described changes are characteristic for… poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis A 55 year-old man has died after chronic A. Hypolipidemia glomerulonephritis, chronic renal insufficiency. In B. Hyperlipidemia the autopsy the pathologist has found out C. Arterial characteristic changes in kidneys for this disease, hypertension also fibrinous pericarditis, pleuritis and bronchitis. D. Arterial plethora Call the cause of the fibrinous inflammation in E. Uremia serosal and mucosal layers. For a long time a 49-year-old woman was suffering from glomerulonephritis which caused death.On autopsy it was revealed that kidneys size A. Thrombopenia was 7x3x2.5 sm, weight is 65,0 g, they are dence B. Anemia and small-grained. Microscopically: fibrinogenous C. Sepsis inflammation of serous and mucous capsules, D. DIC-syndrome dystrophic changes of parenchymatous organs, E. Uremia brain edema. What complication can cause such changes of serous capsules and inner organs? after angina; diffuse proliferation of endothelial and mesangial, epithelial cells in glomeruli, infiltration with leukocytes, both neutrophils and monocytes, interstitial edema E. Acute poststreptococ cal glomerulonep hritis chronic renal insufficiency; fibrinous E. Uremia pericarditis, pleuritis and bronchitis kidneys reduced in size, dence and smallgrained; fibrinogenous inflammation; dystrophic changes of parenchymatous organs, brain edema E. Uremia 372. 373. 374. During autopsy of the body of patient suffered with chronic glomerulonephritis the following A. Polycystic kidney changes have been found: the kidneys have been B. Infarction of the diminished in size, densed with small grained kidney section surface; the fibrinous inflammation of C. Necrotic nephrosis serosal and mucosal membranes has taken place D. Pyelonephritis as edema of the brain as well. Call macroscopical E. Nephrosclerosis changes in kidneys. In 53 year-old patient, who has suffered by bronchoectatic disease and hemoptysis, the edema of face and waist have appeared. The protein (33 A. Fatty mg/l) was found in urine. Pulmonary hemorrhage degeneration B. was the cause of patient’s death. In autopsy: Mucoid degeneration enlargement of kidneys was found; the kidneys C. Grainish were dense with lardaceous surface of section. degeneration D. Histologically: the deposition of homogenous Hyalinosis eosinophilic masses colored with Congo red and E. Amyloidosis given of metachromasia with methyl-violet color in glomeruli and canals were found. What pathological process took place in the patient? A male patient died under the phenomena of A. Acute azotemic uraemia. On autopsy, the kidneys were glomerulonephritis enlarged, swollen, plethoric, the capsule was B. Amyloid easily removed. The cavities of the pelves and shrunk kidneys C. calyces were dilated and filled with dim urine and Chronic pus, their mucous membrane was dim, with foci of pyelonephritis D. haemorrhages. On section, the tissue was motley, Chronic its yellow-grey areas were surrounded by the glomerulonephritis region of a plethora and haemorrhages. What E. Acute disease did this macroscopic appearance of the pyelonephritis kidneys correspond to? chronic glomerulonephritis; kidneys diminished, densed with small grained E. section surface; fibrinous inflammation of Nephroscleros all serosal and mucosal membranes; brain is edema bronchoectatic disease and hemoptysis; kidneys enlargement, dense with lardaceous surface; deposition of E. homogenous eosinophilic masses colored Amyloidosis with Congo red; metachromasia with methyl-violet color kidneys enlarged, swollen, plethoric, capsule easily removed; cavities dilated; dim urine and pus; mucosa dim; E. Acute haemorrhages; tissue motley: yellowgrey pyelonephritis areas surrounded by plethora and haemorrhages 375. 376. A 45-year-old male, who was treated for a cold with large doses of paracetamol, developed symptoms of oliguria and azotemia. Five days later he died under the phenomena of acute renal failure. A histological examination of his kidneys revealed a diffuse oedema of the interstitial tissue in the cortical layer of the kidneys, its infiltration by lymphocytes, eosinophils, solitary neutrophils, a destruction of the epithelial tubules; there were almost no changes in the glomeruli. Indicate the most probable disease. A 42-year-old male, who was ill with a severe form of typhoid fever, developed acute renal failure which caused his death. On autopsy, the kidneys were enlarged, oedematous, their fibrous capsule was easily removed; on section, the cortical substance was pale grey, the malpighian pyramids were dark red. A histological examination revealed that the lumens in the most of the tubules were narrowed, the epithelial cells were enlarged and had no nuclei; the glomeruli were collapsed; the stroma was characterized by an oedema, some leukocytic infiltration and small haemorrhages. Indicate the renal pathology which caused the patient’s death. A. Acute glomerulonephritis B. Nephrotic syndrome C. Acute pyelonephritis D. Necronephrosis E. Tubulointerstitial nephritis diffuse oedema of interstitial tissue of cortex with infiltration by lymphocytes, eosinophils, solitary neutrophils; destruction of the epithelial tubules; no pathology in glomeruli A. Nephrotic syndrome B. Acute glomerulonephritis C. Pyonephrosis D. Acute pyelonephritis E. Necronephrosis severe form of typhoid fever; kidneys enlarged, oedematous, capsule easily removed; cortex pale grey, pyramids dark E. red; lumens of most tubules narrowed; Necronephrosi epithelium enlarged and lost nuclei; s glomeruli were collapsed; stroma oedema, some leukocytic infiltration and small haemorrhages E. Tubulointersti tial nephritis 377. 378. 379. On autopsy of a 56-year-old female, who died from renal insufficiency, the kidneys were unevenly reduced in size and their surface had A. Acute large tuberous; on section, the pelves were glomerulonephritis B. kidneys unevenly reduced in size with dilated, their walls were thickened; the areas of a Tubulointerstitial had large tuberous surface; pelves cicatricial tissue alternated with an intact nephritis C. Acute dilated with thickened walls; cicatricial E. Chronic parenchyma. Microscopically, there were pyelonephritis D. tissue; sclerosis and a pyelonephritis phenomena of sclerosis and a Chronic lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in pelves, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration in the walls of the glomerulonephritis E. calyces and in the interstice pelves, calyces and in the interstice. Which of Chronic pyelonephritis the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? In a 68-year-old male patient, a haemorrhage A. Glomerulonecrosis B. from his varicous veins resulted in a significant Paraproteinaemic blood loss. In spite of making up the blood loss, necrosis the postoperative period was characterized by a significant blood loss; persistent anuria; E. Necrotic C. Glomerulosclerosis persistent anuria and the patient died on the 5th “shock” kidneys nephrosis D. Fibrinoid day. On autopsy, the kidneys appeared like arteriolonecrosis E. “shock” ones. Name the morphological Necrotic nephrosis equivalent of acute renal failure. A 49-year-old male patient was hospitalized for pains in his lumbar region. A supersonic examination revealed calculi in a sharply dilated calculi in sharply dilated renal pelvis and renal pelvis and calyces of the right kidney. calyces; kidney was sharply enlarged, Nephrectomy was made. On morphological A. Pyonephrosis parenchyma atrophied, calyces and examination, the kidney was sharply enlarged, its B. Pyelonephritis E. pelves significantly dilated and filled parenchyma was atrophied, the calyces and C. Glomerulonephritis Hydronephros yellowish transparent fluid; diffuse pelves were significantly dilated and filled with D. Chronic paranephritis is sclerosis, glomeruli and tubules some yellowish transparent fluid. E. Hydronephrosis atrophied, cystic Microscopically, there was diffuse sclerosis, the dilations of intact tubules glomeruli and tubules were atrophied, the intact tubules had cystic dilations. What complication of nephrolithiasis developed in the patient? 380. 381. An autopsy of a 55-year-old male patient, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed enlarged plethoric kidneys. The cavities of the pelves and calyces were dilated and filled with turbid urine, their mucous membrane was dim and had foci of A. Interstitial haemorrhages. On histological examination, the nephritis B. Chronic pyelonephritis C. interstitial tissue of all the renal layers was Pyonephrosis infiltrated by leukocytes, numerous miliary D. Necronephrosis abscesses were revealed. The lumens of the tubules were obstructed with casts of desquamated E. Acute epithelium. What disease resulted in development pyelonephritis of renal insufficiency? An autopsy of a male patient, who died from acute renal failure, macroscopically revealed swelling of the right kidney and tension of its fibrous capsule A. Restoration of which was easily removed. Histologically, there diuresis were expressed dystrophic and necrotic changes in B. Shock the tubules of the main compartments, tubulorrhexis of the distal tubules, congestion of C. Nephrotic the ultrafiltrate in the glomerular capsule. What D. Azotemic stage of acute renal failure took place? E. Oligoanuric renal insufficiency; enlarged plethoric kidneys; cavities dilated with turbid urine; mucous membrane dim; foci of E. Acute haemorrhages; infiltration by leukocytes; pyelonephritis numerous miliary abscesses; desquamated epithelium acute renal failure; kidney swelling; capsule is tensed, easily removed; expressed dystrophic and necrotic E. Oligoanuric changes in tubules; tubulorrhexis of distal tubules; congestion of ultrafiltrate in glomerular capsule A. Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis B. Amyloid shrunk kidneys C. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis D. Necronephrosis E. Chronic pyelonephritis 382. On macroscopic examination of the kidneys in a male, who died from renal insufficiency, a pathologist found some asymmetrical corticomedullary cicatrices and dilation of the pelvicocaliceal system. A microscopic examination revealed atrophic tubules which had cyst-like dilations in some parts, were filled with eosinophilic masses and resembled the thyroid gland, as well as there was periglomerular sclerosis. Make a diagnosis. 383. A. Acute On autopsy of a male patient, who died from pyelonephritis B. ethylene glycol poisoning, the kidneys were Acute somewhat enlarged and oedematous, their capsule glomerulonephritis C. was easily removed, the cortical substance was Acute pale grey and wide, the medullary one was dark tubulointerstitial red. Microscopically, there were diffuse necroses nephritis of the tubules with ruptures of their basal D. Acute membranes. What renal pathology developed in glomerulosclerosis E. the patient? Necrotic nephrosis ethylene glycol poisoning; kidneys oedematous, capsule easily removed; E. Necrotic cortex pale grey and wide, the medulla nephrosis dark red; diffuse necroses of tubules with ruptures of basal membranes 384. A. Arteriolosclerotic In a male patient, who died from chronic renal nephrosclerosis B. insufficiency against a background of a chronic Atherosclerotic renal disease, the kidneys are symmetrically nephrosclerosis C. reduced in size and dense in consistency, their Amyloid shrunk capsule is removed with difficulty exposing a kidneys grained surface. On section, the cortical and D. Pyelonephritic medullary layers are thin, the renal tissue is grey, kidneys dry and ischaemic. Name the pathological process E. Secondary in the kidneys. shrunk kidneys chronic renal insufficiency; kidneys reduced, dense, capsule difficulty removed, grained surface; cortex and pyramides thin; tissue grey, dry and ischaemic asymmetrical corticomedullary cicatrices; dilation of pelvico-caliceal system; atrophic tubules; cyst-like dilations in E. Chronic some parts, were filled with eosinophilic pyelonephritis masses and resembled thyroid gland; periglomerular sclerosis E. Secondary shrunk kidneys 385. 386. 387. A histological examination of a 56-year-old male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed the following changes: focal sclerosis and a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the interstice, mucous membranes of the pelves and calyces, a metaplasia of the transitional epithelium into the stratified squamous one, numerous encapsulated abscesses. The epithelium of the tubules was in the state of dystrophy and necrosis. The lumens of solitary tubules were dilated and filled with some colloid contents, the epithelium was flattened (the tissue resembled the thyroid gland). The glomeruli were focally scleroid. Name the pathological process. chronic renal insufficiency; focal sclerosis, lymphoplasmacytic infiltration A. Chronic of interstice, pelves and calyces; tubulointerstitial transitional-stratified squamous nephritis B. Necronephrosis metaplasia; numerous encapsulated E. Chronic abscesses; dystrophy and necrosis of C. Acute pyelonephritis tubules; lumens of some tubules dilated pyelonephritis D. and filled with colloid contents, Chronic epithelium was flattened (the tissue glomerulonephritis resembled the thyroid gland); glomeruli E. Chronic focally scleroid pyelonephritis A. Polycystic kidneys An autopsy of a male revealed a prostatic B. Glomerulonephritis adenoma and large kidneys with sharply enlarged C. Tuberculosis pelves and calyces filled with some transparent D. Pyelonephritis fluid. Name the process in the kidneys. E. Hydronephrosis A. An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic Hydroureteronephrosi renal insufficiency, enlarged kidneys with large s tuberous on their surface were found. On section, B. Hydronephrosis the kidneys revealed numerous smooth-walled C. Pyonephrosis cysts filled with some transparent fluid. Name the D. Hydrocalycosis pathological process in the kidneys. E. Polycystic kidneys prostatic adenoma; large kidneys with E. sharply enlarged pelves and calyces with Hydronephros transparent fluid is chronic renal insufficiency, enlarged kidneys with large tuberous surface; numerous smooth-walled cysts with transparent fluid E. Polycystic kidneys 388. On autopsy of a male, who died from burn disease, enlarged swollen kidneys were revealed; their fibrous capsule was easily removed and tense. On section, the cortical layer was pale grey, wide and sharply delimited from the dark red medullary one. Microscopically, there was necrosis of the renal tubules, in some places with a destruction of the basal membranes, an oedema of the interstice, a leukocytic infiltration and haemorrhages. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? 389. An autopsy of a male, who died from renal insufficiency, revealed enlarged kidneys with a tense fibrinous capsule which was easily removed. The cortical layer was pale grey, the malpighian A. Acute renal insufficiency; enlarged kidneys; pyramids were dark red; there were microfocal glomerulonephritis tense capsule easily removed; cortex pale haemorrhages in the intermediary area of the B. grey, pyramids dark red; microfocal kidneys and in the renal pelves. A histological Necronephrosis, haemorrhages; dystrophy and necrosis in examination revealed dystrophy and necrosis in the shock stage C. epithelium of convoluted tubules, basal the epithelium of the convoluted tubules, in some Acute membranes destruction mostly in distal places with a destruction of the basal membranes pyelonephritis tubules (tubulorrhexis); casts in lumens of mostly in the distal tubules (tubulorrhexis), there D. Necronephrosis, were casts in the lumens of the tubules at different the stage of restoration tubules; leukocytic infiltration and of diuresis levels of the nephrones, an oedema of the E. Necronephrosis, haemorrhages; lumens of glomerular interstice with its leukocytic infiltration and the oligoanuric stage capsules accumulated ultrafiltrate haemorrhages. The lumens of the glomerular capsules had an accumulation of the ultrafiltrate. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Acute pyelonephritis B. Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis C. Chronic tubulopathy D. Chronic pyelonephritis E. Acute tubulopathy burn disease; enlarged swollen kidneys; capsule was easily removed and tense; cortex pale grey, wide, sharply delimited E. Acute from dark red medullary one; tubules tubulopathy necrosis; destruction of basal membranes; oedema of interstice with leukocytic infiltration and haemorrhages E. Necronephrosi s, the oligoanuric stage 390. An autopsy of a 55-year-old female, who died from uraemia, revealed that her kidneys were A. Diabetic unevenly reduced in size, had a dense consistency, nephrosclerosis B. large tubera on their surface and whitish cicatrices Acute in the cortical layer. On section, the renal pelves glomerulonephritis were dilated, their mucous membrane was whitish C. Primary shrunk and thickened. Microscopically, the renal kidneys interstice was characterized by a focal D. Amyloid shrunk inflammation, an atrophy and sclerosis of the kidneys renal tissue; the tubules were dilated and had E. Pyelonephritic hyaline casts in their lumens. The arteries and kidneys veins were scleroid. Which of the pathological processes in the kidneys was the most probable? kidneys reduced, dense consistency; large tubera on their surface; whitish cicatrices in cortex; pelves dilated, mucosa whitish, E. thickened; focal inflammation; atrophy Pyelonephritic and sclerosis; tubules dilated with hyaline kidneys casts in lumens; arteries and veins were scleroid 391. An autopsy of a male with a syndrome of A. Acute prolonged compression revealed enlarged swollen pyelonephritis B. kidneys whose fibrous capsule was easily Acute removed exposing a pale grey cortical layer glomerulonephritis sharply delimited from dark red malpighian C. pyramids. Histologically, there was necrosis in the Tubulointerstitial epithelium of the tubules with phenomena of nephritis tubulorrhexis, an obstruction of the tubules with D. Haemolytic detritus and crystals of myoglobin, an oedema of kidneys the interstice and its infiltration by heterophilic E. Acute renal leukocytes. Which of the diagnoses was the most failure probable? syndrome of prolonged compression; enlarged swollen kidneys; capsule easily removed; pale grey cortical layer sharply delimited from dark red pyramids; E. Acute renal necrosis in epithelium of tubules with failure tubulorrhexis; obstruction of tubules with detritus and crystals of myoglobin; oedema and infiltration by heterophilic leukocytes 392. 393. 394. On autopsy of a female, who died from uraemia, it was found that her kidneys differed in size and their surface had large tubera; there were dense A. Chronic adhesions between the renal surface and capsule. glomerulonephritis Microscopically, the renal tissue had foci of the B. Acute following changes: numerous encapsulated pyelonephritis C. abscesses, an expressed lymphohistiocytic Acute infiltration of the interstice and a vegetation of the glomerulonephritis connective tissue. The mucous membrane of the D. Tubulointerstitial nephritis E. pelves had foci of metaplasia of the transitional Chronic epithelium into the stratified one. The tubules were partly atrophied, partly stretched and filled pyelonephritis with some colloid-like contents. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A patient suffered with urolithiasis has died as a A. Replacement result uremia. Autopsy has showed an enlargement of right kidney, its parenchyma has hypertrophy B. Hyperplasia C. been thinned; the pelvis and calices have been extended, filled with fluid. In the orifice of ureter Neoplasm of kidney there has been a calculus. Call the pathologic D. Pyelonephritis process in the right kidney. E. Hydronephrosis A 4 year-old child has died because of an uremia. In autopsy the pathologist has found out: the kidneys have been increased and consisted of large multiple cavities with thin walls contained fluid. Call this pathological process in kidneys. kidneys with large tubera surface; dense adhesions between renal surface and capsule; numerous encapsulated abscesses; expressed lymphohistiocytic E. Chronic infiltration; many connective tissue; pyelonephritis metaplasia of epithelium; tubules partly atrophied, partly stretched and filled with some colloid-like contents urolithiasis; enlargement of kidney; parenchyma thinned; pelvis and calices extended, filled with fluid; orifice of ureter blocked by calculus E. Hydronephros is A. Necrotic nephrosis B. Pyelonephritis kidneys increased, consisted of large C. Glomerulonephritis multiple cavities with thin walls contained E. Policystosis D. Infarction fluid E. Policystosis 395. 396. 397. On autopsy it is revealed that kidneys are A. Infarction enlarged, surface is large-granular because of B. Necrotic nephrosis multiple cavities with smooth wall, which are C. Glomerulonephritis filled with clear fluid. What kidney disease did the D. Pyelonephritis patient have? E. Polycystic kidney Autopsy of a man who died from burn disease revealed brain edema, liver enlargement as well as enlargement of kidneys with wide light-grey A. Myeloma kidney cortical layer and plethoric medullary B. Tubulointerstitial area.Microscopic examination revealed necrosis nephritis of tubules of main segments along with C. Pyelonephritis destruction of basal membranes, intersticium D. Gouty kidney edema with leukocytic infiltration and E. Necrotic nephrosis haemorrhages. What is the most probable postmortem diagnosis? A 39-year-old female with a clinical picture of acute abdomen underwent surgical removal of an enlarged uterine tube. On examination, the serous A. Placental polyp coat of the uterine tube was dark purple, the B. Choriocarcinoma lumen contained some blood clots. A histological C. Haematosalpinx examination of the wall of the tube revealed that D. Salpingitis the mucous membrane had layers of the decidual E. Tubal pregnancy cells, and there were villi of the chorion among the blood clots. What is the most probable diagnosis? kidneys enlarged, surface large-granular E. Polycystic because of multiple cavities with smooth kidney wall, filled with clear fluid burn disease; enlargement kidneys; wide light-grey cortical layer and plethoric medullary area; necrosis of tubules of E. Necrotic main segments; destruction of basal nephrosis membranes, intersticium edema with leukocytic infiltration and haemorrhages acute abdomen; serous coat of uterine tube was dark purple; lumen contained some blood clots; decidual cells; villi of chorion among the blood clots E. Tubal pregnancy 398. 399. 400. A. Atypical hyperplasia of A histological examination of a scrape from the endometrium B. Glandular uterine cavity of a 45-year-old woman with polyp of endometrium clinical manifestations of a disordered ovariomenstrual cycle revealed that the number of C. Glandular the endometrial glands was increased, the lumens hyperplasia of endometrium D. in some of them were significantly dilated and Endometrial rounded, the epithelium of the glands had morphological signs of the phase of proliferation. adenocarcinoma E. Glandulocystic What is your diagnosis? hyperplasia of endometrium On gynaecological examination, a red area, 0.7 cm A. Simple in diameter, was found in the vaginal portion of endocervicosis the uterine cervix. A histological examination of a B. Adenosis C. biopsy from the uterine cervix revealed that the Papillary squamous epithelium was substituted for the endocervicosis columnar one, as well as accumulation and new D. Healing formation of glands under the integmentary endocervicosis epithelium were observed. What is your E. Proliferative diagnosis? endocervicosis Microscopically, a scrape from the uterine cavity, A. Endometrial taken in a 36-year-old female against a polyp B. Endometrial background of uterine bleeding, revealed a adenocarcinoma C. neoplasm which consisted of a large number of Simple light epithelial cells of Langhans and multinuclear hydatidiform mole symplasts, the number of figures of mitosis was D. Invasive increased. The stroma was absent, the vascular hydatidiform mole E. cavities were lined with the above cells. Make a Choriocarcinoma diagnosis of the uterine tumour. disordered ovariomenstrual cycle; number E. of endometrial glands increased, lumens Glandulocysti significantly dilated and rounded; c hyperplasia of morphological signs of the phase of endometrium proliferation red area on vaginal portion of cervix; squamous epithelium was substituted for the columnar one; accumulation and new formation of glands under integumentary epithelium E. Proliferative endocervicosi s uterine bleeding; neoplasm which consisted of a large number of light E. epithelial cells of Langhans and Choriocarcino multinuclear symplasts; increased number ma of figures of mitosis; stroma was absent 401. A. Papillary A histological examination of the vaginal portion endocervicosis of the uterine cervix revealed substitution of the B. Progressing endocervicosis stratified squamous epithelium for the simple columnar one with numerous underlying glands C. Healing without any signs of their new formation. Which endocervicosis D. Adenosis of the diagnoses listed below was the most E. Simple probable? endocervicosis 402. A scrape from the uterine cavity revealed in the blood some particles of a neoplasm which had an organoid structure and consisted of the columnar epithelial cells which formed glandular structures; the stroma of the neoplasm was significantly developed, the area of its “pedicle” had glomi of thick-walled vessels. Which of the tumours was the most probable? 403. A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium B. Uterine fibroadenoma C. Endometriosis D. Uterine adenocarcinoma E. Endometrial polyp A. Mixed hyperplasia of endometrium B. A 34-year-old female took medical advice of a Atypical hyperplasia gynaecologist complaining of a uterine of endometrium haemorrhage for 10 days after her menses. A C. scrape from the uterine cavity revealed a large Glandulocystic number of the endometrial glands which were spirally convoluted, dichotomically divided and hyperplasia of ramified in a tree-like manner. The stroma of the endometrium D. Remnants of endometrium was hyperplastic and had a great abortion E. number of predecidual cells. Which of the Glandular diagnoses was the most probable? hyperplasia of endometrium substitution of stratified squamous E. Simple epithelium into simple columnar one with endocervicosi numerous underlying glands; no any signs s of new formation E. neoplasm which had an organoid structure Endometrial and consisted of columnar epithelial cells; polyp formed glandular structures; stroma significantly developed; thick-walled vessels in base of “pedicle” E. Glandular hyperplasia of large number of endometrial glands which endometrium were spirally convoluted, dichotomically divided and ramified in a tree-like manner; hyperplastic stroma of endometrium with great number of predecidual cells 404. 405. A mammary gland of a 25-year-old female revealed a slightly tender node, 3 cm in diameter; a sectorial resection of the mammary gland was made. Macroscopically, the node was whitish and had round hollows 0.1-0.3 cm in diameter. Microscopically, there was a vegetation of the connective tissue with foci of hyalinosis, an atrophy of the glandular lobules and dilation of the lumens in some places. What disease are the above morphological changes typical for? Within the first stage of labour, the blood pressure in a female elevated (220/110 mm Hg), she developed convulsions and a loss of consciousness. Her death resulted from a sharp impairment of cerebral circulation. An autopsy revealed jaundice, an intracerebral haemorrhage, a pulmonary oedema with microfocal haemorrhages into the pulmonary parenchyma, an enlarged yellow liver with numerous haemorrhages, enlarged flaccid kidneys with a swollen cortical layer, where on microscopic examination symmetrical necroses were found. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Fibrous mastopathy B. Sclerosing adenosis C. Fibroadenoma of mammary gland D. Acute mastitis E. Fibrocystic mastopathy A. Viral hepatitis B. Haemorrhagic insult C. Necrotic nephrosis D. Haemorrhagic pneumonia E. Eclampsia whitish node with round hollows; vegetation of connective tissue with hyalinosis, atrophy of glandular lobules and dilation of lumens in some places E. Fibrocystic mastopathy within labour; sharp rise blood pressure; convulsions and loss of consciousness; intracerebral haemorrhage, a pulmonary oedema with microfocal haemorrhages; E. Eclampsia enlarged yellow liver with numerous haemorrhages; enlarged flaccid kidneys with a swollen cortical layer; symmetrical necroses 406. 407. On gynaecological examination of a 36-year-old female, a red focus, which was 0.8 x 0.5 cm in A. Adenomatosis of size and had uneven contours, was found in the uterine cervix B. mucous coat of the vaginal portion of the uterine Healing cervix on its border with the mouth of the womb. endocervicosis C. A microscopical examination revealed Simple substitution of the stratified squamous epithelium endocervicosis D. for the columnar one, as well as accumulation and Dysplasia of epithelium of new formation of glands from the cambial uterine cervix elements of the columnar epithelium in the E. Proliferative cervical channel were observed under the endocervicosis integumentary epithelium. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Atrophy of endometrium B. Metaplasia A woman suffered with dysfunctional of endometrium C. metrorrhagia was made a diagnostic abortion. Neoplasm of Histologically in the scrape there were a lot of small stamped glandulas covered by multirowed endometrium D. epithelium. The lumens of some glandulas were Hypertrophic growth cystically extended. Call the variant of general E. Glandular-cystic pathologic process in the endometrium. hyperplasia of endometrium substitution of stratified squamous epithelium for the columnar one; accumulation and new formation of glands from the cambial elements of the columnar epithelium under the integumentary epithelium E. Proliferative endocervicosi s dysfunctional metrorrhagia; a lot of small stamped glandulas with multirowed epithelium; lumens of some glandulas cystically extended E. Glandularcystic hyperplasia of endometrium 408. 409. 410. A. Cell-atypia of an epithelium of an mucosal epithelium B. Keratinization of an epithelium C. “Carcinomatous In a biopsy of cervix of a 26-year-old woman the pearls” diagnosis following was established: pseudoD. Local erosion. What microscopical changes has the inflammation and pathologist revealed? necrosis in mucosa E. Local changes of a stratified squamous epithelium on singlelayer prismatic pseudo- erosion one A. Complete tubal abortion B. Spontaneous A 30-year-old woman had ectopic tubal ectopic tubal pregnancy finished with a abortion pregnancy which finished with a location of a location of fetus in tubal cavity with C. Induced abortion fetus in the tubal cavity with bleeding. Call this bleeding D. Criminal pathology of pregnancy abortion E. Incomplete tubal abortion A. Glandular hyperplasia of endometrium. The pathologist has found out in histological B. Adenocarcinoma examination of a remote uterus a lot of glandular of uterus. a lot of glandular formations with single formations with single cysts in myometrium, C. Adenomatosis of cysts in myometrium endometrium had usual structure. Described a mucosa of a uterus changes are characteristic for D. Leyomyosarcoma of uterus. E. Endometriosis. E. Local changes of a stratified squamous epithelium on single-layer prismatic one E. Incomplete tubal abortion E. Endometriosis . 411. The body of a young woman after delivery was taken for autopsy procedure. In autopsy, the following features were found: enlarged particolored dimmed liver with areas of necrosis. Microscopically the following signs were found in the liver: hemorrhages, thrombosis of the vessels, proteinous and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes; necrosis of epithelium of kidney’s canals with fibrinoid necrosis of vessels’ walls and hemorrhages in interstitial tissue; the hemorrhages also can be seen in brain, heart, lungs and serous membranes. The main cause of death – hepatocellular insufficiency. What diagnosis is more probable? 412. A. Muscle-fibrotic During histological investigation of prostate hyperplasia gland, that has been resected in 72-year-old B. Adenocarcinoma patient with symptoms of difficult urination the old age patient; difficult urination; C. Mixed variant of following signs were found: enlargement of enlargement of glandular and muscle’s prostatopathy D. glandular and muscle’s elements with disturbance elements Prostatitis E. Glandular of glandular structure. What process is more hyperplasia probable? 413. At examination of 35-year-old woman it was A. Endocervicosis found out red area about 1 cm in diameter with B. Vaginitis uneven edges in cervix. Microscopic examination C. Adenomatosis showed accumulation of numerous glands, look D. Candidosis like uterina ones, under epithelium layer. Call E. Endometriosis this pathologic process. A. Toxic degeneration of the liver B. Viral hepatitis C. Cerebrovascular disease D. Intravascular coagulation syndrome E. Eclampsia enlarged parti-colored dimmed liver with areas of necrosis; hemorrhages, thrombosis of the vessels; necrosis of epithelium of kidney’s canals with E. Eclampsia fibrinoid necrosis; hemorrhages; hemorrhages in brain, heart, lungs and serous membranes E. Glandular hyperplasia red area IN cervix; accumulation of E. numerous glands, look like uterina ones, Endometriosis under epithelium layer 414. 415. 416. A. Diagnostic scraping was performed to the woman Hypertrophic excrescence B. with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Multiple convoluted glands, ganglially dilated cavities of Metaplasia Displasia some glands were revealed histologically in the C. D. Atrophy scrape. Name the type of general pathological E. Glandularprocess. cystic hyperplasia A 25-year-old woman palpates a left breast "lump" on self-examination. Her physician A. Fat necrosis palpates an ill-defined mass. There is no pain or B. Ductal tenderness. No axillary lymphadenopathy is carcinoma in situ noted. Fine needle aspiration is performed and C. Lobular cytologic examination shows cells that appear carcinoma benign. The lesion persists, and 6 months later in situ another biopsy is taken and shows ductal D. Intraductal papilloma epithelial proliferation with ductal apocrine E. Fibrocystic metaplasia, stromal fibrosis, and sclerosing changes adenosis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? A clinical study is peformed involving subjects who women are ranging in age from 15 to 45 A. Abscess years who palpated breast "lumps" on B. Fibroadenoma selfexamination. The presence of breast mass C. Lobular carcinoma lesions in these subjects was subsequently in situ confirmed by physical examination and by D. Infiltrating mammography. All subjects had a biopsy or ductal carcinoma excision of their lesion performed, with a E. Fibrocystic definitive pathologic diagnosis made. Which of changes the following diagnoses is likely to be the most frequent in these subjects? dysfunctional uterine bleeding; multiple convoluted glands, ganglially dilated cavities of some glands E. Glandularcystic hyperplasia E. Fibrocystic changes young age woman; no pain, no tenderness, no axillary lymphadenopathy; benign cells; ductal epithelial proliferation with apocrine metaplasia, stromal fibrosis and sclerosing adenosis young age women; "lumps" in breast E. Fibrocystic changes 417. 418. 419. 420. A 19-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy male A. Fibrocystic infant at term following an uncomplicated disease pregnancy. She has now been breast feeding the B. Fat necrosis baby for a month, but notes that her left breast has C. Intraductal gradually become swollen and painful to touch papilloma D. over the past week. On physical examination her Galactocele temperature is 38.2 C. Which of the following is E. Acute mastitis the most likely diagnosis? A 35-year-old woman has noted a palpably firm, irregular mass in her right breast for the past 3 months. On physical examination there is no tenderness or swelling. By mammography there is an irregular 2 cm density that demonstrates scattered microcalcifications. Biopsy of this mass reveals extensive fat necrosis. Which of the following is the most likely cause for this breast lesion? A 29-year-old woman has been taking oral contraceptives for the past 12 years. She now has a palpable "lump" in the left breast that has persisted for the past 3 months. Which of the following breast lesions is most likely to be associated with her oral contraceptive use? breast feeding; breast swollen and painful E. Acute to touch; increasing temperature mastitis A. Pregnancy B. Prolactinoma C. Fibrocystic changesD. Lobular carcinoma in situ E. Trauma irregular mass in breast; no tenderness or E. Trauma swelling; extensive fat necrosis A. Acute mastitis B. Fat necrosis C. Hypertrophy D. Cyst formation E. Galactocele long time used oral contraceptives; "lump" in breast A. Infiltrating A 20-year-old woman gives birth to a term girl ductal carcinoma infant following an uncomplicated pregnancy. She B. Numerous breast feeds the infant. Six weeks later, her left plasma breast becomes painful and slightly swollen. On cells physical examination there is a tender 3-cm mass C. Sclerosing in the left breast beneath a nipple that shows adenosis several painful fissures. Which of the following D. Fat necrosis E. breast feedibg; painful and slightly pathologic findings is most likely to be present in Staphylococcus aureus swollen; tender mass beneath nipple; this breast? infection painful fissures E. Galactocele E. Staphylococcu s aureus infection 421. A 30-year-old woman is claiming in a civil lawsuit that her husband has abused her for the past year. A workup by her physician reveals a 2 cm left breast mass. There is no lymphadenopathy. No skin lesions are seen, other A. Physiologic than a bruise to her upper arm. An excisional atrophy biopsy of the breast mass is performed. On B. Lactation microscopic examination, the biopsy shows fat C. Radiation injury necrosis. This biopsy result is most consistent with D. Hypoxic injury domestic violence in anamnesis; no which of the following etiologies? E. Breast trauma lymphadenopathy; fat necrosis 422. A. Glandular A scrape from the uterine cavity revealed in the hyperplasia of blood some particles of a neoplasm which had an endometrium B. organoid structure and consisted of the columnar Uterine epithelial cells which formed glandular structures; fibroadenoma the stroma of the neoplasm was significantly C. Endometriosis D. developed, the area of its “pedicle” had glomi of Uterine thick-walled vessels. Which of the tumours was adenocarcinoma E. the most probable? Endometrial polyp E. Breast trauma neoplasm with columnar epithelial cells, formed glandular structures; stroma E. developed; thick-walled vesselsthe in area Endometrial of its “pedicle” polyp 423. On gynaecological examination of a 36-year-old female, a red focus, which was 0.8 x 0.5 cm in size and had uneven contours, was found in the mucous coat of the vaginal portion of the uterine cervix on its border with the mouth of the womb. A microscopical examination revealed substitution of the stratified squamous epithelium for the columnar one, as well as accumulation and new formation of glands from the cambial elements of the columnar epithelium in the cervical channel were observed under the integmentary epithelium. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? 424. A. Cell-atypia of an epithelium of an mucosal epithelium B. Keratinization of an epithelium C. “Carcinomatous pearls” D. Local inflammationand necrosis in mucosa E. Local changes In a biopsy of cervix of a 26-year-old woman the of a stratified diagnosis following was established: pseudosquamous epithelium pseudo- erosion erosion. What microscopical changes has the on singlelayer pathologist revealed? prismatic one A. Adenomatosis of uterine cervix B. Healing endocervicosis C. Simple endocervicosis D. Dysplasia of epithelium of uterine cervix E. Proliferative endocervicosis red focus on border with mouth of the womb; substitution of stratified squamous epithelium for columnar one; accumulation and new formation of glands from the cambial elements of the columnar epithelium in the cervical channel under integumentary epithelium E. Proliferative endocervicosi s E. Local changes of a stratified squamous epithelium on single-layer prismatic one 425. A. Hypertrophic Diagnostic scraping was performed to the woman excrescence B. Metaplasia with dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Multiple convoluted glands, ganglially dilated cavities of C. Displasia some glands were revealed histologically in the D. Atrophy scrape. Name the type of general pathological E. Glandularprocess. cystic hyperplasia 426. A 55-year-old man had been suffering from chronic glomerulonephritis. He died from chronic renal failure. Macroscopical examination revealed on the surface of epicardium and pericardium some greyish-white villous depositions. After their removal dilated and plethoric vessels were uncovered. What process took place in the pericardium? A. Organization B. Haemorrhagic inflammation C. Proliferative inflammation D. Arterial hyperemia chronic glomerulonephritis; chronic renal E. Fibrinous failure; greyish-white villous depositions; E. Fibrinous inflammation dilated and plethoric vessels inflammation A 39-year-old man who had been operated for the stomach ulcer died 7 days after the surgery. Autopsy revealed that peritoneal leaves were dull, plethoric, covered with massive yellow- greenish films, the peritoneal cavity contained for about 300 ml of thick yellow-greenish liquid. What pathologic process was revealed in the peritoneal cavity? A. Peritoneal commissures B. Fibrinous serous peritonitis C. Fibrinous haemorrhagic peritonitis D. Serous peritonitis E. Fibrinous suppurative peritonitis 427. dysfunctional uterine bleeding; multiple convoluted glands, ganglially dilated cavities E. Glandularcystic hyperplasia stomach ulcer in anamnesis; peritoneum dull, plethoric, covered with massive E. Fibrinous yellow- greenish films; hick suppurative yellowgreenish liquid in peritoneal cavity peritonitis 428. Preventive examination of a 55-year-old patient revealed type II diabetes mellitus. An endocrinologist revealed an increase in body weight and liver enlargement. The man is nonA. Acute viral smoker and doesn't abuse alcohol but likes to have hepatitis a good meal. Histological examination by means B. Chronic viral of diagnostic liver puncture revealed that the hepatitis hepatocytes were enlarged mostly on the lobule C. Alcohol periphery, their cytoplasm had transparent hepatitis D. Portal vacuoles showing positive reaction with sudan III. liver cirrhosis What liver pathology was revealed? E. Fatty hepatosis diabetes mellitus; hepatocytes enlarged mostly on lobule periphery; cytoplasm had transparent vacuoles; positive reaction E. Fatty with sudan III hepatosis 429. A. Epiphysis Examination of a 32-year-old patient revealed B. Pancreas disproportional skeleton size, enlargement of C. Suprarenal superciliary arches, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, D. Thyroid feet. What gland's function was disturbed? E. Hypophysis disproportional skeleton size, enlargement of superciliary arches, nose, lips, tongue, jaw bones, feet E. Hypophysis 430. A 40-year-old female patient underwent an operation of thyroidectomy. A histological A. Hashimoto's examination of the thyroid tissue revealed that disease its follicles differed in size, contained some B. Ligneous foamy colloid, the follicular epithelium was high thyroiditis C. Acute and in some places it formed papillae. The nonsuppurative stroma of the gland had clusters of lymphocytes thyroiditis D. Nodular which formed follicles with light centres. Make goiter a diagnosis of the disease of the thyroid gland. E. Toxic goiter thyroidectomy; follicles differed in size, contained some foamy colloid; epithelium high and it formed papillae; stroma with lymphocytes formed E. Toxic follicles with light centres goiter 431. A histological examination of the thyroid gland revealed a significant infiltration of its tissue by lymphocytes, formation of lymphoid follicles, an atrophy of parenchymatous elements and a significant vegetation of the connective tissue. What disease is characterized by this picture? A. Colloid goiter B. Endemic goiter C. Diffuse toxic goiter D. Parenchymatous goiter E. Hashimoto's disease significant infiltration by lymphocytes, formation of lymphoid follicles; atrophy E. of parenchymatous elements; vegetation Hashimoto's of connective tissue disease 432. An autopsy of a young female, who died from adrenal insufficiency, revealed diffuse hypermelanosis of the skin, hyperplasia of the cells in islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the adrenal glands were sharply reduced in size and their thinned cortical substance had foci of necrosis, haemorrhages and sclerosis. What is your diagnosis? A. WaterhouseFriderichsen syndrome B. Primary aldosteronism C. Cushing's disease D. Pheochromocytoma E. Addison's disease adrenal insufficiency; hypermelanosis of the skin; adrenal glands sharply reduced; thinned cortical substance had foci of E. Addison's necrosis, haemorrhages and sclerosis disease 433. A. Pituitary dwarfismB. In a young male, an abundant quantity of the B. shing's disease somatotropic hormone and enlargement of the C. Addison's disease abundant quantity of somatotropic nose, lips, ears, lower jaw, hands and feet were D. Adiposogenital hormone; enlargement of nose, lips, revealed. What is your diagnosis? dystrophy E. Acromegaly ears, lower jaw, hands and feet 434. A. Multiple myeloma B. In a male patient with an increased level of the parathormone, a histological examination in the Osteoblastoclastoma C. Paget's disease area of a pathological fracture of his femur Osteopetrosis revealed foci of a lacunar resolution of the osteoid D. E. Parathyroid beams and new formation of a fibrous tissue. What is your diagnosis? osteodystrophy E. Acromegaly increased level of parathormone; pathological fracture; foci of lacunar E. Parathyroid resolution of osteoid beams; formation of osteodystroph fibrous tissue y 436. A. Acute nonsuppurative A male patient with phenomena of thyroiditis B. hypothyroidism died from heart failure. On Ligneous histological examination, his thyroid gland thyroiditis C. Nodular goiter revealed a diffuse infiltration of the gland by lymphocytes and plasmacytes, an atrophy of the D. Toxic goiter parenchyma and a vegetation of the connective E. Hashimoto's tissue. What disease was it? disease A. Cushing's An autopsy of a 45-year-old female, who was syndrome suffering from arterial hypertension, diabetes B. Hypertensive mellitus and ovarian dysfunction during past 15 disease years, revealed obesity by the upper type, a C. Addison's pituitary basophil adenoma in the anterior lobe of disease D. the hypophysis, hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. Adiposogenital Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most dystrophy probable? E. Cushing's disease 437. A. Acromegaly B. BabinskyA 50-year-old female took medical advice Frelich disease complaining of excretion of a large amount of C. Simmonds urine and excessive thirst. On examination, her disease nourishment was reduced, the skin was dry, D. Cushing's density of the urine ranged from 1001 to 1010, data of an ultrasound examination and computed disease Diabetes tomography of the brain revealed a tumour in the E. posterior lobe of the hypophysis. Indicate the most insipidus probable disease. 435. hypothyroidism; diffuse infiltration of gland by lymphocytes and plasmacytes; atrophy of parenchyma; vegetation of connective tissue E. Hashimoto's disease arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ovarian dysfunction ; obesity by the upper type; pituitary basophil adenoma; hyperplasia of adrenal cortex E. Cushing's disease large amount of urine; thirst; tumour in E. Diabetes posterior lobe ofhypophysis insipidus 438. A 46-year-old male patient, who suffered from bulimia, polydipsia, polyuria with glucosuria and albuminuria, died of renal insufficiency. On autopsy, the kidneys were reduced in size, dense and had a fine-grained surface. The pancreas was A. Subacute reduced and partially substituted for a fatty tissue. glomerulonephritis Microscopically, islets of Langerhans were fine, B. Chronic indurative in some places they were substituted for a pancreatitis connective tissue, solitary ones were hypertrophic. C. Diabetes insipidus The kidneys reveal intracapillary D. Chronic glomerulosclerosis. Which of the diagnoses was glomerulonephritis the most probable? E. Diabetes mellitus 439. A 36-year-old female patient underwent resection of the both lobes of her thyroid gland; each of them was 5 x 6 cm in size, pink-yellow, moderately dense and had a tuberous surface. A microscopic examination revealed follicles of various size, some of them were dilated like cysts and filled with some colloid; the follicular walls A. Parenchymatous were lined with the smoothed cuboidal goiter epithelium; the stroma of the gland was B. Toxic goiter C. redundantly developed owing to the connective Hashimoto's disease tissue, there were foci of calcinosis. Which of the D. Ligneous diseases listed below corresponded most to the thyroiditis E. changes found? Colloid goiter polydipsia, polyuria, glucosuria, albuminuria; kidneys reduced, dense with fine-grained surface; pancreas reduced, substituted for fatty tissue; islets of Langerhans in some places substituted by connective tissue; intracapillary E. Diabetes glomerulosclerosis mellitus thyroid gland big, pink-yellow, moderately dense, tuberous surface; follicles of various size, dilated; stroma redundantly developed owing to connective tissue; foci of calcinosis E. Colloid goiter 440. An autopsy of a 24-year-old female (from her case history it is known that a year before the woman had given birth to a child) revealed a sharp decrease of the body weight down to 38 kg, A. Nutritional the skin was dry and thin, the weight of the dystrophy B. internal organs was lower ed. Also, there was a Suprarenal cachexia sharp decrease in the weight of the C. Cachexia adenohypophysis, the latter had cicatrices; there associated with were foci of dystrophy, necrobiosis and chronic amoebiasis hyalinosis in the diencephalon. The ovaries, D. Cachexia thyroid and adrenal glands had phenomena of associated with hypotrophy, the mucous membrane of the pellagra E. intestines was atrophied. Which of the diagnoses Cerebrohypophysial was the most probable? cachexia 441. An autopsy of a 45-year-old female patient, who suffered from obesity by the upper type, steroid diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and secondary ovarian dysfunction, revealed hypertrichosis, hirsutism, striae on the skin of the thighs and abdomen. The anterior lobe of the hypophysis contained a white-pink encapsulated tumour, 2.5 cm in diameter (microscopically, it was a pituitary basophil adenoma); the adrenal glands were characterized by bilateral hyperplasia of the fascicular layer. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? A. Cushing's syndrome B. Adiposogenital dystrophy C. Simmonds disease D. Pituitary dwarfism E. Cushing's disease sharp decrease of body weight; skin dry and thin, atrophy of internal organs and endocrine glands; sharp decrease adenohypophysis; foci of dystrophy, necrobiosis and hyalinosis in the diencephalon E. Cerebrohypop hysial cachexia obesity by upper type; diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, secondary ovarian dysfunction; hypertrichosis, hirsutism, striae on the skin; basophil adenoma of pituitary; bilateral hyperplasia of adrenal E. Cushing's glands disease 442. A 52-year-old male died from renal insufficiency. On microscopic examination of his organs, the pancreas revealed lipomatosis and sclerosis with an atrophy of islets of Langerhans, the kidneys had hyalinosis of the mesangium and glomeruli (Kimrnelstiel-Wilson syndrome) and a glycogenic infiltration of the epithelium of the tubules, the liver was characterized by fatty degeneration. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? 443. An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed atherosclerosis of the aorta and large arteries, small and dense kidneys with a finegrained surface, an enlarged yellowbrown and flaccid liver, the pancreas was reduced in size. Microscopically, there was A. Arterial atherocalcinosis of the aorta and arteries, an nephrosclerosis atrophy of the parenchyma, sclerosis and B. Chronic lipomatosis of the pancreas; the kidneys were pancreatitis C. characterized by hyalinosis of the mesangium and Chronic glomeruli, a glycogenic infiltration of the glomerulonephritis epithelium of the tubules, with large-drop adiposis D. Steatosis E. in the hepatocytes. What pathological process Diabetic took place in the kidneys? nephrosclerosis A. Arterial nephrosclerosis B. Amyloid shrunk kidneys C. Chronic glomerulonephritis D. Goodpasture's syndrome E. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis pancreas lipomatosis and sclerosis, atrophy of Langerhans islets; kidneys with hyalinosis of mesangium and glomeruli (Kimrnelstiel-Wilson syndrome); glycogenic infiltration of epithelium; fatty degeneration of liver E. Diabetic glomeruloscle rosis atherosclerosis; small and dense kidneys with finegrained surface; enlarged yellowbrown and flaccid liver; pancreas reduced, atrophied parenchyma, sclerosis and lipomatosis; kidneys with hyalinosis of mesangium and glomeruli, glycogenic E. Diabetic infiltration of epithelium of tubules; nephrosclerosi largedrop adiposis in hepatocytes s 444. On autopsy of a male, who died from uraemia, it was found that the pancreas was reduced in size, his contracted kidneys had a fine-grained surface, the liver was enlarged, yellow and flaccid. Microscopically, the pancreatic tissue revealed an atrophy of the parenchyma, including islets of Langerhans, the atrophied parenchyma was substituted for hyperplastic connective and fatty tissues. The kidneys were characterized by sclerosis and hyalinosis of the glomeruli, as well as by a glycogenic infiltration of the tubules; there was a fatty degeneration in the liver and a fibrinous inflammation in the mucous coats of the trachea, bronchi and stomach. What disease did the died person suffer from? 445. An autopsy of a male revealed a tumour in the anterior lobe of the hypophysis, enlarged adrenal glands, a reduction of the gonads in size, a A. Diabetes hypertrophy of the left cardiac ventricle, the mellitus B. pancreas was reduced in size and thickened. Adiposogenital Histologically, there was a pituitary basophil adenoma and a hyperplasia of the cortical layer in dystrophy C. Cushing's syndrome the adrenal glands. The pancreas was characterized by a moderately expressed atrophy D. Simmonds disease of the parenchyma, including islets of Langerhans. E. Cushing's disease basophil adenoma of hypophysis; E. Cushing's What disease did the patient suffer from? hyperplasia of cortex of adrenal glands disease pancreas reduced; contracted kidneys with fine-grained surface; liver enlarged, A. Chronic indurative yellow and flaccid; pancreas atrophied pancreatitis B. including islets of Langerhans, are substituted by hyperplastic connective Chronic glomerulonephritis C. and fat; kidneys with sclerosis and Hypertensive disease hyalinosis of glomeruli; glycogenic D. Steatosis infiltration of tubules; fatty degenerationof E. Diabetes E. Diabetes mellitus liver mellitus 446. For a histological examination, a lobe and a part of the isthmus of the thyroid gland were received. The tissue of the gland was dense and tuberous, on section it was pale brown and had grey-whitish foci. Microscopically, against a background of an atrophy of the follicles of the gland, there was some diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the stroma with formation of lymphoid follicles. What pathological process were these changes typical for? A. Toxic goiter B. Thyroid adenoma C. Colloid goiter D. Sporadic goiter E. Allergic thyroiditis thyroid gland dense and tuberous, pale brown and had grey-whitish foci; atrophy of gland with diffuse lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of stroma with formation of E. Allergic lymphoid follicles thyroiditis 447. A histological examination of a thyroid gland revealed follicles of various size and shape which were lined with the columnar epithelium; the latter proliferated and formed papillae of various size. The follicular lumens contained some liquid and vacuolized colloid. The stroma of the gland was characterized by a lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, in some places with formation of lymphatic follicles having light centres. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? A. Colloid goiter B. Nodular goiter C. Hashimoto's disease D. Ligneous thyroiditis E. Toxic goiter follicles of various size and shape with columnar epithelium, proliferation and forming papillae; follicular lumens contained some liquid and vacuolized colloid; stroma with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration and lymphatic follicles having E. Toxic light centres goiter 448. An autopsy of a 48-year-old male, who died from vascular collapse, revealed an increased pigmentation of the skin, the adrenal glands were reduced in size, the brown-yellow liver was enlarged. On histological examination, foci of necrosis with a tuberculous granulation tissue were found in the adrenal glands. The liver was characterized by phenomena of fatty degeneration. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? A. Steatosis B. Primary aldosteronism C. Cushing's syndrome D. Lipofuscinosis E. Addison's disease increased pigmentation of skin; adrenal glands reduced; liver enlarged brownyellow with fatty degeneration; adrenal glands with foci of necrosis with E. Addison's tuberculous granulation tissue disease 449. An autopsy of a 45-year-old male, who suffered from numerous pathological fractures during his lifetime, revealed changes in his long tubular bones: the bones of the thigh and shin were bent, in some places they resembled spirals, their surface was tuberous, a section revealed an obliterated medullary channel and a change in the compact structure of the cortical layer by the spongy type. Microscopically, there was a mosaic type of the bone structures: against a background of a disordered thin-fibrous or lamellar structure of the bone fragments there were numerous cavities of sinusal resorption combined with signs of new formation of the osseous tissue. The arteries, which supplied the bone tissue, were dilated and convoluted. Name a diagnosis. 450. An autopsy of a male, who suffered from rightsided pneumonia in the lower lobe during his lifetime and for a long period of time expectorated sputum of a purulent character, revealed some cavity with dense edges that was located in the 9th-10th segments of the lung and was filled with A. Bronchiectatic yellowish cream-like masses. There was some disease whitish path from the cavity to the root of the B. Pulmonary lung. Microscopically, the cavity was separated gangrene from the intact pulmonary tissue with a membrane C. Acute which consisted of a fibrous connective tissue pulmonary abscess from the outside and a granulation one from D. Chronic inside. Which of the diagnoses was the most pneumonia probable? E. Chronic abscess A. Osteopetrosis B. Parathyroid osteodystrophy C. Fibrous dysplasia D. Chronic osteomyelitis E. Deforming osteodystrophy numerous pathological fractures; bones bent, surface was tuberous; obliterated medullary channel; spongy type of compact bone; disordered thin-fibrous or lamellar structure with numerous cavities E. Deforming of sinusal resorption combined with osteodystroph signs of osteoid formation y cavity with dense edges with yellowish cream-like masses; capsula of cavity from fibrous connective tissue outside and granulation one from inside E. Chronic abscess 451. For a histological examination, a vermiform process (appendix) was sent. Its size is increased, the serous membrane is dim, plethoric and covered with greyish films, the wall is thickened and some pus is discharged from the lumen. Microscopically, a plethora of the vessels, an oedema of all the layers and their diffuse infiltration by leukocytes are observed. Name the kind of inflammation in the vermiform process. 452. An examination of a 7-year-old child, who was referred to infectious department with complaints about a sharp pain in his throat, difficult swallowing, an elevated body temperature up to 39cc, an oedema of his neck, revealed that the tonsils were enlarged, their mucosa was plethoric and covered with a large number of yellowwhitish films which were closely adjacent to the mucosa. an attempt to remove a film results in a deep bleeding defect. what kind of inflammation takes place? 453. A male was treated for purulent otitis. On the 9th day of his staying at an inpatient department he died from a brain oedema. On autopsy, the temporal region of the left hemisphere revealed a A. Colliquative cavity with uneven rough inner edges which was necrosis filled with some yellowish-greenish thick dull B. Phlegmon C. fluid. The outer wall of the cavity was represented Empyema with the cerebral tissue. What pathological process D. Chronic abscess was it? E. Acute abscess A. Catarrhal B. Putrid C. Mixed D. Fibrinous E. Phlegmonous serous membrane is dim, plethoric and covered with greyish films; pus is discharged from the lumen; diffuse infiltration by leukocytes of all layers A. Suppurative B. Serous C. Croupous D. Haemorrhagic E. Diphtheritic sharp pain in throat, difficult swallowing, elevated body temperature; tonsils enlarged, mucosa was plethoric with a large number of yellow-whitish films which were closely adjacent to the mucosa; removing film results in a deep E. bleeding defect Diphtheritic E. Phlegmonous purulent otitis; cavity with uneven rough inner edges contains some E. Acute yellowishgreenish thick dull fluid abscess 454. An autopsy revealed 0.5 I of some yellowish transparent fluid with small white crumble clots in the right pleural cavity. The parietal and visceral pleurae were covered with a white crumble coat. What kind of exudative inflammation was it? A. Suppurative B. Serous C. Putrid D. Catarrhal E. Croupous white crumble clots; white crumble coat on pleurae E. Croupous 455. A 6-year-old girl fell ill with diphtheria and three days later died of asphyxia resulting from membranous croup. On autopsy, the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea and bronchi were thickened, oedematous and covered with greyish films which were easily separated. What kind of inflammation did the morphological changes in the larynx indicate? A. Serous B. Haemorrhagic C. Diphtheritic D. Croupous E. Catarrhal diphtheria, membranous croup; mucosa thickened, oedematous and covered with E. greyish films which were easily separated Catarrhal???? 456. An autopsy of a 77-year-old male, who died from A. Serous dysentery, revealed some grey-yellow films which B. Catarrhal were closely connected with the underlying C. Croupous tissues in the colon and separated with formation D. Suppurative of ulcers. Name the kind of inflammation. E. Diphtheritic grey-yellow films closely connected with underlying tissues; are separated with E. formation of ulcers Diphtheritic 457. A microscopic examination of the tissue dissected from some postoperative infiltrate revealed granulomata with giant multinucleate cells around the suture material. What kind of granulomata did they belong to? A. Tuberculous B. Rheumatic C. Lepromatous D. Mycotic E. Foreign-body granulomata with giant multinucleate cells around the suture material 458. An examination of a renal biopsy revealed some mostly perivascular and periglomerular lymphocytic, plasmacytic and macrophagal infiltration of the interstice against a background of its sclerosis. Name the most probable kind of inflammation. A. Productive diffuse B. Granulomatous C. Exudative diffuse D. Exudative focal E. Productive focal perivascular and periglomerular lymphocytic, plasmacytic and macrophagal infiltration of interstice; plus E. Productive sclerosis focal E. Foreignbody 459. A. Granulomatous A microscopic examination of the myocardium in productive Alterative a male, who died from cardiac decompensation, B. Exudative revealed sclerosis of the perivascular connective C. tissue and its diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes, diffuse macrophages, plasmacytes and solitary D. Exudative focal neutrophils. Which of the listed kinds of E. Interstitial inflammation was the most probable? productive sclerosis of perivascular connective tissue; diffuse infiltration by lymphocytes, macrophages, plasmacytes and solitary E. Interstitial neutrophils productive 460. A little girl died of asphyxia resulting from membranous croup. A girl illed with diphtheria. On autopsy, the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea and bronchi were thickened, oedematous and covered with greyish films which were easily separated. What type of inflammation pathomorpholodist investigated? diphtheria, membranous croup; mucosa thickened, oedematous and covered with E. greyish films which were easily separated Catarrhal???? 461. A surgeon removed a tumour in the liver of a 47year-old male patient. It was macroscopically revealed that the wall of the cavity was formed by a dense fibrous connective tissue; the cavity contained some yellow-greenish dull thick fluid A. Phlegmon which had an unpleasant odour and B. Acute abscess microscopically consisted mainly of C. Empyema polymorphonuclear leukocytes. What pathological D. Colliquative process did such morphological changes necrosis correspond to? E. Chronic abscess A. Serous B. Haemorrhagic C. Diphtheritic D. Croupous E. Catarrhal cavity formed by a dense fibrous connective tissue; yellow-greenish dull thick fluid which had unpleasant odour; polymorphonuclear leukocytes E. Chronic abscess 462. A children died from asphyxia at the diphtheria. On autopsy were identified membranous plates in space of respiratory ways, the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea and bronchi were thickened, oedematous and covered with greyish films which were easily separated. What kind of inflammation did the morphological changes in the larynx indicate? 463. An autopsy of a 58-year-old male, who suffered from croupous pneumonia during his life-time and died of cardiopulmonary insufficiency, revealed A. Dry pleurisy 900 ml of some yellow-greenish dull fluid in his B. Phlegmon right pleural cavity. The pleural leaves were dull C. Chronic abscess and plethoric. Name the clinical- morphological D. Acute abscess form of the inflammation in the pleural cavity. E. Empyema 464. An autopsy of a woman, who suffered from the right-sided purulent otitis during her life-time, revealed a cavity 4 x 3 cm in size in the region of the right temporal lobe that contained some A. Acute abscess yellow-green dull viscous fluid. The inner layer of B. purulent otitis; cavity contained some Empyema the wall was represented with a yellowish C. Grey softening of yellow-green dull viscous fluid (pus); the brain crumble tissue, the outer layer consisted of a inner layer of wall formed by yellowish whitish dense tissue. What process were the D. Haemorrhage crumble tissue, outer layer - whitish described changes in the brain characteristic of? e. Chronic abscess dense tissue 465. During pathomorphological investigation of inflammatory skin infiltrate revealed an accumulation of purolekocytic exudate in several hair follicles. What is the name of such an inflammation? A. Serous B. Haemorrhagic C. Diphtheritic D. Catarrhal E. Croupous diphtheria; membranous plates in respiratory ways; mucosa thickened, oedematous and covered with greyish films which were easily separated E. Croupous yellow-greenish dull fluid in pleural cavity (pus) E. Empyema E. Chronic abscess A. Phlegmon B. Furuncle C. Abscess D. Wandering abscess inflammatory skin infiltrate; e. Carbuncle purolekocytic exudate in hair follicles E. Carbuncle 466. A. Hepatocellular On supersonic examination of a 48-year-old male adenoma patient, a hepatic neoplasm was diagnosed and a B. Solid carcinoma puncture biopsy was made. Microscopically, the C. Metastasis of tumour consisted of atypical hepatocytes which adenocarcinoma formed trabeculae, acini or tubules. The tumour D. Cholangiocellular hepatic neoplasm; atypical hepatocytes stroma was poor and had thin-walled blood carcinoma formed trabeculae, acini or tubules; vessels. Which of the kinds of tumours listed E. Hepatocellular stroma was poor and had thin-walled below was the most probable? carcinoma blood vessels E. Hepatocellular carcinoma 467. Histologically, the alveolar lumen had accumulations of fibrin and neutrophils. The lymph nodes in the lung roots were pale pink and somewhat enlarged. Name the stage of croupous pneumonia. E. Grey hepatization 468. A. Acute During pathomorphological investigation of a pneumogenic abscess male, who suffered from right-sided pneumonia, B. Pulmonary revealed in the right lung some cavity 3.5 cm in echinococcosis C. diameter, that had uneven edges, communicated Chronic with the bronchus and was filled with some bronchiogenic purulent exudate. Microscopically, the wall of the abscess D. Chronic cavity was formed by the granulation tissue pneumogenic abscess diffusely infiltrated by leukocytes. Which of the E. Acute diagnoses, listed below, was the most probable? bronchiogenic abscess A. Red hepatization B. Influx C. Edema D. Resolution E. Grey hepatization alveolar lumen with fibrin and neutrophils; lymph nodes in lung roots pale pink and enlarged cavity has uneven edges, communicated with bronchus, filled with purulent E. Acute exudate; cavity formed by the granulation bronchiogenic tissue diffusely infiltrated by leukocytes abscess 469. A 7 year old child was taken to the infectious disease hospital with complaints of acute pain during swallowing, temperature rise up to 39oC, neck edema. Objective signs: tonsills are enlarged, their mucous membrane is plethoric and covered A. Purulent with a big number of whitish- yellowish films that B. Crupous are closely adjacent to the mucous membran. C. Serous After removal of these films the deep bleeding D. Hemorrhagic defect remains. What type of inflammation is it? E. Diphteritic A. Superficial appendicitis B. Simple appendicitis C. Gangrenous appendicitis D. Chronic appendicitis E. Phlegmonous appendicitis pain during swallowing, hight temperature; mucousa plethoric, covered by whitish- yellowish films, closely adjacent to mucosa; removing leads deep bleeding defect E. Diphteritic 470. Histologic examination revealed in all layers of appendix a big number of polymorthonuclear leukocytes; hyperemia, stases. What disease are these symptoms typical for? 471. A. Serous peritonitis B. Hemorrhagic peritonitis At the operation the doctor opened a patient's C. Tuberculous abdominal cavity and revealed for about 2,0 L of peritonitis purulent fluid. Peritoneum is dull, greyish, serous D. purulent fluid in abdominal cavity; E. tunic of intestines has grayish layers that can be E. Fibrinopurulent peritoneum is dull, greyish; grayish layers Fibrinopurule easily removed. It is most likely to be: peritonitis that can be easily removed nt peritonitis big number of polymorthonuclear leukocytes in all layers of appendix; hyperemia, stases E. Phlegmonous appendicitis 472. 473. 474. Mucous membrane of the right palatine tonsil has a painless ulcer with smooth lacquer fundus and accurate edges of cartlaginous consistency. Microscopically: inflammatory infiltrate that consists of lymphocytes, plasmocytes, a small number of neutrophils and epithelioid cells; endovasculistis and perivasculitis. What disease is in question? A. Necrotic (Vincent's) tonsillitis B. Actinomycosis C. Tuberculosis D. Pharyngeal diphtheria E. Syphilis An autopsy performed at the pathoanatomical bureau revealed next: a 50-year-old male patient died from the phenomena of intoxication at double bronchopneumonia and had in the lower lobe of A. Tuberculoma the right lung some thick-walled cavity, 4 cm in B. Empyema diameter, filled with liquid yellowish masses. C. Abscess What pathological process complicated the course D. Sequester of pneumonia? E. Gangrene A. Pulmonary abscess B. Phlegmon C. Purulent catarrh On autopsy was performed at the pathoanatomical of bureau. 380 ml of some yellow fluid with an pleura unpleasant odour were found in the right pleural D. Pulmonary cavity. Microscopically, the liquid contained a lot gangrene of neutrophilic granulocytes. What is your E. Pleural diagnosis? empyema painless ulcer with smooth lacquer fundus and accurate edges of cartlaginous consistency; infiltrate consists of lymphocytes, plasmocytes, a small number of neutrophils and epithelioid cells; endovasculistis and perivasculitis E. Syphilis intoxication; thick-walled cavity filled with liquid yellowish masses E. Gangrene yellow fluid with unpleasant odour; liquid contained a lot of neutrophilic granulocytes E. Pleural empyema 475. A 40-year-old female patient with goiter had an thyroidectomy operation. A histological A. Hashimoto's examination of the thyroid tissue revealed that disease its follicles differed in size, contained some B. Ligneous foamy colloid, the follicular epithelium was high thyroiditis C. Acute and in some places it formed papillae. The nonsuppurative stroma of the gland had clusters of lymphocytes thyroiditis D. Nodular which formed follicles with light centres. Make goiter a diagnosis of the disease of the thyroid gland. E. Toxic goiter follicles differed in size, fill with foamy colloid; epithelium was high and formed papillae; clusters of lymphocytes which E. Toxic formed follicles with light centres goiter 476. A pathohistological examination of the thyroid gland detected a significant infiltration of its tissue by lymphocytes, formation of lymphoid follicles, an atrophy of parenchymatous elements and a significant vegetation of the connective tissue. What disease is characterized by this picture? significant infiltration by lymphocytes, formation of lymphoid follicles; atrophy and significant vegetation of connective tissue E. Hashimoto's disease 477. A young female died from adrenal insufficiency. An autopsy was performed in pathoanatomical A. bureau detected diffuse hypermelanosis of the WaterhouseFriderichsen skin, hyperplasia of the cells in islets of syndrome B. Primary Langerhans in the pancreas, the adrenal glands aldosteronism C. were sharply reduced in size and their thinned Cushing's disease cortical substance had foci of necrosis, D. haemorrhages and sclerosis. What is your Pheochromocytoma diagnosis? E. Addison's disease adrenal insufficiency; diffuse hypermelanosis; adrenal glands were sharply reduced, thinned cortical substance had foci of necrosis, haemorrhages and sclerosis E. Addison's disease A. Colloid goiter B. Endemic goiter C. Diffuse toxic goiter D. Parenchymatous goiter E. Hashimoto's disease 478. A 54-year-old male suffered from numerous pathological fractures during his lifetime. After his death an autopsy detected the changes in his long tubular bones: the bones of the thigh and shin were bent, in some places they resembled spirals, their surface was tuberous, a section revealed an obliterated medullary channel and a change in the compact structure of the cortical layer by the A. Osteopetrosis spongy type. Microscopically, there was a mosaic B. Parathyroid type of the bone structures: against a background osteodystrophy of a disordered thin-fibrous or lamellar structure C. Fibrous of the bone fragments there were numerous dysplasia D. cavities of sinusal resorption combined with signs Chronic of new formation of the osseous tissue. The osteomyelitis E. arteries, which supplied the bone tissue, were Deforming dilated and convoluted. Name a diagnosis. osteodystrophy numerous pathological fractures; bones bent, surface was tuberous; obliterated medullary channel; spongy type of compact bone; disordered thin-fibrous or lamellar structure with numerous cavities E. Deforming of sinusal resorption combined with osteodystroph signs of osteoid formation y 479. A 43-year-old male suffered from right-sided pneumonia in the lower lobe during his life-time and for a long period of time expectorated sputum of a purulent character. After his death an autopsy detected some cavity with dense edges that was located in the 9th-10th segments of the lung and was filled with yellowish cream-like masses. There was some whitish path from the cavity to the root of the lung. Microscopically, the cavity was separated from the intact pulmonary tissue with a membrane which consisted of a fibrous connective tissue from the outside and a granulation one from inside. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? sputum of purulent character; cavity with dense edges; filled with yellowish creamlike masses; cavity formed by fibrous connective tissue membrane outside and a granulation one from inside E. Chronic abscess A. Bronchiectatic disease B. Pulmonary gangrene C. Acute pulmonary abscess D. Chronic pneumonia E. Chronic abscess 480. During an operation for elimination of phimosis, a round ulcer with a smooth bottom and dense edges was found on the glans penis. On a microscopic examination of the tissue taken from an edge of the ulcer a pathologist found a polymorphous infiltrate consisting of disorderly located plasma and lymphoid elements with some admixture of heterophilic leukocytes and epithelioid cells; the infiltrate was located mostly around small vessels. The vessels were characterized by phenomena of endangiitis. What disease are the described changes typical for? 481. Three days after a criminal abortion a female developed an elevation of her body temperature up to 40°C, cloudiness of consciousness, petechial haemorrhages on her skin. Two days later she died under increasing phenomena of intoxication. An autopsy revealed jaundice, petechial haemorrhages in the serous and mucous membranes, a sharp enlargement of the spleen and criminal abortion; elevation of lymph nodes. Microscopically, the spleen and temperature; cloudiness of consciousness, lymph nodes were characterized by a proliferation petechial haemorrhages on her skin; of the lymphoid and reticular cells, as well as a jaundice, petechial haemorrhages in large number of immature forms of haemopoiesis. A. Fulminant sepsis B. serous and mucous membranes; sharp Besides, there were dystrophic changes and an Chernogubov’s enlargement of spleen and lymph nodes; interstitial inflammation in the liver, kidneys, disease proliferation of lymphoid and reticular heart, as well as disseminated necrotic C. Septicopyaemia cells; dystrophic changes and interstitial vasculititides. What was the most probable form D. Chronic sepsis inflammation in liver, kidneys, heart; E. of sepsis? E. Septicaemia disseminated necrotic vasculititides Septicaemia round ulcer with smooth bottom and dense edges; polymorphous infiltrate consisting of disorderly located plasma A. Leprosy B. Actinomycosis and lymphoid elements with some C. Tuberculosis D. admixture of heterophilic leukocytes and Polyarteritis nodosa epithelioid cells; it located mostly around E. Syphilis small vessels E. Syphilis 482. During his life-time, a 40-year-old male had a high body temperature, jaundice, clouded consciousness, bacteraemia. On autopsy, his sclerae and skin were yellow, there were numerous haemorrhages in the serous and mucous membranes, as well as enlarged lymph nodes and spleen. Microscopically, the spleen and lymph A. Chronic sepsis nodes had a proliferation of the reticular cells.The B. Septicopyaemia heart, liver and kidneys were characterized by an C. Acute lymphocytic interstitial inflammation, a parenchymatous leukaemia cloudy swelling; the vascular walls had D. Acute stem vasculititides and a fibrinoid swelling. Which of cell leukaemia E. the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? Septicaemia high temperature, jaundice, clouded consciousness, bacteraemia; sclerae and skin yellow, numerous haemorrhages in the serous and mucous membranes; enlarged lymph nodes and spleen; proliferation of reticular cells in spleen and lymph nodes; interstitial inflammation of organs, parenchymatous cloudy swelling; vasculititides and a fibrinoid E. swelling in vascular walls Septicaemia 483. An autopsy of a male, who had a prolonged suppuration of the wound following an injury of his extremity and died under the phenomena of intoxication, revealed cachexia, dehydration, a brown atrophy of the liver, myocardium, spleen and striated muscles, as well as renal amyloidosis. Which of the diagnoses was the most probable? died from intoxication; cachexia, dehydration, brown atrophy of liver, myocardium, spleen and striated muscles; E. Chronic renal amyloidosis sepsis 484. Extensive thromboembolic infarction of the left A. Acute rheumatic cerebral hemispheres, large septic spleen, valvulitis immunocomplex glomerulonephritis, ulcers on the B. Rheumatic edges of the aortic valves, covered with polypous thromboendocarditis thromboembolic infarction; large septic thrombus with colonies of staphylococcus were C. Septicemia spleen, immunocomplex revealed on autopsy of the young man who died in D. Septicopyemia E. glomerulonephritis, ulcers on edges of E. Septic coma. What disease caused cerebral Septic bacterial aortic valves, covered with polypous bacterial thromboembolism? endocarditis thrombus with colonies of staphylococcus endocarditis A. Brucellosis B. Chernogubov’s disease C. Septicaemia D. Septicopyaemia E. Chronic sepsis 485. In 2 days after a criminal abortion the female patient’s temperature elevated up to 40 °C, she A. Septicemia was semiconscious, and there were numerous B. Septicopyemia hemorrhages in her skin. She died three days later. C. Lung sepsis What type of sepsis according to its entrance gate D. Chroniosepsis was there? E. Urosepsis criminal abortion; high temperature; E. semiconscious state; hemorrhages in skin Urosepsis??? 486. The disease in a male hunter began with an elevation of his body temperature up to 37-38°C, increased reflex excitability, a disturbance of sleep and hydrophobia. Later these signs were accompanied by spasms of the muscles of the larynx and pharynx, as well as those of respiration. The patient’s death was caused by arrest of respiration. On autopsy, an oedema and plethora of the brain, as well as small haemorrhages in the region of the myelencephalon were found. On histological examination of the brain, its stem part, walls of the 3rd ventricle and hippocampus revealed necrosis of the nerve cells which were surrounded (as well as small vessels) by nodules consisting of A. Typhoid fever clusters of microglial and lymphoid cells. The B. Epidemic typhus cytoplasm of the nerve cells of the hippocampus C. Poliomyelitis D. contained some rounded eosinophilic inclusions Tick-borne (Bab?s-Negri bodies). What disease is encephalitis E. characterized by the picture described? Rabies temperature; increased reflex excitability; disturbance of sleep and hydrophobia; spasms of larynx and pharynx muscles; oedema and plethora of the brain, haemorrhages; necrosis of the nerve cells; cytoplasm of nerve cells of hippocampus with rounded eosinophilic inclusions (Babesh-Negri bodies) E. Rabies 487. The disease in a 67-year-old woman acutely began with an expressed oedema and tenderness of the skin and soft tissues of the neck. A phlegmon of neck and mediastinitis were diagnosed. The patient died under the increasing phenomena of intoxication. On autopsy, the left tonsil was slightly enlarged and dense; on section, it was yellowish-greenish and had a lot of small cavities which imparted a honeycomb structure to it. The soft tissues of the neck and the fat of the anterior mediastinum had signs of purulent melting. Microscopically, the tissue had a lot of small A. Giardiasis abscesses, their centres having intensive B. Leishmaniasis basophilic formations, which consisted of short C. Brucellosis rod-like elements connected with their one end to D. Amoebiasis the common centre. What is your diagnosis? E. Actinomycosis 488. A male patient, who came from the Central Asia, had persistent diarrhoeae, a loss of body weight and signs of intoxication against whose background he died. An autopsy revealed numerous hepatic abscesses, the caecum was characterized by dingy green areas of necrosis of its mucous membrane, these areas slightly rose above its surface and penetrated into the muscular layer. The ulcers resulting from the necrosis were characterized by undermined edges which hung over their bottom. The inflammatory reaction in the intestinal wall was poorly expressed. What was the most probable disease in that case? tonsil slightly enlarged and dense, yellowish-greenish with a lot of small cavities (honeycomb structure); soft tissues with signs of purulent melting; a lot of small abscesses, their centres having intensive basophilic formations, consisted E. of short rod-like elements connected with Actinomycosi their one end to the common centre s persistent diarrhoeae, loss of body weight and signs of intoxication; numerous hepatic abscesses, caecum with dingy green areas of necrosis of mucous A. Salmonellosis membrane; thay slightly rose above B. Cholera surface and penetrated into the muscular C. Typhoid fever layer; necrotic ulcers with undermined D. Bacterial dysentery edges which hung over their bottom; E. Amoebiasis inflammatory reaction poorly expressed E. Amoebiasis An autopsy of a 45-year-old male, who had had a fever with signs of intoxication during his lifetime, revealed an enlarged dense spleen (500 g); on section, its pulp had numerous grey-white and white-yellow miliary necroses of follicles, and there were infarct-like foci of necrosis under the capsule. A histological examination revealed hyperplasia of the follicles with breakdown of leukocytes and accumulation of neutrophils, and numerous thrombi in the vessels. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Plague B. Haematogenous general miliary tuberculosis C. Tularaemia D. Typhoid fever E. Relapsing fever enlarged dense spleen with numerous grey-white and white-yellow miliary necroses in pulp; infarct-like foci of necrosis under capsule; hyperplasia of follicles with breakdown of leukocytes and accumulation of neutrophils; numerous thrombi 490. The examination of the child with measles showed the non-clear border edematous fluctuated areas of red-black color in the soft tissues of the cheeks and perineum. What complication did develop in the child? A. Dry gangrene B. Gas gangrene C. Bedsore D. Trophic ulcer E. Wet gangrene (noma) measles; non-clear border edematous E. Wet fluctuated areas of red-black color in soft gangrene tissues (noma) 491. A 8 year-old child was ill acutely with clinical signs of vomiting, headache and severe intoxication. After two days of the disease he has died. In autopsy the pathologist has found out: meninges thickened, yellowish color on basal surface, edema and hyperemia. Meningococcus was detected from liquor fluid. Diagnose this disease. A. Scarlet fever B. Pertussis C. Diphtheria D. Measles E. Meningococcal infection vomiting, headache, intoxication; meninges thickened, yellowish color on basal surface, edema and hyperemia; meningococcus in liquor fluid 489. E. Relapsing fever E. Meningococca l infection 492. A 5 year-old girl has died because of asphyxia owing to true croup. In the autopsy it was established; mucosa of larynx, trachea and bronchi dwarfed, edematous, dull, coated by grayish fibrinous plaques, which were easily removed. Described morphological changes are characteristic for…: 493. A 6 year-old child, was ill acutely with signs of intoxication. In 2 day the patient has died. In autopsy the pathologist has found out: meninges of brain with edema, hyperemia, yellow-grey exudate. Tissue of brain was edematous. Microscopic investigation: there were neutrophils, hyperemia, hemorrhages and edema in meninges. Described changes are most typical for: 494. A. Choleric typhoid is developed B. Development of uremia is connected with acute glomerulonephritis C. Fibrinous colitis is found in autopsy D. Patient has suffered from cholera. Clinical dates Exicosis is due to are dehydratating, cyanosis and convulsions. In action of virus the result of massive infusion therapy the exicosis exotoxin has been diminished, but anuria has been E. Necrotic nephrosis remained. Patient has dead because of uremia. with cortical necrosis What morphological features in kidney have been takes place in the cholera; dehydratating, cyanosis and found out? kidneys convulsions; anuria; uremia A. Flu B. Measles C. Pertussis D. Scarlet fever E. Diphtheria A. Flu B. Pertussis C. Diphtheria D. Measles E. Meningococcal meningitis true croup; mucosa edematous, dull, coated by grayish fibrinous plaques, which were easily removed E. Diphtheria meninges edema, hyperemia, yellow-grey exudate; brain edematous; neutrophils, E. hyperemia, hemorrhages and edema in Meningococca meninges l meningitis E. Necrotic nephrosis with cortical necrosis takes place in the kidneys 495. A 20-year-old girl developed complaints about an expressed fatiguability of her ocular, masticatory, speech and deglutitive groups of muscles, when the normal contraction of the muscles after great activity absolutely discontinued, but after some rest the functioning of the muscles was restored again. Some time later the pathological process involved the muscles of the extremities and intercostal ones. An inadequate ventilation of the lungs resulted in development of the secondary lobular pneumonia which caused the patient’s death. An autopsy revealed an atrophy of the striated muscles, their dystrophy with focal clusters of the lymphocytes in the interstice. An enlarged thymus was characterized by follicular hyperplasia. What was the most probable diagnosis? A. Pseudohypertrophic muscular dystrophy B. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis C. Werdnig-Hoffman fatiguability of muscles; atrophy of spinal amyotrophy striated muscles; dystrophy with focal D. Erb’s muscular clusters of lymphocytes in interstice; dystrophy E. enlarged thymus with follicular Myasthenia hyperplasia 496. An autopsy of a male, who died from uraemia, revealed deformity of the spinal column with a sharp limitation of mobility. The articular cartilages of small joints of the spinal column were destroyed, there were some expressed signs of a prolonged chronic inflammation in the articular tissues, the cavities of the joints were filled with the connective tissue, but in some places with the osseous one together with formation of ankyloses. The aorta, heart and lungs revealed a chronic inflammation and focal sclerosis. The kidneys were characterized by amyloidosis. What diagnosis was the most probable in this case? A. Rheumatoid arthritis B. Paget’s disease (deforming deformity of spinal column with sharp osteosis) C. limitation of mobility; articular cartilages Parathyroid osteodystrophy D. destroyed; signs of prolonged chronic Osteopetrosis inflammation articular tissues; cavities E. (marble bone disease) filled with the connective and osseous Bekhterev’s E. Bekhterev’s disease tissue; ankyloses disease E. Myasthenia 497. On autopsy of a male, who died from uraemia, it was found that the pancreas was reduced in size, his contracted kidneys had a fine-grained surface, the liver was enlarged, yellow and flaccid. Microscopically, the pancreatic tissue revealed an atrophy of the parenchyma, including islets of Langerhans, the atrophied parenchyma was substituted for hyperplastic connective and fatty tissues. The kidneys were characterized by sclerosis and hyalinosis of the glomeruli, as well as by a glycogenic infiltration of the tubules; there was a fatty degeneration in the liver and a fibrinous inflammation in the mucous coats of the trachea, bronchi and stomach. What disease did the died person suffer from? 498. An autopsy of a male, who died from chronic renal insufficiency, revealed atherosclerosis of the aorta and large arteries, small and dense kidneys with a fine-grained surface, an enlarged yellowbrown and flaccid liver, the pancreas was reduced in size. Microscopically, there was A. Arterial atherocalcinosis of the aorta and arteries, an nephrosclerosis atrophy of the parenchyma, sclerosis and B. Chronic lipomatosis of the pancreas; the kidneys were pancreatitis C. characterized by hyalinosis of the mesangium and Chronic glomeruli, a glycogenic infiltration of the glomerulonephritis epithelium of the tubules, with large-drop adiposis D. Steatosis E. in the hepatocytes. What pathological process Diabetic took place in the kidneys? nephrosclerosis pancreas was reduced in size, contracted kidneys with fine-grained surface; liver enlarged, yellow and flaccid, fatty degeneration; pancreas atrophy including A. Chronic glomerulonephritis B. islets of Langerhans; substituted by Hypertensive disease hyperplastic connective and fatty tissues; C. Chronic indurative kidneys with sclerosis and hyalinosis of glomeruli; glycogenic infiltration of pancreatitis D. Steatosis tubules; fibrinous inflammation in E. Diabetes E. Diabetes mellitus mucosa mellitus atherosclerosis of the aorta and large arteries; small and dense kidneys with fine-grained surface; enlarged yellowbrown and flaccid liver, large-drop adiposis in hepatocytes; pancreas reduced, sclerosis and lipomatosis of its stroma; with hyalinosis of mesangium and E. Diabetic glomeruli, glycogenic infiltration of nephrosclerosi epithelium of tubules s 499. A 52-year-old male died from renal insufficiency. On microscopic examination of his organs, the pancreas revealed lipomatosis and sclerosis with an atrophy of islets of Langerhans, the kidneys had hyalinosis of the mesangium and glomeruli (Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome) and a glycogenic infiltration of the epithelium of the tubules, the liver was characterized by fatty degeneration. Which of the diagnoses listed below was the most probable? A. Arterial nephrosclerosis B. Amyloid shrunk kidneys C. Chronic glomerulonephritis D. Goodpasture’s syndrome E. Diabetic glomerulosclerosis pancreas lipomatosis and sclerosis, atrophy of Langerhans islets; kidneys with hyalinosis of mesangium and glomeruli (Kimrnelstiel-Wilson syndrome); glycogenic infiltration of epithelium; fatty degeneration of liver 500. A 53-year-old male patient, who suffered from peptic ulcer of the stomach for more than 25 years, was admitted to a surgical department with complaints about frequent vomiting after taking food, progressing loss of weight, severe thirst. At the hospital, the signs of oliguria and later anuria developed. The patient died. An autopsy revealed a cicatricial stenosis of the pylorus and a sharp enlargement of the stomach which practically reached the pelvic region. Which of the complication of peptic ulcer listed below caused the patient’s death? A. Peritonitis B. Penetration of ulcer C. Erosive haemorrhage D. Malignancy E. Chlorhydropenic uraemia peptic ulcer of stomach; frequent vomiting after taking food; progressing loss of weight, severe thirst; signs of E. oliguria and anuria; cicatricial stenosis of Chlorhydrope pylorus nic uraemia 501. A. Intralobular A 47-year-old woman underwent radical carcinoma in situ mastectomy for a neoplasm. A histological B. Acneiform examination of the mammary gland revealed an carcinoma C. eczematous lesion of the nipple and areola, a Papillary cancerous lesion of the ducts of the gland and carcinoma neoplasm; eczematous lesion of nipple presence of large light cells in the epidermis of the D. Fibrous carcinoma and areola; cancerous lesion of ducts, nipple and areola. Make a diagnosis. E. Paget's disease large light cells in epidermis E. Diabetic glomeruloscle rosis E. Paget's disease 502. A. Foliaceous tumour A histological express examination of a tumour B. Noninfiltrating node of a mammary gland revealed some intralobular carcinoma encapsulated formation with proliferation of C. Infiltrating encapsulated formation with proliferation alveoli and intralobular ducts; the interstitial intralobular carcinoma of alveoli and intralobular ducts; connective tissue grew either around or inside the D. Paget's disease interstitial connective tissue grew either E. ducts. Which of the tumours took place? E. Fibroadenoma around or inside ducts Fibroadenoma 503. During an operation on a woman, her cyst-like changed ovary was removed; it was a thin-walled cavity filled with some yellowish transparent fluid and having a smooth inner surface. Histologically, the cavity wall was lined with the cubical epithelium. Name the kind of the tumour. 504. A histological examination of a biopsy from a uterine cervix revealed that its tissue was covered with a wide layer of the stratified squamous epithelium having foci of proliferation of atypical cells with pathological mitoses, but the basal membrane of the epithelium was not affected. What is your diagnosis? A. Mucinous cystadenoma B. Serous cystadenocarcinoma C. Pseudomucinous cystocarcinoma D. Granulosa cell tumour E. Serous cystadenoma A. Nonkeratinizing squamous cell carcinoma B. Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma C. Leukoplakia D. Epithelial dysplasia E. Carcinoma in situ cyst-like changed ovary; thin-walled cavity filled with some yellowish transparent fluid and having a smooth inner surface; cavity wall was lined with E. Serous cubical epithelium cystadenoma stratified squamous epithelium having foci of proliferation of atypical cells with pathological mitoses; basal membrane not E. Carcinoma affected in situ 505. A 39-year-old female with a clinical picture of acute abdomen underwent surgical removal of an enlarged uterine tube. On examination, the serous coat of the uterine tube was dark purple, the lumen contained some blood clots. A histological examination of the wall of the tube revealed that the mucous membrane had layers of the decidual cells, and there were villi of the chorion among the blood clots. What is the most probable diagnosis? 506. Microscopically, a scrape from the uterine cavity, taken in a 36-year-old female against a background of uterine bleeding, revealed a neoplasm which consisted of a large number of light epithelial cells of Langhans and multinuclear symplasts, the number of figures of mitosis was increased. The stroma was absent, the vascular cavities were lined with the above cells. Make a diagnosis of the uterine tumour. 507. A. Placental polyp B. Choriocarcinoma C. Haematosalpinx D. Salpingitis E. Tubal pregnancy acute abdomen; serous coat dark purple, lumen contained some blood clots; layers of decidual cells, villi of chorion among E. Tubal blood clots pregnancy A. Endometrial polyp B. Endometrial adenocarcinoma C. Simple uterine bleeding; neoplasm which hydatidiform mole consisted of a large number of light D. Invasive epithelial cells of Langhans and hydatidiform mole E. multinuclear symplasts; increased number Choriocarcinoma of figures of mitosis; stroma was absent A. Complete tubal abortion B. Spontaneous abortion C. Induced A 30-year-old woman had ectopic tubal pregnancy abortion which finished with a location of a fetus in the D. Criminal ectopic tubal pregnancy finished with a tubal cavity with bleeding. Call this pathology of abortion E. Incomplete location of fetus in tubal cavity with pregnancy tubal abortion bleeding E. Choriocarcino ma E. Incomplete tubal abortion 508. The body of a young woman after delivery was taken for autopsy procedure. In autopsy, the following features were found: enlarged particolored dimmed liver with areas of necrosis. Microscopically the following signs were found in the liver: hemorrhages, thrombosis of the vessels, proteinous and fatty degeneration of hepatocytes; necrosis of epithelium of kidney’s canals with A. Toxic degeneration fibrinoid necrosis of vessels’ walls and of the liver B. Viral hemorrhages in interstitial tissue; the hemorrhages hepatitis C. Cerebroalso can be seen in brain, heart, lungs and serous vascular disease membranes. The main cause of death – D. Intravascular hepatocellular insufficiency. What diagnosis is coagulation syndrome more probable? E. Eclampsia 509. A. heteropagus A woman, 40 weeks of pregnancy, had a cesarian B. homopagus section. From the uterine cavity there were C. blastopagus D. delivered symmetrically formed twins with fused all of the terms listed heads while their bodies were divided. What is the are synonyms symmetrically formed twins with fused variant of twin deformity? E. diplopagus heads and divided bodies E. diplopagus 510. A. fetogenesis B. A woman, 42 weeks of pregnancy, had a cesarian early neonatal section. From the uterine cavity there were period delivered symmetrically formed twins with fused C. late neonatal period heads while their bodies were divided. In what D. embryogenesis symmetrically formed twins with fused period of development such an anomaly occured? E. blastogenesis heads and divided bodies E. blastogenesis enlarged parti-colored dimmed liver with areas of necrosis, hemorrhages, thrombosis of the vessels, proteinous and fatty degeneration; necrosis of kidney epithelium with fibrinoid necrosis of vessels’ walls, hemorrhages; hemorrhages in brain, heart, lungs and serous membranes E. Eclampsia A. X-ray examination in the second trimester of pregnancy B. abuse of surrogate alcohol C. smoking cannabis D. influenza defects of limbs development; shoulders in the second trimester and forearms are absent, arms attach of pregnancy directly to body, are widespread and E. taking thalidomide resemble a walrus flippers 511. A patient W., born in 1960, has defects of the development of the upper limbs - shoulders and forearms are absent, arms attach directly to the body, are widespread and resemble a walrus flippers. Choose the teratogenic factor that was most likely to cause such changes: 512. At the ultrasound examination were found A. ectopia of the lungs multiple congenital malformations of the fetus. B. agenesis of the Abortion has been done on medical indications. lungs At the pathoanatomical investigation: the lungs of C. neonatal the fetus are reduced, the volume of each is respiratory distress approximately of the volume of the heart. syndrome D. aplasia lungs of the fetus are reduced, the volume Histologically structural elements of the of the lungs E. of each is approximately of volume of pulmonary tissue are visualized. How to hypoplasia of the heart; histologically structural elements of E. hypoplasia characterize such defect of the respiratory system? lungs pulmonary tissue are visualized of the lungs E. taking thalidomide 513. A. hemorragia per diabrosin B. squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus C. such a defect At the pathoanatomical examination of the does not affect the stillborn it was revealed that the esophagus is health represented by two isolated fragments, which are status connected by thin cord of connective tissue. The D. neonatal proximal fragment of the esophagus is combined respiratory distress with the trachea in the region of its bifurcation. syndrome esophagus is represented by two isolated What complication is typical for such congenital E. aspiration fragments; proximal fragment of E. aspiration defect? pneumonia esophagus is combined with trachea pneumonia 514. An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad forehead, a mongolian type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge, permanently open mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue, short neck, flat hands, and stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be put to the patient? 515. A. Down's syndrome A woman who was sick with rubella during the B. Edward's syndrome pregnancy gave birth to a dead child with hare lip C. Genocopy and cleft palate. This congenital defect is an D. Phenocopy rubella during pregnancy; hare lip and cleft E. Patau's example of: E. Patau's syndrome palate syndrome A. Alkaptonuria rounded face, broad forehead, mongolian B. Supermales type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge, C. Turner's permanently open mouth, projecting syndrome D. Klinefelter's syndrome lower lip, protruding tongue, short neck, E. Down's E. Down's syndrome flat hands, and stubby fingers syndrome 516. A. Incomplete tubal abortion B. Complete tubal abortion C. Induced Metrorrhagia and uterine discharge contained the abortion fetus developed in the women with 19 weeks D. Criminal pregnancy after lifting a heavy thing. What is your abortion Metrorrhagia; uterine discharge contained E. Late diagnosis? E. Late abortion fetus; 19 weeks pregnancy abortion 517. Autopsy of a fetus who died of intranatal asphyxia due to acute disturbance of utero-placental A. Spasm circulation revealed small perivascular punctuates B. Erosion hemorrhages in the pia mater, under the C. Edema intranatal asphyxi; small perivascular epicardium and pleura. What is the most probable D. Rupture E. punctuates hemorrhages in the pia mater, E. Increased mechanism of the vascular wall damage? Increased permeability under the epicardium and pleura permeability 518. A. Aspiration of amniotic fluid B. Intrauterine asphyxia C. Imperfection of nervous regulation of respiration D. Intrauterine hypercapnia E. Immaturity of alveolarparenchyma The Respiratory Distress Syndrome often takes connected with place in immature newborns. What is the most deficiency of probable cause of this syndrome? surfactant Respiratory Distress Syndrome E. Immaturity of alveolarparenchyma connected with deficiency of surfactant 519. A. Birth injury B. Pneumonia in newborn C. Respiratory distress Autopsy of the newborn showed jaundice of the syndrome of newborn skin, signs of the bilirubin encephalopathy in D. Edematous the brain substance, bilirubin infarctions in the hemorrhagic kidneys, enlarged liver and spleen. His mother syndrome jaundice, bilirubin encephalopathy and is Rh- negative. The child died on the third day E. Hemolytic disease infarctions in the kidneys, enlarged liver E. Hemolytic after birth. What is your diagnosis? of newborn and spleen; Rh- negative mother disease of newborn 520. A. Hemolytic Microscopic examination of the lungs of a disease of newborn dead 2day-old newborn showed: pinkish B. Birth injury C. masses that line the respiratory bronchioles, Pneumonia in alveoli. These masses are largely made up of newborn fibrinogen and fibrin, admixed with cell D. Edematous debris chiefly from necrotic alveolar lining hemorrhagic syndrome pneumocytes. Areas of dys- and atelectasis E. Hyaline are found out too. What is your diagnosis? membranes 521. A. Hemolytic disease of newborn B. Pneumonia in In autopsy of a 6-month-old infant it was newborn found out: small cysts in pancreatic glands, C. Respiratory signs of chronic bronchitis with atelectasis, distress syndrome of bronchiectasis, fatty changes and cholestasis newborn D. Edimatous in liver, coprostasis in intestine. Described hemorrhagic syndrome changes are typical for…: E. Mucoviscidosis pinkish masses line the respiratory bronchioles, alveoli; made up of fibrinogen and fibrin, admixed with cell debris chiefly from necrotic alveolar lining pneumocytes E. Hyaline membranes small cysts in pancreatic glands, signs of chronic bronchitis with E. atelectasis, bronchiectasis; Mucoviscidosi coprostasis in intestine s 522. 523. In microscopic examination of a 2-day-old preterm-newborn it was found out: diffuse edema and numerous hemorrhages in the lungs, pulmonary capillaries overfull by blood. What is the probable diagnosis? A. Hemolytic disease of newborn B. Birth injury C. Pneumonia in newborn D. Respiratory distress pre-term-newborn; diffuse edema and syndrome of newborn numerous hemorrhages in lungs; E. E. Edematoushemorrhagic pulmonary capillaries overfull by Edematoushemorrhagic syndrome blood syndrome On autopsy of a 71-year-old male, who had worked as a stone grinder for 14 years and died from cardiopulmonary insufficiency, his lungs were enlarged and dense, they revealed numerous miliary and larger grey or grey-black nodules rounded, oval or irregular in shape and dense in consistency. A microscopic examination revealed some peribronchial and perivascular vegetation of the connective tissue, scleroid interalveolar septa, catarrhal-desquamative bronchitis, bronchoectases, a diffuse emphysema. The nodules were represented by clusters of coniophages with collagen fibres among them, some nodules had a fibrous structure. What disease is characterized by the above changes in the lungs? stone-grinder; lungs enlarged and dense with numerous miliary and larger grey or grey-black nodules rounded, oval or irregular in shape and dense in consistency; peribronchial and A. Anthracosis B. perivascular vegetation of the connective Bronchiectatic disease tissue, scleroid interalveolar septa, C. Chronic bronchitis bronchoectases, a diffuse emphysema; D. Bronchial asthma clusters of coniophages with collagen E. Silicosis fibres E. Silicosis 524. An autopsy of a 59-year-old male, who had worked in mine for 19 years, revealed the following changes in the lungs: chronic deforming bronchitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, an expressed emphysema, sclerotic changes in the vascular walls, irregular caverns with crumbling black walls and some black contents. The lymph nodes were enlarged and black. Histologically, the A. Siderosis lungs revealed perivascular and peribronchial B. Silicosis sclerosis, sclerosis of interalveolar septa and a large number of macrophages whose cytoplasm C. Aluminosis contained some grey-black or slate pigment. D. Asbestosis Name the most probable pathology. E. Anthracosis 525. An autopsy of a young male, who served aboard a nuclear submarine and during his life-time revealed severe anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and an expressed haemorrhagic syndrome, revealed the following changes: panmyelophthisis, decomposition of lymphocytes in the lymph nodes, spleen and lymphatic apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as haemorrhages in the mucosal membranes of the stomach, intestines and adrenal glands. What disease developed in this case? miner; chronic deforming bronchitis, chronic bronchopneumonia, an expressed emphysema, sclerotic changes in the vascular walls, irregular caverns with crumbling black walls and some black contents; lymph nodes were enlarged and black; perivascular and peribronchial sclerosis, sclerosis of interalveolar septa and a large number of macrophages whose cytoplasm contained some greyblack or slate pigment E. Anthracosis A. Acute hypoplastic anaemia B. Vibration served aboard a nuclear submarine; severe disease C. Acute leukaemia anaemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia D. Decompression and an expressed haemorrhagic syndrome; sickness panmyelophthisis, decomposition of E. Acute radiation lymphocytes in lymphoid organs; multiple sickness haemorrhages E. Acute radiation sickness 526. An autopsy of a 56-year-old male, who had worked as a driller of boreholes during his lifetime, revealed dry gangrene of the toes and feet, an atrophy of the forearm, deltoid and rhomboid muscles. Microscopically, the muscles A. Decompression were characterized by an atrophy, the distal sickness epiphyses of the radial and ulnar bones had foci of B. Deforming osteoporosis and sclerosis, the carpal bones had arthrosis numerous cysts, marks of pathological fractures C. Myopathy D. and deformities; in the arteries there was a sharp Obliterating narrowing of their lumens up to the absolute endarteritis obliteration. What disease developed in this case? E. Vibration disease driller of boreholes; dry gangrene of toes and feet, an atrophy of forearm, deltoid and rhomboid muscles; muscles with atrophy signs; osteoporosis and sclerosis of forarm bones; carpal bones with numerous cysts, marks of pathological fractures and deformities; sharp E. Vibration narrowing and obliteration in arteries disease 527. An autopsy of a 43-year-old male, who had A. Obliterating worked as a diver during his life-time, revealed in endarteritis the long bones of his lower extremities some foci B. Deforming of osteoporosis surrounded by an area of sclerosis, arthrosis as well as foci of aseptic necrosis of the bone C. Myopathy tissue and osteomyelitis. The joints were D. Vibration characterized by deformity, an atrophy of the disease E. cartilage, phenomena of arthritis. What disease Decompression developed in this man? sickness diver; foci of osteoporosis surrounded by an area of sclerosis; foci of aseptic necrosis of bone tissue and osteomyelitis; E. joints deformity, an atrophy of the Decompressio cartilage, phenomena of arthritis n sickness 528. 529. 530. An autopsy of a female, who had worked as a radiologist for 20 years and died from double pneumonia, revealed numerous haemorrhages of various remoteness on the skin, mucous and serous membranes, general haemosiderosis. The marrow of the sternum was yellow, the liver and A. Hypoplastic kidneys were yellow-clay and flaccid, the anaemia myocardium was flaccid, from the side of the B. Aplastic endocardium it had yellow-white lines. anaemia C. Acute Microscopically, the marrow was characterized by radiation panmyelophthisis, there was fatty degeneration of sickness the parenchymatous organs and purulent D. AIDS pneumonia in the lungs. What disease developed E. Chronic in this case? radiation sickness A. Tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis B. Dysentery, cholera Acquired immunodeficiencies often are caused by C. Q fever, typhus D. Infectious an infection, where causative agents reproduce directly in the cells of the immune system, mononucleosis, AIDS destroying them in the process. It is characteristic E. Poliomyelitis, of the following diseases: hepatitis A A. Transplantation After sensitization a test animal received immune reaction B. subcutaneously a dose of antigen. At the site of Delayed injection a fibrinous inflammation developed with hypersensitivity alteration of vessel walls, basal substance, and C. Normergic fibrous structures of connective tissue. The reaction inflammation took form of mucoid and fibrinoid D. Granulomatosis degeneration, fibrinoid necrosis. What immune E. Immediate response occurred in the test animal? hypersensitivity radiologist for 20 years; numerous haemorrhages on the skin, mucous and serous membranes, general haemosiderosis; marrow of the sternum yellow, liver and kidneys yellow-clay and flaccid, myocardium flaccid; panmyelophthisis; fatty degeneration of E. Chronic parenchymatous organs and purulent radiation pneumonia sickness infection agents reproduce directly in the D. Infectious cells of the immune system, destroying mononucleosi them s, AIDS sensitizated animal received subcutaneously a dose of antigen; fibrinous inflammation with alteration of vessel walls, basal substance, and fibrous structures of connective tissue in site of E. Immediate injection; mucoid and fibrinoid hypersensitivit degeneration, fibrinoid necrosis y 531. A. Polyarteritis nodosa B. Autopsy of the body of a woman revealed the following morphological changes: stenosis of the Rheumatism C. Systemic lupus atrioventricular opening, mitral insufficiency. Histologically there are focal cardiosclerosis and erythematosus ’’blooming” Aschoff nodules in the myocardium. D. Dermatomyositis What is the most likely diagnosis? E. Scleroderma A. Proliferation B. Hypertrophy C. Atrophy D. Apoptosis E. Differentiation stenosis of the atrioventricular opening, mitral insufficiency; focal cardiosclerosis and ’’blooming” Aschoff nodules in B. myocardium Rheumatism 532. Unlike the nerve cells that do not reproduce, the stem cell can regenerate multiple times. The process of repeated cell regeneration is called: 533. For the last three years a 45-year-old man had A. Dust-induced been suffering from dry cough, progressing pneumosclerosis B. dyspnea, pulmonary failure, and rapid weight loss. Multiple Autopsy of his body shows cor pulmonale. The bronchiectasis C. lungs are markedly fibrotic, with cavities that Bronchial asthma resemble a honeycomb pattern. Histology D. Chronic bullous revealed interstitial fibrosis and marked emphysema lymphohistiocytic stromal infiltration with E. Postinflammatory neutrophilic admixture. Make the diagnosis: pneumosclerosis dry cough, progressing dyspnea, cor pulmonale; lungs markedly fibrotic, with cavities that resemble a honeycomb B. Multiple pattern; interstitial fibrosis bronchiectasis 534. Autopsy of the body of a 35-year-old drug addicted man with a long history of fibrocavitary pulmonary tuberculosis shows enlarged and dense spleen and kidneys. On section their tissues are grayish and have a ’’fatty” sheen. Microscopically, in the red and white splenic pulp and in the renal glomerular interstitium and mesangium there are deposits of Congo redpositive masses. Diagnose the type of damage to the internal organs: fibrocavitary pulmonary tuberculosis; enlarged and dense spleen and kidneys; tissues grayish and have a ’’fatty” sheen; E. Secondary deposits of Congo red-positive masses amyloidosis A. Diffuse hyalinosis B. Idiopathic amyloidosis C. Local tumorlike amyloidosis D. Senile amyloidosis E. Secondary amyloidosis regenerate multiple times; Multiplication A. of cells Proliferation 536. A patient with bilateral adrenal damage developed A. Porphyrin dark-brown skin color. Histochemical analysis of B. Biliverdine the patient’s skin shows negative Peris reaction. C. Lipofuscin What pigment caused the skin discoloration in this D. Hemosiderin case? E. Melanin A. Acute gangrenous cholecystitis B. Acute Pathomorphology of the gallbladder after catarrhal cholecystectomy shows that it is enlarged, its cholecystitis C. walls are thickened, its serous tunic is dull and Chronic plethoric; there are viscous yellow-green masses cholecystitis D. in the gallbladder cavity. Microscopically, a Acute phlegmonous diffuse infiltration of segmented neutrophils is cholecystitis observed in the gallbladder wall. What type of E. Granulomatous cholecystitis is the most likely in this case? cholecystitis 537. A young man came to a hospital with complaints A. Epispadia of disturbed urination. Examination of his external genitalia revealed the urethra to be split on the B. Paraphimosis top, with urine flowing out of this opening. What C. Hypospadias type of external genitalia maldevelopment is D. Phimosis observed in this case? E. Hermaphroditism 535. bilateral adrenal damage; dark-brown skin color; negative Peris reaction E. Melanin gallbladder walls thickened, serous tunic is dull and plethoric; viscous yellowgreen D. Acute masses in gallbladder cavity; diffuse phlegmonous infiltration of segmented neutrophils cholecystitis urethra are split on top A. Epispadia 538. Histology of a biopsy material obtained from the liver of a 67-year- old man, who for a long time has been suffering from chronic diffuse obstructive emphysema, revealed the following morphological changes: central veins are dilated; sinusoids in the center of hepatic lobules are hyperemic and exhibit signs of capillarization; a portion of hepatocytes has undergone dystrophic changes; moderate perivascular sclerosis; periportally one can observe hepatocytes with signs of fatty degeneration. What type of liver damage is it? A. Fatty hepatosis B. Goose liver C. Portal cirrhosis D. Nutmeg liver E. Brimstone liver 539. A 50-year-old woman has a round neoplasm, 2,5 cm in diameter, in her ovary. On section the neoplasm has a cavity with pale yellow transparent liquid. The inner walls of the cavity are smooth. Macroscopically, this neoplasm can be classified as a: A. Cyst B. Ulcer C. Node with an infiltration in its center round neoplasm in ovary; cavity with pale D. Infiltration yellow transparent liquid; inner walls of E. Node cavity are smooth A. Cyst 540. A man has suffered a recurrent intramural myocardial infarction. After a course of treatment and rehabilitation, he was discharged from the hospital in a satisfactory condition and registered for regular check-ups with his therapist. Two years later he died in a car crash. What type of the pathological process was detected in his myocardium during the autopsy? A. Necrosis B. Small-focal cardiosclerosis C. Large-focal cardiosclerosis D. Hyperplasia E. Atrophy chronic diffuse obstructive emphysema; central veins are dilated; sinusoids in center of hepatic lobules are hyperemic; periportally hepatocytes with signs of fatty degeneration D. Nutmeg liver C. Large-focal cardiosclerosi recurrent intramural myocardial infarction s 542. A patient has gradually developed a skin plaque on his face. In the center of this plaque there are necrotic patch and an ulcer. Histopathological analysis of the biopsy material reveals proliferation of atypical epithelial cells with a large number of pathologic mitoses. What is the most likely diagnosis? Autopsy of the body of a 52- year-old man, who had a long history of tuberculous prostatitis and died of meningoencephalitis, detected a large number of dense gray nodules 0.5-1 mm in diameter in the pia mater at the basal and lateral surfaces of the brain, spleen, kidneys, and liver. Histologically, these nodules consist of epithelioid, lymphoid, and a small number of giant cells with horseshoe-shaped nuclei located at the periphery of the cell. These changes indicate: A. Sarcoma B. Papilloma C. Trophic ulcer D. Fibroma E. Skin cancer A. Septicopyemia B. Secondary tuberculosis C. Macrofocal disseminated tuberculosis D. Peracute tuberculous sepsis E. Miliary tuberculosis 543. 14 days after the recovery from tonsillitis, a 15year-old teenager developed face edema in the morning, high blood pressure, and urine resembling ’’meat slops’.’ Immunohistochemistry of renal biopsy material revealed immune complex deposits on the capillary basement membrane and in the glomerular mesangium. What disease is it? A. Acute glomerulonephritis B. Lipoid nephrosis C. Acute interstitial nephritis D. Acute pyelonephritis E. Necrotic nephrosis 541. skin plaque; necrotic patch and ulcer in center; proliferation of atypical epithelial cells with a large number of pathologic mitoses E. Skin cancer tuberculous prostatitis; meningoencephalitis; large number of dense gray nodules 0.5-1 mm in diameter in pia mater and other organs; nodules consist of epithelioid, lymphoid, and giant D. Peracute cells with horseshoe-shaped nuclei tuberculous located at periphery of cell sepsis edema in morning, high blood pressure, urine resembling ’’meat slops"; immune A. Acute complex deposits on capillary basement glomerulonep membrane and in glomerular mesangium hritis 544. A 40-year-old man, a butcher, died of sepsis. On his right cheek there is a dense dark-red coneshaped infiltration, 6 cm in size, with a black scab in its center. The right half of his face and neck are markedly swollen and dense. In the infiltration, microscopy detects a peracute serohemorrhagic inflammation. Epidermis and its underlying layers are necrotic in the center of the infiltration. What diagnosis was made by the pathologist? 545. A man, who died of internal bleeding A. Capillary (hemoperitoneum), had a dark- red sponge-like hemangioma node 15x10 cm in size in the subcapsular region B. Cavernous of the liver. The node is clearly separated from the hemangioma surrounding tissues. Microscopically, the node C. Lymphangioma tissue consists of large vascular thin- walled D. Venous cavities, lined with endotheliocytes and filled with hemangioma liquid or coagulated blood. What type of tumor is E. it? Hemangiopericytoma hemoperitoneum; dark- red sponge-like node in liver; node is clearly separated from the surrounding tissues, consists of large vascular thin- walled cavities, lined B. Cavernous with endotheliocytes and filled with liquid hemangioma or coagulated blood 546. Autopsy of the body of a woman with a history of chronic dysentery includes histology of the internal organs. Histologically, in the renal and myocardial stroma and parenchyma, gastric mucosa, and pulmonary connective tissue there are amorphous violet deposits that produce positive Von Kossa reaction. What complication developed in this woman? chronic dysentery; renal and myocardial stroma and parenchyma, gastric mucosa, and pulmonary connective tissue there are amorphous violet deposits that produce E. positive Von Kossa reaction Amyloidosis A. Plague B. Tularemia C. Phlegmon of the neck D. Anthrax E. e. Furuncle A. Metabolic calcification B. Metastatic calcification C. Dystrophic calcification D. Hyalinosis E. Amyloidosis butcher, died of sepsis; dense dark-red cone-shaped infiltration with a black scab in its center; peracute serohemorrhagic inflammation; epidermis and its underlying layers are necrotic in center of infiltration D. Anthrax 547. A 49-year-old woman had a long history of chronic glomerulonephritis, of which she died. Autopsy shows that her kidneys are 7x3x2.5 cm in size, have weight of 65.0 g, are dense and finely granular. Fibrinous inflammation of serous and A. Thrombocytopenia mucous tunics, dystrophic degeneration of B. Sepsis parenchymal organs, and cerebral edema were C. Uremia detected as well. What complication caused such D. Anemia changes in the serous tunics and internal organs? E. DIC syndrome chronic glomerulonephritis; kidneys reduced, dense and finely granular; fibrinous inflammation of serous and mucous tunics, dystrophic degeneration of C. Uremia parenchymal organs, cerebral edema 548. A 48-year-old man died with signs of heart failure. Macroscopy of the heart shows that the mitral valve cusps are dense, thickened, and moderately deformed. Microscopically, the bundles of collagen fibrils are homogenized, A. Fibrinoid swelling eosinophilic, and surrounded with slight B. Mucoid swelling macrophage infiltration; no metachromasia. Picro- C. Sclerosis fuchsin staining reveals yellow foci. Diagnose the D. Hyalinosis type of connective tissue damage: E. Amyloidosis mitral valve cusps are dense, thickened, and moderately deformed; bundles of collagen fibrils are homogenized, eosinophilic, and surrounded with slight macrophage infiltration; no metachromasia, picro-fuchsin staining reveals yellow foci 549. A 6-year-old child had acute onset of the disease that started as catarrhal nasopharyngitis. 2 days later the patient died. Autopsy of the body shows markedly plethoric and swollen pia mater that is soaked with thick turbid yellow-green fluid. The brain is swollen, the cerebellar tonsils are enlarged, and there is a dearly visible ligature mark on the brain. The described changes are characteristic of: catarrhal nasopharyngitis; plethoric and swollen pia mater, is soaked with thick turbid yellow-green fluid; brain swollen, the cerebellar tonsils are enlarged, dearly C. visible ligature mark on medulla Meningococc oblongata osis A. Measles B. Pertussis C. Meningococcosis D. Diphtheria E. Influenza A. Fibrinoid swelling 550. A 7-year-old boy has a bright-pink punctate rash against the background of hyperemia on his forehead, neck, lower abdomen, and in the popliteal spaces. His nasolabial triangle is pale. In the oropharynx there is a bright-red hyperemic area with clear margins, the tonsils are swollen and friable, lacunas contain pus, the tongue is raspberry pink. The cervical lymph nodes are enlarged and painful. Make the diagnosis: 551. After an out-of-hospital abortion, a woman developed progressing purulent endomyometritis, A. Pulmonary sepsis of which she died. Autopsy of the body revealed B. Septicopyemia numerous pulmonary abscesses, small subcapsular C. Septicemia pustules in the kidneys, splenic hyperplasia. What D. Chroniosepsis type of sepsis developed in the woman? E. Urosepsis progressing purulent endomyometritis; numerous pulmonary abscesses, small subcapsular pustules in kidneys, splenic hyperplasia 552. A patient died with signs of heart failure. Autopsy shows the following: postinfarction cardiosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, and dilated cardiac chambers. The liver is enlarged, has smooth surface, is plethoric on section, covered in dark red specks against the brown-tinted background of the tissue. Histologically, the central veins of the hepatic lobules are plethoric; there is erythrocyte diapedesis into the perivascular space. Central hepatocytes are dystrophic, while peripheral hepatocytes are enlarged and affected by fatty degeneration. What process occurred in the patient’s liver? postinfarction cardiosclerosis, cardiac hypertrophy, dilated cardiac chambers; liver enlarged; smooth surface, is plethoric on section, covered in dark red specks against brown-tinted background of tissue; central veins are plethoric; erythrocyte diapedesis into perivascular space; peripheral hepatocytes are enlarged C. Nutmeg and affected by fatty degeneration liver A. Diphtheria B. Rubella C. Infectious mononucleosis D. Scarlet fever E. Pertussis A. Pseudonutmeg liver B. Amyloidosis C. Nutmeg liver D. Hepatic cirrhosis E. Hepatic steatosis bright-pink punctate rash; hyperemia on forehead, neck, lower abdomen and in popliteal spaces; nasolabial triangle is pale; oropharynx bright-red hyperemic area with clear margins, tonsils are swollen and friable, lacunas contain pus, tongue is raspberry pink; cervical lymph D. Scarlet nodes are enlarged and painful fever B. Septicopyemi a 553. Autopsy of the body revealed a large wedgeshaped patch of a dense dark red tissue with clear margins in the upper lobe of the right lung. Histological examination detected there necrosis of the alveolar walls; the alveolar lumen is tightly packed with erythrocytes. What process occurred in the lungs? A. Gangrene B. Atelectasis C. Hemorrhagic infarction D. Hemorrhage E. Carneous degeneration 554. A. Portal hypertension B. Acute left ventricular failure C. A patient who for a long time was suffering from Chronic right rheumatism and had mitral stenosis died of' ventricular failure D. cardiopulmonary failure. Autopsy revealed brown Chronic left ventricular induration of the lungs. What circulatory disorder failure E. Acute right rheumatism, and had mitral stenosis; leads to such changes in the lungs? ventricular failure brown induration of lungs 555. A. Staphylococcal pneumonia B. Pneumococcal pneumonia C. Typhoid pneumonia Microscopy of autopsy material detected that the D. Measles alveolar lumens in the lungs are filled with pneumonia exudate, consisting mainly of erythrocytes. What E. Influenza virus is the most likely cause of this development? pneumonia large wedge-shaped patch of dense dark red tissue with clear margins in lung; C. necrosis of alveolar walls; alveolar lumen Hemorrhagic is tightly packed with erythrocytes infarction alveolar lumens in lungs are filled with exudate, consisting mainly of erythrocytes D. Chronic left ventricular failure E. Influenza virus pneumonia 556. A. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis) When examining a biopsy material obtained from B. Graves’ disease the thyroid gland, the pathologist discovered (toxic diffuse goiter) C. lymphocyte infiltration of the thyroid tissues and Papillary thyroid cancer destruction of the parenchymal elements. Diffuse D. Undifferentiated lymphocyte infiltration with lymphoid follicles thyroid carcinoma E. was detected in the stroma. What is the most Solid adenoma of the likely diagnosis? thyroid A. Hashimoto’s lymphocyte infiltration of thyroid tissues thyroiditis and destruction of parenchymal elements; (chronic diffuse lymphocyte infiltration with lymphocytic lymphoid follicles thyroiditis) 557. Autopsy of the body revealed waxy degeneration of the rectus abdominis muscles. In the terminal A. Crohn’s disease B. segment of the small intestine there are ulcers 3-5 Nonspecific ulcerative cm in diameter. The ulcer walls are covered in a colitis crumbling grayish-yellow substance. The ulcer C. Typhoid fever edges are moderately raised above the mucosa. D. Dysentery Widal test is positive. Make the diagnosis: E. Relapsing fever waxy degeneration of rectus abdominis muscles; ulcers in terminal segment of small intestine; ulcer walls are covered in crumbling grayish-yellow substance; edges are moderately raised above C. Typhoid mucosa fever 558. A biopsy material obtained from a mammary tumor has solid layers that consist of small epithelial cells with polymorphic nuclei and numerous pathological mitoses. The stroma is scant and has lymphocyte infiltration. Make the diagnosis: tumor has solid layers that consist of small epithelial cells with polymorphic nuclei and numerous pathological mitoses; stroma is scant A. Adenofibroma B. Adenoma C. Medullary carcinoma D. Paget disease E. Scirrhous carcinoma C. Medullary carcinoma 559. Autopsy of the body of an 18-year-old young man shows that the spleen weight is 580 grams, it is dark-red on section, spleen pulp easily scrapes off. A. Cyanotic Histologically, there is marked proliferation of B. Leukemia reticular cells and a large number of mature C. Sago neutrophils in the sinusoidal capillaries. In this D. Porphyric case the spleen can be described as: E. Septic 560. Section shows significant enlargement of the patient’s right kidney. There is a nephrolith at the place of incision. Renal pelvic lumen is distended with accumulating urine. Renal parenchyma is substantially thinned out. What is the most correct diagnosis? 561. A patient has ascites, his spleen is double the normal size, he has esophageal and rectal varices. Histology of the biopsy material obtained from the liver revealed micronodular cirrhosis. What complicated the hepatic cirrhosis in this case? A. Pyelectasis B. Renal cyst C. Hydronephrosis D. Hydroureteronephrosi s E. Nephroblastoma A. Budd-Chiari syndrome B. Hepatolienal syndrome C. Portal hypertension D. Hepatocellular dysfunction E. Heart failure spleen enlarged, dark-red on section, spleen pulp easily scrapes off; marked proliferation of reticular cells and large number of mature neutrophils in the sinusoidal capillaries E. Septic significant enlargement of kidney; nephrolithiasis; renal pelvic lumen is distended with accumulating urine; parenchyma is substantially thinned out C. Hydronephros is ascites, spleen is double normal size; esophageal and rectal varices; micronodular cirrhosis of liver C. Portal hypertension 562. A. Endocarditis ulceropolyposa B. Recurrent verrucous endocarditis C. Fibroblastic Autopsy of the body revealed large (1- 2 cm) endocarditis brown-red deposits on the external surface of the D. Diffuse aortic valve. The deposits cover ulcers and endocarditis large brown-red deposits on external crumble easily. What disease can be suspected in E. Acute verrucous surface of aortic valve; deposits cover this case? endocarditis ulcers and crumble easily A. Endocarditis ulceropolypos a 563. A 29-year-old man complains of headache, swelling, weight gain, low urine output, and marked weakness. Laboratory testing revealed increased concentration of TSH. The levels of estrogen, growth hormone, glucose, urea, and creatinine are normal. What medical condition corresponds with these signs? E. Hyperthyroidi sm A. Acromegalia B. Glomerulonephritis C. Alimentary obesity D. Hypothyroidism E. Hyperthyroidism increased concentration of TSH