Real-Time Energy Management of an Islanded Microgrid Using Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization A. J. Litchy, Member, IEEE and M.H. Nehrir, Life Fellow IEEE Abstract—While minimizing cost has always been a primary objective in energy management, because of increasing concerns over emissions, minimization of this objective has been brought to the forefront of energy management as well. Minimization of cost and emission are two conflicting objectives. Moreover, the optimization problem becomes more complex with the addition of renewable technologies that have varying power generation energy storage. This paper presents a multi-objective, multiconstraint energy management optimization problem for an islanded microgrid solved in real time using a modified Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. Simulation results show the benefits of real-time optimization and the freedom of choice users make to meet their energy demands. Furthermore, the simulation results from the MOPSObased algorithm are compared with those from the Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA)-based optimization package available in the Matlab optimization toolbox. The results show that the proposed MOPSO-based algorithm used for a 24-hour period energy management simulation performs much faster than the MOGA-based optimization package. Index Terms—Microgrid, real-time energy management, particle swarm optimization, genetic algorithm. I. INTRODUCTION The Increased interest in emission-free power generation has resulted in increasing utilization of renewable - wind, photovoltaic (PV) – power generation during the last decade, and this trend is expected to continue even at a faster paste. However, because of the time varying nature of the above power generation sources, for improved reliability, they need to operate in a hybrid manner, along with a dispatchable generation and/or an energy storage (ES) system. In general, dispatchable sources produce undesired emissions, and the addition of ES results in increased cost. Ideally, it is desired to minimize both of the above objectives. However, these objectives are competing; i.e., the minimization of one objective results in an increase in the other objective. In this paper the hybrid combination of solar PV and solidoxide fuel cell (SOFC)-electrolyzer distributed energy resources (DERs) along with an internal combustion engine (ICE) and battery ES are used in an islanded microgrid (MG) setting to provide the energy needs of a medium-size college in San Francisco, California. Fig. 1 shows the different load demand profile for a typical summer day of the college campus [1], [2]. This work was supported by the DOE Award DE-FG02-11ER46817 and by Montana State University. A.J. Litchy (email: and M.H. Nehrir (email: are with the Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept., Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 USA. The MG also has combined heat and power (CHP) capability (for increased energy efficiency) to supply the thermal loads of the building with the exhaust heat from the FC, ICE, and the heat generated by a boiler. The fuel used for the FC is hydrogen (H2) and that used for the ICE and boiler is natural gas (NG). Fig. 1. Sample load demand profile for a typical summer day of a mediumsized college in San Francisco, CA. Fig. 2 shows the technologies used in the MG and their corresponding power capacities to supply the load profiles shown in Fig. 1. The technology selection and unit sizing have been obtained using the following software application programs: 1) the original version of DERCAM (WebOpt), developed at the Lawrence Berkley Laboratory (LBL) [2], and 2) HOMER, originally developed at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [3]. These programs provide optimal selection of technologies and their sizes for any specific load. The details of technology selection and unit sizing for this project is reported by the authors in [1]. In this paper, energy management of the designed MG is presented using a modified multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) algorithm. It has been shown in [4] that PSO is a useful technique to perform real-time optimization of an energy management system (EMS) for a hybrid wind-microturbine energy system. The MG used in this paper is more complex than that reported in [4]. The proposed MOPSO finds the optimal power to be generated by each source at any time to provide the desired power to the loads, considering the two objectives of minimizing cost and emissions over a 24-hour period. Because the two objectives are non-commensurate and competing, a Pareto front, i.e. a set of solutions is obtained, among which a trade-off solution can be picked. The paper also compares the Pareto front performance of the modified MOPSO algorithm with that of a multi-objective 978-1-4799-6415-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 12:31:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 1 genetic algorithm (MOGA) optimization program available in the Matlab optimization toolbox. The results show the modified MOPSO algorithm performs better and faster. The modified MOPSO is used in the EMS simulations of the MG over a 24-hour period. The optimization process is carried out every 30 seconds for two different cases: least cost and least emissions. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed MOPSO for real-time energy management of microgrids. where FCR is the fuel consumption ratio in m3/s/W, ρng is the density of natural gas in kg/m3, CC is natural gas’ carbon content, and MWR is its molecular weight ratio of CO2. The heat generated by the boiler, QB, is the excess heat that needs to be generated after waste heat from the ICE (QICE), and FC (QFC), is recuperated as follows. 4 where Qload is the heating load of the designed MG. The recoverable heat of the ICE and FC are calculated as in (5) and (6), respectively. 1 % 5 6 where LHV is the lower heating value of the fuel (45 MJ/kg), %RH is the percentage of recoverable heat, and RHR is the recoverable heat ratio. Fig. 2. Block diagram of the designed AC-coupled microgrid. II. FORMULATION OF OPTIMIZATION PROBLEM The multi-objective energy management problem of the designed MG (Fig. 2) contains two non-commensurate competing objectives, cost and emissions. This section details the two objective functions and the constraints of the energy management system. A. Cost Objective Function The cost objective function depends on the cost of five different energy sources as given by (1) 1 where CE, CFC, CBatt, CICE, and CB (boiler operation cost) are the total operation cost of the different MG components in Fig. 2 during each optimization time step. The cost of PV is not included in (1) since the same cost is used during each simulation. The details of the cost formulation for each component are given in [5]. B. Emissions Objective Function Emission is the second objective function which is desired to be minimized in the energy management optimization problem. The emissions are produced from the natural gas used to fuel the ICE and the boiler as shown in (2). , , 2 where ton,ICE and ton,B are the time the ICE and boiler are operating, and EICE and EB are the CO2 production rates for the ICE and boiler, respectively, calculated as follows. 3 C. Constraints The energy management optimization problem contains one equality constraint and two to four inequality constraints depending on the operating state of the system. During power demand, Pdemand, the equality constraint ensures the sum of the power generated/absorbed from the different sources equals the amount of power that is needed in addition to the available PV power to supply the load, as given by (7). When the available PV power is more than what is needed by the load, then the excess available power, Pava, will be used by the electrolyzer (PE) to generate hydrogen and to charge the battery, (PBatt), given in (8). 7 8 The inequality constraints are simple operating ranges allowed for each energy source, generally given by (9). 9 When excess power is available and either the battery or hydrogen tank or both are fully charged, the excess power will automatically be consumed by the device that isn’t fully charged. In the rare case that the electrolyzer and the battery are fully charged, the excess power will be consumed by a dump load, Pdump. No optimization run is needed during the above states. III. INTELLIGENT OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS A modified multi-objective PSO algorithm was developed to solve the energy management problem. The descriptions of each method and a summary on Pareto front are given in this section. A. Pareto Front In the case a multi-objective optimization problem has competing and non-commensurate objectives, it is not possible to obtain an optimal operating point; instead a Pareto front of the viable solutions can be created to help the system operator/owner make a proper decision. A Pareto front is a collection of many non-dominated solutions to the 2 Authorized licensed use limited to: ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 12:31:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. optimization problem and displays the true trade-offs between multiple objectives, as shown in Fig. 3, where it is desired that the two functions f1(x), f2(x) be minimized [6]. Population based optimization techniques, such as PSO, work well with this type of multi-objective optimization problem due to the simultaneous generation of multiple solutions. earlier. The detailed formulation of the algorithm is given in [5]. C. Genetic Algorithm GA is another powerful optimization tool that has been around since its development in the 1960s [12]. MOGA has also been extensively used in the literature. In this paper the MOGA optimization tool available in the Matlab optimization toolbox was used to compare the MOPSO results to. IV. SIMULATION RESULTS Numerous energy management cases were simulated to obtain the Pareto fronts shown in Fig. 4. Two extreme cases are discussed below: 1) the optimization case with the cheapest solution on the Pareto front, and 2) the optimization case that produced the least amount of emission. An analysis of each of the energy management cases is given. A. Pareto Front Comparison Fig. 4 shows the comparison of Pareto front results between the MOPSO algorithm and the MOGA algorithm. B. Particle Swarm Optimization PSO started as an attempt at simulating the flight of a flock of birds and transformed into an optimization tool that started with its original version in [6] and progressed to a multiobjective version in [7]-[10]. Like other evolutionary algorithms, PSO starts with a randomly initialized set of solutions and evolves towards the optimal solution through a series of updated generations. The updated generations are produced from previous generation information. The traditional PSO updates its particles as in (10) and (11) , , , 10 , , ,, , , 2.2 2.0 PSO: 1089 solutions 26.9 sec GA2: 250 solutions 145.5 sec GA: 150 solutions 38.2 sec 1.8 Cost ($ / 30 sec) Fig. 3. Pareto front example [6]. 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 , 11 where Xi,d is the particle’s position of the d dimension variable and Vi,d is the velocity of the particle. The velocity of the particle depends on the previous velocity value, the particle’s personal best position, Pbest,i,d, and the swarm’s global best position, Gbest,d. The previous velocity value is multiplied by an inertia weight, w, and the personal and global best distances from the current particle position are multiplied by the social learning factors C1 and C2, as well as the random numbers R1 and R2, which have a value between 0 and 1. The global best value can be replaced by a neighborhood best value, Nbest,d, which is determined from a defined neighborhood that stays constant throughout the optimization. When using PSO in multi-objective optimization problems the same equations are used to update the particles positions as in the traditional case, however, since there is no true global or local optimum, a dynamic neighborhood with extended memory is selected based on calculated distances between solutions. The personal best solution in the equation is now updated only if it is dominated by a new solution [9]. The MOPSO algorithm used in this paper has similar attributes to that in [11] but is tailored to handle the constraints of the energy management optimization problem described 0.2 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Emissions (kg / 30 sec) Fig. 4. Comparison of Pareto fronts for the different optimization algorithms. Initially, the power demand was set to 250 kW, the battery state of charge (SOC) was set to 50%, and the hydrogen tank was set to 50% full as well. As shown in Fig. 4, the Pareto front for the MOPSO and MOGA cases are on top of each other which shows the two optimization algorithms give similar results. However, the MOPSO algorithm proved to be faster than the MOGA with 150 solutions and over five times faster than the MOGA case with 250 solutions while also producing 1089 solutions. The much higher speed of the proposed MOPSO in reaching a series of solutions shows its suitability for real-time applications. It should be noted that the Pareto front shape and values change for each different set of the initial operating states, but in each case the MOPSO algorithm was faster and produced a denser Pareto front than the MOGA optimization case. The MOPSO algorithm was used to run the simulations. B. Twenty-Four Hour Energy Management Simulation Figs. 5 shows the simulation results when the objective is to minimize the operation cost. Fig. 5(a) shows the power 3 Authorized licensed use limited to: ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 12:31:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. from the different generation sources shown in Fig. 2, the power flow to/from the battery, and to the electrolyzer, and Fig. 5(b) shows the SOC of the battery and hydrogen tank for the 24-hr simulation period. Fig. 6 shows the same quantities shown in Fig. 5 when the objective is to minimize emission. Each case starts out with the battery SOC at 50% and the hydrogen tank at approximately 48% full. Each state uses all of the PV power that is available and updates the operating points of its sources every 30 seconds after the optimization is complete. The ICE power output is allowed to freely change after its new operating point has been set in order to ensure the equality constraint is met due to fluctuations in load and PV power over the 30 second interval. 600 500 Power (kW) 700 600 500 Power (kW) 700 the low multiplicative cost factor for the battery when its SOC is lower than 70%. Once the battery SOC reaches 70%, it stops charging. After that point it is cheapest to power either the electrolyzer or charge the battery alone and not both at the same time. Since there is more power available than what can be absorbed by the battery the optimization process chooses the electrolyzer in order to satisfy the constraints. Once the available power falls below what is needed to meet the demand, it is then more cost-effective to operate (discharge) the battery, since its SOC is above 70%. 400 300 200 400 100 300 0 200 -100 0 2 4 6 8 100 10 12 14 16 18 20 16 18 20 22 24 Time (hrs) 0 -100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (hrs) (a) 100 80 State of Charge (%) (a) 100 State of Charge (%) 80 60 40 60 20 40 0 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 22 24 Time (hrs) 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Time (hrs) (b) Fig. 5. Power from each source for the least cost case (a) and the state of charge of the battery and hydrogen tank (b). When the objective is to minimize cost (Fig. 5), the ICE is the only power-producing source during the time when PV power is not sufficient to meet the demand. During the period when excess PV power is available, the battery is charged and the electrolyzer is powered to produce hydrogen. In Fig. 5, at the beginning of the period when power is available (around hour 6), the battery starts charging and the electrolyzer operating and producing hydrogen. This is due to (b) Fig. 6. Power from each source for the least emission case (a) and the state of charge of the battery and hydrogen tank (b). The second optimization case chose the solution that would produce the least amount of emissions over the optimization time step of 30 seconds (Fig. 6). At the beginning of the simulation, since PV power is not available the FC and battery are used along with the ICE to supply the load. When PV power is available, the same process occurs as during the least cost case. In the least emission case, the battery discharged more than the least cost case and therefore charges for a longer period of time until it reaches around 70% again. 4 Authorized licensed use limited to: ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on December 11,2021 at 12:31:05 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Around hour 14, the PV power falls below that demanded by the load and the battery SOC is not sufficient to supply the additional power demanded by the load. Because the objective is to minimize the amount of emission produced, the FC is turned on to provide the remainder of the power demanded by the load. The FC also provides power to charge the battery. This is because of the objective being to minimize emission. The exhaust heat from the FC is used to supply the heating loads, and the emission-producing boiler is not turned on until the hydrogen tank eventually runs out of hydrogen. Then, the battery and the ICE power are used to meet the demand. The total cost and emission calculated over the 24-hour simulation period for the two optimization cases discussed above are shown in Table I. It is clear from the table that the two objectives, least cost and least emissions are conflicting, i.e. cost is minimized, emission is high and for least emission, cost is high. TABLE I Total Cost and Emissions Values over the 24 Hour Period Run Least Cost Least Emissions Total Cost ($) 781 1767 Total Emissions (kg) 2857 2680 V. CONCLUSION Real-time energy management of an islanded microgrid using MOPSO was presented in this paper. A description of the modified MOPSO used was presented, and its performance was compared with the MOGA optimization tool available in the Matlab optimization toolbox. The faster simulation time and denser Pareto front showed the MOPSO algorithm to be superior and was therefore used in the 24-hour energy management simulations. The results of the energy management simulations show the trade-off between least cost and least emissions. This information can be helpful to the MG operators/owners to make informed decision regarding the operation of their MGs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge the use of the application programs, WebOpt, developed at Lawrence Berkley Laboratory (LBL), and HOMER, originally developed the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). They also acknowledge HOMER Energy, LLC for providing them a commercial version of the HOMER software. VI. REFERENCES [1] A.J. Litchy, C. Young, S.A. Pourmousavi, and M.H. Nehrir, “Technology Selection and Unit Sizing for a Combined Heat and Power Microgrid: Comparison of WebOpt and HOMER Application Programs,” 2012 North American Power Symposium, UrbanaChampaign, IL. [2] DER-CAM—Distributed energy resources customer adoption model, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory [Online]. Available: [3] HOMER, National Renewable Energy Laboratory [Online]. 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