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Kwai Tsing Port Optimization: Land Use & Logistics

The CTOs also argued that greater synergy 協同作用 in moving containers among stacks could
be created if the yard area was enlarged.
Increase in transhipment cargo and concentration of vessels at KTCTs have posed further
pressure on the terminals’ limited yard and berth capacity, aggravating port congestion. 使嚴重
In drawing up the recommendations on how best to utilise the land and improve the allocation
and management of port back-up land.
We therefore recommend that these four sites be made available in phases from 2016-17
onwards. (Subjunctive)
Indeed, deviating from this principle might raise anti-competition concerns.
To devise measures to optimise land utilisation for port back-up purpose in Kwai Tsing
The proposed regulatory framework will encompass the following elements.
Establishment of a grace period to allow sufficient time for the trade sector to comply with the
new compliance requirements.
alleviate the pressure on the public healthcare system
Hong Kong businesses will be better poised to (will be ready) explore business opportunities
across the border.
It is unclear that the time, effort and financial resources to be committed in applying the Madrid
Protocol to Hong Kong could bring sufficient benefits to Hong Kong or businesses.
A consequentially “diminishing” profession is not conducive (beneficial) to the development of
an IP trading hub.
It is in the overall interest of Hong Kong to implement the Madrid Protocol. It also conforms to
the international trend.
susceptible to abuse
mitigating measures
one of the major misgivings expressed by the community
the Government as well as the community accorded priority to development in the past
These facts weren’t accorded much space and importance in the report
we aspire for a better quality of life in addition to economic development
we hope to conserve our historical legacy while pressing on with development
offer financial assistance to private ownership to carry out maintenance work for historic
buildings in order to arrest their deterioration from lack of maintenance