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Introduction to Engineering Report - VIT Chennai

Introduction to Engineering
School: School of Electrical Engineering (SELECT)
Programme: Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics
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Page no.
1. Introduction To Engineering
2. Induction programme
3. discipline-specific programme
4. Learnings from VIT website
5. Learnings from ‘Do-it-Yourself’ activities
6. Any other general observations
7.Vit Hostel
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Engineering is the creative application of scientific principles to design and
develop structures, machines, apparatus, or manufacturing processes, or
works utilizing them singly or in combination; or to construct or operate the
same with full cognizance of their design; or to forecast their behavior under
specific operating conditions; all as respects an intended function, economics
of operation and safety to life and property.
Engineering primarily consists of branches like Computer Science, Electrical,
Civil, Mechanical, Bio and Chemical. Interdisciplinary engineering draws from
more than one of the principal branches of the practice. Historically, naval
engineering and mining engineering were major branches. Other engineering
fields are manufacturing engineering, acoustical engineering, corrosion
engineering, instrumentation and control, aerospace, automotive, computer,
electronic, information engineering, petroleum, environmental, systems,
audio, software, architectural, agricultural, biosystems, biomedical,
geological, textile, industrial, materials, and nuclear engineering. These and
other branches of engineering are represented in the 36 licensed member
institutions of the UK Engineering Council.
Some of the greatest engineers of all time were Nikola Tesla(Induction
Motor), Thomas Edison((Light Bulbs), Henry Ford(Ford Motors), Nikolaus
Otto(Four Stroke Engine), Archimedes(Buoyancy), and many more
Date:6th September 2021
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Duration: 11:30 am – 4:30 pm
The Inaugural Ceremony started off with the felicitation address of
Dr.V.S.Kanchana(Chancellor) and Dr.Ram Babu Kodali(Vice-Chancellor) of VIT
Chennai. The VIT Chennai faculty educated the freshmen on the importance of
understanding the goal of entering a prestigious university such as VIT and
fulfilling the obligation of explaining that cause. Mr. Ganesh Kalyanaraman,
Senior Vice President of Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai, was the
Chief Guest, and Ms. Sanjoli Goyal, Tradeshow Manager, FANUC America USA,
and Dr. Mukund N. Janardhanan, Programme Engineer, School of Engineering,
University of Leicester, UK, were the Guests of Honour. They were graduates of
VIT Chennai's First Batch, and they discussed the sparks that ignited in their
brains, leading them to choose the professional path they are on now, as well
as how the university shaped their destiny. They informed us of the various
options available at VIT Chennai, and all we had to do was take advantage of
them. Following their speech, the Chief Guest addressed the Freshers and
educated us on the required values for every individual to achieve success,
such as discipline, time management, effective communication, and so on. The
session came to a close with a presidential speech by G. Viswanathan, the
Founder and Hon'ble Chancellor of VIT Chennai. Following the lunch break, the
Dean of VIT Chennai gave an overview of the university's academics, followed
by a Mock English Proficiency Test in two slots.
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Date: 7th September 2021
Duration: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Dr. C. Vijayalakshmi, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics and Applied
Mathematics, Central University of Tamil Nadu, gave an educational discourse
about Indian culture and heritage to kick off the event. She mentioned India as
one of the few countries in the world that adheres to the phrase "UNITY IN
DIVERSITY." India is also a highly democratic and secular country that
guarantees everyone the freedom to practice their religion. Mr. G. Rajamurthy,
Vice Chairman, Madurai Export Promotion Centre, discussed the many
engineering entrepreneurship options. Beginning April 22, the VIT Technology
Business Incubator (VIT-TBI) will provide a four-week Entrepreneurship
Development Program for science and technology graduates and diploma
holders. This non-residential program, according to a VIT announcement,
intends to teach science and technology graduates and diploma holders the
fundamentals of successfully conceiving, developing, beginning and launching
an economic activity or firm. Later, the English Proficiency Test was held in
several slots from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., each lasting one hour. The test was
written in separate slots for different fields of engineering. On the first day of
orientation, the test link was sent to the university's official email address.
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Date: 8th September 2021
Duration: 9:00 am – 4:15 pm
1. Dr. V.G. Sridhar, Professor, and Director, V-Nest gave a brief presentation
on various startup programmes
2. VIT Chennai counselors Dr. R. Maya and Dr. Bhuvaneshwari gave
information on School of Engineering on SCOPE,SENSE,SELECT
3. The Assistant Professor of Software Development Council(SDC) VIT Chennai
4. Dr. V. Pattabhiraman, Professor and Deputy Director (Hostels), VIT Chennai,
6. Lt. P.M. Balamurali discussed the many sorts of fields
7. Prof. V. Anantha Krishnan, Assistant Director, VIT Chennai Placement and
University Orientation Day – IV
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Date:9th September 2021
Duration: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Mrs. Padmini Jog, Yoga Instructor, began a new and healthy start by teaching
the students about meditation followed by yoga. The importance of yoga is
significant for both physical and mental peace. SPARRC (Sports Performance
Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Research Counseling) is a well-known chain
of Sports & Fitness Medicinal Centers with branches all over India. He also
established a platform for pediatric sports medicine, which culminated in
GAMES (Fitness Adaptation and Movement Education Services), a service for
Specially Abled children that continues to make a difference in the lives of
these children.
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Learnings from the Induction Programme
The five-day orientation program began with an Inaugural Ceremony,
which served as an introduction to the VIT Faculty and Alumni to all of the
freshmen. The professors spent the next few days outlining the various
clubs and the methodology used at VIT. The professors went through the
many amenities offered at VIT in great detail. The test technique as well as
the class schedule were outlined. A broad overview of the FFCS was
presented, which was offered to start in the second semester and gave us
the option of picking our teacher and the morning or afternoon slots to
study at our own speed. We were given our own VIT email address and
login credentials, and a meetup between our proctor and our batch was
arranged. An English Proficiency Test was held on a website called
"Moodle," which also hosted MCQ tests and project submissions, however
open book examinations for all disciplines except CSE were held on a
platform named "Codetantra." The "VPROPEL," a platform that supported
all coding languages and had a visually appealing interface, was used to
organise CSE tests.
We were given our own VIT email address and login credentials, and a
meetup between our proctor and our batch was arranged. Then other
slides of university-related events, such as NSS, were exhibited, in which
they arranged an immunization push and a cleaning drive. The final day
was a Talent Hunt to help us relax and show off our skills.
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Learnings during the discipline-specific program
Date:11th September 2021
Duration: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Dr. Anusha opened the meeting before passing the subject on to Dr. Geetha,
Associate Professor, SCOPE, who discussed the many milestones VIT has
reached over the years. VIT has received ABET (Accreditation Board For
Technology), QS World Rankings, THE (Times Higher Education) World
University Rankings, and other topic rankings and recognitions. Dr. Geetha
explained the differences between the various programs as well as the
benefits of the expanded curriculum, which includes THON events, TARP,
Value Added Courses, and other activities. In live meetings, students' prizes
and praises were displayed, as well as images of several apps produced by
students, such as VITCC Freshman, Habitales, TextFi, SaveMyDates, and so on.
Dr. Prabhakar Rao then discussed the Capstone project, which is completed
during the winter semester of the last year of engineering, as well as the
several sorts of internships that may be completed.PPAT internships are
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completed at firms after we have been hired. Non-PAT internships are
conducted in-house, as opposed to the other kind, in which we do not join the
firm but rather seek internships at other colleges such as IITs and research
institutes such as Homi Bhabha, Indira Gandhi, and others. Dr. Harini. S
educated us on the many stages of university research (URE001, URE002,
URE003, URE004) as well as the various approaches used in the study. Dr.
Priyadarshini. M stressed the importance of sustainable development and the
many methods for achieving it. Sustainable development is defined as
development that satisfies current demands while not jeopardizing future
generations' ability to meet their own. The data for the Toycathons, which
are held every year, was displayed. Toyotathon 2021 is a once-in-a-lifetime
chance for Indian students, teachers, startups, and toy experts/professionals
to submit their inventive toys/games creations and compete for a prize pool
of Rs. 50 lakhs.
The Toycathon had a number of objectives, including:
1. Improving physical and emotional health
2. Make use of environmentally acceptable, native, non-hazardous,
or recycled materials.
3. Focus on developing Vedic Mathematics and other related
VPROPEL (VIT's PROgramming Portal for Enhanced Learning) was introduced
to us by Dr. M Janaki Meena, Professor SCOPE, VIT Chennai. It was created by
a group of VIT Chennai academics and students. The portal, which is hosted
on Amazon Web Services (AWS), serves as a learning management system as
well as an online judge. Django, HTML 5 Bootstrap, MySQL, Docker Swarm,
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and other technologies are utilized in the portal. Professor also highlighted
the URLs of many websites and sites where different programming languages
such as Python, Java, C++, and others may be easily studied. Dr. Sandeep
Kumar and D. Jagdish Kannan discussed the history and programs of CSI and
ACM. The Computer Society of India (CSI) was founded in 1965 and is the
country's largest and oldest professional organization. It is known as "The
Voice of Indian ICT." They have around 80 chapters and 500 student branches
across India, with over one lakh members, and its administrative
headquarters is in Mumbai. They have been successful in obtaining
publications such as CSI Communications (Monthly), CSI – Journal of
Computing (Quarterly – Online), CSI Adhyayan (by students – for students),
and so on. They have received several accolades from accrediting agencies.
The talk was then taken up by Dr. Sandeep Kumar, who explained the
Association for Computing and Machinery (ACM). The Association for
Computing Machinery (ACM), formed in 1947, is the world's biggest and
oldest scientific and industrial computer association. By developing your
career and enriching your knowledge with life-long learning opportunities,
ACM provides the skills and resources to help you get there. Members of ACM
local chapters are engaged through presentations given by local
practitioners. The students are visited by prominent lecturers from the ACM
Distinguished Speakers Program. Field excursions to computer facilities are
scheduled. VIT also hosts events such as Hour of Code, Neural Hack, Kick Start
Learn, Code2Create, and others.
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Later, Dr. T. Subbalakshmi, SCOPE, Coordinator, FOSSEE IIT Club of Bombay,
Govt of India, VIT Chennai, discussed how to use FOSSEE to provide
sustainable quality learning (Free Open Source Software). Different case
studies were displayed in the slides, some of them are:1) Cloud Security Dataset release to the world. FOSS used: Private Cloud
Information using OpenStack Private Cloud and conducting the security
2) Eventze- VIT Alumnis created this interface. FOSS used:Version
1:WAMP, Further Versions: Cloud + Nodejs + Ruby.
3) Secure Web Development using OWASP guidelines. FOSS used: Server –
Nodejs, Database: MySQL, Web Pages – HTML +Nodejs.
Professor introduced us to Scilab, a free and open-source software program.
Scilab is an open system that allows users to define new data types and
actions on these data types through overloading. The Scilab website has a
huge number of contributions available for download. Scilab was created
with the help of a number of third-party libraries. VIT alumni explained how
to utilize several Android applications produced by VIT Chennai's Android
Club. Dr. Pattabhiraman V, Professor, SCOPE, VIT Chennai, then discussed the
many research opportunities at SCOPE. In the School of Computer Science,
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there were research groups that were further classified for several specialties
in CSE such as AI, CPS, DS, IoT, and so on. However, research is not limited to
these groups; transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research may be
conducted by collaborating with other universities. J Robin Thomas, a
graduate of the 2017 class, is presently employed at Tekion with a CTC of 26
LPA. He counseled freshers on the many employment prospects accessible
once they successfully graduated from VIT Chennai, as well as tips & tactics
for acing interviews. He showed us his YouTube channel, which had coding
courses and commonly asked interview questions. In the event that any
doubts arose, Robin gave us the freedom to contact him anytime we wanted.
Finally, Dr. Karmela, Associate Professor Grade – I, SCOPE Co-chair, gave us
the specific structure and details required in the "Introduction to Engineering"
report, which is due when the course "INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING"
begins in the first semester.
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Learnings from the institutional website
The motto of VIT:” A place to learn, a chance to grow”
The vision of VIT: Transforming life through excellence in education and
The mission of VIT:● World-class Education: Excellence in education, grounded in ethics and
critical thinking, for improvement of life.
● Cutting edge Research: An innovation ecosystem to extend knowledge
and solve critical problems.
● Impactful People: Happy, accountable, caring, and effective workforce
and students.
● Rewarding Co-creations: Active collaboration with national &
international industries & universities for productivity and economic
● Service to Society: Service to the region and world through knowledge
and compassion.
VIT was founded with the goal of providing high-quality higher education
that meets worldwide standards. It is always looking for and implementing
new ways to improve the quality of higher education. With students from all
around the world, the campus offers a global feel. Teachers with a lot of
experience and knowledge are greatly encouraged to foster the students. The
international standards set by VIT in the fields of education and research
motivate us to keep striving for greatness. For us, it's become a way of life.
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The highly motivated students on campus are a source of ongoing pride. Our
key strength is our Memorandums of Understanding with other international
universities. They allow for the interchange of students and staff, as well as
the encouragement of cooperative research initiatives that benefit both
VIT has a vast 372-acre campus. VIT is notable for its cutting-edge
infrastructure, which is available to both students and professors. Every
building at the University has fully furnished and well-equipped labs.
Furthermore, the campus is well-equipped to host a variety of events,
including auditoriums, vast open areas, outdoor stages, and more.
Academic Blocks
The well-designed and extensive facilities provided for both students and
professors are a standout characteristic of VIT. MB, GDN, CDMM, SMV, CBMR,
TT, SJT, and GANDHI BLOCK are seven academic blocks of VIT that are
exceptionally specialized in their respective fields. The arrangement has been
meticulously planned to maximize the 372-acre campus's potential. The goal
behind these distinct blocks is to provide each with the required conveniences
while also offering the ideal environment for both study and research.
▪ Dr. M.G.R Block
▪ Silver Jubilee Tower
▪ Technology Tower
▪ Sri.M.Vishweshwaraiah Building
▪ G.D. Naidu Block
▪ CDMM Building
▪ A.L. Mudaliar Block
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▪ Gandhi Block
▪ Auditoriums & Conference Facilities
Through frequent national and international conferences/symposia and
workshops conducted on campus, our university is committed to providing its
students with exposure to national and worldwide knowledge specialists. A
wide range of contemporary conference facilities has been thoughtfully
developed and fitted into the VIT campus with this in mind.
'Anna Audi,' as it is known among students, is nothing short of a wonder. It
has been developed with centralised air conditioners, Wi-Fi access, a stunning
stage, green rooms, and the correct quantity of lighting to seat 1800 pupils
and spans an area of 15436 sq. feet. Various events and conferences are held
in this auditorium. It acts as a landmark at VIT and is placed next to the
volleyball and basketball courts.
▪ Anna Auditorium (Seating capacity – 1800)
▪ Dr. M. Channa Reddy Auditorium (Seating capacity – 469)
▪ Dr. Ambedkar Auditorium (Seating capacity – 198)
▪ Kamaraj Auditorium (Seating capacity – 128)
▪ Multi-purpose Hall (at Gandhi block) (Seating capacity –462 )
IT Infrastructure
The regulations regulating the usage of VIT computing and IT communication
resources are maintained by the Centre for Technical Support (CTS). The IT
Policy applies to resources managed by administrative departments, such as
libraries, computer laboratories, institutional offices, hostels, and
guesthouses, when the Institution provides a network facility. Furthermore,
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the requirements must be followed by all teachers, students, employees,
departments, approved visitors/visiting faculty, and anyone who may be
granted authorization to use the IT Infrastructure. Certain infractions of VIT's
IT policy by any institution member may result in the institution's authorities
taking disciplinary action against the offender.
Sports Facilities
To live a better lifestyle while balancing the demands of school, one must be
emotionally and physically fit. VIT promotes the importance of sports and
considers them to be an important element of the curriculum with this
slogan. VIT provides a number of physical education and sports activity
centers that assist students to stay healthy and build a competitive attitude.
It covers a 20-acre area with various outdoor playgrounds and indoor courts.
VIT is fortunate to have three fully equipped multi-cuisine canteens located in
three key places across the campus. Two at the college's extreme extremities,
one each in GD Naidu Block and the Silver Jubilee Tower, and one in the
middle, near the Technology Tower. All three canteens are operated under
contract with outside caterers and offer high-quality cuisine at
student-friendly costs.
Smart Classrooms
The smart classrooms are well-designed to provide everything required for a
comfortable learning environment. A whiteboard and a projector are
available for use in the large, open classrooms. As a consequence, teachers
can move between multiple forms of instruction as needed, ensuring that the
lectures are delivered in the most effective manner feasible. The faculty may
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utilize this high-tech equipment to conduct lessons in such a way that
students can access every accessible resource at the touch of a button. From
time to time, these classrooms are also utilized for conferences and events.
1. Total Number of students in Hostels - 1,90,0406
2. Total Number of Toilets in Hostels - 5 in Every Floor
3. Separate toilets for differently-abled
- In Men's Hostel / Women's
▪ Separate toilets - Administration block Men / Women
▪ Modern Flooring
▪ Availability of Air Vents
Hostel Kitchen Hygiene
a. Clean and Sterilized cooking vessels
b. Food Preparation
c. Modern furniture in Hostel Dining halls
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