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VINCENT Hand Prosthesis: Design & First Experiences

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Conference Paper · August 2011
1 author:
Stefan Schulz
Vincent Systems GmbH
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Myoelectric controlled multiarticulating partial hand prosthesis View project
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From "MEC 11 Raising the Standard," Proceedings of the 2011 MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada: August 14-19, 2011. Copyright University of New Brunswick.
Stefan Schulz
Vincent Systems GmbH, Germany
In this article a new prosthesis-technology will be
presented. The System allows the design of single powered
finger for partial hand prostheses and one of the world's
smallest and lightest multifunctional hand system with 6
motors inside. Both applications are discussed with all
possible features and benefits.
flexible fluid actuators (FFA) move in the different
prototypes available between 5 to 8 single joints, whereby a
soft, compliant grip is achieved. The system consists of a
miniature pump, a bank of valves, a fluid tank, an electronic
control system, a sensory force response feedback to the
wearer of the prosthesis and a cordless PC-interface.
The FLUIDHAND is being further developed right up to the
present day at KIT [5], see Fig. 1.
In the past few years, a new trend has become
recognizable in the field of hand prosthetics. The
availability of smaller, high-performance drive systems,
microcomputers, sensors and new materials is boosting the
development of actively moveable, multi-jointed hand
prostheses, often also described as “bionic” hand prostheses.
Work on these systems is an inherent part of practical
research in the meantime; three projects are described as
good examples.
NIDRR – Powered Prosthetic Fingers 1989
This work was supported by the National Institute on
Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), and the
Department of Veterans Affairs Rehabilitation R&D Funds
administered through the VA Lakeside Medical Center,
Chicago. The primary purpose of this project was to develop
externally powered fingers [1]. Of particular importance is
the work of R. Weir [2]. Weir’s development shows for the
first time the integration of a motor directly in a prosthetic
finger. The feasibility of individually powered fingers
developed with the introduction of motors only 10mm in
diameter that are small enough to be placed within an
artificial finger. The resulting design uses three motors, one
each in the thumb, index finger and middle finger. In order
to achieve the maximum pinch force, the thumb motor
provides the speed, and the index and middle fingers deliver
the force [3]. These fingers provide independent movement
of different fingers and offer a solution for the limited
available space in partial hand prostheses , especially for
single finger treatments and all patients with a long hand
KIT – Fluidhand 2007
The hydraulic working hand has been in development
since 1999 at what is today’s KIT [4]. Elastomer-based
Figure 1: Fluidhand [S. Schulz, BioRobotLab, KIT, GER]
DARPA – RP 2009
The “prosthetic-arm project RP 2009” was started in the
USA in 2005, under the leadership of the John Hopkins
University and 30 other project partners. Today, the
prototype of the prosthesis has 22 active joints driven by
electrical motors, of which 15 alone are needed for the
artificial hand, 7 for the shoulder, elbow and wrist.
Apart from the previously mentioned research and
development projects, several manufacturers are about to
develop multi-jointed bionic hand prostheses for the market,
which allow separate movement of individual long fingers
and thumb and their finger phalanges.
Touch Bionics – iLIMB Hand, ProDigits Finger
In 2007, the Scottish enterprise Touch Bionics was the
first company in the market to launch the iLIMB Hand, an
electrically driven multi-jointed hand prosthesis. A motor is
located in each finger of the Hand, which directly actuates
metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb allows manual
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License by
UNB and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, through a partnership with Duke University and the Open Prosthetics Project.
From "MEC 11 Raising the Standard," Proceedings of the 2011 MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada: August 14-19, 2011. Copyright University of New Brunswick.
swivelling to take place between the lateral and opposition
positions. A second axis of the metacarpophalangeal joint is
actuated via a motor integrated into the thumb and allows
movement in the direction of grasp. Motor-actuated
individual fingers are available under the name ProDigits.
RSLSteeper – BeBionic Hand
In 2010, the British manufacturer RSLSteeper introduced
its latest prosthetic development at the 13th ICPO World
Congress in Leipzig, the BeBionic Hand. Motors are located
in contrast to the iLIMB Hand in the mid-hand
metacarpophalangeal and metacarpal joint. The thumb is
brought manually into the desired position as for the iLIMB
Hand, from which an active closing movement can be made.
The control system of the prosthesis allows switching to be
made between the individual types of grasp.
Vincent Systems – VINCENT Hand, VINCENT Finger
In 2010, Vincent Systems also presented a new
prosthetic system at the 13th ICPO World Congress in
Leipzig, which will be described in more detail in this
article, based on [6].
Components and functions
The Vincent Hand is a myoelectrically controlled hand
prosthesis. It has the shape and size of a human hand and a
particularly slender design of the fingers and the
metacarpus, see Fig. 2. The very short structural height
allows different hand sizes and stump lengths to be fitted,
while maintaining anatomical proportions. Each of the four
long fingers is equipped with its own drive. The
metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb is moved using two
separate drives. The hand prosthesis has 10 actively
moveable joints, which can be actively moved in the
direction of bending and stretching.
position of the hand. Individual grasping movements e.g. for
specific professional use, are also optionally available.
Material features
The precision parts of the prosthesis are made of hightensile forged aluminium alloy, as used in aerospace
applications. This provides the hand with an extremely high
tensile strength and minimal total weight. Plastic and bronze
bearings, as well as surface-coated steel axles and drives,
ensure low-wear in operation and smooth running of the
Cosmetic – glove
Apart from the functionality and the weight, cosmetic
aspects are one of the most important quality criteria of the
hand prosthesis. The 10 actively movable joints, which
achieve an extent of movement up to 90 degrees,
respectively, necessitate a very high elasticity of the glove
The newly developed cosmetics consist of pigmented high
temperature silicon with reinforcement in the finger pads
and the inside of the hand. Particularly elastic joint areas,
integrated fingernails made of silicon (in very high-quality
models also made of acrylic), and the simulation of finger
tip-like surface structures are some of the special functional
characteristics. An inner glove made of silicon foam
minimises the formation of folds and improves the
adaptation characteristics, see Fig. 3.
Figure 3: Inner glove with silicon foam (le.), silicon
cosmetic glove (re.) [M. Schaefer, POHLIG, GER]
Control grip patterns
Figure 2: Vincent Hand comparable in size to human hand
Altogether, the 6 motors of the hand allow active control of
all essential basic types of grip, such as cylindrical,
precision, hooking and lateral grip, index and key functions
of the index finger, as well as a naturally acting normal
The prosthesis uses one or two sensors as standard in
order to perform different hand movements. The user
subconsciously controls each of the 6 articulation axes.
Different grip patterns are already pre-programmed in the
prosthesis to simplify its use – the user may switch between
these. The user can also choose between different modes of
switching, e.g., co-contraction, short single or doublesignals to the “open” or “close” electrodes, as well as by a
combination of long and short signals, fast or slow increase
in signal intensity and combinations of all of these options.
Opening and closing of the fingers takes place
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License by
UNB and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, through a partnership with Duke University and the Open Prosthetics Project.
From "MEC 11 Raising the Standard," Proceedings of the 2011 MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada: August 14-19, 2011. Copyright University of New Brunswick.
proportionally with each grip pattern. In the “learning
phase” of the prosthesis wearer, specific functions of the
hand can be switched on and off.
Open interface
The protocol of the wireless interface is “open”, i.e. this
means that research facilities, orthopaedic specialist
suppliers as well as prosthesis manufacturers can work with
the Vincent Hand components. This function supports the
global effort of the supply facilities according to an “OPEN
BUS” standard, which supports the combination of
prosthesis components from different manufacturers, so as
to constitute an individual and optimal solution for
prosthesis wearers.
User computer interface
A wireless interface of the hand to PC hardware, in
connection with the service program Vincent Soft, allows
the orthopaedic technician to adjust the controls to the
individual requirements of prosthesis wearers.
The provision of partial hand prostheses represents a
particular challenge. The mostly very individual nature of
the residual hand necessitates a prosthetic system that can be
adapted to the different stump situations available. The
restoration of a functioning hand is the main priority,
although a second essential aspect is also the cosmetic
appearance [7].
As both the number and position of the fingers to be
replaced can vary in every patient, there is a need to be able
to position prosthetic fingers individually. However, an
elevated structural height of this individual finger in the
basic joint would make the restoration of partial hands, in
which the metacarpals are essentially still intact, more
difficult. If the prosthetic structure is prolonged far above
the natural anatomy of the hand, the thumb no longer
reaches in opposition to the long fingers, which then also
interferes with the functionality as well as the cosmetics.
Areas of use
The hand being presented is particularly well-suited for
the fitting to small hand sizes, thanks to its slender design
and its low weight. By use of elongated fingertips and the
different sizes of inner and outer glove, scaling of larger
variations of hands is made easier. The hand is a mixture of
a cosmetic and a functional prosthesis, see Fig. 4.
Figure 5: Vincent Finger comparable with a human hand
With the Vincent Finger, a very short-length single finger
prosthesis is available, in which the structural height
between the base plate of the finger and the first basic joint
has been limited to a few millimetres, see Fig. 5. The final
length can be adjusted via the exchangeable fingertips in
5mm graduations.
A 4-channel controller was developed for the control of the
individual fingers, which allows the connection of two
sensors, such as myoelectrodes or FSR-touch pads, as well
as the connection and individual operation of 4 single
fingers. As in the hand prosthesis, a PC interface is available
which allows individual parameter adjustment.
Partial hand restorations
Figure 4: Vincent Hand and hand of a young female patient
[M. Schaefer, POHLIG, GER]
The prosthesis has been designed for light tasks regarding
grasping force and the ability to withstand component loads.
Above all, manual worker prosthesis wearers who may exert
very high mechanical forces on their prostheses will be
better served with a conventional grasping tool. The hand is
well-suited for most other tasks, such as e.g., in the service
and office areas.
Single finger prostheses are currently in a phase of
clinical evaluation with German and American partners. It
was also possible to construct different partial hand
Two patient cases will be presented here as examples. The
first case describes a patient with a functioning thumb as
well as part of the metacarpus, see Fig. 6. A prosthesis with
four long fingers was constructed, whereby the short finger
variation was used for the little finger. The control and
battery system were placed in a silicon liner on the forearm.
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License by
UNB and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, through a partnership with Duke University and the Open Prosthetics Project.
From "MEC 11 Raising the Standard," Proceedings of the 2011 MyoElectric Controls/Powered Prosthetics Symposium Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada: August 14-19, 2011. Copyright University of New Brunswick.
A soft wrist transition permits full movement in this area.
The manufacture of an optimally working, functional partial
hand assumes considerable experience on the orthopaedic
technician in this area [7][8]. The results of the first patient
restorations show the great potential of the technology and
encourage the further development of the system and its use.
Figure 6: Patient left hand (li.), model of thumb and Vincent
Finger (re.) [J. Uellendahl, HANGER, US]
The silicon cosmetics in the wrist area were designed to be
very elastic; the thumb is able to move freely and can
achieve an opposition position to the fingertips of the
prosthesis long fingers, see Fig. 7.
Special thanks are due to Mr. M. Schaefer as well as the
participating employees and patients of POHLIG for the
numerous suggestions and feedback in the development of
the systems which have been presented here. We would like
to thank our American business partners, the orthopaedic
technology association HANGER, especially J. Uellendahl,
for support with the clinical trials.
[1] D. Childress, E. Grahn, R. Wier, C. Heckathorne, J. Strysik, “Powered
Prosthetic Fingers” in Rehabilitation R & D Progress Reports 1990,
Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development 25, Washington,
DC, pp.20-21, 1990.
[2] R. Weir, “An externally-powered myo-electrically controlled
synergetic prosthetic hand fort he partial hand amputee,” Thesis,
Northwestern University, Department of biomedical engineering,
Chicago, 1989.
Figure 7: Partial hand with Vincent Finger and cosmetic
glove [J. Uellendahl, HANGER, US]
The second example depicts a patient who was fitted with a
partial hand restoration, with a mechanical thumb as well as
four long fingers, see Fig. 8. This can be brought manually
into the lateral position or in opposition to the long fingers.
The thumb is moved in this case on an arched track. The
long fingers, on the other hand, are actuated via a
myoelectric control system. Also, the integrated
rechargeable batteries, charging point and control
electronics are contained in a shaft placed on the forearm in
this prosthesis.
[3] R. Weir, “The design and development of a synergetic partial hand
prosthesis with powered fingers,” in Proceedings of RESNA 12th
Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, pp.473-474, 1989.
[4] S. Schulz, C. Pylatiuk, G. Bretthauer, “A new class of flexible fluidic
actuators and their applications in medical engineering,” in At –
Automatisierungstechnik 47, Oldenburg, Germany, pp.390-395, 1999.
[5] S. Schulz, C. Pylatiuk, M. Reischl, J. Martin, R. Mikut, G. Bretthauer,
“A hydraulically driven multifunctional prosthetic hand,“ Robotica
2005, Cambridge University Press 23, http://dx.doi.org/,
doi:10.1017/S0263574704001316, Cambridge, UK, pp.293-299, 2005.
[6] S. Schulz, “Vincent – Ein innovatives mehrgliedriges Finger – und
Handsystem,” ot – Orthopaedie Technik 62, ISSN 0340-5591,
Dortmund, Germany, pp.249-255, 2011.
[7] M. Schaefer, “Prothetische Versorgungskonzepte nach partiellen
Amputationen im Handbereich,” ot – Orthopaedie Technik 60, ISSN
0340-5591, Dortmund, Germany, pp.584-595, 2009.
[8] Uellendahl J.: "Experience Fitting Partial Hand Prostheses Using
ProDigits" the 13th World Congress of the International Society for
Prosthetics and Orthotics, Leipzig Germany, May 12, 2010.
Figure 8: Partial hand with Vincent Finger and manual
thumb cosmetic [M. Schaefer, POHLIG, GER]
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License by
UNB and the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, through a partnership with Duke University and the Open Prosthetics Project.
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