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Faulkner Career Consulting Business Plan

Faulkner Career Consulting: Cultivating Your Dreams
By Ashley N Faulkner
Alvernia University
Leadership Applications: Faulkner Career Consulting
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 3
Faulkner Career Consulting ................................................................................................ 4
Background and Context................................................................................................. 4
Unemployment ............................................................................................................ 4
Career Coaching.......................................................................................................... 5
Spiritual Development for Vocational and Occupational “Purpose” .......................... 9
Methodology ................................................................................................................. 10
Location .................................................................................................................... 10
Service Offerings Methodology .................................................................................11
Business Plan Methodology...................................................................................... 14
Overhead Expenses ................................................................................................... 17
Community Partnerships ........................................................................................... 18
Organizational Obstacles .............................................................................................. 18
Sustainability................................................................................................................. 19
Growth and Expansion .................................................................................................. 19
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 20
Annotated Bibliography .................................................................................................... 21
Appendix A ....................................................................................................................... 27
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Unemployment in the United States has become an industry in which businesses are generating
major profits. Career coaching has evolved throughout history to become an independent
industry that markets services to help job seekers transition to occupational success, through
standard industry practices. One aspect of career consulting that hasn’t been explored, is
including spirituality into the industry practice to define one’s spiritual vocation, “called to” by
the Divine. Faulkner Career Consulting is a startup company that wants to explore this career
consulting market niche to help job seekers to transforms their occupation into a spiritual
vocation that achieves sustainability goals throughout the world.
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Faulkner Career Consulting
A person’s vocation plays an important role in one’s life. Many times, it is the
determining factor of a person’s financial stability, status, class, and ultimately life’s
manifestation of purpose. Therefore, when a person finds themselves displaced due to layoffs,
job termination, or organizational restructuring; reentering the workforce can be a daunting
undertaking. When workers are unemployed, they, their families, and the country as a whole lose
(How the Government Measures Unemployment, 2015). The national unemployment rate in the
United States in October of 2019 is 3.5 percent (Brainerd, 2019). This leaves an estimated
national average of 5.8 million unemployed workers to find suitable employment, in an everchanging job market.
Background and Context
Addressing the issue of unemployment requires information about the extent and nature
of the problem (How the Government Measures Unemployment, 2015). While unemployment
rates fluctuate due to government policy, gross domestic product (GDP), and other related
factors, economists identify five types of unemployment in the United States that include:
Cyclical unemployment- the idea that unemployment follows the overall boom
and bust cycle of economies.
Frictional unemployment- the idea that in between the times when workers are
looking for jobs, and when they find them, there’s a short period of unemployment
that isn’t actually much of a problem.
Structural unemployment- idea that unemployment is caused by a mismatch
between the jobs there are in the economy and the skills that workers have.
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Systemic unemployment- looks at the whole economic system, and asks the
question - who actually benefits from unemployment?
Political unemployment- argues that unemployment is caused by artificially
keeping wages too high (What Causes Unemployment, 2019).
Unfortunately, unemployment is a necessary “evil” in the economy that will never be
cured or fully resolved. Unemployment can only be evolved and transformed as an opportunity
for jobseekers to transform themselves professionally, to remain relevant and suitable for new
employment opportunities.
Career Coaching
An aiding influence in the infinite job search for unemployed workers is the assistance of
career coaches and consultants. These terms are synonymous and are used interchangeably in the
industry and throughout this paper. Dr. Donner, a career and development coach in the medical
field, surmises a definition for career coaching that states,
“Career coaching occurs when a coach and a client collaborate to assess, set goals and
develop action plans that lead to desired results for the client. Coaching takes place in an open,
safe and informal environment that acknowledges the value and expertise of the client and takes
the form of a conversation. Career coaches help their clients get more of what they want out of
life whether it be business success, financial independence, academic excellence, personal
success, physical health, interpersonal relationships, or career planning. The coaching
conversation is always about possibilities and action (Donner, Wheeler, 2005).
Consultants have been described as sounding boards, support systems, cheerleaders, and
teammates combined into one .The consultant-client relationship is highly valued because it
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offers clients the environment to dream out loud, while actively taking steps to make that dream
a reality (Chung, Allen, 2003).
In response to an unsatisfied niche in the career consulting market, I have created a firm
that incorporates “spirituality”, through spiritual examination and development, as one of the
primary means for job seekers to discover their inherent life vocation and ultimately, a mutually
fulfilling occupation. An article published in the journal of “Religon and Health” states, “A life
vocation is essential to health and well-being and can impact positively on work life. If this
aspect is underdeveloped or ignored, it can lead to crisis, ill-health and [job] burnout (Mayer,
Viviers, 2018). Through my paper’s explication that incorporates a thoroughly developed
business plan, my mission is to inspire people to pursue their innate purpose to serve the “greater
good”. A quote from Frederick Buechner, a Pulitzer Prize winner and theologian, described it as,
“The place God calls you to [your occupation] is the place where your deep gladness and the
world’s deep hunger meet.
Career counseling in the US was initiated through required legislation and the desperate
need to organize workers caused by industrial layoffs and new developing industry demands
(Chung, Allen, 2003). Dr. Mark Pope, an acclaimed professor from the University of Missouri,
published “A Brief History of Career Counseling in the United States, presents the career
coaching history in six stages:
First Stage: Job Placement Services- Career counseling (then called “vocational
guidance”) in the US was developed in the latter part of the nineteenth century
out of societal, transition, and change. This new profession was described by
historians as a ‘progressive social reform movement aimed at eradicating poverty
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and substandard living conditions spawned by rapid industrialization and
migration of people to urban centers”.
Second Stage: Educational Guidance in the School- focused U.S. society on the
educational counseling and solidified the role of vocational guidance in the
Third Stage: Colleges and Universities and the Training of Counselors- which
was characterized by the focus of societal resources on colleges and universities
and the training of professional counselors as a direct result of and response to a
new social transition.
Fourth Stage: Meaningful Work and Organizational Career Development- with
the enactment of Civil Rights came a time for idealism and hope. This prompted
young people to want jobs that were meaningful and that would allow them to
change the world for the better.
Fifth Stage: Independent Practice Career Counseling and Outplacement
Counseling- In the late 1970’s the declining economic system lead the transition
from the industrial age to the information technology age. During this stage the
emergence of the private practice career counseling was the direct result of the
beginning of national acceptance of the career counseling as an important service
to provide to citizens in occupational transition.
Sixth Stage: A focus on the School-To-Job Transition, Internationalization of
Career, Multicultural Career Counseling, and Increasing Sophistication in the
Use of Technology- career counseling is extending in various directions; an
upward extension (e.g. outplacement of executive directors); a downward
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extension (e.g. providing services for poor people, helping homeless prepare
resumes); an outward extension (e.g. providing services to schools and agencies
through federal legislation); and an inward development (e.g. developing career
specialties) (Pope, 2000).
While manager-employee interaction has laid the framework for modern career coaching,
the demands that organizations place on managers make it nearly impossible for managers to
solely develop the talent of their employees. A Harvard Business Review article further
emphasizes this point by stating,
“Managers face too many demands and too much time pressure, and working with
subordinates to develop skills tends to slip to the bottom of the to-do list. One survey of HR
leaders found that they expect managers to spend 36% of their time developing subordinates, but
a survey of managers showed that the actual amount averages just 9% (Tkaczyk, 2016).
Career consulting has developed into a highly profitable autonomous market whose
consumers independently seek services to pursue professional advancement and achieve
successful vocational transition. According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), the
largest professional coaching organization in the U.S., the number of worldwide coaches has
grown from 47,500 in 2012 to 53,300 in 2016 with the addition of approximately 1,500 coaches
per year for the last four years (Chung, Allen, 2003). And these numbers are continuously
increasing. A consumer article states,” The market size of the Management Consulting industry
[alone] is expected to increase 3.2% in 2019... The market size of the Management Consulting
industry in the US has grown 3.4% per year on average between 2014 and 2019” (Industry
Market Research, Reports, and Statistics). Career coaching is going through a great awakening
(Montanez, 2018). Career consulting is estimated to be a $2 billion global industry that is rapidly
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growing, as evidenced by a dramatic increase in coaches, professional coaching organizations
and coaching-related research (Dunlop, 2017).
Spiritual Development for Vocational and Occupational “Purpose”
While career counseling has evolved both internally and externally to become a socially
acceptable societal practice, it still is primarily focused on a person’s skills, experience, and
industry potential. Although these features are fundamental to the success and effective aspects
of any job function, contemporary career coaching lacks the engagement of an equally, if not
more significant part of human anatomy; the spirit. Google defines the spirit as the nonphysical
part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul. The practice of spiritual
engagement is known as spirituality. Dr. David Houston, a researcher at the University of
Tennessee defines it as, “Spirituality relates to a universal and fundamental aspect of what it is
to be human—to search for a sense of meaning, purpose, and moral frameworks for relating with
self, others, and the ultimate reality. Spirituality tends to be described in personal or
experimental terms, is intrinsically focused, and relates to one's relationship with the sacred. It is
an "intensely personal" state of mind. (Houston, Cartwright, 2007)
Spirituality is closely related to religion but denotes characteristics that differentiate it
from an institutionalized perspective. He goes on to state,
“Religion is more community focused while spirituality tends to be more individualistic;
religion is more observable, measurable, and objective while spirituality is less visible and
quantifiable and more subjective; religion is more formal, orthodox, and organized
while spirituality is less formal, less orthodox and less systematic; religion tends to be behavior
oriented with an emphasis on outward practices while spirituality tends to be more emotionally
oriented and inwardly directed” (Houston, Cartwright, 2007).
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Faulkner Career Consulting (FCC) is a limited liability company that regards spirituality
as a primary means to identifying job seeker’s spiritual vocation and ultimately their "life’s
work” through occupation. Our mission is to inspire people to pursue their spiritual vocation to
serve the greater good of humanity. There are many essential facets that aid in the company’s
establishment that will assure the profitability and well-rounded organizational success. These
facets include company location, business and service methodology, initial moderate overhead
cost, community partnerships, and lastly growth and expansion.
The company is founded in Philadelphia, PA where the client demographic will be
solicited. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that at 5.2 percent, Philadelphia County,
PA [in which Philadelphia resides], has the highest unemployment rate among the 11 counties
that make up the metropolitan area (Unemployment in the Philadelphia Area by County, 2019).
Philadelphia’s unemployment rate is 1.9 percent higher than the national average. This
employment deprived area sets the stage for Faulkner Career Consulting to integrate the issue
and become a viable solution that could potentially transform a city.
Further, Philadelphia is a diverse and integrated city, which makes it a primary source for
clientele and prospective demographic testing for future business expansion. According to an
analysis by FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver, Philly is the fourth-most integrated city out of
the 100 biggest cities in the country (Otterbein, 2015). The physical location of the company is
essential to the business’ present and future success, because it requires access to multitudes of
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diverse unemployed people who are easily accessible, to develop the organizational vision in a
manner that is strategic and profitable.
Service Offerings Methodology
FCC’s methodology consists of two primary functions, the first explicates the service
offerings and client process, and the second defines the organizational set-up methodology. The
first aspect to FCC service offerings methodology, consists of four pillars that directly relate to
our organizational mission and the chronological points of service. These pillars are
Value Identification
Personality Identification
Occupation Proficiencies
Career Coaching
Value Identification is the primary and core value of our business. The appropriated
definition of values is “stable, enduring, beliefs about what is worthwhile that influence thought
and behavior” (Cardos, Mone, 2016). In other words, a strongly held value becomes the standard
of an individual’s actions. FCC believes value identification is paramount to defining one’s
vocation, through spiritual revelation. The only way an individual can identify their values is to
go on an internal quest that evaluates who they are and who they were created to be, by utilizing
spiritual practice and the Divine as a guide. We believe no external entity can identify what is
only known from within. That is why value identification is the first step in the service offerings
methodology. It sets and builds the framework for the client to maximize their occupational
potential while adhering to the values held within.
Also, the Theory of Work Adjustment created by René V. Dawis and Lloyd H. Lofquist
states that work values are important factors that influence the process of job-related decision
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making. Recognizing how and why employee decisions are made, through the value framework,
is important to gauge how a person will make on-the-job-decisions. For example, there’s an
employee who values family. The employee works for an organization that doesn’t value family
and requires the employee to work excessive amounts of hours. As a result, the employee’s
occupation is in direct conflict with their value system causing high absenteeism, tardiness, subpar work quality etc. If this aspect [of employee values] is underdeveloped or ignored, it can
lead to crisis, ill-health and burnout (Mayers, Viviers, 2018). That is why value identification is
the main priority for new and revolving clientele so they can achieve personal and professional
Next stage in the service offerings methodology is the personality identification stage.
While value identification is an intrinsic personal practice, personality identification is an
extrinsic barometer that identifies aspects to your personality. Personality type identification is
important because it helps clients to identify and evaluate their interactions in reference to others.
FCC believes it is important to know your personality type behaviors because no one will work
in a completely isolated work environment. At some point we all will work and interact with
others, therefore it’s important to first identify our own behavioral tendencies then acknowledge
other people’s personality types to create an environment of personal and organizational success.
The tool we use to gauge personality types is a free personality test similar to the MeyersBriggs test. The assessment tool we utilize is a resource powered by Intuity. This test uses the
same personality type indicators that Meyers-Briggs uses which can be fully researched and
clarified to clientele. The personality type indicator is listed in Appendix A. Although aspects of
our personality change over time, FCC feels that it is vital to remain in touch with our
personality traits “today”.
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Thirdly, in the service offerings methodology, is the client’s declaration of occupational
proficiencies. This practice identifies the client’s skills, abilities, certifications, and work
experience. Examples of this is a client’s education, specialized training, spoken languages,
leadership skills and training etc. This practice helps FCC identify skill gaps in the client’s
current ability, to the desired occupational career goal. Once this analysis is complete, FCC
formulates an action plan that includes the needed proficiencies to achieve the end goal. For
example, if the desired career requires formalized educational training, then a client’s action plan
will include academic institution’s selection that specializes in that career training. Then FCC
would plan the client’s application process. Identifying gaps in a client’s occupational
proficiency is the initial stage of traditional career coaching and becomes the industry standard
practice of our organization.
Lastly, the career coaching market is highly established and is intricately woven into the
lives of the unemployed and those looking for better employment opportunities. There are
endless resources and businesses built to assist the unemployed navigate the unemployment
process. Therefore, it is not difficult for FCC to align itself and ride the momentum of the
unemployment industry for the profitable success of an unfulfilled market niche. The vital goal
of this market evolution is to enlighten and convince people that an occupation isn’t a
disassociated entity of life that is disconnected from our spiritual being, but in fact, is an
expression of it. James Fowler, the author of the “Faith Development Theory” endorses this fact
based in his research stating,
“According to Fowler a vocation in life connects to a relationship with God: (a) God’s
creation and caring for others and the environment (caring for the environment and others); (b)
God’s governance and his justice and lawfulness within societies (relationship with God through
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promoting justice and lawfulness by involving organizations and structures in local and global
contexts); (c) God’s liberation from socioeconomic and political ideologies and bounderism.
Individuals who live their vocation and calling in life usually feel fulfilled, energetic and
balanced, while others feel depressed and exhausted” (Mayer, 2018).
Achieving career coach market alignment by incorporating established principles,
systems, tools, and techniques is a profitable means to offer our client qualified counsel. It also
establishes our creditability in the unemployment industry. Although FCC’s emphasis is placed
on the use of spirituality to find one’s calling to secure a suitable and prosperous occupation, the
job acquisition portion still heavily relies on acceptable job acquisition behaviors and market
principles. FCC will remain aligned in industry fundamentals so that our clientele has not only a
chance, but an advantage to securing their vocational occupation.
Business Plan Methodology
There are three pillars in the organizational business structure that will help to gain public
Job Fairs/ Career Centers
Social Media platforms (Instagram & Facebook)
Spiritual Centers
The local primary method of FCC exposure and clientele solicitation is through local job
fairs held within the Philadelphia metropolitan area. This method is an established community
resource that connects FCC to the desired demographic and, facilitates the company’s overall
mission. FCC will vendor a table at local job fairs that act as an
o Information hub- brand development and marketing, service offerings, and
informal consultation
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o Client engagement
o Networking
o Company R&D assessments
Based upon the client’s professional goals and desires, determines the services offered.
Client engagement is a primary focus to initiate brand recognition and association of services.
The more events we attend the more familiarized and trusted we become to the general public,
increasing our recognition and clientele development.
In addition, job fairs will be utilized to network with other local companies and to R&D
our company services to ensure we are maximizing our opportunities and growth potential.
Networking with local businesses and organization’s gives FCC insight to what each
organization is looking for in potential employees. With this information, FCC can proactively
prepare clientele to align with established aspects of their desired company culture (as long as
the client’s values, skills, and abilities align). Further, potential clientele information such as age,
sex, race, education etc. upon meeting, can be utilized to improve marketing and demographic
services for FCC.
Secondly, FCC will gain public exposure to a larger client demographic through social
media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. The company social media platforms will
o Brand recognition and service offerings
o Online community, encouragement, and support
o Media (video conferencing, webinars, advertisement)
The social media Instagram handle: FaulknerCareerConsulting is a page where potential
and formal clientele can meet to discover our services, encouragement, support, inspiration, and
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useful webinars that enhance their job seeking skills. I established this page to help with the
uncertainty that comes with vocational and occupational transition. A career coaching article
states, “Most often we know what we want for our careers, but our perceived barriers get in the
way. These inner gremlins plant the seeds of self-doubt and fear, and whisper "you can't do that"
or "what if." A coach can help you examine your gremlins, stretch your capacity and move
forward (Donner, Wheeler, 2005). Due to the natural doubt and uncertainty that our consulting
business incurs, it’s important to have a median that minimizes the growing doubts and concerns
of our clientele. This is as inexpensive, broad band-with way to do so. Plus, it aids with the
client empathy and emotional support.
Lastly, spiritual centers and religious organizations are a fundamental factor in spiritual
development that aid with value establishment and vocational discovery. Spiritual centers will be
engaged to build beneficial partnerships for FCC clientele as well as reciprocating their
participation by referring clients to engage in spiritual center offerings and potentially long-term
membership. Spiritual centers are an intricate element to FCC because it is where clients will go
to develop their spiritual growth and development to gain insight into their life’ s vocation, and
ultimately occupation. Their spiritual revelation and insight will be brought back to FCC to be
used to formulate things like a personal value system and professional action plan.
While FCC acts as a network facilitator, expenses that are incurred from third party
spiritual centers and religious organizations will be the responsibility of the client. FCC is not
liable for the collection or billing of these fees. It is solely up to the spiritual center to ensure all
billing and fees for provided services are fulfilled.
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Overhead Expenses
Marketing expenses associated with the advertisement and clientele solicitation outlets
can be costly to the initial start-up and overhead of the business. In light of company expenses,
FCC has created moderate overhead costs that will be funded by the founder. Most of these
expenses are associated with administrative establishment, branding and marketing,
transportation, and company establishment expenses. No office space is needed at the initial
company start-up. Office space and free wi-fi is accessible at all Philadelphia Free Public
Libraries where free resources, events, workshops, and services are available to the general
public upon request.
Branding and marketing will be the company’s highest expense. Since FCC is a start-up
company, strategic marketing plans to acquaint and inform the public of our business services
will be the primary goal to solicit and maintain clientele. A budgeted allotment of funds will be
dedicated to marketing and development of the brand and services offered, using the specified
platforms. In an effort to minimize and budget these costs, business cards with FCC’s website,
Instagram, and Facebook will be distributed. As a proactive response and means to minimize
advertisement material costs, FCC will also continue to promote social media outlet engagement
as a primary source for FCC information. This outlet immediately connects us to our
demographic and gives us a captive audience. Later, brochures containing FCC’s services along
with point of contact information will be freely given. Most advertisement expenses will be used
for the professional “look” of the business.
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Community Partnerships
Community engagement is a fundamental value and pillar in the organizational structure
of FCC. In many ways we are a bridge that connects an array of community entities that coincide
with client’s goals. This is accomplished through intentional business partnerships, community
engagement activities, and job support entities (colleges, universities, third-party disciplines,
apparel procurement, etc…). On a larger scale, we are transforming communities by aiding with
the individual transformation of its members. People who have gained spiritual insight to
positive practices such as love, serving others, and a sense of global community, engage their
communities with the same positive experience and care. An article published in the “Public
Administration Review” states,
“A profound sense of belonging derived from the complex experiences of transcendence,
love and compassion, interconnectedness, the journey to find meaningfulness and purposefulness
in life, and the resulting desire to serve others likely inspires a spiritual person to serve the
common good through efforts that will ideally satisfy such needs. This enables a spiritual person
to fulfill his or her perceived obligation to the betterment of mankind (Houston, 2007).
FCC has formalized loosely related partnerships with several Philadelphia spiritual and religious
organizations that accommodate our clients need and desire to “find” their spiritual vocation.
Organizational Obstacles
The most prominent organizational obstacle that FCC faces is creating value in the
specialized services we offer to our clients. The career coaching industry is flooded with
consulting firms that help people get their “dream” job, with an earning potential that will meet
all their financial needs. But, in order for FCC clients to grasp the fullness of their Divinely
appointed vocation, they must first “have” value in the Divine in order to respond to the call.
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This can create a large potential barrier for those that are spiritually inept. We, on the other hand,
believe there is a market that is ready to accept their vocational calling, therefore in spite of the
perceived obstacle, we will continue to pursue this business opportunity.
FCC has strong sustainability potential because we are in an industry that will never
resolve or fully be cured. There will always be some form of unemployment, therefore there will
always be a market to pursue. Locally, FCC prevents poverty, sustainable cities and
communities, and decent work and economic growth on the UN Global sustainability chart. But
there’s more to it than meets the eye. We believe at FCC that the Divine cares about every aspect
of human life on earth. In response to that, He has called people through their spiritual vocation,
to every listed need on the global goal chart. By FCC preparing and positioning people to their
rightful vocational place, our organization is meeting the global need to sustainability. That is
Growth and Expansion
Today, FCC relies on the free literary resources of other organizations in order to bring
quality services to our clientele. It is my future goal to develop, author, and trademark my own
intellectual property that will aid as the foundation for future client and organizational success. In
doing so, I eventually want to progress from individual career counseling to group career
consulting based on my intellectual property. With this, I want to host nationwide and global
seminars and trainings that help people to find and pursue their spiritual calling through bravery
and unapologetic will power. Lastly, as an organizational expansion goal, I want to hire certified
contracted consultants that will take my intellectual property to their communities and build the
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FCC business brand by redefining their communities through spiritually based career consulting
and ultimately change how the world thinks about their occupation.
Faulkner Career Consulting has an unequivocal desire to change people’s lives through
there chosen spiritual vocation. We believe that we all have a divine purpose to fulfill, but in
order to do so, we must be willing to walk an uncertain path to our predestined calling. Fredrick
Buechner says “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the
world’s deep hunger meet”. It is the place where you have been innately equipped to be and
thrive. But in order to do so you must sacrifice safety for uncertainty. Allowing Faulkner Career
Consulting to walk along the journey as a guide will be an undeniable comfort in your quest to
find what is yours to do. Peace and Blessings
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Annotated Bibliography
Brainerd, J. (2019, October 4). National Employment Monthly Update. Retrieved October 29,
2019, from http://www.ncsl.org/research/labor-and-employment/national-employmentmonthly-update.aspx. me, F. M. (Year). Article Title. Journal Title, Pages From - To.
The National employment monthly update article is a government article that contains
nationwide employment statistics. This article was used for the purpose of establishing
unemployment rate statistics in the United States, as well as Pennsylvania unemployment
statistics. This article also helped me gauge the probability of my company's success due
to the thriving market of unemployment.
What causes unemployment? (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2019, from
This web article discusses the 5 types of economic unemployment. I used this article to
define the 5 types of unemployment from an economic viewpoint to understand the cause
and effect nature of unemployment.
Roberts, A. E. K., & Bannigan, K. (2018). Dimensions of personal meaning from engagement in
occupations: A metasynthesis. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 85(5), 386–
396. https://doi.org/10.1177/0008417418820358
The Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy presents an article that identifies the
meaning of engagement in occupations. The article also describes and identifies the
themes of occupational engagement and what health benefits they offer employees as a
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I utilized this article to the showcase the importance of having a meaningful occupation
that creates a better sense of wellbeing for employees.
Williams BJ. (2008). An exploratory study of older adults’ perspectives of
spirituality. Occupational Therapy in Health Care, 22(1), 3–19. Retrieved from http://0search.ebscohost.com.alvin.iii.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c8h&AN=105915351&sc
This article was an exploratory study that viewed adult spirituality from an occupational
therapy point of view. It explored the effects of spiritual practice on older adults that
measured and defined overall wellness and life fulfillment. I utilized this article to define
occupational wholeness from spiritually directed vocational practices.
Chung, Y. B., & Allen M. C. (2003). Career Coaching: Practice, Training, Professional, and
Ethical Issues. Career Development Quarterly, 52(2), 141–152.
This article defined the traditional practices of modern career coaching. It also defined
what career coaching is and how it serves the modern unemployed person using guidance
techniques that doesn’t involve advice but support and planning success.
I utilized this article to define career coaching in a modern-day sense. I also used this
article to emphasize the role of organizational managers as career coaches but has
recently declined due to the workload but on mangers.
Pope, M. (2000). A Brief History of Career Counseling in the United States. Career Development
Quarterly, 48(3), 194–211. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2161-0045.2000.tb00286.x
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This article discussed the United States history of career coaching. Career coaching was
an indirect result of political, economic, and environmental change. This article depicts
six stages of career coaching that is defined by the “times”.
I utilized this article to define and depict the history in which career coaching originated.
This article was a great summation of political, economic, and environmental factors that
laid the foundation for an independent market industry to be formed. While career
coaching has evolved from various things, today it stands as a booming independent
practice that the job seekers utilize to maximize their professional careers as well as
personal lifestyles.
Donner GJ, & Wheeler MM. (2005). CareerTalk. Career coaching. Canadian Nurse, 101(1), 18–
19. Retrieved from http://0
This article defines the intricacies of career coaching using a conversational approach
with medical staff. The article also defines the professional boundaries of a career coach
by stating the supportive role of a career coach and less of an active role in client
counseling. I used this article to define career counseling and to identify potential pitfalls
of discouragement that clients face during occupational transition. Lastly the article
acknowledge the importance of an action plan to career coaching clients.
Mayer, C.-H., & Viviers, R. (2018). “Can One Put Faith and Work in the Same Sentence?” Faith
Development and Vocation of a Female Leader in the Engineering Profession. Journal of
Religion & Health, 57(3), 821–835. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10943-017-0404-2
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This article identifies the faith development and vocation of female leaders in the
engineering profession. The article touches on Fowlers Theory of vocation and life
connection. I used this passage to describe community partnerships that ultimately mirror
a relation ship that we all have with the Divine that is played out in our interactions with
others through acts of love, support, vocational occupation etc.
Dunlop, C. W. (2017, October 5). The Success and Failure Of The Coaching Industry. Retrieved
October 22, 2019, from
This Forbes article depicts the growth of the career coaching industry evidenced by the
continued growth of independent career coaching organizations and career coaching
research. I used this article to depict the surge of independent career coaches in the US
today. I also used the article statistics to show substantial growth, with no industry peak
in sight.
Industry Market Research, Reports, and Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2019, from
This website offered career coaching statistics and the projected growth potential it will
have in the future. The article also discussed different markets that career coaching will
affect in a positive manner.
I used this article to depict the statistical growth that the career coaching industry has and
will have in the near future. Career coaching is trending in employment and is creating
opportunities for the general public to maximize their goals and dreams.
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Montanez, R. (2018, November 15). Career Coaching: What You Need To Know About The
Industry's Past And Future. Retrieved from
This article correlates the past and present history of career coaching using technology
and Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to determine the best course of action for potential job
seekers to find jobs. I use this article to emphasize online job search platforms that help
unemployed workers to find a job but doesn’t offer a solution for job seekers to
determine a career path.
Tkaczyk, B. (2016). Coaching By Numbers. Ivey Business Journal, 2. Retrieved from http://0search.ebscohost.com.alvin.iii.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bwh&AN=121064483&s
This article defines the progression of career coaching. The article also explores the
importance of having career coach assessments that aid in the coach’s client success.
Lastly, research shows that coaches have become an intervention standard in employee
development. I used this resource to denote the skills needed to be considered a “good” or
successful career coach.
Otterbein, H. (2015, September 22). Philly Is The 4th Most Segregated Big City in the Country.
Retrieved November 7, 2019, from
https://www.phillymag.com/citified/2015/09/22/philadelphia-segregated-big-city/. This
article depicts the racial segregation in the Philadelphia area by calculating the diversity
index. I used this article to showcase the unemployment access to diversity in
Philadelphia using original company assessment practices. In an effort to maximize on
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company savings, I will conduct my own assessments for brand marketing and
development by clientele response.
Unemployment in the Philadelphia Area by County – September 2019 : Mid–Atlantic
Information Office. (2019, November 7). Retrieved November 8, 2019, from
The Bureau of Labor Statistics was used for Philadelphia’s poverty rating and
unemployment statistics. I use this website to depict unemployment rates Nationwide and
in the City of Philadelphia.
Houston, D. J., & Cartwright, K. E. (2007). Spirituality and Public Service. Public
Administration Review, 67(1), 88–102. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6210.2006.00699.x
This article depicts the relevancy of spirituality to an individual’s occupation. The article
offers a distinction of spirituality and religion which is normally used synonymously. The
article discusses the rise of spirituality in modern culture. The article also explicates the
search for divine and sacred entities that validate our human needs. I used this article to
define spirituality and the higher work performances of those that engage in spiritual
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Appendix A
Personality Type Descriptions. (n.d.). Retrieved from