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Entrepreneurship Assignment: Business Plan & Analysis

Assignment 2
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Question 1
Develop a business plan for an organization of your choice [50]
Question 2
The entrepreneurial business that you are working for is about to expand. Since she is aware that you did a
course called “Introduction to Entrepreneurship”, your immediate supervisor asks your opinion on the way
forward. One of the things which you point out as being critical is a ‘situational analysis’. Two days later your
immediate supervisor informs you that the Managing Director has appointed you to this situational analysis.
However he first wants a report that details the elements of such a study. With the aid of pertinent examples,
prepare this report for the head of the company giving the three main tools utilized, their purpose and the sub
components of each.
Question 3
a) Why is decision making considered important? Explain the decision making process of Managers in
industry [10]
b) How does an entrepreneur manage innovation function? [10]
c) To get external financing an entrepreneur’s plan must pass three tests with potential lenders and investors.
Briefly explain these
Total [100 marks]