ASSURANCE AND NON-ASSURANCE SERVICES Basic Concepts 1. The auditor's satisfaction as to the reliability of an assertion being made by one party for use by another is called: A. Assurance B. Reliance factor C. Precision D. Materiality 2. An engagement in which a practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to enhance the dearee of confidence of the intended users other than the responsible party about the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter against criteria A. Assurance engagement C. Audit engagement 8. Attestation engagement D. Management consulting engagement 3. For assurance engagements which are neither audits nor reviews of historical financial information, the foi!ovving standard applies: A. PSAs 4. 5. B. PSREs C. PSAEs Pronouncements of the Auditing and Assurance Standards Council (AASC) do not cover: A, Review engagements C. Agreed-upon procedures engagements B. Compilations D. PSRSs D. Consultancy services The Philippine Standards on Auditing issued by AASC: A. Apply to ari independent examination of financial statements of any entity when such an examination is conducted for the purpose of expressing an opinion thereon. Must not apply to other related activities of auditors. C. Need to be applied on all audit-related matters. D. Require thet in no circumstances would an auditor may judge it necessary to devart from a PSA, even though such a departure may result to more effective achievement of the objective of an audit. Elernentssf Assurance Engaaements 6. This document defines the elements and objectives of an assurance engagement, but does not, by itself, estabiish standards or provide procedural requirements for the performance of assurance engagements. A. PSRS B. PREPS C. PSAE o. PFAE 7. Which of the following is NOT an element of an assurance engagement? A. Sufficient appropriate evidence C. A subject matter B. Appropriate professional fees D. A written assurance report 8. The person, persons or class of persons for whom the practitioner prepares the assurance report. A. General public B. Responsible party C Audit cornmittee D. Intended users 9. According to the IAASB Glossary of terms, this refers to a professional accountant in pub!ic practice. A. Auditor B. Practitioner C. Public accountant D. Professional 10. A professional accountant in public practice may refer to: A professional accountant, irrespective of functional classification (for example, audit, tax or consulting) in a firm that provides c professionai ser/ices. Yes No Yes No A firm of CPAs in public practice. No No Yes Yes Il. The Derson or persons who in a direct reporting engagement! is responsible for the subject matter; or in an assertion-based engagement/ is responsible for the subject matter information (the assertion), and may be responsible for the subject matter. A. Generai public B, Responsible party C. Audit committee D. Intended users Subject Matter 12. Which of the following forms may the subject matter of an assurance engagement take? Financial performance or conditions 11, Non-financial performance or conditions . Ill. Physical characteristics IV. Systems and processes Behavior A, l and Il B. 1, 11 and 111 13. The outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a subject matter. A. Audit report C. Subject analysis B. Subject •matter information C. 1, 111 and IV D. 1, 11, 111, IV, V D. Criteria 14. In this assurance engagement, the evaluation or measurement of the subject matter is petformed by the responsible paä/', and the subject matter information is in the form of an assertion by the responsible party that is made available .to the intended users. A, Audit of firpancial statements C. Assertion based engagements 3, Direct reporting engagements D. None of the answers 15, In this assurance engagement; the practitioner either directly performs the evaluation or measurement of the subject matter, or obtains a representation from the responsible party that has perform-ed the evaluation or measurement that IS not available to the intended users. The subject matter information is provided to the i ntended users in the assurance report, A. Audit of financial statements of the answers C. Assertion based engagements B, Direct reporting engagements D. None Suitable Criteria 16. These are the benchmarks used to evaluate or measure the subject matter including, where relevant, benchmarks for presentation and disclosure. A. Assertions B. Engagement proeess C. Criteria 17. Which cf the following statements is incorrect? A. Criteria can be formal or less formal, B. There can be different criteria for the same subject matter. C. Suitable criteria are required for reasonably consistent evaluation or measurement cf a subject matter D. Professional judgment is always inferior as compared to the requirements of suitable criteria, 18. The foaowir:g characteristics are considered necessary if criteria is to be deemed as suitable for an assurance engagement. Which of the following phrases best describes reiiabi//t/? A. Ai!ows suitable criteria to contribute to conclusions that assist decision-making by the intended users B. R.elevant factors that could affect the condusions in the context of the engagement circumstances are not omitted C. Aiiows reasonably consistent evaluation or measurement of the subject matter including, where relevant, presentation and disclosure, when used in similar circumstances by similarly qualified practitioners D. Contributes to conciusions that are free from bias E. Contributes -to conclusions that are clear, comprehensive, and not subject to significantly different interpretations 19. Tne financiai reporting framework adopted by management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance in the preparation of the. financial statements that -is acceptable in view of the nature of the entity' and the objective of the financial statements, or that is required by law or regulation. A, Generally acceoted auditing standards B, Financial reporting standards C, Applicable financial reporting framework D. Phifippine standards in. auditing 20. VVhich of the following is more difficult to evaluate objectivey? A, Efficiency and effectiveness of operations. B. Compliance with government regulations, C. Presentation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP. D. All the three above are equally difficult. Evidence 21. In an assurance engagement, this refers to the information obtained .by the practitioner in arriving at the conclusions on which the conclusion 'is based. A. Criteria B. Evidence C. Assertions D. PSAs 22. An audit is an assurance engagement. an audit engagement comprises: c Accounting records and source documents Corroborating information from other sources Yes No No Yes Yes Yes No No 23, The measure of the quality of audit evidence; that ist its relevance and its reliabi!ity in providing support for the conc}usions on which the auditorts opinion is based. A. Sufficiency B, Adequacy C. Appropriateness D, Scope 24 The measure of the quantity of audit evidence and its relevance to a particular assertion and its reliability. A. Sufficiency B. Adequacy C. Appropriateness D, Scope 25. This refers 'to the audit procedures deemed necessary in the circumstances to achieve the objective of the at-Idit A, Scope of an audit B, Audit program C. Engagement area D. Sectorization 26. The record of work performed, results obtained, and conclusions the practitioner reached •in an assurance engagement. A. B. Work program Engagemerlt documentation C, D. Data integrity sheet Audit documentation WLltten-Assur-äLIERgpgri 27. In performing an assurance engagement, a professional accountant typically: A. Supplies litigation support services. B. Authenticates documentation. C. Expresses a conclusion about an assertion. D. Provides management consulting advice. 28, Generally, the conclusion expressed in an assurance engagement may provide the following levels of assurance: B c D No Limited ievel of assurance Yes Yes Yes Reasonable level of assurance No Yes Yes Yes Absoiute level of assurance No Yes Yes No 29. According to level of assurance provided, there are two toes of assurance engagements: reasonable assurance engagements and limited assurance engagements. Which of the following best describes reasonable assurance engagements? A. The objective of this assurance engagement is a reduction in assurance engagement risk to an acceptably low level in the circumstances of the engagement as the basis for a positive form of expression of the practitioner's conclusion. B. -pne objective of this assurance engagement % a reduction in assurance engagement risk to a level that is acceptable in the circumstances of the enäagement, but where that risk is greater tnan for a reasonable assurance engagement, as the basis for a negative form of expression of the practitioner's conclusion, C. both a and b apply to reasonable assurance engagements. D. None of the answers apply to reasonable assurance engagements. 30. Absolute assurance is generally not attainable as a result of such factors as: The use of selective testing The inherent limitations of internal control Muéh of the evidence available to the practitioner is persuasive rather than conclusive The use of judgment in gathering and evaluating evidence and forming conclusions based on that evidence • 3 c Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes No No Engaaement Risk and Leveis of Assurance 31. This is the risk that the practitioner expresses an inappropriate conclusiön when the subject matter information is materially misstated. A. Audit risk C. Detection risk a. Assurance engagement risk D. Practitioner's risk 32. When a CPA has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude that the subject matter conforms, in ail material respects, with identified suitable criteria, he/she can provide a(n): A. Limited !eve; of assurance. C. Reasonable level of assurance. B. Absolute assurance. D. No assurance. 33. When a CPA has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence to condude that the subject matter is plausible in the circumstances, he/she can provide a(n): A. Limited level of assurance. C. Reasonable level of assurance. B. Absolute assurance. D. No assurance. 34. Select the statement that exemplifies negative assurance: A. "In our opinion internal control js effective, in all material respects, based on XYZ criteria." B. "Based on our work described in this report, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that internal control is not effective, in all, material respects, based on XYZ criteria." C. "We do not express an opinion on the financial statements," D, - Alf of the statements illustrate negative assurance. Types of Assurance Engagements 35. The three commonly-sought types of assurance services are: A. Audits, review, and compilations. a. Audits, compilations, and other assurance services. C. Reviews, compilations and other assurance service. D. Audits, reviews and other assurance services. 36. This assurance engagement provides reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material imisstatement: A. B. Financial statements audit. C. Compilation of financial information. Review of historical financial staternents, D. Agreed-upon procedures engagement. 37. An independent audit aids in the communication of economic data because the audit A. confirms the accuracy of management's financial representations. B. C. fends credibility to the financial statements. guarantees that financial data are fairiy presented. D, assures the readers of financial statements that any fraudulent activity has been corrected. 38, This assurance engagement provides, a limited 'evel of assurance about the client's historical financial statements: A. Financial staternents audit. C. Forecasts and projections. B. Review of historical financial statements. D. Agreed-upon procedures engagement, 39. The objective of this assurance engagement is to enable the auditor to state, whether, on the basis of procedures which do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, anything has come to the auditor's attention,that causes the auditor to believe that the financial statements are not prepared, in ali materiat respects, in accordance with an identified financial reporting framework. A. Compilation engagement C. Review engagement B. Comfort provision engagement D. Valuation services 40. Which of the following is an objective of a review engagement? A. B. Expressing a positive opinion- that the financial information is presented in conformity with generaliy accented accounting principles. Expressing a iimited assurance to users AYho have agreed as to procedures that wili be performed by the C. Repotting. whether material modifications should be made to such financial statements to make them D. conform with generaily accepted accounting principles. Reporting that the financial statements, in all material respects, fairly present the financial position and operating results of the client. 41. Which of the following procedures ordinarily performed during an audit are also performed in a review engagement? A. Assessment of accounting and internal control systems. B. Tests of controls. C. Tests of records and responses to inquiries. D. Inquiry and anaivt;cal procedures. 42. Procedures a review engagernent consist primarily of inquiry and analytical procedures. Regarding review procedures, which of the following statements -is Incorrect? A. B. The auditor should apply the same materiality considerations as would be applied if an audit opinion on the financial statements were givem The judgment as to what is material is made by reference to the information on which the auditor is reporting and the needs of those relying on that information, not to the level of assurance provided. C. There is a greater risk that misstatements wili not be detected in an audit than in a review. D. The auditof should a$ply in détermnirtg- the specific nature, -timing and extent of review procedures. 43. Which of the following best describes health care performance measurement services? A. An engagernent which provides assurance about whether financiai and non-financial information being reported from the entity's performance measurement system is reliable. B. An engagement whith involves the evaluation of the quality of health care, medicai services and looks into the hea!th care delivery system. C. An e n gagement which identifies a set of risks that affect the client organization. It involves the study of the link between risks and the organization's vision, mission, objectives and strategies and the development of new and relevant measures. Di None of the answers. A*gcuation witb_lnformation 44, A practitioner is associated with the subject matter when: B c D the practitioner reports on information about that subject matter Yes Yes No No the practitioner consents to the use of the practitioner's name in a professional connection with that subject matter, Yes No Yes No 45. When a practitioner is inappropriately •associated with financial information, the following remedies are avaifabie, except: A. Requirethe other party (i.e., management) to cease associating the CPA with the subject matter. B, Informing any known third patty users of the inappropriate use of the practitioner's name C. Seek. legal acvgce D. All of the above are availabie remedies. Non-Assur_ance Engagements 46. A CPA firm's primary purpose for performing non-assurance services is to: A. Prepare the CPA firm for the changing needs and requirements of the business community. B. Establish the CPA firm as a consultant, which will enable the CPA firm to ensure future viability and growth. C. Provide advice and technical assistance that will enable a client to conduct its business more effectively. D. Enabie staff members of the CPA firm to acquire the necessary continuing education in all areas of business, 47. Not all engagements performed by practitioners are assurance engagements, Which of the following are considered as nonassurance engagements? A, Agreed-upon procedures and compilation engagements. B, Preparation of tax returns where no conclusion is expressed C. Consulting or advisory engagements D. All of the answers are non-assurance engagements. 48. Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Unlike consulting services, assurance services report on the quality of information, B. Audit en9agements encompass assurance engagements. C. Not all engagements performed by professional accountants are assurance engagements. D. Non-assurance engagements include agreed-upon procedures, compilation of financial or other information, preparation of tax returns where no conclusion is expressed, tax consulting and advisory engagements. Consulting and AdU!E-r-Y 49. Assurance services are three-party contracts involving services that improve the quality of information, while consulting services: A. Are three-party contracts involving services that recommend uses for information, B. C. D. Are two-part/ contracts involving services that recommend uses for information. Are üo-party services that require the use of accounting rather than auditing expertise, Are three-pan/ services that require knowledge of the analytical approach and process. 50. This engagement involves the application of accounting expertise, as opposed to auditing expertise, in collecting, classifying and summarizing financiai information: A. Compilation. C. Tax consulting. B, Agreed-upon procedures engagement. D. Management consulting. 51. According to Philippine Standards on Related Services, the procedures employed in doing compilation are: A. Designed to enable the accountant to express a limited assurance. B. Designed to enable the accountant to express a negative assurance. C. Not designed to enable the accountant to express any form of assurance. D. Less extensive than review procedures but more extensive than agreed-upon procedures. mgr-egg-upon Procedures Engagement 52. In this non-assurance engagement, the party engaging the CPA determines the procedures to be performed (In some situations, the intended user determines the procedures to be performed). At the end of the engagement, the CPA provides a report of factual findings as a result of undertaking these procedures. What type of engagement has been described? A. Com pilation. C. Tax consulting. B. Agreed-upon procedures engagement. D. Management consulting. 53. Which of the following is correct regarding agreed-upon procedures engagement? A. An audtor is engaged to carry out those procedures of an accounting nature to which the auditor and the entity and any appropriate third parties have agreed and to report on the factual findings. B. The recipients of the report must form their own conclusions from the report of the auditor. C. The report is avaiiabie to the general public. D. A high but not absolute level of assurance is provided in an agreed-upon procedures engagernent. 54. Which of the following is correctof the report based on agreed-upon-procedures? A. The report IS restricted to those parties who have agreed to the procedures to be performed. B. The CPA provides the recipients of the report limited assurance as to reasonableness of the assert i on(s) presented in the financial information. C. The report states that the auditor has not recognized any basis that requires a revision of the financial statements. The report should state that the procedures performed are limited to analytical procedures and inquiry, D. Tax Services 55. This tax service includes the preparation of tax returns for individuals, corporations, estates and trusts, and other entities: A. Tax evasion. C. Tax shelter. B. Tax planning. D. Tax compliance. 56. This tax service includes the determination of the tax consequences of pianned or potential transactions, foilowed by making suggestions on the most desirable course of action (to legally minimize the tax liability while achieving the client's objectives): A. Tax evasion. C. Tax shelter. B. Tax planning. D. Tax compliance. The Lord has made a solemn promise, arid by I-fis power He will carry it out: ''Your' grain will no longer be food for your enemies, and foreigners will no longer drink your wine. But you that planted and harvested the grain will eat the bread and praise the Lord. You that tended and gathered the grapes witl drink the wine in the courts of my Terxnl±." Isaiah 62: 8-9