GUSTO University Unit 43- Internet of Things Week1_Lecture Presented by – Daw Thi Thi Thandar Saw Htay GUSTO University The Purpose of IoT? • The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. GUSTO University A Brief History Of IoT The internet of Things(IoT)has come a long way, going from one or two machines In the 1980s to billions in 2019 1969 ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, is developed. 1982 Carnegie-Mellon researchers connect a vending machine to the internet so they can remotely check for cold sodas 1998 IPv6 adds 2^128 new IP addresses, which even IoT devices will have trouble eating up. 1999 The term “Internet of Things” is first used by Kevin Ashton of MIT. 1990 John Romkey demonstrates the first toaster controlled via the Internet. 2000 LG announces the first smart fridge. It’s cool (literally) but also too expensive to sell well. 1995 The GPS satellite 2007 The first iPhone network (version 1) is completed released. 2008 The first international IoT conference is held. Also, there are now more online devices than there are humans on earth. 2009 Google starts testing self-driving cars. 2013 Google Glass is released. Too soon, apparently. VR and AR are still in early stages. 2014 Amazon releases the Echo, which sets off a scramble to enter the smart home hub market. 2017-2019 IoT continues to grow as Internet penetration, AI, blockchain, edge computing and cheap devices and sensors proliferate. 2016 GM, Lyft, Uber and Tesla are all testig selfdriving cars now. Mirai, the first large-scale IoT attack, also takes place, GUSTO University 9 Fundamental Characteristics of IoT GUSTO University Features of Internet of Things (IoT) 1. Connectivity IoT devices can be connected over Radio waves, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Li-Fi, connectivity across IoT ecosystems and Industry. 2. Sensing Electrochemical, gyroscope, pressure, light sensors, GPS, pressure, RFID, etc. Light detection sensors along with pressure, velocity and imagery sensors. 3. Active Engagements Cloud Computing network in blockchain to establish active engagements among IoT components. GUSTO University 4. Scale IoT devices can be scaled up or down easily on demand. smart home automation to automating large factories and work stations, so the use cases vary in scale. 5. Dynamic Nature The various components of IoT need to change their state dynamically. 6. Intelligence The analog signals are preprocessed and converted to a format on which machinelearning models are trained. We need to keep in mind the proper data infrastructure based on business needs. 7. Energy From end components to connectivity and analytics layers, the whole ecosystems demand a lot of energy. GUSTO University 8. Safety Safety, security measures, and firewalls to keep the data away from misuse and manipulations. 9. Integration IoT integrates various cross-domain models between infrastructure and operational costs. GUSTO University Technology: • RFID • Wifi IEEE • Barcode or Qr code • Zig bee IEEE • Sensors and smartphone GUSTO University RFID • Radio-frequency identification(RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. • Widely used in Transport and logistics • Easy to deploy: RFID tags and RFID readers • Communication range and frequency depends on the type of technology GUSTO University WiFi • WiFi is the wireless technology used to connect computers, tablets, smartphones and other devices to the internet. • Low cost and Highly interoperable • Widely used both indoor and outdoor environments GUSTO University Barcode QR Code • Several devices can read a barcode • Smart Barcode readers help to keep the track of inventory for a retailer. • However, the use of AI-based barcode readers is not just limited to the retail sector. It can also be used in warehouses and manufacturing facilities to keep the track of stocks. • Once, the product is passed through the bar code scanner and the final purchase is made, the removal of the product form the stock listing is shown in the computers. • The automation of the update process saves a lot of manual effort and time. It also simplifies the checkout process for IoT applications. GUSTO University ZigBee • Very long battery life • Easy to deploy and low cost • Large number of nodes( up to 64770) • Ideals for WPAN and mesh networks • Support for multiple network technologies • Low cost GUSTO University IoT Sensors • IoT sensors are a crucial cog that allows the collection and transmission of data amidst a network of devices. It is one of the finest Internet of Things Examples. • Generally, a sensor can be classified in different ways but the most common form of classification is active or passive sensors. You can also categorize them as an analog and digital sensors. • The IoT sensors are coupled with the circuit boards, which are programmed to collect various types of data. • Usually, two of the popular boards which are connected to sensors, today, include Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 2. • Arduino circuit board is most commonly used in both analog and digital sensors. Raspberry Pi 2 is one of the versions of the same, and each of them has its operating system with its core in Linux. GUSTO University Applications: • Smart home • Lot in agriculture • Energy engagement • Transport and logistics • Smart lighting GUSTO University Smart Home • Living in a house with connected devices is living in a Smart Home. Quite often we forget to switch off the lights and fans. This is one of the finest IoT Examples. • Most of the time we return home after a busy day at the office to see that the fans and lights are on. • Imagine the amount of energy wasted, and the extra cost that you have to pay for the futile consumption of power. • IoT is changing the way we interact with our homes, as you can control the majority of the home appliances right from your smartphone. • So, next time when you leave the home and forget to switch off the electrical appliances, just take out your smartphone and save power & money. GUSTO University GUSTO University GUSTO University • End of Lecture GUSTO University References: Arshdeep, B. (2014) Internet of Things: A Hands on Approach. 1st Ed. VPT.