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Rugby Fitness Plan: In Season Training for Prop

Fitness Plan
In Season Arthur
Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Strength 1
Cycle Warm Up - Stand Up
Cable Lunge and Reach
DB Chest Press
Exercise Ball Bridging Advanced
Clean Deep Squat
Wide Grip Pull up
Backward Roll to Push Up
Bent over BB row
MB Rotation and Throw
Bear Crawl
BB rotation advanced
Side Lying Stabilization
Spine Self Massage
Quadriceps Self Massage
Calf Self Massage
Spine Self Massage
Buttock Self Massage
Iliotibial (IT) band Self Massage
Latissimus dorsi Self Massage
Hamstring Self Massage
Aerobic capacity
Fartlek Speed Play 1
Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Activity of choice
Cross Training Activity
Strength 2
Cycle Warm Up
Alt DB Hang Split Snatch
Prone neck stabilization
Wood Chop
Smith Rack Bench Press Throw
Exercise ball back extension
Standing MB Rotation
Clean Pull
Stabilization with rotation
Single Arm Rowing
Dynamic Box Push up
Deep Back Squat
Single leg bridging
Anaerobic capacity
Short Interval Training 3
Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Spine Self Massage
Quadriceps Self Massage
Calf Self Massage
Spine Self Massage
Buttock Self Massage
Iliotibial (IT) band Self Massage
Latissimus dorsi Self Massage
Hamstring Self Massage
Speed / Agility
Run Through
Lateral Knee Lift Stabilization
Lateral Step Up Jumps
Bear Crawl
Ball Push up acceleration
A Skip
Ready to Roll
Agility Forward / Back Runs
B Skip
Shuffle and acceleration
Agility 2 in - 1 out to run
Carioca Repeats
Step up Jumps
Stride Outs
Swim / Walk
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New Zealand Rugby
Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Work through skills and drills with the coach. Give it 110%, work with the team and prepare for the game
Strength 1
Cycle Warm Up - Stand Up
Adjust the seat so at the bottom of the cycle the knee is slightly flexed. Rather than pedal up and down, you
should pedal in a circular motion. Pull back at the bottom of the pedal stoke and push over the top of the pedal.
Sit in the seat for 1min and stand up and continue pedalling for 15secs whilst keeping the same tempo for
15sec. Repeat x 5 increasing the intensity slightly every time you sit back down.
Exercise Ball Bridging Advanced
Position the feet on the exercise ball with the hands on the floor. Lift the hips off the floor until the legs are in
line with the rest of the body then bend and extend one leg off the ball. Do not return to the floor after each
repetition. Keep the body off the floor and alternate to the other leg. 2 x 10 each with 30sec rest.
Backward Roll to Push Up
Start with the feet shoulder width apart with the arms forward for balance. Go in to a crouched position with
the arms in front during the backwards roll. During the roll forward the feet and knees should remain in line.
The position of the hands for the push up should be just outside shoulder width. Avoid rolling back onto the
neck. 2 x 10 each with 30sec rest.
Bear Crawl
Start in a push-up position with the hands shoulder width apart and the legs straight out behind you with feet
just outside shoulder width, keeping the knees bent. Move the left hand and the right leg forward to start
crawling. Alternate the arm and leg movements while keeping the back straight and the hips and shoulders at
the same height. 4 x 20m Rest 15sec
Cable Lunge and Reach
Start with tension on the cable. Lunge forward and allow the spine to bend slightly to reach towards the
ground. Knee should track in line with the middle of the foot for each lunge. Push back firmly to the start
position after each repetition. 3 x 8ea Rest 90sec
Clean Deep Squat
Start with the shoulders over the bar and arms straight. As the bar rises just above the knees thrust the hips
forward, keeping the bar close to the body. When the bar reaches maximum height, pull the body under the
bar and go into a full squat position. Stand tall at the completion of the clean, before going back into a full
squat position. Keep the knees aligned with the middle of the foot and the heels flat on the floor. Stand to
begin the next repetition. 3x8 Rest 90sec
Bent over BB row
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Bent over BB row
Start in a forward leaning position with the feet shoulder width apart or in a split stance if preferred. Keep the
shoulders back like you have an iron bar between them. Grip the bar with the knuckles on top. Pull the bar
towards the body then control the movement back to the start position. Keep the rest of the body stationary
during both phases. 3x8 Rest 90sec
BB rotation advanced
Start in a parallel stance with the hips and shoulders facing forward. Keep the elbows slightly bent and rotate
the bar from side to side while keeping the feet parallel and facing forward. The hands should pass over your
eye level when moving the bar.
DB Chest Press
Lie flat on your back with the head, shoulders and hips on the bench and feet on the floor. Lower the
dumbbells until they are a fist height off the chest and then press up to the start position. Keep the wrists rigid.
3x8 Rest 90sec
Wide Grip Pull up
Grip the bar using an overhand grip with the hands wider than shoulder width apart. Pull the body up until the
chin is above the bar. Allow the arms to fully extend to the start position before starting the next repetition. Do
not swing to lift the body up. Perform 3 sets to your maximum repetitions. Rest 90secs
MB Rotation and Throw
Start with a split stance and with a slight forward lean so the shoulders are in front of the hips. Keep the elbows
close to the body, rotate the core to throw the medicine ball against the wall or to a partner continuously. Keep
feet face forward. 2 x 10ea side Rest 60sec
Side Lying Stabilization
Start by lying on your side with the forearm flat on the ground and the elbow under the shoulder. The hips and
shoulders should face forward with the body in a straight line. Keeping the legs together, lift the hips off the
ground until the body balanced and remaining in a straight line. Hold the raised position whilst lifting the arm
above your head each repetition. 2x20ea Rest 60sec
Aerobic capacity
Fartlek Speed Play 1
General warm up for 8-10 minutes. Active stretch as per speed program and then continue.
- Run 4 x 340m (outside of field) at a quick pace, 85-90% max. speed
- Walk/jog recover for 2 minutes between each 340m lap
- Walk for 3-4 minutes to recover
- Run 6 x 170m (halfway around the field) at a quick pace, 90-95% max. speed
- Walk/jog recover for 90 seconds between each 170m lap
- Perform 20 press-ups then run hard for 2 minutes, walk for 1 minute recovery
- Jog for 5 minutes to warm down
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Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Work through skills and drills with the coach. Give it 110%, work with the team and prepare for the game
Spine Self Massage
Position the foam roller under the upper /middle back, (thoracic spine). Feet flat on the ground. Roll the hips
from side to side in a controlled fashion without rotating too far in either direction. 10 reps
Spine Self Massage
Roll back and forth along the length of the spine, keeping body straight and the neck in line with the spine.
Place the hands behind the head to support the neck if need be. If a tight area is identified, pause and
maintain pressure for a short period. 10 reps
Latissimus dorsi Self Massage
Place the foam roller under the latissimus dorsi muscle (side of trunk) and roll forward and backwards
controlling the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Quadriceps Self Massage
Lie straight with the forearms flat on the ground. Press the body forward and back against the ground to roll
the front of the thighs over the roller. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Buttock Self Massage
Sit on the roller, keep the leg straight and roll back and forth on the foam roller over the buttock muscles.
Rotate the hips to massage all parts of the buttocks. If a tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure
for a short period of time. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Hamstring Self Massage
Sit on the roller and roll in to the top of the buttocks. Roll the hamstring (back of the upper leg) back and forth
on the foam roller, keeping the leg straight. point the toes in and out to massage all aspects of the thigh. If a
tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure for a short period of time. Control the speed and pressure.
Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Calf Self Massage
Whilst sitting, place the roller under the calves. Put one leg over the other and roll the calf muscle back and
forth on the foam roller, keeping the leg straight. Point the toes in and out to massage all aspects of the calf. If
a tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure for a short period. Control the speed and pressure. Use
a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Iliotibial (IT) band Self Massage
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Iliotibial (IT) band Self Massage
Lie on your side and position the roller on the outside of the thigh with the leg straight. Roll forward and back
on the roller, pulling with the hand. Roll from the hip all the way down the length of the outside of the leg.
Rotate the leg to vary the location of the massage. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Activity of choice
Cross Training Activity
Your choice of optional training: swimming, touch rugby, cycling
Strength 2
Cycle Warm Up
Adjust the seat so at the bottom of the cycle the knee is slightly flexed. Rather than pedal up and down, you
should pedal in a circular motion. Pull back at the bottom of the pedal stoke and push over the top of the pedal.
Sit in the seat for 1min and stand up and continue pedalling for 15secs whilst keeping the same tempo for
15sec. Repeat x 5 increasing the intensity slightly every time you sit back down.
Wood Chop
Start with the medicine ball next to the foot with the body slightly rotated. Stand up and raise the ball above
the head then take the medicine ball to the outside of the other foot. Increase the resistance or the speed of
the movement to progress the exercise. Repeat on both sides. 20 reps each side with 8-10kg Med Ball
Standing MB Rotation
Start with the legs shoulder width apart, the feet facing forward and knees slightly flexed. Hold the medicine
ball out in front of the body and rotate the body at a moderate speed in both directions. Allow the trail foot to
pivot to facilitate hip rotation. The speed and range of the rotations can vary depending on the requirements of
the exercise. 20 reps each side with 8-10kg MB
Single Arm Rowing
This exercise is a variation of the standard rowing technique. Hold the handle with one hand and start from a
knees bent position and slightly rotated. The first movements should be the legs then simultaneously rotate
body and pull the shoulders back before returning to the starting position. Rowing techniques vary depending
on physical attributes of the athlete. 4min (alternate arms each minute)
Deep Back Squat
Start with the bar behind the neck on the upper trapezius muscle. The bar should remain stationary behind the
neck throughout the left. Place the hands on the bar outside shoulder width and open the chest up. Look
forward and slightly upward. The feet should turn slightly out. Drop to a full squat position, allowing the hips
and knees to bend. The body angle should remain the same with the knees tracking over the middle of the
feet. 3x8 Rest 90sec
Alt DB Hang Split Snatch
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Alt DB Hang Split Snatch
Keep the dumbbell close to you throughout the exercise. Look forward and slightly up start with the dumbbell
in hanging between the lower leg. As the dumbbell is at maximal height, go into a split squat position with the
dumbbell above the head and the arm locked out in full extension. Return to the start position and repeat the
movement with the other leg forward. 3x8 Rest 90sec
Smith Rack Bench Press Throw
Keep the head, shoulders and hips on the bench with the feet supported. Ensure the machine hooks are well
clear of the bar. Start with the hands shoulder width apart using an overhand grip. Lower the bar until arms
are at 90 degrees and throw the bar with an explosive action. Repeat the movements continuously. Minimize
the contact time with the bar after each throw and be ready to catch the bar. Start light and move the bar fast.
3x8 Rest 90sec
Clean Pull
Start with the shoulders over the bar with the arms straight and maintain a neutral curve in the spine. Do not
round the shoulders while pulling the bar up. Maintain the same body angle during the pull and have the hips
and shoulders rise together. As the bar rises just above the knees thrust the hips forward keeping the bar
close to the body. When the bar reaches its maximum height, shrug the shoulders and pull the bar to the
chest. 3x8 Rest 90sec
Dynamic Box Push up
Use a 20-30cm box based on your ability. After each push up, press up off the floor to place one hand on the
box, keeping the body stable. Complete 8 on one side before completing 8 on the other side. 3x8 Rest 90secs
Single leg bridging
Lie flat on the ground and hands by your side. Start the exercise with one leg bent and heel in contact with the
ground and the other leg straight. Keep the head and shoulders touching the ground. Lift the hips off the floor
until the thighs are in line with the body, then control the movement back to the start position. Repeat 15 on
each leg. rest 30 secs
Prone neck stabilization
Start face down on the bench with the head and shoulders off the end of the bench. Raise the shoulders and
neck slightly above the position of the bench and adopt a neutral neck position. That is not to lift the head up
too high and not to have the chin on the chest. 6x10 secs Rest 5 secs
Exercise ball back extension
Place the feet against a wall, secure them under an object or have a partner hold them. Position the hips over
the exercise ball with the hands behind the head and the elbows wide. Keep the hips and legs stationary as
you bend forward over the ball until your chest hits the ball, before then reversing the movement back to the
start position. Control both the movement phases. 2 x 30 reps. Rest 90 secs
Stabilization with rotation
When in the horizontal position, do not allow hips to drop. Start with the elbows under the shoulders and the
legs in line with the body. Rotate the body to open the chest then return to the start position. Alternate the
movement to perform one on each side of the body to total 20 each side.
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New Zealand Rugby
Anaerobic capacity
Short Interval Training 3
12 x 30m sprint (maximal effort)/30m jog (on 20 sec turnaround)
Starting at the goal line of a rugby field, sprint 30m at full sprint then jog through 30m and wait for the start
call for your next sprint. Ball carry plus different start positions and change of directions and competition.
Have a 2-3 minute break between these two sets
12 x 40m sprint (maximal effort)/40m jog (on 30 sec turnaround)
Have a 3-4 minute break between these two sets
10 x 50m sprint (maximal effort)/50m jog (on 40 sec turnaround)
Rugby Training
Rugby Training
Work through skills and drills with the coach. Give it 110%, work with the team and prepare for the game
Spine Self Massage
Position the foam roller under the upper /middle back, (thoracic spine). Feet flat on the ground. Roll the hips
from side to side in a controlled fashion without rotating too far in either direction. 10 reps
Spine Self Massage
Roll back and forth along the length of the spine, keeping body straight and the neck in line with the spine.
Place the hands behind the head to support the neck if need be. If a tight area is identified, pause and
maintain pressure for a short period. 10 reps
Latissimus dorsi Self Massage
Place the foam roller under the latissimus dorsi muscle (side of trunk) and roll forward and backwards
controlling the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Quadriceps Self Massage
Lie straight with the forearms flat on the ground. Press the body forward and back against the ground to roll
the front of the thighs over the roller. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Buttock Self Massage
Sit on the roller, keep the leg straight and roll back and forth on the foam roller over the buttock muscles.
Rotate the hips to massage all parts of the buttocks. If a tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure
for a short period of time. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Hamstring Self Massage
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Hamstring Self Massage
Sit on the roller and roll in to the top of the buttocks. Roll the hamstring (back of the upper leg) back and forth
on the foam roller, keeping the leg straight. point the toes in and out to massage all aspects of the thigh. If a
tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure for a short period of time. Control the speed and pressure.
Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Calf Self Massage
Whilst sitting, place the roller under the calves. Put one leg over the other and roll the calf muscle back and
forth on the foam roller, keeping the leg straight. Point the toes in and out to massage all aspects of the calf. If
a tight area is identified, pause and maintain pressure for a short period. Control the speed and pressure. Use
a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Iliotibial (IT) band Self Massage
Lie on your side and position the roller on the outside of the thigh with the leg straight. Roll forward and back
on the roller, pulling with the hand. Roll from the hip all the way down the length of the outside of the leg.
Rotate the leg to vary the location of the massage. Control the speed and pressure. Use a 2-2-2 tempo. 10 reps
Speed / Agility
Run Through
Run forward at a comfortable pace while maintaining correct running technique. Maintain an upright posture
with the chest up and swing the arms straight through. Hands go passed your pockets. Lift your toes up in your
shoes to help the ball of the foot hit the ground. 4 x 60m, building up from 50-60-70-80% max speed. Active
Rest - walk back 30sec
Start with a tall relaxed posture, shoulders back. Keep eyes up and the chest open. Run forward by pressing
off the balls of the feet. Minimize the contact time with the ground for each stride. Do not allow the heels to
contact the ground. Arm speed should mirror leg speed. 4x20 Rest 10secs
A Skip
Skip forward and bring the knee up to 90 degrees. Push off the ball of the foot. Swing the arms straight through
and avoid rotation. Maintain a slight forward lean without bending at the belly. The height of the skips and the
contact time with the ground can vary, but try stating slowly and increasing speed each repetition. 4x20 Rest
B Skip
Start with a tall relaxed posture, shoulders back. Keep eyes up and the chest open. Skip forward and bring the
heel over the opposite knee and point the toes of foot upwards. The hip should pause slightly and the ball of
the foot should land on the ground first and under the hips. Drive the foot down into the ground then left the
leg straight up. 4 x 20m Rest 10secs
Carioca Repeats
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New Zealand Rugby
Carioca Repeats
Perform the carioca exercise and push strongly off the outside leg in order to change direction, allowing the
hips to rotate. The contact with the ground should be with the balls of the feet. Keep the heels off the ground.
To advance the drill have a partner call out the changes of direction randomly. 4 x 5m Repeat 4 times. Rest
Lateral Knee Lift Stabilization
Start with the unsupported leg in the direction of travel and in a position ready to land. Land on the ball of the
foot and absorb the landing through the ankle, knee and hip. Maintain a rigid torso with the shoulders above
the hips. Keep the hips square and eyes forward. Knee should track in line with the foot. 6 x 10m Rest 5sec
Bear Crawl
Start in a push-up position with the hands shoulder width apart and the legs straight out behind you with feet
just outside shoulder width, keeping the knees bent. Move the left hand and the right leg forward to start
crawling. Alternate the arm and leg movements while keeping the back straight and the hips and shoulders at
the same height. 4 x 20m Rest 15sec
Ready to Roll
Start in the ready position. Feet shoulder width apart, hands up, eyes up. On command or if training by
yourself, drop and roll before exploding back onto you feet. On 'go' or every 3rd roll, run forward 5m.
Complete 10-12 rolls
Shuffle and acceleration
Place two hurdles 50cm apart. Stand to one side and shuffle behind them until you reach the side with the
inside foot on the outside of the hurdle, then turn and lift the knee high over the hurdle. Accelerate forward
and focus on short choppy steps rather than long strides. 6 x 10m with 30secs rest.
Step up Jumps
Where possible the box height should be equal to your knee height. When stepping onto the box, keep your
foot and knee inline with the hip. Step up explosively to jump up off the box and reach into the air then place
the foot back on the box to return to the start position. 3 x 6 Rest 30secs
Lateral Step Up Jumps
The box height can vary depending on age, height, skill and strength level. a good place to start is a 45cm
box. Press firmly off the lead leg and swing the arms to give you height with the jumps. The knees should track
in line with the feet. Light feet are fast feet. 3 x 6 each Rest 45 between sets.
Ball Push up acceleration
Face away from the direction you will run. Place one hand on a ball or box and the other hand on the ground.
Perform a push up then walk the hands over the ball and perform another push up. Get up and sprint in the
opposite direction. 6 x 15m Rest 30secs.
Agility Forward / Back Runs
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Agility Forward / Back Runs
Start in an athletic ready position with the feet slightly wider than the shoulders and facing forward. The hips
and knees should be slightly bent, lean forward onto the balls of your feet. Maintain a slight forward body lean
whilst moving through the cones. Stay low while changing direction around the cones and keep the feet
moving. 6 x 20m sprints Rest 30sec
Agility 2 in - 1 out to run
Start in an athletic ready position with the feet slightly wider than the shoulders and facing forward. The knees
should be bent and the weight should be on the balls of the feet. Place the inside foot into the square and
press across the ladder. The pattern is 2 feet in and 1 foot out. Keep the outside foot close to the edge of the
ladder. Repeat the movement with the opposite foot while moving forward. After 5-6 squares, turn and sprint
away from the ladder. Maintain a slight forward lean and look forward rather than down.6 x 20m sprints Rest
Stride Outs
Run forward at 90%+ of max. speed while maintaining correct running technique. Maintain a slight forward
body lean with the chest up, swing the arms straight through. The arms drive the legs. Practice both your
acceleration and deceleration. 6 x 20m sprints Rest 90 secs
Get out there and put all this week's hard work into play. Good luck!
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New Zealand Rugby
Cold water immersion or an ice bath can be an effective treatment to decrease skin, muscle and core
temperatures, decrease metabolism, reduce inflammation, enhance blood flow, decrease pain and reduce
muscle spasm.
A very effective temperature is about 15 degrees, for 2-5 mins. But you can get good results using just cold tap
water, staying in there for longer, e.g.. 15-20 mins.
Generally 1-2 bags of ice in a wheelie bin will get you off to a good start, but with the more ‘hot’ bodies that
get in the water, the more ice you are going to need. Where at all possible use a thermometer.
Post-game and training session’s options:
1) Contrast water therapy. Ice bath required.
Hot (38-40°C) Cold (10-12°C)
2mins hot tub > 2mins cold ice bath x 4 rotations.
= 16minutes total
2) Cold water immersion. Ice bath required.
Cold (10-12°C)
5mins in the cold ice bath and 2mins out of the bath x 3 rotations.
= 21 minutes total
Alternatively 12-15°C and immersion times of 10-15 minutes not getting out.
3) Hot / Cold Shower Contrast
Various cycles can be used, always ending with a cold cycle.
• 3 minutes hot, 1 minute cold x 3 rotations = 12 minutes
• 2 minutes hot, 1 minute cold x 4 rotations = 12 minutes
• 1 minute hot, 1 minute cold x 6 rotations = 12 minutes
Swim / Walk
Start in the shallow end and walk 4 lengths across the shallow end. Vary your walk by pulling your knee into
chest, bring your heel on to your buttocks, performing legs swim and pushing the water around with your arms
to get the upper body moving. For the main part of the session: Swim a length, get out and walk back to start.
Repeat 12 x within 30 min.
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