Organizational Behavior. Group one Assignment title Perception , Attribution and diversity 2-2 PERCEPTION “ WE DON’T SEE THINGS AS THEY ARE, WE SEE THINGS AS WE ARE.” What is the perceptual process? Perception. – The process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information. – Perceptual information is gathered from: • Sight. • Hearing. • Touch. • Taste. • Smell. 2-5 Perception ― The study of perception is concerned with identifying the process through which we interpret and organize sensory information to produce our conscious experience of objects and object relationship.‖ ― Perception is the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us. It involves deciding which information to notice, how to categorize this information and how to interpret it within the framework of existing knowledge. 2-6 2 Perception • The process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them. 2-7 3 Components of Perception • The perceiver is the person trying to interpret some observation that he or she has just made, or the input from his or her senses. • The target of perception is whatever the perceiver is trying to make sense of. – In OB terms, the target of perception is often another person. • The situation is the context in which perception takes place. 2-8 4 Insert Figure 4.1 here 2-9 What is the perceptual process? Stages of the perceptual process. – Information attention and selection. – Organization of information. – Information interpretation. – Information retrieval. 2-10 • Environmental stimuli Observation (Taste, smell, hearing, Sight, touch) Selecting Stimuli External factors : Nature, Location,Size, contrast, Movement, repetition, similarity Internal factors : Personality, Learning, Motivation Interpreting Perceptual Error (Defence, Stereotyping, Halo Effect, Projection, Expectancy effect) Organizing Figure Background , Perceptual Grouping ( similarity, proximity, closure, continuity) Attribution (Internal External cause, Learning, Cause for success & failure) Response Covert: Attitudes , Motivation, Feeling Overt: Behavior Perceptual Process 2-11 The Perceptual Process 1. Selection – Process by which people filter out most stimuli so that they can deal with the imp ones (external & Internal factor) 2.Organization – The process which people group environmental stimuli into recognizable Eg – bell ringing, dog barking, coffee brewing 3.Interpretation – An assessment of the info collected for the purpose of making judgement. 2-12 What is the perceptual process? Factors influencing the perceptual process. – Characteristics of the perceiver. - Characteristics of the perceived. 2-13 What is the perceptual process? Characteristics of the perceiver. – The perceptual process is influenced by the perceiver’s: • Past experiences. • Needs or motives. • Personality. • Values and attitudes. 2-14 What is the perceptual process? SELECTION - EXTERNAL Characteristics of the perceived. – The perceptual process is influenced by characteristics of the perceived person, object, or event, such as: • Contrast. (stands out against the background- colored pen on white board) • Intensity (more intense more perceived – loud noise when student attendi lecture) • Size. (Larger the size of external factor more likely to be perceived) • Motion. (movement tends to receive more attention-video game) • Repetition • Novelty (repetitive are more likely to be perceived than single factor-advt) (familiar or novel factor in environment – elephant on road) 2-15 What is the perceptual process? INTERPRETATION – Judgemental error • Similarity – tendency to see others having characteristic more like our own • Contrast – to compare at same time • First Impression error – Quick impression that are resistant to change 2-16 How can the perceptual process be managed? Distortion management. – Managers should: • Balance automatic and controlled information processing at the attention and selection stage. • Broaden their schemas at the organizing stage. • Be attuned to attributions at the interpretation stage. 2-17 Factors influencing perception A number of factors operate to shape and sometimes distort perception. These factors can reside in the perceiver, in the object or target being perceived or in the context of the situation in which the perception is made. 2-18 • Factors influencing Perception Factors in the perceiver • Attitudes • Motives • Interests • Experience • Expectations Factors in the situation • Time • Work Setting • Social Setting Perception Factors in the Target • Novelty • Motion • Sounds • Size • Background • Proximity • Similarity 2-19 What is attribution theory? Attribution theory aids in perceptual interpretation by focusing on how people attempt to: – Understand the causes of a certain event. – Assess responsibility for the outcomes of the event. – Evaluate the personal qualities of the people involved in the event. 2-20 What is attribution theory? Internal versus external attributions of causes of behavior. – Internal causes are under the individual’s control (personality trait, emotion, motive, or ability) – External causes are within the person’s environment. (people, situation, chance) 2-21 What is attribution theory? Factors influencing internal and external attributions. – Distinctiveness — consistency of a person’s behavior across situations. Good attendance and performer, even if late its ascribed – Consensus — likelihood of others responding in a similar way (traffic jam) – Consistency — whether an individual responds the same way across time. (person coming late) 2-22 Diversity • Diversity : the way we are different the condition of having unique characteristics , • The condition of being diverse : variety; espicially : the inclusion of diverse ( as people of different races and cultures ) • In group or organization 2-23 Aspects of diversity Age Race Gender Ethnicity Physical attributes 2-24 Understanding diversity Diversity is more than just tolerating differences. It is respecting, appreciating , and understanding the varying characteristics of individuals . 2-25 Continue.. Every one is unique and no single person is representative of certain group. Stereotypes and other racial biases/ prejudices and damaging to the business 2-26 Diversity of training • Covers many topics ,the most influential being . AWARENESS. 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-37