Online Personality Tests Name: Myers-Briggs: Your 4 Personality Type Letters: Click on the "You" Self-Awareness and Personal Growth Description. Summarize the results below: Do you agree or disagree with these results? Big 5: Rate each statement. NOTE: you do not need to respond to the optional questions at the end of the results. Click "Submit" at the bottom of the page to see your results. Your results: Percentile: O Close-Minded Open to new Experiences C Disorganized Conscientious E Introverted Extraverted A Disagreeable Agreeable N Calm/Relaxed Nervous/High-strung Name: Online Personality Tests Eysenck Personality Questionnaire: Answer all 46 questions and click "Submit Results" at the bottom of the page for your results. Extroversion: % Summarize your results for this dimension: Neuroticism % Summarize your results for this dimension: Psychotism % Summarize your results for this dimension: "Plot" your results below: results? Do you agree/disagree with these