Uploaded by Alexandre Prado


We are specialists in compressed air,
vacuum and special welds!
Welcome to
the company!
Company History
Our timeline
2013 - 2014
2015 - 2016
2017 - 2018
2019 - 2020
The history of Comprimir
Compressores begins in
late 2013! Professionals in
the field of compressed
air, vacuum and special
welds, after acquiring
know-how in several
manufacturers (including
at Sullair, where I was
Sales Manager from 2006
to 2014), got together and
created the company!
We participated in several
relevant projects
supplying Sullair
products, such as the
construction of the FPSO
replicating platforms in
the Tomé Ferrostaal
Consortium, New Massfix
Glass Recycling Plant,
New Mackcolor Plant,
among others.
We supply genuine parts
and technicians who
worked at Sullair for
companies such as White
Martins, Lafargeholcim,
Adatex S.A., Ball
Corporation, Massfix,
Crown Cork, Mackcolor,
Ardagh Group, Brafer S.A,
Verallia, Halliburton,
Senai, among others.
We invested in a new
modernized tools and
hired more technicians to
meet the growing
demand! Aware of market
needs, we launched a
Premium line of
lubricants and spare
More than 7
years in the
Main Predictive, Preventive and
Corrective Services in Equipment
It is the main technique for monitoring rotating
equipment. It allows the identification of failures at an
early stage, allowing the intervention to be
programmed in a timely manner. Among the possible
flaws to be identified are:
• Unbalance • Misalignment • Electrical problems in
engines • Lubrication failures • Bearing failures • Gear
Thermovision makes it possible to observe and
record the different patterns of heat
distribution in a component. A great advantage
of the thermographic inspection is the fact that
it allows the evaluation and emission of data in
full operation of the production line, without
the need for interruption to carry out the
Among the possible faults to be identified are: •
Imbalance between phases • Bad contact in
components and circuits • Electrical problems
in motors • Misalignment between couplings •
Bus failures (BusWay, electrical ducts)
Lubricating Fluid
Conducting regular fluid analysis is a predictive
maintenance action that establishes a baseline of
normal compressor wear. This knowledge facilitates
the indication of when abnormal wear or
contamination is occurring and identifies other
potential problems before a major repair that causes
downtime is necessary.
Parameters: TAN (total number of acids); Ph level;
Viscosity; Additions; Contamination by metals; Water
testing; Particle count. It can be performed on any
make and model of air compressor. It is also
compatible with all compressor fluids.
Audits and Leak
A complete X-ray of your company's compressed air
system. By collecting data on compressors and the
compressed air network, we generate accurate reports
and graphs of the real situation of your system. Making
decisions based on data is much more reliable.
Compressed air is a vital resource in the production
process and contributes significantly to the electricity bill.
In most air compressor installations, electrical energy
corresponds to 75% of the life cost of a compressed air
system. Of the 75%, about 30% to 40% are wasted with
Leaks in the Piping, Valves, Traps and Hydraulic Units. •
Can be applied without intervening in the operation of the
production line. • Identifies the exact point of the leak or
defective component.
Comprimir Compressores has a specific
Parts and Services Department that
includes Predictive Maintenance (Vibration
Analysis, Ferrography, among others) and
Preventive Maintenance (2000, 4000, 8000,
16000hs, ...) with replacement of worn
parts with genuine parts, ensuring the
same factory performance and maintaining
equipment longevity.
Rebuilding of
Air End
When an Air End of your equipment requires care,
it is best to hand it over to a Specialist, who will put
into practice the Sullair Certified Reman, a Sullair
Air End remanufacturing program that respects all
design measures and tolerances and replaces worn
parts with genuine parts Sullair. In addition to
guaranteeing the service for 5 years! Think about it.
Maintenance of
Vacuum Pumps
Revisions of 2000, 4000, 8000, 16000 hs and
Reconstruction of Compressor / Vacuum Units,
always respecting the Sullair Certified Reman Air
End ™, which respects all tolerances and uses only
Portable Air Compressor
100psig - 500psig
The Sullair 20/12 double stage Air End is remanufactured according to factory specifications
and, throughout the process, you will receive the latest technological improvements for
your system. When choosing the REMAN Air End Sullair program, you choose the quality
and confidence that you will receive the performance and longevity you expect from your
Sullair compressor. We stock parts and lubricants specifically for high and low pressure
compressors, Cat engines and provide repair services for Compass controllers. Our
technicians are qualified to perform on and offshore services, with proven experience in
various oil platforms.
Line of
Produced by
Bardahl Promax
exclusively for
Line of
Produced by
Bardahl Promax
exclusively for
Turn-key Projects
Compressed Air Equipment and Pipes 100% aluminum
Design and execution of the entire compressed air system
(from the compressor to the point of use). Pipes and
connections 100% in Aluminum (14 to 400 barg), 10 years
warranty against corrosion and triple locking ring together
with the O-ring that guarantees total sealing! Diameters from
20 to 160mm (3/4 ″ to 6 1/4 ″). Networks for Air, Nitrogen, Oil,
Water for Fire Fighting, Process Water and Vacuum. We also
work with networks in carbon steel, stainless steel,
cupronickel, among other alloys! We also perform network
maintenance services!
Our Structure
Easy access to the highways of SP to serve them quickly
and efficiently. We serve the entire national territory!
We are able to receive complete equipment, as we have three
overhead cranes of 12, 6 and 3 tonnes, road scales, yard for
maneuvering trucks and 1000m² of covered area.