Name: Yagnik Patel PRN NO: 2019033800127612 Exam NO: 501022 Team id: Assignment-3 Write Syntax, description and example for each command. 1. Perform diary command. octave:1> diary yagnik octave:2> x=linspace(10,20,5) x= 10.000 12.500 15.000 17.500 20.000 octave:4> a=b+c; octave:5> x=x.*2; octave:6> diary off 2. Plot the following graphs and give appropriate title, legend , labels, different colours and markers. Plotting one graph in one figure window: a. y=x2 in the interval [−2,2]. (Using colon operator) octave:1> x=-2:2; octave:2> y=x.^2; octave:5> plot(x,y,'r--','linewidth',2) octave:6> title('Graph of y=x^2') octave:7> grid octave:10> xlabel('Value of x'), ylabel('Value of y') b. y=x3−4x−9 in the interval [2,3]. (Using linspace() function) octave:11> octave:12> octave:13> octave:14> x=linspace(2,3,10); y=x.^3-x*4-9; plot(x,y,'rs:') title('Graph of y=f(x)') octave:15> grid octave:16> xlabel('Value of x'), ylabel('Value of y') Plotting two graphs in two figure windows: (Using figure command and xlim() command) a. y=sin(x) and z=cos(x) in the interval [−2π,2π]. octave:17> figure(1) octave:18> x=linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,20); octave:19> y=sin(x); octave:22> plot(x,y,'y*-','linewidth',2),xlim([-pi,pi]),ylim([-1,1]) octave:23> grid octave:24> title('Graph of sin(x)') octave:25> xlabel('Value of x'),ylabel('Value of y') b. y=sin−1(x) and z = cos−1 (x) in the interval [−1,1]. octave:26> octave:28> octave:29> octave:30> octave:31> octave:32> octave:33> figure(2) x=linspace(-2*pi,2*pi,20); z=cos(x); plot(x,y,'g*-','linewidth',2),xlim([-pi,pi]),ylim([-1,1]) grid title('Graph of cos(x)') xlabel('Value of x'), ylabel('Value of y') c. y=sin−1(x) and z = cos−1 (x) in the interval [−1,1]. octave:38> octave:39> octave:40> octave:42> octave:43> octave:44> octave:45> x=linspace(-1,1,10); y=asin(x); figure(1) plot(x,y,'rx-','linewidth',2),xlim([-0.9,0.9]) grid title('Graph of sin^-1(x)') xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of f(x)') octave:47> x=linspace(-1,1,10); octave:48> z=acos(x); octave:49> figure(2) octave:50> plot(x,z,'k.-','linewidth',2),xlim([-0.9,0.9]) octave:51> grid octave:52> title('Graph of cos^-1(x)'),xlabel('Value of x'),ylabel('Value of f(x)') Plotting three graphs in three figure windows: (Also use grid on in each graph) a. y1 =cosx−xe^x in the interval [−1,1] , y2=cosx− 3x+1 in the interval [−π/2,π/2] and y3=2x−log10x−7 in the interval [3,4]. octave:1> x=-1:0.1:1; octave:2> a=cos(x); octave:3> b=exp(x); octave:4> c=x.*b; octave:5> y1=a-c; octave:6> figure(1) octave:7> plot(x,y1,'m.-') octave:8> grid,title('Graph of cos(x)-xe^x vs x'),xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of f(x)') octave:9> x=linspace(-pi/2,pi/2,10); octave:10> y2=cos(x)-3.*x+1; octave:11> figure(2) octave:12> plot(x,y2,'m.--') octave:13> grid octave:14> title('Dashed line Graph'),xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of f(x)') octave:15> x=3:0.1:4; octave:16> a=2*x; octave:17> b=log10(x); octave:18> y3=a-b-7; octave:19> figure(3) octave:20> plot(x,y3,'m.--') octave:22> title('Dash-dot Graph'),xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of f(x)') Plot two graphs in same figure window: Using hold on/hold off a. y = tsint and z=tcost in the interval [0,10π] octave:24> t=linspace(0,10*pi,20); octave:26> y=t.*sin(t); octave:27> plot(t,y,'c^-') octave:28> hold on octave:29> z=t.*cos(t); octave:30> plot(t,z,'k*-') octave:31> title('Two graph in same window'),xlabel('Value of t'),ylabel('Values of f(t)'),legend('y=t.*sin(t)','z=t.*cos(t)') Using plot (x, y, ’^r’, x, z, ’og’) a. y=sin(x)x and z =cos(x) in the interval [−3π,3π] octave:32> x=linspace(-3*pi,3*pi,10); octave:33> y=sin(x)/x; octave:34> y=sin(x)./x; octave:35> z=cos(x); octave:36> plot(x,y,'^r',x,z,'og') octave:37> title('Multiple Graph'),xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of F(t)') Multiple graphs in same figure window: (Using subplot(m, n, p)) (1) C= 4e^−2t+e^−0.1t in the interval [1,7] , y = x 4 + x3 – 7x2 – x + 5 in the interval [2,3] , z = t2cos(3t) in the interval [−3π,3π] and w =tsin(t/2) in the interval [0,2π]. octave:38> octave:39> octave:40> octave:41> octave:42> octave:43> octave:44> t=linspace(1,7,10); a=4*exp(-2*t); b=exp(-0.1*t); c=a+b; subplot(2,2,1),plot(t,c,'y.-') grid title('G-1') octave:45> x=linspace(2,3,10); octave:47> y=x.^4+x.^3-(7*x.^2)-x+5; octave:49> subplot(2,2,2),plot(x,y,'r.-'),grid,title('G-2') octave:50> octave:51> octave:52> octave:53> octave:54> t=linspace(-3*pi,3*pi,10); a=t.^2; b=cos(3*t); z=a.*b; subplot(2,2,3),plot(t,z,'k.-'),title('G-3'),grid octave:55> octave:56> octave:57> octave:58> t=linspace(0,2*pi,10); a=sin(t/2); z=t.*a; subplot(2,2,4),plot(x,z,'g.-'),title('G-4'),grid (2) y1=xsinx+cosx in the interval [−π,π] , y2=2x−3sinx−5 in the interval [0,2π], y3=xlogex−1.2 in the interval [2,3]. octave:0> x=linspace(-pi,pi,10); octave:60> a=x.*sin(x); octave:61> b=cos(x); octave:62> y1=a+b; octave:63> subplot(1,3,1),plot(x,y1,'c.-'),title('G-1'),gird octave:70> x=linspace(0,2*pi,10); octave:72> y2=2*x-3*sin(x)-5; octave:73> subplot(1,3,2),plot(x,y2,'k.-'),title('G-2'),grid octave:75> octave:76> octave:77> octave:78> x=linspace(2,3,10); a=log(x); y3=x.*a-1.2; subplot(1,3,3),plot(x,y3,'m.-'),title('G-3'),grid (3) y1=√x3−x3 in the interval [−3,3] , y2=sinx∙sin2x in the interval [0,2π] and y3=ln(x2−4x+5) in the interval [−2,5]. octave:79> x=linspace(-3,3,10); octave:80> a=x.^3-x; octave:81> y1=cbrt(a); octave:82> subplot(3,1,1),plot(x,y1,'g.-'),title('G-1'),grid octave:83> octave:84> octave:85> octave:86> octave:87> x=linspace(0,2*pi,10); a=sin(x); b=sin(2*x); y=a.*b; subplot(3,1,2),plot(x,y,'r.-'),title('G-2'),grid octave:88> octave:89> octave:90> octave:91> x=linspace(-2,5,10); a=x.^2-4.*x+5; y3=log(a); subplot(3,1,3),plot(x,y3,'b.-'),title('G-3'),grid Plotting using fplot: a. f(x)= e−x10sin(x) ; 0<x<20 octave:94> f=@(x)exp(-x/10)*sin(x) f= @(x) exp (-x / 10) * sin (x) octave:95> class(f) ans = function_handle octave:96> fplot(f,[0,20]) b. 𝑓(𝑥)=tan(𝑥) ; [−5𝜋,5𝜋] octave:1> f=@(x)tan(x); octave:2> fplot(f,[-5*pi,5*pi]),grid,title('Graph of Tan(x)'),xlabel('Values of x'),ylabel('Values of F(x)') Plotting of Polar Curves: (Using polar command) a. r2=2sin5t ; 0≤t≤2π octave:3> octave:4> octave:5> octave:6> t=linspace(0,2*pi,100); a=sin(5*t); r=sqrt(2*a); polar(t,r,'g.-') b. r = 3 –3cosθ ; 0≤θ≤2π octave:8> o=linspace(0,2*pi,150); octave:9> r=3-3*cos(o); octave:10> polar(o,r,'m.--') c. 𝑟 = 1−2sin𝜃 ; 0≤𝜃≤2𝜋 octave:12> t=linspace(0,2*pi,500); octave:13> r=1-2*sin(t); octave:14> polar(t,r,'p.-') Plotting using comet command: a. y=cosx∙cos3x ; 0≤𝑥≤2𝜋 octave:15> x=linspace(0,2*pi,10); octave:16> y=cos(x).*cos(3*x); octave:18> comet(x,y) b. 𝑧=𝑒−𝑡∙𝑡2 ; 0≤𝑡≤10 octave:25> octave:26> octave:27> octave:28> octave:29> t=linspace(0,10,30); a=exp(-t); b=t.^2; y=a.*b; comet(t,y)