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Literacy Motivation: Interactive Reading Guide Weeks 12-13

Weeks 12-13 Interactive Reading Guide
Monday, April 8th – Sunday, April 21st
To-Do during this module:
Read Chapter 8 Motivating Reading and Writing with Well-Known and New Literacies
(pg. 318-372)
Open the Week 12-13 folder on D2L for details and due dates regarding activities and
assignments for Weeks 12 & 13.
Continue planning & teaching lessons/activities.
Submit this completed interactive reading guide.
Chapter 8: Motivating Reading and Writing with Well-Known and New
BEFORE READING, read through the chapter objectives and overview below to activate your
prior knowledge associated with this topic and to prepare you for the assigned reading of Chapter 8:
Motivating Reading and Writing with Well-Known and New Literacies. This chapter focuses on
building young children’s motivation for reading and writing.
Chapter Objectives
Discuss ways to cultivate a literacy-friendly atmosphere that motivates students to read & write.
Describe the features of a well-designed literacy center.
Describe the role of the teacher in motivating literacy interest.
Explain how technology can be used to motivate students to read and write.
Describe the importance of dramatic play in cultivating an interest in literacy learning.
Identify the role that thematic instruction plays in motivating reading & writing in content areas.
List ways to assess children’s motivation for reading and their interest in books.
Chapter Overview
This chapter discusses the importance of motivation in the development of children’s
literacy skills. The chapter includes numerous strategies and guidelines for motivating reading and
writing in the classroom. The importance, characteristics, and preparation of a literacy-rich
environment are discussed as well as the important role teachers play in fostering motivation. The
chapter also focuses on the integration of literacy through the use of content areas such as art and
mathematics and discusses the role of dramatic play. Furthermore, the use of new technologies in
the digital age is presented. The chapter closes with a discussion on assessing children’s attitudes
toward books.
Now it is time to begin your Week 12-13 work. Please read Chapter 8 of the assigned text. This
week I WILL COLLECT this interactive reading guide as evidence of your work with this
DURING READING, use the following prompts to guide your comprehension - answer each
of these as you read:
1) Discuss the following components associated with increasing motivation by addressing each of
these topics for each component noted below (choice, challenge, relevance and authenticity, social
collaboration, and success):
• Describe of the component as it relates to motivation.
• Suggest ways that the component can be implemented in early childhood classrooms.
• Discuss ways the component can be implemented to meet the needs of diverse learners.
 choice
 challenge
 relevance and authenticity
 social collaboration
 success
2) Describe the features of effective literacy centers and address the following prompts in your
• How can literature centers enhance motivation?
• What might that look like in your classroom?
• How might you find time to integrate dramatic play into the day?
• Does increasing students’ motivation to read and write play a role in meeting the Common
Core State Standards? If so, what is that role?
3) Discuss the following components as they relate to motivation:
 the role of the teacher in motivating students to read and write
 the role of tools of the digital age in enhancing motivation
 the role of dramatic play in motivating students to read and write
 the role and purpose of using thematic units to enhance motivation
AFTER READING, please keep the following tasks in mind as the end of the semester is fast
 In Weeks 12 & 13, continue planning and teaching the activity plans and write reflective
narratives to report your findings. These activity plans should be linked to your case study child’s
developmental needs (based upon strengths or potential areas of growth identified through the
variety of assessments, which should have been completed by this point).
 REMINDER: You will need to develop and teach two activity plans with reflections over
the next two weeks (the final project with all analyses and activity plans is due no later than
Friday, May 3rd by 11:59 p.m.).
 If you have completed all assessments tasks and begun teaching lessons, be sure you begin
writing the final findings and concluding reflections/narratives using the Literacy
Development Performance Assessment Task template posted in the Performance Assessment
Task folder on the Content tab of D2L
Once you have completed this interactive reading guide, please submit
it to the assignment dropbox [Weeks 12-13 Reading Guide (Chapter
8)] no later than Sunday, April 21st at 11:59 p.m.
Please let me know if you have any questions – have a great week!