Uploaded by Angelina Chan

The Gene Doctors Worksheet: Gene Therapy & Genetic Disorders

Name: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________ Period: _________
The Gene Doctors
Directions: Answer the following questions while watching The Gene Doctors:
https://www.pbs.org/video/the-gene-doctors-i1dd2h/ .
1) Is there a cure for fatal familial insomnia (a genetic disorder)?
2) What is the root cause of fatal familial insomnia?
3) Did Sonia test positive for the gene mutation that causes fatal familial insomnia?
4) What genetic disorder does Molly have?
5) What can be used to deliver healthy DNA into cells with mutated genes?
6) As what age did people with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) typically survive until?
7) Why can’t viruses be used to transfer the DMD gene into affected cells?
8) What is the most common, fatal, genetic disease in the United States?
9) How much does the proposed Cystic Fibrosis medication cost per year?
10) How many drops of liquid, that carry the therapeutic virus, were injected into each of
Molly’s retinas?
11) What new technology is being studied that can precisely cut out bad genes?
12) What school did Sonia and her husband apply and enroll in to study to become Gene
Doctors in hopes of developing a cure for her disease?