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Story Comparison Worksheet

Mr. Tanen’s Tie Trouble
Compare and Contrast:
Imagine that Mr. Tanen is the principal at Jefferson Elementary
School. Would he think that the Helping Hands Club is a good
club to join? Use text evidence from both selections to help you
Luke Goes to Bat
Share Differences
Think about why the authors wrote Luke Goes to Bat and Jackie
Robinson. How is the author’s purpose for writing the story
different from the author’s purpose for making the website?
My Name is Gabriela
Connect to Poetry
Gabriela Mistral loved to read and write. Look back at the poems
you just read. Which poem do you think Gabriela would have
liked the best? Write a few sentences to give your opinion. Give
reasons using text evidence from My Name is Gabriela.
The Signmaker’s Assistant
Talk About Signs
Think about the signs that Norman makes and the signs in The
Trouble with Signs. How do the signs in each story make the
characters confused?
Dex: The Heart of a Hero
Discuss Heroes
Think about Dex and the heroes in Heroes Then and Now. What
makes them heroes?
Penguin Chick
Discuss Penguins
Think about what you learned in Penguin Chick and Emperor
Penguins. What information is the same and different in the
Gloria Who Might Be My Best Friend
Talk About Directions
Look back at how Gloria and Julian make their kite in the story.
Then look at the directions for making a kite in How to Make a
Kite. Which would be more helpful if you wanted to make a kite?
The Goat in the Rug
Talk About Topics
How are the The Goat in the Rug and Basket Weaving the same?
How are they different? If you could weave, would you make a
basket or a rug? Describe what it would look like. Use text
evidence from the selections to help you answer.
Compare and Contrast
Retell the main events of Half-Chicken and The Lion and the
Mouse. Then tell the lesson learned in each. Talk about how the
lessons are the same and different.
From Seed to Plant
Think about what a seed needs to grow. How do the soil, water,
and sun work together to help the seed begin to grow? Write a few
sentences to explain. Include text evidence from the selection’s
words and pictures in your sentences.
The Mysterious Tadpole
Examine Author’s Purpose
What was the author’s purpose for writing The Mysterious
Tadpole? What was the author’s purpose for writing From Eggs
to Frogs? Write a few sentences to explain how the author’s
reasons for writing were different.
The Dog that Dug for Dinosaurs
Think About Fossils
How did finding the fossils change Mary’s life? Write a paragraph
to explain your answer using facts and text evidence.
Discuss Stories
Think about Yeh-Shen and Cinderella. How are the stories alike
and different? Compare and contrast the characters, the settings,
and the events. Then tell which story you like better and why.
Two of Everything
Have a Discussion
Imagine that the traveler in Stone Soup came to the Haktaks’
village. What do you think the Haktaks would do if the traveler
asked them to help him make soup? Use text evidence from both
stories to help you.
Now & Ben
Ben Franklin had many inventions and did many important
things. What do you think is the most important thing that he did
in his life? Why? Write a short paragraph to explain your answer.