My Name Is Gabriela Home Project

My Name Is Gabriela
Home Project
This week we will be reading a biography about a girl named Gabriela. Your home project has 2 parts:
sentences and a written part. Please turn BOTH in on Friday for a participation grade.
Part 1: Write GOOD 2nd grade sentences with the following vocabulary words. (Make sure your
sentences have: capital letter, punctuation, makes sense, has at least 6 words, and does not all start with
the same word.)
1. Accepted
2. Express
3. Taught:
4. Grand:
5. Pretend
6. Prize
7. Wonder:
8. Fluttering
Part 2: Talk to your parents about what your name means and where they got your name. Then write
about what you learned about your name. Do you like your name? Would you want to change your
name? If you would like to change your name like Gabriela did – what would your new name be?
My Name Is Gabriela
Home Project
This week we will be reading a biography about a girl named Gabriela. Your home project has 2 parts:
sentences and a written part. Please turn BOTH in on Friday for a participation grade.
Part 1: Write GOOD 2nd grade sentences with the following vocabulary words. (Make sure your
sentences have: capital letter, punctuation, makes sense, has at least 6 words, and does not all start with
the same word.)
1. Accepted
2. Express
3. Taught:
4. Grand:
5. Pretend
6. Prize
7. Wonder:
8. Fluttering
Part 2: Talk to your parents about what your name means and where they got your name. The on the
back of this sheet write about what you learned about your name. Do you like your name? Would you
want to change your name? If you would like to change your name like Gabriela did – what would your
new name be?