Received July 16, 2016, accepted August 8, 2016, date of publication September 1, 2016, date of current version January 27, 2017. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2604738 Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the Chicken Swarm Optimization Algorithm DINGHUI WU, SHIPENG XU, AND FEI KONG Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control for Light Industry, Ministry of Education, School of Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China Corresponding author: D. Wu ( This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61572237 and Grant 61573167. ABSTRACT In this paper, the convergence analysis and the improvement of the chicken swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm are investigated. The stochastic process theory is employed to establish the Markov chain model for CSO whose state sequence is proved to be finite homogeneous Markov chain and some properties of the Markov chain are analyzed. According to the convergence criteria of the random search algorithms, the CSO algorithm is demonstrated to meet two convergence criteria, which ensures the global convergence. For the problem that the CSO algorithm is easy to fall into local optimum in solving high-dimensional problems, an improved CSO is proposed, in which the relevant parameters analysis and the verification of optimization capability are made by lots of test functions in high-dimensional case. INDEX TERMS Chicken swarm optimization, Markov chain, state transition, global convergence, benchmark function. I. INTRODUCTION The swarm intelligence optimization algorithm is a metaheuristic algorithm based on population, which finds the optimal solution of the problem through cooperation and competition between individuals within populations [1], [2]. The swarm intelligence optimization algorithm as a new evolutionary computation technology has become the focus of a growing number of scholars, and lots of researchers have proposed many swarm intelligence algorithms for optimization problems, such as cat swarm optimization [3], the firefly algorithm [4], the wolf search algorithm [5], the monkey search algorithm [6] and the bat algorithm [7]. These algorithms can be used to solve most optimization problems. The application field of these algorithms has been extended to neural network training [8]–[10], multi-objective optimization [11]–[13], data clustering [14], pattern recognition [15], [16], robot control [17], [18], dada mining [19], [20] and system identification [21]–[23] etc. However, the basis of these algorithms comes from the simulation of the biological community, which lacks relevant theoretical analysis. What is more, the parameter settings are empirically determined without precise theoretical basis. So it is important to make the theoretical research on the swarm intelligent optimization algorithms. The chicken swarm optimization is a meta-heuristic algorithm based on population, which mimics the behaviors of the chicken swarm [24]. The whole swarm can be divided 9400 into several groups, each of which consists of one rooster and many hens and chicks. Different chickens follow different laws of motions. In particular hierarchy order, there is a competition between the various subgroups. But so far, no literature was found about the relevant theoretical research (such as convergence analysis) on the chicken swarm optimization algorithm. According to the problem that the chicken swarm optimization is easy prone to premature convergence in solving high-dimensional optimization problems, an improved chicken swarm optimization is proposed and the optimization ability is tested by eight benchmark functions [25]. But the relevant parameter analysis was not made, and test functions used were too little, which cannot fully validate the optimization ability of the proposed algorithm. So there is an urgent need for analyzing the convergence of the chicken swarm optimization. In addition, based on the work in [25], the relevant parameters analysis and the verification of optimization capability by lots of test functions are also necessary. The Markov chain is a random process that plays an important role and has universal significance. It has a wide range of applications. The Markov chain theory has a strong capability in terms of convergence analysis of randomized algorithms and probabilistic analysis, and has been successfully applied to the simulated annealing [26], the PSO [27], the ant colony algorithm [28] and the artificial bee colony algorithm [29]. In this paper, the Markov chain is applied to convergence analysis of the chicken swarm optimization, by establishing 2169-3536 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm the Markov chain model of the chicken swarm optimization to study the state metastatic behavior of the chicken swarm optimization. Convergence performance of the chicken swarm optimization was also analyzed according to randomized algorithms convergence criteria. Based on the work in [25], the relevant parameter analysis and the verification of the optimization capability are also made by many test functions in high-dimensional case. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the chicken swarm optimization is introduced. The details about the Markov chain model of the chicken swarm optimization are discussed in Section 3. The convergence analysis of the chicken swarm optimization is presented in Section 4. Section 5 gives the details of the improved chicken swarm optimization and the improved chicken swarm optimization for test functions is described in Section 6. In Section 7, some conclusions and discussions are given. II. THE CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION The chicken swarm optimization mimics the hierarchal order in the chicken swarm and the behaviors of the chicken swarm, which stems from the observation of the birds foraging behavior. The chicken swarm can be divided into several groups, each of which consists of one rooster, many hens, and several chicks. When in foraging, the roosters can always find food preferentially. The hens always follow the roosters to look for food, and the chicks followed their mother in search of food. The different individuals within the chicken swarm follow different laws of motions. There exist competitions between the different individuals within the chicken swarm under the particular hierarchal order. The position of each individual within the chicken swarm represents a feasible solution of the optimization problem. First define the following variables before describing location update formula of the individuals within the chicken swarm: RN , HN , CN and MN are the number of roosters, hens, chicks and mother hens, respectively; N is the number of the whole chicken swarm, D is the dimension of the search space; xi,j (t) (i ∈ [1, · · · , N ], j ∈ [1, · · · , D]) is the position of each individuality time t. In the chicken swarm, the best RN chickens would be assumed to be the roosters, while the worst CN ones would be regarded as the chicks. The rest of the chicken swarm is viewed as the hens. Roosters with best fitting values have priority for food access than the ones with worse fitting values. The position update equations of the roosters can be formulated below: xi,j (t + 1) = xi,j (t)(1 + Randn(0, σ 2 )), (1) 1, fi ≥ fk , k ∈ [1, N ], k 6 = i, fk − fi σ2 = exp( ), otherwise, |fi | + ε (2) where Randn(0, σ 2 ) is a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation σ , ε is the small constant to avoid VOLUME 4, 2016 zero-division-error, and k is a rooster’s index, which is randomly selected from the roosters group (k 6 = i), fi is the fitness value of particle i. As for the hens, they can follow their group-mate roosters to search for food and randomly steal the food found by other the individuals. The position update equations of the hens are as follows: t+1 t t t Xi,j = Xi,j + C1 Rand(Xr1,j − Xi,j ) t t − Xi,j ), + C2 Rand(Xr2,j (3) C1 = exp((fi − fr1 )/(|fi | + ε)), (4) C2 = exp((fr2 − fi )), (5) where Rand is a uniform random number over [0, 1], r1 is an index of the rooster, which is the ith hen’s group-mate, and r2 is the index of the chicken (rooster or hen), which is randomly chosen from the chicken swarm r1 6 = r2 . With respect to the chicks, they follow their mother to forage for food. The position update equation of the chicks is formulated below: t+1 t t t Xi,j = Xi,j + F(Xm,j − Xi,j ). (6) where xm,j (t) is the position of the chick’s mother, F ∈ [0, 2] is the follow coefficient, which indicates that the chick follows its mother to forage for food. III. THE MARKOV CHAIN MODEL OF THE CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION For convenience, the dimension of the particle is not considered here. The simplified position update formulas are as follows. The position update formula of the roosters is xi (t + 1) = xi (t)(1 + R1 ). (7) where R1 is the fixed value between 0 and 1. The position update formula of the hens is xi (t + 1) = xi (t) + C1 R2 (xr1 (t) − xi (t)) + C2 R3 (xr2 (t) − xi (t)), (8) where R2 and R3 are the fixed values between 0 and 1, C2 < 1 < C1 . The position update formula of the chicks is xi (t + 1) = xi (t) + F(xm (t) − xi (t)). (9) Several definitions and mathematical description to illustrate the Markov chain model of the chicken swarm optimization are given in the following [31]. Definition 1 (The State of the Chicken and the State Space of the Chicken): The chicken state consists of the location of the chicken in the chicken swarm, denoting x. x ∈ A, where A is the feasible solution space. All the possible states of the chickens constitute the state space of chicken, denoting X = {x|x ∈ A}. Definition 2 (The State of the Chicken Swarm and the State Space of the Chicken Swarm): The states of all the chickens in the chicken flock constitute the state of the chicken swarm, 9401 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm denoting s = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xN ), where xi is the state of the ith chicken and N is the total number of the individuals in the chicken swarm. All the states of the chicken swarm constitute the state space of the chicken swarm, and it is remembered as S = {s = (x1 , x2 , · · · , xN )|xi ∈ A, 1 ≤ i ≤ N }. Definition P 3 (The State Equivalence): For s ∈ S and x ∈ s, let ϕ(s, x) = N χ|x|(xi ) , where χA is the characteristic function of event A and ϕ(s, x) are the individuals in the chicken swarm state s contained in the state x. For two chicken swarm states s1 , s2 ∈ S, x ∈ A, if ϕ(s1 , x) = ϕ(s2 , x), s1 is called to be equivalent s2 , denoting s1 ∼ s2 . Definition 4 (The State Equivalence Class): The chicken swarm state equivalence class induced by equivalence relation in S calls L = S/ ∼ or chicken swarm equivalence class for short. The chickens equivalence class has the following properties. 1) Any chicken swarm states in the equivalence class L are equivalent each other. 2) Any one in is not equivalent with the one outside L. 3) There is no intersection between one equivalence class and another. Definition 5 (The State Transition of the Chicken): In the chicken swarm optimization, for xi ∈ s, xj ∈ s, the state of the chicken xi one step transmits to xj , denoting Ts (xi ) = xj . Theorem 1: In the chicken swarm optimization, transition probability of the state of the chicken xi one step transition to xj , namely p(Ts (xi ) = xj ) pr (Ts (xi ) = xj ) = ph (Ts (xi ) = xj ) pc (Ts (xi ) = xj ) achieved by the roosters, (10) achieved by the hens, achieved by the chicks. Proof: The chicken swarm is a set of points in hyperspace, so the chicken location update process is a transition between a set of points in hyperspace. According to Definition 5 and the geometry nature of the chicken swarm optimization, we can get one-step transition probability of the roosters from xi to xj , namely 1 , x ∈ [x , x + x R ], j i i i 1 (11) pr (Ts (xi ) = xj ) = |xi R1 | 0, otherwise. One-step transition probability of the hens from xi to xj is ph (Ts (xi ) = xj ) = 1 , |C1 R2 (xr1 − xi ) + C2 R3 (xr2 − xi )| (12) for xj ∈ [xi , xi + C1 R2 (xr1 − xi ) + C2 R3 (xr2 − xi )], 0 for otherwise. One-step transition probability of the chicks from xi to xj is pc (Ts (xi ) = xj ) 1 , xj ∈ [xi , xi + F(xm − xi )], = |F(xm − xi )| (13) 0, otherwise. 9402 Definition 6 (The State Transition Probability of Chicken Swarm Optimization): In the chicken swarm optimization, for si ∈ S, sj ∈ S, the state of the chicken swarm si one step transmits to sj , denoting TS (si ) = sj . The transition probability of the state of the chicken swarm si one step transition to sj is p(Ts (si ) = sj ) = N Y p(Ts (xin ) = xjn ), (14) n=1 where N is the number of the individuals in the chicken swarm. That is to say, the transition probability of the state of the chicken swarm si one step transition to sj is the sum of the state transition probability of each individual of Si one step transition to each individual of Sj . Definition 7 (The Transition Probability of the State Equivalence Class of Chicken Swarm): Assume that Li = (si1 , si2 , · · · , sih ) and Lj = (si1 , si2 , · · · , sik ) are the chicken swarm state equivalence class induced by the equivalence relation in S. Li one-step transmits to Lj , denoting TL (Li ) = Lj , one-step transition probability of which is p(TL (Li ) = Lj ) = k h X X p(TS (Si f ) = Sj e). (15) f =1 e=1 It shows that the transition probability of the chicken swarm equivalence class is the sum of the state transition probability of each chicken swarm of Li one step transition to Lj . IV. THE CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF THE CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION Definition 8 (The Markov Chain): Suppose that there is a random process xn , n ∈ T , and the parameter set T is a discrete time sequence, namely T = 0, 1, 2, · · ·. All possible values x substitute the discrete state space I = {i0 , i1 , i2 , · · · }. If the conditional probability p(xn+1 = in+1 |x0 = i0 , x1 = i1 , · · · , xn = in ) = p(xn+1 = in+1 |xn = in ) is met for an arbitrary integer n ∈ T and {i0 , i1 , i2 , · · · , in+1 } ∈ I , {xn , n ∈ T } is called a Markov chain. Definition 9 (The Finite Markov Chain): If the state space I is finite, we call the chain the finite Markov chain. Definition 10 (The Homogeneous Markov Chain): p(xn+1 = in+1 |xn = in ) is the conditional probability that the system state in in time n shifts to the new state in+1 . If the probability is independent with time, we call the chain the homogeneous Markov chain. Theorem 2: The population sequence generated by the chicken swarm optimization is a finite homogeneous Markov chain. Proof: First, prove the chicken swarm sequence is a Markov process and then prove that the Markov chain satisfies the homogeneous and finiteness. According to Definition 6, among the chicken swarm state sequences s(t), t ≥ 0, s(t) ∈ S and s(t + 1) ∈ S, the transition probabilities p(TS (s(t)) = s(t + 1)) depends on the transition probabilities p(TS (x(t)) = x(t + 1)) of all the chickens in the VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm chicken swarm. From Theorem 1, the state transition probability p(TS (x(t)) = x(t + 1)) of each individual of the chicken swarm is only related to the state x(t) of time t, the random numbers R1 , R2 and R3 belong to [0, 1], the random number F belongs to [0, 2], C1 , C1 , xr1 , xr2 and xm , so p(TS (x(t)) = x(t + 1)) is only associated with the state at time t, not related to time t. In addition, according to Definition 8, the population sequence generated by the chicken swarm optimization possesses Markov sex. The sincere chicken swarm state space S is limited, according to Definition 9, the population sequence {s(t), t ≥ 0} generated by the chicken swarm optimization is a finite Markov chain. From Theorem 1, p(TS (x(t)) = x(t + 1)) is only related to the state at time t, and not associated with time t, so the population sequence produced by the chicken swarm optimization is limited a homogeneous Markov chain. QED. A. THE CONVERGENCE RULE The chicken swarm optimization is a random search algorithm, so the convergence behaviors of the chicken swarm optimization can be judged by the convergence rule of the random search algorithm in [32]. For the optimization problem hA, f i, there exists a stochastic optimization algorithm D, the iteration result of kth is xk , and the next iteration value is xk+1 = D(xk , ζ ), where A is feasible solution space, f is the fitting function and ζ is the iteration solution searched already for the chicken swarm optimization. Define the search infimum α = inf{t|v(x ∈ A|f (x) < t) > 0}, (16) where v(x) is the Lebesgue measure of the set x. Define the optimal solution region ( x ∈ A|f (x) < α + ε, α < ∞, Rε,M = (17) x ∈ A|f (x) < −C, α = −∞. where ε > 0 and C is a sufficiently large positive. If the random algorithm D finds a point located in Rε,M , the algorithm is thought to be approximate global optimal or acceptable global optimal. Condition H1 If ζ ∈ A, then f (D(x, ζ )) ≤ f (x). Condition H2 For B ∈ A with v(B) > 0, there is Q∞ k=0 (1−uk (B)) = 0, where uk (B) is the probability measure of the kth iteration search solution of the algorithm D situated in the set B. Theorem 3 (The global convergence of the random algorithm): Suppose that f is measurable and A is a measurable subset of Rn , if Conditions H1 and H2 are satisfied and {xk }∞ k=0 is a sequence generated by the algorithm D, the probability measure P(xk ∈ Rε,M ) satisfies limk→∞ P(xk ∈ ε, M ), where Rε,M is the optimal area. Then the algorithm D is of the global convergence. B. THE CONVERGENCE OF THE CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION Theorem 4: The chicken swarm optimization algorithm satisfies Condition H1. VOLUME 4, 2016 Proof: The chicken swarm optimization must update the current best position of the individuals for iteration, namely ( xi (t − 1), f (xi (t)) > f (xi (t − 1)), xi (t) = (18) xi (t), f (xi (t)) ≤ f (xi (t − 1)). So that the chicken swarm optimization saves the best position of the group for iteration and Condition H1 is satisfied. QED. Definition 11 (The Optimal State Set of Chicken Swarm): Suppose that the optimal of the optimization problem hA, f i is g∗ , define the optimal state set of chicken swarm as G = {s = (x)|f (x) = f (g∗ ), s ∈ S}. If G equals S, each solution in the feasible solution space is not only a feasible solution but also an optimal one. At this time, optimization is meaningless, so the following discussion is based on G ⊂ S. Definition 12 (The Absorption State Markov Chain): Based on the Markov chain {s(t), t ≥ 0} of the population sequence of the chicken swarm optimization and the optimal state set G ⊂ S, if {s(t), t ≥ 0} satisfies the conditional probability p{xk+1 ∈ / G|xk ∈ G} = 0, the Markov chain is called the absorbing state Markov chains. Theorem 5: For the chicken swarm optimization, the optimal state set G is a closed set of the state space S. Proof: In the chicken swarm optimization, the best individual retention mechanism is adopted for the update strategy of the optimal individual. That is to say, when the fitting value of the current best individual is better than that of the previous best individual, the previous individual will be replaced, as shown in (18). Thus, this ensures that the new individual is not worse than the old one for iteration of the chicken swarm optimization, so the conditional probability p(xk+1 ∈ / G|xk ∈ G) = 0 is satisfied. That is, the population sequence {s(t), t ≥ 0} generated by the algorithm is the absorption state Markov chains. QED. Theorem 6: For the chicken swarm optimization, the optimal chicken swarm state set G is a closed set of the state space S. Proof: For si ∈ G, si ∈ / G, sj ∈ S, the state transiQN tion probability TS (si ) = sj is p(TS (si ) = sj ) = k=1 p (TS (xik ) = xjk ). Thus at least one particle state is optimal. Suppose that g∗ ∼ xi0 k is the optimal state. That is to say, there exists at least xi0 k ∈ G such that p(TS (xi0 k ) = xjk ) = 0. At this time p(TS (xi0 k ) = xjk ) = 0, so the optimal chicken swarm state set G is a closed set of the state space S. QED Theorem 7: T There do not exist a non-empty closed set M such that M G = ∅ in the chicken swarm state space S. Proof: Suppose that there is a non-empty closed set T subject to M G = ∅. Suppose that xi = (g∗ , g∗ , · · · , g∗ ) ∈ G and xj = (xj1 , xj2 , · · · , xjN ) such that f (xjc ) > f (g∗ ). According to the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, it is concluded that X X plSj ,Si = ··· p(TS (Sj ) = Sr1 ) Sr1 ∈S Srl−1 ∈S × p(TS (Sr1 ) = Sr2 ) · · · p(TS (Srl−1 ) = Si ). (19) 9403 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm By limited iterations for the chicken swarm optimization, Equations (11)–(13) in Theorem 1 are satisfied. So when the step size is large enough, each item one-step transition probability p(Ts (xrc+j )) = xrc+j+1 of the expansion in (19) satisfies Equation (10), namely p(Ts (xrc+j )) = xrc+j+1 > 0, so does plSj ,Si . The conclusion can be achieved that is not a closed set and contradicts the assumption. Therefore, the Markov chain of the chicken swarm state is irreducible, and the state space does not contain the non-empty closed set. QED. Theorem 8 [33]: For Markov chain, suppose that there is non-empty closed set E, but thereTdoes not exist another non-empty closed set O makes E O = ∅. If j ∈ E, then limk→∞ p(xk = j) = 5j , and if j ∈ / E, then limk→∞ p(xk = j) = 0. Theorem 9: When the internal iteration of the chicken swarm approaches to infinity, the chicken swarm state sequence will enter the optimal state set. Proof: By using Theorems 6 to 8, we can draw the conclusion that Theorem 9 is true. QED. Theorem 10: The chicken swarm optimization converges to a global optimal solution. Proof: Based on Theorem 4, the chicken swarm optimization satisfies Condition H1. Moreover, from Theorem 9, the probability that the chicken swarm optimization does not search a global Q optimal solution after countless times is zero, so there is ∞ k=0 (1 − uk [B]) = 0, where uk [B] is the probability measure of the kth iteration search solution of the algorithm situated in the set B. The chicken swarm optimization satisfies Condition H2. In the chicken swarm optimization, the best individual retention mechanism is adopted for the update strategy of the optimal individual. That is to say, when the fitting value of the current best individual is better than that of the previous best individual, the previous individual will be replaced with (18), otherwise, the original individual is retained. That is, when the iteration goes to infinity, we have limk→∞ P(xk ∈ Rε,M ) = 1, where {xk }∞ k=0 is an iterative sequence produced by the chicken swarm optimization. According to Theorem 3, we can draw the conclusion that the chicken swarm optimization is a global convergence algorithm. QED. V. THE IMPROVED CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION A. THE PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FOR THE CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION In [24], the standard functions are only tested in lowdimensional cases, without involving high-dimensional cases. Here, the chicken swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm is adopted to test four high-dimensional benchmark functions and the comparison with other two algorithms is made. The results are shown in Table 1, where the boldfaces indicate a minimal value obtained for three algorithms. From Table 1, we can see that although the results obtained by the chicken swarm optimization are better than that by PSO and BA, it has significantly deviated from the global optimum, especially for Rosenbrock, the algorithm obviously falls into a local optimum. From the above discussion, we can draw the conclusion that the chicken swarm optimization is easy to prone to premature convergence when in solving high-dimensional optimization problems. B. THE IMPROVED CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION In order to overcome the premature convergence of the chicken swarm optimization in solving high-dimensional optimization problems, the location update formula of the individuals within the chicken swarm should be improved. For equation (6), the chicks only follow their mothers to search for food, but do not follow the rooster of the subgroup. Therefore, the chicks can only obtain the position information of their own mother. The chicks will fall into a local optimum when their mothers fall into a local optimum. So the position update equation for chicks must be modified. The modified position update equation of the chicks is as follows: xi,j (t + 1) = wxi,j (t) + F(xm,j (t) − xi,j (t)) + C(xr,j (t) − xi,j (t)). (20) TABLE 1. The experiment results for three algorithms at D = 100. 9404 VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm where m is the index of the mother of chick i, r is the index of the rooster in the subgroup, C is the learning factor, which indicates that the chicks learn from the rooster in the subgroup and w is a self-learning coefficient for the chicks, which is very similar to the inertia weight in PSO. 1) THE DETAILS FOR THE IMPROVED CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION The detail process for improved chicken swarm optimization is formulated below: Step 1 Initialize the chicken swarm x and the related parameter (RN , HN , CN , MN , · · · ). Step 2 Evaluate the fitting values of the chicken swarm x, and initialize the personal best position pbest and the global best position gbest.t = 1. Step 3 If t mod G is 1, sort the fitting values of the individuals within the chicken swarm, and build the hierarchal order of the chicken swarm; divide the whole chicken swarm into several subgroups and ensure the relationship between the hens and the chicks. Step 4 Renew the position of the roosters, the hens and the chicks using equations (1), (3) and (7), respectively, and calculate the fitting values of the individuals. Step 5 Update the personal best position pbest and the global best position gbest. Step 6 t = t + 1, if the iteration stop condition is met, halt iteration and export the global optimum; otherwise, go to step 3. 2) THE CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS OF THE IMPROVED CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION About the earlier work, Trelea analyzed the convergence and parameter selection of the particle swarm optimization algorithm [34]. Compared with the original chicken swarm optimization, the position update equation of the chicks for the improved chicken swarm optimization is modified. The structure of the chicken swarm and domination relation of the individuals has not changed, so the Markov chain model of the improved chicken swarm optimization is the same as the original chicken swarm optimization. The original chicken swarm optimization has been proved to converge to the global optimum by Theorem 10. 3) THE PARAMETER ANALYSIS Firstly, four inertia weight (denote as w) update strategies are described in [35], namely linear decreasing, opening upward parabola descending, opening downward parabola decreasing and exponentially descending. The update equations of the inertia weight use equations (21)–(24). In the same iterations, the algorithm produces different optimization results adopting different inertia weight update policies. Therefore, the classic test functions namely Sphere, Rosenbrock, Griewank and Rastrigrin are selected to verify the optimization performance of the algorithm when adopting different inertia weight strategies. Parameter settings are as follows: D = 100, Ngen = 500, Npop = 50, G = 10, Nrun = 50, wmax = 0.9, wmin = 0.4, C = 0.4, RN = 0.2, HN = 0.6, MN = 0.1, CN = N − RN − HN . The experiment results are shown in Table 2. As can be seen from Table 2, for Sphere, Rosenbrock and Griewank, the improved chicken swarm optimization can obtain a smaller mean and standard deviation and the average run time is shortened by using exponentially descending inertia weight strategy. For the test function Rastrigrin, the improved chicken swarm optimization can get a smaller mean and standard deviation by adopting exponential decreasing inertia weight strategy, but the average run time of the algorithm is slightly more than the case of using other strategies. The proposed algorithm can improve the convergence precision without affecting the convergence speed by employing TABLE 2. The parameter estimates and errors (σ 2 = 0.102 , L = 2000). VOLUME 4, 2016 9405 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm the exponential decreasing inertia weight strategy, so the exponentially decreasing strategy is adopted to update the inertia weight. The inertia weight w is exponentially decreasing from 0.9 to 0.4 with the increase of iterations. Four update equations of w are as follows: w = wmax − (wmax − wmin )gen/Ngen, w = (wmax − wmin )(t/tmax ) (21) 2 + (wmin − wmax )(2t/tmax ) + wmax , (22) w = −(wmax − wmin )(gen/Ngen) + wmax , (23) w = wmin (wmax /wmin )(1/(1+10t/Ngen)) , (24) 2 where wmin is the final value of learning coefficients, wmax is the initial value of learning coefficients, t is the current value of iterations, Ngen is the maximum of iterations. Secondly, the parameter G should be taken to be an appropriate value for different optimization problems. If G is too large, the algorithm cannot quickly converge to the global optimum. On the contrary, if G is too small, the algorithm may fall into a local optimum. In [24], G is given in a reasonable range, but it did not give the details for the experiments. To do this, the classic test functions Sphere, Rosenbrock, Griewank, Rastrigrin and Ackley are selected to study the influence of the different values of G on the optimization performance of the algorithm. Since the values of G have a very wide range, it is impossible to select all possible values of G to verify the optimization performance of the algorithm. Here, G = 2, G = 6, G = 10, G = 13, G = 16 and G = 20 are chosen to validate the optimization performance of the algorithm. The parameter settings for the improved chicken swarm optimization are as follows: D = 100, Ngen = 200, Npop = 50, Nrun = 50, wmax = 0.9, wmin = 0.4, C = 0.4, RN = 0.2, HN = 0.6, MN = 0.1, CN = N − RN − HN . The exponential decreasing strategy is adopted for inertia weight of the improved chicken swarm optimization. The average convergence curves of the five test functions are shown in Figures 1 to 5, respectively, in which the abscissa represents the maximum number of iterations and the ordinate denotes the common logarithm of the fitting value. As can be seen from Figure 1, when G = 10, the algorithm has faster convergence rate and higher convergence FIGURE 1. The average convergence curve of Sphere function versus G. 9406 FIGURE 2. The average convergence curve of Rosenbrock function versus G. FIGURE 3. The average convergence curve of Griewank function versus G. FIGURE 4. The average convergence curve of Rastrigrin function versus G. accuracy. In Figure 2, synthesizing the convergence rate and accuracy of the algorithm, when G = 10, the algorithm has a higher convergence accuracy in ensuring the convergence rate. In Figure 3, when G = 10, the algorithm has a faster convergence speed and higher convergence accuracy. From Figure 4, we can see that when G = 13, the algorithm has a higher convergence accuracy. In Figure 5, in order to obtain higher convergence accuracy, G should take 10. In conclusion, taking into account all the standard test functions, and considering both the convergence rate and convergence accuracy of the algorithm, when G = 10, the improved chicken swarm optimization shows better optimization capabilities for most test functions. VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm FIGURE 5. The average convergence curve of Ackley function versus G. Furthermore, the learning factor (denote as C) has a significant impact on the optimization performance of the algorithm. If C is too large, the algorithm cannot quickly converge to the global optimum. On the contrary, if C is too small, the convergence accuracy of the algorithm will decrease. Therefore, the classic test functions Sphere, Rosenbrock, Griewank and Ackley are selected to study the influence of the different values of C on the optimization performance of the algorithm. In the paper, C = 0.2, C = 0.4, C = 0.6, C = 0.8 and C = 1.0 were selected to validate the optimization performance of the algorithm. The parameter settings for the improved chicken swarm optimization are as follows: D = 10, Ngen = 200, Npop = 50, Nrun = 50, wmax = 0.9, wmin = 0.4, G = 10, RN = 0.2N , HN = 0.6N , MN = 0.1HN , CN = N −RN −HN . An exponential decreasing strategy is adopted for the inertia weight of the improved chicken swarm optimization. The average convergence curves of the four test functions are shown in Figures 6 to 9, where the abscissa represents the maximum number of iterations and the ordinate denotes the common logarithm of the fitting values. FIGURE 7. The average convergence curve of Rosenbrock function versus C. FIGURE 8. The average convergence curve of Griewank function versus C. FIGURE 9. The average convergence curve of Ackley function versus C. FIGURE 6. The average convergence curve of Sphere function versus C. As can be seen from Figure 6, when C = 0.4, the algorithm has a higher convergence rate. In Figure 7, synthesizing convergence rate and accuracy of the algorithm, when C = 0.4, the algorithm has a higher convergence accuracy. In Figure 8, when C = 0.4, the algorithm has a faster convergence speed and higher convergence accuracy. From Figure 9, we can see VOLUME 4, 2016 that when C = 0.4, the algorithm has a higher convergence accuracy. On the whole, taking into account all the standard test functions, and considering both the convergence rate and convergence accuracy of the algorithm, when C = 0.4, the improved chicken swarm optimization show better optimization capabilities for the all test functions. VI. THE IMPROVED CHICKEN SWARM OPTIMIZATION FOR TEST FUNCTIONS A. THE PARAMETER SETTING To test the performance of the improved chicken swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm, fourteen canonical benchmark 9407 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm TABLE 3. Fourteen benchmark functions. FIGURE 10. The average convergence curve for F1. test functions shown in Table 3 are used here for comparison [36]. In this table, all of test functions are minimum problems, n is the dimension of test functions, the first function is a simple modal function (it has a single local optimum that is a global optimum) while the other functions are multimodal functions with many local optima. The amount of local optimum or saddles increases with increasing complexity of the function s, i.e. with increasing dimension. Therefore, these test functions with different features are used to testify the effectiveness of the improved chicken swarm optimization (ICSO) algorithm. The comparison with the standard PSO [37], BA [7] and the chicken swarm optimization [24] is also performed. To be fair, the four algorithms run 50 times independently for each function respectively, and the size of each swarm is 50. The maximum number of iterations for each algorithm is 1000. All benchmark functions are tested at D = 150. Other parameters for four algorithms are listed in Table 4. FIGURE 11. The average convergence curve for F2. B. THE SIMULATION ANALYSIS Four algorithms run independently 50 times for each test function respectively, to obtain the best value, the worst value, the mean value, the standard deviation and the mean run time of 50 times. The experiment results obtained are shown in Table 5. In addition, four algorithms run independently FIGURE 12. The average convergence curve for F3. 50 times respectively for fourteen test functions at D = 150, and the average convergence curves obtained as shown in Figs. 10 to 23. TABLE 4. The related parameter values for four algorithms. 9408 VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm TABLE 5. The comparison of the results of improved chicken swarm optimization and other algorithms for D = 150. Boldface indicates a minimal value obtained for four algorithms. The best value and the average value may reflect the convergence accuracy and optimization capabilities. Table 5 shows that for the most standard test functions, the improved chicken swarm optimization has a high conVOLUME 4, 2016 vergence accuracy, and is significantly better than the other three algorithms. Especially for F1, F2, F4, F5, F7, F8, F10, F11, F12, F13 and F14, the convergence value obtained by the improved chicken swarm optimization algorithm are less than that of PSO, the chicken swarm optimization and BA algorithm. Therefore, the the 9409 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm FIGURE 13. The average convergence curve for F4. FIGURE 17. The average convergence curve for F8. FIGURE 14. The average convergence curve for F5. FIGURE 18. The average convergence curve for F9. FIGURE 15. The average convergence curve for F6. FIGURE 19. The average convergence curve for F10. FIGURE 16. The average convergence curve for F7. FIGURE 20. The average convergence curve for F11. chicken swarm optimization algorithm has a good advantage in processing multimodal and high-dimension complex functions. The worst value and the standard deviation can reflect the robustness of the algorithm and the ability of confrontation local optimum. From Table 5, we can see that for F6 and F7, 9410 VOLUME 4, 2016 D. Wu et al.: Convergence Analysis and Improvement of the CSO Algorithm For the optimization problems that are less requirement care computation time, the improved chicken swarm optimization algorithm has obvious advantages because of its high convergence accuracy. As is shown in Figures 10 to 23, the convergence accuracy of the improved chicken swarm optimization is better than that of the chicken swarm optimization, and much better than that of PSO and BA. As for convergence rates, the improved chicken swarm optimization has higher convergence rates compared with the chicken swarm optimization, PSO and BA for most test functions. FIGURE 21. The average convergence curve for F12. FIGURE 22. The average convergence curve for F13. VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Based on the chicken swarm optimization, the state spaces of the chicken and chicken swarm are described. The Markov chain model of the chicken swarm optimization is established by defining the chicken swarm state transition sequence, and a detailed analysis of the properties of the Markov chain is made. Note that it is a finite homogeneous Markov chain. The final transfer status of the chicken swarm state sequence is analyzed, and the global convergence of the chicken swarm optimization is verified by the convergence criteria of a random search algorithm. According to the problem that the chicken swarm optimization is easy to fall into a local optimum in solving high-dimensional problems, an improved chicken swarm optimization is proposed. The relevant parameter analysis and the verification of the optimization capability by test functions in high-dimensional case are made. In our future work, the in-depth study of the theory will be conducted for the chicken swarm optimization, such as designing hybrid chicken swarm optimization algorithm for high-dimensional complex optimization problems and further studying convergence of the algorithm by martingale sequence theory. REFERENCES FIGURE 23. The average convergence curve for F14. the worst values obtained by the improved chicken swarm optimization algorithm are closer to the ideal optimum value, and the standard deviations are minimal. Especially for F1, F4, F7, F9, F11, F12, F13 and F14, the worst values gained by the improved chicken swarm optimization algorithm are approximately equal to the theoretical optimal value, and the standard deviations are approximately zero. Thus the improved chicken swarm optimization algorithm is robust in the function optimization process. From the average run time perspective, for all standard test functions, the average run time of the improved chicken swarm optimization is slightly longer than that of PSO and BA, but less than the chicken swarm optimization. VOLUME 4, 2016 [1] I. Fister, Jr., X.-S. Yang, I. Fister, J. Brest, and D. Fister, ‘‘A brief review of nature-inspired algorithms for optimization,’’ ElektrotehniskiVestnik/Electrotech. Rev., vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 1–7, 2013. [2] Z. 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He is currently an Associate Professor and a Master Tutor with the School of Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangnan University. His current research interests include wind power generation technology, robot technology, embedded systems, and other aspects of the research and the teaching of power electronics. SHIPENG XU was born in Pingdingshan, Henan Province, China. He received the B.Sc. degree from the Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, China, in 2014. He is currently pursuing the M.Sc. degree with the School of Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China. His interests include intelligent optimization and shop scheduling. FEI KONG was born in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. He received the M.Sc. degree from the School of Internet of Things Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, in 2016. His interests include intelligent optimization and shop scheduling. VOLUME 4, 2016