Uploaded by Kammran Hussain

ATG Standards Program: Workout for World-Class Athletes

The ATG Standards Program
This is the culmination of my life's work up to this point. This is the basis upon which worldclass abilities can safely be built. In completing this program, you may very well already be
world-class for your given sport.
The ATG System up to this point has been an attempt at a top-to-bottom system, and it has
produced many great results, but I cannot ignore any longer, that to achieve a world record
in a given ability, a specialist program could get the job done better. But what always holds
me back and leaves a bad taste in my mouth regarding specialist programs, is that I see
them fail because they are not built on the proper foundation...
THIS program is that foundation.
At ATG, our goal is to move you as quickly as possible through this ATG Standards Program,
so that we can then most effectively guide you to your ultimate goals. For example, I am
currently writing a program SPECIFICALLY for one-foot jumping, which I am confident is
better than any such program ever written for that goal.
The number of specialist programs that can be made is not limited: it is infinite. And now
that my life's work has resulted in this BASIC program needed for every athlete, I can now
re-dedicate my life to helping athletes to world-record performances.
So we will be coaching and verifying your accomplishment of each of these abilities, and
then creating YOUR unique World-Class Program, with its own Standards which will
translate to your unique goals.
So start thinking about what YOU want to accomplish, once you reach the standards,
because I will be getting my ass to work immediately on the very program you're going to
need next!
Without further ado, here is the ATG Standards Program, which goes into effect
(Editor's Note: right now I only have the time to LIST the workouts. Now that the ATG
Standards program is set, I will also have time to go into TREMENDOUS detail on the
methods behind the madness. For today, I have used a language of program-writing which
is much faster, since I only had a specific amount of time, but I shot this 5-minute video to
explain how to read the workouts, and give you my best starting mindset, to prepare you
for Thursday's workout and for the ATG Standards Program in general)
A) Plantar Fascia Stretch: 2 minutes
B) Tibialis Stretch: 2 minutes
C1) Reverse Sled: 3 x 120 meters HEAVY
C2) Single-Leg Elevated Pike 3 x 60 seconds per side
D1) Poliquin Step Up: 5 x 20 @ 21X1 - being able to do 20 reps with 66% of your
bodyweight on your back, on 3-4" box with heel elevated at least to 45-degrees, is
the Standard
D2) Jefferson Curl: 5 x 10 @ 3330 - being able to do 10 reps with 25% bodyweight,
wrists below toes, is the Standard
E1) Hanging Leg Raise: 3 x 10 as high as you can @ 20X0 - being able to get your toes
to the bar is the Standard
E2) Tibialis Raise: 3 x 20 @ 11X2
F1) 45-degree Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 x 10 @ 22X0 - 33% per hand x 10 is the
F2) Face Pull: 4 x 10 @ 2022 - 33% x 10 is the Standard
G) 90:90/Pigeon Progression: 1 x 180 per side
H) Couch Stretch: 2 x 90 per side
A) Calf Stretch: 2 minutes per side
B1) Sled Push/Pull: 3 x 20 meters each way HEAVY
B2) Relaxed Lunge: 3 x 60 seconds per side
C1) ATG Split Squat: 5 x 5 per leg @ 33X0 - 25% per hand on flat ground is the
C2) Seated Goodmorning: 5 x 10 @ 31X1 - 50% on back with abs to bench, no
rounding of lower back, and thighs parallel to floor is the Standard
D1) Garhammer Raise: 3 x 10 @ 11X2 - being able to do 10 reps Level 2 Garhammer
is the Standard
D2) Single-Leg Calf Raise: 3 x 10 @ 11X2 - 25% x 10 is the Standard
E1) ATG Dips: 4 x up to 12 @ 22X0 - 12 reps is the Standard
E2) External Rotations: 4 x 12 @ 32X0
F) 90:90/Pigeon Progression: 1 x 180 per side
G) Butterfly against wall: 2 minutes
H) Seated Pancake: 2 minutes
A) Plantar Fascia Stretch: 2 minutes
B) Tibialis Stretch: 2 minutes
C1) Sled Drive: 3 x 40 meters HEAVY
C2) Single-Leg Elevated Pike 3 x 60 seconds per side
D1) ATG Squat: 5 x 20 @ 22X1 - 25% x 20 is the Standard
D2) Nordic: 5 x 10 @ 41X0 - 10 reps is the Standard
E1) Low Cable Pull In: 3 x 20 @ 10X0 - 50% x 20 is the Standard
E2) Tibialis Raise: 3 x 20 @ 11X2
F1) ATG Shoulder Press: 4 x 10 @ 22X0 - 25% per hand x 10 is the Standard
F2) ATG Chin Up: 4 x up to 10 @ 21X1 - 10 reps is the Standard
G) 90:90/Pigeon Progression: 1 x 180 per side
H) Couch Stretch: 2 x 90 per side
A) Calf Stretch: 2 minutes per side
B) Sled Push/Pull: 1 x 60 meters each way HEAVY
C1) ATG Romanian Deadlift: 5 x 10 @ 11X1 - 100% for 10 reps, lower back arch below
parallel to floor, is the Standard
C2) Sissy Squat: 5 x 20 @ 31X0 - no additional load for 20 reps, shins parallel to
floor, is the Standard
D1) L-Sit: 3 x 15 seconds - the Standard is 15 seconds flat ground
D2) Single-Leg Calf Raise: 3 x 10 @ 11X2 - 25% x 10 is the Standard
E1) Cross Bench Pullover: 4 x 10 @ 22X0 - 25% x 10 is the Standard
E2) Trap 3 Raise: 4 x 10 @ 30X3
F) 90:90/Pigeon Progression: 1 x 180 per side
G) Butterfly against wall: 2 minutes
H) Seated Pancake: 2 minutes
So realize that this is what I had time to write today, but now that the ATG Standards
Program is set, I will still be working for you and writing to you 7 days a week:
mastering form guides for every exercise (I shot 1002 form guides in the last 12
months - I'm just heating up!)
 mastering special guides for each exercise on how to get into it pain-free and with
the intended range of motion, as well as how to get the desired effect regardless of
equipment access
 mastering the ATG Standards Program for FEMALE athletes
 mastering SPECIALIST programs, with their own Standards, for you to reach your
ultimate goals
I'll be right back in touch tomorrow!
Yours in Gains,