José Carlos Maya Carmona Marina Sánchez Revuelta TESTING GRAMMAR WHY TEST GRAMMAR? -Grammatical ability or the lack of it sets limits to what can be achieved in other skills. -It is useful to diagnose what gaps exist in the repertoire of students. -It is helpful to inform teachers and learners to take responsability for filling the existing gaps. TESTING GRAMMAR WRITING SPECIFICATIONS Achievement tests Placement tests Specification on content Specifications will include all the should be straightforward structures identified SAMPLING: will reflect the selection of the structures identified TESTING GRAMMAR WRITING ITEMS: It is important to be written in gramatically correct language. TECHNIQUES FOR TESTING GRAMMAR: 1. Gap filling Productio 2. Paraphrase n 3. Completion Recognitio 4. Multiple choice n TESTING GRAMMAR 1. Gap filling He arrived late, was a surprise.(which) He displayed the wide, bright smile had charmed so many people before.(which, that). Computers have had the ability to play chess for many years now,[…]able 2. Paraphrase: equivalent meaning When we arrived, a policeman was questioning the bank clerk. When we arrived, the bank clerk TESTING GRAMMAR 3. Completion: test a variety of structures -Mr Gilbert: And when…………..? +Mr Cole: In 1972, at the end of the summer term. 4. Multiple choice: useful when gap filling does not test what we really want. Example: use of could A. They left at seven. They be home by now. B. Yes, but we can’t count on it, can we? a. Can b. could c. will d.must TESTING GRAMMAR SCORING PRODUCTION GRAMMAR TESTS - Gap filling and multiple choice: items should cause no problems We should take into account… -If we focus on one element we have to reward just on this element. -Two elements are test: points may be assigned for each of them TESTING VOCABULARY WHY TEST VOCABULARY? - Essential when using a language, so is important to test it. - Is supported with the inclusion of grammar. Problem and solution in testing vocabulary - Apparently usefulness of vocabulary test are not as much as in grammar test. - One alternative is to use published test of vocabulary or construct one for our group of students. TESTING VOCABULARY WRITING SPECIFICATIONS Achievement tests All the items should be included. Placement & Proficiency tests Important to make reference to one of the published word lists. SAMPLING: Words can be grouped according to frequency and usefulness. TESTING VOCABULARY WRITING ITEMS 1. Testing recognition ability a) Recognise synonyms multiple b) Recognise definitions c) Recognise appropriate word for context choice 2. Testing production ability a)Picture b)Definitions achievement test c)Gap filling TESTING VOCABULARY a) Recognise Choose the alternative (a, b, c or d) which is closest in meaning to the word synonims on the left on the page. Gleam a) Gather b) shine c)welcome d) clean b) Recognise definitions Loathe means… a)Dislike intensely b) Become seriously ill c) Search carefully d) Looks very angry c) Recognise appropriate words in context The strong wind a)Disabled the man’s efforts to put up the tent. b)hampered c)deranged d)regaled TESTING VOCABULARY a) Pictures : the main difficulty in testing productive lexical ability is the need to limit the candidate to the lexical item that we have in mind. The best way to solve this is using pictures. (achievement test) Each of the objects below has a letter against it. Write down the names of the objects: a…… d……… … b…… … c…… . e……… . f………. TESTING VOCABULARY b) Definitions: It is important to be careful when selecting a word, because it can be ambiguous … … … … . . is frozen water c) Gap filling Because of the snow, the football match until the following week. was THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION