Uploaded by Harmony Lianada

Hairdressing NC II Learning Module: Basic Haircutting

Name: _______________________________
Grade : _____________________
Learning Objectives:
After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:
1. Assess patron’s hair cutting needs.
2. Extend courtesy to the patron.
3. Analyze the condition of the hair.
4. Know basic styles of hair cut for women; and
5. Follow health and safety precautions.
This lesson deals with the assessment of the patron’s hair cutting needs, the appropriate reception to be extended, the
analysis of the hair condition, texture, density and length, and the proper protective clothing materials to be used.
Definition of terms:
hair stream – the natural direction in which the hair grows after
leaving the follicle
hair catalogue – a special type of magazine, photo collection of
various haircuts and hair styles.
Whorl – a spiral turn of hair which goes contrary to the usual growth of
the hair
Consultation – a meeting between the client and the hairdresser at
which advice is given and taken.
Before you touch your client’s hair, she has to be received into the salon. Reception is the point at which she begins her
business relationship with you.
 Greet the patron politely, pleasantly and courteously.
 Attend to him/her promptly and helpfully.
 Find time to acknowledge the arrival of another client and assure him/her that he/she will soon be attended to.
Every hairdressing business has to have patrons. The patron’s satisfaction is the salon’s main business. Realizing this is the key to
your success.
Discuss with the patron what she wants and expects.
Communicate with the patron by listening to what she tells you and
understanding what she requires you to do.
Examine your patron’s hair to determine its type, texture, color, length,
condition and any other important factors that may affect the services
Tell your patron the limitations. Persuade her to cut the hair to a style
you are sure would suit her.
Show hair catalogues or magazines to help and guide the patron in
deciding on the style she would choose.
After assessing your patron’s hair cutting needs, you may take the initiative in guiding the client to a decision. Make sure that the
patron understands, accepts and agrees with you on the decided haircut style.
a. Never attempt to carry out any haircutting service without the patron’s consent.
b. All information regarding patrons should be handled in strict confidence.
c. Make sure all the patron’s clothes are covered and all materials are secured.
In selecting the proper hairstyle, the hairdressers should take into consideration the condition of the patron’s hair
1. Shiny, healthy hair is essential for good styling. Hair that is in poor condition and poorly textured never looks good and will
not style well.
2. Thin hair is difficult to manage and requires attention. Hair styles which make it appear thicker and fuller are usually best.
3. Very curly hair requires frequent combing. As it is combed the true length becomes apparent.
4. Straight hair, particularly if it is fine textured can be difficult to cut.
5. Very fine, thin hair when wet loses its shape. Use setting aids, so hair thicken and practice styles.
1. The outline formed by hair in relation to facial shape contributes to the overall effect.
2. Consider the direction and distributions of the hair – its cowlicks, widow’s peaks, hair streams, hair whorls and double
crowns. Make allowances for these when cutting particularly when designing the style.
3. It is important that you maintain balance between hair and face to achieve a suitable distribution and shape.
4. The way the hair falls or moves is best seen when the hair is wet. Styling can disguise the form of the hair and its natural
5. A hairstyle that follows the natural fall and growth retain its shape longer.
6. Cutting nape whorl too short produces difficulties; the hair may stick out in all directions.
Fine hair
Fine hair like silk is delicate and responds to products more quickly than other textures. It hangs flat and lies close to the
head, looking thin despite the thickness. Try shorter and blunt cuts to add fullness. Layers can make thin hair look thinner; you may
use gel to add volume at the roots.
Coarse hair
Coarse hair is like linen, each strand is strong and thick. It appears wiry in humid conditions and looks dull even after
Short bob / blunt haircut
Short straight cut
Long straight hair cut
Short layered cut
Layered haircut
V-shape haircut
Health and Safety Precautions
Analyze the hair scalp thoroughly; signs of disease indicates that you should not proceed with cutting of the hair.
Make sure that all sharp tools are covered when they are not in use.
Allowing loose cut hair gathered is unsanitary.
Use only tools that are sharp, to prevent hair breakage.
Clean tools after use and store them in a dry safe place.
Do not place sharp tools in your pockets for this is dangerous, You might cut your hands.
Let us Remember
 Examine your patron’s hair to determine its type, texture and condition
and other factors that may affect the services requested.
 Thin hair is difficult to manage and it requires careful attention.
 Clean tools after use and store them in a safe place.
Briefly answer the following questions.
1. How will you address your client when she enters your salon?
2. What are the ways of assessing patron’s haircutting needs?
3. Why is it necessary to analyze hair condition before doing the
haircutting service?
Prepare Client
Directions: Read the following: Select the letter of the best answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
______1. A meeting between the client and the hairdresser at which advice is
given and taken.
a. assessing
c. discussion
b. consultation
d. briefing
______2. This type of hair requires frequent combing while cutting.
a. thin hair
c. very curly hair
b. fine hair
d. straight hair
______3. The visual or tactile surface and appearance of the hair.
a. hair texture
c. hair density
b. hair length
d. amount of hair
______4. We should examine patron’s hair to determine _____
a. what materials to use c. the condition of hair
b. the service fee
d. appropriate clothing to use
______5. The following describe the direction and distribution of hair
a. cowlick
c. hair whorls
b. widow’s peak
d. fine hair
Prepare Client
Prepare client
Performance Objective:
Dramatize how to address and asses client’s/patron’s haircutting
according to salon policies and procedures.
Hair catalog
Extend courtesy at all times (by greeting etc)
Assess cutting needs of the patron
Analyze texture of hair.
Present hair catalog to the client/patron for selection of hair style
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you should be able to:
1. Prepare appropriate haircutting implements, supplies and materials.
2. Handle and manipulate tools properly.
3. Section the hair in accordance with standard haircutting procedure.
4. Perform haircutting techniques;
5. Observe proper posture for patron and hairdresser; and
6. Safety and Sanitary measures.
The lesson deals with the various haircutting implements, supplies and materials to use. Proper handling of haircutting
tools and correct hair sectioning in accordance with standard haircutting procedures and techniques are applied to achieve desired
styles of haircut. Safety and sanitary measures are also emphasized.
Pre Test
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. What is the most important hair cutting tool?
a. haircutting scissors
c. blow dryer
b. spray bottle
d. round brush
_____2. Which one does belong to the group?
a. blow dryer
c. vent brush
b. diffuser
d. haircutting scissors
_____3. Which part of the hand controls the movable blade?
a. forefinger
c. thumbs
b. middle finger
d. small fingers
_____4. In haircutting we divide the front area into how many sections?
a. one horizontal section
c. three vertical sections
b. two horizontal sections
d. two or three vertical sections
_____5. What do we call the cutting of hair in the same level?
a. blunt cut
c. layer cut
b. graduated cut
d. square layer
Definition of Terms
Haircutting – thinning and shortening the hair to the shape of the
head or style
Hair sectioning – separating strands of hair with the use of hair
clamps to control hair movements
Blunt cutting – straight cut or trim
Hair elevation – refers to hair lifting
Manipulation – the skillful operating or handling of tools
Here are the tools needed to cut hair:
1. Shears
2. Rat tail/comb
3. Clips
4. Spray bottle
5. Capes and towels
6. mirror
7. Razor
8. Thinning scissors
Parts of a scissor
Proper way of handling scissors
The Blunt Cut
1. Sectioning the hair. Make a vertical
center part from the crown of the
head to the front hairline. Another
part is made horizontally across the
top of the head from the crown to
the top of each ear.
2. Make your guidelines at the nape part of the hair horizontally about ½ inch above the nape, level with
earlobes. Pin up the rest of the hair with clips.
3. Take a center portion of the
nape hair between forefinger
and middle finger of your
left hand. Cut hair to the
desired length. This will serve
as your guidelines for the rest
of the cut.
the bottom of the
4. Take down the next section of hair. Make another horizontal
part. Clip the rest of hair up. Cut the new section of the hair at the same
level as the guideline.
5. As you continue to cut new
horizontal parts are made in
the back hair. Each section
of hair is then combed down
and cut to the level with the
6. Take the next section of hair at the side. Part on inch above the
hairline and combed hair straight down. Cut straight down following the
guideline. Do the other side.
7. Check your work. Comb the
hair straight down all around
the head. Trim any stray hairs
by snipping them individually.
Look in the mirror to make certain
they are even.
Layered Cut
Step-by-Step Guide
The following steps will show you how to cut gorgeous layers at home.
1. Before you start cutting, take some time to prepare. Wash and condition your hair as usual before thoroughly towel-drying.
(In most cases, it is best to cut damp hair rather than wet or dry hair. This makes it easier to see the natural texture.)
2. Grab a well-sharpened pair of shears. Dull scissors will not cut evenly, and if they do, may lead to unsightly split ends.
Most beauty supply stores sell a basic pair that can be used for haircutting.
3. Comb through the length of your hair and remove tangles as needed. Sit or stand in front of a large mirror in a well-lit
4. Now it is time to create the guideline for your cut. Start by scooping up a large section of hair on the very top of the head.
Then take the front part of that section, holding your hands at a 90-degree angle. Pull the hair taut and cut across. (The
amount of hair you cut may not be significant or it might be a little more dramatic. It depends entirely on how noticeable
you want the layers to be. However, it is always better to cut too little than too much!)
5. Continue cutting small one-inch sections from that top portion of hair, working your way back. Use what you have cut
already as a length guide. Not quite sure how to perfect the technique? The YouTube video below will give you a better
idea of how this process works.
6. Once you have finished with the top section, divide it in half, and let the hair frame the face.
7. Next, separate the front sections of hair. Starting on the right side, take a one-inch piece of hair, and comb upwards at a
90-degree angle. Trim that section to match the layer you have already cut. (Those initial layers are important, as they are
your length guide throughout this process.)
8. Continue doing this until the front sections on both the right and left have been layered.
9. You can stop here if you want the layers concentrated at the front, or continue along the back for a fully layered style. For
even more layers, separate the back section of hair into two halves. Comb the hair upward and make your cuts carefully,
letting the previous layers indicate where you should trim. You will be left with a gorgeous graduated style.
10. Double check everything by examining your hair in the mirror. Pull the hair evenly on both sides. Any uneven sections
should be trimmed to the proper length to ensure they are symmetrical.
V-Shape Cut
1.Start with wet hair that's parted into 4 sections. Part the hair down the center first, going from the forehead down to the nape
of the neck. Next, create a part going across the top of the head like a headband, from just behind the left ear to just behind the
right ear.
This style will give you some face-framing layers that angle down into a V shape on the back.
This method is meant for cutting someone else's hair, but you can alter some of the techniques to cut your own.
2. Create a cutting guide for the shortest layer in the front. Take a thin strand of hair from the hairline, right at the center
part. Pinch it between your index and middle fingers where you wish to cut it, then snip the hair off below your fingers.
Something around nose-length will give a very heavily layered look. If your client has very long hair or if they like to wear their hair
in ponytails, make it about jaw-length instead.
Hold the scissors so that they are almost vertical. Snip upwards into the hair instead of making an horizontal cut. This will keep the
ends from being
3. Gather an angled section of hair on the left side and add it to the guide. Place the edge of your comb on the center part,
a few finger widths behind the hairline. Drag it towards the hairline, aligning it with the inner corner of the eye/inside of the
nose. Add this section to your central guide.
4 .Comb the hair upward, keeping your comb parallel to the angled part. Run your comb under the section of hair, pulling the
hair upward. Tilt the comb so that it is parallel to the angled part on the client's head. Make sure that the comb is just below the end
of the central guide strand so that you have room to cut.[12]
Use a comb color that contrasts with your client's hair. This will make it easier to see.
5.Replace the comb with your index and middle fingers before cutting. Pinch the hair between your fingers. Make sure that
they are parallel to the part's angle. Flip the hair over your index finger and cut it so that it is the same length as the central guide.
This will create a face-framing cut on the front.
Use a pair of 7-inch (18-cm) dry cutting shears for this.
6 . Create another angled section and cut it using the same technique. Create another angled part just behind the first one.
Keep it parallel to the first cut. Comb the hair forward into the previous cut before cutting the hair. Repeat combing the hair forward
and cutting until you reach the vertical part, then do the other side.
Measure the uncut strands against a previously-cut strand. Pull hair from both sides of the head together to see if they are the
same length or not.
As you continue to cut the hair, you'll notice it naturally taking on an angled, V shaped cut.
7.Part the hair in the back and clip one side out of the way. Remove the clips holding the back sections of the hair. Part the
hair vertically down the middle, aligning it with the center part on the top of the head. Choose a side to start with and clip the other
out of the way.[13]
8. Create a new diagonal section behind the last angled part. Start the new section at the top center part, just behind last
angled part. Angle it towards the ear until it touches the last angled part.
9. Comb the hair upward and cut it. Use the same technique as you did for the front sections. Match the comb's angle to the
part's angle, measure the hair against a previously-cut strand, and cut it.
10. Repeat the process until you reach the nape. As you continue to cut row by row, the angles will straighten out and become
parallel to the nape. Continue pulling the hair up past the ear. When you are done, repeat for the other side.[15]
10.Comb the hair down and cut off any excess length. By now, you should have a rough V shape. Clean up the shape of
the V with your shears. The bottom of the V may have a few longer strands of hair, making it look like a Y. If this is the case,
simply snip off the stem of the Y to make it a V.
 Prepare appropriate haircutting materials before performing the activity.
 Section the hair accurately.
 Establish a guideline to determine the length of the hair to be cut.
Give a brief answer to the following questions.
1. What is haircutting?
2. Name the parts of the scissors.
3. What are the haircutting tools?
Cut Hair
Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.
_____1.What do we call separating strands of hair with hair clamps to control
hair movements?
a) hair cutting
b) hair sectioning
c) hair elevation
d) manipulation
_____2. Which step should come first?
a) section the hair
b) make your guideline
c) take down the next section
d) check your work
_____3. What is used to hold hair in place while cutting?
a) tail combs
b) do all clips
c) round brush
d) vent brush
_____4. What should be the last step in haircutting?
a) part the hair
b) make your guideline
c) move to the side
d) check your work
_____5. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a) capes
b) towel
c) spray bottle
d) shank
Cut Hair
Cut Hair
Performance Objective:
Given the different haircutting tools, supplies and materials, you
must be able to perform the blunt hair cut according to salon policies
and procedures.
Shears, Rat tail/comb, Clips, Spray bottle, Mirror,
Capes and towels, Razor and Thinning scissors
 Sectioning the hair
 Make your guidelines at the nape part of the hair
 Take a center portion of the nape, cut hair to the desired length (serve as guidelines)
 Take down the next section of hair.
 Continue to cut new horizontal parts are made in the back hair.
 Take the next section of hair at the side.
 Check your work.
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you should be able to:
Perform blow drying techniques;
Check and apply finishing touches;
Use appropriate finishing tools; and
Recommend proper hair care techniques and maintenance products.
The lesson deals with the techniques of blow drying, tips for checking accuracy and finishing touches. Appropriate
finishing cutting tool, hair finishing touches, proper hair care and maintenance are also emphasized in this lesson.
Read and understand the questions below to find out how much you already know about the lesson. Select the letter of the correct
answer. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.
______1) What is the proper distance of holding the hair dryer away from the
a) 1 inch
b) 2 inches
c) 3 inches
d) 8-10 inches
______2) What is the best tool to guide the hair in the way you want it to go?
a) curling iron
b) blow dryer
c) round brush
d) diffuser
______3) What refers to a comb with long teeth used for lifting the hair without
disturbing the curls?
a) pick
b) tail comb
c) rat tail
d) styling comb
______4) Which styling tool create tight curls or can perfectly straighten hair?
a) hair brush
b) crimping iron
c) thermal styling tools
d) straightening iron
______5) What preparation is intended to moisturize hair?
a) conditioners
b) shampoo
c) hair gels
d) hair spray
Definition of Terms
Lift – to raise, to elevate
Underneath – below, under, beneath
Curl – hair that has been formed into a circle
Rinse – to clean hair with water after shampooing and other hair
When using a hair dryer, keep it on a medium or low setting. Hold it 6-8
inches away from the scalp
As you dry the hair with a blow dryer, use a round brush to guide the
hair in the way you want it to go.
For a really full effect, tip the head forward and dry the underneath hair
first, then straight up and dry the outer part.
When using curling iron or hot rollers, make sure they’re heated before
use. The hair will curl faster.
For blunt styles, roll the brush under as you dry the hair for a smooth
If you want the hair to flip up at the ends, use the brush to roll the hair
with an upward and outward motion.
Tip the head forward and blow dry
the underneath layers of hair to
add fullness to the hair.
The round brush and the blow
dryer are used to roll hair for a
Loose feathery look.
A round brush and blow dryer
can be used to roll the hair
under and toward the face
for a smooth, loose curl.
Finishing Tools
Blow dryer – an electrical device used for styling
Vent brush – wider, slightly curved brushes used to lift hair to create
volume or fullness to the hair
Round brush – most popular styling tool in salons, the round brush flips
hair up and turns it under while blow drying
Curling iron – used to create variety curly styles
Pick – a curl with long teeth is useful for lifting the hair without disturbing
the curls
Diffuser – attached to the end of any blow dryer which acts to spread out
air flow, minimizing damage from direct heat
Thermal styling tools – styling brushes, straightening irons, and crimping
irons which create specific textures like tight curl or perfectly
straight hair
Gels are best used at the roots for lifts.
Mousse foams into the hair and provide ample hold.
Pomades keep curly hair from looking frizzy.
Hair spray holds hairstyles longer.
Keep your hair clean. Use a shampoo formulated for your hair type.
Use crème rinse if necessary.
Give your hair a deep conditioning or hot oil treatment once a month
Brush your hair often. This distributes the oil evenly through the hair and
adds shine.
Never brush your hair when it is wet.
Don’t over use the blow dryer.
Have your hair trimmed one half inch every month. Regular trimming keeps split ends to a minimum length.
Use only professional tools.
Never use electrical equipment with wet hands.
Direct hair away from the scalp.
Do not keep dryer in one place too long.
Do not attempt to shape hair when it is too wet.
 Hair should be blow dried for cross checking.
 Keep the blow dryer moving at all times and never hold it closer than
8-10 inches from the head.
 Never brush the hair when it is wet.
Give a brief answer to the following questions:
1) Why is it important to set the hair dryer to medium or low setting mode? 2) What should be done to avoid product build
up on the hair?
3) What benefit does hair brushing have with your hair?
Check And Apply Appropriate Finishing Touches
Directions: Answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
______1) What do you call the step done after shampooing and other hair
a) cleansing
b) massaging
c) rinsing
d) conditioning
______2) What do you call the hair that has been formed into a circle?
a) curl
b) frizzy
c) wave
d) coil
______3) What finishing tool is used to create variety of curly styles?
a) pick
b) round brush
c) blow dryer
d) curling iron
______4) How often should our hair receive hot oil treatment?
a) once a week
b) once a month
c) everyday
d) once a year
______5) What styling product is used for controlling super curly hair?
a) gels
b) mousse
c) hair spray
d) shiner
Check And Apply Appropriate Finishing Touches
Check and apply appropriate finishing touches
Performance Objective:
Given the different finishing tools and supplies, you must be able to
perform blow drying and apply finishing touches according to salon
policies and procedures.
Blow dryer ,Vent brush, Round brush, Curling iron,
Pick, Diffuser, and Thermal styling tools.
Blow dried hair for cross sectioning
Check sections of the side, nape, top and front for accuracy and finishing touches
Use appropriate finishing cutting tools
Apply appropriate hair finishing touches
Learning Objectives:
After reading this information sheet, you should be able to:
1) Sterilize tools and equipment;
2) Proper disposal technique for waste materials; and
3) Perform good housekeeping.
The lesson deals on how to sanitize the workplace and store tools and equipment in accordance with occupational safety
and health requirements. Salon policies and procedure regarding storing of supplies and materials are also discussed.
Pre Test
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. The process of destroying all living microorganisms.
a. sterilization
b. sanitation
c. antiseptics
d. disinfectants
_____2. An apparatus for sterilization using super heatedhigh pressure steam
a. radiation
b. heat
c. autoclave
d. gases
_____3. A chemical agent which prevent the multiplication of microorganisms.
a. alcohol
b. antiseptic
c. disinfectant
d. chemical
_____4. Sterilized tools should be placed in a ______
a. supply tray
b. tool cabinet
c. trolley
d. clean, covered container
_____5. Working areas should be washed at least –
a. every other day
b. once a year
c. once a day
d. every month
Definition of Terms
Antiseptic - a chemical agent that prevents the growth of bacteria
Disinfectant - an agent used for destroying germs
Fumigate - disinfect by the action of fumes
Autoclave - an apparatus for sterilizing using super heated high pressure
Sterilization - the total destruction of all living microorganism.
Sanitation - the destruction of some, but not all microorganisms.
Sterilization and sanitation techniques
practiced in beauty salon involve the use of
agents such as radiation and heat, and
chemical agents, such as antiseptics,
disinfectants and vapor fumigants.
Dry and moist heat may both be
used in sterilization.
Glass – bead sterilizer is a small electrically-heated unit which
contains glass beads; these transfer heat to objects placed in contact with
them. This method is suitable for small tools such as tweezers and scissors.
Autoclaving is the most effective
method for sterilizing objects in the salon.
Water is boiled in an auto clave (similar
to a pressure cooker), the water reaches
a temperature of 121 – 134 ◦c.
If an object cannot be sterilized, it should be placed in a chemical disinfectant solution such as quaternary ammonium
compounds or glutaraldehyde.
An antiseptic prevents the multiplication of microorganisms. It is milder than a disinfectant and it does not kill all microorganism.
Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on the use of sterilizing
Select the appropriate method of sterilization for the object.
Clean the object in clean water and detergent to remove dirt and
grease. Dirt left on the object may prevent effective sterilization.
Dry it thoroughly with a clean, disposable paper towel.
Place tools that have been sterilized in a clean covered container.
Waste should be disposed in an
enclosed waste bin, durable enough
to resist tearing. The bin should be
regularly sanitized with disinfectant in
a wellventilated area.
All surfaces within the salon should be washed at least once each day. They can be cleansed with hot water and
detergent. Don’t use abrasives as these will scratch plastic surfaces.
Glass mirrors should be cleaned every morning before clients arrive. Glass surfaces should be cleaned and polished
using either hot water or detergent or a spirit based lotion that evaporates quickly.
 Always follow the manufacturer’s guideline on the use of the sterilizing
 Place tools that have been sterilized in a clean covered container.
 Dispose waste in an enclosed waste bin.
Answer the following questions:
1. What would happen if you did not follow expected standards regarding
health and safety in the salon?
2. Why is it important to sterilize tools?
3. What are some ways of disposing waste?
Perform Post-Service Activities
Direction: Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
_____1. Sterilization and sanitation techniques practice in the salon involves the_
a. use of physical agents
b. use of chemical agents
c. use of radiation
d. all of the above
_____2. Most effective method of sterilizing objects in the salon______.
a. autoclaving
b. heating
c. moist heat
d. dry heat
_____3. To sanitize floors sinks and toilet bowls in the beauty salon, use_____.
a. alcohol
b. antiseptic
c. formalin
d. Lysol
_____4. The destruction of all living microorganisms is called____
a. sanitization
b. sterilization
c. fumigation
d. radiation
_____5. The strength of alcohol used for disinfecting implements should be____.
a. 20%
b. 30%
c. 40%
d. 70&
Perform Post-Service Activities
Perform Post-Service Activities
Performance Objective:
Given the different sterilization tools, you must be able to gather
tools and implements and perform sterilization techniques according
to salon policies and procedures.
Cleaning materials, Sterilization, 70% alcohol ,
Soap/liquid/bar, Cotton and Antiseptic solution/ Lysol
Select the appropriate method of sterilization for the object.
Clean the object in clean water and detergent to remove dirt and
grease. Dirt left on the object may prevent effective sterilization.
Dry it thoroughly with a clean, disposable paper towel.
Place tools that have been sterilized in a clean covered container.