Uploaded by Mahmoud Elshahat

Permanent Mold Casting: Manufacturing Processes

Fundamentals of manufacturing
processes MAN 321
ID / 20195090
Permanent mold processes
Permanent mold casting is a metal casting process that
shares similarities to both sand casting and die casting.
Permanent mold casting is typically used for
high-volume production of small, simple metal
parts with uniform wall thickness.
 The permanent mold casting process consists of the
following steps:
1. Mold preparation
4. Cooling
2. Mold assembly
5. Mold opening
3. Pouring
6. Trimming
 Using these basic steps, other variations on permanent
mold casting have been developed to accommodate
specific applications.
Examples of these variations include the following:
1-Slush Casting
2-Low Pressure Permanent Mold Casting
3-Vacuum Permanent Mold Casting
Schematic of the
permanent mold
casting process
 Advantages of permanent mold casting process
• Better mechanical properties.
• Homogeneous grain structure and chemical composition.
• Low shrinkage and gas porosity.
• Good surface quality: 40-250 µinch (1-6 µm) Ra.
• Low dimensional tolerances: typically about 0.04” (1 mm}.
• Little scrap process.
 Disadvantages of permanent mold casting
• High cost of the molds.
• Limitations in casting of high melting point metals into
metallic molds.
• Intrinsic and complex shapes can not be cast.
• Large parts can not be cast.
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