Uploaded by Dianne Dynah Dy

Math Education: Teaching & Learning Principles

Dianne Dynah B. Dy
Seminar in Mathematics Education
Principle 1. While the ability to explain and solve a problem is evidence of good
understanding of some mathematical ideas, teaching mathematics requires much
more than these.
This fundamental principle of math education remains important today,
as math education encompasses more than merely understanding how problems
are explained or proven. Teaching arithmetic necessitates a thorough
understanding of the fundamentals. Teachers of mathematics should aim for a
better comprehension of the subject and should not be satisfied with merely
knowing one or two solutions to an issue; instead, he/she should be open to
comprehend all viable solutions and methods.
Principle 2. Mathematics must be real to students and therefore, mathematics
teachers should be mindful of students’ contexts when teaching mathematics.
Practical use is one of the advantages of mathematics in students
education. Therefore, students must be able to apply math in real-world
scenarios. To understand the importance and usefulness of mathematics in
everyday life, mathematics teachers need to evaluate their educational
experience and conditions. As a result, this idea is still applicable today, as
teachers need to use scenarios that students are familiar with in conducting
online classes and in crafting a learning modules and other learning materials.
Teachers must also be able to communicate in the student's native language so
that the student can easily understand math.
Principle 3. Mathematics is best learned when students are actively engaged.
This is a very important educational premise nowadays, because in order
to learn mathematics, students must participate in teacher-planned learning
activities. Students must be actively engaged in learning math even in modular
distance learning and synchronous or asynchronous online classes in order to
maximize their learning potential. With this, teachers must be critical in
selecting interesting and dynamic learning assignments. Students should be
given numerous opportunities to consider their thoughts and make connections
between old and new knowledge. Consider including students in class
discussions durig online classes, encouraging them to raise questions, allowing
them to disagree, and making assumptions to strengthen their logical skills.
Students' intrinsic drives must be sparked in order for them to be engaged in
mathematics lessons.
Principle 4. Mathematics can never be learned in an instant, but rather requires
lots of work and the right attitude.
Yes, this principle is still important in today's classrooms. Mathematics is
a difficult topic to master. It is not something that can be learned in an instant.
That’s why as a teacher, he/she must exercise patience and give consideration
in every learner when requiring some outputs/or projects. In distance learning
modalities, the teacher should create interactive and interesting learning
activities that cater to the students' cognitive abilities.
Principle 5. All students regardless of sex, culture, socio-economic status, religion
and educational backgrounds have the right to learn and be taught good and
correct mathematics.
There should be no child left behind. When it comes to the quality of
mathematics instruction, there should be no distinction between affluent and
poor. Everyone is entitled to a high-quality mathematical education. In light of
the present COVID-19 epidemic, kids of all genders, cultures, socioeconomic
statuses, religions, and educational backgrounds ought to learn and be taught
good and right mathematics. Students are expected to work as hard and take
mathematics as seriously as all other students in schools across the country,
regardless of their background.
Principle 6. Assessment must be an integral part of mathematics instruction.
Teachers must recognize the relevance of assessment in enhancing the
teaching-learning process in light of the various modalities utilized in distance
education. Teachers must understand how curriculum, instruction, and
assessment are all connected. As a result, suitable instructional methodologies
and assessment must be used to guarantee that the curriculum's goals are met.
Assessment is also an aid in the detection of misunderstandings. It has the
potential to give learning opportunities that allow students to achieve conceptual
shift and maximize their learning.
Principle 7. Mathematics as a field continues to develop and evolve. Therefore,
the teaching of it must keep up with developments in the field.
Over time, teachers must be aware that the subject of mathematics is
expanding. New theories are set and new processes and solutions are discovered.
Mathematics education is dynamic and needs to adapt to the changing trends
and developments of this area. Mathematics teachers need to remember the
practical value of mathematics, the usefulness of mathematics in an everchanging environment. Therefore, they need to actively experiment with new
educational strategies to keep up with changes in this area and around the
world. To teach mathematics to new standards, teachers need to consider
modern tactics that can be adopted to improve student knowledge. Teachers
need to consider how technology can be used to make it easier for students to
teach and learn math.
Principle 8. Technology plays an important role in the teaching and learning of
mathematics. Mathematics teachers must learn to use and manage technological
tools and resources well.
Information and communication technology (ICT) has played an important
role in planning the continuity of learning in basic education. Using technology
in teaching math to students is very important, especially when many types of
distance learning modality are used. With advances in technology, math lessons
are more attractive and not difficult. Mathematics teachers can now arrange realworld problem-solving and modeling exercises so that students can master realworld math topics.
Principle 9. Mathematics teachers must never stop learning.
Teachers must never stop learning since mathematics is an everexpanding discipline. It is the responsibility of mathematics teachers to stay
abreast of new developments in both mathematics and mathematics education.
They must continue to grow as educators and mathematical students.
Mathematics teachers must ensure their own personal and professional
development as facilitators of learning by participating in activities that allow
them to learn new approaches and ideas, as well as generate learning support
resources to aid in the teaching of mathematics. To further their own education,
teachers must learn to collaborate. They must also learn how to properly use it
with coworkers and create an environment that encourages the interchange of
ideas and professional assistance.
Principle 1. Being mathematically competent means more than having the ability
to compute and perform algorithms and mathematical procedures.
A mathematically competent student knows not just how to handle
difficult math problems, but also how to apply mathematical thinking and skills
in real-life situations. Students should use mathematics in real-life
circumstances, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Mathematics
should be a means for pupils to make their lives easier and more practical.
Principle 2. The physical and social dimensions of a mathematical environment
contribute to one’s success in learning mathematics.
Students need a safe, clean learning environment where they may move
about and explore. The best learning environment for math is one that is wellequipped. Is this still applicable in today's educational landscape? Yes, it's
possible. Students will be able to explore a variety of mathematics exercises
through the use of technology, which will improve their skills and thinking
Principle 3. Mathematics is best learned when students are actively engaged.
To learn faster, students must be actively participating in the teacherplanned learning activities. As a result, students should not expect to learn solely
by observing only their teacher solve problems. They should participate in an
online class discussion, ask questions, argue, and reason out so that they can
see all of the different parts of mathematics that they are learning about. This
learning principle is important in today's school because teachers must develop
learner-centered lesson in teaching mathematics.
Principle 4. A deeper understanding of mathematics requires a variety of tools
for learning in distance learning modality.
Students can use mathematical tools to be more involved in their learning
and to gain a better comprehension of the subject. These items can be used to
develop, explain, and apply mathematical concepts. These items must be
carefully included into the teaching process. Technology especially during this
distnce learning provides a wide range of tools. Technology should be employed
when it supports the learning process and is motivated by the needs of students
as math learners. It should not be used to replace students' knowledge of
mathematical ideas and relationships. Tools like measuring devices, scientific
and graphing calculators, and computers with appropriate software can all help
to provide a rich learning environment when utilized correctly.
Principle 5. Mathematics assessment must be valued in order to understand
what and how students learn or fail to acquire mathematics in a distance learning
In New Normal, assessment is an important part of the mathematics
curriculum. Whether the assessment is done by instructors or external groups,
and whether it is done at the beginning, middle, or conclusion of the learning
period, the results are beneficial to both teachers and students. Students learn
how much mathematics they have learned and how much more they need to
know through formal and informal assessments. In order to comprehend the
various characteristics of students' learning, assessment systems must be
varied. Exams and quizzes have their place in assessing skill growth and
acquisition, but many aspects of mathematics learning may be examined more
efficiently through other methods.
Principle 6. Students’ attitudes and beliefs about mathematics affect their
When employing a modular approach to teaching mathematics, students
must maintain wholesome attitudes and good ideas about mathematics.
Students should develop the mindset that mathematics involvement is critical,
and that patience, tenacity, reflection, self-assessment, and self-confidence are
crucial components of success.
Principle 7. Mathematics learning needs the support of both parents and other
community groups.
According to studies, parental and family support contributes to pupils'
performance in mathematics learning. Families should model favorable attitudes
and ideas regarding learning mathematics content especially during this
distance learning when most of the times, parents are guide of the students in
answering their school-works. The importance of community support for math
learning cannot be overstated. Schools rely on local communities for fieldwork
and site visits to enhance student' understanding of math applications. These
activities expose students to keep working on math in the real world.