Introduction: Have you ever had an adult tell you that high school is “easy”, and in college you will struggle? Or even imply that you are stressed over your transition for nothing? evidence 1. Students experience a drastic change from high school to college. 1. Peer Relationships (friendships, parental figures, and teachers) 2. Establishing independence (school, friendships, and working) 3. Excessive school material 4. evidence II. Students are held to a higher standard than in high school. 1. Acception to Schools 2. Parental Pressure 3. Self Criticism 4. “The relationships between self-esteem and parent's pressure for academic success, fear of negative evaluation and academic stress on high school students were investigated employing structural equation modeling (Atmaca and Ozen)”. III. Financial struggle is a common stressor in the transition from high school 1. Cost of Tuition 2. Social Events 3. Housing/Living Expenses (gas, food, and school supplies) 4. evidence Conclusion: Have you ever had an adult tell you that high school is “easy”, and in college, you will struggle? Or even imply that you are stressed over your transition for nothing? According to the American Psychology Association, “Children age 8 to 17 say they worry about doing well in school, getting into good colleges and their family's finances. They also report suffering headaches, sleeplessness and upset stomachs.” Works Cited Atmaca,Taner, and Hamit Ozen. “Self-Esteem of High School Students: Structural Equation Modeling Analysis.” Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, vol. 14, no. 3, Jan. 2019, pp. 422–35. EBSCOhost,,cookie&db=eric&AN=EJ12 31577&site=eds-live&scope=site.