Uploaded by John Robert Diaz

Barium Nitrate Safety: Hazards & Handling

Barium nitrate is poisonous. May be fatal if swallowed! A
dust mask should be worn at all times when handling it.
Mixtures of metal powders and barium nitrate sometimes heat
up spontaneously and may ignite, especially when moist. This
can usually be prevented by the addition of small amounts of
boric acid (1 to 2%). It is advisable to avoid using water
to bind such compositions. Red gum or shellac with alcohol
or nitrocellulose lacquer are preferred binder and solvents
(also see aluminium). Causes irritation to the respiratory
tract. Symptoms may include coughing, shortness of breath.
Systemic poisoning may occur with symptoms similar to those
of ingestion. If ingested it may cause tightness of the
muscles of the face and neck, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal
pain, muscular tremors, anxiety, weakness, labored
breathing, cardiac irregularity, convulsions, and death from
cardiac and respiratory failure. Estimated lethal dose lies
between 1 to 15 grams. Death may occur within hours or up to
a few days. May cause kidney damage. Causes irritation to
skin. Symptoms include redness, itching, and pain. If it
comes into contact with eyes it causes irritation, redness,
and pain.