Uploaded by Sophia Chen

Academic Integrity Statement & Checklist

Academic integrity is fundamental to learning and scholarship at the University of Toronto.
Participating honestly, respectfully, responsibly, and fairly in this academic community ensures that
the U of T degree that you earn will be valued as a true indication of your individual academic
achievement and will continue to receive the respect and recognition it deserves.
Exams and tests must be written without the use or possession of unauthorized aids,
including notes and cellular phones and online communication with others.
Potential offences include, but are not limited to, the following:
On tests, quizzes and exams:
Using or possessing any unauthorized aid, including a cell phone
Digital or online-assisted access to references, notes, files or browser sources of information
Digital or online-assisted collaboration with others
Looking at someone else’s answers
Requesting someone else’s answers
Letting someone else know your answers
Allowing someone else to copy your answers
Revealing your answers to someone else
Misrepresenting your identity
Submitting an altered test for re-grading
For tests and exams you must complete all responses individually. You may not share your
information with others nor incorporate the answers of others.
You may not share (electronically or in hard copy) your test, quiz or exam answers or use
classmate’s answers in your own test, quiz or exam.
Any answers you submit must be entirely your own. Do not provide information or answers (in
text form or electronically), to another student in case s/he is tempted to use it inappropriately in
completing her/his own test, quiz or exam. If s/he does, you too may face an allegation of
academic misconduct under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters
The final work that you submit for grading must be your work alone.
Any violation will void your examination results and make you liable to academic misconduct
When you have completed the test, quiz or exam, you must fill out, sign and hand in the
academic integrity checklist. For exams, please record the time you complete the exam on this form
Academic Integrity Test/Quiz/Exams
PHM 388
I, _______________________________, affirm that this test/quiz represents entirely my own
I confirm that:
 I have kept my work to myself and did not share answers/content with others
 I have completed this test/quiz without the use or possession of unauthorized aids,
including notes, information stored on my computer, online browser access, cellular
phone(s) or online communication including texts or email with others.
 I understand the consequences of violating the University’s academic integrity policies
as outlined in the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, including facing a charge of
academic misconduct
By signing this form, I agree that the statements above are true.
If I do not agree with the statements above, I will not submit my test/quiz and will consult
the course instructor immediately.
Student name: ______________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________
Date: ___________________